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The Fairytale Academy

The Fairytale Academy


Small private group RP

1,304 readers have visited The Fairytale Academy since Annalee2010 created it.


We all know what it's about.... So who cares..... Lets just make our skellies and go.... Lol.


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

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Character Portrait: Natasha Charming
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Natasha Charming

Natasha looked up at the building in front of her, The Fairytale Academy. This isn't her first year here, so she knows the lay out pretty well. She doesn't hesitate long before hoisting her bag farther up on her shoulder before walking in the direction of the girl's dorm. The layout of the Academy is easy to navigate.

The three buildings make a sort of U shape around the courtyard, which is behind the main building, where the classes take place. So, when you pull up to the Academy the main building is the first thing you see and on either side of it, you can see the sides of the dorms. The girls' dorm is on the right of the main building and the guy's dorm in the left. When you walk into the main building from the front, you'll walk into the administration area where the headmaster's office is. When you enter the main building from the back, you walk into the academic area where the classrooms are.

It didn't take Natasha long to find her dorm room. She walked in and set her bag down on the bare bed. She ran a hand through her hair as she glanced around the room, not really in the mood to put her things away yet, she decided to out and sit in the court yard for a little while. So, she slowly got up from her bed and made her way back outside. She glanced around, seeing quite a few other people were arriving already. Natasha smiled to herself, looking forward to meeting new people, making new friends, but for now, she decided to walk over to a big tree in the courtyard, and sit down.

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Character Portrait: Natasha Charming
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Bigby walked obliviously through the school courtyard, his head slightly banging up and down from the loud music the emanated from the large pair of old headphones that sat upon his head-the band the connected the large ear pieces slightly pressing down his spiky white hair. Most kids that knew him got out of his way as he walked, the ones that didn't know him on the other hand practically through themselves out of his path, Blake knew most people were terrified of the stories of his father and by proxy assumed Bigby was much the same. His wardrobe of a black leather biker jacket, heavy black combat boots, and faded blue jeans didn't help matters either, nor did the fact that over his past few years attending school he'd earned quite a reputation for picking fights.

One hand he kept tucked in his right coat pocket, the other held a large dull green duffle bag that was thrown over his left shoulder. A lit cigarette hung from his lips, something all school officials hated and normally didn't allow but his father had explained, rather aggresivley, that without an 'overpowering' smell to focus on his boy would almost have no chance of being able to focus or remain civil. It also explained why the Big Bad Wolf himself was never seen without a large lit cigar clutched in his lips.

Still walking around oblivious clearly caught up in his music Bigby took a seat next to some blonde haired chick he thought he'd seen around the school once or twice but couldn’t be sure-he honestly didn’t pay much attention when within the school walls.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria
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celestria was a total wreck it was her first day at the fairytale academy it was going to have be legit fairytale school if she was going to fit in.
her mother more then anyone pushed her to go.

“ its not healthy being cooped up In you room darling go make friends have adventures.”
her mother always did this, celestria go out, celestria make some friends other then animals, celestria you'll never meet your true love staying in all day.

Celestria didn't relate with her mother but more with her farther.
She didn't want adventure she just wanted to have cushy life and no worries.
She was completely laid back and she liked it that way.
Her mother didn't understand adventures and true love just wasn't for her.
The only thing they did have in common was a lot of celestria's hobbies came from her mother but one of her favorite was painting.

Unfortunately for celestria she wasn't very social or obedient either.
She started her first year in the princess academy but she pulled on to many tricks and done too many things to be considered a “princess”
so they expelled her thus she arrives at what is known as fairytale academy.

“ here gose nothing.....”
she said in a annoyed tone, as she walked towards the place she noticed people whispering and moving out of the way of some kid.
His mustic was blasting and he was a smoker.
She didn't realy care about others so she passed by the crowed without so much as a glance at the boy.

“ I hope my powers don't go off today....”
the one thing she feared most was her powers.
From what her mother told her, when her mother was young like her she had magical hair.
Yeah I know “magical hair” but it was true farther always falch for he always says the same thing

“ was weird man I freaked out...”
and mom would add.

