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The Fall of Rayn

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Rayn by RolePlayGateway



Ivina by RolePlayGateway


The Great Forest of Rayn

The Great Forest of Rayn by RolePlayGateway



Tirra by RolePlayGateway



Yuan by RolePlayGateway



Desgras by RolePlayGateway



Ivined by RolePlayGateway


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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There he goes again, Collin contemplated as Charrusi spoke, but it was the hint of frustration that made him suspect. Perhaps he's already experienced similar to what he was describing. Collin's attention shifted instinctively as Florian stood up and introduced himself next, briefly, Collin allowed a look of surpise to show on his face at the man's intrusion. Good effort sneaking in unarmed, this man's a different kind of dangerous, he mused, his eyes looking up at the tall figure, though, security must be lax indeed if thats the case...

Having remained unusually passive so far, Collin's ears suddenly perked up at the mention of Alulim revealing his past. Abruptly, the young man stepped towards the robed Rayen purposefully and methodically, his face taking on a somewhat sinister yet playful expression. "Careful with your words Mr Residuum, that implies that your past has something worth knowing. Moreover, you're not even asking a favour from the royalists,'s almost more like you're simply here to learn magic, which if i may say, isn't the conventional way one would learn it. It's a bit suspicious if you ask me" Collin said teasingly before looking at Adaryan. Even though he could tell that Alulim was sincere in his proposition, Collin couldn't resist the the urge of his sharp tongue which was second nature to him.

"Well, there'll be time to talk about the past once we deal with the immediate issues here"

With one elbow resting ontop of his arm, Collin's fingers rubbed the bottom of his chin as he continued. "In anycase, I'm glad there aren't any guards in the immediate vacinity to listen to this discussion" he smiled, addressing the entire group, "I've been considering the possiblity that some of the guards maybe spies given that the assassin's clearly knew where to go to ambush the princess. If we are going to sneak the Miss Te'Alros out undetected, creating doorways is my department of speciality, but i can't take everyone. Maybe one other at most, and, i'd also need the plans of the city. The other thing we can do is set up multiple decoys by splitting the group up and meeting at a certain point outside of the city afterwards"


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum Character Portrait: Drake 'Leon' Michael
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OOC Note; Managed to get a brief time to be online while on my days off, so I'm dropping a post to keep things moving.

EDIT: I edited this post to keep Leyna instead with the group.


"I am already aware of her need for proper disguise," Zyren's voice called as he and Ravina approached, returning to join the group. He stepped beside Leyna, Ravina stopped beside him, looking as uneasy and fearful as ever. "I am perhaps a small step ahead on that issue and was hoping an able mage would be present to alter appearance in some way, features, hair color... " Zyren trailed off, shifting his gaze to Alulim. "If you feel confident in that ability, you would be doing a greater service in this predicament than you know."

Leyna sighed to herself, a hint of exhaustion showing on her expressionless face as she listened first to the strangers surrounding her, then to Zyren as he returned. It was all a hopeless suicide mission. Did any of these people really have any past interaction with the Auranium to truly understand what they faced? She turned her focus to her captain, composing herself and speaking firmly. "Captain, you have tasked me with deciding if these... individuals... are worthy of the queen's protection," she paused, taking a deep breath, "and I would simply say to you that we have no other choice."

Zyren stared at Leyna as she spoke, expecting no less of a response from her. He fought back a small smile, catching the underlying insult of her even tone. He turned to address the group, setting Ravina's bag she had packed on the ground at his feet. "I suppose it is settled. All of you not opposed to this mission, I welcome you to freely leave now, but otherwise, there is not time to waste. I wish to have Ravina out of this city by nightfall."


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"So then knight, since you're so willing to trust me I'll return the favor with everyone here as witness, my family is Auranium so naturally I grew up among them." He gave a small pause to let the statement sink in.

"I learned their magic first and my skill in those arts still outstrip my abilities with the Elements by far, I have no quarrel with your kind and a certain...familial disagreement would place me more on your side than theirs. As such do you want a basic illusion on Ravina, allowing her to move on her own, me to make us all look like her so decoys abundant, or shall I use all my remaining magic to place the best illusion I can upon her but then she's stuck having to keep some form of physical contact with me." He then turned to the girl he was talking about protecting, while he didn't understand royal protocol he figured as an equal she had a say.

"Of course Ravina if you have your own preference among those options please take your pick," it was at that point he realized that he was talking to a female and what he'd suggested, he couldn't keep his nervousness from showing.

