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Naya Kolasi

Two words: Brother Complex

0 · 339 views · located in Capriccio City

a character in “The Enigma Phantasma”, as played by Apocalyptic_Tea


♩ Naya Kolasi ♩

Theme:Don’t You Give Up on Me by Milo Green
Image Song:The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy


Race: Child of Cerberus – Naya and her brother are next generation Cerberus. Though the origins of Cerberus are no longer known, if she was merely a powerful demon or a species all her own, she’s been the gatekeeper and moderator between the underworld and the magical realm for ages. Though she has a humanoid form, you can just as easily find her as a multi-headed hellhound. Her children, Naya and Ayan, inherited most of the abilities of Cerberus, though split into two and without the ability to transform. The Kolasi family are tasked with being the Ambassadors between the dark and the light, and therefor are powerful and highly respected within the magical community. Not always well-liked, though.

Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Ayan, her twin brother, calls her Nee. She will destroy anyone else who calls her that, though, assuming Ayan doesn’t kill them first.
Alias(es): None, other than ‘Daughter Kolasi’ in the upper social circles, though that’s hardly an Alias because everyone knows it and she hates it.
Age: 17
Sexuality: Demisexual, though the only one that knows is Ayan. Everyone else just assumes she’s completely asexual, which she has no problem with because she has no intention of getting that close to someone anyway.
Romantic Interest(s): None. Naya hated pretty much everyone long before she hit puberty.



Height: 5’3”
Weight: 100lbs
Build: Naya is thin and lightly built with not a ton of visible muscle, and honestly has the sort of gate that makes her look like the wind might pick her up and carry her away if she’s not paying attention. She’s not completely devoid of feminine curves, but neither are they particularly prominent unless she makes a conscious effort in her fashion to emphasize them. Overall, she gives off the air of “delicate”, right down to her small hands and feet, without going so far as to be childish.
Hair Color/Style: Naya has blonde hair with intense golden undertones, though her eyebrows are a bit darker than the hair on her head. It’s relatively straight and hangs barely half an inch from brushing her shoulders. Her fringe if feathered around her face and could easily be used to cover her eyes if she so chose, though she keeps it swept to one side and will sometimes add a clip or a hairband to keep everything in place.
Naya likes playing around with her hair, and she will often put it up in different, sophisticated styles. But the color and length always remain the same.
Eye Color: A clear blue, on the lighter end of the scale but not to the point of looking filmy or gray. It’s pretty much the exact opposite of what you’d expect a high ranking demon to have.
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: She has her ears pierced, but that’s it, and no scars considering her accelerated healing rate.

Description: Naya is a quiet beauty upon first glance. Large, blue eyes and a small frame combined with her blonde hair give her an almost angelic appearance, her skin pale and blemish-free, without even overly dark circles underneath her eyes. She has long eyelashes and lips that are just this side of thin, creating a very innocent looking face. She used to have light freckles as a child, but those have almost completely faded over time. She does not have the alluring draw of certain people or magical species, but especially when she puts the effort into it, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who couldn’t appreciate her aesthetic values at all.

Naya keeps herself very well put together. She always at least combs her hair, though will usually style it as well. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, but she’s almost overly-conscious of keeping a clean appearance. She likes to use lightly scented soaps, so she almost always smells pretty great too.

Unfortunately, her kind looks rather go to waste. Naya’s default expression is a glare, and it’s completely offsetting from the way one would imagine her to look without spending any time with her. She holds herself very inwardly, her body language often expressing very clearly the metaphorical wall she puts between herself and everyone else. She uses her small frame to her advantage in order to take up as little space as possible, being perfectly happy to not be noticed at all.

Preferred Clothing: Given the choice, she prefers elegant clothing, long dresses and jewelry that compliment her well. But in the human realm, you’re much more likely to find her in a cute skirt and a nice, but casual top. She’s very fashion-conscious, though, and knows what works well together and what doesn’t. She also loves heels and cool shoes. When she’s working is pretty much the only time you’ll find her in pants, and though she likes to accessorize with a nice belt or boots, she keeps it practical. She’s not about to get herself hurt because she wanted to wear earrings that morning.


