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Arielle Murdoc

"Pretty girls with smiles that light up the darkness in their hearts..."

0 · 787 views · located in Sacramento, California

a character in “The Fourteenth Floor”, as played by ChloeB223


"No matter how broken the heart is, always remember to smile."



|Full Name|
Arielle Elizabeth Murdoc

Ella, Ellie, Ari, Lizzie (Only extremely close friends), Blondie, Barbie, Princess
This seriously can go one for awhile...


Ellie has English, Romansh-Swiss ancestry. Both of her parents taught her French and German at a young age and she used to visit her grandparent's cottage in England every summer before college.

Personal Assistant
Yeah, this girl works in the corporate world. Go ahead and raise your jaw before flies fly into your mouth.

|Apartment Number|


|Eye Color|
Sapphire blue

|Hair Color|
Sunshine blonde


Slim & Toned
Cheerleading is a girl's best friend

|Distinct Markings? Tattoos?|

|Clothing Style|
Ellie likes to mix up her style every now and then. One day, she might be found with a floral dress, tights, boots, and a cardigan. The next, she could be in dark jeans, a pale top, and heels. It truly depends on how she feels when she wakes up. Her life usually consists of bright colors, but she does tend to go dark and even more mature when she has to go to work. She favors long, dangling necklaces, studs, and bracelets. Her hair can be seen in either waves or straightened out and there are rare times when Ellie will pin her hair up. She usually wears little to no makeup other than her lip-gloss and mascara, but will opt to wear more on special events or dinners.

The Girl Behind the Monster


Feral State:
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced reflexes
  • Enhanced instincts
  • Enhanced healing
  • Nails elongates into claws and her teeth become sharper.
  • Her eyes take on a more greenish-blue hue once she is in full feral state.

  • Her feral side - Ellie hates talking about it, but the feral side of her has actually adapted its own personality whom she actually has mental conversations with. They are pretty much arguing on a twenty-four hour basis. All that makes her Arielle has been enhanced and those personality traits are embedded into her feral, making her that much more dangerous. If evoked or knocked unconconcious, her feral can actually take control of her body until Arielle herself takes back that control. However, there is no telling what could happen. The feral has a deep-set bloodlust that Arielle tries never to fulfill and if push comes to shove, the feral might not be able to tell friend from foe.
  • Pain - While Arielle can heal fairly quickly, internal wounds take a much longer time and if she is in extreme pain, that is the one time where she trusts her feral's instincts to fight-or-flight.
  • Sensitivity - Because of how enhanced her senses are, they are also sensitive. Extremely loud sounds or sharp smells really get to Ellie.
  • Emotions - It is no secret that Ellie is a very emotional person and this is where she and her feral are completely and utterly in synch. It is actually harder for her to put her feelings away and think without her heart and that has gotten her into several difficult situations.

Organization -- Ellie has always been extremely organized and neat despite being all over the place|| Hand-to-hand combat|| Multilingual -- She speaks German, French and Romansh.|| Social Networking

Pretty Girl Facade


  • Licking her lips I like to taste my lip-gloss.
  • Growling when someone is irritating her or touching something or someone that she deems as hers.
  • Purrs when someone is either petting or running their fingers through her hair
  • Clenching her hands into fists in an attempt to reign in her feral side
  • Twirling the ends of her hair when she is around a guy that she likes.
  • She rolls her eyes when she feels like she's hearing bullshit.
  • She lowers her head when she is recieving a compliment before smiling. It is a weird habit that she can't stop and one of her best friends pointed out that she does it the most when she feels she doesn't deserve a compliment.
  • She speaks with her hands.

Managing her boss' schedule Yeah, it's turned into a hobby|| Dancing|| Writing a chapter-a-day for her story|| Playing video games|| Hosting parties|| Reading Surprising, I know.|| Singing This never happens around a lot of people|| Checking her Tumblr, Facebook, & Twitter|| Listening to music|| Taking walks

Losing control of her feral side|| Never figuring out her relationship with her best friend|| Becoming a failure|| Dark, enclosed spaces|| Spiders|| Snakes|| Her family's old church There's this little bath of holy water that my mom keeps wanting to dunk me in for baptism. I don't know why, but I swear I think that the pastor's going to drown me every time.

|Likes & Dislikes|
β–² Watermelon-flavored lip-gloss
β–² Parties
β–² Video Games
β–² Fiction writing
β–² Vanilla Lattes
β–² Strawberry-lemonade
β–² Sleeping in
β–² Pancakes
β–² Lazy mornings
β–² Sour Punch Straws
β–² The movie Dirty Dancing
β–² Dancing
β–² Her ZZ Ward Pandora Station
β–² Shopping
β–² Romance
β–² Cuddling
β–² Wearing boys' clothes
β–² Black or purple nail polish
β–² Bourbon
β–² Swings
β–² Lilies
β–² Kids
β–² Baking
β–² Beaches
β–² Fairytales
β–² Dates
β–² Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
β–² Walking along the busy streets
β–² Taking pictures with friends
β–² Chinese take-out
β–² Cake-batter flavored ice cream
β–Ό Heartbreak
β–Ό Cheaters
β–Ό Rainy days
β–Ό Boredom
β–Ό Bitter things (lemonade is the exception)
β–Ό Muffins
β–Ό Frozen waffles
β–Ό The new Cartoon Network
β–Ό The new Disney
β–Ό Driving with the window down
β–Ό Not seeing the stars
β–Ό Crunchy things in her food
β–Ό Blueberries
β–Ό Blood
β–Ό Going a day without coffee
β–Ό Change
β–Ό Nutella
β–Ό Red roses
β–Ό Wearing the same outfit as others
β–Ό Nutmeg
β–Ό Her boss' family
β–Ό Long nights at the office
β–Ό FC: Jared Padelecki's girlfriends
β–Ό Her father
β–Ό Oranges
β–Ό Twizzlers
β–Ό Black Coffee
β–Ό Herself Sometimes
β–Ό Being underestimated
β–Ό Driving in the rain
β–Ό Crying

The Broken Image


{Vivacious, Bubbly, Possessive, Easily Jealous, Insecure, Impulsive, Perfectionist}
When you first encounter Arielle, you are met by bright smiles, dimples, and baby-blue eyes that twinkle with an unwavering light. Her laughter and just pure, raw energy is infectious. Ellie is usually bubbly and just draws people in. There are not many that dislike her and if they do, it is because they find her personality overbearing. She is almost always with a smile on her face and with a plan on her mind. And once she’s made her mind up, it’s near impossible to steer her in another direction. That’s just how determined Arielle can be – stubborn, if you weren’t one that tolerates her.

What a lot of people tend to make the mistake of doing is overlooking Arielle or simply looking down on her. They even see her as a child at times, one who you should pet her head because she is too adorable for you to look at without feeling pity for her ditziness. She is quite impulsive and does the first thing that comes to mind. She feels that if you take too long to make a decision, then you are only second-guessing yourself and nothing good ever comes from that. So, she goes with whatever her brain says. And she is usually devastated if the situation turns out to be the complete opposite of the outcome she foresaw. Ellie genuinely wants to see the best in people or the best outcomes and is usually heartbroken.

Her boss will tell you, however, that that part of Ellie’s personality is what made the older woman hire her. While there is an air of naivety surrounding her person, there is an underlying wisdom that most tend to overlook. She can play the role of the party girl or the blonde friend, but can just as quickly surprise you with a bout of wisdom you did not see coming. It is also because of her meticulous tendencies that she was hired. Ellie is quite organized, which is surprising to most because she is a walking chaos all her own. However, when it comes to life and work, Ellie is a perfectionist at heart. Once she does something, she never half-asses it. It is done with near-perfection precision and execution. But it’s not because she’s that controlling of a person.

