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The Game of Challenge

The Desert


a part of The Game of Challenge, by BelleOceane.


BelleOceane holds sovereignty over The Desert, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Desert



The Desert is a part of The Game of Challenge.

9 Characters Here

Alexandra Pheonix [1] "C'mon! Let's get 'em!"
Ariikana Tierus [0] A quirky young girl with a knack for making others smile.
Thomas Dublin [0] My hands do all my talking for me
Icarus Keegan [0] This is going to hurt me more than it will you...
Desmond Conway [0] A strange, somewhat introverted individual with a reluctant knack for leading others in a pinch.
Getsu Aragi [0] Aisuru's flirtatious cousin, leader of the orange team
Aisuru Senka [0] Getsu's quiet, strong-willed cousin, member of the green team

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"White wolf, eh?" He said, striking a comically thoughtful pose

He imagined a powerful white wolf, the leader of its pack, with violet eyes like his. Immediately, a swirling white orb appeared next to him, growing steadily larger.

Aisuru, noticing this, began to send him annoying telepathic messages to distract him, making the orb shrink slightly before continuing to grow.


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Dessy smiled in an odd manner as he watched the orange team begin to take a lead. It was now a challenge for him, because he wanted to stay even with the orange team. The appearance of the phoenix jogged his memory of once dreaming about a birdlike creature that spoke to him in his childhood. Passing it off as just a mere dream, Dessy had forgotten about it until now, but still, the image was very vague.

A jackrabbit, spooked by the appearance of a wolf, darted from its hiding place, drawing Dessy's attention. It seemed to him that a shadow appeared above it, looming ever closer. When he looked up, he could see a faintly glowing purple orb high in the sky, accelerating ever faster towards the jackrabbit. "Whot in tha 'ell kind of animal moves that fast!?!" He wondered aloud, trying to figure out if it was his guardian manifesting, or someone else's.


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Icarus sighed as he tried to concentrate. When he was younger, he watched a man suffering, dying. The man had jumped off a building, but the fall didn't kill him immediately. Icarus felt the broken ribs, the shattered leg. He could barely stay conscious from the agony. In a desperate attempt to alleviate his own pain, he began to heal the man. After a half hour of agony, the man died, taking his pain with him. As the last of the absorbed injuries regenerated, he passed out as his mind retreated from the pain. He imagined himself in a wide open field, tall grass surrounding him. In front of him, lay a bird that had the same injuries as the man who had jumped from the building. He winced as he felt the creature's pain. after a moment, he started to heal the bird, but he was stopped as he felt something soft brush against his side.

A cat with short black fur and bright yellow eyes rubbed up against him. It purred softly as he hesitantly petted it, before turning back to the bird. As he started healing it again, the cat hissed at him and batted his hand away with a paw. Icarus watched as the cat circled the bird before pressing a paw against the bird's chest and bending down, biting sharply into it's neck. Icarus sighed as he felt the creature's pain fade.

Thinking back to this memory, a black orb appeared behind Icarus, slowly forming into the form of the cat, which stretched lazily before rubbing against Icarus affectionately before bumping his elbow with it's head, demanding it be pet.

Icarus opened his eyes and smiled as the cat crawled into his lap and began purring softly as he started to pet it. "Hey, there. Long time no see." Icarus smiled as he scratched behind the cat's ears. "So what can I call you?" The cat looked up to him with it's bright yellow eyes before speaking. I'm Kuro. I thought you would know that. I am your guardian, after all.


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"Well, it could be a Peregrine Falcon. They're the fastest non-hedgehog animal alive I believe." Aisuru said, trying to help.


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As soon as Aisuru mentioned that it could be a Peregrine Falcon, Dessy's memory sparked again, and indeed, the purple orb formed into a Peregrine Falcon. The bird was streamlined and fast, a deadly killing machine. Just before it struck the jackrabbit, it opened its wings, suddenly shooting its down-turned body right side up. Its killer talons were balled, striking the jackrabbit with a force that crushed its skull. Without a moment of hesitation, the Peregrine lifted the bigger prey in both feet and fluttered weakly over to drop it at Dessy's feet.

"H-hullo, pretty bird," Dessy murmured.

I am Silvana, your guardian. Please accept this offering of food to bind our spiritual contract, the Peregrine said in his mind as she perched on his shoulder.


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#, as written by clarady
Nimri had been watching as everyone tried hard to summon their guardians. It looked pretty cool all those animal things, it made her smile for a bit. She'd better find her own guardian now too, she closed her eyes and started sorting trough her thoughts and memories, trying to find one that would be actually usefull.