"D-ddon't be mistaken, ability is real but I'm...not good with w-w-women, fami-ily thing." His speech had already begun to break, if she chose the final option, he'd definitely rash but he knew he already had a lot of explaining to do.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum Character Portrait: Drake 'Leon' Michael
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EDIT: I am adding to this post that Drake is choosing to leave the group, or at least for now walking away. Please try to avoid tagging him in future posts. He has gone inactive and has just recently shown up listed under "the orphanage" on the characters tab. It's just for the sake of keeping things moving.


Zyren and Leyna exchanged skeptical glances as Alulim spoke, describing the equally worrisome options in regards to Ravina's "disguise." Having openly confessed to ties with the Auranium offered no room for relaxation. Leyna did not speak, but she seemed to tense; Zyren stepped forward towards Alulim to address the pale-haired mage.

"I cannot decide if you are brave or foolish to be so honest, mage," Zyren said carefully, a hint of doubt in his otherwise warm tone. "All the same, you do have us pinned with little to choose from. Carting the queen around with merely a cloak, as was mentioned," Zyren said, glancing towards Adaryan with a nod for having pointed out that very fact. "Naturally, I have no intention of making Ravina an easy target."

Leyna sighed, speaking up in an almost huffy tone suddenly. She stepped forward slightly, placing herself beside the captain once more. "Really, could you be so simple, Captain? I apologize for so hastily questioning you, but I must wonder if that is really any better than just dragging her around openly exposed. If a mage with connections to the Auranium has means to form an illusion over her natural appearance, then would one not assume they have the means to easily see through such a ruse?"

Zyren sighed heavily, folding his arms. Leyna's open arguing tested his patience, but the fact that she was so right bothered him all the more. He idly adjusted the sword sheathed at his waist, bowing his head in a moment of thought. Pale tresses of hair moved over his face, shielding his expression in that moment. "It is true," he began, lifting his head to reveal a grave expression, "trusting in your power could damn Ravina every bit as much as staying here might-"

He was cut off very suddenly as Ravina interjected, her small voice barely lifting above Zyren's. "I want to do this," she said without letting her voice tremble. Leyna and Zyren turned to look back at her, twin looks of shock on their usually composed faces. Before either of them could speak, Ravina continued, her voice now trembling from the pressure of their questioning stares. "I wish to have some say in what becomes of m... me. If... If I am truly in so much danger, then it cannot matter what risks I take, right?" She paused, as if expecting an answer, and when one did not come, again she said, "right?"

Zyren opened his mouth to speak, his words coming slowly and almost uneasily. "Well, my Queen, perhaps we should carefully think-"

"No, we don't have t... time," she argued, interrupting him again. She carefully walked past Leyna and Zyren, moving to stand before Alulim. "I don't care where... where you are from, or if you have family with the Auranium. I will trust you, please make me look different, I will do... whatever I must do," she said carefully, voice trembling. She could barely make eye contact with the mage, looking so small and vulnerable in that moment.

She fell silent, waiting for the mage to speak again. Zyren and Leyna looked around at the group, as if keeping watch on them, as if still expecting them to attack at that moment. Perhaps they expected some of them may change their minds. Whatever the case was, there was little time to stand around much longer. The noontime sun was slowly descending into evening outside.

They seemed to have not noticed a member of the small gathering had slipped away, the one who had slain the last assailant outside the castle. When Zyren finally became aware that the group was one person short, tension showed on his face; he prayed the man had merely chosen not to partake in this "mission," but he kept his guard up; there was always the possibility of someone turning on them now.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Despite having a smile plastered onto his face the entire meeting, Collin's grip tightened around the hilt of his sword involuntarily the moment Alulim mentioned he was of Auranium descent. Claiming to have any relation to the Auranium at all was incredibly destructive and foolhardy, especially here.

Collin's eyes watched and waited for the response of Zyren and Leyna in an attempt to gauge the situation. Immediately he could see their faces troubled with growing doubt. In his mind he had to agree to Leyna's assessment on some small part, but ironically he didn't care all that much. With a look back at the rest of the group he chuckled to himself as his body eased, aren't we all untrustworthy in some way?

Looking quietly impressed, Collin watched as the princess stood between Zyren and Alulim, despite Ravina's obvious fears she was still taking steps forwards. Compared to when he saw her cowering behind Zyren in the previous engagement, it seemed as though she had finally formed some sort of resolution at least. Gesturing with one arm out as if he where offering a gift, Collin approached Zyren. "Her highness is right, we don't have time. The rest of us need to gather necessities for the journey ahead also. If Mr Residuum was a real threat he could've killed the princess back when the assassins appeared" He said with a reassuring smile before shooting Leyna with another grin, "And perhaps Mr Residuum will be able to provide more crucial information, like what the Auranium's plans are, and how we can make counter measures". He had to admit, he took some small joy from simply opposing the otherwise stern Leyna.

