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The Elemental Avatars

The World


a part of The Elemental Avatars, by CutUp.


CutUp holds sovereignty over The World, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The World



The World is a part of The Elemental Avatars.

7 Characters Here

Warren Lahey [25] "I'm just keeping the 'Hot' in 'Hotshot'. And I mean that in more ways then one."
Danny Swanson [25] "I guess I have no choice."
Briar Peyre [24] "Let's rock and roll, pun intended."
Erin Altman [21] "Normal is just an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
Oliver James Phillips [8] "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."
Tsubasa Kida [6] "It's important to move forward at your own pace. If you need help, I'll be here to support you."
Janice "Jael" Ellis [0] "An object broken is still the same as before, only now it has a few scars to show its character."

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Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"Let's see......this wire goes here. And that goes here." Danny said to himself as he was tinkering around with the electrical system of the compound. It's been about 3 weeks since he's taken control of the compound, and the Elder beings really left it in some bad shape. While Danny has no engineering experience what so ever, thanks to his telepathy he just 'downloaded' the knowledge of some electrical engineer in Reno. Admittedly it was a little uncomfortable to shift through some guy's mind to find what he wanted. Guy's have some very sick fantasies. "Damnnit!" Danny yelled as he shocked. Just then the power in the entire complex came online. "Ha hah!" He laughed in victory.

Danny went to the control center, and a bunch of monitors came online. The cultists had a very high tech setup, supposedly they used it to monitor people's online activity to find their desired sacrifices. It's also used to monitor the weather, news, and just about anything that'd let them know if something strange was happening in any given location. Danny sighed as he slumped down on a desk chair that overlooked the entire room. He just now got the power on, he's barely explored this massive complex, and yet the Avatars are expected to arrive anytime. How was he suppose to lead these people?


"Nothing else matters! Never cared for what they doooooooo! Never cared for what they knoooooooowwwwww! But I know!" Warren horribly sang along to Nothing Else Matters by Metallica that played on the radio of his beat old, cherry red 1969 Chevrolet Camaro as he drove through the Nevada desert towards the compound. The heat was almost unbearable, but not for a guy who's a walking flamethrower, it was just as comfortable as a cool spring day to him. He reached the end of the dirt road to some kind of bunker looking structure that was built into a big ass hill.

Warren stopped his car, and exited his vehicle. "Alright let's see if I'm crazy." He said to himself as he went up to the building. He walked up to the key pad right next to the large door. He entered a code that had been transmitted to him by Danny in that telepathic message he got. And it worked. The door opened like some kind blast door for a nuclear bomb shelter or something like that. "Well that's a good sign. I think." Warren commented as he entered the building.

Warren walked down the curving hallways that led to the control center. Danny looked up at the fire Avatar as he entered. "Sup?" Danny greeted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Warren gave him a confused look and then looked around the control room. "Um, nothing much. Just figuring out if I'm crazy or not." Warren replied as he wondered what the hell was going on. "Well it appears you're not." Danny replied. "I'm Danny Swanson, and it's nice to formally meet you Warren." Danny then extended his hand out. Warren cautiously shook his hand, he wasn't exactly sure what the proper protocol is for this type of situation. "So, uuummmmmm. What now?" Warren asked. "Now we wait."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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'A lesson learned is good company. For the lonely road you walk.'

Briar nodded along to the music blasting from her motorcycle's speakers. Normally, such loud music would cause a few curses to be thrown her direction from the other travellers, but the road towards the compound was pretty much deserted. She briefly wondered if she'd taken a wrong turn somewhere - if she should have brought Aster with her so that she wouldn't get lost - but the thought was shooed away by a feeling in her gut. She was on the right road, and it wouldn't be soon until she reached the compound.

Feeling the wind against her cheeks and her jacket flapping in the wind, Briar raised a fist to the air. "Each step forward - agony!" she sang in time with the song. She didn't have quite the vocals to manage the growling that Alissa White-Gluz was doing in No More Regrets, so she'd improvised and threw in her own style of singing. It seemed to fit well enough, and if others thought differently... Well, that was the good thing about a deserted road. There were no 'others' around. Returning her hand to the motorcycle, she increased its speed, suddenly eager to reach the compound.

In the back of her head, she felt the shape of the land change to accomodate a settlement. That must be the compound. The strange sensations her ability gave her still made her feel odd, but she shook it off. She had the power over earth. That had to be amazing, right? But it didn't feel amazing. Because of the damn ability, she'd been ripped away from the lifestyle she liked. Why on earth was she even given that power? It didn't fit her at all. She wasn't grounded; hell, she was high half the time.

Sighing and choosing to just ignore everything, Briar rode on. It wasn't long before she reached the gates of the compound. It felt every bit like a prison, and as she entered, she kissed her fun times goodbye. She parked her motorcycle next to a car. This was going to be a pain, she was sure of it. Still, she dusted herself off and approached the two men that seemed to be the only occupants of the entire compound. If she was right, one of them was the one who sent the telephatic message. He was the one with the answers.

"Hey," she greeted, tucking her hands inside her pockets. "Briar Peyre. Earth.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"Hey, I'm Danny. Nice to finally meet you Briar. Just you? I half expected your sister to come as well. Umm, Aster correct?" Danny greeted. While he didn't dive too deep into the Avatar's history, he just got a general feel for their personality, and a little bit of their recent history. The only thing he knew about her sister was that she was older, and more responsible than Briar. "Wait, how do you know........oh right telepath. That's kind of creepy dude. It's like you're a mental voyeur. Voyeur is the right word right?" Warren chimed in. "Yes, and shut up!" Danny said as he rolled his eyes."Anyways, I'm Warren, ice." he sarcastically said as he made a fireball in his hand.

Warren looked her up and down. "Baby your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean, and honey I'm lost at sea!" Warren said with a big grin. "No wait! I've got a better one!" Warren said and then cleared his throat. "Did you cause a earthquake, or did you just rock my world?" Warren said with a satisfied grin. "Both of those were terrible Hotshot." Danny commented. Warren turned back to him, and lifted up his finger, as if he was going to say a snappy come back. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Shut up!" He said, he just couldn't think of a good come back. "Ouch, burn." Danny remarked. "I'd be careful saying that to a guy who's a walking flamethrower, Nightlight."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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ā€œWell, this should be fun.ā€

Disney Mashup || Double Take

[center]When one hears the deep grumbling of a motorcycle, they think of some leather-jacket clad, tall, powerful, and gruff looking person, probably blasting some sort of loud rock music. Right? That couldnā€™t be more untrue with Erin. This short, skinny, all-smiles girl was blaring a Disney medley on repeat. Its not like anyone would hear anyways. The road was completely empty. But that wasnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. It meant that Erin could drive as fast as she wanted. And she was driving fast.

One of the best things about her powers is her ability to simply urge her motorcycle forward. The engine runs solely on her will power, and its not even limited by power of the engine itself. If Erin wants it to go faster, it will go faster. She was almost at 250 mph right now. Her dark red sweatshirt was practically being torn off of her body. It was rippling and flapping loudly in the wind, but Erin couldnā€™t hear it. Her ears were filled with the purr of the engine and the loud music. You could faintly see her focused, squinted eyes through her helmet. At this speed, sheā€™ll be there in mere minutes.