“ and I told him NOT to freak out..”
never the less Celestria's powers weren't that simple.
Her hair was long like her mother but it had no powers of healing.
Depending on her mood it would glow a certain color according to the mood she was in.
It was HARD to control since emotions take over.
The only this she found cool was when she ran a rainbow would flow from her hair.
leaving behind a trail, she used to pretend to be "rainbow-girl" a super hero who just runs around.
creating rainbows.
She walked up the stairs when she smacked into someone.
She looked up and it was a girl she knew from the other school.
Aurora’s daughter and she looked as conceded as ever before.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo Character Portrait: Natalia Ternach
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Natasha Charming

Natasha had been looking up at the clouds when someone sat down next to her. She glanced over to see a man with spiky white hair, who's listening to music rather loudly, and smoking a cigarette. Natasha coughed slightly when the smoke from the guy's cigarette was carried over to her as the wind blew. She covered her mouth and nose with her arm until the wind shifted again, blowing the smoke away from her. Once she's able to move her arm away without gagging, she reached over and tapped on the guy's shoulder to get his attention. "Um, excuse me, but you could put that out plea-" She started to say but was cut short when the smoke was blown in her direction again, causing her to cough once more.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin sighed as he looked at the building in front of him. His mom and dad had wanted to come with him, since it was his first day at the Academy, but thankfully he had been able to talk them out of it. 'The last thing I need is to have my dad hanging around,' Quentin thought, running a hand through his hair. Quentin has always been harassed and made fun of as soon as people found out who his father was, the longer he could go without people knowing, the better. He glanced down at the map in his hands before turning and making his way toward the guys' dorms, dragging his bags behind him.

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Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria
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Bigby had been minding his own business still rocking out next to the stranger he sat next too, eyes closed his head slowly bobbed up and down to the beat of his frantic passed music. Occasionally he'd take a drag of his cigarette and let out a puff of smoke only to be tapped on the shoulder seemingly out of nowhere, causing his golden colored eyes to snap open. He slowly turned his head, slightly annoyed, to the good looking girl next to him. Arching a white eyebrow in curiosity he wondered to himself if this good looking blonde had any idea who he was, the way she talked to him without a hint of nervousness and the fact that she was talking to him period made him think she didn't. His nostrils flared slightly, he could smell no fear on her at the moment.

He had to admit he was takein aback a little bit, he wasnt used to being spoken to, and he ecspecially wasnt used to girls being the first ones to start a conversation. Instinctivley he went on the defensive by taking a long drag from his cigarette and blowing the grayish smoke back out directly into Natashas face. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize this public air belonged to you. My humblest apologies princess." He said smoothly and sarcastically at the same time, twirling his hand in the air followed by a mock bow. "Wouldst thine lady also demand anything else of me?" He asked in the dumb broken English he knew many of their parents were so fond of, at this point it was clear Bigby was just trying to come off as a dick.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha was thrown into another coughing fit when the guy blew his cigarette smoke right into her face. She quickly used her arm to cover her nose and mouth once more, trying to stop coughing. "No, public air doesn't belong to me, but my lungs do!" Natasha snapped back at the guy. "You can kill yourself with that stuff if you want to, but you should be more considerate of others around you." She said, narrowing her eyes at him, not the least bit frightened by him. She is, after all, a princess, and has been raised not to back down from bullies, whether they big royals from another kingdom who may have a bigger army, or just a punk kid like what she's facing now.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin stopped in the courtyard, looking at the map in his hands, trying to make heads or tails of it. He set his bag down and rubbed at the back of his neck as he looked at it, then glanced up to look around, obviously very confused and lost. 'Maybe I should have let mom come with me,' He thought with a quiet sigh, starting to feel over whelmed with everything.

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Character Portrait: Natasha Charming
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'Kill yourself with that stuff' the thought made Bigby laugh inwardly, it took allot more then a man made poison to kill a Big Bad Wolf. Nonetheless though Bigby had to admit he was slightly taken aback by the fact that the girl had not backed down, even more surprising she was standing up to him. Flicking the half smoked cigarette onto the ground Bigby quickly stamped it out with his booted foot, all the while not breaking eye contact with Natasha. "And just whats your name little princess? I can almost swear I've seen you around here before." He asked curiously, a toothy grin spreading across his face that revealed his rather sharp canine teeth. As he spoke the lack of cigarette smoke began to take its toll on him, quickly Bigby began to become slightly light headed as the hundreds if not thousands of scents flooded into his nose, and of all them Natashas particularly stood out. She smelt beautiful. For a second the sensory overload made Bigby slowly begin to fall backwards before quickly snapping back to his previous posture as he got used to the new scents constantly assaulting his heightened nose.