"In anycase, we need to discuss our objectives though, you have yet to tell us where you want us to go. I assume you have a plan for us other than blindly fleeing? There are other facts we could benefit from knowing also, like are there any hidden escape routes from the castle? Ways out of the city people few people know about?"


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Character Portrait: Dayolin Jarvis
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Dayolin wandered the streets leaving Ivina in search for any travelers leaving the city who may use the help of a healer. He was tired of the city and needed a new purpose to protect, but could not go alone. The roads are always dangerous and it was so lonely to travel by one's self. Every being he came up to thought he was a beggar or thief more than a healer, giving him a stabbing glare. Doyolin kept his head up high. Surely some traveler may have use for young healer?


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Florian could hardly contain his laughter, the more haphazard this plan got the more exciting it became. "I certainly hope you have a plan beyond blind flight. I mean seriously, a Queen on the run is just about as efficient as a dead Queen. At least to the masses." He gave a wave of his arm as if indicating a crowd of people. "Even if you were to escape the city, you'd need a place to go. Or do you intend to just keep running? Perhaps you plan on fighting these Aurani- whatever they're called's till either you or they fall?" He gave a slight chuckle; "I won't try to stop you if you do, you'll have certainly earned my respect!" He turned his attention to the others "Personally, I'm all for making it up on the go. Let's just charge down the main street until we hit the city outskirts, maybe we'll tire out a few of those pesky assassins along the way." Returning his attention to the Queen, he allowed a look of mock thought to pass his face; "As for a disguise, just tint your hair a bit. Nobody's gonna notice in a huge city like this."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum Character Portrait: Drake 'Leon' Michael
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Adaryan sighed before speaking up finally. "Well, this wouldn't be the first time I've fought the Auranium. I can take us to a safe house that has enough supplies to last us for a week while we plan and set things up." He spoke quietly before turning to the two guards. "Your thinly veiled suspicions of me being a spy non-withstanding, I'd like to help." He said before turning to walk out the door. "I'll be outside scouting the place out. There still might be some more assassins nearby." And with that he promptly vanished from everyone's point of view.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Nsimba was inside the castle, listening to the others, thinking of a plan to escape, or bring the Princess into safety. He had been confused for a while as things had happened very fast. Assassins had been killed, people had been moved inside, and he had been dazed by what had happened. He had been confused until he figured out what had happened and had started to listen to the others. There had been ideas but the most he wondered about was the 'disguise' idea. It could work, although he had no idea how it would work. He had no idea about magic, never even saw it, until now and he was amazed by it but he didn't know if he was magical himself, but he guessed not. He had never heard of any of his tribe, or race, to have magical powers but it still bothered him slightly.

He looked at the princess and than at the others. At once, there were a lot of people in here. He was used to much people but preferred quiet places himself. But still, it was nice to see so much different races together, and especially their ability. It fascinated him, really it did, and this was a good learning experience.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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OOC Note: I will be adding the location mentioned in this post in the introduction section.


As Florian spoke, his mannerisms so casual and seemingly dismissive in regards to the current situation, Leyna's eyes narrowed. Was this a joke to the man? The armor-clad woman crossed her arms, narrowing a dissatisfied gaze at Florian. As she parted her lips to speak, likely to scold him, Zyren raised a hand up in front of Leyna's face, silencing her; Zyren knew Leyna too well to let her temper be allowed to erupt.

Zyren very calmly addressed Florian, keeping his cool despite his own muted aggravation. "Quite the contrary, Mister Florian, I believe it was? I would prefer to not speak this detail too loudly or frequently, but there is quite a destination in mind; you see, Leyna already knows the appropriate destination and I merely expected her to lead the way. I trust you all have heard of the Temple of Nervi'ell?"

Nervi'ell. Magic users specifically knew the name better than most, the first scholar to deeply study the flow of magic in Rayn. He was an Ivinian man and his wife had been a Rayen woman, and their descendents had continued to pursue Nervi'ell's studies. Only a few decades after the man's death, a great temple had been built in his name, hence the Temple of Nervi'ell. What had at first been a center of magic study soon became a favored place of wind mages, healers, when schools for magic had been built in other cities. It was a holy place, one that strictly forbade the intrusion of the Ivinian soldiers.

Zyren continued to speak, returning to the topic of Ravina's need for disguise. "Perhaps a mere change of color of hair could be explored, but there are several scholars and mages in other cities that would recognize her; do not forget the queen studied as a mage in her early days. Her face staying the same would damn her." The captain paced for a few moments, seeming to be in thought. The repetitive conversations were leading things nowhere. "At this rate, I fear I must simply send her out as she is and leave it to be decided along the way. I would much rather not have to do that." He fell silent after that, calmly watching as Adaryan stepped out to guard the doors from outside.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Collin seemed to frown after hearing the name of the temple. "The temple of Nervi'ell.." He repeated the name to himself, his brows furrowed in deep thought. "Okay, fair enough. I can understand not wanting to speak about details here, so i'll with hold further questions until there is a suitable time" He said, crossing his arms over one another.

