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Irada Naiahliim

"I! Am the sword and shield of this lands, I am the Magicka flowing through veins of it's children; I am the Elven."

0 · 413 views · located in Harramel

a character in “The Era of The Sun”, as played by -Elda_Luna-03


Irada Naiahliim
Irada stands at 6'4" and weighs around 137 lbs. She has long white hair the flows down past her bottom. She mostly wears it in dreaded braid, but occasionally brushes it out to leave it down, or she puts it up in a ponytail, depending on what she is doing. She has a bronze skin tone with a grayish tint, both representing the lineage of her two breeds of elven blood. She has dull, dark green eyes with a sullen stare. Her high cheekbones compliment her sharp features, but her full lips seem slightly out of place with such tight, angular features.
Irada tends to wear the leather of fallen animals that her people have blessed and deemed safe to take from, or she has a a suit of armor made from iron that was decorated by her and her sisters; elvish prayers and designs all across.
Irada is a very excitable elf, whether it be with positive or negative emotions. She is very talkative and very blunt, never has she feared to speak what's on her mind. She will tell anyone when they are out of line, when they have done something wrong and she will go to great lengths to justify any situation that captures her attention.
Irada is very in-tune with nature and has a strong link with the land and animals around her. She is also very protective of both and is not afraid to attack anyone who harms the land and it's children.
She is very kind and caring, but also very aggressive with a lot of pent up anger and frustration. Being a sort of foreigner to others, she can come off as hostile, rude and inconsiderate to others, At least until she gets to know them.
Irada enjoys learning new things and improving herself in any way, shape or form and she will push herself to extreme limits to prove herself to others.
Irada believes in fighting for whats right, for the protection of the things and ones you love and to live your life to the fullest; to do everything you possibly can before your end time comes.
Experience in battle: Irada has experience defending her clan and creatures of the land, but not much experience with organized groups gathered and prepared for long battles.
An elven crafted wooden bow with arrows made from the antlers of fallen deer. She also has two steel daggers blessed by her clans tribal healer and elder mother.
Specialty Power:
Control of darkness. The shaping of shadows, giving them form.
Short History:
Irada was born in the forests of Castradell in the Umata clan of mixed-bred elves. Being of both dark elven blood and Wood elven blood, Irada had a knack for magicks and commuting with nature at a very young age. The Elder Mother seeing this took Irada from her mother, father and sisters to train her in the arcane arts and to become one with the spirit of Harramel.
Years dedicated to her magic, Irada benefitted her clan greatly by providing protection and insight to her people. But by being who she was, she had become distanced. She was not the same as them. Even the ones who had Magicka in the blood, they were not of the same strength and caliber as her and feared her power. As Irada reached the age of adulthood, she packed her belongings and left in the night without a word.
After leaving, Irada made a life as a vagabond, traveling from place to place, trying to learn of the outside world that she had been sheltered from. As she came to a much larger town, a kingdom, Irada found a posting board in which the King was asking for citizens to join his military, his army. Out of curiosity, and out of a sense of adventure and justice, Irada made her way to the kingdom to become a Castrdell guard.
Battle Sample:
Irada ran through the trees gracefully, jumping over fallen branches, flowing with the breeze of the wind. She could hear a snap of a twig in the distance and stopped. Slowing her breath by calming her heart and muscles, Irada pinpointed the position and distance of the foreign aura far across from her. Furrowing her brow and narrowing her eyes, Irada reached behind herself and pulled her bow out and reached into her quiver for a sacred Dormel deer antler.
"You. Are mine." She hissed under her breath. Hooking the arrow to the string, Irada drew the arrow back tight, took a deep breath and released the now flying arrow of death. She heard a grunt and thud from afar and raced over to newly fallen body.

So begins...