Erin could see the silhouette of the large compound growing closer and closer. She figured now would be a good time to slow downā€¦ but why not make her arrival be known. She gripped the handlebars and tensed her shoulders. At the last second, she willed her bike to make a sharp right. And oh, it did. If not for the fact that Erin was holding on for dear life, she probably wouldā€™ve been thrown off of her bike. Her back tire made an extremely loud screeeeech as she turned and sped into the lot. Another ear wrenching screech, a wheelie, and the silencing of music, and Erin was there. Taking a deep breath, she hopped off of her bike and pulled off her helmet. She shook her head to get her hair out completely. It had been a tied in a tight bun when she started drive, but now it was much more loose. She figured she fix it up afterwards.

Erin made her way to the entrance, her heavy combat boots creating soft sounds with every step. She could hear people talkingā€¦ it was faint, but she knew she was not the first one here. She paused in her walking to listen..

[url=#9C0000] "Baby your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean, and honey I'm lost at sea! No wait! I've got a better one! Did you cause an earthquake, or did you just rock my world?"[/color]

Erin practically gagged. Once the two finished their exchange, she came out of her hiding place. ā€œThose pickup lines were so foul I honestly think I need to take a shower.ā€ She paused in front of the group of three people. ā€œHey there. Nameā€™s Erin Altman. Ahhā€¦ Metal.ā€ She grabbed her sleeve and pulled it up, revealing the silver snake bracelet that was coiled around her wrist. Taking a deep breath through her nose, the snake seemed to come alive. It uncoiled and rested on her open palm. Its head was raised in the air, and its little metal tongue darted out of its mouth. Erin smiled and lowered her hand, the snake returning to its original position.
ā€œHold the applause. Iā€™m available for birthdays and bar mitzvahsā€¦ Only those things though.ā€ Erin let out a hearty chuckle at her own joke.

Erin glanced over at the guy who was hopelessly trying to pick up blondie. ā€œIf you want to get a girl, thatā€™s not the way to do it. You have to be elegant; you have to charm her.ā€ And with that Erin turned so she was facing said blondie. In one swift motion, she grabbed the hairband keeping her hair up and pulled it out, giving her head a quick shake. She stared deep into the blondeā€™s bright blue eyes, opened her mouth, and uttered the words ā€œQuand je vous regarde, je vois une rose. Vous ĆŖtes belle, mais vous ĆŖtes difficile Ć  obtenir. Je aime Ƨa.ā€ She spoke fluently and ended the sentence with a soft, somewhat shy smile.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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Briar rolled her eyes at Danny's words, shrugging off her slight irritation. "I don't need to be babysat, Mr. Telepath." She'd already had Aster hounding her ever since she was born, suffocating her with sisterly love and affection. Even if she didn't want to get involved in all these Avatar business, she was determined to prove that she could handle it on her own. She hoped that Danny could read her mind at the moment, because she was giving him a big fat finger way up there.

She didn't even have the time to comment on Warren's lame pick-up line before another person entered the room. A woman, with the power over metal apparently. And a show-off. Briar had to admit that it was a pretty neat trick, but not something worth gushing over. When Erin turned to her and put on the moves as Warren had done, Briar had to sigh in obvious irritation. "That might work if I understood what you said." She turned her back to both Warren and Erin, and stalked towards the other occupant. "If you want someone, you don't waste time with words."

She made sure her movements were slow and languid, oozing sex and redefining lust. She stopped in front of Danny, a mere inch away. Briar let her fingers dance over the man's shoulders before raking her fingertips down his arms, leaning closer until her lips were barely a breath away from the flesh of his neck. She placed a light nip there before moving away, hands tucked behind her back with a playful smirk playing on her lips. She looked over to Warren and Erin. "Lesson learned?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"Hi Erin, I'm Danny." Danny greeted, but was ignored due to them having some kind of flirting contest or something. He didn't know what was going on. Danny's face turned beat red when Briar began her little demonstration on how to pick someone up, or whatever it is she was doing. He's pretty sure it's just to show off her sex appeal at this point. He tried to step back away from her when she started getting closer, but he was frozen like a deer in headlights. He's never really been the guy girls fawn over, heck it took him about two months of awkward smiles, and small talk to even ask out his former girlfriend.

"Yeah, that's some cheap talk Rockstar. If I try that stuff, I get pepper spray in the eye." Warren sighed. "It's hard to be a man in the dating game." Warren said with a grin before he turned to Erin. "Neat trick. Try this for size Babydoll!" Warren said as he created another fireball in his hand. He took in several deep breaths and the fireball began to take the shape of a Eagle. Warren's eyebrow began twitching as the Eagle began to lose shape. This won't do. He took in another deep breath and exhaled, and the bird went up in a small explosion. "Yeah, I do concert halls, and casinos. That's where the real money is!" Warren smirked.

Danny rubbed his temple, and shook his head in annoyance. 'Sure, start an army of superpowered people to fight a bunch of all powerful beings from another dimension. But forget to mention that my soldiers are a bunch of horny twenty year-olds.' Danny thought to himself. "We're so dead." He muttered to himself. "Well, I'm bored!" Warren announced. "I'm gonna go see what I can get into." Warren said as he walked deeper into the bowels of the compound. "Wait!.....and he's gone." Danny said, but Warren was already gone. "Fine."

Warren looked around as he took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket. He placed it between his lips, and lite it with the touch of his finger. He just recently took smoking back up, he's immune to diseases, might as well live it up! He stopped when he saw a big double door that was just begging to be opened. Warren tried to open up the doors, but they were locked. Tease. Warren created a steady, blowtorch like stream of fire, and began melting the lock. Sure it would be easier to get Erin to unlock it, but he won't be shown up. He's got his pride and all that.

It took a couple of minutes but the lock was melted off and the door open. Inside was a rather large, and impressive gym. It was full of weights, punching bags, treadmills, and about every other training equipment one might need. Along with a large shooting range. Warren smiled. "Now this is what I'm talking about!" Warren said as he threw off his jacket, shirt, and stomped his cigarette on the floor. He looked around a bit around the punching bags until he found a roll of tape. He taped up both of his hands before he started whaling on a punching bag. His movements were both fast, and powerful, with each punch sounding like the crackle of thunder. It was obvious that he knows his way around a punching bag.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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ā€œā€¦ wow. Seriously? Thatā€™s a tadā€¦ over the top.ā€

"That might work if I understood what you said." She turned her back to both Warren and Erin, and stalked towards the other occupant. "If you want someone, you don't waste time with words."

Erin chuckled and crossed her arms, shifted her weight from one foot to the other. ā€œSo youā€™re that kind of girl.ā€ She wasnā€™t even necessarily flirting. It was as if she was speaking to herself. And Erin simply stood there, dumbfounded, as this blonde woman touched this other man rather inappropriately. She wasnā€™t even shocked. Her eyebrows raised and she blinked slowly.