"Well, and forgive me for suggesting such a bold idea, but why not dress up as the opposite gender?" Collin sighed with some resignation. "Shortening her hair and wearing a gentleman's clothes might suffice. If Mr Residuum's skills are as good as he says they are he could also enhance that illusion further. Or...." He paused, giving Charrusi a glance, "You could wear a mask. Of course, as mentioned previously, the choice is entirely up to her highness. She'll be the one who'll have to bear with it for the rest of the journey afterall" He finished with a smile towards Ravina, as if he where expecting an answer from her.


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Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke
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Kristina had to resist laughing at the further ironies that appeared every moment she remained in this disguise. She didn't really care much about their plan, or their destination, and so had satisfied herself with simply leaning back against the wall in the corner once again, a slight smirk and the occasional nod or chuckle the only hints that "Charrusi" was actually even listening. But as they suggested dressing the queen in men's clothes, and/or having her wear a mask, the coincidental similarities between the disguise she herself currently wore and that they suggested for the queen's use, it was all just too hilariously ironic to believe. To think that fate had such a sick sense of humor...

"I would refrain from donning a mask or otherwise overly concealing clothing, if I were you," Charrusi piped up. "The Auranium already knows what I look like, and my magical capabilities. If the queen were to disguise herself in a manner similar to my own attire, then our mutual foes might suspect that she was, in fact, myself, attempting to hide my identity and flee the city. On that note, if you would allow me, I would like to suggest my own addition to the plan. I will depart before the main group, and draw out as many enemy assassins as possible by making an expected attempt to escape from the city. They'll be too busy dealing with me to even notice the queen's escape in disguise." Charrusi grinned. This plan, should they choose to accept it, would have the double advantage of aiding the queen's escape and of keeping the Auranium from revealing his true identity so soon, should they encounter him alongside the others. Were it known that Charrusi Nura was in fact a guise under which Kristina Blacke was concealed, then the royals would doubtless turn their priorities to arresting her before the Auranium was dealt with - an unacceptable situation.


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Character Portrait: Adaryan
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As Adaryan stood outside, he was listening to every word that the other members of the party had been saying. He scoffed to himself as he pulled out his arcane bow and started examining the metal, scanning it for any possible inperfections or flaws. Finding nothing he then started shooting small bolts of magic into the ground through the bow out of sheer boredom as he waited.

He looked down at his bow before slowing, working through the steps of his mana bolt forging once more. "Heat mana. Seperate. Refine. Cool and harden. Lengthen. Fold. Fold. Fold. Fold. Fold. Reinforce mana core. Reinforce mana jacket. Form inner aura. Form outer aura. Mix with earth. Heat with fire. Cool with water. Sand jacket. Sharpen bolthead. Begin sigil attachment. Attach outer ring. Attach inner ring. Begin resonance. Resonate arcane aura. Resonate arcane jacket. Resonate arcane core. Attach bolt to sigil." He then stood there with a perfectly formed mana bolt before he shot it at the ground nearby, creating a small crater in the ground. "Hmm...that will do I suppose."

As he put the bow away again, he leaned against the wall gazing up at the sky. He still remembered clearly when his family was ambushed by the Auranium due to their interference in operations. He chuckled at the irony really; it took fifty of the Auranium to best six men and two women. While the death toll was far to high in Adaryan's opinion (all of his mercenary group had been killed after all) they took the entire band of cultists with them, something he was proud off.

"Am I doing the right thing?" He wondered aloud as he glanced back behind him to the group of unlikely people that had formed. "Protecting the Queen. Sounds like a job that all of you would have loved to have I'm sure. She seems nice enough, just has a little confidence issues." He then turned to see an unassuming man approaching the gate. Due to his self-appointed task of guard duty, he walked up and stopped him. "Who are you?" He questioned coldly before noticing the odd smile on the man's face. Backing up just in time to avoid a dagger to the abdomen, he unsheathed his own dagger before frontflipping over the man's dagger toss and stabbing the ground in front of his would be assailant.