Irada Naiahliim's Story


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Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim
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The forests of Harramel had been kind to Irada, she had slept peacefully outside Castradell in the calming woods that reminded her so much of home. She awoke to the sun shining brightly through the trees, creating shapes and shadows across her face, the light peeping through like a child trying to hide in plain sight. She smiled, closing her eyes and stretching her arms out, twigs and grass gently giving there hellos as they brushed up against her skin. Laying there for a moment, Irada took in the scenery around herself.
What I wouldn't give to live like this for the rest of my life...
But she shook the notion from her head as she sat up. Yesterday she had stumbled upon a notice from the King recruiting new blood to his kingdom's royal army and decided to see what all the excitement was all about. Making it a goal for herself, Irada decided to show the King not only the hidden talents of the elvish that reside so peacefully within his walls, but to prove herself as a young, strong and determined woman who can hold her own. Irada wanted to make her own destiny, for she knew that lounging about in the woods playing kindly with the trees and animals would never expose her full potential, just shelter her from the poisons of the world. And she was most certainly ready to face such poisions.

Irada collected her things together; her daggers, quiver of arrows, bow, and few tools to help make a fire. The daggers and tools went in her bag while her quiver and bow were slung onto her back. Irada stood up and looked around.
"River, river, river...." She closed her eyes as she tried to listen for the sounds of water. Silence passed for a minute or two before she heard the silent splashing of a fish in a creek.
"Not too far, either."
She jogged through the woods, dancing with the wind and trees as she made her way to the newly found source of water. Coming upon the small creek, she slowed to a casual walking pace and kneeled before the clear water. Cupping her hands together, she dunked them under the water and brought them up to her mouth. She drank until she felt satisfied, washed her face quickly and stood back up. Looking back the way she came, she could see the large city walls of Castradell. She gave the walls, and herself, and quick nod before sprinting off the the city gates.

As she came upon the large gates, Irada's heart quickened in pace. She was feeling nervous as she made her way through the crowed streets towards the King's domain. Bumping into others, the loud noises of merchants shouting out to possible buyers, Irada realized she was out of her element, but straightened out her shoulders and back bringing back her confidence.
I will blow him away. He will see the true potential of the elven. And not these domesticated city elves either.
Soon enough she reached the walls of the King's tower. Slowing down her pace, she came up to a guard and a door. She looked at the door then the guard. She raised her right eyebrow, cocking her towards the door.
"Do you just stand there to be pretty? When a lady comes up to a door, you open it."
The guard stayed his ground, no expression on his face, no words from his lips. Irada's patience draining, she tried again.
"I am here to be interviewed by the King to join the army of Castradell. To fight by his Highness' side. Let me through."
With that, the guard, in what seemed to be one movement, walked over to the door, placed his hand in a scanner and opened that large metal door.
"Twelfth floor. Hall of Giha. Do not wander." Spit out the guard as he returned to his original position. Irada looked at the guard in curiosity and confusion, but shook her head and made her way inside. The door slammed shut and soon the light of day had diminished and a dim florescent glow had emitted from the ceilings. What she saw in front of her was a long hallway decorated with a few random doors that split two ways at the end. But where the split took place was a simple, ordinary looking elevator. Making her way towards the elevator, Irada clenched her hands in excitement and stepped into the small box-like contraption. She turned to her left and looked at the buttons there.
"Twelfth floor.....aha!" And with a gentle touch, she was quickly taken up many stories in several seconds. As the door silently opened, Irada made her way down another hall, but at the end of this one was a very, very large door and a smaller one next to it. Next to the smaller one was a woman in a suit of light armor.
Irada approached the woman, but before she could speak the woman had already pricked her, taking a blood sample, grabbed her hand and placed it into the scanner.
"Uhhh, hello?? My hand?? Who do you think you are?! I am going to repo-"
"Synchronization complete. You may take a seat and wait until the King makes his presence known." With that, the woman took her place against the wall by the door once again.
"You crazy!" Irada yelled at the woman as she looked at her left index finger, still red from the quick draw of her blood. She pouted and stuck her tongue out at the woman as she walked into the small waiting room and took a seat, waiting for her destiny to finally begin.