Ellie is extremely insecure. Most people don’t see that as she has a good hold over her happy persona. However, it is no secret that Ellie is extremely emotional and takes everything to heart. If there is an issue at work, she usually thinks that it is something she has done. If a boyfriend has broken up with her or cheated, she – at some point – ends up blaming herself even if it was no fault of her own. That’s just who she is. Why? Because nothing Ellie has done ever felt good enough. Even the most miniscule of failures like getting a 3.5 when her goal was a 3.8 used to absolutely break her heart because Ellie hates disappointment and not being as great as her father.

It is probably why she can get so jealous or possessive of someone. It is not that she wants to be extremely controlling of a person. Well, for her feral, that might actually be the case. It is because she is absolutely terrified of not being enough or for those insecurities to be played with. Seeing someone flirt with FC: Jared Padelecki or any boyfriend she has has Ellie looking at all of her faults and seeing everything good in that other person. And it can destroy her, which is why she has such a horrible track record with boyfriends. They never see her or love her as much as she needs. Her father never loved her the way she needed.

The Past


When most people think of the possibilities for Arielle’s childhood, they picture sunshine, swings, ice cream and happiness. Some parts of it consisted of those things, others didn’t. It just important to start at Arielle’s fourth birthday party.

From the day she was born, it was obvious that Arielle was a Daddy’s girl. Every second of the day was spent in her father’s arms. She would watch Sunday games with him, go out fishing with him (she was a girly-girl even back then and would squeal at the sight of worms), and sit on his lap in the evenings when she would get really sleepy, but didn’t want to leave him. He used to carry her up to her bedroom and kiss her forehead and Ellie would just be there, happy and content. But, outside of that, life between her parents wasn’t great. Even Ellie wasn’t oblivious to that fact.

There would be days in which her mother would find the smallest of things to complain about and Ellie would hide in her closet, just wanting to screaming matches to stop. Inwardly, and this was because she was no naΓ―ve as a child and maybe even a tad bit so now, but she blamed her mother and there was a deep dislike settling in her heart. Her mother was always complaining, always the first to yell. And it was on her birthday that she truly began to hate her mother.

They were having a water balloon/gun fight in the backyard. Ellie was pretty much soaked, but she wasn’t complaining. She was having too much fun. Her Dad had just lifted her so that she could throw the balloon in her uncle’s face when her mother’s indignant yell caught everyone’s attention. With a kiss to the back of her head, Ellie watched her father as he put her down and followed her mother inside, a dark look taking over his face. No longer wanting to play, Ellie followed them inside only to find her mother slapping her father. The woman claimed that he was cheating with Arielle’s pre-school teacher, a male. That he had been doing it for over a year. Her father didn’t even deny it. But Ellie was too young to understand what β€œgay” truly was. She recalled someone telling her that it was bad, but it was her Daddy. Sure, Daddy couldn’t be bad, right?

When her mother hit him again, Ellie broke down into tears. She couldn’t remember much after that; all she knew was that her father carried her to her room and promised to cut her cake for her and bring it up later. He never did. That night, he packed his things and moved out. He wasn’t even man enough to tell his little girl goodbye. At first, Ellie was harsh towards her mother. She remained reclusive; she would stay in her room and play instead of coming downstairs with the woman, she would not answer a lot of questions at dinnertime, and she refused to tell her mom about those days in school where Samantha might have pulled her pigtail or when George pushed her a little too hard. That would set the stage for the remainder of their relationship until Ellie went to college. The woman that didn’t know what to do with her daughter and the girl who was too stubborn and naΓ―ve to get the truth.

However, the truth came. After the divorce, her father promised that he would get her every other weekend. She would have to deal with his β€œother” family, but as long as it meant she had her Daddy, everything was fine. But it wasn’t. He would forget about her constantly and when they were together, it became so awkward. She just felt…unwanted. So, when she turned thirteen and had a choice, Arielle stopped visiting her Dad as much. He didn’t truly want her there; he had another little girl and the son he never had and the only man he ever truly loved. What need did he have of her? So, Ellie turned to cheerleading and high school and living for the moment! She was reckless, flirtatious, and bubbly with a hint of bitch. And also, she didn’t have a care in the world and to her, her mother didn’t either.

It came to her senior year when her mother snapped that Ellie was being ungrateful brat and needed to be grounded. Ellie was adamant about standing her ground and it turned to a yelling match that ended with Ellie claiming that her mother never loved her. She admitted that she knew her father didn’t and that ever since the divorce, Ellie hated her mom. She felt that the woman buried herself in her work so that she didn’t have to see her child, the child that looked exactly like the man that broke her heart. They both cried and apologized and awkwardly worked to reconciliation. Of course, that meant Ellie had to seriously put in work to stop being as promiscuous and careless as she was and her mother had to try to get close to her daughter again. It was at that point that Ellie stopped worrying about her Dad as much. She had a mother who paid for all of her cheerleading expenses and was there for everything that he wasn’t.

College passed by in a blur. To Arielle, it was a lot like high school. She was a cheerleader, she was a contributor to the newspaper, and she went to parties. She actually pledged as a Kappa Kappa Gamma and served as the secretary during her junior year. A few heartbreaks and close friends later, she had her two main best friends and Tristan. Their relationship was rocky and difficult to understand from the start because they are so different, but his seriousness brings out the maturity in her and she reminds him to let loose every now and then. Arielle won’t lie and tell you that she doesn’t love him. To be completely honest, he has been the reason why her last relationship (the cheating aside) didn’t work. Everything wrong that she found in her ex, she found perfect in him. So, it’s not even that she won’t acknowledge it. It’s that she can’t. Acknowledging that she wants more from him means acknowledging that a relationship could very well damage a friendship that means the world to her and Arielle is not ready for that. There is also her belief that she is nowhere near the kind of girl Tristan needs and would rather see him happy with someone else than deal with the girl she is. She can’t change. So, she’ll party and keep him just where he is…even if her heart and her feral want more…

|Theme Songs|


I Wish You Loved Me|| Tynisha Keli
Uhh uhh uh uh uo woah woah uh uh uh uh ou whoa whoa..

[Verse 1:]
Something, Something Is Simple As Me Hearing Your Name
Puts Me, Puts Me In A Place That I Can't Even Explain
I Really Didn't Know Back Then But Right Now Im Totally Sure
Baby I Know Im Your Friend But I Wanna Be Much More

I Get Butterflies When I See You Coming
Oh Boy You Got Me Running
This Feeling In My Stomach Tells Me I Should Be Your Woman
Cause You're The Only One Who Makes My Fairy Tale Come True

How Can Someone Make Me So Sad But Still I Only Want Them To Stay
I Wanna Say I Love You So Bad, But I Dont Wanna Scare You Away
Please I Wish That You'll Understand
That I Wanna Be More Than Just Your Friend
I Wish You Loved Me

[Verse 2:]
I See, I See You Talking To Them Girls On The Phone
I Wish That I Can Tell Them All To Leave You Alone
Really Didn't Know Back Then But Right Now Im Totally Sure
That I Wanna Be Much More

This Is Why I Never Really Like Your Girlfriends
Why I Never Really Gave Them A Chance
Because I Realized That Im Your Woman

How Can Someone Make Me So Sad But Still I Only Want Them To Stay
I Wanna Say I Love You So Bad, But I Dont Wanna Scare You Away
Please I Wish That You'll Understand
That I Wanna Be More Than Just Your Friend
I Wish You Loved Me

Said If You Really Love Somebody,
I Mean Really Really Really Really Love Somebody
Let Me Hear You Say Yeahh, Let Me Hear You Say Yeahh Yeahh
If You Really Know You Need Them
And You Know Deep Down Youre Never Gonna Leave 'Em
Let Me Hear You Say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Hear You Say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

How Can Someone Make Me So Sad But Still I Only Want Them To Stay
I Wanna Say I Love You So Bad, But I Dont Wanna Scare You Away
Please I Wish That You'll Understand
That I Wanna Be More Than Just Your Friend
I Wish You Loved Me [x3]
For the Love of a Daughter|| Demi Lovato
Four years old with my back to the door
All I could hear was the family war
Your selfish hands always expecting more
Am I your child or just a charity award?