In an instant the earth erupted in a swath of fire as it engulfed and consumed the attacker, his screams dying almost as soon as they started. Adaryan stood and stretched before glancing back at the doors he had left from a scarce few moments before. "No doubt they were hoping on people being disorganized..." He mused outwardly before chuckling. "And I'm fairly sure that our wayward little band heard that spell I just used too." He shrugged before sitting next to the now burnt corpse and started digging through the still intact pouches, hoping to find anything useful.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Florian regarded the masked man with a look of interest. Something about him was puzzling to him. Sure he was masked and mysterious, but some of the things he was saying intrigued him. His look of scrutiny gradually formed into a smile as he stepped forward; "I agree with Mister Mystery's plan, sending a decoy would certainly lock the attention of several naughty individuals. However," He turned to the masked man with a polite bow, "if it's all the same to you, I'd like to tag along." Turning to the others, he spread his arms wide as he addressed them; "If we were to send out one person it would simply look like they had refused to protect the Queen, but if a couple of us were to go together, it would look far more organized." He once more turned to the masked man; "Besides, it would be good bonding time. What say you, Mystery Man?" Almost as soon as he finished, a sound along the lines of an eruption reached his ears. His eyes flickered to the door. No doubt a few of the city's rowdier residents were trying to get a shot at the Queen amidst the confusion. "Sounds like the clock is ticking. I suggest whatever we do we do post-haste." He said with a laugh.


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"That is exactly why I would prefer to go alone," Charrusi replied coldly. "The more organized things appear, the more they will suspect that we are merely decoys. They'll hold back, in other words, and keep some forces in reserve in the event that the queen appears elsewhere. But, if it seems I have deserted your highness, they'll see that as the perfect opportunity to take me down. You see, were I actually to attempt an escape, your guards would keep me contained within the city, and limit my movements. I would be a sitting duck for the Auranium's assassins to eliminate. Such a good chance to slay a nuisance such as myself would be one they wouldn't pass up, meaning you would have a relatively clear route out of the city. I could rejoin your group once my foes were dispatched, and quickly escape by your highness' side before they recover. And, while one soldier such as myself against an untold number of assassins does not present the most favorable odds, I do not doubt my ability to keep them at bay and buy time for you all."


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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OOC: Heh, i thought Kristina would appreciate the cross dressing suggestion the most


Charrusi's suggestion to venture out himself and act as a decoy caused Collin to raise an eyebrow in surprise. People under normal circumstances don't volunteer themselves to be bait. His thoughts wandered back to the engagement with the three Auranium assassin's as he recalled the masked man's lithe movements amidst the combat. No, even with those skills, there where too many variables. Collin was surprised again when Florian also offered to join the Charrusi, this was a man full of interesting surprises.

"This close already....The guards here are really hopeless" Collin tisked as he heard the death scream and stepped away from the group and in line with the doorway. His green gaze concentrated on the entrance doors as he mentally cast his spell. Vanish. A section of the door, no bigger than one-by-one meters, disappeared into thin air. Through the hole they could see Adaryan standing over a burnt and charred body, smoke still rising from the warm corpse. A quick and merciless mercenary indeed, thought Collin.

With their safety, at least for the moment, confirmed, Collin stepped away from the doorway. The hole in the door returning to its previous form as he rejoined the group with his arms at his hips. "Just repeating Mr DeMurmux's words, but we'd best hurry" Collin said tersely before turning to address Charrusi with a long hard look. "While i am confident in your combat skills and not opposed to the idea of decoys, i'm curious" He smiled, staring straight at the blue eyes behind the mask, "What makes you so valuable that assassins with a limited force would prioritise you over her highness and the potential to collapse an empire? You introduced yourself earlier as a simple soldier, but no simple soldier speaks with such confidence when faced with the prospect of fighting numerous Auranium assassins. Especially let alone volunteering to do so."


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Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke
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(Lol. Yeah. XD)

"From their point of view, the queen is trapped. She has no favorable options left. After all, were she to outright flee without leaving some means of maintaining order, then the kingdom would fall apart. If she were to stay and die, the kingdom would still be ruined. Besides, they've been raised to think of the queen as some egotistical, spoiled fool, who - in their minds - would be too overconfident to leave behind all of her precious luxuries, and to humble herself by running away. Therefore, they have no need of worrying about the queen overly much, and can turn their attention to other foes, if there is an alluring enough prospect of killing them. And, as I said before, were I to 'desert' you, the extraordinary chance to end me might be too much for them to resist." The masked man smirked. "As for myself, I'm just someone who got in the Auranium's way once, who they'd rather not allow to get in their way again. And, with time, training in magic, and experience in surviving the Auranium's attacks, I guess you could say I've gotten pretty confident in my ability to kill or evade their pawns, no matter how many they send. And, the more of their minions I kill, the more they want to kill me back. By this point, I guess I've become a pretty important target for just refusing to lie down and die." A sarcastic smirk and a wry chuckle rang out from behind the mask, and Charrusi lounged back against the wall calmly, returning Collin's gaze intently.


