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Ashlynn Seriess Mucci

"In this hour intelligence is key to everything, the ignorant will parish in this dark descending; they were useless anyways."

0 · 1,434 views · located in The Aerie

a character in “The End of Days”, as played by Onica-Louis



{"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path" }

Dark Paradise- Lana Del Rey || Disenchanted- My Chemical Romance || Waking The Demon- Bullet For My Demon || Seven Devils- Florence and The Machines || Eyes On Fire- Blue Foundation Zed Dead Remix ||


|{Full Name}|
Ashlynn Seriess Mucci
|| {ash-lin} || {sIgh-er-iss} || {moo-chE} ||

|| Ashly || Ash || Series ||
||Commonly Called Ashly For Annoyance, But He Doesn't Let It Get To Him||

January 1st

|| 25% Italian || 25% German || 20% Colombian || 20% French || 10% African ||

||A Person Who Finds Intelligence The Most Sexually Attractive Feature||
||A Person Attracted To Masculinity, Not Necessarily Males||
||A Person Who Doesn't Feel Sexual Attraction To A Person Until They Have A Strong Emotional Connection||

Son Of Man || Resistance

|{Reason for Being on the Aerie}|
You could say there multiple reasons, but the main one standing would have to be the fact that he is part of the Resistance, but on the other hand he's also there in hopes to locate his brothers, though that stays to himself.

He's never been the type to stereotype a group of people by the hideous flaws of others containing the same race, and he sure won't let the evil of most angels change his mind. Ashlynn in his life was somewhat a religious boy, him and his family went to church every Sunday, with that being said he is fascinated by the creatures. The thought is irrational and he knows that more then anything, most of the inhuman creatures seem to be beastly, but in there own way lovely.

{"People with weaknesses get killed by the people who lack them. Notice I'm not dead.” }



|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
When He's Extremely Stressed He Will Read The Entire Play Of Romeo & Juliet From Start To Finish Nonstop Ashly Will Eat Standing Up, Unless He Is Forced Otherwise Has To Have At Least One Cup Of Coffee And A Glass Of Alcohol A Day Caffeine Addict Slight Alcoholic Has A Cigarette With Him At All Times Allergic To Perfume/Cologne Always Wears His Thick Black Rimmed Glasses, Even If He Doesn't Need Them Talks A Lot With His Hands Can't Stand Wearing The Color Orange Loathes The Sight Of Woman Or Men Wearing Makeup Randomly Quotes Books, Movies, Philosophers, Etc. While Having A Conversation While Talking Sometimes He'll Start Using/Speaking Morse Code, Sign Language, or French Without Meaning To Bites His Bottom Lip And/Or Nails And Runs A Hand Through His Hair When He's Around Someone He Finds Attractive Or intriguing When Taking Interest In Someone He'll Anonymously Send Them Small Gifts Of Things He Knows They Like Until He Gets The Courage To Ask Them Out

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
Has The Ability To Notice When Someone's Lying By Their "Tell" Signs Can Easily Persuade People Into Getting What He Wants Can Make Almost Any Lie Sound Like The Truth Speaks English, Portuguese, Italian, And Some Spanish Can Easily Push Someone Away Or Get Over A Person Thinks Things Through Quickly Knowing When It's Best To Stop Talking {He Doesn't Always Stop} Understanding Peoples Moods Or Feelings He Knows A Lot Of Information From Reading A Lot Easily Comprehends Things Ashlynn's A Good Leader That Could Lead A Team If Needed Isn't Easily Upset Has Pretty Good Sense Of Sarcasm And Joke Skills, Though Witty From Times Was At The Top Of His Self Defense And Fencing Class Can Stay Up And Functioning Without Sleep For A Long Period Of Time

|{Flaws || Weakness}|
Tends To Push People Away Always Thinks He's Right Mostly He Doesn't Value Other Peoples Opinion Always Keeps His Guard Up When He Does Open Up To Someone He'll Get Attached And Not Want To Lose That Person When Getting Attached He Tries Pushing That Person/People Away Even Though He Wants Them Around Stubborn Always Tries To Get His Way Ashlynn Rarely To Never Asks For Help And Will Always Refuse To Exact It Slightly Addicted To Alcohol Extremely Addicted To Coffee Smokes A Lot Gets Rather Jealous When He's In A Relationship Or Trying To Get In One Tends To Only Show Off His Jackass and Sarcastic Personality To Try To Keep People From Getting To Close Doesn't Know When To Drop Arguments From Time To Time Though He Doesn't Make It Obvious He'd Do Anything For His Brothers With His Sleeping Habits He Sometimes Refuses To Sleep Leading Himself To Pass Out Without From Tiredness