"Lesson learned?"

Before she knew what she was doing, Erin began talking. ā€œYeah, um, there are many reasons why I, personally, would never want to do that to someone I just met or want that done to me by someone I just met. Reason A, that, right there, was sexual harassment. Reason B, I donā€™t like getting punched in the face. Iā€™m smart enough to know that doing something like that to the wrong person is going to get the shit beaten out of you. Because if someone did that to me at, say, a bar, I probably would have kneed them right in the cash and prizes.ā€ Erin shrugged. ā€œI donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m attracted to intelligence. Saying that words are useless is a matter of opinion. I donā€™t know if I can tell you what true love is, but doing what you just did is going to get you a one-night stand and nothing more.ā€ She shoved her hands into her pockets, a rather innocent look on her face.

Erin cocked her head to the side. ā€œLe vĆ©ritable amour est comme des fantĆ“mes, qui tout le monde parle et que peu ont vu.ā€ Erin once again maintained eye contact. It was almost as if flames were burning in her irises. ā€œā€˜True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.ā€™ Do not tell me how to get a lover when you yourself do not have one.ā€

After she was done speaking, Erin paused for a moment to stare down at the ground. She knew that what she had just said was rather rude. She bit on the inside of her lip and decided she would have to apologize later. She rested her gaze on Danny now.

ā€œItā€™s a pleasure to meet you, Danny. Do you have any idea when the others might get here?ā€ Erin was honestly very curious about this whole situation. She wanted to know more about her powers. She wanted to get stronger.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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Briar couldn't help the boisterous laughter that erupted at their reaction to her little show. It wasn't the usual response her audience would have - those usually involved catcalls and all that - but she found it amusing nonetheless. When Warren turned to leave, she faux-begged him, "No, love. Don't leave." When he left, she chuckled once more.

She moved to the wall and leant against it. She turned her attention back to Erin, rolling her eyes throughout the girl's impromptu rant. "Now, now. Don't get your panties in a twist." Briar grinned when Erin moved her attention away from her and to Danny. That didn't stop Briar from speaking though. "If you keep on waiting for true love, you'll never get yourself someone, lover." She scoffed. Really, why was she even talking about these. Erin was right, one night stands were all that Briar's life revolved around. She'd never had a stable relationship with someone, and it was extremely likely that she never would. Getting tied down by responsibilities to just one person... The thought was enough to make her shiver.

"Yes, add more freaks to this freakshow," she muttered as she stripped herself off her leather jacket and gloves. Setting them on the ground, she sat down next to them and let her head fall against the wall. "Wake me up when I need to start caring." Her eyes slipped closed as she crossed her arms over her chest, attempting to drown out the two and other people who might start popping up some time soon. A short nap would do her good, she decided.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

Danny just sighed at Briar going to sleep. "Oh we are sooooooooo doomed." He commented before he turned his attention to Erin. "That's a good question. I have no clue when the others will arrive. It's hard to say considering the distance that most would need to cross." Danny answered with a shrug. He paused for a moment, because he was checking in on Warren to see where he ran off to. "Looks like Warren found the training hall. Well something to do while we wait at least." Danny said as he motioned towards the general direction Warren went to. Danny looked over at Briar. 'Briar wake up. We're heading to the training room.' Danny telepathically said to Briar. Before leading the way to the training room, hoping that they'd follow. He wasn't quite sure what Briar would do, he doubts even she knows.

Danny arrived to the training gym where he saw the melted lock to the door. "This is why we can't have nice things." he sighed as he entered the room. He hasn't taken to much time in looking around this place, other then the command center, and the fuse boxes, he's only seen the cultist's living quarters. Inside was Warren working out on the punching bag. "Yo Hotshot! You could have just asked and I would have opened the door!" Danny called out. Warren stopped for a moment to reply. "Where's the fun in that? Besides it has a lot more flare then just opening it with keys or whatever." He smirked as he turned to face Danny.

"Dude why are you not wearing a shirt? You barely sweat!" Danny asked. It's true, since gaining his powers his body hasn't to sweat to regulate his temperature. "So? I loooook good." Warren said as he ran both his arms down his abdomen, as if he was displaying his wiry, yet highly toned body. Danny just rolled his eyes in response. "And don't call me Hotshot. I give the nicknames around here Nightlight!" Warren smirked. "Why? Isn't that your nickname?" Danny asked. When Warren first took up boxing he was given the nickname 'Hotshot', for overconfident personality. Now it's just ironic. "Well yes, but I'm not in the ring am I?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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ā€œLook at what I can do!ā€

ā€œNow, now. Don't get your panties in a twist. If you keep on waiting for true love, you'll never get yourself someone, lover.ā€

If Erin rolled her eyes any more they wouldā€™ve fallen out of her head. ā€œI never said I was waiting. I just donā€™t let every person I find vaguely attractive into my pants.ā€ There was bitterness in her tone. She scoffed slightly as Briar went sleep. For a moment, Erin debated messing with herā€¦ but Danny cut her off by inviting her to come visit the Training Room.

Erin followed behind Danny to this so called Training Room. She had noticed the destroyed lock and waited as Danny and Warren spoke to each other. ā€œI could fix the lock later if youā€™d like.ā€ Erin offered with a shrug.

ā€œSo youā€™re a fighter, eh?ā€ Erin asked as she gazed curiously at Warren. ā€œInteresting.ā€ She stepped farther into the training hall, her glare sweeping all around the room. ā€œWell, if he gets to strip, then so do I.ā€ Of course, she wasnā€™t being serious. She wasnā€™t going to go as far as Warren had. Erin gripped the bottom of her sweatshirt and pulled it up, tossing it onto a bench and showing off the tight-fitting black tank top that was underneath. She fished a hair elastic out of her pocket and tied her hair up into a ponytail. The silver snake could now be seen completely. It started at her wrist, wrapped around her arm and almost reached her elbow. Its emerald eyes gleamed in the dim light of the room. ā€œHey Danny, you donā€™t happen to have any girlā€™s sweatpants, do ya? Sparring in jeans isnā€™t exactlyā€¦ ideal.ā€

Erin jogged closer to Warren. ā€œHey!ā€ She called, attempting to catch his attention. ā€œWanna see something super cool? Back up from that punching bag.ā€ Whether or not he answered her or did what she said, Erin proceeded to do the cool thing anyways. She took a few steps back from the punching bag and widened her stance. Glaring at it, she thrust an open palm forward, her arm straightened. The snake that was coiled around her arm was suddenly launched into the air amazingly fast. It hit the center of the punching and burrowed through it in a second. It flew out of the other side of the bag and clattered to the ground. Sand was already pouring all over the place from the two punctures in the leather bag.

Erinā€™s eyes lit up happily. ā€œHey, it worked!ā€ She cried joyfully and threw her arms in the air with a laugh. ā€œI figure that one out when I sneezed and accidentally shattered a store window.ā€ With a laugh, she concentrated once more. The snake suddenly came flying back at her, towards her outstretched arm. It re-wrapped itself around her wrist to the place it was before. ā€œThankfully there was no one standing in front of me when I did thatā€¦ā€ Erin glanced at the destroyed punching bag. There were gallons of sand all around it. ā€œI wonder if blonde would be able to pick this up..ā€ Erin said in regards to Briar.