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Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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"Actually we're raised to think of all non-Rayans as tyrannical. bloodthirsty barbarians hell bent on gathering nothing but wealth at the expense of all that's lovely in this world, but close enough," Alulim couldn't help but correct the masked fellow. "Furthermore, a basic principle of Auranium teaching is an animal is most dangerous when cornered, like this situation here. That last one was probably a walking corpse or a failure to the family- expendable, from here they'll do 1 of two things, wear us down with walking dead or send in an elite strike team,which I guarantee you haven't faced before. They're only sent in when failure is not an option, such a mission hasn't happened in over a decade."

He shrugged,"If we're REALLY unlucky then we'll have to deal with both. I'm dead to them so if I either death awaits me or if I have enough time to talk I can play a hero to them. In exchange I will become known and my family will hunt everyone here until the end of time if that's what it takes to wipe out your bloodlines."

He had to voice one matter that really bugged him though,"You in the mask, Charrusi? This has bugged me for a while but why do you use the wind to speak for you through the mask, are you unable to talk anymore?"

He really didn't like the situation, 2 people who are wanted dead and himself. At this rate they might wind up with 2 elite strike teams on their trails, maybe more. At best they had 15 minutes before the real events began.

"At any rate we have less than 15 minutes to get out of here, if they're using undead then the entire city is in danger. If we can sneak into the stables, I can hide us all, and if someone else is willing to channel the magic for me I can make an illusion of to ride out as if to run away. Then we ride out on horseback while they follow the dummies and we'll have a head start."


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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OOC Note: It's about time to officially get the journey going out of the town! As this post states, I welcome some characters to join and move with Leyna and Ravina, and characters can tag along as they please or take the directions they want, I'll try to keep up with everyone as best as I can. I can set my next post to have some of us gathered in the Great Forest outside of Ivina.


Zyren folded his arms and looked around at the group silently, allowing them to speak, again discussing what should happen to the queen. Ravina had stepped back, standing partly behind Zyren; though she had insisted what she wanted, she seemed to have not been heard as the "flaws" of the idea were argued.

When the sound of conflict came suddenly, Zyren perked up, reaching for his sword. Leyna was already rushing the door, spear in hand, stopped when the door was magically removed. Adaryan stood over a slain enemy, was it an assassin? The corpse was charred beyond recognition. The Captain felt his unease growing. He looked past Adaryan and focused on the setting sun, watching late afternoon slip into evening.

He sighed heavily, reaching a hand up to rub his temple, finally gaining a moment to speak. "As I said previously, I welcome anyone to take their own path freely, but I must stress, there is no time. It seems the dilemma of a disguise will have to wait."

"Captain, do you mean to say we should leave at once?" Leyna asked, walking back over to Zyren. She was a alert, spear held ready.

"That is precisely what I am implying. You must take Ravina at once, allow anyone who wishes to do so accompany you, move out of the city immediately," while speaking, Zyren was refastening Ravina's cloak on her and raising the hood over her face, "I trust you will think of something on the way."

Leyna sighed heavily, Zyren's urgency seeming to make her tense. She turned to the group, nodding to them. "You heard him. I will be leading the queen from the city at once. Those meaning to follow... do so, discreetly. Do not cluster and leave in a large group, draw no attention. We can gather once more in the forest once beyond Ivina's gates." She finished her words with a nod, and then waited. Her expression suggested deep thought, perhaps even fear.

"I pray this group can prove to be of use in this journey," she thought to herself.


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Kristina raised an eyebrow in surprise - a gesture which, fortunately, was concealed by her mask. This man had noticed her spell so easily, even with all of the care she had taken to conceal its presence? If the others realized she had been masking her voice as well as her face and features the entire time - which they now HAD - things could get out of hand very quickly.

Fortunately, the young former noble was blessed with a quick mind, and was a skilled enough actor not to let her surprise at being found out show. In an instant, she had thought up a suitable cover for herself, and answered, casually as ever, not shifting from her position in the corner as she did so.

"Oh? How perceptive of you," the Masked One said calmly. "Yes, indeed. During the wars, an enemy battlemage did some serious damage to my throat - as well as my face, warranting this mask - with a spell. While the damage was soon corrected, I found myself almost entirely unable to speak without the assistance of magic. I'm impressed that you managed to notice that."

As the two soldiers discussed their departure, Charrusi sighed, stepping into the light once more.

"Well, if we're leaving immediately as opposed to waiting to lull them into a false sense of security, I suppose my services as a decoy aren't exactly going to be that useful. My magical power is currently rather low, meaning were I to go out alone now, I would surely get myself killed. But, it hardly matters. I suppose I'll just leave the fighting to all of you, and support you where I can."


