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The Enemy of My Enemy

The Enemy of My Enemy


You know what they say: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But that doesn't mean we have to get along.

944 readers have visited The Enemy of My Enemy since RiotTerritory created it.


Here's the thing: You've been in prison for who knows how long when, suddenly, you get a message in your cell one day.

You're out.


However, as you walk through the prison gates, you see five other of your closest.....


You didn't even know that they were in the same state as you, let alone the same prison. Needless to say, you usually don't see eye-to-eye on, well, anything. However, someone had gotten you out.

All of you.

But who?

You soon find out that the only reason for your freedom is that they want you to work for them. You do various crimes for them. Sometimes violent, often times not, but crimes nonetheless. Well this should be fun.


The planner (male or female): He/She is the one that makes the plans for the team. He/She is really the smarts of the operation and has to get everything to run quickly and smoothly. They will be getting the actual calls from the person that got them out of prison (I'd really like to give this position to someone other than myself because I think it would be more fun that way).

The actress (female): The beautiful woman. She is the one that distracts and pick-pockets as well (though not as much or as well as the thieves).

The muscle (male): The force. He is the one that breaks down the literal, physical walls that need breaking down.

The tech (male): The geek. He is the one that breaks down the metaphorical, virtual walls that need breaking down.

The thief (female): The cute trickster. She is the one that generally is found sneaking around in places she is not supposed to be in. She is usually stealing things out of vaults and safes.

The other thief (male): The other guy. He is the one that is the thief out on the floor. He is usually stealing things off of other people.

I may ask you to change your character a bit before we start, so don't feel offended if I do.


Full Name:



Appearance: (Realistic picture)






Scars/Tattoos: (optional)



Relationship: (Single, looking, dating, engaged, married)


Why/How you got caught:

Why/How you are enemies with the others: (This is the part that I may or may not ask you to change depending on your character)

Toggle Rules

1. No godmodding.

2. This may be a mature theme, but we could go without the bedroom details (implied is absolutely fine though).

3. Write at least a paragraph.

4. Cussing is fine, but not every other word.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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"Yes, all six of them, at the gates with one of the cell phones I sent you," the man's voice over the phone said impatiently.

"Mr. Camarano, I-I'm not so sure th-that I can do that," the warden stuttered nervously.

"Are you sure about that? I mean I'd sure hate to ruin your family's nice little dinner right now," the voice said almost bitterly sweet.

"Don't-" The warden sat straight up in his chair, the phone clenched tightly in his fist.

The voice on the other end cut him off with a growl. "Then make it happen." Then, the line went dead.


The only thing Sky could think was, 'I'm finally free.' She didn't question who had gotten her out or even why. She was too excited. The prison warden had come to her cell to give her the message and she could have leaped for joy, but she decided against it. They had given her her a cell phone that she had never seen before and that was it before leading her to a pitch black room. She guessed and it was the elevator up to the gates and sure enough, she soon felt her body jerk and they began to rise. She heard shuffling around the room, but only guessed that it was the guards that had taken her.

The gates opened and Sky smiled happily and chuckled at the sun that hit her face. That was when she looked back at the guards and realized that instead of guards there were other prisoners. Five of them. Sky was about to turn and run when she looked at their faces. She knew these people. And let's just say they weren't her friends exactly. Sky was confused to say the least and tilted her head a bit to the side, her blonde hair falling off her shoulder. "If you guys are plotting to kill me, that probably ain't the best choice right next to a prison."


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#, as written by Tonks
" I'm not gonna kill ya'" Lindsey says in a semi hidden southern drawl " It wouldn't be any fun killing you." he crosses his arms



The head prison gang had sent some more " enforcers" to convince Lindsey to work for them. " heh, enforcers." he mumbles walking over about six big guys " I could have kicked their asses when I was twelve." he walks out of the room and everyone backs away from him. He glares at them " anyone else?" no one says anything " good. Now let me be clear. I WILL NEVER WORK FOR ANY ONE BUT MYSELF." he rolls his shoulders and walks back to his cell. Once there he starts to clean the blood off his hands, when a needle gets shoved in to his neck. When he comes to he is on the side walk out side of the prison with a strange cellphone in his hand. He shrugs and picks a direction to walk in and walks at least I'm out of that hell hole. he thinks.


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#, as written by MLE93
Brennan wasn't foolish enough to be happy at the two guards who had come to set him "free." It was obvious that an external steel fist was leading this sudden release, for what purpose, he was going to figure out.
"Aw, guys I'm going to miss you..." he smirked while they were walking him down. Without warning, one of the guards through him against a cell and blew a punch into his stomach. It was expected though, and it was Brennan who would have the last laugh as he relieved the guard of his watch.
"Shut up." the guard said with a supremely pissed of tone and steaming red face. This only added to Brennan's suspicion that someone was playing these men like puppetry.
Once out the door, he met a situation he could have never expected. Friends...
"And of course, you're the common enemy." he scoffed,"don't be full of yourself Sky." he said making his annoyance fully known adding to Lindsey's comment. All he wanted right now was to run away from this god-damned place.