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Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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Briar had only had a few moments of sleep when she received Danny's telephatic message. Sighing, she forced herself to wake up and saw that Danny and Erin had already exited the room. She stood and grabbed her things before following them. She'd lost sight of them but their footsteps were still audible. Besides, if she got lost, then she would just take a nap there and wait.

Thankfully, she didn't get lost and she arrived at the training room without any unnecessary detours. She scoffed at the sight of the ruined lock. She arrived inside just as Erin performed her move, effectively impaling the punching bag and spilling sand all over the floor. She smirked at the sight of Erin in her tank top and moved to stand next to her. "I do have a name, lady. It's Briar, and yes I can deal with this mess." Briar raised a hand towards the sand and caused every grain to mold together and form something akin to a statue. A statue of Venus, to be specific. Every curve and every detail of the original statue was perfectly replicated in her sand statue. She thanked that one college professor who'd drilled the image into her head as some sort of punishment for flirting with the professor's TA.

Briar shrugged. "I'm sure this isn't what you're looking for, so..." She waved her hand again and the statue crumpled, the grains of sand slithering back inside the punching bag. It retained its shape despite the holes as Briar had caused the sand to harden quite a bit.

She turned to Danny, an obviously bored look on her face. "Did you call us here to go all Fight Club on these bags or what? Because if that's all, then I could have just visited the gym near my house." Truthfully, she was half-drunk and half-high when she received Danny's telepathic message then, so she had little to no idea what they had to do. All she knew was that they needed to come to the compound and to defeat some ancient evil or whatnot. Briar had never been one to pay attention to detail, and being an Avatar hadn't changed that.

She let her eyes lazily wander over to Erin, eyeing the girl up and down. "Although, I don't usually have these kind of sights there. Definitely a welcomed change." She gave the girl a small smirk before turning her attention back to Danny, waiting for him to provide an answer to her question.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"Wait don't strip yet! Let me get my IPhone and I'll play 'Pour Some Sugar on Me' then you can strip!" While Warren knew she was joking, there was a part of him that was serious. Danny rolled his eyes. "Note to self, find video on sexual harassment. probably gonna need it." Danny muttered to himself. "Well let's see what ya got Babydoll!" Warren said as he took a few steps away from the punching bag to give Erin room to work. When he saw her shooting her snake-bracelet thing, he couldn't help but feel somewhat unimpressed. Sure she had great control of her powers, but it's not as impressive as doing it with her bare hands. And of course she broke his bag. "My bag..." Warren pouted as he watched the sand drizzle down from the bag. "Wonder if this place has insurance, probably not." Danny continued to mutter to himself.

Warren looked over at Briar with a sly grin. "Of course your name is Briar, how could anyone forget a name that goes with such beauty." He said in his most charming voice he could muster. He watched as she shaped the sand in the form of the statue of Venus. "Very nice Briar." Danny commented with a satisfied smile. Maybe this won't be as difficult as he thought. "Yeah, pretty cool." Warren said he strolled closer to Erin. "But don't feel bad sugar." He said as he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders. "You've got some very good skills as well, I'm sure." He said, oozing smugness. "Yeah, I'm gonna need that video." Danny commented.

Danny turned his attention over at Briar. "I brought you here to.....I don't know, help correct a mistake I made." Danny started to tense up as he spoke. The wounds he got here are still fresh, and uncomfortable to talk about. The only thing that has kept him from thinking about what happened was getting the compound up and running, but with it done he's hoping the Avatars will keep him preoccupied. "Us getting powers, the Elder Being released into our world. It's all my fault." You don't need to be a mind reader to till he's still in mourning, Warren saw that. If anyone knows about survivors guilt, it's him.

"ANYWAYS." Warren interrupted, trying to keep the conversation from getting too heavy. "So what are we gonna do now Nightlight?" Warren asked, trying to change the topic. 'Thanks.' Danny telepathically said to Warren, along with a small nod. "Well, either you guys can train here, or check out the rest of the complex." Danny said, giving them some opinions. "I'm sure you can find some workout cloths in someone's room Erin. I haven't checked out all the rooms. I'm a little uncomfortable with looking around in dead people's stuff. Or we could get to know each other a bit better. We're going to be stuck together for a while it seems."

"Do whatever you want. Just ya know, don't destroy the building." Danny said. "I make no promises." Warren smirked. "Wonder what they got in the rooms. Maybe some of 'em have some good shit. Maybe some CDs or something." Warren wondered with a shrug. "Wait, what kind of music do cultists listen to? Think they got some Metallica? Maybe some Black Sabbath, BOC or Alice Cooper? Better not be any of that pop crap. Or indie rock. Bunch of hipster douchebags." Yeah, he doesn't have the broadest taste in music. "I don't know. Why do you assume they have classic rock?" Danny questioned. "Because Blue Oyster Cult has the word 'cult' in it? And they're awesome."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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ā€œOh, he did not.ā€

"But don't feel bad sugar." He said as he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders. "You've got some very good skills as well, I'm sure.

Erin grimaced and pushed Warrenā€™s arm off of her. ā€œOh, I can assure you I can do much, much more than that.ā€

"Did you call us here to go all Fight Club on these bags or what? Because if that's all, then I could have just visited the gym near my house. Although, I don't usually have these kind of sights there. Definitely a welcomed change.ā€

Erin let out a light-hearted laugh. ā€œAs time progresses, more clothes will come off. I can tell that within the next hour or so the shirtā€™s going to be gone. Good thing I wore a sports bra today.ā€ She smirked up at Briar. She had also noticed she was the shortest one there, and that was definitely not ok. ā€œAh, so you go to the gym too? Not surprised. If youā€™re looking for a personal trainer, Iā€™m in need of a job. I may not be certified but I can teach you how to kick someoneā€™s ass with your hands tied behind your back.ā€

Erin listened as the three of them exchanged words. ā€œHey Hotshot.ā€ She called over at Warren. ā€œDonā€™t go anywhere quite yetā€¦ I want to show you something else.ā€ She nodded him back towards her. ā€œJust watch in awe, my friend.ā€

Erin pointed her open palm at one of the metal benches and willed it towards her. It tore from the ground and came flying at her. Of course, it stopped right in front of her before clattering onto the floor. She began to tear the bench apart into strips of metal. After she had a good amount of strips, she began to bend them around her body. One wrapped around the palm of her hand and up her arm. Another two wrapped around her foot and then her lower leg. Another wrapped around her waist. She turned and looked at Warren, Briar and Danny. She probably looked like a fool which these shiny pieces of metal coiled around her body.