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

It's been five years since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated
Only so many times,
Before even "I love you"
Starts to sound like a lie

You have a hollowed out heart
But it's heavy in your chest
I try so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
Hopeless, you're hopeless

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me out of your world,
Lied to your flesh and your blood,
Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved?
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved

Oh, father, please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father, please, father

Oh, father, please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter
For the love of a daughter

So begins...

Arielle Murdoc's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Dina King Character Portrait: Jordan Cassidy Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Rebecca Adigail Cassidy Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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Morning stretched over California with the warm rays of pure sunlight and new beginnings. The sun's beams of annoying light and unnecessary heat flickered through what she thought were closed blinds and a small whine erupted from her throat, causing her to turn onto her side and curl up, clutching the blanket with the need to return to the calm sanctity of sleep. Long and dark lashes fluttered momentarily, almost brushing a pale cheek before her eyes opened to reveal orbs of pure and nearly glowing sapphire. For a second, emerald green pierced through the sea of her eyes before they returned to normal. Her feral side alwas came out to play early in the morningBut then they closed again and the young blonde drifted off into a very light state of weightlessness and euphoria.

A few moment longer and Arielle, or Ellie as she liked to be called, Murdoc awoke and yawned softly. For only just a second, she considered trying to go back to sleep and ignoring her brain's desire to not miss work today. She hardly took sick days; one little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone. And - if her boss was in dire need of her assistance - there was a thing called Skype. However, a small hint of guilt found its way into her chest and weighed down on her until she opened her eyes and stared at a surprisingly still asleep Tristan. Usually, he awoke before her and would actually force her to wake up. It was a rarity to be up before him.

"I really gotta stop doing this..."

Her mutter fell on what she considered to be deaf ears at the moment as she took in the time to admire the way Tristan's hair fell over his face, or the sharp, timeless handsomeness of his face. More importantly, the calm innocence on his face as he slept. His almost always tense countenance during the day and an even harder expression when he was feeling the stress of his line of work or annoyed made it almost impossible for most to think that calm was a good definition to ever use in a sentence with Tristan's name. However, Ellie and a few others were granted the opportunity to see him truly smile or at moments like these; where his face held no tenseness and he was visibly relaxed. The only thing that spoiled the moment was not being able to see those beautiful eyes. A small, barely noticeable and possessive growl snuck its way past her lips and Ellie could see the little bitch inside of her curling up into a ball and smiling to herself happily.

Rolling her eyes, Arielle sat up, throwing the blanket off of her body. The shirt she stole from Tristan - an old one so that she would not get cussed out - fell off of her right shoulder, revealing the straps to the cami she wore underneath. Other than those two items of clothing, that was all Ellie wore last night. She pretty much crashed at some point; she couldn't truly remember when. Rolling her neck, Arielle decided that she couldn't exactly leave Tristan to sleep. They both have work.

"Come on, handsome," she called and leaned over to push against his very broad - don't go there - shoulders. "Tristan, wake up. We have work." Knowing that he would eventually awaken, Arielle decided to go make coffee. Without a lack of confidence in her physique or embarassment for being seen, Arielle stood and stretched, leaning up onto the tips of her toes and extending her fingers as well. The shirt fell to the middle of her thighs. She gave one final glance to Tristan, ignoring the way her heart clenched momentarily, and walked out of his bedroom to go make a batch of coffee.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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Having worked the night shift at the hospital, Gavin is only just returning home now, exhausted by his twelve hour shift. Luckily, there weren't too many mishaps with any of the patients he had been watching last night, though he did have to cover for a nurse who was currently on pregnancy leave until her shifts could be better redistributed, so there had been more of a strain to get everything done and under control than normally. What he'd really like right now is to eat breakfast and then pass out for a couple of hours. He won't be having work for another two days, so he'll be able to rest and such, and perhaps go to the bar with a couple of friends tonight. The thought is very tempting, though it takes a backseat to hunger. He normally would've stopped by a fast food place on the way back, but there was too heavy a flow of traffic for him to get to the other side of the road, so he opted to just eat at home.

The man gets into the elevator, which he only uses after working. A few other people get on as well, but most of them will be going down to work, unlike the young man still wearing his scrubs. He steps out at the fourteenth floor, politely wishing the other people in the elevator a good day before walking down to his apartment, which is towards the end of the floor, and therefore has some pretty excellent windows- more than several of the other apartments, since it's on the corner. It's also an apartment that often has people in it, for the residents are considered unofficial leaders and big brothers of the unique medley of people who rent on this particular floor. Of course, that's disregarding any nighttime visitors of a certain roommate with the ability to manipulate others.

Tired, it takes Gavin a second to find the right key before he can finally get access to his own apartment. He closes the door quietly, in case the others are still sleeping, and immediately takes off his shoes, which are always bothersome constraints for him. Keys make a little clinking noise when he hangs them on the hook beside the door, where he always leaves them. No, not leaves them. Puts them. A subtle but important difference, really.

There is a mirror in their front hallway, and Gavin catches sight of himself in it, resulting in him giving himself a once over. Maybe a shower after food, he decides, definitely needing one- not because he's dirty, but because he does have some sweat from running about, and needs something to wash away the night. Besides, he's always rather liked cold showers.

He is walking down the hallway and halfway through taking off his shirt when he notices that they have a visitor. Not an uncommon one, though. Arielle is standing in his kitchen, wearing what appears to be his genius roommate, Tristan's, shirt. He quickly puts his shirt back on and gives her a smile in greeting. "G'morning. You know you don't actually live here, right?" he asks jokingly, for she seems to be over at this place as often as she is at her own apartment. Gavin notices that she is making coffee, but hardly needs some at the moment, as he plans on taking a nap or something. He's been awake for 24 hours straight now, after all. It's hardly an unreasonable desire. First things first, however: breakfast.

Gavin walks past her and to the kitchen fridge, from which he pulls out a plastic container of left over spaghetti. It'll do. After spooning it all into a bowl and sticking it into the microwave, he turns back towards Arielle. "Were you here all night, then?" having left around seven or so last night, he wouldn't really know, of course. He can, however, guess that the answer is yes.


Last night had not been fun at the bar. Well, perhaps it had been fun for some of the customers, especially those who had not associated with the fight, but for the bartender who had to break up 2 fights last night, and deal with the typical round of drunken idiots, it had been less than fun. Normally, she actually enjoys her job, despite the drunks and having to deal with the occasional would-be date rapist when she sees them slipping something into another customer's drink. Last night's fights, however, had been unnecessary and downright irritating- and not helpful to the headache that Nailah had been dealing with already. Of course, she broke up the fights, putting on a show of pulling them apart so that it wouldn't look suspicious when both of the fighters suddenly doubled over in inexplicable pain. One of them had gotten a blow on her when she was focusing on the other, and had gotten a double dose of pain for that. Revenge didn't make the bruise on her jaw go away.