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Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema
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If only Lacey Holden had defeated the theif sooner.....
If only she had started her journey to the castle yesterday....

The Day Before

John and Janus Chrysanthema grabbed unto their sister's forearms, who was struggling to get free from their tight grip.
"aaawww, c'mon Jill," Janus started, "You know you're gonna have to do it sooner or later!"
"Besides, we'll go easy on you!" added John.
"You don't understand, you just..." Jill mumbled. She stopped struggling, and her brothers, convinced that she had given up, let her go. Of course, Jill took it as an oppurtunity to run, and her brothers watched her sprint through the front door of the house.
"I don't get that girl," said Janus, shaking his head. "She's 15 now. I just don't get why she isn't enthusiastic about learning to fight. She loves to learn everything else, just....not that."

Jill walked through the grassy meadow that her town was built upon. Leafton, as it was called, was perhaps one of the poorest towns in Harramel. There was no running water, and so you had to get your water from a well, or collect from the rain. Food was scarce, and those with farms seemed to prosper. However, there weren't too many problems, magic had always aided the town whenever possible.

She sat in the field between the woods and the town, thinking about where she was in her life. Jill jumped as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She turned her head, and saw that it was her father, a wide grin on his face. He sat down next to her and asked, "Wassa matter girlie? Why is my 15 year old sitting in the middle of the field?"
Jill always had to be honest with her father, and smiling, she said, "nothing. It was just Janus and John."
"Oh." her father said, looking out into the town. "Do i need to punish them?"
"No." Jill said, giggling. Father and daughter looked out into the town for a little while, until Jill spoke,
"Are you mad at me?"
"...For what?"
"For refusing learning to fight for two years now?"
There was a long silence as Jill's father pondered the question. Jill had no idea what he was about to say, his face looked so thought provoked. Finally, he answered, "Whatever my girl wants to do in life, i will stand by her. You don't have to learn to fight to be successful. And i'm not saying that as a lie, i'm saying that as an honest man."
Jill nodded, and then started to get up.
"Thanks Dad. I'm gonna go to the woods to gather berries."
"alright, be safe" he said, heading in the opposite direction.

Two hours passed as Jill picked as many berries as she could. She had a working knowledge of which plants to pick from, and which plants to avoid. Many people never wondered into the woods, for fear of dangers that lurked all around. However, Jill was not afradi, as she had gone into the woods many times before.
Suddenly, she heard a sound coming from the bushes. She turned around, seeing a man with eyes that looked like an animal's, wild and ruthless. Knowing he was up to no good, Jill ran for her life, but she was chased by the man, and soon enough, she felt something hard hit her head. Right before she blacked out, she could see him look over her, as if he was identifying her. This was no simple theif, this was an assasin.

Jill woke up to darkness all around her. She looked around, but she could see nobody. She formed a light in the palms of her hands as she walked through the forest.

she could hear her brothers calling. She ran as fast as she could to the voices, and ran into her John's arms as she escaped the twisted branches.
Nobody spoke a word as the three walked back into the town.
"Aren't you two gonna ask where i was?" she asked, concerned. "Jill...." Janus said, softly, "Something happened to dad."

Jill entered her house. The first thing she heard was the sobbing of her mother. Her mother never cried.
In the middle of the kitchen, she saw her father, drenched in a pool of blood, his chest ripped wide open. At first, Jill stood, shocked. And then, the hot tears started to flow down her face. She ran over to her father, placing her hands over his chest, but her mother stopped her.
"It's too late." she said, "he's already gone."

Jill had found out before bed that the man who had knocked her out before was the one who assasinated her father. He just entered the house, and after putting up a good fight, killed him. He was of Castradell, and so he couldn't be hurt by magic. Jill lied in her bed, desperately wishing that it was her who was killed rather than her father. What was worse was that her father had so many things to look forward to. He was going to join the High King's army, in a quest to defeat the Rigzarians. Without sleeping, Jill made the decision that someone had to take his place. That someone would be her.