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Valencia grumbled to herself complaining about the food of this place. You'd think she would grow use to it after being in here for 3 years. Wrong. "M..Ms Maze..Y-you have m-mail." Her cell matewhispered anxiously. She grabbed the note and ran her fingers through her hair before opening it. No one usally sent her mail. She slit the top of the letter off with her long cat-like nails. She stared at the paper in disbelief. It stated two words and two words only. your free. . Suddenly the guard came and grumbled "About time your filthy pressence is gone." Before leading her out of the wrenched place. Okay..maybe she should of been worried about who sent it. was an opportunity that she would say yes to any day. Once she exited the deary building, 5 of her enemies were staring back at her. She knew them all once before in her life..let's just say it didn't go well. Valencia glared at them. She focused her attention to the slutty girl she faintly recalled as Skyler..or was it sky? "What the hell?" Valencia grumbled out loud, narrowing her eyes at the female. "Now why would I slash we kill you?" She asked in a sarcastic, hateful tone.


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Bryce had been formulating a new computer language when the door was thrown open. He had been writing on the wall and half of it was taken up by, seemingly, random numbers. He looked up at the guard that stood in the doorway questioningly. His dinner wasn't due for another ten minuets and he wasn't allowed visits under any circumstances. "Get up kid." the guard growled in a deep baritone "You're gettin' out" He moved into the room and shoved a cell phone into Bryce's hands. He then picked him up by his collar and carried him down the hall to an elevator. All of this took place much to fast for Bryce to compute any of it into hard data, however the cell phone had made his mood one hundred percent better.

When he was in the elevator Bryce had already redone half of the phone's systems. The security on it was child's play for him and by time the elevator had stopped and he had walked out he had already checked in on three of his online scams and five of his offshore bank accounts. He had made a very large chunk of change in the five years of his incarceration it seemed! It was then that he looked up with a stupid grin on his face. When he looked around he took a step back. The people around him weren't exactly the best people to be around. "I think I smell a plot" he muttered and then he sat down cross legged on the ground to think. He also started playing with his phone again, but only more simple stuff like the ringtone.


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Bailey sat on her bed tossing a stressball against the wall letting it smack the wall harder each time, just to piss the guards off. They had taken gum away from her a while back because she learned how to pop it just loud enough to bother them as well. She grinned as one of the brutish guards stomped up to her cage. His face was bright red even down to his neck the veins in his throat bulged a bit before he swallowed to speak. His eyes were like a wild hog caught in a trap, she smirked. "Aww come now little guardy you seriously can't be this worked up over a tiny little thump thump noise, can you?" She smiled as sweetly as she could muster but the acid in her tone was unmistakeable.

He opened the cell door and grabbed her hard enough to leave a hand-print bruise on her arm as he yanked her out of her cell. He shoved her hard to the ground knocking the breath from her lungs. She looked up in a -if looks could kill you'd be on your knees begging me to stop- look. "Looks like you are all done here Sweetheart." The guard said with hatred and bitterness in his voice he shouldn't have she had being that big of a trouble maker here. He gave a swift kick to her ribs causing her to clamp a hand over her mouth not wanting to give him the thrill of seeing it hurt as bad as he wanted. He picked her up by the other arm giving that one a matching bruise to the other. "Looks like someone gives a damn about you after all." He shoved a package in her arms as he leads her towards the exit. She opens it quickly pulling out a cell phone. "And what the hell am I suppose to do with this." She spat at him. "Not my problem." He said stiffly before he tossed her out.


She glanced up meeting Sky's eyes her brows knitting with confusion. She sits up right holding her ribs not broken just bruise as far as she could tell. "So mind tell me what is going on, or did you just get chucked out too?" She tried to hide any discomfort she was in not sure what to think of her being out her. Not like she wanted to kill her or anything but they weren't friends, then again when you life is stealing from others no one really lines up to be your pal.


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Valencia took her hateful cat glare off of sky and switched it to Baliey. Valencia never got along well with female.."Bailey..long time no see. I just missed you so much." Valencia said with the same sarcastic tone from earlier. She flipped her hair and rummaged in her small bag, sighing when nothing useful was in it. But then she found a small device some said were cell phones. She looked at the nerd with her hard eyes "Hey nerd, tech guy, whatever you are, can you tell me what this is?" Valencia wouldn't admit it but her knowledge on the modern things faltered a bit in prison. She looked at the small flip phone once more before chucking it at Bryce. "Is Bryce your name? Right?" Valencia asked with a smirk forming at her lips. Then Valencia looked around and shifted weight to her left foot. "So..Since some tormenter did us a favor and let us free..don't you think we should get a move on?" Valencia said slyly. Of course she planned to go back to her crimmanel ways. she furrowed her eye brows and looked down at the withered grass. "Anyone, by anychance, have a ciggerette on them?" She asked slowly. She hated asking for things from those she didn't trust but what must be done must be done.