Reading Smoking Playing The Piano/Guitar Listening To Music Writing Stories/Instrumental Music Swimming/Exercising/Working Out Spending Time In Nature Drinking Both Alcohol And Coffee Practicing Both Self-Defense And Fencing Going To Church

|| Not Being Able To Rescue His Brothers || That His Brothers Will Be Killed || Not Seeing The World Be Restored To Peace || Discovering All Angels Are Evil || Dying By The Hand Of An Angel || Dying And Not Going To Heaven || Doing Nothing Meaningful With His Life || Being Left Alone || Having A Mental Break Down Or Other Mental Problem In Public || Becoming A Slave/Play Piece To An Angel || Being Tricked Or Deceived By An Angel Or Human ||

That He Holds The Angels Up To Almost A Worshiping Position Since He Was Raised In The ChurchAshly Finds The Angels So Beautiful To The Point He Wants To Cave In And Please ThemHis Brothers To His Knowledge Are Still Living And He Plans On Rescuing Them SomewayThe Thought Of Never Being Loved Is UneveningWhen He Lets His Walls Down To Someone He Becomes Emotionally AttachedHe Secretly Wants To DieA Part Of The Resistance


{"I hold that a strongly marked personality can influence descendants for generations..” }

When someone first meets the young man with his head held high they'll automatically get the sense that he doesn't long to be bothered, conversed with, or even admired; that's not completely true. Mostly people are a thorn in the giants foot, but it doesn't mean he completely doesn't want to be bothered. Ashlynn has a set mind on life, to be something successful. He may not know exactly what he wants to be in life, but regardless he will do whatever it takes to reach that goal or any other one he sets his mind to. There are more reason to his lack of speaking: people aren't as intelligent as him causing conversations to be less interesting, a lot of people are completely self absorbed (which he can't stand), and he doesn't want to grow to attached to anyone. Though Ashlynn seems to be more about himself he tries his best to talk to other people when he can, being friendly is something he likes. Ashly normally just likes talking to a certain type of person: he likes a stubborn person that knows exactly when to back down, undoubtedly he's always in charge, always the smartest person in the room, and always gets the finally say, but still a small amount of head butting is good for his ego. Everyone he's around of course isn't this way, which is kind of irritating and stressful to him. If he's talking to someone and he never gets the conversation he wants he'll politely excuse himself from the conversation.

He's also a very prideful man if not noticed, like he thinks he's a god himself, though he doesn't always throw it in peoples faces. Ashly tries his best to be a gentlemen, so being rude and demanding is defiantly not the best thing to do. With his pride he tries his best to showcase it without overdoing it. Like he'll never ask anyone for help or he'll never admit he's wrong or back down from a challenge. When he thinks someone is trying to out do him he shows them he's better, maybe because he usually is, but he never boast about it. He studies a lot, both in his major and his training such as Fencing, Self-Defense, Football, and etc. He knows in order to be the best he most study his best, though he doesn't know exactly what his abilities will amount to in the future. Being able to use his knowledge well does bring another level of ego to him, he never completely lets it go to his head. Even though he's prideful he knows when to back down; he wants a friend that can make him do so. In his most inner layer he's still the silent young man that never really knows how to hold a conversation with anyone. His face might say strong but his soul says otherwise now. His pride is something, but he still sometime feels really lonely from the fact he rarely lets anyone get close to him. Ashlynn is always the one that seems to be in charge, he does like it expect he wished someone would overpower that, to him that's a sign of caring in a sense. With him being so outcast in his younger years for being such an awkward kid he's always afraid of ever getting to close to anyone, they could always hurt him like others use to do. His fears are something he'd never share with anyone, unless they were someone he'd really trust, AKA someone that could for once put him in his place.

Music though, he loves the piano dearly, being able to play causes him more joy then he'd ever share with most. With each passing note makes an outburst of emotions bloom inside of the silent gentleman type. Along with the piano he also likes other instruments like the harp, flute, and violin, but nothing could compare to the grand piano he has in his living room at his grandparents home. He also loves to learn new things, reading is his biggest passion. One way to undoubtedly make him dislike someone is if they were to horribly play the piano. Personally he feels like everyone who is well educated should know how to play at least one instrument. A good way to get on his good side is by playing him music, something beautiful and soft. He may not like everyone, but if anyone ever asked him to teach them how to play an instrument he'd help them in a heart beat. Since he loves to learn, on his free time he likes to tutor other students at kids. Not all the students like his help, but if they pay attention to him they can accomplish things and they can also notice how charming he is. Normally his flirtatious side is very subtle, very rarely is it completely noticeable. It may be something like he walks over to them and starts talking first, it just a pride thing to not be the first one to say a word. Ashly doesn't do relationships to often, but if he feels like there's a special connection he is having with someone he might flirt a little more openly if he thinks his feelings would be returned. One thing he is known for doing when he takes interest in someone is buying flowers and anonymously send them to the person until feeling it's the right time to make a move on them. It's one of his fears to never be loved, but he rather die alone then to settle down with someone that doesn't fit what he looks for. Ashlynn wants someone that won't back down to him and can challenge him both mentally and physically, someone that won't so easily give into his feelings, and at the same time someone that could show how much they loved him in a very quiet way. Regardless his feelings towards his views on relationships he tends not to think about it. Getting close to someone also frightens him, maybe because they'll realize he's not that amazing and leave him.