Jill grabbed her sack of berries and a canteen of water. She put on her yellow cloak, and quietly tiptoed to the front door. She looked inside her house one more time, and then shut the door.

It seemed like forever, but Jill finally made it to the castle. Although she had been bumped into and pushed by many shady merchants and men, the girl finally made it to the castle gates. After getting through the guards, (they laughed hard until Jill told them she was the daugher of commander Chrysanthema) she was told that she had to go to the twelfth floor, hall of Giha.

Jill looked all around the fancy hallway, and she felt like a fish out of water. She looked in front of her, to see a fancy elevator. Jill had always wondered what it would be like to ride up an elevator, and so she didn't hesitate to walk in. She had a bit of confusion finding the twelve button, but after a couple of minutes, she managed to find it. The woman pricked her finger and told her to wait in the waiting room, and so Jill did. She sat in a chair, looking around to see an exotic looking woman sitting near her. She had to have been an elf.

A few awkward moments passed, Jill afraid to speak, but she uttered the strength to say, "So....are you doing the interview as well?"


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Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema
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Irada sat anxiously, fidgeting in her seat as she waited for something to happen in the cold and quiet room that she had been ordered to wait in.
Just as she had found a comfortable position, the door opened up behind her and a fair, timid human girl walked into the room. Irada watched as the girl made her way across the room and found a seat.
"So....are you doing the interview as well?"
Irada looked at the girl calmly for a second before answering.
"Yes. I am. And don't seem to be like most who would come to this kind of thing. You in place of another? Or is this some silly human trick? A game or dare. Your kind can confusing. Odd. And you being so young, too....what would your parents think, ah?"
Irada scooted forward in her seat, crossing her legs as well as her arms. The girl was most certainly skittish and timid. Like a mouse. It amused Irada to see such a child in a place like this. It had to have been a misunderstanding for the girl to have wound up here. But Irada would hear out her story. The girl didn't seem like a deliquent and she was definitely mature enough to be in such an adult situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema
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Irada listened to the girl attentively and nodded in understanding. Uncrossing her legs, Irada stood and bowed before the girl.
"That, is a noble cause. I apologize for giving you a hard time and will give you your deserved respect from hear on forth." With a quick bob of her head, Irada sat back down and leaned back in her chair. "Why are you here, ma'am?" She sighed and closed her eyes as she thought for a minute.

"I...I am here to find my purpose. My destiny. I was a skilled fighter in my clan. Gifted with Nature's abilities at a young age. But my people...they feared me. How does one act when a mere child shows such great power and control over so much?" Irada placed her right arm on top of her left, so that her elbow rested in the crook of her left wrist. Opening her palm, she rested her chin in it.
"I was gifted with the element of darkness; of shadows and forms. And my clan...could not accept it. Out of fear and rejection, I ran. Lived off of my true Mother, off of Nature and became one with her. Became whole. But no one, not even an elf, can complete their life by simply living. Each and every individual has a purpose, a meaning for their existence. And I...found mine at the notice of the King's calling for all kinds of men and women to come try out and be interviewed for a position in his army. To help defend our home. That...that is why I am here."

Irada took a deep breath as she finished, sitting back up and giving a slight smile.
"You know, it's kind of nice to talk about these things. Especially with a human! Imagine if my sisters found out, Oh! How'd they'd laugh! I'd be the Iravas A'llim of the clan!" Irada began to laugh at this, her hand coming up to her stomach. "You, little human, may call me Irada. But what may I call you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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After Irada's story, Jill was beyond impressed. Rejection from the ones you love, it must have been hard. Jill knew that this elf was not only wise, but immensly brave. Without a doubt, she would make it into the king's army. Jill felt a little bit of hope from Irada's story as well. There definetely were similarities. Serving a purpose, a reason. Joining the king not to do so, but to prove something.

