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Adrienne Alvarez

"Tonight, we are young..."

0 · 965 views · located in The Doll House

a character in “The Forbidden Games; The Untold Tale”, as played by ChloeB223


"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn."
~ Charlie Parker


Adrienne Francia Alvarez

Little A, Short Stuff, Adri, Rin, Rinny Poo, Kitten, Anime Girl



40% Puerto Rican, 40% English, & 20% French-Canadian


Teacher's Assistant in the Music Department
Vlogger (Though she doesn't earn anything from this)

|Romantic Interest|
Adrienne is a romantic at heart and sure, she's got a number of old girlfriends and boyfriends. But let's be real; you'll never meet the one if you don't actively search for them.

The Party Girl

|Height/ Build|
5'3/ Curvy & Petite

|Hair Color|
Adrienne has been seen with several different styles, cuts and colors. There have been her edgier, undercut style and even a rainbow themed color scheme at one point. However, as college looms ahead of her, she has opted to return to her roots and worked during the end of last year and during the summer to get back to her natural black hair color. However, there are still remnants of russet red streaks towards the ends of her hair.

|Eye Color|
Deep chocolate brown

|Scars? Markings? Tattoos? Markings?|
~ Along with the standard ear piercing girls get by persistent parents, Adrienne has her right eyebrow pierced with a barbell, both ends glittering in the sunlight like two little sapphire jewels. She has also has a tiny diamond stud piercing on the right side of her nose.

~ Along with the tattoo of butterflies at the top of her spine, Adrienne has an Arabic tattoo that reads, "True love lasts forever." on the inside of her left wrist.

|Full Description|
Adrienne has been seen rocking every style that's been known. It fits with the fun personality she has. Whether it is not the rock/goth style, nerdy chic, preppy casual, or even hipster and techno, you have probably seen this cute little Puerto Rican in it. Now, as a senior, despite the fact that the party girl in her hasn't died, she has calmed down. Her hair is long and naturally wavy, a waterfall of midnight-black silk with accents of russet red. Her skin has always been a light tan complexion, her eyes are big and almond-shaped, and her lips are still full. Her style has gone back to a casual style, though she has added a few stylish pieces to her.

She dislikes seeing or eating busy foods. If there are too many things going on in a particular dish such as raisins in a cereal, she will pluck it out or just not eat it|| Adrienne is almost always seen breaking out into a random bouncing fit or dancing fit simply because she has excess energy|| Her nail polish color changes every three days and there is usually a bright color|| She doesn't need them, but Adrienne likes to wear big, black-rimmed personality glasses every other day|| Her lip color depends upon her mood when she first wakes up|| She taps her bottom lip when she is thinking deeply or is concentrated on something|| She babbles a lot, especially when nervous, and is known for making the worst Freudian slips.


Singing|| Dancing|| Partying|| DJing|| Watching Anime or Reading Manga

Singing~ Adrienne began her vocal and theatrical training at a young age after seeing a stage production of Wicked. She is a Mezzo-Soprano and the captain of the school's show choir and is known on Youtube for her covers of various songs. She learned to sing in eight-part harmonies and is a part of a quartet that has sung at several school events. She has a very lovely singing voice.
Dancing~ Like her vocal training, Adrienne was careful when establishing herself as a dancer and served as the dance captain during her junior year. She favors jazz, the tango, and ballet, but she has kept herself to dancing at clubs or even helping choreograph dance numbers for productions at school.
Organization ~ Surprising, isn't it? The girl who could typically be seen bouncing off walls is actually a lot more organized than people give her credit for. Contrary to popular belief about her ditzy characterization, Adrienne is very organized and volunteered a lot when planning April's birthday. She opted to be the DJ after a friend helped her figure some things out and has been known for cleaning up. She dislikes untidy places.

