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Avia Mindon

Legate of the Lament

0 · 168 views · located in Endeavor

a character in “The Endeavor”, as played by Comrade Vacilli


Name: Avia Mindon
Race: Koramee
Age: Human Equivalent of 25
Rank: Legate

Appearance: Avia is short for one of her race, standing only 6'5, a couple inches taller than humans, whereas most of her species stands 7-10 feet tall. Her ears also are typically flat on her head, making her look more submissive than others in her species whose ears are almost always perking up at attention. Similar to the rest of her race, she has predominantly black fur although the tip of her tail is white. She has a scar running down her eye and across her muzzle, and a very long one across her back. She hetachromia where her left is is red while her right is green which is very upsetting for one to see so she normally hides one of her eyes behind an eye-visor which doubles as a HUD. Built fairly lean and agile,e she is no where as bulky as most males of her species, but no where as strong either, but she can typically hold her own in combat against others, and easily take on two or three humans in unarmed combat. Her claws are typically kept retracted, with just the tip able to be seen on one of her digits, as are the ones on her feet.

Home: (where did they grow up)
Family: (list the members. You may also provide short descriptions.)
History: (at least 300 words. And additions to the history must be approved by Everscale, to ensure they do not interfere in the projected plot. Yes, there is one.)


Personality: Avia appears to be a largely amiable person among her crew and those she trusts, and typically extends her friendship to these friends. She gives off a very relaxed mood during negotiations with her enemies and acts very casual during such discussions to keep tensions down and the risk of bloodshed low. Even to those she has no real opinion on, she makes an effort to look approachable because you never know, maybe that person is very important. However, she isn't nice and friendly for the sake of it. While she is a kind person deep down, she is doing this all for ulterior reasons. With her opponents relaxed and off guard, she ruthlessly destroys them and absorbs whatever they control in the Red Deck, and when she extends her friendship, she expects it to be repaid in full. Among her crew, she is known to be a nice person in general, but at the same time to be treated with the greatest amount of respect and courtesy. Avia is willing to do anything to make sure her crew survive and manage to return home no matter the cost. However, she is always willing to compromise if she see's she can't always win, and can be convinced to show some mercy if there is gain to be had. She is loyal to her crew first, and looks to their needs before hers, even if that means doing the things she hates doing to ensure they earn enough money to survive and find a way back.

Likes: Her Crew, most of the Endeavor staff, weapons, her ship.
Dislikes: The Nameless, they unnerve her
Rival Gangs
Human Trafficking
Needless Killing

Fears: Being stranded in unfamiliar territory

Dreams: Getting off the damn station and getting home, and also marrying and having a kid.

Quirks: Bought a dog that a human was selling and always plays with it and walks it.
Learned several of the languages spoken on the station.
Always does the criminal acts she does in order for her group to survive.
Very wary of telepaths.


Equipment: While she does sometimes sleep in her cabin on her ( for now) grounded ship, she spends most of her time in the Red Decks managing the mercenary front/private security group she uses as a front, and manages the still small criminal empire she controls. However having survived a battle in her home space and a large fight for the Red Decks, she always goes heavily armed when she travels there and back to her ship. Wearing one of the few remaining suits of armor they have left nearly everywhere, its grown to be like a second skin. It covers everything althrough there a a couple weakpoints, namely the helmet which is mostly just one large visor. When she's like this, she carries a pistol and a rifle she bought in the black market that she slings over her back with a strap. The rifle is a bullpup with a scope attached to it as well as a flashlight. The magazine for it is one of the older, straight ones, which makes it harder to pull out, but normally she just ejects it with a button.

Armor ( Yea I know it's mass effect, shhhh)



in the unlikelihood she isn't wearing full armor such as when she visits the other decks, she wears causal clothing, and something cute if she's happy enough that day, making many crime figures in the Red Deck wonder if she's really that much of a threat. She wears a simple eye visor which is one of the last few remaining technologies she posses, that adheres to the side of her head and gives her the condensed version of a HUD. Although she does try and keep a gun on her, now that she is a known crime lord by most of the security, she's no longer allowed to keep any weapons on her and she has to rely on either her own men which she "hires" or on the security already there. Around her neck, she wears a locket that doubles as a lock pick when she fiddles with it, and she can typically pick any traditional door, although many doors no longer have a traditional lock anymore, everything's digital now as far as she's aware of.


Home: Aurelius
Family: All known relatives deceased
History: Avia was born into the ruling family of the her home planet, Aurelius as Avia Aurelius II. Everything was very fine until her 20th birthday. A war broke out in her home space and eventually, the enemy her Empire was fighting reached her home planet. During the massive panic and rush for the evacuation ships, she lost her family in the horde of people running when the bombardment started. Thrown onto one of the ships by another refugee, she could only watch as a fleet of ships began a devastating orbital bombardment of her planet. In one day, Avia lost everything she had and she decided to join the Navy and she was assigned to the frigate [i[HES Mindon[/i]. Many of the crew members had heard her story and pitied her and treated her very delicately, like she was a flower that would snap with the quickest movement of a finger. During a boarding action, she managed to prove herself as an able soldier and eventually won the respect of the crew, and the captain, Rufus Mindon, adopted her as his own. Eventually, during a battle right next to a black hole, half of her crew. including the captain, were killed in the frantic battle as both sides attempted to force the other into the black hole. Victorious but damaged, the frigate was sucked into a black hole as Avia fought with the controls in an attempt to escape the gravity well of the black hole. Instead of destroying the ship, the black hole instead managed to disgorge the ship several galaxies away, right next to the station Endeavor. Stuck in the middle of nowhere and not knowing what to do, the crew was distraught. The damages to the ship were great, and only about half of the original crew was still alive, which left them with around 60 members alive. Refusing to grief for her dead friends and father, she made contact with the station which was curious as to what kind of ship this was. After realizing that the Koramee language was close to Latin, the humans on the station managed to begin a conversation which ended in the HES Mindon being towed in. However, the station refused to repair the ship when they realised the kind of firepower it had. They were however, willing to fix it for a large sum, and after that the stranded crew could leave and attempt to find a way back. The crew of the Mindon had no idea how to come up with such a money when they didn't even know the races on the station. However, Avia found out about the Red Deck and realized that perhaps it was possible to take over the Red Deck with the level of discipline the crew had, along with their technology. She told her plans to the other survivors and they agreed it was the best, if vile, plan. Avia was made the new captain and she began slowly encroaching on the Red Decks, having her men kill the smaller criminals, while at the same time, have others go to the other decks and learn about their new home. After a year or so, the crew of the Mindon controlled enough territory to be regarded as a substantial threat by both the large criminal syndicates of the Red Deck and by the Security of the upper decks. Avia quickly founded a legitimate front for her operations, a private security group known as the " Amber Eagle Co." who provided security to the other races, and some have even traveled to other worlds. She also named her gang, now calling it the "Lament" who now dominated a 1/5th of human trafficking and smuggling, and also controlled most of the Red Decks that were closest to the hangers. Now after 3 years on the station, Avia feels prepared to ask for an embassy or for help from the other races, while at the same time funneling her illegal profits into repairing her ship,. Now she even considers trying to get part of the Amber Eagle mercenaries added onto the Endeavor's security staff.

So begins...

Avia Mindon's Story