Suddenly, Jill could hear the door open behind her. She could feel a man walk in and sit somewhere behind her. As Irada finished her story, Jill quickly glanced over her shoulder. He was an older man with dark skin and huge muscles. Jill had gained hope with Irada, but with the prescence of this burly man, the hope was sinking away. She laughed with Irada, trying to get rid of the fear in her head.

"You, little human, may call me Irada. But what may I call you?" The elf asked. "I'm Jill. Pleased to meet you, Irada." she said with a big smile. She wondered what other kinds of people would enter through the door, and of course, whether or not she would be the only kid.

The setting changes from Harramel to Castradell City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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Jill, Irada, interesting... Alex thought as he took a small book out of his pocket. The book was titled. "Klesnoes, The Art of Relationships." Alex opened up the book to about midway and began to read. However, almost immediately he shut it and put it away. He shifted his position in the seat and was now leaning forward.

Alex leaned over so that he was now looking right towards the two women. He nodded as they looked to him, and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Alex." He gave a genuine smile before moving to a closer seat, to the right of Irada.

The setting changes from Castradell City to Harramel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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Irada smiled immensely and swiftly grabbed Jill's hand with both if her own and shook it respectfully.

"Nice to meet you, Jill. I feel you and I shall become closer through this experience."

But just as she shook Jill's hand, Irada felt a great presence within the room and turned quickly to view a large, dark-skinned human approach the two girls and sit to the right of Irada.

"Hello, my name is Alex."
Irada left go of Jill's hand gently and turned to face the new man. Her demeanor changing slightly, becoming more serious, Irada gave a quick nod to Alex.

"Well, we are joined by another. You seem to be a more appropriate candidate for such an event. What brings you here, Alex?"

Irada was pleased to see another finally join her and Jill in the waiting room, but she had an odd feeling about the gentleman. As if he was more than he appeared.
She was tempted to tap into nature and the shadows to try and sense who this man really was, but she refrained. His aura was light and pure and she would not prematurely corrupt what may possibly be a well made acquaintance.

The setting changes from Harramel to Castradell City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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"Well, we are joined by another. You seem to be a more appropriate candidate for such an event. What brings you here, Alex?"

Alex could sense a slight hint of worry in the elf's voice. Perhaps she was worried about him, or even what his presence would mean for her fate in the group. Alex's mind quickly ran through these possibilities and then determined just to be himself, what harm could that do? He made himself comfy in the hard wooden chair and looked to Irada who had asked the question.

"Well, I guess for the same reason you two are here, unless you are in the incorrect room?" Alex waited a moment as they assured him that they were in the room they intended to be in. "You see, I have personally know King Heia for many years now, he is a dear friend of mine, and if he is going on some suicide missions to figure a way to defeat the monsters we call Rizgarians," Alex took a quick pause and smirked, "...well I better damn well be with him." Alex's mind drifted to the thought of his friend dying, his throat clenched shut, his blood pumped through his veins hard and fast. Wait, no one could kill Heia, it's.... Alex couldn't find the word for it. Impossible.

"So in short, I'm here to try out for his special team, and maybe make a couple new friends on the way." A smile arose from the depths of his mouth, showing his almost perfectly white teeth.

The setting changes from Castradell City to Harramel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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Irada stared at Alex for a good few seconds before smiling, accepting him and his reasoning for being there. She was right to not pry into his natural aura, he was indeed of good intentions.

"Well, the King's personal and dear friend? That is most certainly interesting. But nonetheless, it is nice to have your company, mister Alex.
Also, are all of you humans so diverse in size, shape and color? We elves...we are all pretty similar in that sense. It is our hair, facial features and names that set us apart. You have all of that and more!"

Irada's talkative side began to show as she grew excited over being around two very different, but very kind humans. this was a new experience for her; to be so close physically and to socialize and converse so long with such beings. It was wonderful to her.

But as she talked excitedly, Irada could sense another human, this one with a darker aura.

Turning quickly in her seat, Irada faced the man with the dominating presence. She automatically put up her guard.

"Hey there, are you all strong? I'm Samson Quinn and I'm looking to best anyone who challenges me."