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Celestria went to walk past her but she insisted to block her.
Her hands on her hips as if she had total power and control over the situation mad celestria pissed but she had to control it, she was a “princess” she couldn't let others know she had weird hair powers.
She polity excused to her but the girl block her like a giant bolder.
Obnoxiously chewing gum in her face she finally spoke.
“ um excuseeee me? Do you like know who I am?”
celestria rolled her eyes letting out a long and ever aggravated sigh.
“ no, and I don't care.”
going to leave once again she was blocked but this time her hair was pulled back.
“ um no! You are paying for these shoes or my daddy will sue your bandit farther and stupid ass mom.
That was it the gloves were off and she didn't care if everyone saw.
She grabbed her and pinned her up against the locker her hair was now a shade of fiery reddish orange as she slammed her hand against the locker.

“ LISTEN !, I don't give a FUCK who you are, get the hell out of my face and stay out of my way or i'll kick the crap out of you.”
with that she let her go dropping her to the ground as she started to walk off she turned her head grinning.

“ your daddy? Oh you mean the man who looks more like a woman then snow white? And don't even get me started on your mother...”
around this time a crowed had formed some girl's were whispering about her being the toughest girl at school.

“ your mother is not only a IDIOT but she's useless and conceded, she was told I don't know how many times to stay away for that needle and what dose she do? Fucking touches it and then she sleeps, not to mention at least my parents are called by there proper names, who's aroua again? Oh yeah the sleeping beauty bitch.”
Finally she took a breath and her hair returned to its normal shade of golden blonde.
But it was too late people were talking about it and all she wanted for this year was avoid everyone.

As she made her way towards her dorm, where ever it was that is.
She smacked into someone she didn't notice at first the boy was already a nervous reack before she flipped out.

“ WATCH IT ASS!....”
her hair started going red again as she calmed herself down a bit. She was ready for a fight she expected it at this point.
She sighed and glanced at the boy who by now she could tell wasn't any tougher then her.
“.......oh sorry Im.....uh just stressed....”

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha's face relaxed a little when the guy finally put out his cigarette, her normal smile slowly returning. When he asked her name, she extended her hand out to him. "Natasha Charming. Though most people just call me Nat or Tasha." She said, giving him a kind smile. When she saw his sharp canine teeth, she raised a curious eyebrow but didn't say anything about them. "And you are?" She asked, taking her hand back from him once he'd shaken it. She watched him closely, seeing him sway a little. She was about to reach out, to help him, but he seemed to regain his composure on his own. "Are you alright?" She asked, concern clear in her voice.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin was taken by surprise when a girl ran into him, then yelled at him like it was HIS fault. He blinked at the girl, not really sure what to say, though when she apologized, a small smile formed on his lips. "Oh, it's alright. I can understand that." He said as he glanced back down at the map. "Say, could you help me out? I'm trying to find my dorm." Quentin said, offering the map with his dorm circled on it, out to the girl. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners. I'm Quentin," He added quickly, giving her a sheepish grin, really hoping she'll help him out, not wanting to be wandering around the school like a complete noob all afternoon.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Celestria composed herself as she smiled at him.

“ im celetria, ahhh....let me see here...”
she leaned it to look at the map she couldn't help notice how attractive this guy was.
His looks alone screamed “ IM POPULAR.”
yet he was alone and no one seemed impressed with him.
She didn't understand this but it was none of her business.

“ im sorry again for yelling im just have a shit day, some people just think they are SO much better then others.”
she let out a sigh as she handed back the map.

“ i'll try and help but.....its uh my first day and im a bit lost myself maby we should look for a senior or someone who knows the layout of the facilities?”
she noticed two people sitting by a tree she grabbed his hand and pointed.

“ maby they know come one.”
she dragged him along as she got close she realized that guy from earlyier was there.
What was the big deal with him anyway? He looked like a punk sure but they acted like he was a dragon or something.
Quentin looked nervous as celestria approached the two.
“ hi sorry to bother you two, but we are new and kinda lost could you possibly help us out?”