Nailah almost wants to sleep in, which is uncharacteristic for a girl who typically claims that "sleeping in too much makes [her] feel slimy." Still, she pushes herself out of bed. By the sound of it, no one else is up yet. Which means that Arielle is probably at Tristan's house still. The thought merits an eye roll. That relationship is one that Nailah finds silly- both of them seem to be constantly tip toeing around the obvious. For people so intelligent, they sure do know how to make things impossible for themselves, that much is true. It isn't really her business, however, and won't be unless Arielle somehow gets hurt in the tangle. Should that happen, it is an accepted fact, one that not even Arielle can stop, that someone will be getting a very nasty pain all over.

After flicking through the channels to find some documentary on Confucianism in modern China, Nailah grabs a box of cereal and some soy milk [she's not a lactose-friendly person], as well as a bowl, spoon, and mug of hot jasmine tea. She's not much of a person for making breakfasts, content with a muffin or a bowl of cold cereal. The tea is to help her headache, and warm up her body. Nailah always seems to be cold- her hands are naturally cold, and she can feel a chill in an above room temperature space.

What she really wants right now is a cigarette, but she'll push it off until she has eaten. In her most recent attempts to cut back, the young woman has begun setting limits that push back when she can smoke. Not before breakfast is the current effort. Besides, she'll want to shower after she smokes. The girl hates the scent of it, to be honest.

To: Arielle
Morning. You at Tristan's?

She sends the test to Arielle with two intentions- to confirm her suspicions, and to make sure that Arielle is awake. After sending it, the girl leans back in her chair and takes a sip while she listens to the narrator go on about the scholar-gentry class and how it influenced the pressure on education in China.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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0.00 INK


As Arielle waited for the coffee machine to brew her some French Roast coffee, she breezed through her texts. Without fail, Mrs. Cooper already sent her ten texts this morning, including the fifteen she sent last night as a reminder that there was in fact a board meeting today at around 11 am. She wanted Ellie to pick up some coffees and baked goods from her favorite little bakery a block away from Cooper Coporations. They introduced new models and actors into the world every single day and their meeting was for a partnership that would give the company over $6.5 billion. Rolling her eyes, Arielle pressed for the contact she had on speed dial.

"Morning, Stacy," Arielle greeted cheerily, bouncing onto the countertop. She could hear the third roommate bustling around in his room from where she was and if her nose's reaction wasn't enough, she had no doubt that - once again - he brought another girl home. What was this? The third one? "Yeah, I know. Feels like a wonderful Friday. Anyway, I gotta call in an order today and I need it done by 10:55. I need an array of croisants, bagels, muffins, and as many other delicious pastries that you could find in the store. I also need twelve coffees..." It didn't take too long for Stacy to finish with the order and Arielle hung up the phone. Just as she set it down to get her cup, her hand paused. The push of a key into the hole and a quick flick of a wrist reached her ears and a subtle flick of her nose alerted her to the familiar scent of an exhausted Gavin. She relaxed just as he came through the door and poured herself a cup of coffee.

While fixing herself up with cream and sugar, she listened for movement in both Tristan's room and where Gavin stood. Perhaps, if she honestly brought herself to care, she would feel a tad bit uncomfortable with wearing very little in an apartment filled with guys. However, she was surprisingly at home with them, though she couldn't say for sure that it was the same for Gavin or the other roommate. But, in Ellie's mind, if either of them truly had a problem with her presence, they could say something. So caught up in the task of fixing her cup and her musings, Ellie actually tensed a little when Gavin spoke.

"Is that a complaint I hear, handsome?" Arielle retorted with a twinkle in her eyes as she turned around to face Gavin as he entered the kitchen. She leaned back against the counter and sipped her coffee, a small purr causing her chest to rumble just-so as warm, sweet liquid eased its way down her throat. As Gavin fixed himself a serving of food, Arielle blushed at his inquiry of her being here all night. It was something her friends teased her about constantly and the insinuations a few apartments down and around the corner always had her cheeks burning for reasons she honestly did not want to acknowledge. "Yeah, your place was a lot closer." Arielle went back to drinking, needing more of the God-sent gift that was coffee.

She hadn't necessarily lied. They really were closer to the elevator than her apartment was. All the guys had to do was walk down the hall. She would have had to walk down the hall and around the corner. Call it lazy, but Ellie had not been in the mood for that last night. So, she settled. Plus, she worked better in Tristan's presence, though she kept that bit of knowledge to herself.

"Bet you're sleeping the day away, aren't you?" Just as she finished speaking, her phone buzzed and Arielle glanced to see a new text. Biting her lip at the obvious opinion her best friend, Nailah, had about her current relationship with Tristan, Arielle sent her response.

To: Nailah
Morning, luv. And yeesss!! Gonna be down when I wake Tristan up!! :) :)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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For the third night in a row, Tristan had come home the previous night close to dawn. Four hours. If he could just get four hours he'd be golden. Of course, like many nights, he found that his bed had not one unaccompanied. Arielle was fast asleep in his bed by the time he walked across the threshold of his bedroom. If it had been any other woman, this would've deterred him. However, seeing as she typically made herself at home whether he was here or not, he'd grown accustomed to seeing a crown of blonde hair resting on his pillow. It was for that reason that he remained clothed, taking nothing off but his shoes before retiring for the night. He remained above the covers, dissuading any false assumption that she'd been there for any other purpose other than sleeping. Clearly anyone could waltz into his room without him knowing soβ€”to himβ€”this was necessary. He couldn't be bothered with rumors or illusions of an intimate relationship. He simply didn't have the time.

After the departure of his interloping companion, the bedroom was quiet save for Tristan's soft breathing. He'd no intentions of waking up, regardless of his company and the fact that he'd exceeded his four hour minimum. Arielle's efforts had gone in vain, leaving him bound in his restful state. To any onlooker it would seem that he would go on sleeping for hours more, maybe several. However, a sudden uproarious sound of a guitar riff tore him through his reverie. Tristan rolled over onto his back begrudgingly, groaning as the phone levitated into his waiting palm. He didn't have to look at the caller ID to know who it was, the abrupt explosion of ACDC being a key contributor to his knowledge. It was merely a text, one that simply read:

Holmes. You up?

I am now.

He'd responded as quickly as he'd received it, sitting up with his iPhone in his hands. It'd been his partner, Agent Wyatt Jensen or otherwise known to Tristan as Wattsen. It was a play on pseudonym derived from a combination of his first and last name, ironically coincidental in consideration to the name Tristan himself had been given. Because of his deductive prowess, he'd earned the name Holmes from his best friend. Best friend. Tristan shook his head at the thought. He couldn't remember when he started calling the man that. Then again, when the man has taken more than one bullet for you it seemed almost indecent to refer to him as anything else.

We've got another one. When can you get here?

Give me twenty.