Ashlynn is not one to upset easily, but annoyance is another. Annoying comes in so many different forms. There's the people that talk about useless information that's irrelevant, the random rainy days, dogs that won't stop barking, people that play wrong notes, and so many more things that's just life. These are just things he can't avoid, but avoid he does try with the things he can. Drama for insists, a thing he hates, a usual thing that he feels only the weak start. Weak, something he can't tolerate, only the strong prosper. Ashly's a little judgmental like most people are. He may talk to everyone, but he only always himself to be friends with people he feel are drama free, intelligent, strong willed, etc. He knows it's easier to pull someone down then being them up; he can't let others pull him down in life. Being a calm man he doesn't let all these irritations overwhelm him to the point of anger, but when it does he tries his best to hide it along with all his other emotions, but sometimes the dam breaks and his anger rushes out. Ashly has gotten so anger and overwhelmed that he has had panic attacks, and even sometimes faints from frustration. These are flaws he'd never tell anyone, mainly because they could be used against him.

{"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” }

PianoInstrumentsMusicWriting' Playing MusicPoetry HistoryOutdoorsScienceGodReadingStudying SwimmingSunny DaysSnowExercisingBirdsCloudsJusticeAll A's AverageCookingStudyingIntelligenceNot Feeling Like The Smartest Person In The Room "Though that's never happened yet."MasculinityStrengthFencingKnowing How To Fight WellBlue EyesCoffeeAlcoholSmokingSmelling GoodFlowersThe Color Of The Sun When It Rises And SetsBodily ScarsSmirksPeople That Show Little EmotionBeing Apart Of The Resistance

{"Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike..” }

Unfair PeopleRude/Mean PeopleFailingUnorganized ThingsWhen People Try To Stand Up To Him Without Being Able To Back It UpSeeing How Horrible Angels Can BeFeeling AloneBeing Told What To DoWhen People Play Music WrongVain PeopleHow Horrible He Was To TessaThat He Might Never See His Brothers AgainThe Fact He'll Probably Never Find LoveHe'll Never Get To Finish CollegeThe Color OrangeSmelling Like Smoke (Though That Rarely Happens)Women Wearing MakeupWhen Men Act FemininePerfume/CologneFeeling Left AloneCrazy Colored HairPierced EarsWhen People Get Over TouchySensitive People

{"Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.” }




|{Place of Origin}|

On the day of December 31st Amelia Mucci had been crying out in joy. She laid in her bed yelling for assistants and trying to get her feet to the ground. Her two year old son quickly came running into the room to see what was wrong with his mother. "Why are you yelling, Mummy, am I in trouble?" Amelia giggled at her child's remark as she ruffled his hair with her free hand. "No, Tessa, your new baby brother is on the way-" "Baby!" Before she could even finish speaking her husbanded had came into the room somewhat shaken. He wasn't prepared for this, maybe because his wives water had broken two weeks before expected. "Let's hurry to the hospital!" Harry, the husband, was frantic to get his loving wife to the car, but all she could do was laugh at his reactions. Harry loaded everyone into the car and sped, sped, off to the hospital. As they drove down the road Amelia song a lullbay to sooth her child in the back seat, her child in her stomach, and her husband to her left. The next day of January 1st at exactly 12:01 AM a baby had been born by the name of Ashlynn Seriess Mucci. As Amelia held him in her arms she smiled knowing she had brought something amazing into this world, and the second she looked into her baby's eyes she could have sworn he had smiled at her.

Like most kids Ashlynn's parents had tried to spoil him, but he hated it. He was so young when he started refusing hugs and wouldn't even let his parents give him gifts. Amelia and Harry were both very concerned about this, so they asked the preacher what they should do for their young boy: therapy was the answer. Every Sunday and Wednesday after church the young child would stay and have a one-on-one talk with the preacher. With his age he was never fully sure what was going on, but he knew the preacher would ask him questions and he would answer them truthfully. "Do you know why you're here?" Before each secession he would ask Ashly this question and the child would always respond with a: "Yes, because I don't like touching Mummy or Papa." This therapy went on for years, but stopped after he reached the sixth grade and his feelings towards hugging and such were still the same. Ashlynn kind of always seemed a little odd with always reading, usually stuck in his room, and the need of never trying to get human contact. He never really questioned this, but with the fuss it seemed to silently cause between his parents it bugged him. With every passing Sunday and Wednesday he would pray to God that his strange acts would change, but he never seemed to get the answers he need. Trying his best to fix the problem he joined different activities at his school: Football, Wrestling, Fencing Club, Book Club, and the Debate Team. All the activities keep the boy busy, yet it didn't lead him to talk more to his fellow team. Instead he would always try to lead everything, dominate, and be the best. His parents noted how hard he was trying to fit in. Seeing how strong their son was they ended up deciding to place him into Self-Defense classes encases he would ever need them. Ashlynn was in a lot of things, never once did he let himself become over worked with any of it and he even had enough time to keep up with his studies and practicing the instruments he loved so dearly.