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Hearing that the girl he had been talking to was in fact a 'Charming' almost made Bigby burst out laughing. Bigby knew, as did most students, that the Charming name was a long line of royalty and, in his opinion, spoiled prince and princess's. Apparently he'd been talking to a princess without knowing it, hell he'd just blown smoke in the face of royalty. Still though she smelled good and looked even better so Bigby decided it wouldn't hurt to converse a bit more with her, he was after all a bit bored.

"Well princess the pleasure is all mine." He said as he shook her hand, a slightly mischievous grin still playing across his face. "And me? My name is-" He stopped unable to get his name off due to the fact he had been cut off by two younger looking 'schoolmates' (Bigby hated the term schoolmates) asking Natasha and Bigby for help. At this point Bigby was really wierded out, having never been approached by this many strangers in one day. His golden eyes focused on Quentin as his mouth formed what could only be referred to as a 'snarl' exposing his sharpened canines he let out a low, almost inaudible, growling noise.

Quickly catching himself growling Bigby tried to play it off as a cough-not that he wouldn't growl at someone but he absolutely hated when he instinctively did it, sometimes it was like he had no control over his actions. "The fuck do I look like to you two? A damned map?" He snapped at the two newcomers.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha giggled quietly at the guy as he called her princess, which, of course she is, but most of the time, when people call her 'princess' at school, it's meant more as an insult than anything else. So, to have him say is in a somewhat civil manner, it made her laugh. She glanced over at the other two students who approached them. Even though she is slightly annoyed at being interrupted, it doesn't show on her face. She keeps her usual, kind smile on her lips. "Um, sure. Let me see?" She asked, holding her hand out to see their maps. Her smile faltered slightly at the spiky haired guys' hostility toward the two, but she doesn't say anything, and quickly fixed her smile.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin was taken by surprise when the girl, Celestria, grabbed his hand and practically dragged him across the court yard. He scrambled to grab his bag with his free hand, not wanting to leave it behind. He kept quiet as Celestria talked to the two older students. Their two personalities seeming to completely contrast each other, the girl seemed to be extremely kind, while the guy, well, he just seemed like a complete ass. The kind of guy Quentin, normally steered clear of. He glanced around at the three people standing in front of him, then down to his feet, not really comfortable around a lot of people, and to him, this is a lot of people. Since Celestria still has his map, he doesn't move or say anything, letting her do all the talking.

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Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Celestria's eye twitched when she heard the boy's rude comment.
She thought about it for a minute and finally came to a solution.
Fuck it she thought to herself as she spoke nicely.

“ oh no sir you don't look anything like a map.”
she forced a smile on her face as she got a bit closer.

“ you more like a punk off there leash!”
she said in a harsh tone she could sense the tension and was really for words to fly.

“ why do you think such big shit? Honestly I can't see the threat you just have a big ass ego and a serious attitude adjustment man.”

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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"Oh no sir you don't look anything like a map." The new girls face got closer to the sitting Bigby. "You look more like a punk off there leash." Bigby honestly didn't hear anything after that, instead a slight ringing filled his ears and the black in his eyes became small slits. 'off your leash' the words echoed in his head as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Being talked to like an animal, it always set him off and made him act like, well, an animal.

As quick as lightning Bigby sprung up from his sitting position, almost knocking the girl insulting him over in the process. Cocking an already clenched fist back he struck violently, his fist colliding with the cheek of Celestria clearly catching the girl by surprise. Most men wouldnt hit women, which in Bigby's opinion was some stupid sexist prideful thing. Bigby however wasnt like those men, not that the feral side that had hit Celestria was in fact Bigby. No, the wild faced expression Bigby wore was that of an animal that had lost control, as he threw his arm back to hit Celestria yet again a large sharp silver hook snaked its way around his wrist completely catching him off guard.

"I think that will be quite enough, Mr. Hood. Why this school even attempts to still tolerate your mongrel bloodline is beyond me." The man who spoke wore a mostly bright red outfit, his most prominent features being the silver hook that was his right hand, his large amount of black curly hair and twirly mustache, and a large red hat with a ridiculously long purple feather sticking out from it.

Snapping out of his feral trance Bigby looked at the obviously older man in the eyes, clear disdain for each other clear across both of their faces-they obviously knew each other and did not like each other one bit. Quickly shaking his arm out of Hooks grasp Bigby grumbled a clearly half assed remark "Of course, Professor Hook."