This response spurred him into action, hauling him off of the covers and into the bathroom attached to his room. His shower took him ten minutes and it took less than five to dress himself in his sharp suited work attire. He combed his hair, leaving it to fall haphazardly around his face and yet the style wasn't off putting. Grabbing the basic necessities and pocketing most of them, Tristan walked out into the hall, his attention on his phone. He glanced up briefly to acknowledge the people in the kitchen, "Morning Gavin". His eyes cut to the blonde sipping on a coffee mug, going unfazed by the fact that she was traipsing around in one of his shirts. "Arielle," He left the apartment with nothing more than that, striding to the elevator as he brought his phone to his ear, dialing up his partner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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Gavin raises his eyebrow and chuckles, "It very nearly is." The microwave beeps, but he takes a moment to open it, rustling through the drawer that contains their eating utensils before he finds a small fork which is his favorite for eating pasta with. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for this preference, as the fork in fact is slightly less practical than a larger one might be for eating. He simply likes it, and thus uses it. Besides, it's the fork that no one else really uses it, so it is good to have an assigned task for it- the fork would otherwise collect dust. "I'm starting to think we should start making you pitch in for rent," he adds with a smile before finally taking the spaghetti out of the microwave. Gavin sprinkles cheese over it, and then coats it with an excessive amount of salt. He's a pretty big fan of the stuff, clearly, something he claims is due to a sodium deficiency, but isn't really. He just likes the taste. Needless to say, he drinks a lot of water, as well- it balances out the large salt intake.

He doesn't bother to ask why she didn't simply make the extra few yards to the comfort of her own apartment. Her excuse of it being a shorter distance has been used before, and continues to be a very weak one. Still, he accepts it all the same, believing, as most of the floormates do, that it's just a very thin coverup for her real intentions. Tristan didn't get home until rather late, Gavin recalls, something he knows because he had sent the man a text asking about some trivial thing. He guesses that Arielle had actually gotten here before Tristan did at least. Maybe his bed is just a lot more comfortable, he thinks, joking with himself to some extent. "Closer? Whatever you say, blondie," he responds before stifling a yawn. He is clearly not bubbling with energy at the moment, reaching the 'too tired to sleep' stage rapidly. He's really hoping to fall asleep before that step has been reached.

With a shrug, he continues to eat the salt-and-cheese pasta mix, eating rather quickly. Mouth full, he can only nod when Arielle guesses that his plan for the day is to sleep. Of course she'll know his schedule by now, she's over frequently enough. Realizing he needs one, Gavin pours a glass of water to help chase down his food. Hearing noise coming from Tristan's room, he glances over, and just in time to see his flatmate walk out, clearly heading out of the apartment. He gives a nod of his head and an instinctive "Good Morning" in return, his greeting perhaps being said just before Tristan leaves the apartment.

Hopefully, Arielle will follow. Don't misunderstand, he doesn't dislike Arielle. He just doesn't want to leave her in the kitchen to go take a shower, and thus will be bound to the room until she leaves. Courtesy, of sorts. "And I suppose you'll be working today?" finally, his response to her sleeping comment comes about.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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Arielle giggled and took another drink of her coffee as Gavin joked that they should probably make her pitch in for rent. Hell, the girls had actually joked about her splitting half of her pay for both apartments just to be fair. She came over here, cooked on occasion, and hung out here more times than she could count. And it would be fair- seeing how she spent most of her time in the guys' apartment, but...she sighed. That would be going a tad bit too far, especially given that she's probably very much blatant to the true inhabitants of the apartment she was currently standing in. When Gavin's tone suggests disbelief at her little lie about her apartment being too far away, her cheeks flushed a lovely rosy shade.

"Kinda obvious, aren't I?" Was what decided to come out of her mouth. Arielle didn't even think about responding to any response Gavin might have for her. In fact, she honestly - truly - did not care for one. Continuing on this subject - and damn her brain for even going there - meant confusion and heartache and honestly, Arielle was starting to believe that she was the only one who was sincerely confused. Already and without her day having to start, a small headache began to form and she winced. She heard Tristan's ringtone go off in his room and a few mere moments later, he was moving.

Arielle had just finished her coffee when Tristan pretty much floated into the room and floated right back with the swiftest of greetings. She didn't even try to call after him when he was out the door, rejecting the way her lips automatically wanted to curve downward into a frown. No. She was not going to be upset over something as miniscule as this. Besides, he was on the move because he had work - the same thing she had. Sighing, Arielle flashed a smile to Gavin.

"Yep...and it's gonna be bad. Thank God it's Friday," she lamented, quaffed the rest of drink, and then grabbed hold of her phone. Usually, if she made coffee, the other roommate would drink the rest and luckily, she didn't even make a big batch this morning. "Well, probably should get going. Enjoy your sleep, love." Ellie barely even registered if he responded or not. She hurried back to Tristan's room, scrambled to put on the jeans and jacket she brought up with her, slipped on her flats, and made Tristan's bed as quickly as she could. With one last glance to make sure everything was neat and a wave towards Gavin on her way out, Arielle was out the door.

A few minutes later, she unlocked the door to her apartment and stepped inside, taking a moment to lean against the door to gather herself. She could hear the munch-munch-munch of Nailah eating cereal in the living room, the TV on some random documentary or was it a commercial? and the stillness in Cheyenne's room. A beat later and she was stepping in, throwing her keys down on the counter and placing her phone beside it. She walked into the kitchen to find something more sustaining to eat before the meeting.

"Morning, gorgeous! Missed me?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Dina King Character Portrait: Jordan Cassidy Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Rebecca Adigail Cassidy Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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#, as written by spayce

Cheyenne woke up to the sound of a muffled TV program in the living room. The light escaping her curtains shined on the comfy clutter of her bedroom- glass terrariums, the hanging tapestry over her head, drying herbs, diy cigarettes, shelves filled with empty pretty things, clothes lines, instruments. The scent of warm jasmine and copal incense burning in her room made her feel calm and dreamier than usual. She brushed tiny tangles out of her long disheveled hair and chose to wear a long sheer skirt over a cotton long sleeve leotard that she wore last night.

Her phone beeped reminding her of a tarot reading appointment in the park. She feels nervous and excited whenever she meets a new customer. Last night she littered the walls of the apartment building with her decorated psychic flyers. She had always been too shy to talk to her neighbors, but they hopefully won't mind the flyers scattered in the hallway and elevator and call the number listed on them instead of complaining.

She entered the kitchen to find Naila and Arielle eating breakfast in the kitchen. She smiled at Arielle. "Did you have a nice time last night?" she asked with a knowing smile. Cheyenne made herself toast with almond butter and basil. She took her plate and mug of tea over to where Nailah was sitting and watching a documentary. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, staring at the bruise on Nailah's chin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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Nailah takes another bite of her cereal, mind wandering a bit as a commercial comes on, advertising for a car dealership that isn't really close enough to be in the area, and yet has commercials on regularly enough to be a nuisance to several people. The commercial is excruciatingly dull, making for a perfect time for her to think about whatever floats across her mind at the time. Right now, she's considering going to the library after she gets dressed and brushes her teeth and such. She has a book to return that is, in fact, overdue by at least a week. She's been somewhat busy for the past week or so, both with extra shifts she's picked up to start saving up money for the holidays, but also with various errands. So, to the library she shall go on this day, though only for a short while. Perhaps she'll go shopping for gifts afterwards. Ever since she got her own job, Nailah has been overzealous with purchasing gifts for her mother during the Christmas season. There is no logical reason for it, and her mother eventually gave up on protesting when she realized that it was an inexplicable source of pleasure for Nailah. The otherwise unsentimental girl has a special spot in her heart for Christmas, kindled from the warmth of her mother.

