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London Trinity

"I have a heart, I swear I do! But.. just not, baby, when it comes to you."

0 · 406 views · located in The Doll House

a character in “The Forbidden Games”, originally authored by Ever, as played by RolePlayGateway


"I have I heart, I swear I do! But.. just not, baby, when it comes to you."

London Fiamatta Annaliese Trinity
The Playful Flirt
110 lbs
This is on her right shoulder blade, a moon tattoo wrapping around her left ankle, a bird of paradise on her lower back.
On her right hip bone, she has a birthmark in the shape of a perfect heart.
Anearring cuff on her left ear.
Her biggest fear would becoming the bride of the Dokkalfar, the Dark Elves. Ever since she could remember, London was always told horrifying stories by her German Governess on the topic of these Dark Elves..evil creatures that lured maidens into the dark woods by their beauty and charm, only to take away the maiden's soul. However, every once in a while, the King of these creatures would pick a maiden to be his bride and turn her into the Dokkalfar Queen. The very concept of being stuck with someone so evil and corrupt, as well as being surrounded by similar creatures, had always terrified London beyond normal. It had gotten so bad, in fact, that she wouldn't be able to sleep and her Governess had to put a stop to the storytelling. Her 3 lesser fears are: becoming a vampire (another long story which involves a scarring story by her Governess), gummy worms (don't even ask), and she's terrified of the house of mirrors.
  • Has rather extreme case of Bipolar Disorder.
  • She doesn't trust men very easily.
Romantic Interest:
A mix between German, French, Russian, Italian, Irish, and British.
Doesn't have one.. her parents supply her with all the money she needs.


  • Fashion (both designing and modeling)
  • M&Ms
  • Sketching new fashion designs
  • Yoga
  • Fencing
  • Flirting
  • Belly-dancing
  • Sweet foods
  • Bright colors

  • London has an EXTREMELY keen eye for fashion.. in fact, she can make the ugliest clothes magically cute.
  • London can also fence rather well, she went to nationals, as well as belly-dance rather well.
  • Rather flexible (she can put her legs behind her head).
  • For some odd reason, London has a real talent in the mimicry of other's voices.
  • London also has a talent in sketching.

  • Dull colors
  • Out of season fashion
  • Snickers (the candy bar)
  • Spicy or bitter foods
  • Dull people
  • Overly confident or low-self esteemed people
  • Rap music
  • Bubble tea

  • Her Bipolar Disorder drives a lot of people away.
  • Doesn't trust men very easily.
  • Very rash in her decisions.

Weaknesses: {
  • Her fears really hold her back.
  • Soft spot for her friends.
  • Keeps her negative emotions bottled up.
  • Likes to hide things from her friends.

  • Flirting
  • Sketching random things in her notebook.
  • Reconstructing clothes.
  • Exercising.
  • Shopping.
  • Visiting other countries.


To outsiders, London may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge of the world and how she was treated as a child. When it comes to her own areas of expertise -- and trust me, London has several -- she will be able to tell you almost immediately everything about that certain topic, to the extent of being ridiculously precise. Yet, despite this fountain of knowledge in her, London knows this important rule; She knows what she knows, and more importantly, she knows what she doesn't know.

Another strong key point in London is that she is a perfectionist with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes her interest. Never before has anyone ever laid eyes upon a human being so fixated on perfecting whatever they want, nor any human being having a big as a will as she has. Once London Fiamatta Aria de Victorique Trinity has decided on something; her mind will never be changed. No. Matter. What. Even if she is forced to do something, she'll never bend her morals or principles to suit the other person, and will often be found retaliating in every manner possible.

On the note of personal relationships, London is what is known as a flirt. She loves to play with a man's mind, leading him to believe that she likes him, before dropping his heart on the ground and walking over it. These poor victims, often those who are interested in her (I mean, who wouldn't be? Look at her!) range from Nerds to Jocks to Players to even Druggies! While this may seem cruel, London truly doesn't care about other's opinions; to her, not a single man on this planet has proven himself worthy of her affections or respect. And until she find one, London will, undoubtedly, continue her long streak of breaking hearts of her suitors.

However, once you get to know London, there is truly only one word that can summon her very existence up; eccentric. She's almost always a bubbly, energetic girl that can make even the most depressed person crack a smile as well as laugh and can quickly make people fall under her charm through a couple of sweet smiles. However, despite her seemingly happy attitude, she fights constantly with her ailment: Bipolar Disorder Due to this strange mental 'illness' she has, London can quickly change to a whole other person, a person that could be quite the opposite of her. Despite this condition that would drag most down, she tends to over look it and tries to remain as happy as she can.
The Trinity's have always been one of the most powerful families in the business world, owning more than 4 multi-national companies that ranged from fashion stores to technology developments, to even military weaponary! Needless to say, anyone holding the Trinity last name is a feared and well-respected person, in and out of the social classes.

London's mother and father, a fashion designer and a CEO of his own company (respectively) had experienced 2 miscarriages before her birth, both little boys, so one can only imagine their joy when they birthed a baby girl. When she was born, London was immediately showered with gifts, clothes, and gadgets, ect. whatever you could imagine! Everything was bestowed onto their giggling baby girl, their miracle child. Taking time off work, both parents stayed at home throughout her early childhood years (roughly 2) to experience the joy of raising their own child. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before work began to beckon her parents back. So, in the German town of Berlin, London grew up; isolated from her very own flesh and blood. Instead, to keep her company, a German Governess by the name of Petra, was assigned to the toddler. At a young age, London grew up learning the several languages in which Petra was fluent in, as well as various manners and stories.