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Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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celestria quickly sprung up, in absolute rage her hair turned blood red and she lunged towards the punk.
if the teacher got in the way she's gladly assist him in losing his other hand.

she yelled as she started to beat at him.
as she did this she heard the gasp and looks from others from the distance.
she snapped out of her rage and got off.

" fuck.......i didn't it again..."
she said as she looked around and then at the teacher with defiant look.
she let out a long sigh as she knew what was coming next.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha was taken by surprise by the events that followed the two other students walking over to her and the spiky haired boy. Everything seemed to happen so quickly she didn't have time to react and before she had a chance to try and break the two up, Professor Hook came over and did it for her. She felt relieved as the fighting was brought to an end, but her relief was short lived as Hook's words hit her ears, causing her to frown deeply. "Pardon me, Professor Hook, but that is no way to for a teacher to be addressing a student. I'm sure the headmistress would not like to hear of a teacher bullying a student." She said. She knew the headmistress really well, since she was her mother's fairy godmother after all. Almost as soon as these words were out of her mouth, the girl that Spiky had attacked gets up and starts to attack him. Natasha had no idea what to do, taken by surprise, though the girl seemed to come to her senses and get off of Spiky before giving the teacher a defiant look.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin had taken a few steps back from the group, not wanting to get involved in a fight and get disciplined on his first day at this academy. He's not really much of a fighter anyway. He keeps quiet and stays out of the way. Some may call him a wimp, and they wouldn't be far from the truth either.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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By the look on Hooks face it was clear that he was honestly surprised that the girl with color changing hair had attacked Bigby back, in his mind though it had at least givein him a reason to completely ignore Natashas comment. He did however shoot her a rather snide judgmental look before fully turning his attention to Celestria "You my rainbow haired girl have just earned yourself a one way ticket to see The Godmother." He said angrily, twirling his black mustache in his hand as he hooked Celestria around the wrist just as he had Bigby, the only difference is he now used the leverage to practically drag her towards the main offices. "You'll find in this school that the one thing we tolerate less then fighting, is fighting after the fights have been broken up." Even though hook was now well away from Bigby and Natasha his loud nasily voice easily reached them.

Watching the girl get dragged away honestly made Bigby feel pretty bad which actually showed on his face, far worse then a fight was on of Professor Hooks endless berattings or even worse, the loving Godmothers guilt trips. Nonetheless he returned his attention back to Natasha, slightly dusting himself off from the random girls attack. "Sorry you had to see that princess. I've got...anger problems?" He had clearly picked up on how she had slightly stood up for him moments ago but he wouldn't dare bring it up, it was just something he wouldn't forget and had made his respect go up for her quite a bit. The complete opposite was true for the rather sheepish looking Quentin though who was really rubbing Bigby the wrong way, at this point Bigby was practically staring daggers at him.

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Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Celestria Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha watched as the girl and Hook walked away, relaxing a little once Hook is a safe distance from them, though she felt really bad for the girl. She turned back to Spiky when he spoke up. She raised an eyebrow at him, a small giggle escaping her lips. "Maybe just a little." She said, teasing him slightly. She turned back to the boy who had yet to say a single word to them. "So, you still need help finding your dorm or something?" She asked him, glancing from him to the big bag in his hand.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin was still watching Hook drag Celestria away when the kind blonde girl spoke to him. "I, um, y-yeah." He said, quickly glancing around. He spotted his map crinkled up, a few feet from him where it had fallen when Cesestria and white haired guy had gotten into it. He quickly walked over, picked it up, and straightened it out as much as he could before walking back over to the two other students, handing it to the girl. Who took it from him, looking it over. She glanced over at the boy next to her, "You know where this is?" She asked sweetly, since she apparently didn't know much about the guys' dorms. She held Quentin's map out to the other boy.

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Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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For some reason Bigby felt inclined to look over the map, not for pretty boy but for princess's sake. He wasn't sure if it was the sweet way she had asked, the way she looked, or her intoxicating smell, bot nonetheless he genuinely looked at the map for her. Years of cutting class, pranking specific dorm rooms, and playing rather mischievous tricks on teachers had made Bigby quite an expert on the layout of the school so as he gazed at the map it only took mere seconds to recognize the location. What really made it easy was the fact that it was his own room.

As his eyes widened staring at the map a simple "Oh fuck no..." Fell from his lips as he tore the map from Natashas hands, double checking it in hopes he had originally been wrong. But to his dismay he wasn't wrong, apparently this weird pretty ass pansy boy was his room mate. Looking up at Natasha in disbelief he slowly spoke up. "Its....its my room. Hes my god damn room mate!"