Oddities: Naya often covers her mouth with her hand when she’s interacting with someone she doesn’t know, a nervous habit that came from when she was little and had a harder time controlling her expressions. She grabs onto the bottom of Ayan’s sleeve when she’s upset or bothered in public. She checks her hair to make sure everything is in place obsessively, and she has a penchant for using vocabulary words that one would only see in a thesaurus around people she doesn’t like.


  • Ayan
  • Reading
  • Classical music
  • Fields or other wide, open spaces
  • Winter
  • Clear skies
  • The quiet
  • Clothes/Dressing up

  • Disorganization
  • Loud noises/shouting
  • Being criticized
  • Most people by default
  • Spicy food
  • Fake people especially
  • Pets/domesticated animals


The only thing Naya’s really interested in doing during her down time is reading, and occasionally she likes to go hiking as well. She knows how to play piano, but she doesn’t do it often. Really, she just follows Ayan around and does whatever he’s doing, though they don’t get a lot of down time.

Phobia(s)/General Fears:

  • Losing Ayan: This is her greatest fear, and pretty much speaks for itself. If she ever lost her twin, she’s fairly certain she wouldn’t be able to last long herself. It’s not just death, though, but the fear that someone else will take him away from her. It’s not that she doesn’t want him to be happy, she just has some major separation anxiety.
  • Her father: She’s barely seen him since she was a little girl, but she’s always afraid he’s going to suddenly crop up from somewhere.
  • Swimming/Drowning: Naya has always had this horrible fear of water and swimming. This didn’t come from any particularly traumatic events or anything, considering she’s never been in any body of water bigger than a bathtub in her entire life. But she has read books that describe drowning in great detail, and they pretty much cemented the idea in her head that’s not something she ever wants to chance.

Personality: The most important thing to know about Naya is that she probably doesn’t like you. Don’t take it personally, though; by default she assumes the general population is untrustworthy, stupid, or selfish, and sometimes even all three if you leave a bad enough impression. She has an apathy for most people that could be described by some as ruthless, though the truth of the matter is she’d never go out of her way to make life difficult for someone. She isn’t sadistic or vindictive. On the flip side, if you threaten her or hers, she’ll easily wipe you out and lose no sleep over it.

These feelings don’t stem from hatred, but rather past experience that has made her hard and pessimistic. She’s seen the darkest parts of humanity (and non-human, obviously), and through it has formed the almost unshakable opinion that people are evil by nature. She admires the ones who fight against that, even finding certain individuals likable, but she will never, ever trust them. You can only go against your nature so much, after all. Pessimism has been practically woven into her DNA, so she rarely gets disappointed in anything or anyone. She holds no ill-will over anyone who breaks promises to her, because she never really expects them to come through to begin with. When people do surprise her, she doesn’t really know what to do with them, and genuinely kind or outgoing people even make her anxious at times. One could argue that she’s afraid of the concept of making friends and being hurt, though she’d never admit to that and much prefers to just say no one’s worth her time. Luckily for her, very few people try to befriend her, anyway.

For the most part she has no care for the superficial feelings of others, and will be blunt when she speaks, though not to the point of being purposefully cruel. Naya just doesn’t hold back at all, and until it’s about something that could make her vulnerable, is honest to a fault. She isn’t completely socially inept, but generally finds the process of socializing stressful and pointless. When Ayan is around she’s more willing to be a bit kinder, usually at his prodding.

Her intelligence is obvious if she bothers to hold a conversation that lasts more than a few sentences with someone, which is unlikely. She actually has a very good sense of humor, but she hides it, fearing if she laughs or shows any sociable qualities people will try to talk to her more than she wants them to. Because Naya doesn’t really talk to people, she’s very observant and contemplative. Though I wouldn’t go so far as to say she’s philosophical, she does like to think deeply about things, and finds enjoyment in learning and processing.