Irada stood up and looked at the man, then slowly held her hand out.

"I am Irada. The small human there is Jill. The large human behind me is Alex. We are all strong, each in our own way. But there is not a challenge to be had. Not yet, at least. We are to wait for the King to say when the interviewing will begin. But you may sit with us if you please, Samson."

The setting changes from Harramel to Castradell City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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"Also, are all of you humans so diverse in size, shape and color?"

Alex silently chuckled at this honest question. He took a brief moment to think and then replied. "Well, pretty much. Humans come in many different shades of colors and in an even larger number of shapes. And as I recall many of my elvin friends do share many similar qualities as you do. It's probably the biggest differences between humans and elves." Alex then heard a noise come from the door.

As Irada stood up, in a natural response, Alex did as well. His days in the military had molded him into a quick thinking machine. As he noticed Samson in the room he grew cautious, this man was dangerous looking. But again Alex did not judge him. This team needed fierce people, people with advanced fighting knowledge, and this Samson looked the part. Alex looked over to Jill and saw her in a bit of a worry, and nodded to her. While he did this he sent a telepathic message. "No one will harm you here my friend, you are much welcome."

Then Alex stepped in front of Irada to receive Samson. "if you are looking for someone to best, well..." Alex paused for a split second, deciding how to finish his thought. "..well this is the right place. This job, is a team job, and we will be taking on some heavy hitters out on the battlefields, we could use all the help we can get." He then put out his hand to show respect, hoping Samson would adhere.

The setting changes from Castradell City to Harramel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady
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The man Alex seemed alright, and Jill started to calm down. Of course, after she started to calm down, her insecurity piled right back up again.

Right when she took a glance at the new man, she knew trouble was coming her way. She wondered if this man was born to bring her trouble, or if they had to bring him in.
"I'm Samson Quinn and I'm looking to best anyone who challenges me." he said. The whole time he talked with an excited voice, like he had just ran away from a pack of wolves or something. Of course, Irada tried to calm the air with her wisdom and charm, but that didn't help to calm down Jill's nerves. She knew this man could beat her up in a matter of seconds, (or maybe not, as Jill knew the elements, but had never used them to attack) and if the king saw her with bruises or anything, her chances of becoming part of the task force would be eliminated.

Just then, Jill could hear a soft sound in her head;
"No one will harm you here my friend, you are much welcome."
It was Alex's voice. Jill quickly turned around to see him nodding in her direction. Her worried look changed into a soft smile. Now there were two people she trusted.

As Alex approached Samson, Jill continued to sit quietly in her seat. Maybe if she didn't speak, this reckless man wouldn't pay any attention to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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Lucius stepped from the shadows before them all, seemingly out of nowhere, and grinned, retightening his blindfold.
"I'll take you on, Samson, and I won't even need sight to win." As he spoke, his staff extended, but didn't snap out into the twin cleaver that it usually was. He spoke under his breath "Illusory gentlemen.", and made a mocking bow before Samson, as if to imply that this was an honor upon Samson.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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Samson was about to shake, before someone behind him took him up on a challenge. He whirled around to see a seemiingly frail looking man. It mattered not to Samson how he looked. He had seen small creatures outright kill larger ones.

"Excellent!!" growled Samson. There was a shifting beneath his cloak just as ten tentacles slithered out from the darkness within. The sound of cracking started to fill the air as Samson's skin started to become mottled green as his skin started to form layers of scaley plates. If that wasn't enough he grew four additional arms that seemed to be secreting a sticky fluid from the palms that seemed viscous and refused to drop to the ground.

