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"This is bullshit..."

0 · 325 views · located in Chapter One: The Prophecies Fortold...

a character in “The Flameseeker Prophecies”, as played by Mathew Littlepaw



I don't care who you think you are... You cant be THAT hard to kill.
”Fix Me - 10 Years”

❝ More Than Just A Name ❞

”I can probably lift more than you're slow ass kid."

- Huntress
- Dragonbane
- Bone-Dress



❝ Under the Armor ❞

”Dragon blood-stew makes for an excellent facial..."

-Eye Color

-Hair Color



-Skin Tone

Thin, Lean, Fit, and Strong

-Body Markings
Series of tattoos and scars across her body. A black phoenix-like

❝ Under the Skin ❞

”Everything is intact up there... I think."

-The Beast King

-Hunting dragons.
-Killing things

-Other people

-Shirah is always ready for a fight, and never backs down from a challenge.

Shirah is headstrong, brave, courageous, and, most of all; bloodthirsty. She is a natural-born killer. She shows absolute assurance in her actions, and complete convinces in her words. Everything about her screams: KILLER. Her mind is sharp and clear, and ready to strike.

❝ The Story of Heros ❞




So begins...

Shirah's Story

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Rain tapped the windows of Castle Red, the palace of the human royalty. Long marks of water running down the stained glass were mixed with the lovely grey clouds that just outside of them. But that was the only sound inside the castle of Mankind... It seemed not even the mice that had scampered through the halls had become silent this day, and stayed in their homes. Or perhaps slept, to try to escape the news that had been bestowed upon the world. The only living souls in the kingdom, safe for slaves and maids, gathered in the central chamber, thrown room, in front of the two sovereign rulers of the Realm: Rocha Pirix, human king and descendant of Ergoth, and the dragon emperor Nal'Kel, current lord of the dragon lands, and grandson of the powerful dragon wizard Nol'Lok.

The news had hit the both of them just as hard. In front of the lords stood a single white-robed man with his hands crossed inside of the long sleeves that nearly touched the floor. His head was hung and masked by the hood over his head, but it was clear to those who hadn't even heard; the news he bore was nothing worth hearing. "...So we are to die." Stated Rocha under his breath as he stood from his earthen thrown and stood in front of the man. "... or hide once again."

"Will we be able to hide once again, Rocha?"
Stated the towering red dragon as he arose from his seat beside the king, with his head lowered to the ground to commune with the king. "Will we be able to hide from our destruction again...? The Caverns Will only be able to hold a couple hundred unless they are expanded-"

Quickly, Rocha interrupted his draconic friend. "Which we have not the ability to do. The Caverns are natural; we know not how they were put there nor do we know how to make more like them... Tampering with their construction could hold unfortold consequences..."

Growling low in disagreement, Nal shook his scales and retorted: "What would you have us do, Rocha? Abandon our people, and die to the Beast Kings will??" He uttered while trying to control the maelstrom of emotions that flowed through him. "I refuse to sit idle, and allow my people to be slaughtered once more! Never again!"

Understanding the words of the dragon, Rocha shook his head and turned towards the window, where the rain continued to tap on the window. Lost in contemplation, he was unable to hear the mumbled and groans of the noblemen around him. All of them considering their own fate, and the fate of their race.

"The Raynor would have the ability to dig greater tunnels into the earth-" Rocha stated. But before he was done Nal interjected once more. "The Raynor have not been seen in five-hundred years... How do we know they are not already consumed by the Beasts wrath??"

"My lords, the Prophecies have not fortold the destruction of our peopl-"Turning to the monk, the dragon twisted his scales and rose his head high off the ground and into the air of the thrown room, growling down to the monk: "What else will follow the rise of the Beast!? Only destruction will be left if we sit by and choose not to act!" He angrily roared down, his voice causing the stone in the room to tremble.

Holding up his arm to silence the dragon, the monk raised his head and allowed his hood to fall onto his back. "The Prophecies fortell of a salvation..." The room fell silent as they listened to the words of the man, and all turned to face their lords, who stood in bewilderment in front of each other; trying to grasp the words that came from the monk. "Salvation...?" Asked Rocha, breaking the silence of the room...