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Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha was taken by surprise when Spiky ripped the paper out of her hands, wondering what had gotten him so worked up. When he spoke again, naming the kid as his roommate, she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. The two seeing to be complete opposites, she knew it would be a weird arrangement to say the least. "Well, I guess you two had better get to know each other." She said, not able to hide her laughter completely, a small giggle escaped her lips, which she quickly covered with her hand, trying to stifle it.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin glanced between the two, not sure what's going on until the guy said he was his roommate. He frowned slightly, already pretty sure there was no way he and the guy in front of him would be getting along. 'This is going to suck,' He thought, giving a mental sigh before pushing the thought away. "Oh, well, then I suppose I should introduce myself." He said a little uncertainly. "I'm Quentin." He said, offering his hand out to the guy in front of him, trying to be civil.

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Celestria sat in the office waiting for this "god mother to appear"
she had been there for ten minutes already being told what a " tyrant" she was being.
anytime she opened her mouth in defense he hit her first and way harder then she had done.
he would switch the conversation to what she had done earlier.

placing your hands on a ryoal? that is NOT how we run this school miss rider."
this is when she lashed out in outrage

" WHAT! so im being punished not because i beat up on fang boy over there, but because i insulted that whiny bitch?"
she realized she had dug her own grave by saying this.
in a frustrated and self-righteous tone hook had started daggers at her.

" YOU, miss Rider are not a true Royal, your MOTHER is but your farther isn't ryoal blood. don't even think you are at the same level of the Phillips are a prodigious respectable royals while your mother only started taking her position at the age of eieghteen she was far beyond her don't compare, your only half of ryoal blood and its in your best interest if you are planning on staying here to keep that in mind good day."
with that he stomped out of the room.
she sat in silence until she heard a voice at the far end of the room.

" whoa he really cut into you Blondie, i never see him yell like that at princesses or girls for that matter."
she turned her head to see a guy with a smug look on his face.
" but thats coming from me, aka the street rat, so i feel for the whole farther thing"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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"Oh your just loving this aren't you princess?" Bigby said while he crumbled up Quentins map into a medium sized paper ball and threw it over his shoulder. At the same time he finished tossing away the map he noticed the hand in front of his face, Quentin obviously making an attempt at a proper introduction. Letting an exagerated 'pffft' sound escape from his lips he slapped the poor kids hand away, standing up quickly afterwards. Standing at his full height Bigby was quite a bit taller then Quentin and clearly much more muscular. Staring at Quentin for a moment as if sizing the kid up for a moment Bigby suddenly struck as quick as lightning, wrapping his right arm around Quentin he tightly clutched his fellow student in a weird awkward sort of hug. It was obvious Bigby was trying to fuck with the poor guy, or perhaps even trying to make Natasha laugh, but nonetheless he began speaking as he forcibley turned Quentin around to look at the school. "Just look at it Quentin my boy! Our kingdom for the next school year! And any roomie of Bigby Hood has keys to the kingdom!" He said finally revealing his name, although it wasn't entirely clear just what the hell Bigby was talking about it was clear by the huge smirk on his face he himself found it amusing.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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Natasha Charming

Natasha slowly nodded her head at Spiky's question. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am." She said with another small giggle. She watched as he crumpled up the paper and tossed it over his shoulder, sure that he might try to attack the boy, Quentin, so it took her by surprise, when instead, he put his arm around Quentin. She laughed a little harder at his words. "Well, Mr. Hood. Just make sure you play nice with your roommate. He looks kind of fragile," She said, not meaning it as an insult, just speaking the truth. Compared to Bigby, Quentin looked like a twig, something that could easily be snapped.

Quentin Frollo

Quentin was taken by surprise when Bigby wrapped his arm around him, flinching away from him at first, sure that he was going to hit him or something. He glanced around the courtyard at Bigby's words, but doesn't know what to say. He slowly tries to wriggle out of Bigby's grasp. "I, um," He hesitated, looking for the right words, "I'm looking forward to it." He said, though it's clear in his voice, he doesn't mean the words.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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stupid website

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bigby Wolf Character Portrait: Natasha Charming Character Portrait: Quentin Frollo
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0.00 INK

stupid website

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