ā€œSo Hotshot, you can do some cool stuff with your powers, right? But, can you do this?ā€ Taking a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, Erin concentrated very, very hard. It took a second, for it was rather slow at first, but Erin began toā€¦ rise. She rose two, three, four feet into the air. Once she was at a sufficient height, she let out the breath and simply hovered for a few minutes. She let out a nervous laugh. You could see her arms and legs quivering from the strain. ā€œGetting off the ground is the hardest partā€¦ After that, its justā€¦ k-keeping balancedā€¦ā€ She bit down on her lip and attempted to move forwards. It ended in her dropping a foot suddenly and stumbling forward towards the others. She flailed for a moment before stopping herself from crashing to the ground. She was floating horizontally now, her stomach facing the ground. Taking another deep, relieving breath, she looked up and noticed that her face was about five inches from Briar's.

ā€œAhhā€¦ Hey there.ā€ Erin said awkwardly. She acted as if the bright blush that was spreading over her cheeks didnā€™t exist. ā€œYou come here often?ā€ She asked with another smile. Before Briar even had a time to response, Erinā€™s entire being went limp and she flopped onto the ground. She held her hands out fast enough so she wouldnā€™t smack her face into the floor.

ā€œFuckinā€¦ Damn it.ā€ She rolled over onto her back. Her breathing was deep and labored, and she had broken out in a sweat. ā€œJeezā€¦ how does Magneto do itā€¦ that shitā€™s hard.ā€ She huffed, her chest rising and falling with every breath. ā€œHmmā€¦ā€ She narrowed her eyes as if focusing on something on the ceiling. ā€œYeah, so, I may or may not pass out within the next two seconds. Umm, I think Iā€™ll be fine, just donā€™t step on me please.ā€


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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"Charming," Briar said in response to Warren's little quirks, smirking slightly when Erin roughly shook her off.

Tucking her hands inside her pockets, she turned to Danny, her face thoughtful. "So let me get this straight. There's a cult and you made a mistake, and now we have these powers to try and help you fix it." She scoffed. "Did you even think that maybe one of us was in the middle of something really important in her life? Or did you just shrug and tore us from our lives to fight in your war?" She wasn't speaking from experience, of course, but it was just the thought that caused a rush of anger to flow through her. Flexing her fists inside her pockets, she attempted to calm herself down, knowing that losing her temper would only lead to a mess.

Thankfully, Erin began to show off a move and managed to distract Briar. Didn't the man just say not to wreck the place," she commented with a small smile as she watched Erin create her silly suit.

She watched in awe as the metal Avatar rose to the air, and chuckled when she fell just inches from Briar. Briar squatted so that she was looking down at Erin's head upside down. "That must get you all the girls, huh," she teased. She tossed a look up to Warren, shooting the man a charming grin. "So is 'hotshot' your official nickname now? What? We're going to have codenames like the X-Men?"

She turned back to Erin, poking the girl's forehead. "That's what you get for being a show-off."

Briar stood up and tilted her head as she asked Warren, "Are you going to head into the rooms? Maybe one of you can take her there? I'd hate to mistake her for a rug and wipe my shoe on her face." She tossed a teasing grin towards Erin at the last one. Turning back to Warren, she continued, "Or I could just make her a makeshift bed over here." Briar waved her hand towards the punctured bag and the sand slithered towards her, forming a small cot. She sat down on it, noticing that she did a well enough job that the sand wasn't uncomfortable.

"Oh," she added as an afterthought, "bring back some of those CDs if you find some."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"Seriously? You guys are gonna keep calling me Hotshot?" Warren asked in slight annoyance. "Fine then Fun-size, what else you got?" Warren smirked. If she was going to call him Hotshot, then he's going to give her a bunch of nicknames! Not that he wasn't going to do that already. "Wow!" Warren commented as he saw Erin make some kind of makeshift Iron-Man armor. "Impressive, but did you need to destroy perfectly good training equipment?" Danny commented. "Of course she did! It's more fun that way!" Warren replied with a grin. Danny just grunted in response. Why is he always the responsible one?

"Ohh!" Warren cringed as she fell to the floor. "Put some ice on that champ!" Warren said as he tapped the bottom of her foot with his. "Just to warn you, if you pass out, I'm totally drawing a penis on your forehead!" Warren smirked, yeah he's completely serious. "Do we need to cut you out of that?" Danny asked. Him or Warren might be able to get her out of there, but they'd probably just burn her. "Yeah, I got this!" Warren said as his hands began to be covered by fire. "Hold still, I don't want to burn your eyebrows off! Not sexy!" Warren then started to move closer to her. "No! You'd just get molten metal all over her." Danny shouted, stopping. "Oh come on! Where's your sense of adventure!" Danny just grunted in response, and gave him an un-approving glare. "Fine. But you're no fun!"

Warren then turned to Briar. "No, Hotshot isn't some kind of superhero name. It's my nickname. I'm a boxer, so when I'd go to the ring they'd announce me as Warren 'Hotshot' Lahey." He stated as he picked up his shirt and jacket. "Never really liked it too much. My trainer came up with it due to my supposed 'overconfident personality'. I don't see it. So don't call me that Rockstar." He said, giving air quotes to overconfident personality. "Anyways, if any of ya need a trainer, my body is ready." Warren smirked, and then winked at Briar, and Erin. "I don't know, I think it suits it you." Danny chimed in. Warren took in a deep breath through his mouth, and exhaled through his nose, making two small streams of fire shoot out of his nostrils, like he was some kind of cartoon character.

"I'm gonna go check on some things. You guys do whatever." Danny said as he started to leave. "Oh! And NO destroying anything!" He said, looking directly at Erin, and then he left. He went down the hallway back to the command center. Warren looked at the girls, and then around the room. He just realized, he hasn't shown off his powers as much as them. This can't stand. Warren went over to the large shooting range, and pressed a button on a remote that sat on the center of a long counter that ran in front of the targets. The button caused the ten targets to move further back. He took a boxing stance, staying scrunched down, low to the ground, and keeping his legs apart. He took in several deep breaths, and with each exhale through his nose he threw a jab that sent a fireball flying towards the targets. He threw ten fireballs in quick succession that homed in on the targets like a missile and hit them dead in the center, burning a hole right through them.

Warren turned to face the girls with a satisfied grin. "Boom." He then swirled back around and unleashed a large, sweeping arm movement that sent out a wide arc of fire that sliced all the targets in half, all at once. He turned back at the girls and did a small bow. "Please, please, don't gush over me all at once!" He smirked. He pressed another button on the remote that took the used target up above, and brought down another set.


Storm clouds formed over the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico, casting a large shadow over it, coming seemingly out of nowhere. It then suddenly started to pour the rain as thunder, and lightning crackled in the sky. As the rain started to pound on the earth, it started to flow together, a brilliantly bright green light appeared and embedded itself into the water. The water began to take a more humanoid shape. While that was happening the earth also began to come together as another strange green light appeared. The rock started to form around the other light just as the water was doing. The rock began to form a humanoid body, with a crack in it's chest that showed just a sliver of the green light.

Then another green light appeared, and a lightning bolt struck the light. The lightning began rapidly spinning around the light, almost dancing around it, and then it started to take a similar shape as the others with the ever moving lightning. The rain soon stopped, and a sudden bout of hail began to fall down in it's place. Just as before another green light appeared, and the ice began to form another humanoid around it. The storm clouds then began to disappear as another light appeared high in the sky. The clouds began to swirl around the light, and formed another being.