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Nsimba was drawn back to attention when he heard talking. He turned towards Zyren and Ravina and listened closely as Zyren spoke. "As I said previously, I welcome anyone to take their own path freely, but I must stress, there is no time. It seems the dilemma of a disguise will have to wait." Zyren had spoken, and someone else started to speak too. "Captain, do you mean to say we should leave at once?" Leyna asked, Nsimba was listening closely, making sure to catch any detail he needed to hear.

And Zyren spoke again, "That is precisely what I am implying. You must take Ravina at once, allow anyone who wishes to do so accompany you, move out of the city immediately," "I trust you will think of something on the way." He looked at Zyren and than at Ravina, and than at Leyna.

"You heard him. I will be leading the queen from the city at once. Those meaning to follow... do so, discreetly. Do not cluster and leave in a large group, draw no attention. We can gather once more in the forest once beyond Ivina's gates." Nsimba couldn't go alone, he wouldn't make it. He hardly knew the way and there had always been someone to lead him along, someone who know where everything was and how to get anywhere. But alone, he wouldn't make it. He would stay behind, or follow after Ravina and Leyna. He didn't want to stay behind and looked at Ravina.

"Well, if we're leaving immediately as opposed to waiting to lull them into a false sense of security, I suppose my services as a decoy aren't exactly going to be that useful. My magical power is currently rather low, meaning were I to go out alone now, I would surely get myself killed. But, it hardly matters. I suppose I'll just leave the fighting to all of you, and support you where I can." He looked at the person who had said that and cocked his head before looking back at the others. He stayed silent though, he didn't find it needed to say anything. What he would do, is follow after Ravina.


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Character Portrait: Snow Hawke
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Snow Hawke

A sickly crimson liquid drips out from a body under a bundle of black cloaks. Snow wipes his sword against the bundle of black smearing a long line of red against the black. With disgust in his eyes he sheathes his claymore saying, "Damn Auranium, you killed my girl"

He spins around and kicks the dead corpse of the Auranium into a nearby tree. Whispering under his breathe he turns around back where Christina lied dead with a dagger in her chest, "I will kill all these bastards for you Christina"

Snow's day before the incident with the Auranium assassin has been as normal as ever. He has been stationed at the city of Ivina for three months now. Most Rune members would kill for being stationed at the largest city of the Ivined empire. Nothing happen around the city; it was quiet and peaceful. All you have to do is a few hours of patrolling the city looking for anything suspicious. Well except for the Druids who spent 24hr shifts patrolling the forests surrounding the entire city. To Snow though it was a nightmare, he felt it was dull have such a boring station. He was young and wanted It was to much of a cushy job for him, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Instead he made the best of a a bad situation and was able to get the commander to put him on the Druid patrols. However it was still dull for the mage well except for today.

After Snow sheaths his blade he set off after Leyna. He was chasing after the young soldier of the Ivinian Army named Rayn to see what was happening. Snow caught a quick glimpse of the Auranium killing Christina in front of Leyna as he was jumping through the tree tops of the forest during his patrol. Christina was a Druid that he has been spending time lately, intimidate time with. Luckily, Snow was able to smell out the Auranium's magic before he even got two hundred yards away. Yet it still had some fight in it and was able to get stab in with its dagger before Snow cut him into skewered him.

When Snow made it to the gate to Ivina he didn't see Leyna anywhere, so he decided to wait here for her there. He wanted to know what was happening and he knew Leyna would be the only one able to tell him.


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Character Portrait: Snow Hawke Character Portrait: Dayolin Jarvis
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Dayolin's rage was just about to burst. No traveler wanted to accept his free offer, whats better than a free healer? The last group he offered claimed he stole money from them and called the gaurds. He didn't like being out of breath from running like that.

"Sometimes I wish I never left the Auranium" he muttered under his breath as he back tracked another street. "Maybe I should just give up with companions and go my own way". After walking for half an hour Dayolin comes the exit of the city and sees a new traveler. This was a tall man who wore an interesting armor that Dayolin had never even seen before, further the man had an extravagant sword, definetly not any normal mercanary would have that.

"Nothing too extreme...about this lad" he muttered again. Then it hit him. Dayolin sensed strong magic coming from the man. "Curious...oh so curious indeed". With that Dayolin aprouched the white haired individual and said "Hello. I am Dayolin and may you need a healer on your travels?" This man was a mage. Mages were smart so this one surely wouldn't miss a chance at having a healer on his travels. Hopefully he was right.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux Character Portrait: Nsimba Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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Collin knew Charrusi was a faΓ§ade to hide the man’s true identity, he knew because he was of the exact same nature after all. Merely smiling in reply to Charrusi's response, it almost seemed as if any answer would have satisfied Collin. In all honesty, he hadn’t been expecting the truth immediately when he’d asked his question anyway. Still, he was slightly disappointed at Charrusi’s thinly veiled lie. Of course, if he had no courtesy, he could always simply make the man’s mask disappear. A prank for another time perhaps, Collin mused.