The one person who is an exception to all of this is her twin brother, Ayan. Having Naya’s trust opens up a completely different side of her. Around Ayan, Naya is empathetic, loving, and lets her humor shine. She smiles, laughs, and talks openly about her thoughts and feelings. She’s also very tactile, often holding his hand or grabbing his arm. Her interest in the world and her own life is mostly because of him; she wouldn’t bother with much of anything if it didn’t make him happy. It’s him that stops her running on autopilot so to speak, giving her world color when otherwise she’d be perfectly content just letting it fade to gray. She’d do absolutely anything for him, and honestly believes he’s her better half. There can’t be one without the other, and she’d never have it any other way.

At her core, Naya is not a bad girl at all. She loves to read, appreciates things like nature and music, and isn’t even particularly selfish most of the time. Neither is she a hypocrite; she recognizes there’s evil in her, too (though not Ayan. He’s the exception to pretty much every rule). Though she definitely doesn’t dislike herself, and has plenty confidence her abilities, as a person most of her self-assurance comes from Ayan.




Archery: Naya’s a pretty good shot, and she can even make her own arrows if she needs to.

Lock Picking: She’s not an expert, but she’s done it enough over the years to know what she’s doing as long as it’s not anything too complicated.

Linguistics: Due to a few abilities that work in her favor, Naya can pick up other languages pretty well. She speaks a few fluently, and is always keen on learning more.


Not a Team Player: Unless Ayan convinces her to do so, Naya isn’t the type to have other people’s back unless it’s absolutely vital to the mission. She also trusts no one outside her family, which means she relies on no one.

Public Speaking: She’s terrible at it and she hates it with a passion.

Physically average: While she’s not a complete weakling physically, she isn’t particularly strong either. If an opponent catches her off guard or when Ayan isn’t around, chances are good it’s a fight she’s going to lose.

Ayan: Naya’s power is incredibly unstable, and without Ayan there to balance her, is virtually unusable. Also, they rely so heavily on each other that if something were to happen to the other, it would affect them immensely as well.


Twin Telepathy: Though Naya and Ayan can’t exactly hold psychic conversations, they are incredibly attuned to one another. During battle, they sync to essentially become two halves of one fighting machine, working in perfect synchronization of one another.

Fire Manipulation – Catalyst: Both twins have the ability to create and manipulate fire. However, this ability has been split in half between them. Naya is the energy, and without her Ayan can’t summon or manipulate it at all. Conversely, Ayan is the control, and without him, the power becomes unstable and dangerous. On her own, Naya is much more likely to hurt a team member or an innocent than her target, and the stronger her emotions, the more dangerous she is. It’s only with Ayan in sync with her that the two of them have their full power.

Accelerated Healing: Pretty much speaks for itself. While it’s not instantaneous, what would keep a human off their feet for weeks is brought down to a few days for them.


Intelligence: Naya is a smart cookie. She learns quickly, and is rather perceptive for someone who doesn’t get out much.

Photographic Memory: Though this isn’t always a good thing, it’s undeniable Naya’s capability for memory retention is pretty amazing.

Perfect Vision: Naya tends to be able to see things that others have squinting their eyes in order to catch it. But it isn’t just the fact that she has good eyes, but the perception that comes with it, that really makes this useful. She notices what others overlook, and uses this to her advantage.

Weapon of Choice/Discipline:

An archer through and through, Naya has been training with the bow since she was a child. Her personal, current bow was made by one of the best weapon smiths in the underworld, light enough for her to carry while still packing quite a punch.

Fighting Style:

If Naya had been born human, she probably would have become an assassin. Quiet, subtle, and deadly, she’s the support in a fight, hanging back and picking off enemies with the arrows she sets on fire before launching. She is aggressive and ruthless, but she’s smart about it. Your chances of getting close enough to her to do any damage are pretty slim.