Singing|| Watching Anime|| Dancing|| Parties|| Dubstep|| Freestyle Rapping|| Gummy Worms|| Sushi|| Chopsticks|| Lo Mein|| Green Tea|| Smoothies|| Nail Polish|| Personality Glasses|| Smirnoff|| Vodka|| Grinding|| Cuddling|| Classic Disney Movies|| Reading Manga|| Her Pikachu Onesie|| Fashion|| YouTube|| Her Spanish Background|| Cake Batter Ice Cream|| Red Velvet Cupcakes|| Empanadas|| Jewelry|| Leggings

Cheesy Romance Movies|| Excessive Solos|| Ignorant Vloggers|| Google Chrome|| ITunes Prices|| Hangovers|| Meaningless Sex|| Getting Below A C+|| Prejudice or Misconstrued Facts About Latin Americans|| Popcorn|| Chocolate-Covered Pretzels|| Raw Tomatoes|| Text Messages|| Sky-High Heels|| Her Babbling|| Taylor Swift

|Weaknesses & Flaws|
Babbling ~ Attributing to the rumor that she is not an intelligent individual (which is not true), Adrienne has the horrible habit of babbling constantly, going off on mindless tangents and getting distracted from what she was trying to say. And it's not like she's not conscious of it; she even acknowledges that she's babbling WHILE she's babbling. But the worse part of it is that her mouth seems to not have a filter because she usually winds up saying exactly what she's thinking, even the thoughts that have sexual connotations.
Temper ~ Adrienne is as sweet as she is tempermental and while she is known for being the one that is always up for a little fun, best beware her wrath if you so much as irritate or hurt her or her friends. Adrienne can jump around and be your best friend one day, but she can - and will - turn on you in a split second if you get her to anger. While not easily angered by random acts of ignorance or cold shoulders, when Adrienne is truly angry, it shows and she holds nothing back.
Vindictive ~ As stated before, Adrienne has a temper and she has a loving heart. When that heart has been broken or thrown out the window by your carelessness, please understand that Adrienne does not take too kindly to such actions and is known for wanting her revenge. And it won't be something basic or something you see coming. One girl didn't even get pranked on until three months after she had started a rumor about Adrienne. Just know that she believes firmly in an eye-for-an-eye.

Losing her voice or her ability to communicate with others|| Drowning|| Winding up forever alone|| Achluophobia - fear of the dark


{Effervescent, Loyal, Open-Minded, Quirky, Blunt, Vindictive, Fiery}
If there is anything that the others would remember fondly about Adrienne or would tell you first when introducing you is that Adrienne is probably one of the most endearing, bubbly and heart-melting people you could ever meet. Most people think, especially seeing her with the popular crowd in school, that she was just a mindless beauty in high school and all of the things that most people admire about her now would fade away years later. However, her friends would never want this part of her to change. As beautiful as she is on the outside, she is on the same level in the inside.

Adrienne has always been known for having a lively character and many have joked that she is her own anime character with all of the looks she has been seen in through the years. Always looking for fun, she dislikes seeing others down and out and makes it her duty to bring some light in your life whether that means obnoxiously serenading you (in either her bad or best singing voice) or forcing you to dance with her. Some mistake that for her being ditzy, including some of her friends which is definitely not the case as Adrienne has maintained a 3.8 cumulative grade point average since middle school. Her friends and family are probably the most important people in her life. They have seen her at her worst and her best and she would do everything in her power for those people.

The ones who aren't really close to her, relatively strangers, usually found her to be quite the odd character. If it wasn't her with some bright blue hair color or random streaks of various colors in her hair, it was her bouncing on her toes or randomly belting out some Disney song. And they judge. Wouldn't you? She has a different facial expression for every emotion and she can seem quite air-headed to most. But it would not be wise to doubt her capabilities as a performer and a person because while she is intelligent, Adrienne is also very insightful and has a knack for being very open to other people's ideals, even when they clash with her own. It's one of the reasons why she is such a great vlogger and has nearly 5 million subscribers. Because she doesn't just sing or review various TV shows, she actually knows how to talk about various political and cultural topics and could actually hold her own in a conversation. She dislikes prejudices and judgment with a passion and is known for putting people in their places.

At the end of the day however, no matter how sweet she can seem, Adrienne is equally parts dark and will show that to you if you attempt to push her in that direction. Her friends know this side of her and aren't prone to eliciting such a strong reaction or behavior. Adrienne has a fierce temper and an even greater belief for justice, even if it seems childish or immature to others. It is just how she is and she makes no excuses for her actions. If she is wrong, she is wrong. But do not expect her to bend over backwards for you only for her to be betrayed. And do not jest with her heart, the heart of those she cares about, or even aspire to treat her wrongly. Because she can - and will - show you her true wrath and as her friends will tell you, it is not worth it.