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Sky glared at each and every one of them before settling on Valencia. She stepped up to the woman who was a few inches taller than she, but she felt no fear of the woman. "Probably for the same reason I'd kill you. And you know what's in those things right?" she asked sarcastically, referring to the cigarette Valencia had asked for. Sky was about to say more when the small cell phone in her hand rung along with the others. She looked at it with confusion and then looked back at the others. This certainly was not a coincidence. She slowly opened the phone and held it up to her ear and said with a bitterly sweet voice, "Hello?"


Mr. Camarano smiled as her heard a voice on the other end of the phone. They must have picked their phones up. Without letting any of them speak, he told them what he wanted quickly. "Hello my friends! It's great to see you all again! You may or may not remember me, but for now, you can refer to me as 'Boss'." The man took no break in between his sentences and continued. "Now, I know that you are all well acquainted and know each other, so I won't waste my precious time on introductions. There will be a van at the prison gates in a moment to pick you up and drive you to a warehouse which I have supplied fully with rooms, food, guns, computers, fake IDs, and everything you may need for a job. The only thing is that you will be working these jobs for me. Val, honey, you will be the organizer of these operations; Lindsey, you will be the force; Sky, sugar, you will be the pretty little actress; Bailey and Brennan, you're the thieves; and Bryce, of course, you are the computer genius. When you arrive at the warehouse, I will call you again and you will receive your first operation and a bit more detail. However, try to run and there are things far worse than death itself. Thank you and I'll see you soon, my darlings." And with that, he took the phone and snapped it in two.

((OOC: I'm guessing that you all picked up the phone....))


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#, as written by Tonks
Lindsey grits his teeth Damnit I promised myself I wouldn't work for anyone, but when life gives you lemons.. then he digs in to his pocket and hands Valencina a cigarette and lights one for himself. " hey squint," He looks at bryce " can you trace that call?" he didnt like these people but he would work with what he has.


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#, as written by MLE93
Brennan just scoffed at the "intimidating" message, thinking there was no way he was getting into this disaster waiting to happen. With silent, swift movements he slid his cell phone into Lindsey's pocket and started to walk away, to where he didn't know. He tried not dwell on the what the "boss" had said, "...things far worse than death", but as far as he was concerned it was a hallow threat and instead thought of a nice busy crowd, full of heavy wallets...


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Bryce listened to the call, but only half. He had already texted a cab company to come pick him up and they were supposed to be here in under five minuets. He was betting this would be enough time, however he also had a back up plan. He had texted two random police officers, who he had easily found over the internet, all of the information he now knew. He was hoping this would give them enough info. to find them, where ever they may be taken. When the one known as Lindsey talked to him he scoffed. "Yes I could, however what good would it do? Would you perhaps run to the man threatening your life? Or perhaps maybe you would run away? Regardless the information will do you little good. This man is obviously connected in high places, and regardless how fast you can run, he'll likely catch you." The last part was in a raised voice so that Brennan might hear his warning. "Remember he did get us all, hardened criminals with much more time left in the coup if not life sentences, out of prison!" He then went back to his cell phone.


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#, as written by Tonks
Lindsey rolls his eyes " don't go all superior on me," he walks over to him " Ill give you that your smarter than me. But never ever talk down to me." he says. He walks away from him while digging through his pockets It's too damn hot out here. he thinks " any one have a rubber band?" he asks pulling his hair back.


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Bailey rolls her eyes pulling her pony tail down and walked over handing the tie to Lindsey "its fitting you have a girls name and you act like one to." She grinned at the playful jab. "Ok so cool he got us out and all but the Darlin' thing is a bit much." A bit of her own southern accent popped out. She flipped the phone over in her hands as she thought over what "the boss" said, her mind racing she wanted to get away from this place and she damn sure didn't think the idea of working for a person with this much power. Just because a rattlesnake doesn't bite you, seeing one was enough to let you know how dangerous it was to be near it; and this guy had snake written all over.


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#, as written by Tonks
He glares at her at the girl name thing, but puts up his hair anyway. " I'm not too pleased about being called the " force" I ain't a Jedi I'm a retreaval expert." he growls. Rolling up his sleeves he tests his range of motion, the shirt pulls a little snug when he mocks his faveorite flip. Well I need a new shirt, preferably before a fight.