Every year, sometimes even twice in the span of 12 months, London and Petra were shuffled to a new country due to the tiring demands her elitist parents faced by society. By shuffling around their daughter and her Governess, they viewed it was lessening the encounter in which the press may take hold of the young girl, therefore publishing her in the spotlight. So, on went London's life of constant change. Enrolled in the nicest schools in the nicest neighborhoods, she received the highest, diverse education that those schools offered, along with tutoring on the side from her qualified nanny. Luckily, London was always one that was quick to make friends and raise to the popular crowd in a blink of an eye. However, none of these 'friendships' lasted and soon enough, she found herself in a new, exotic country in a new, expensive school with new, wealthy people.

As you can imagine, London's home life wasn't all that great. Her life was lonely, the craving for her parents grew, and as her years dragged on, London learned how to channel this yearning onto herself. No, not through cutting or drinking. London picked up the knack for designing clothes as well as arranging outfits and before she knew it, that became her muse for escape. Quickly, she picked up on her other talents and is spending her time onto perfecting each and every single on.

Other: {Anything extra you would like to add?}


So begins...

London Trinity's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Hood Character Portrait: Deimos Talbot Character Portrait: Scott Craig Character Portrait: London Trinity Character Portrait: Leonardo Near
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β€œDeal. I mean, who could know that you would go into that shop? Not even you knew. Way too freaky."

She nodded in agreement, rubbing her hands together in an attempt to warm them with a friction that the movement would cause, and huffed on the frozen tips of them.

April hadn't been given the chance to even begin to walk away from the store before she felt something come into contact with her left shoulder. Hands that could only belong to that of the male variety dropped to her waist, a bit uncomfortably so due to her inexperience with being touched in such a way by any man, and it took her a few moments to catch her balance. The sheer force of the bump nearly sent her to the ground, but with a few awkward arm flails - for she was still holding her items in her arms - she had managed to grab Scott's arm in an attempt to steady herself.

"Mi dispiace," she apologized, glancing up at him as she spoke. She straightened and turned her eyes in the direction of the person that had slammed into her, and was met by the dark, apologetic gaze of Leondaro Near - or, in translation, Deimos's foster brother.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Was that sarcasm that she sensed in his voice? It was so painstakingly obvious that he was faking his apology that it made her nearly sick to her stomach. Was everyone in that family as odd as Deimos? In all honesty, she wasn't sure if she could take much more of Deimos or his family, before she reached her breaking point.

Even nice people have their bad sides, and it's been told that the most frightening come from the nicest of people.

"I didn't see you ... Damn, that teaches me for looking down when I walk, right? But I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

There wasn't much point in attempting to answer his rambling, sad attempt at acting. Maybe it was her experience with people who were attempting to corrupt her in any way, or use her, that caused her to see through his little 'act'. Maybe he was just a terrible actor. Whatever was the case, she wasn't about to point out the fact that he was lying and had, indeed, purposely bumped into her. She wasn't exactly sure why he would do it - undoubtedly the reason lay with Deimos, somewhere or another - but she didn't really have a problem with it. She hadn't been hurt in the process, so therefore, no harm, no foul.

She moved forward a bit and cupped her gloved hands around her cold lips.

"I'm fine, but next time you decide to bump into a person, try to improve your acting skills when you apologize, va bene?" she called out, wiggling her fingers a bit around her mouth. "Oh, and tell your brother that I say hello!"

With that, she turned on her heel, motioned to Scott that they should undoubtedly be leaving, and began to walk back to her house.

"So what have you been up to lately? Now that I have told you about the latest developments in my interesting life."

April cast a glance over at Scott and fell quiet once more, the gears that were currently turning in her head almost visible to the eyes.

Finally, she spoke.

"Well ... I've been working quite a lot with my cousin at her bakery. I've learned some new recipes that I can't wait to make for you and everyone else. I'm sure that you'll love them," she enthused, turning a bright smile up at him. "I've also been focusing a lot on my archery and fencing. I'm hoping to qualify for the Olympics this year, but ... I'm not sure that I'll get in for either. But it's always worth a try. If you don't try, you may never succeed, and you can regret what may have been for the rest of your life," she said logically, turning her head so that she could face forward, and wasn't focusing completely and utterly upon Scott's face - which was quite attractive, mind you, but not her type and most certainly not the type of guy that she would ever date, if she were to actually begin dating, due to them being such close friends.

"Other than those two things, I've been making some extra money for my art, and will hopefully have enough for a new camera. And before you say anything," she rounded on him, stopping in her tracks and nearly slipping in the process, "I won't take money from my inheritance because I'm saving it for emergencies only. There's quite a lot of money packed away in there from my parents, but I'm determined to make it on my own - at least through college."

She turned back around, her hair bouncing over her one shoulder, and she gently smoothed it out without even realizing that she was doing so.

They were only a block from her house when her phone began it's little jingle in her pocket.

Upon removal and view of the screen, she noted that the text was from London - she had a personalized ringtone for her best friend, but hadn't been concentrating on what the sound had been when she received the text.

Hey Little Red! Get your butt moving! We all wanna get going!


A small smile twitched across her lips, a soft giggle escaping her, and she shook her head. "Impatient as always, aren't you, Don?" she asked, a full laugh bubbling up and out of her throat. After sending a quick text in reply, with the simple message of them being only a block away, before returning it to her pocket. "She's so impatient all the time," she said, her statement directed at Scott. "What are we going to do with them, Scotty? They're quite the handfuls, non sono?***"

{*Mi dispiace ~ I'm sorry.
**va bene ~ Alright?
***non sono ~ Aren't they?}