"Life is such a short thing, but I promise it's going to be alright, I promise, Leslie." As Ashlynn's youngest brother cried he held him tight. "One day we'll see them again in heaven." Ashly was never a hugger, but in this case he couldn't care in the slightest. He certainly was sad, he wouldn't dare let it show in any means. On that day his parents had died in a car accident, a drunk driver hit their car and hit them almost instantly. Leslie was only fourteen when the accident happened, and in every way looked up to Ashlynn, another reason why he couldn't show his own sadness. As he kept himself together he let Leslie cry his little eyes out and mourn, he understood his reaction, but he didn't view Tessa the same way. Tessa for months before the accident had been indulging in illegal things such as drinking and doing drugs, he was rarely ever around and had even moved out on his own. Tessa hadn't been doing that good either, he could barely keep a job that didn't pay good and was always bumming a home by living with "friends". "You can't just come back, Tessa." Ashlynn expected more from his older brother, Tessa was eighteen while Ashlynn was merely sixteen and trying to keep everything together. "We're still family right, Ashly? You and Leslie need your big brother, without me where else will you go?" In ways he had a point, all over their other family members to their knowledge had also passed away a long time ago. "We can manage without a sorry piece of shit like you." Ashlynn couldn't have been sure if Tessa was sober or not, regardless the words that had jut came from his mouth caused the oldest great pain. "I may not be the best brother, but I still love you both and want to help as much as I can." Ashlynn released Leslie from his grasp and stood up, and made sure he was very much in Tessa's face. With a soft but stern voice he said: "You cause any pain to my Leslie and I'll fuck you up." With a head nod the two agreed that they would all stay together and work something out. Of course as time passed Tessa didn't change much, he still drank and did drugs; Ashlynn was almost sure this would happen. Tessa's blunders aside Ashlynn made sure to do his best at raising Leslie to the best of his abilities. He cared greatly about both brothers and tried his best to show it with the little things he did for the both of them: cooking them food, dropping out of all his sports and clubs (expect for Fencing and Self-Defense) in order to get a job to support the three of them, and anything else he could do without ever actually telling them how much he cared. With some time passing it seemed that Leslie was on a happy track and while he grew up so did Ashlynn, who undoubtedly started going to a college near his home so he could still help support his somewhat older younger brother and his very immature oldest brother. It seemed like whenever Tessa and Ashlynn were alone together they would always end up fussing and even end up fighting, and with Ashlynn being much stronger he would accidentally hurt Tessa to the point of sending him to the hospital (and of course they two oldest boys would lie to Leslie and never tell him what truly happened).

The day the angels had arrived had started off pretty good for Ashlynn. He had been at his school campus and was walking along the sidewalk to his next class. As he walked he noticed that the skies began to grow dark and it seemed like shooting stars were falling from the sky. "I don't recall there being a meteor shower today." Feeling somewhat odd about what was going on he rushed to his car and drove home as fast as he could. Pulling into his driveway he saw that the front door had been wide open, which he found even stranger. Taking his time he walked inside the house to see both of his brothers being held by someone, a robber perhaps. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ashlynn quickly picked up a lamp and hit the person across the head with it, to his surprise it had no affect. "Stupid human." The mans voice was mocking as he faced Ashlynn with a smirk. The person raised a fist and punished Ashly right across the face, knocking him out immediately. When he came back to he was in a room with his brothers. Jumping to his feet he glanced around everything, his eyes didn't take long to land on their kidnapper. "Who are you?" The man chuckled. "You're not allowed to ask me questions, for now you work for me." At first he had had no clue what that meant, but as time went by he discovered. As they were there it seemed like all three of them were afraid, but like always Ashlynn managed to hide his fear. "Are we going to go to Hell?" Leslie asked a question that caught Ashly off guard their first few days after being captured. "No, of course not. Angels are good creatures, these things are fake." He wasn't sure what exactly he was saying, with his strong faith in God he couldn't believe these creatures were the real servants to his lord. "If anything bad ever happens to me I want you to promise to never look back and forget about me. I know you act tough, but I know inside you're all squishy." The two were sitting in a room they were given by their kidnapper and the laughs of Leslie filled the room. "Nothing is going to happen to us, I promise.." a long silence and paused filled the air, "I happen to really love you and I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you." In Leslie's twenty-one years of living that was the first time his brother had ever said that to him. Feeling a small sense of hope he laid his head on his older brothers shoulder and began to sing the lullaby their mother use to sing to them when she was still living. Ashlynn became a play piece for angels not to long after that, entertaining them with stupid tricks that they requested from him, luckily for him this didn't go on for to long. He had been devising a plan on how to escape. He had studied what areas were less guarded at what times and what appeared to be more intelligent then another. His plan seemed almost full-proof, he never got the chance to use it though. Resistance had launched an attack and with that attack he escaped and decided to work for them.