The shadows of the pyramid then started to recede as another green light appeared in the middle of them. The shadows became solid, and formed a being as well. Soon another light appeared, and the surrounding plant life began gravitating towards the light, forming another being. A jeep carrying four Mexican men drove over to check out what was going on. "Dios mƭo! QuƩ es eso?!" The driver asked in awe. The jeep began to rattle, and shake, and another light appeared directly above them. All of the metal in the jeep began to tear apart, and hurl itself towards the light. The men quickly leaped out of their vehicle. The metal in the jeep began to form around the light as well. The metal being landed on the ground with a loud thud. It opened up the palm of it's hand, and the jeep's fuel poured out of it's hand. It scraped it's hands together, creating a spark that lite the fuel.

Another light appeared, and the fire formed around it like the others. The men tried to flee, but as they started to flee The Darkness appeared before them. "Por favor, no nos hagas daƱo! Tenemos Jovenes Familia! Vamos a hacer lo que quieras!" One of the men pleaded, with a look of pure terror in his eyes. "Vas a." The Darkness replied in a deep, raspy, almost other worldly voice. Four tendrils shot out of it's abdomen, and stabbed themselves into each of the men's chest. The men began screaming in pain as their veins began turning to a pulsating dark purple, and the blood vessels in their eyes turned dark purple as well as it travel to their pupils and they started changing to a bright, glowing purple.

The tendrils retracted back into the Darkness, and the men fell to their feet. A purple substance began oozing out of their wounds in the place of blood, and their teeth began falling out one by one. "Elevar." It ordered. The men rose up to their feet, now with sharp, shark-like teeth, and pulsating purple vein-like lines crossed their face. "Maestro." They all stated in unison, in an unemotional voice, and a expressionless face. The Darkness strode past them, and they gave no reaction, they didn't even blink. "Ven." It commanded as the 'men', and the other beings followed them into the pyramid.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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ā€œIā€™m justā€¦ just gonna.. take five...ā€

"That's what you get for being a show-off."

ā€œSays the girl who made a statue of Venus in the blink of an eye.ā€ Erin taunted and swatted Briarā€™s hand away before letting her arm flop down limply onto the ground once more.

"Are you going to head into the rooms? Maybe one of you can take her there? I'd hate to mistake her for a rug and wipe my shoe on her face."

Erin scowled again, but it was really only to suppress a smirk. ā€œI would appreciate it if you didnā€™t do that.ā€

"Or I could just make her a makeshift bed over here."

ā€œThat would be more appreciated.ā€ Erin smiled at Briar, but her attention was turned back to Warren, who was about to trying to burn the metal off of her. ā€œN-no thank you!ā€ Erinā€™s eyes went wide as she rolled a few times to get away from Warrenā€™s flaming hands. ā€œIā€™m not unconscious! I can take care of this myself!ā€ She huffed.

Erin let out a relieving sigh as Warren walked off to do something else. Reluctantly and with a lot of grunting and groaning, she managed to drag herself to her feet. Shaking like a dog, she shed the metal suit, each of the pieces falling to the ground with an echoing clattering sound. She stumbled and dragged her heavy feet towards the sand cot Briar had made for her. With yet another grunt, she simply let herself fall onto her back on the small.

Erin sighed. ā€œThanks, Rosa.ā€ She muttered, her arms hanging off the sides of the cot. ā€œIā€™ll be fine. I just need to take a breather. Using my powers like thatā€¦ takes a lot out of me.ā€ She looked up at Briar and flashed a soft smile.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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Briar watched on as Warren began to practice his shots, and grinned when he got them all. She'd practiced once or twice on the way to the compound with rocks she'd found on the road and some birds and squirrels as her targets. Sad to say, she wasn't as succesful as the fire Avatar. "You're a good shot," she commented. "Cocky as hell, which I like, but a good shot, which I also like." She tossed in a wink for good measure.

She turned back to Erin who'd crawled up on the cot beside her. "Rosa?" She felt a grin creep up on her lips. "Get some rest, woman," she ordered, pinching Erin's cheek lightly.

Chuckling, she stood up and went to one of the windows in the room. Outside, she could see the desert. She waved her hands, and a handful of various sized rocks flew from the sand and shattered the window, before encircling her raised hand. She glanced at the bits of glass on the ground. "Oops."

Briar walked towards Warren, the rocks now settling in a straight line before her. "Well, hotshot?" she said to him with a small grin. "Mind teaching me a bit?" If there was a war to be had, then she'd have to at least be prepared. Shooting rocks. Baby steps.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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Oliver was driving in his company car. When he had received the message that he was an 'avatar' or something like that, he hadn't been certain if there would be danger involved with whatever that was. So, he assumed that it would involve danger and had requested to use his work vehicle. It was quite large due to the fact that it was used to carry dead bodies back to the lab. Of course, every time they transported a body they would completely clean the vehicle so it was no problem for him to be driving it. He just wouldn't mention the fact that it happened to transport bodies if anyone else happened to ride in the vehicle with him. For the moment, he was driving on his own through the desert so he didn't have to worry about what others would think about his car. It was very apparent from the way it looked that the only reason he was driving it was because of the safety features that came with it, such as the bullet-proof glass that made up the windows.

As he continued down the road, it was fairly silent in the car except for the sound of violin music he had playing, which was quite a relief to Oliver. He had been quite worried that there would be some kind of immediate danger considering the urgency of the message he had received but that didn't seem to be the case at all. He wasn't worried at all that he had gotten lost because he had checked his route to the compound many times before he set out on this little adventure, or whatever it was going to turn out to be. He began to get slightly worried when he checked his route and wondered if he had accidentally passed by the compound or made a wrong turn because of how long he had been driving. However, that soon proved to not be the case when he saw the compound just a little ways down the road. He continued until arriving in the compound and pulling up to it, stepping out of his car. He debated whether of not to bring in his extra supplies or not. He had made sure to be prepared for anything and had brought everything he would need in case he ended up staying where he was for a prolonged amount of time.

He had brought extra clothes, soap, some packaged food, bottled water, and several other necessities. It hadn't been hard to pick the clothes he was going to bring considering that Oliver never had been much for shopping a variety of clothing. In fact, he was currently wearing what he normally would and that was a while, button up shirt with a collar along with some dark dress pants and dress shoes. He also had on a black tie with this. That was also what he packed for the next few days along with a few pairs of sweatpants and a sweatshirt to sleep in if he needed it. In the end, he decided to leave his supplies in the car. If he needed them, he could always come back out and grab them.