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Valencia looked at Sky before harshly saying "Yeah. I do know what are in them" Reffering to the ciggerette. Then she focused on the important stuff. "Sigh. It's probley to good to be good." She muttered looking back at the prison. The phone call was percilurer and didn't make much sense. Valencia took the last drag of her ciggerette before stomping on it. She looked around axiously, her mind still going on about the call. It didn't seem to fit in her mind..why would someone free a crimmanel like her? She was sure whatever the man did to get her out wasn't in vain..but..he probley wanted something. She had little items she could give to this man if that's what he wanted. She was exactly wealthy either..being in prison for so long and all.


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#, as written by Tonks
" so when is the van gonna show up?" Lindsey asks. But an answer wasn't needed because said van had just pulled up. He smirks, well that was convenient. He thinks. " so are we gonna get in? or try to play in the big bad world all by our selves with a mad man on our tails?" he asks. He was good either way, he just wanted to get out of the musty, not quite fitting cloths and in to a nice teeshirt, jeans and cowboy boots. Oh and a nice hot shower would be nice too. He thinks


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Valencia narowed her eyes at the van and took a step back. Foolishly she hid behind the whole group. "Tell them im not here." She whispered but didn't expect them to follow through. So she had to rely on ducking. She looked at the distance the van had left until it would be in complete focus. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 SCREECH the sound of breaks to a van slaming filled Valencia's ears. She kept taking steps back but she knew the person in the van knew she was there. She looked behind her, calcuating in her mind if she could run away without being noticed or getting caught. Wait..why was she afraid of this man or woman in the van? They haven't even revealed themself..maybe just maybe she could pretend to brefriend the person so they would leave her alone..or maybe she could trick them and say she wasn't Valencia. But she knew deap in her head in wouldn't work.


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Sky looked around at the others. The call hadn't scared her necessarily, but it had made her uneasy. Suddenly, she was pulled out of her thoughts as a van came speeding around the corner and skid to a stop near the group. Sky jumped back slightly but continued to look around at the others around her. Lindsey asked if they should get in or not and Sky had to think for a moment before answering. "I say if he's gonna pay me without killin' me, I'm in. I know it seems stupid, but I got nothin' to lose." Then, she noticed Valencia stepping behind them and chuckled. "C'mon out, Val," she said sarcastically, ",or ya could run, ya know?"


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#, as written by Tonks
Lindsey glares at them all. I'm tired of waiting around for these idiots. he opens the van, " ya all have one minute to decide to come or go. After that I'm tellin' the driver to leave with or without you guys." he climbs in to the van and sits down relaxed for e first time all day. I'm out of that hell hole.

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Character Portrait: Bailey Brown
0 sightings Bailey Brown played by Lux_Disraeli
Three to the right two to the left..what like it was hard?

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Skylark Rose York
Character Portrait: Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)
Character Portrait: Brennan McKay
Character Portrait: Lindsey
Character Portrait: Mr. Camarano


Character Portrait: Mr. Camarano
Mr. Camarano

I'm the one that got you idiots out.

Character Portrait: Lindsey

I don't like guns, that doesn't mean I can't use one.

Character Portrait: Brennan McKay
Brennan McKay

The only thing worth stealing is what you think you have

Character Portrait: Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)
Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)

In and out without any trace.

Character Portrait: Skylark Rose York
Skylark Rose York

The Actress


Character Portrait: Mr. Camarano
Mr. Camarano

I'm the one that got you idiots out.

Character Portrait: Brennan McKay
Brennan McKay

The only thing worth stealing is what you think you have

Character Portrait: Lindsey

I don't like guns, that doesn't mean I can't use one.

Character Portrait: Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)
Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)

In and out without any trace.

Character Portrait: Skylark Rose York
Skylark Rose York

The Actress

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)
Bryce Walden (A.K.A. The Patriot)

In and out without any trace.

Character Portrait: Skylark Rose York
Skylark Rose York

The Actress

Character Portrait: Brennan McKay
Brennan McKay

The only thing worth stealing is what you think you have

Character Portrait: Mr. Camarano
Mr. Camarano

I'm the one that got you idiots out.

Character Portrait: Lindsey

I don't like guns, that doesn't mean I can't use one.

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Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

are we waiting for something?

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Could we enforce the at least a paragraph rule? I don't mean to be buzz kill but posting a sentence is...... weak I guess. I'm sorry, maybe it's just me, but it kills the story for me when I can't imagine exactly what's happening....

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Thank you very much. I will attempt to have him in by today (as in early today).

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Can you reserve the other thief for me? I'll probably have it posted by tomorrow afternoon

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Sorry, there are only male characters open.

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Is the Actress Character open? If so, may I please reserve her?

Edit Nevermind (:

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Could I snag the female theft?

Re: [OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

Can I resurve the male muscle?

[OOC] The Enemy of My Enemy

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Enemy of My Enemy"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.