"Nice light show," said his now gutteral voice. His original hands had been replaced by claws. Samson suddenly lashed out with all the tentacles aiming for everything at once as he shot webbing from his new hands as he pulled himself up to the ceiling and suspended himself there by the strong wires of webbing he formed earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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Heia looked up from his book to the screen and saw what was happening. There were two men, one dressed in a formal suit and a blindfold, and the other in a long brown coat. Then, one of them men abruptly flew to the ceiling, creating an explosion of tentacles, while the other pulled out a large staff. Heia, after seeing what was just about to happen closed his eyes and imagined being in the waiting room on the twelfth floor. Without warning the King disappeared into the air and then just as quickly, reappeared in the corner of the waiting room. Heia saw that these two men were in the midst of beginning a battle and the rest of the people, which included the elf, Alex, and the small girl stood off to the side.

"That is enough." Heia yelled as well as telepathically said into everyone's mind. As he did his hand slapped against the wall, hitting a small unnoticeable green button. This button, once pressed caused their to be a strange light emitted from the walls leaving the room to shine a faint blue color. "Do not be alarmed, it's just a magick blocker. Some of you may have been contained in one before." Heia looked over to the man with the staff, "please put away your weapon, if you want to fight there are dedicated rooms for that on the sub-levels." By this time the magick blocking room was at full energy and would now cease all future magick from being used in the room, thus having the man on the ceiling fall.

"Amazing what magic technology can do, huh?" Heia was looking around the room, the faces of each individual was quite different from the next. It was not the kind of entrance Heia wanted to make, but he did not want these fools going around and destroying the room and hurting each other before they had a chance to show their strength in a true test.

"Now since that has ended shall we get started?" the King was now walking towards the front of the room and when he arrived he turned to face the crowd. "Please do take a seat."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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Lucius was about to have his illusion take flight when it dissipated into the air, and he stepped out once again from where he had been hiding. Magitech that could nullify magic? He wondered if it could be calibrated to stop all but one person's magic... Thankfully, his true sight hadn't been affected, but this only raised more questions for him. Were his eyes beyond the magical spectrum? Or did they simply not even classify as "magic"? He put these thought aside for later thought when the king spoke again. "Now since that has ended shall we get started? Please do take a seat." Lucius amicably nodded, and went over to his seat, politely and patiently waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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Samson fell as his form was forced back to its original state. He landed less elegantly than he wished but his pride was not hurt. After the explanation Samson still tried to change to no avail.

He walked over and had a sear. Apparently there were many things he still did not no about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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As Samson flew up into the air and the blind man drew his weapon Alex formed a fist, ready to break up the fight. However the fight ended before it even began. The room filled with blue light and the air suddenly became cold, and in the back a voice arose. Alex could feel the blocking of his magick, it felt like a small headache. A headache that ceased the rocks from forming around Alex's fist, a headache that dispelled all magick. It was a strange technology indeed.

"Amazing what magic technology can do, huh?" The voice of the King filled the room, causing Alex to turn away from the two heated men. Heia was no stranger to MagiBlock, in fact Alex recalled his first time meeting Heia. It was several years ago, Heia was just a teenager of eighteen. He had come to Castradell to change, to return to the way he was born, to rid himself of the Rizgarian magic his body then held. It was no accident that Heia had turned on the MagiBlock just now. No, Alex had a strange feeling it was some sort of tool, to help those who are old enough to remember what Heia had to go through when he first came to Castradell.

"Please do take a seat." Heia insisted.

Alex looked to make sure everything was ok, and it was. He watched the blind man sit, and thus Alex sat down as well. This was his king anyways, giving an order.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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Irada was taken a-back as Alex stepped in front of her, taking a defensive stance before the burly man with the uncontrollable tongue.
As if I could not handle one such as he! Hmph.

But Irada sat down, allowing Alex to confront the man. As she sat down in her chair though, she could sense Alex's magicka spike up in activity and noticed his nod towards Jill. He must have done or said something to calm the frail girl because she went from looking frightened and frantic to peaceful and serene. Irada gave a slight grin at this.
Someone of such pure intentions...definitely noble and worthy of being trusted.