Upon hearing Zyren’s words, Collin wrapped a brown cloak around his shoulders in preparation for the journey ahead. His usual jovial manner still ever present despite the prospect of the dangers which awaited them.

Picking up a nap-sack he’d left by the entrance upon entering, Collin turned to watch Leyna and Ravina as Zyren informed them that it was time to depart, his expression, as always, cheerful. β€œAn armed group will be detected by the druids upon entering the forest. If this is meant to be a secret mission I hope that you have a suitable plan of evasion or explanation prepared” The young man warned as he simply stood by the doorway, waiting for Leyna to lead the way. β€œI’ll also remain close-by. In the event of an emergency I should be able to prevent any harm coming to her highness”

Collin noticed Ravina’s face still contorted with unease and abruptly made an elaborate arm gesture towards the door. β€œFear not my Queen! Though you may be leaving the familiar comfort of this castle for the moment and journeying into the unknown. Know that while there is some danger, there is greater beauty to be found also! Afterall, they say the sun shines brightest after the storm” He smiled amicably.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristina Blacke Character Portrait: Ravina Te'Alros Character Portrait: Zyren Serravir Character Portrait: Leyna Character Portrait: Collin Temboul Character Portrait: Adaryan Character Portrait: Alulim Residuum
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"If we're leaving now I have a spell that can keep the streets clean, no one will want to walk out for it's duration but I'll have to expend a bit of magic protecting some from its affects, it'll be quick and painless."

Saying that he began his chant, it was of the darker Auranium magics channeling dark powers for the explicit purpose of draining life and creating fear. That being said, this magic would set of every druid within the city and for a distance outside, but due to the nature of the spell; land bound not caster bound, they won't be able to trace it to him. It would alert the Auranium to a traitor, but that wasn't the priority right now. He tapped every person while he chanted, the dark energy swirling around him, virtually filling the room, he was using his specialty in terms of Element style. He ran out and tapped Adaryan as well, with this the party was covered and he could finished the spell.

At the chants climax he slammed his staff on the ground, the dark energies flew forward like a tsunami. However this tsunami was black and took all sorts of unspeakable dark forms, passerby would faced with an army of their worst fears. The army poured out faster than a horse could gallop without making a sound, leaving a dark trail after them, never leaving the streets. He was confident they'd be fine, he'd release the spell when they left the city and his fears have always been powerful enough to even scare the undead somehow.

He felt his consciousness fade, and he began to fall but he felt a hand catch him, he slightly jerked back to conscious. He was light, even by Rayan standards, but he continued shuffling forward or at least attempting to... his mind was so fuzzy he couldn't tell anymore.

"Forward...only fear...we...are protected," he managed to say those words, though he couldn't tell if anyone heard them.

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Rayn by RolePlayGateway



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The Great Forest of Rayn

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Character Portrait: Adaryan
29 sightings Adaryan played by BrandedOne
"Life is a double-edged sword. Take care not to cut yourself with it."

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux
Character Portrait: Kyrami Takana
Character Portrait: Snow Hawke
Character Portrait: Simon Crosse


Character Portrait: Simon Crosse
Simon Crosse

"I'm not a soldier but yet I still fight."

Character Portrait: Snow Hawke
Snow Hawke

"In my life the sword and magic go in hand to hand"

Character Portrait: Kyrami Takana
Kyrami Takana

A relatively young Rayen who comes to the Ivinian army looking to join with the Druids.

Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux
Florian DeMurmux

"Death yields for no cause."


Character Portrait: Simon Crosse
Simon Crosse

"I'm not a soldier but yet I still fight."

Character Portrait: Kyrami Takana
Kyrami Takana

A relatively young Rayen who comes to the Ivinian army looking to join with the Druids.

Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux
Florian DeMurmux

"Death yields for no cause."

Character Portrait: Snow Hawke
Snow Hawke

"In my life the sword and magic go in hand to hand"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Simon Crosse
Simon Crosse

"I'm not a soldier but yet I still fight."

Character Portrait: Florian DeMurmux
Florian DeMurmux

"Death yields for no cause."

Character Portrait: Snow Hawke
Snow Hawke

"In my life the sword and magic go in hand to hand"

Character Portrait: Kyrami Takana
Kyrami Takana

A relatively young Rayen who comes to the Ivinian army looking to join with the Druids.

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