|{Family Tree}|
Amelia Ashley Leslie-Mucci || 40 || Mother || Face Claim: Sofia Vergara || Deceased
Harry Tessa Mucci || 44 || Father || Face Claim: Robert Downey Junior || Deceased
Tessa Gary Mucci || 25 || Older Brother || Face Claim: Jphnny Depp || Living
Leslie Augusta Mucci || 21 || Youngest Brother || Face Claim: Logan Lerman || Living

|{Happiest Memory}|
His happiest memory would have to be the day his youngest brother came home. As soon as that baby boy arrived he knew that they would have a connection that he didn't feel with anyone else, which in a way was true. He was the only person he hugged the day his parents died, he was the only person he really wanted to be with. He cares about both of his brothers, but he doesn't know what he'll do without Leslie.

|{Saddest Memory}|
Ashlynn in a way hates himself for leaving his brothers behind in Aerie, which happens to be the worst thing that has ever happened to him, which he did to himself basically. He knew if he didn't leave he couldn't bring back any help, and he'll do anything in his power to free his brothers. It nearly broke Ashlynn when his brother sung the lullaby that their mother use to sing, it seemed to be the last emotional moment he had with Leslie before escaping. Just thinking about his brother brings him hope.

{"Freedom is not having everything we crave, it's being able to go without the things we crave and being OK with it.” }

“All my friends tell me I should move on
I'm lying in the ocean, singing your song
Ahhh, that's how you sang it

Loving you forever, can't be wrong
Even though you're not here, won't move on
Ahhh, that's how we played it

And there's no remedy
For memory
Your face is like a melody,
It won't leave my head
Your soul is haunting me
And telling me
That everything is fine
But I wish I was dead
(dead like you)

Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you
Won't be waiting on the other side
Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you
Won't be waiting on the other side

All my friends ask me why I stay strong
Tell 'em when you find true love it lives on
Ahhh, that's why I stay here

And there's no remedy
For memory
Your face is like a melody,
It won't leave my head
Your soul is haunting me
And telling me
That everything is fine
But I wish I was dead
(dead like you)

Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you
Won't be waiting on the other side
Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
But there's no you,
Except in my dreams tonight,

Oh oh oh oh, ha ha ha ha
I don't wanna wake up from this tonight
Oh oh oh oh, ha ha ha ha
I don't wanna wake up from this tonight

There's no relief,
I see you in my sleep
And everybody's rushing me,
But I can feel you touching me
There's no release,
I feel you in my dreams
Telling me I'm fine

Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you
Won't be waiting on the other side
Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
But there's no you,
Except in my dreams tonight,

Oh oh oh oh, ha ha ha ha
I don't wanna wake up from this tonight
Oh oh oh oh, ha ha ha ha
I don't wanna wake up from this tonight”

{"Instruction does much, but encouragement everything” }

Has Irish Accent
Hasn't Been In A Relationship Ever
He Has Very Deep Set Dimples When He Smiles
His Eyes Are A Very Vibrant Blue, But They Can Change To A Sea Foam Green
He Would Easily Cave Into Submission If He Was Kissed; He's Never Been Kissed Before


Character Dialogue || 1D6685 ||

Character Thought || 607a85 ||

Face Claim || Aaron Taylor-Johnson ||


So begins...

Ashlynn Seriess Mucci's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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{About 335 Words | Sunset | Aerie/Raziel's Room}

The room seemed pretty peaceful from Ashlynn's point of view. He was leaning against the window sill with a cigarette to his lips like always. Such a awful habit he had taken up many years ago and never seemed to tried to stop had to be his smoking problem, for some reason he just found joy from the small stick of nicotine. "Isn't that bad for humans?" A small smirk and a one syllable silent chuckle released from him, how could he not after a remark of sass? "It psychological settles my nerves." Huffing out a puff of smoke he then turned to face the other voice in the room.

Raziel momentarily had her back turned to him as she fixed her hair. She was a beautiful girl, incredibly stunning in both mind and body, which in fact had brought Ashlynn to her side. Unlike some other angels she was kind and actually cared about humans, to the point that she was letting Ashlynn stay with her while he was undercover in the Aerie. The way the two had come together to this companionship was different, strange. In fact the two had met when he had first been kidnapped, she was the first angel to show him kindness on both of his arrivals to the Aerie.

