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Mermaid Messanger

0 · 731 views · located in Courtmoor

a character in “The Falling of Courtmoor”, originally authored by CaptainHooligan, as played by RolePlayGateway


The Wind ✧ Trouble ✦ Glory and Gore ✧ Secrets from the Underground ✦ Fly on the Wall ✧ Can You Feel My Heart
{"I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim."}
-Bring Me the Horizon

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| N A M E |
She doesn't remember her given name.
| N I C K N A M E |
Serenity was the name given to her by the mermaid coven that found her. She hasn't been on land long enough to really get any nicknames, but some are beginning to call her S.
| A G E |
It is assumed she is 19
| G E N D E R |
| R O L E |
Messenger for the Rebellion
| S P E C I E S |
| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"I was wrong. Not every soul can be saved."}
-Phillip, Pirates of the Caribbean

| H E I G H T |
Five foot six inches - 5'6"
| W E I G H T |
One hundred and twenty pounds - 120 lb.
| E Y E C O L O R |
Pale Blue/Gray
| H A I R C O L O R |
Dirty Blonde
| A P P E A R A N C E |
On several occasions a drunken man has pointed at her and called her a "siren," which most of the ones who have done that are beyond the point of drunk. Her hair itself looks that of a siren it's usually slicked back - normally damp, as if she's recently been in water. Her wild assets provide an easy distraction for most - her hair is straight falling just below her shoulders. Behind the hair, both ears are pierced and hold two earrings each. Usually hidden her blue eyes rarely hold direct eye contact. Her eyes aren't unique, they are a bit dull really. Except in the sunlight the silvery color is more pronounced due to the dark gray surrounding it.
Serenity is a strange girl to behold. Her lean physical shape is soft and curved, small and fragile looking - making her appear younger than she actually is, giving her a child-like look. Her face, though, is a bit more stoic as it has a bit of an odd shape. She usually has a very judgmental look on her face. Not that she's angry, she just doesn't like showing emotions. Her brows are usually furrowed and her eyes squinted slightly. Her stoic look can be transformed with a small smile as a look of curiosity which is a valid point. Her teeth which may make you a bit apprehensive. S has a perfect set of white teeth, her canines are fairly sharp. Not to mention her voice is softer that her features - it's a whisper, almost breathy. Her skin is pale, not quite a sickly pale - but enough to believe that she rarely sees the outdoors, which is completely opposite, she's just normally deep enough in the water to avoid sun kissed skin. Her looks seem to radiate her personality, she looks approachable but you may want to proceed with caution. Her appearance is almost lithe, seeing her you think she could easily be over powered which is true in most cases, but she knows more than she lets on so you may be on the receiving end of the blow.
As for her mermaid form, under the water her skin has illuminessence, transparent cycloid scales that scatter across her shoulders, forearms, and her face. Her tail adds a good amount of length to her - with her tail she's around 6'0" even, and the tips of her tail are sharper than most and she does use it as a defense mechanism. Serenity's eyes transform into very cat like eyes, they became slightly larger while the pupil becomes slit like and her canines elongate and she flashes them a lot out of some sort of habit.
| O D D I T I E S |
Her skin is practically untouched by scars or birthmarks, only dotted by a few freckles here and there. S isn't one to put herself into a situation to cause harm to herself.

{"Aye. Mermaids. Sea ghouls, devil fish, dreadful in hunger for flesh of man."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
Quiet ✦ Observant ✧ Skeptical ✦ Determined ✧ Cunning ✦ Guarded
The one who is usually seen quietly observing in the corner, Serenity's outer appearance shouts naive, leaving her to be a hard one to decipher. Maybe it's the fact she may appear to you as completely approachable and friendly, but usually radiates the need to be left alone. It’s still questionable as to whether she’s unsure of herself and where she in fact lies in all of this, if it’s her more definitive personality, or, what she’d like herself to be. Serenity doesn’t keep to one standardized image and tends to vary. Usually leaning towards the quiet observer.

The girl is stubborn and biased. Not one to surrender herself in an argument and won’t bend to anyone’s will. She thinks that her opinions are always correct simply because she’s had to rely on only herself for so long. It doesn't mean she's close-minded, but she's not exactly open-minded either. She won't immediately cast aside an offering of ideas or leads but she’s one to always want and have the final say in expressing and acting upon them. This mule headed tactic is often involved in her social connections and family relations as well. She likes to keep people an arm lengths away.

The small girl has a knack for making a crude comment or sardonic joke in the midst of a tense or emotionally stressful situation. While some might contribute this to immaturity in many ways it’s a coping mechanism. The mermaid doesn’t have time or the heart to take every heavy psychological blow that’s thrown at her and instead of allowing it she’ll turn it into a joke to make it easier for herself to deal with. She's quick to smile and laugh at seemingly serious matters.