With this in mind, he stepped out of the car and walked into the compound, looking around to see if anyone was in the main entrance. While he didn't see anyone there, he did hear the sound of some people down the hall. He walked down the hall until arriving at some kind of training hall where he could see several others training or something like it, anyway.
"Hello?" He called, sounding somewhat hesitant. "I'm Oliver and I think I'm supposed to be here," He said, sounding quite awkward as he spoke. He obviously wasn't used to introducing himself into social situations and seemed to be quite uncomfortable as result.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey
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#, as written by CutUp

"I aim to please. Or be pleased. All depending on my mood." Warren smirked at Briar's comment towards his abilities. He watched as she brought in a bunch of rocks from the outside. "Nightlight's not gonna be happy about his braking stuff." He stated with a grin. "So let's make sure we brake stuff in a grand fashion." He smirked. He stood behind her, and looked at her pile of rocks. "Thanks to my training as a boxer, I'm able to focus on my targets. Not sure how well it'll transfer to rocks. But what hell? Boy, if you could put a phrase to describe my life, it'd be that."

"Alright first things first, get into fighting stance."
Warren ordered. "Keep you're feet wide apart. The length of your shoulders should due. Also keep yourself light on your feet, you need to be able to move quickly. Next, keep your hands up around your face." He said as he demonstrated a basic boxing stance. "Put your dominate hand closer to your face, and keep your other hand out. I'm a righty, so I keep my right fist closer to my face, and my left forward." He continued. "Most important thing is to keep your hands up. I can't stress that enough."

"Next, clear your mind. Focus only on your breathing, and your target. Don't worry about anything else. Focus on the matter at hand."
He pointed towards the target directly in front of her. "When your ready to strike, take a breath in through your nose, plant your feet firmly on the ground before you strike, and then exhale out your mouth. During your exhale you strike. And repeat." He demonstrated this by taking a deep breath in, and exhaled through his mouth, and unleashed a jab from his right fist that sent a fireball straight through the target next to the one he pointed out for Briar. "And that's all. Admittedly I'm not the best teacher of this kind of stuff. Uncle Dixon is. Well, he's not really my Uncle, everyone calls him that. Don't know why though."

Warren turned towards the guy who just walked in. "Sup?" Warren greeted. Warren grabbed his shirt off the floor, and put it back on. "Name's Warren." He introduced as he made a fireball in his hand. "What's your name Slim?" He asked. "Oliver, correct?" Danny said as he came up behind the newest arrival. "I'm Danny, the blonde is Briar, and the girl laying down on the cot of rocks is Erin." Danny said, taking care of the introductions. "No need to be nervous Ollie, sorry I mean Oliver. Sometimes I feel like I know all of you." He said, trying reassure him. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you right away. I've been trying to get every thing operational." He looked over at the broken window, and sighed. "As you can tell, it's not a easy task."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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Tsubasa drove down the deserted highway, listening to Coldplay and Imagine Dragons. It had taken him some time to get to the compound: he took a Greyhound bus to the city that felt the closest, before renting a car and heading in the direction that just felt right. It was a little weird, trying to trust his own internal GPS, but weirder things had happened.

He glanced in the rearview mirror at the paper bags in the backseat. Heā€™d filled them with a ton of $1 Burpee seed packets, with as many different types of seeds that he could find. After all, it was a lot easier for him to encourage seeds to grow rather than summon up plants from nothing, although for some reason wherever he went, flowers that reflected his mood seemed to pop up from every place they could--cracks in the sidewalk, flower pots, planter boxes. It never seemed to drain that much energy from him, and trying to wither them was far more exhausting, so he decided to let them grow.

There was a curious thing that happened, though. When he had gone into areas where it would be impossible for any sort of plants to grow, he felt really really sick for some reason, so heā€™d taken to carrying around either a reusable Starbucks cup full of soil, or some sort of container with earth inside. No matter what quality of soil he put in, the flowers grew anyway. As long as he was carrying those around, he felt fine.

Telling his mom about this entire ā€˜avatarā€™ thing had been...interesting. It took several tries and 16 plants before she finally believed him. It was pretty difficult to leave her behind, but in case of this was a trap or something, she was staying behind in the apartment. Besides, she had plenty of friends in the apartment complex, so he wasnā€™t worried about her.

Too worried, anyway. Heā€™d always worry about his mom, since she was pretty scatterbrained, but at least she was back home and not pulling up to a compound based on a supposedly-telepathic message.

He parked the car and grabbed the paper bag and the duffle bag, slinging his backpack on his shoulder, with the dirt thermos in the mesh cup holder. Out of habit, he locked the car, although he supposed that no one was really around to steal it, and anyone who was here probably wouldnā€™t be deterred by the rusty lock. There didnā€™t seem to be anyone around, although there was another car and a few motorbikes in front of the complex. He walked forward, Christmas roses blooming in the cracks of the highway. Probably a reflection of his nervousness.

One of the doors was unlocked, so he carefully opened it, looking both ways before entering and closing the door behind him. Picking a random direction, he kept walking. The compound didnā€™t seem abandoned, per say, just in a bad shape, like there had been a big fight, like the telepathic message had said.

" I'm supposed to be here," a voice said nearby.

"...As you can tell, it's not a easy task," a voice answered. Tsubasa headed in that direction, and came upon what looked like a training area, with several people there already. Oh, good.

ā€œHello? Iā€™m Tsubasa Kida. Nice to meet you all,ā€ he said, smiling cheerfully at the gathered people.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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Erin just lay there on her sand cot. She listened to Briar and Warren training. Stupidā€¦ Shouldnā€™t have tried doing thatā€¦ you probably looked like a fool.. She scowled as she stared up at the ceiling.

Just when she felt as if she was getting her wind, another person walked into the room. She pointed at him, but even sitting up. ā€œAttractive man approaching port side!ā€ Erin proclaimed, letting out a loud laugh soon afterwards.

By now, Erin had sat up. She carefully stood, testing her weight on either of her feet. After realizing she was fine, she stood up straight, a grin on her face. She gave Ollie a thumbs up as Danny introduced her. ā€œHiya Ollie! Iā€™m Erin, as you know, and Iā€™m metal.ā€ She waved, the metal snake on her wrist glimmering.

ā€œHello? Iā€™m Tsubasa Kida. Nice to meet you all.ā€

ā€œAnother person!ā€ Erin proclaimed, bounding over to the new person with a smile on her face. ā€œYou just missed the intro. Iā€™m Erin, my element is metal. Thatā€™s Briar, she controls earth. Dannyā€™s the telepath who brought us here. Warren AKA Hotshot over there controls, you guessed it, fire. Oliver, who literally walked in thirty seconds before you, controls-ā€ Erin stopped her pointing at the people she was introducing and gazed over at Oliver. ā€œOh yeah, what do you control, Ollie?ā€ She tilted her head to the side.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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Briar listened intently as Warren spoke and followed his prders as best as she could. They were pretty basic stuff, things she'd already learned from people in the gym. She took on an offensive stance and lifted her right hand close to her face. She paused and debated whether her right hand would be better to use for this kind of task. She decided against it, and lifted her left hand instead. It fit much better. Nodding to herself, she took a deep breath and lifted one of the stones until it encircled her fist. Focusing only on the target before her, Briar released her breath and mimicked Warren's earlier action, sending her rock straight to the target. It wasn't a bull's eye, but it hit and pierced through the target, making a small crater on the wall behind it.