The Flameseeker Prophecies

Seven days had passed sense the yearly Moot, the meeting of both kingdoms of Dragons and Man. Shirah asked herself why she was where she was... inside the dungeons of Castle Red. Just two short days ago she had been out in the mountains south of the capital, hunting for a rouge dragon... but now she was here; locked in a dark and damp cage in the basement of the human symbol of greed and oppression. She had been stripped of her clothes, and left in only a set of tattered rags to barely cover between her legs. Her breast were exposed, not like she really cared, and from the moment she was dragged into the city she could feel the eyes of men burrowing holes into her...

With nothing left to do, while Shirah sat in the cell and waited for someone to arrive, she began to think about the possible reasons of why she was here...

Had the King outgrown his little assassin? Was she no longer in service of the king to kill rouge dragons? Had the Dragon Emperor wanted her dead for his fear of her? No... it was neither. She had done nothing wrong to her knowledge, yet the fools insisted on taking her from her camp in the dead of night, and throwing her into a cell inside.

Soon her thoughts were put to rest as, after two days of waiting, the royal guard marched into the dungeon, walking straight towards her cell. She smirked a little as she slowly stood up, to the best of her abilities, being chained to the wall, and streches herself a little. "Well. If it isn't the asswipers..."

Ignoring her words, and unlocking her sell, two of the four guards took hold of her arms and unlocked her from the wall and walked her out. Not speaking a word not uttering a phrase as they took her out of the dungeon...

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Shirah took hold of her acing wrists and she stood outside the gates of Castle Red, between the two magical vanguard statues that stood watch outside the castle twenty-for hours a day. How powerful was the reach of the human kingdom they could afford to have magical suits of stone armor watch their gates for them? Just as powerful as they were, they were just as greedy. Every time Shirah came to the capital, she would find herself disgusted by her surroundings; greedy nobles living in mansions, their size to match Castle Red, guards thinking themselves gods in their steel suits, and the poor treated like a disease, better to be stomped than looked at.

But, for now, she had to put aside her personal opinions about the humans, and had to think of the task she was charged with. They had given her back her gear, which she wore comfortably as she stood outside in the broad daylight. Though she could be seen a mile away in a crowd, she didn't think herself any stranger than those who pranced around the streets in front of her. She stood proudly, looking over all the commoners, knowing that any of them could be her target.

Looking down at the parchment list she held in her hand, she decided it was best to read it rather than look at it. Though reading wasn't her greatest skill, she would still pass to read the paper in her hand.

"Prince, first..." She mumbled to herself as she walked forward, pushing herself through the mob of commoners that gawked at her as she walked through them. After what felt like an hour of wading through wave after wave of people through the crowded streets of the city outside the castle, she found herself at the main Southern gate to the city, where three horses stood.

Two of the horses were mounted by riders, two paladin knights with their swords in their sheaths, and tower shields on their backs. There horses were packed with previsions, rations, cooking wear, and sleeping rolls... all things Shirah wouldn't be needing. The third horse sat with nothing to weigh it down. This was her horse. A nice red color for fur, with strong legs and muscles; a stud in the very definition of the word.

Sighing and hanging her head in acknowledgment of the journey in front of her, she walked to the knights. The knight to the right of her horse carried her sword on his side. A grave mistake, if it hadn't been for the fact that she had been placed "Under arrest" until her mission was complete. Any other day she would have killed the knight with her bare hands, but today she felt like being a little more "civilized", being she was a prisoner to these two.

"My sword." She stated as she held out her hand to the knight. "By order of the Kings, you are only aloud to-" Quickly, she interrupted him. "I don't think you understand. Give me my sword." Obviously not budging, the knight put his hand on his own sword, and repeated himself. "Under the King's orders, this weapon is to remain with me at all times, unless the need arises."

The knight to the left of her, seeing the anger in Shirahs face, held his hand up to silence the other. "Let her have her sword. If we were to run into any trouble, she would be able to kill it long before either of us can find our blades."

Unwillingly, the knight pulled Shirah's sword from his side, and handed her the ancient ceremonial blade. It was longer than any sword you would find a knight carrying, and weighed twice as much as it looked. While to anyone else it would seem awful to wield, let alone kill with it, to her it was just like holding any normal sword.

"Finally." She stated walking towards her horse. "Someone who understands." Smiling, she threw her weight onto the horse and got conformable in its leather saddle.

Patting the horse on the neck, she took the reigns around him, and pointed him towards the opened gate. With the knights close behind her, Shirah rode forward and out of the capital, into the vast open air of the Realm... a feeling she missed while locked up inside the dungeons of Castle Red.

Mountains, here we come...