When she doesn’t have her bow or is forced into direct confrontation, she relies on her fire manipulation and the self-defense she is quite familiar with to see her through. Her powers are no joke, and she’s quite clever about the tactics she uses to take a person down. To her, there’s no such thing as fighting dirty, and she’ll do whatever it takes to win.


Relationship Status: Single. Very single, and very happy that way.


Family/Significant Individuals:

Mother –Cerberus

Naya isn’t particularly close to her mother. She has been alive for many centuries, and there is much about her that is entirely unknown, including her real name or from what she was born. As guardian of the underworld, head of the Kolasi house, and a member of the group responsible for choosing and managing Grimm Reapers, she’s a very busy woman, and rarely has time to spare. Still, she loves her children, and though she’s stern with them, she isn’t unkind. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t remind them of their duty often, or the high expectations she has for them. Naya has never seen her mother being anything other than powerful, put-together, and as unmovable as stone. She admires those qualities, and though she wishes she understood a little bit more about where she came from, does her best not to dishonor their household. Within reason, of course.

Nessus – Father – Demon

A worker of the underworld, Nessus was the only person to ever, even temporarily, charm Cerberus’ heart. They worked together closely for many years guarding the entrance to the underworld, and developed a close relationship. After Cerberus discovered she was pregnant, Nessus used it as a way to gain more power among his peers. Though it’s unknown if they ever really loved each other or not, but his character eventually made Cerberus grow distasteful, and the two parted before the children were even born.

Naya hates him, and if he wasn’t as powerful as he is, she’d kill him and feel no remorse over it.

Ayan Kolasi – Brother – Child of Cerberus

Personal History:

Naya and Ayan were inseparable from the day they were born. Growing up wealthy and in an influential family, they spent their first few years relatively stress-free, though frequently in the care of nannies. By a young age they’d already developed their own language, known only to the two of them. Their mother was concerned, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. It was obvious from the get-go they were linked in ways that went beyond typical twins, to the point that when one had a nightmare, the other woke up crying. No matter how often their mother attempted to get them to socialize with other children, they were for the most part uninterested.

When the twins turned 6, however, their father came calling. Naya’s powers had manifested, resulting in nursery fires, employee injuries, and preventing her from really leaving the house. Without a full understanding of how their abilities worked, it was simply assumed Ayan was the weaker of the two. Nessus accused Cerberus of being unable to properly care for Naya, and after some discussion, it was agreed that Naya would live under his care for a brief period. Ayan, on the other hand, did not. Though the two protested fiercely, in the end, Naya had no choice but to go with her father.

For two year she lived with him, only getting to visit her brother and mother occasionally. While living with her father, he did attempt to help her control her powers, but it’s much more accurate to say that he attempted to control her. Using her as a threat, he frequently took her to places no child should ever see in the Underworld, exposing her to the darkest parts of the realm, and the darkest places in people’s hearts. She watched mothers’ betray their children, husbands doom their wives, strangers squash strangers all for the sake of power. And the less competent she got with her abilities, the less caring Nessus was to her.

By the time she was 8 years old, Naya had grown to be terrified of people. They never, as far as she could tell, made the right choices. They never thought about anyone but themselves, and in the end they all wanted the same things. Even the kindest people on the surface turned out to be the cruelest inside. She was broken, and scared, and it was only when it was obvious she couldn’t handle anymore that Cerberus finally listened to Ayan’s pleas and regained custody of Naya. Though she was never required to see her father again, Naya never really forgave her mother for leaving her to him in the first place.

As she grew older, Naya’s fear turned into bitterness and distaste. Her and Ayan did eventually discover how to properly use their powers, and once that was the case, they began training to eventually take over their mother’s position one day. Though Ayan was declared the official Head of House, Naya still is expected to carry out the same duties as if it were her.

Naya’s favorite book is, oddly, A Walk to Remember.

So begins...

Naya Kolasi's Story