At the buzzing of her phone, Nailah flips it open and scans the text from Arielle, which promises that she'll return to the apartment shortly. A smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, the fond sort reserved for friends such as the quite blatantly smitten blond. Only a little bit later, perhaps ten minutes, the key-in-lock noise alerts her that Arielle has kept up with her text, and has returned. Most likely to put on some clothes for work- Nailah's friend doesn't commonly seem to plan ahead for her little sleepovers at Tristan's apartment, and often comes home wearing an oversized shirt or clothing from the night before. "You should start keeping a toothbrush or something over there, Arielle," Nailah suggests helpfully, smirking slightly. She turns around in her chair, twisting her torso slightly in the process, to face the newly entered woman.

"And good morning to you, miss sunshine. Cheyenne and I are going to feel lonely if you keep hanging out with other people,"
she adds, standing up and walking over to the sink, where she rinses her dishes before putting them into the washing machine. Nailah knocks her shoulder against Arielle's before walking back towards her chair.

"We're out of eggs, by the way."

Just moments later, Cheyenne enters the common area of the apartment, making a comment towards Arielle that has Nailah smiling again, raising her eyebrows. Of course, as Cheyenne walks over to sit by Nailah and glances at the bruise on her jaw, the smile is covered by an irritated expression. The scowl comes not from the question, but from the memory of the bar fight.

"No need. Some drunk fucks got into a fight over some stupid thing, and I had to break them up. Got distracted for a second- just a job risk," she shrugs easily. A lot worse might have happened if it had been another one of the bartenders, because the guys had hardly been mouse. The police showed up pretty quickly to drag them out, anyway.

Nailah can smell the incense floating out of Cheyenne's room, as intoxicating as always. A thought occurs to her which turns the attention towards Cheyenne. "So, how did poster-hanging go? Find any clients?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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When Nailah joked that she should probably keep a toothbrush at Tristan's apartment, Arielle mocked an almost insulted and surprised expression. However, a big smile broke through the small pout and she was beaming at her roommate, ignoring the bitterness on her tongue.

"As if that doesn't make me any more obvious. Besides, you both know you're my favorite people," she replied with a wink at Nailah and went to rummaging through the fridge. She bumped her hip against Nailah's back as the other female walked back to her seat. She called back over her shoulder in response, "I'll go to the store during my lunch break and bring it after my dinner with Javier. Apparently, he wants to go over some 'files' with me. I think Mrs. Cooper is trying to set me up again." This would be the third time the older woman tried; the first being with her thirty year old son. She seemed to think that Arielle needed help in the love department.

Grinning in triumph, Arielle pulled out a small container of the rest of the waffle batter she made yesterday. Doing a small happy dance for herself, she opened it, pulled out a utensil, and began whisking away at the batter. It would be enough to make two waffles, which would be fine for if one of the others wanted one.

The waffle iron had just finished with her waffle and she was sliding her breakfast onto a plate when Cheyenne emerged from her bedroom, dressed. Arielle shot Cheyenne a look at the inquiry about her night and stuck her tongue out at her friend, a childish act, yes. But then again, it wouldn't be Arielle without being a child sometimes. She slathered some strawberry cream cheese on her waffle, cut it into four, and proceeded to eat one of her pieces. She grabbed a cup of orange juice and joined her roommates.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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#, as written by spayce

Nailah and Arielle were both curious about how Cheyenne's psychic business flyers went. "Nobody's called me" she said. "I'm having multiple types of angst about it so please send me good vibes today" The warmth from the sun came through the window and onto the kitchen table onto their cold skin.

She liked mornings where she can take things in slowly. without rushing it either For the first time in her life she was doing a terrible job keeping up with work and money but she also thought that she is probably learning more relevant things at once than she ever had before.

It was good to remind herself that the world is a complicated place and it’s ok if being alive seems terribly difficult most of the time. Surrounding herself with people who make her forget, even just for a second, that things are complicated makes her want to bathe in the glory of this feeling.

"Let's have a party tonight so I can meet the mysterious boy Arielle has never brought home"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus West Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia Character Portrait: Gavin Astor
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"Well, I suppose I'll be able to find it in me to go on, then," Nailah responds to Arielle's assurance that she and Cheyenne are the clearly smitten blonde's favorite people. She doesn't doubt it, despite knowing her friend's affections for the genius detective down the hall. After all, this apartment's residents are bound by a strict code of friendship before all else, and she believes that they all stick to it. She and Cheyenne certainly do, and Nailah has faith that Arielle will continue to put friends before romance, even though she seems to be nearing a cliff of sorts with her intensifying feelings. Honestly, though she'd never admit this to her friend, Arielle serves as something of a cautionary tale to Nailah- especially as she's seen the girl in her more jealous states, unfortunately. It all serves as a rather good reminder that things like that are messy, and not worth the effort. As it stands, the girl is quite content with the occasional one night stand, and ensuring that everyone around her is a friend, enemy, or stranger, but never something more.

Her eyebrows quirk up at Arielle's dinner date with this Javier chap, but her only comment on it is an amused smirk of sorts before she glances towards the documentary and picks up the remote, turning off the TV, since she has better things to do at the moment- with her roommates out in the common area, after all. Because her work hours are 6pm-2am, 5 or 6 days a week, she doesn't typically see them as frequently as one would expect, unless they show up at her bar, which isn't unheard of. Still, her schedule tends to clash a bit with Arielle's, though Cheyenne lines up a bit more due to the lack of structure in her work. She's a by-appointment psychic, after all.

At Cheyenne's request, Nailah offers a half smile, "Well, you didn't put them up to long ago, after all. As far as vibes go, can do- I have the night off, after all."
Yes, today is her precious night off- of course, she always takes Fridays off, despite the fact that they are one of, if not the, best tipping nights of the week. She's got things to do and people to hang with on this night, and given that she's managing to pay her bills well enough, she figures that this is forgivable. Even if it isn't, who cares?

Two thoughts cross Nailah's mind at Cheyenne's suggestion. She voices both, "Mystery boy? It's Tristan, Cheyenne." There's a sort of everyone knows everyone feel to this floor, but that's definitely the case with the guys in 1247, who are the unofficial leaders of the floor, after all. "But sounds like a plan to me. Might need to go and buy some drinks, though. Up for some grocery shopping, or do you have an appointment today?"


After Arielle had left the apartment, something that happened so soon after Tristan's departure that it was obvious she is making no attempt to hide her point of being there, Gavin heads for the shower. The clean feeling is much needed, as it always is when he gets home for work. His place of work is one of the most sanitary places in the city, completely sterilized- or as much as is possible with all that work to be done. Yet, he always needs to shower when he returns home. The man loves his work, of course, and wouldn't switch out for any other job- he passed up the chance to become a professional football player, after all, a job which would have made him a good deal more money than working as a nurse does. But that wasn't where his heart lied, and he currently works in a place that has been important to him ever since the passing of his younger sister, Hanna.

Once he feels properly cleansed, Gavin gets out of the shower and dries off, wrapping the towel around his waist for the short trip to his room. He doesn't get claim to the biggest bedroom, the one with the attached bathroom. This was a luxury he had willingly passed over, however, not the sort to make a fuss about something so simple as where one sleeps and such. Besides, of his roommates, he is the least likely to have guests staying the night, what with Augustus's girls and Tristan having Arielle over. It makes sense that he'd have the smallest room; he does the least in it, and doesn't really have an excessive amount of things with which to fill up a large room.

After putting on clothing- just a pair of shorts, actually, since he no longer feels the need to maintain the courtesy of having a shirt on, Gavin makes a brief detour to the kitchen once more, this time heading for a cold water bottle. His throat has been itching a bit, though he knows he can't be coming down with something- the guy is immune to pretty much all sicknesses. Instead, he wonders if someone had brought their cat into the elevator shortly, or something along those lines. That would be the most reasonable explanation.