Before we begin, there are just a few things - very small things - that Adrienne would want people to know. Firstly, her parents ARE NOT immigrants and they did not come to America to steal jobs because of economic grievances. Secondly, she does not speak Spanish and if one more person asks her that question, she will happily smack them upside their heads. Thirdly, if ONE more person calls her little Mama or some nickname people give Hispanic females, they better not be surprised when she tries to sabotage them like egging their house or damaging their vehicle. In fact, to be completely honest, Adrienne doesn't even have that many ties to her Puerto Rican family other than blood and genes. She wishes she did, but all she knows is who her abuela on her Papi's side is.

It is no surprise to everyone that when her parents tell the story of her birth that Adrienne was a loud baby. She was a loud child. She came out the womb screaming her lungs out and one of the nurses joked about how Adrienne was going to be a singer one day. The woman didn't know how right she was. By the time she was six months, she was singing along with the radio whenever she was in the car with her parents even though it all came out like gibberish. Adrienne doesn't have a sad story about her parents or her childhood. By the time she was six, she knew she wanted to be a singer. She had seen a production of Wicked, told her parents that she was going to sing like that, and that was the beginning of her singing career.

When she met the others, Adrienne was pretty much the giddy one of the group. One of the oldest, she wasn't really into a leadership position - that required too much work and she was a star as a child. What star had to time to lead an entourage when they needed to perfect their talent? Yeah, Adrienne was THAT dramatic. April came and assumed the position and Adrienne was perfectly fine with that. Unlike the others, she wasn't entranced by the other girl's accent or lineage. To be completely honest, she could care less about that. April was another girl, she had been relatively quiet that first day, and Adrienne made it her mission to befriend her. Who knew that that one simple action would create a friendship that span close to eleven years?

But it wasn't like Adrienne to not have a group outside of their group. Even though she adored her friends and deemed them the only ones who truly knew her, Adrienne branched out as soon as they entered middle school and of course, was a part of the popular crew. And somehow the thespians. And the singers. And maybe even the nerds if you were talking about the otakus or anime lovers. She was really just a free-spirited person and went wherever the wind took her. She flourished in both the academic and artistic elements of her life. She served as a dance captain, led the show choir, was in a production in town, and is quite famous on YouTube even now. But more than that - Adrienne had fun! If she had it her way, her friends were at every party with her; drinking the same drinks, dancing together, and sneaking out. She was never a good girl and could have been just as rebellious as the rebel of their group, which is so clichΓ© but then again, who cared? They were always together and that's how Adrienne liked it.

Now that April's birthday is coming up, Adrienne feels a little...anxious. Sure, she's happy that they're all together, but she's already been accepted to two of the top schools on her list; UC Berkeley and America's Musical & Dramatic Arts Academy, the former offering her a full-ride. She even got accepted for a four-week summer opportunity at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, all expenses paid. She hasn't even told her friends of her nomination as a National Hispanic Scholar. For now, she just wants to be with her friends. She'll acknowledge the separation later.


Here's To Never Growing Up| Avril Lavigne
Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing here's to never growing up

Call up all our friends, go hard this weekend
For no damn reason, I don't think we'll ever change
Meet you at the spot, half past ten o'clock
We don't ever stop, and we're never gonna change

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

We live like rock stars, dance on every bar
This is who we are, I don't think we'll ever change (hell no!)
They say just grow up, but they don't know us
We don't give a fuck, and we're never gonna change

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

Say, won't you stay forever stay
If you stay forever hey
We can stay forever young

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs
With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk
Singing, here's to never growing up

We'll be running down the street, yelling "Kiss my ass!"
I'm like yeah whatever, we're still living like that
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups
Singing, here's to never growing up

Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (yeah raise your glass and say) here's to never growing up
Oh whoa, oh whoa, (da de da de da) here's to never growing up (no we're never growing up)
Oh whoa, oh whoa, here's to never growing up

So begins...

Adrienne Alvarez's Story