"Sometimes I forget you even have emotions, Ashly." "I've just never had the urge to indulge in what you'd like to call fun." For a split second he had caught her glance at his reflections, before returning her gaze back at herself. It felt like she had been getting ready for ages, maybe because she was a woman. "It feels like you've been doing your hair for ages, Raz, will you ever be done?" At this remark she turned out to completely face him him with a warm smile. "I'll be done when I'm done, just wait." Like always her voice was always as sweet as honey and tasty warm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by WilPen

{About 312 Words | Sunset | The Aerie/Raziel's Room | Collaboration with Onica-Louis}

Raziel leaned towards the mirror again. She attempted to pull up her hair in a fashion that would disguise the fact that she had absolutely no talent when it came to arranging hair. This wasn't something that she would mind on a normal occasion, but today was different. It was the first step in what could potentially be a truce between Human and Angel. More immediately, Raz adored Masquerade parties, the feigned mystery and beautiful outfits tended to make the aura lighthearted and exhilarating. Her starry wings ruffled in annoyance as her crafted hair flopped around her shoulders once again, the clips scattered on the vanity at which she had been sitting.

Hearing an annoyed sigh come from behind her, she turned her body to face the handsome man that had taken residence in her room, which was an arduous task in the dress she had selected. Raz attempted a hurt expression, but utterly failed to keep the smile from her face as she insisted, "Ashly, I have half a mind to claim you just so I can return you." This was, of course, entirely false. She enjoyed Ash's company and his musings were almost always captivating, though on occasion he'd mention some human thing she had never heard of before. To the other angels, she pretended as though she kept him around, when in reality, he was free to come and go as he pleases. However, it made her endlessly happy when he chose to stay.

With a slight tsk of her tongue, she just let her hair fall in their graceful curls. "Give it to me straight, " she said as she put the mask over her face. The string was loose, so it slipped down her nose and around her neck. She let out a short burst of laughter.

The setting changes from Earth to The Aerie


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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{About 530 Words | Sunset | Aerie/Raziel's Room}

{In Collaboration With Wilpen}

“Ashly, I have half a mind to claim you just so I can return you.” At her response and hurt look expression he on a false frown, “I'm so sorry, Ol' Razzle Dazzle, please forgive me.” As soon as a smile returned to her face and the light of joking sparked back into her eyes he sighed. “You almost seem so human to be an angel.” At times he had even forgotten that she was an angel that he was suppose to be serving at all times, though she never forced him to anything. He might have been undercover, but she could still control him if she wanted. Raziel was extremely sweet, as soon as Ashlynn had come back into the Aerie she made it very clear that they were friends and that he was free to come and go as wanted. Ashlynn found it strange how she valued their friendship, he rarely even showed her to much emotion, he would smile from time to time because he felt comfortable around her, but still he could not complete understand why. Besides the fact of her feelings for him he also happened to like her, he never let the words come from his mouth, but he too did like the bond and friendship they had in fact formed.

Raziel's ways could have almost brought a smile to the stubborn mans face, but in the end it did not. Her laughter was always nice to hear, moving and spiritual in a light hearted manner. “It looked nice.” This time he smirked at her, she had such a brilliance childlike tendency that he was growing accustom to. Not only could she joke around, but at the same time she acquired a mysterious glow surround by an ora of intelligence. “In all good fun you do like nice, you'll simply be the best dressed creature at this masquerade.” Raziel did look breathtakingly stunning in her dress. The colors complimented her skin tone and made her bright eyes shine even more brilliant. Compared to Raziel Ashly looked dreadful, all he was wearing was a regular tuxedo, his glasses, and his bangs well gelled back in it's usual swoop motion. “You better hurry before I leave you though, we're already late.” Looking her over one last time he took in another puff of his cigarette before putting it out and throwing it in a small trash can. “You're the only thing alive that I would allow to make me fashionably late.” With each word he said it appeared that smoke slower flew from his partly opened mouth.

Ashly was the type of person the always be on time regardless of most situation; he could allow himself to be late for Raziel. “I mean, it would be quiet odd for me to arrive without my slave owner.” Of course this was him kidding with her, expect his voice stayed very even with a hint of cockiness as always; the way he talked always made him appear as if he was serious and gave of the impression he thought he was better then everyone.

The setting changes from The Aerie to Earth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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#, as written by WilPen
Sorry, wrong place.

The setting changes from Earth to The Aerie


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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#, as written by WilPen

{About 535 Words | Sunset | The Aerie/Raziel's Room | Collaboration with Onica-Louis}

"You seem so human to be an angel." The words were innocent enough, but the sad smile that flitted to her face was genuine. It was a fair statement she supposed. She wasn't like most of the other angels that lived in The Aerie and was more likely to be found with Ashly or another human. It is also true that some of the things that her fellow angels did infuriated her. However, they were still her family and she was still one of them. As much as Ash didn't seem to mind, it was just another obstacle in their friendship.