Just as he walks back out to the kitchen, he finds Augustus at the fridge. Well, he had heard him say hello before entering the kitchen, but still. Of course, his friend is home even later than he is. But, while Gavin was out working, he knows for a fact that Augustus was otherwise occupied. His roommate is rather insatiable, he has found over the years.

"Morning. Yeah- he left, and Arielle right after him," he smiles at Augustus's comment about Tristan keeping the streets clean, though that is in his job description. He's probably off working on the newest murder case- or one of them, after all. The guy is a police force onto himself, as far as detective skills go. But then, their roommate is known as Holmes for a reason, isn't he?

"What about you? Staying in for a bit, or do you have a gig today?" It occasionally occurs to Gavin that he has the most average job of all of his roommates. A model, a detective, and a nurse. One of these things is less of a conversation starter than the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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When Cheyenne mentioned having a party for the evening, Arielle sat up quickly, chewing happily on the last of her waffle. A party was probably the best idea she had heard all week. Well, there had been that one joke about black-don't-crack from one of the models, but that was the only thing that came to mind. She just had it in her to nod enthusiastically when Cheyenne commented on meeting the "mystery man" in Ellie's life. She giggled awkwardly, choosing instead to take a large gulp of orange juice and letting Nailah correct her.

"Not much of a mystery there, Chey. And it's not like least, maybe not that much like that" another headache was forming after she spoke and Arielle shook her head and headed into the kitchen. It was almost time for her to get ready for work anyway. As she finished her juice, she called over her shoulder, "But I'm definitely down for some dancing tonight. Gotta burn off all the bread I'll be eating today." Not that her stomach was complaining. There were beautiful sweets to be consumed: Danishes, doughnuts, sweet rolls, buns, and probably some of those breakfast sandwiches if Stacey was in the mood to be nice. Her stomach, though still in the process of digesting her waffle, grumbled in delight at the thought.

Arielle hurried towards her room, pointing at the clock just to alert the girls that she was on the move. She pulled out hopefully decent articles of clothing, threw what she had on in the bin (she would definitely be giving back Tristan his shirt...possibly?), and then grabbed a towel to go take a shower. Ten minutes later, she felt refreshed and the scent of vanilla was just wafting off her skin along with the steam from the shower and her mouth still tingled from its own cleaning. She dressed quickly, opting to towel-dry her hair today. Instead of dealing with it like on other days, Arielle combed the naturally sinuous strands into a loose chignon with strands framing her face. Her touch of make-up was barely there. Satisfied, Arielle stormed out of her room.

"Text me what I need to pick up before I come home," she yelled and hurried out the door, blowing a kiss at the girls on the way.

Now, on to Stacey's and then to work.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus West Character Portrait: Daniella Lianna King Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Dina King Character Portrait: Jordan Cassidy Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc
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"Thanks for the dinner, Javi," Arielle said as they exited the restaurant, an appreciative smile on her face as the gentleman accompanying her opened the door for her. "I'll make sure to get back to you if there are any changes." The handsome young man smiled at her and led her towards her car, a polite hand at the middle of her back to steer in the right direction. Luckily for him, it was appropriate enough. The other side of her was sated by the steak she ingested and currently found him harmless.

"No problem." She could feel him hesitating when they finally reached her vehicle. Arielle paused, hand still in her purse to pull her keys out and eyes on him expectantly. Javier smirked at that and cleared his fault. "And maybe, if its alright with you, we can do this again some time." A small smile spread on her face and Arielle lowered her head to the ground so that he wouldn't see the other part of her come to life.


"Sure, why not?" Javier was harmless and all they would be doing is hanging out or grabbing a bite to eat. There was nothing serious about. But still, something twisted in her stomach that made her smile feel somewhat forced. However, Javier must not have seen that. His smile was bright and adorable.

"Alright then. Good night." He pecked her cheek gently before walking to his car, waiting until she was seated in her own before entering his. Arielle sat there for a moment to mull over the decision she just made. Was she just leading Javier on? Sure, he was nice and definitely cute. But...was she even interested? Arielle deflated, sitting back in the driver's seat before pulling out her phone.

To: Everyone
Message: Party in Apartment 1416!! See you there!! :) :)

After that text was sent, she sent a quick message to Nailah, telling her that there were a few things she was going to pick up first before she came back to the apartment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustus West Character Portrait: Dina King Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Gavin Astor Character Portrait: Tristan Hawthorne
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Gavin glanced over at Augustus, raising an eyebrow once more, mostly at his comment on the sexual relations between Tristan and Arielle. His reply is buffered with a shrug, partially because he can't honestly say on the matter, regardless of the fact that the young man across from him asks in a mostly joking manner. They both know by now that Tristan isn't really the sort- in fact, Gavin might be hard pressed to remember any instance of Tristan bringing a girl home without some sort of platonic bond being the explanation. He'd guessed, for most of the time that they'd known each other, that the genius was asexual. Perhaps he is, and aromantic as well, though Gavin has slightly greater doubts in regards to that. "Can't say, man. You know how he is,"
and clearly, Augustus does, for he launches into an impersonation close enough to prompt a laugh from Gavin- in no small part due to the great contrast in height between Augustus and the demi-Goliath that he is making an effort to mimic. His following words a source of slight confusion on his part, however.

"Your ship? What?" having never been the sort to go on the internet much, or to be part of fandoms and the like, the term is foreign to Gavin. He is somewhat glad to move on to a topic with which he is far more familiar- the hospital. He finds it a bit funny that Augustus still doesn't really know his schedule, though chalks it up to the fact that he's often somewhere else at night and during the day. At least, away enough to not realize that Gavin works the night shift, not the day shift. "Day off, actually. And as far as lonely lady nurses go- you should probably watch less soap operas," he responds nonchalantly, though with a smile. He's not being entirely honest, though- he is quite popular with many of his female coworkers, as it happens. But, he doesn't like the idea of dating at work- if there's a break up, it would just make things awkward, and that's the last thing one needs rushing about a place full of the injured, ill, and dying.

He glances at the clock, "Besides, you're the one surrounded by female models, right? At the moment, I'm more content to surround myself with a bed and blanket. Have a good day, man," he adds, before grabbing the water bottle, gulping down half of it, and returning to his bedroom for a much needed rest.

Just as he is getting to the ending of a movie, after a day of sleeping and then going to the gym, Gavin's phone vibrates; it's a text from Arielle, and he hardly has to open it to guess the contents. After all, her apartment is known for their friday night parties, so consistent that it seems unnecessary to send out a text about it. Still, the man checks the message, confirming his suspicions.

To: Dina, Augustus, Tristan
Are you going to the party tonight?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dina King Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Gavin Astor
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After a large sports team was taken care of, Dina went to the back to see her friend, Abby or Ab as some people called her, working the new coffee machine. Or at least attempting to. Dina chuckled before going over to her, lightly pushing her out of the way to show her how to do it. Dina didn't have many friends but, Abby was one of them and one of her best friends at that. Dina actually talked a lot around the college student about everything. Something that wasn't easy for her. "How the hell did you learn how to do this?"

Dina just chuckled and filled up the two small cups with espresso before putting them on the tray next to the machine before making two more and handing on to her close friend. "I worked at Starbucks back when I lived in Seattle." Abby took one sip before for making a sour face and setting the drink down. All while Dina drunk the whole thing in one sip. "How do you drink that?" Dina just shrugged before putting the two empty glasses in the sink for the busboy to clean whenever he got back from cleaning a small table.