"That was good, right?" she said to Warren before grimacing at the mess on the wall. "I suppose I should fix that, huh? Don't use me as a target," she playfully warned before walking over to the wall. She used the small pieces of the wall that found themselves on the floor and the small rock to patch up the crater and make a small design of a flower filled with thorns. She stepped back to admire her work before returning to the others.

It was then that a new person walked in, followed by Danny. Briar gave an appreciative whistle as she took in the man's form. He was handsome despite the awkward air that surrounded him. Erin seemed fine as well as she stood up when another new person walked in.

Walking next to Erin and placing her arm over the girl's shoulder, Briar nodded to the newcomers. "These lovely people have been nice enough to introduce me," she gestured with her free hand towards the others. "Briar. I control Earth. I'm not sure if you saw the little display earlier, but yeah. Earth." She waved with her hand and the rest of her rocks flew to her, surrounding her free hand and making a makeshift bracelet.

Briar turned her attention to Danny, giving him a small smirk. "You have quite the taste in choosing Avatars, Danny-boy. I mean, we have this gorgeous lady right here," she squeezed Erin a bit and tossed her a playful grin, "Mr. Hotshot over there, emphasis on hot," she tossed a wink towards Warren, "And now these two? My, my."

Releasing her hold on Erin, she took a step closer to Oliver. "What are we missing still? We have fire, earth, metal, light..." Briar snapped her finger. "Air? Water?" she pointed to Oliver and Tsubasa respectively.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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As Oliver had entered the room, he heard a girl speak up and glanced over at her when he heard what she had said. He felt his face get warm and knew that his cheeks and ears would be a light pink, if not bright red, color. He was quite easily embarrassed and it only made him more embarrassed when that resulted in him blushing. Unsure of what to say, he soon turned his attention towards the boy who said he was named Warren. When hearing the question of his name, Oliver began to answer but before he could someone else was answering for him. Listening to what the somewhat older boy had to say, Oliver nodded in understanding, looking at the others as they were introduced. He gave Danny a hesitant smile that seemed more so meant to be polite than an actual smile. "Thank you. It's fine, I understand. It's nice to meet you all," He said simply before turning to see that someone else had also just walked in and then listened as one of the girls, Erin, went through the intro once more for Tsubasa.

He listened as a conversation began and then as Briar began to talk about how attractive everyone was and felt his face begin to heat up once again. He then heard both Erin and Briar question what element he controlled. He also had noticed Briar had taken a step closer to him and he was wondering if he should take one step away but then decided that could be seen as him being rude and not as him being nervous. Besides, he was pretty sure it was already quite apparent how nervous he was. In fact, he was so nervous that he didn't even seem to register what the question was until a moment later and began to answer. However, even as he began to answer he paused for a moment before speaking, as if he wasn't sure exactly how he wanted to work what he was going to say. When he seemed content with what he had come up with just a moment after thinking, he began to speak.

"Oh, um, I'm the water avatar, I guess," He answered but then frowned, thinking a moment. "Although, I'm not entirely sure you can call it 'controlling'. I'm not very good at it. My lab was shut down for a week because they thought there was some kind of hallucinogenic gas leak that was making people see floating water. They were also checking for leaks because the floor of my boss' office was continually getting random puddles after I left. It's gotten a little better since then, though, it normally only shows up when I'm agitated. I can sort of control it now, I guess," He stated. As he spoke and simply talked about the facts of what had been going on, he seemed to be slightly more at ease. After all, Oliver was better with facts that anything else. He was certainly better with facts that he was with people.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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#, as written by CutUp

Danny turned to the latest arrival. It was Tsubasa Kida, the plant avatar. Well, he was glad the more calm avatars are starting to come. "Hello Tsubasa. I'm Danny. Tsubasa here is the plant avatar." Danny greeted. Warren gave him a somewhat confused look. "Plants? That's pretty lame dude." Warren smirked. "And water? Yeah.....not very comforting for a guy who can throw fireballs." Warren stated. "Be nice Hotshot. We all have our strengths and weaknesses." Danny said with a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"I'm sorry I can't talk right now. I think I've just about to get the computers fully online." Danny said as he started to leave the room. "Need any help?" Warren asked. " it under control." Danny answered with a bit of uncertainty. "Just...uh....don't break anything." Danny said as he left. How was he supposed to get these guys ready to fight monsters if he can't even keep them from tearing the base up? Danny shook his head, he can't think about it. Whether he liked it or not he's responsible for these people, and for whatever happens next.

Danny entered the main command center. The computer system was finally fully operational. "Sweet." He muttered to himself. Suddenly a bunch of lights started flashing on the computer. "What the....?" Danny said as he tried to figure out what was happening. "What in the hell is going on in Mexico?" He said as he found some strange happenings in Mexico. "Hmmm...." He was trying to think of what to do. "Oh! I got it!" He sat down in a chair, and closed his eyes.

In Danny's mind he was soaring past the U.S. and into Mexico. He made it to the Pyramid of the Moon. He could see a aura around it. It made him extremely nervous. He could sense the evil that was inside. Then the aura lashed out at him, forcing him back into his own body. Danny started hyperventilating. He took in quick, panicked breaths. 'Everyone in the control center. NOW!' Danny telepathically ordered the others.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Altman Character Portrait: Briar Peyre Character Portrait: Danny Swanson Character Portrait: Oliver James Phillips Character Portrait: Warren Lahey Character Portrait: Tsubasa Kida
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After listening to Erinā€™s introduction and Briarā€™s somewhat embarrassing appraisal, Tsubasa was about to introduce himself as the plant avatar when Danny did it for him. He smiled at the dark-skinned man, before turning to Warren.

ā€œWell, Iā€™m not very good at controlling it yet,ā€ he said with a small laugh, ā€œbut I think plants might surprise you.ā€ He glanced back at the dirt thermos. It was transparent, so he could see the holly plants sprouting there. Defensiveness, but also domestic happiness. Probably more of the former than the latter. He made a mental note to try and not rub Warren the wrong way. Men (including himself) sometimes got angry about the smallest things, and he had a suspicion that if it came down to a fight, Warren would have the upper hand. He made another note to look up fireproof plants, if there were any.

He glanced at Erin, Briar and Oliver. Erin seemed like a cheerful, friendly person, whom he liked immediately. They would probably be able to get along. Briar, on the other hand, seemed very interesting and a little intimidating. He might have to clear up the minor issue of his sexuality if her comments were an indication of future action. Oliver seemed to be a bit awkward, but judging by his answer he seemed to be really competent. Which was interesting in and of itself. He also wasnā€™t very good at controlling his powers, which Tsubasa was guiltily thankful for. Maybe they could practice together, later on. Water and plants tended to get along well.

He was just about to talk to Erin or Briar about what had been happening before he had arrived when something that seemed like Dannyā€™s voice burst into his head.

'Everyone in the control center. NOW!'

Tsubasa looked at the others. Although heā€™d seen which direction Danny had exited, he didnā€™t know where the control center was at all. He cleared his throat gently.

ā€œUm, does anyone know where the control center is?ā€he asked, an urgent feeling making his feet itch. Something felt wrong.