-Jack Sparrow

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Own Intelligence - The lost years of learning, she has made up for in cunning abilities. She's quick witted and can get herself out of a sticky situation easily. She's is an eager learner, not voicing that aloud though. She keeps her head high with a fake image of being well-educated, as her lack of intellect is replaced by an excessive amount of street smarts and survival skills.
✧Keeping Calm - She's always been good about keeping herself calm in the face of danger or distress and is very used to facing impending doom and severe situations.
✦Head Strong - Strong willed and determined. Regardless of what it is, if she puts her mind to it she can get it done.
✧Singing - She has the ability to capture someone's attention with her voice, putting up an easy distraction.
✦Fast Swimmer/Stong - A given talent, but she's not the rebellion leader's go-to for nothing. If a message is urgent, she's the one handling it. Mermaids possessed superhuman strength and are strong enough to break through solid wood with their bare hands, so there is a reason Cedric relies on S.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Blunt - Thalassa seems to have been born without a filter.
✧Illiterate - She's never learned to read or write, she has no pass education.
✦Selfish - She covets and scorns for her own needs, she's the type to point the finger at someone else. Will throw someone under the bus to save her own tail in a heartbeat.
✧Blind Obedience - She blindly follows those in authority without regard to the authority's fallibility or morality.
✦Clumsy/Needs Water - S still hasn't quite mastered the skill of walking. She sees her "Land Legs" as a bit of a hassle and isn't as fast on land as she is in the water. She's very vulnerable without her tail, she's vulnerable without water honestly. She needs it to survive.

{"Mutiny, Captain."}
-Angelica, Pirates of the Caribbean

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Collects Odd Colored Stones - "I like them."
✧Kleptomaniac - She's made it a habit to steal shiny things.
✦Swimming - You can usually find S near or in the water, everything in the water fascinates her. Especially fish.

| H A B I T S |
✧Usually Barefoot - The mermaid has never quite grasped the concept of shoes. She loves being barefoot, and enjoys popping her toes.
✦Humming/Singing - It's a second nature to the mermaid, she absentmindedly sings - but only when she feels safe and comfortable where she is.
✧Compulsive Liar - She doesn't even realize when she stretches the truth sometimes.

| L I K E S |
|| Water - especially rivers || Animals || Consistency || Clouds || Stars || Learning to read, write, and spell - Learning new things || Being right || Arguing || The ocean || Sweets || Heights || Going barefooted || Challenges || Relaxation || Fish (especially raw) || Her coven || Piano || Singing|| Money || Valuables ||

| D I S L I K E S |
|| Loud noises || Stagnant Water || Sour smells || Interruptions || Anxiety || Repetition || Irony || Lectures || Loosing || The feeling of being trapped || Fire || Storms || Insects || Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses || Messes || Pain || Being touched || Being Controlled || Guards || Curious People || Jealousy ||

| F E A R S |
✧Getting Caught - It's happened before, but she doesn't want to get caught being a messenger for the rebellion
✦Lose Her Hearing - Maybe it was something she was born with, but she's slowly losing her hearing and she fears she'll lose it completely.
✧Being Put in a Tank - She's heard stories of merfolk getting captured and put into large class tanks with stagnant water and little room.

{"Don't blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant."}
-Ken Starr

| B I R T H P L A C E |
| H I S T O R Y |
There isn't much known on Serenity - let alone her species. She was found at the age of seven by the two leaders of a mermaid coven. Half woman, half fish, these lethally-minded sisters of the sea rise up from the waves to lure men into their arms. Beautiful, conniving and dangerous, these two mermaids would do anything to protect their homes and families. These mermaids, Melody and Olivia seemed to be more independent from Sirens, and they also appeared to be far more aggressive and bloodthirsty as they led their coven. Drawn to the surface by a man-made light and singing sailors, they entrance their prey into coming close before dragging them to the depths of the Bay to devour them. However, if the men caught on, which would presumably be right after the first one was taken, the mermaids would abandon their gentle disguise, and attack viciously, acting in a similar manner to sharks in a feeding frenzy. They were apparently very driven to catch their prey, so much that they clawed and punched through wood in attempts to snare their targets. The mermaids appeared to be very territorial, which was noted during the battle with a pirate crew, as they sunk of the ship, Providence, shortly after its arrival to the Bay.
During the sinking of the ship is when Serenity was found. She was being kept in the captain quarters in a large tank, one that Melody easily broke open. From then the two leaders raised the small mermaid they named Serenity. In the beginning they had her watch what they had to do to survive - whether it be enticing pirates or captains of big ships, and then stealing their goods or if it was going on land and stealing whatever they could find and trade. So, Serenity grew up learning to survive. Her two adopted mothers made sure that she knew how to survive and defend herself through any matter than would present itself. Growing up she wasn't much of a hassle as a child - even into preteens. So, her history after the age of seven wasn't full of many adventures or struggles and she found herself thinking about that on the edge of a river so she decided to begin her adventure at the age of seventeen. She went straight to the people who taught her everything.
From that day on Serenity began to lead a few of the younger coven members on little "missions." Nothing bit to start, simple "heists" so to speak. The leading got to her head quick, she began to get reckless. Taking more than she had planned, more than her group could keep up with. Soon one of the younger ones got caught and Serenity had to be the one to tell the leaders what had happened. She had to be the one that was told that most mermaids don't last in prison and she had to be the one to somehow get the young one out of jail. Being the reckless young one she was, she tried to hit hard and take the girl back as quick as possible. It didn't work out in her favor, she got caught - along with two other girls. She thought that was it. She was done for.
Olivia was the one who came and got them out, from then on out Serenity wasn't put in charge. She began to go rogue and her coven began to worry. She disappeared for a couple years, only to come back a bit less reckless. Those two years, something happened, she did some bad things, got locked up, escaped, and met a few key players in the game. She kept it quiet, not bringing her coven in it - they didn't need her reckless behavior getting them caught again. So, she did their bidding, whatever they needed she would do it. But, she had a side job now - Messenger.
| F A M I L Y |
She has the mermaid coven she "lives" with - other than that, no family.

{"This is either madness... or brilliance."}
-Will Turner

| F C |
Gemma Ward
| C O L O R |
| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Serenity's Story