But as charming, bold and kind as Alex was, the man-Samson, was not so easily won over. He looked as if his temper was beginning to rise as another appeared in the room.
A tall and thin man with a blindfold on appeared, immediately challenging Samson. As the smaller man bowed before Samson, Samson began to shape-shift, jumping to the ceiling and lashing tentacles out in every direction. But no sooner than he attacked did another man appear.
This one, being handsome and strong, brave and full of light, telepathically shouted, shutting everyone up. He then threw his palm against the wall next to him and within a split second, Irada could feel her connection to the Mother and darkness wisped away and soon enough she felt cold and alone.
She wanted to stand, to protest, but the golden man demanded everyone to be seated. She complied, watching and analyzing the man until she realized who he was.

That...that is our King...

Immediately upon recognizing the man for who he was, Irada dropped down from her seat onto one knee, her hands held together on top of the other and her head resting on her hands.

"Irish'va, your Highness. We meant not for any disruptions. Thank you for gracing us with your presence."

The setting changes from Harramel to Castradell City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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"Irish'va, your Highness. We meant not for any disruptions. Thank you for gracing us with your presence."

Heia look upon the elf as she bowed out of respect. "Thank you my friend. Your kind has always been known for their great respect and kindness. You may be seated." Heia then watched as the people took to their seats. He glanced around the room, looking into each person's eyes. He started with the young girl. She seemed nervous, but yet determined to show something. Next was the elf. A calm aura seemed to flow from her, she was tough, Heia could tell. Alex, Heia's friend sat next to her. He was bold looking, stern, yet lovable. Heia was not surprised to find him here. Off to the side was the man named Samson, Heia looked at him. This man looked like a predator, Heia could tell he had the energy of an animal, the ferocity of a beast. Lastly the blinded man. Heia knew, just by looking at him that he was not fully "blind". Something enabled him to see differently, but not magic. After making these quick judgments Heia stood in front of the group.

"It is getting rather cold in here, is it not?" Heia said as if he knew exactly how everyone was feeling. Then he placed his hand on the wall again and the blue light began to fade, signifying that the technology has been deactivated. "I hope, now that we are more tranquil, we can begin." The heat was returning to Heia's body, he could feel the warmth of his magick once again flowing through his body. Heia then walked behind a desk that was in the room and placed his hand on a metallic pad. Suddenly the wall behind him came alive. What was once a light blue wall became a spectacle of changing colors, and then it became apparent that it was a large computer screen.

"As you may know, you are here for a specific job. I am putting together a strike-force team that will plunge into battle with some of the deadliest creatures and enemies. Our mission: Find a way to defeat Armageddon." The screen flashed and a picture appeared. The picture showcased a large figure dressed in devilish armor. "This is Armageddon, King of Rizgar. As some of you may know he has immense power, and is practically immortal. No amount of magic, weapons, and parlor tricks can kill him. Trust me I tried." The king's voice became soft and slow over those last words. Heia continued. "I along with others on my council believe that there is a way to defeat him, but it is a long shot and there are many things that will need to be done before we even get a chance."

Heia paused, realizing that he just gave a lot of information that may be overwhelming. "Any questions?"

The setting changes from Castradell City to Harramel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Irada Naiahliim Character Portrait: Jill Chrysanthema Character Portrait: Samson  Quinn Character Portrait: Alex Grady Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone Character Portrait: Heia
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Lucius took this opportunity to raise his hand.
"Two, actually. One, how can you be so absolutely sure of his invincibility in battle? And two, what's this mission? I like a bit of knowledge about my commander's wishes before I reach an agreement with them."
Lucius actually had all the knowledge he needed on the Rizgarian king, the man had hired him for previous missions, and had even given him the gift of a one-on-one fight against him, which Lucius had lost rather quickly, but not before leaving a scar across the king's chest, to which he was granted a five-day head start and twice what he had been commissioned. He was a good man, insane, no doubt, but Lucius' favorite type of man: the kind that paid his debts. He was only doing this for the sake of his appearing like he knew nothing. After all, if word got out that he played for both teams, his head would be on a pike before the day's end. No... For now, he'd let everyone think him just a man with a large rod. And a metal staff.