Almost as soon as a the sad grimace graced her mouth, it was replaced with a wide grin and a blush as his glowing compliments and threats to leave her behind reached her ears. "Why, my dear Ashly. I could never compete with your mysterious charm and well-fitted tux." Raz proclaimed as she approached her companion, finally taking in the sight that she had been glancing at in her mirror for hours. She never understood how he could look absolutely the same, but a simple change in wardrobe made him seem less scholarly and more dangerous. His usual attractive flair was enhanced in a way that Raziel wasn't certain she could understand. To keep her hands busy, Raz smoothed the lapels of his tuxedo. Then, just to annoy him, she pushed his glasses further up his face and tapped the end of his nose. Momentarily, she entertained the though of adjusting his hair, but dismissed the idea, lest she mess his up as well.

In reply to his attitude, she countered. "While I'm terribly flattered that you'd be late for me, I'm afraid tonight you have no choice. You seem to be my date and it would be incredibly rude to leave me behind. However, I think I'm ready" Raziel tightened the strings of her mask and replaced it over her face. With pride, she adjusted the height so she could actually see where she was going.

"My lady," Ash called with a slightly emphasized cockiness in his voice. He offered her his arm as he readjusted his glasses. Raziel realized as she took his arm that his voice had a slight rumble to it, as though he'd be a beautiful singer. She reminded herself to ask him to sing for her on one of the days that she needed to feign command over him. Despite not approving of the human slavery, those days were her favorite. She would ask increasingly odd things of him to see how committed he was to playing the part of a dutiful slave.

Leading the way to the party, Raz found herself getting increasingly nervous. With her luck, all her feathers would fall out before they even arrived. She was sure that Ashly had noticed the near constant readjusting of her wings, he had gotten hit in the back of the legs a few times as they were walking down the corridor.

"Sorry," she grimaced as he was hit once again by her twitching wings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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{About 530 Words | Sunset | Aerie/Raziel's Room}

{In Collaboration With Wilpen}

By about the third time Ashlynn had been lightly tapped by the baby soft wings of Raziel he turned his head to her. “Everything is going to be ok, you act like you don't see most of these creatures everyday.” Everything he said held on to his normal pose, but it wasn't completely on the kind side. Ashly would never try to infer anything wrong with Raz's family; it seemed like he did from time to time without meaning to. He wouldn't always refer to them as angels, but creatures. At times he still found it hard to wrap his mind around the thought of such holy beings being vindictive, crud, controlling, and so many different things. Raziel could be considered an angel in his eyes, she was so kind and compassionate,

unlike her brothers and sisters. “Also, you're wearing a mask so if you do something stupid the others might not even recognize it's you.” Letting his attention drift he noticed they had arrived at the party. People were enjoying marrying making with large smiles and beaming eyes. It was also nice for to see all the humans that were also in the room. Some were partaking in the fun while others appeared to be serving and tending to their owners. As he was scanning the room he tried to find black wavy locks and electric blue eyes that would stick out at any twist or turn, but to his luck there was none he could point out, Maybe my brothers would pop up somewhere. Out of the trust he had gained towards Raziel he still tended to carry some secrets, his brothers being the main one. Ever since he had returned that had been his main goal, but for now he would have to push that side thought away and attend to Raz.

“Would you have this dance with me?” Without really waiting for an answer he held out his hand to her, took her hand in his, and then lead her towards the dance floor. When dancing amongst the others he held her firmly and tightly, but also managed to keep it graceful and comfortable. She was so graceful alone, a good dancer, light on her feet, and easily followed Ashly's lead. “I haven't danced since my junior prom.” The statement was more to himself, but he shared it allowed anyways. “This happens to be much better. When I went it was more by force. My b-” clearing his throat in a natural way he continued, “best friend wanted to go, but he was to young and had me buy his ticket. In the end we ended dancing the night away together, it was fun I guess.” A laugh like rumble came from him. Through his highschool years, and all other years, he wasn't big on friends let alone best friends. He had honestly taken his youngest brother to the prom. Of course the teachers knew it was his sibling, for whatever reason they allowed it. At first Ashlynn had turned it down, but with all the begging he finally caved with the excuse 'to get him to shut up', the real reason happened to be that he wanted to see his brother happy.

Wiping the thoughts of his past from his mind he knew that it would only bring him discomfort. “This almost seems normal.” As he comments he easily pushes Raziel away from his body in a spinning motion, then pulled her back in with a miniature dip. “At this moment it seems like there has never been anything wrong with the world.” Pulling her back up his facial expressions had changed into a tiny frown. Things were not good, how much longer could he pretend they were. Not wanting to ruin her night he plastered a fake smile to his face, “Would you like to get something to eat or drink?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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#, as written by WilPen

{About 335 Words | Sunset | The Aerie/Raziel's Room | Collaboration with Onica-Louis}

The mention of food triggered a slight rumble in Raz's stomach. While it was far from ladylike, Raz was far from caring. This brought her attention to the fact that she hadn't eaten all day. In her flurry of getting ready, the meal that had been left out for her had long gone cold. The activity of Ashly's amazing dancing jump started her appetite and she found herself famished. "Food would be wonderful."