"Like I said, I lived in Seattle for a few months... You just learn to get addicted to it." Abby rolled her eyes before grabbing the tray and going out to give them to the table of a young couple. By the looks of it they were friends of Abby's because when she went out she didn't return to the back until five to ten minutes later. And when she did, the older girl looked at her with her hands on her hips. "You're suppose to be working, not hanging out with friends."

Abby rolled her eyes before hugging her friend. "Yes, mother." Dina pushed her off of her before looking towards her. "So, how's your sister doing." Dina sigh before shrugging. "I don't know. She keeps sneaking out to go to parties and when I try reprimanding her she just acts like I'm her mother."

"Well, I mean Dina you do act like it sometimes." The Jewish girl scoffed and looked away, not even listening anymore. She shouldn't have asked a girl only two years older than her sister for her opinion on how to treat her younger sister. "I'm serious Dee, you treat her like your mother probably did."

"Oh please, if only our mother was as good as me at taking care of Dani." She never told only one how their parents treated the two of them, mostly Dina. She always took to pain away from her sister, not wanting Danielle to feel that pain that she had to feel everyday. So, whenever she could get her drunk father angry at her instead of their youngest child, she did. Even if it meant that she would get punished ten times worse than Danielle. "Look, I'm just saying that maybe if you gave her a bit more freedom with out get angry at her about it then maybe she wouldn't sneak out so much."


Dina looked towards the service window to see the football team she was serving was now done and ready for the check. Dina grabbed their bills, not saying a word as she passed Abby. She walked quickly to the table giving the bill to who looked like the coach. "Here you are sir."

"Thank you, ma'am. And can you get us a few boxes?" She offered the older man a smile and nod before walking back to the back to grab the Styrofoam boxes. Ab was just standing in the same spot as before with her hands on her hips as if she was waiting for Dina to talk to her. She gave the boxes to the man in return for the bill. She went to the cash register and started pressing in all the information before putting the bill in a pocket in her uniform and walking back to the large table to give the man his credit card back. "Have a nice day, guys."

"Thank you and here's your tip." The man told her as he handed her a twenty and a five dollar bill. Dina gave him a large smile before going back to the back to see Abby. "I do give her freedom but, you still need to remember that she's sixteen. Not eighteen. She's still a child in the eyes of the law." Abby sighed before speaking. "And how were you when you were sixteen."

"I had converted to Judaism, had a 4.0 GPA, a senior college reading level, and was third in my class. Does that answer your question?" Dina asked with a raised eyebrow. "Okay then, never mind. I thought you were going to say that you weren't so much of a stick in the mud but never mind now."

"I had fun." Abigail gave her a sarcastic smile before following it with a sarcastic nod. "Of course you did, you probably spent your weekends reading a good book, classical music in the background, all while watching Wicked on DVD." Dina bit on her lip, knowing that that was probably true. "You know what?..--"

She stopped in the middle of her sentence, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. Seeing that her manager wasn't in at the moment and they weren't going to have a large rush until lunch, Dina checked her phone seeing a texting from Arielle. The two weren't overly close but, they were friends. Right when she was about to put her phone away, she smiled seeing a text from Gavin. We're they close? Again, no but he was nice he tried helping her but she always pushed him away saying that she had it handled.

To: Gavin

Sadly, seeing that someone'll have to babysit Danielle all night.

Abby saw the large smile on her face and looked to see who it was. When she did see, she nudged her friend as she put her black phone back in her pocket before looking up at her. "What?"

"Which one's Gavin? The tall one, the model, or the male nurse?" Dina lowered her shoulders as she looked at her friend unimpressed. "The male nurse."

"Oh, the cute one! How adorable...So, what are you going to wear?" The blonde asked the young woman with a crooked eyebrow. Dina just shrugged before looking out the service window to make sure that there wasn't anyone that hasn't been served yet. All there was was a guy, around their age who had bought coffee all through the day just to use their free WiFi for what ever project her had that day like he always did. "I don't know. Jeans, flats. Same as always. Why?" Melanie just rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "No, you are actually going to a party for once, you need to dress up! Dress sexy for once, show off those curves of yours."

Dina rolled her eyes. "You sound like my sister."

"Well, sorry for wanting to make you look hot. C'mon, let me dress you up. I'll come over after work and we can get you all dolled up or whatever. Please." At this point, the college student was holding on to her best friend's arm in a childish way with a fake pout on her face. Dina sighed, looked at the ground before mumbling; "Fine." Abby heard what she said but she moved closer just to be a pain in her friend's side. "What was that?"

Dina looked at her before trying to make her voice louder. Which was hard for the mostly quiet girl. "I. Said. Fine." The bubbly and sarcastic blonde just smiled before putting an arm around Dina. "Just think about it. You, a pair of heels, and a little black dress. You won't be able to keep the guys off of you." She kissed her friend's cheek before Dina threw the younger girl's arm back to her side. "Yea, whatever." And with that she walked away from her smirking friend to go help a group of girls who had just walked in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nailah Wilson Character Portrait: Arielle Murdoc Character Portrait: Cheyenne Sophia
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"Have a passable day at work,"
Nailah calls out to Arielle's leaving back.

After Arielle had left, Nailah excused herself to go and have a smoke outside of the apartment building. She doesn't like, and has never liked, smoking indoors very much. It's one part because she doesn't like to get smoke on the furniture in the apartment, and one part because she used to have a neighbor who smoked indoors when her kids were around, and both of them ended up having asthma for a good part of their childhood. She doesn't really know what happened to them after that, of course, but the memory still remains strong enough to have her find a way to smoke outside, even when it is raining. Today, luckily, the sun is shining, and so she is free to stand where she likes whilst smoking- and people watching, to some extent. Besides, the woman likes to watch cars drive by, regardless of whether she can see through the tinted windows to get a glimpse of their drivers. It's less nosiness and more boredom, really, but perhaps she should break the habit of watching people go about their business across the street. Considering this, Nailah stubs out her cigarette and goes upstairs for her wallet, and to brush her teeth for the second time today, before going out.

While she doesn't know what can be said for everyone else's day, Nailah's was fairly mundane. She walked about for a while, ate lunch at a burger joint downtown, and wrapped up any loose ends that may have been left from anything she did yesterday. On a typical day, she'd be at work by six, but because it is her night off, she has quite a bit of free time on her hands. Much of it ends up being spent at the library, where a trip to return books (and pay fines) turns into a goal to find something new to read. Ultimately, the young woman remains out for most of the day, enjoying the good weather as she walks about everywhere. It doesn't occur to her that the day is getting on in hours until her phone buzzes with a message from Arielle- it's a group message to everyone about the party tonight. I suppose I should have stayed in and cleaned or something, Nailah thinks, though she quickly dismisses this thought. The initial message is followed by a follow-up, this one addressed only to Nailah.

To: Arielle
Alright. Pick me up a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips, please?

She begins making her way back to the apartment building after receiving the text, and has reached it when another message lights up her phone, this one from Cheyenne, inviting her to 'come dance.' Nailah smiles at this, but doesn't respond, instead stepping into the elevator and going up until she reaches her floor. A beeline to her apartment and opening the door results in Nailah being enveloped in the sound of music- more likely than not, one of Cheyennes mixed tapes. The girl has always had a thing for music.

Unlike Cheyenne, who she sees is wearing glitter in her wild hair and a cute black dress, Nailah is simply dressed- jeans and a button down red shirt. "Hey there, lovely. Get electrocuted?" she asks jokingly, eying Cheyenne's hair.