As she followed Ash's graceful body flow through the dancing couples, her thoughts were brought back to his statement. Ashly had mentioned the anonymity of the masks, each angel's wings were as unique as a fingerprint and her large wings were anything, but subtle. While Raz loved them, they often made her doubt the goodness in her heart. Most angels had brightly colored wings, hatred and evilness made them turn dark. Raziel's had always been as dark as the night sky for as long as she could remember.

Shaking away the thoughts, she graciously took the food offered to her by Ash and eagerly began a new conversation to keep her thoughts at bay, "Having fun yet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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{About Words 410 | Sunset | Aerie/Masquerade}

{In Collaboration With Wilpen}

“Having fun yet?” Even cold hearted Ashlynn couldn't lie about the fact he was enjoying his night, he wasn't about to completely tell it either. “This night happens to be quite fancied by me, I'm hoping it's the same in your opinion.” This night could have more perks, like him seeing Leslie or maybe even Tessa.

Nevertheless he was finding himself parched, picking up a cup he set it to his lips and let the light liquid spread within his mouth. After he swallowed down the lack of taste drink he sighed from refreshment. “So what do you think will happen after this? We'll go home and sleep? Wake up in the morning like nothing bad ever happened?" The thought was silly enough to make him produce laughter in the back of his throat and shake his head no lightly. It was stupid that the angels assumed all humans would want this, he felt like little then half of other humans could barely tolerate the angels. Ashlynn was one of the few that would try so hard to contain hard feelings against them, but could easily melt. He was still a very Christian man, he still knew angels were heavenly, but yet he was still forced to watch how hostile some were. Looking down at Raziel he smiled, just another reason he could gave to love the angels, but his stubbornness would never tolerate such things, nor would his pride.

“Looks like someone's nerves have calmed down, after they got the chance to stuff their face.” Seeing Raziel relax but him a little more at ease, he wasn't really shaken up to begin with. It was different knowing he was within the Aerie undercover, yet him wasn't worried about caught, maybe because he was so relaxed with Raz. Reaching out he slid his hand down her soft wings, “At least they're no longer tremblementpause“seems this food is bringing you some center.” Without even realizing it he seemed to have picked up on the language he had been so use to talking with at home, French.

Grinning loosely he still allowed himself to smooth out Raziel's wings. "Out of everyone's wings I'd have to find yours the best." In Ashlynn talk that meant, You're the best. He was to find of compliments, especially not direct ones; beating lightly around the bush was fine with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlynn Seriess Mucci Character Portrait: Raziel
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#, as written by WilPen

{About 335 Words | Sunset | The Aerie | Collaboration with Onica-Louis}

Seeing Ash have the slightest bit of fun always made Raz's night. While she certainly didn't know his entire story, she knew he didn't have enough enjoyment of his short human life. His life would be the blink of an eye to Raziel, but she wanted to help make it happier. Besides, he offered her so much entertainment, that it was all she could do to attempt the same.

Ash's comment brought Raz's thoughts to the future. "If only our feuds could be solved so easily." Raz changed her gaze to the small pinwheels on the plate before her. For a moment, she considered going hungry, the artful confections looked too good to eat. Food was the easiest way to get to Raziel's heart and the chefs a the Aerie knew her by name from her various visits to the kitchens.

"What are these delightful things?" The prospect of new food allowed her to find a temporary reprieve from the nervousness that had plagued her. She smiled up at her companion and urged him to take one for himself after she had greedily devoured a few. Embarrassing and hardly ladylike, yes, but she certainly felt better afterwards.

“Looks like someone's nerves have calmed down, after they got the chance to stuff their face.” Ash's quiet comment brought a blush to her face. She regretted not being a better representation of her brethren. Her behavior since arriving to Earth had been far from angelic, but the snacks had been delicious and she was always eager to experience new things.

The minute his strong hand touched her wings, a small shiver ran through her body. A small sigh escaped her lips as she smiled in pleasure. The soft caress of her wings was akin to a relaxing massage after a long day. It was nearly sinful. Despite the wonderful distraction he was causing to her wings, she heard his lapse into French, another thing Raz enjoyed about him as most of the humans spoke exclusively English. The rattled Raz was still able to see some form of compliment from Ash and it only served to deepen her smile.

"Oh Ash, if I'm not mistaken that was a compliment." Her voice was slightly breathless, but she managed to still sound confident. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" she added after standing on her tip toes to place her hand his forehead.