To bad the phoenix and the other birds distracted her majorly, so pretty!, she really did get distracted by all the animals as she thought halfly about something she sometimes saw in the corner of her eye. An orb formed next to her, it was pretty unstable thought because she was so distracted it couldn't get a solid vorm. Thatw as until she noticed the orb and moved her attention to the glowing thing, letting it grow out. The thing introduced herself as Terra moments later, she reached out and gently caressed the ear behind the snow wolfs ear.. There certainly where a lot of wolfs.


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Arii awoke to find herself in the middle of a desert, with voices reaching her ears from over a dune near her. Frightened, she stood up and crept to the edge of the dune, and suddenly, one of her visions of the future flashed across her mind. She saw herself walking up to the people on the other side of the dune and conversing with them, obviously showing her that they were safe to approach.

"H-hello, I'm Arii," she murmured, walking up to the nearer group of people who all seemed to be sporting the colour orange, and had strange animals with them. "Might I a-ask what in the world is going on?"

Dessy saw the new girl on the orange team arrive, and that everybody already present had summoned their guardians. He wondered if the new addition had to summon her guardian as well, or if the orange team had already beaten them. Turning back to his own team members, he noticed that Nimri had successfully summoned her own animal guardian without help.

"Good job, Miss Nimri," he said brightly. "Two wolves and a Peregrine Falcon, quite an interesting combination for the green team, eh? I feel like the odd man out, but Silvana is mine nonetheless, and I am happy."

Thank you, Dessy. Eat your meat before it gets cold, Silvana chided gently, nipping at his ear.


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Getsu's orb had formed into a wolf with eyes the same color as his, which silently sat by his side. When he saw Ariikana, his jaw dropped.

"Hello, Arii!" He said, smiling comfortingly "I am Getsu Aragi. Are you on our team? If so I shall be your leader. As for what's going on, your guess is as good as mine, all I know is that we're being put through a series of challenges. But, I am glad to see that you'll be here, it's about time we got someone as good looking as you. Please, sit down, and relax." Getsu finished by smiling again to comfort Arii, she seemed quite nervous to him.

(sorry, Getsu flirts with pretty much every girl, so sorry if this doesn't go over well)


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Arii's dark face flushed deeply at Getsu's comment, but she smiled nonetheless. It was nice to hear a compliment coming from a complete stranger, though she didn't think she was all that stunning. The appearance of the wolf next to Getsu shocked her, and she took a cautionary step backwards. Something about her vision told her she choose the right people to approach, that she was a part of the orange team. Still, it was all rather confusing for her.

"Thank you, Getsu," Arii said, a little more confidently than before. "I think I'm on the orange team, but I'm not sure what that signifies. I see you guys have an orange tiger on the backs of your shirts. Do I have one on mine?"

Arii turned around and lifted her satin black hair from her back, revealing that she did indeed have the emblem on the back of her t-shirt, though it was obscured by the three-break staff set in leather loops. The staff was about a foot longer than she was tall, and hovered over her head like a scorpion's tail poised to strike.


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Alex jumped at the sight of her weapon. "WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT??" she asked.

Focus, Alex, Ember said, You haven't won yet.

"Nevermind," Alex said, "Anyways, you're on our team, and we have to win! We need to summon our guardians, so think hard about what yours could be!"


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Icarus glances up to the new girl and her weapon. He groans as he imagines feeling the pain of someone she hits with it. Icarus never likes weapons, for the simple fact that no matter who gets hit with them, he's the one who ends up feeling the blows.

Kuro, seemingly oblivious to his partner's unease, lightly trots over to the new team member and rubs against her leg, purring loudly He mews sweetly as he looks up to her Hi, new lady! I'm Kuro, and that's my partner, Icarus. He pauses for a second to mew again in Icarus' direction before turning back to Arii. Welcome to the team! He purrs again and brushes against her leg once more before trotting back into Icarus' lap to be pet again.

"How did I get stuck with an attention hungry thing like you, again?" Icarus asks, looking down to kuro, who only purrs louder in response as he lays his chin against Icarus' knee.


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Arii was quite taken aback by the blondie's reaction to her three-break, but she smiled brightly. Whipping the staff from her back, she gripped the middle section and fluidly broke it down into three sections, each section attached by a strong yet light chain. With a subtle motion of her wrists, the outer sections began moving at very high speeds in a circle around her. Suddenly, she jerked one hand forward with precision timing, and one of the outer sections slammed powerfully into the sand. Satisfied that she presented her staff well enough, she placed the sections together and slid the staff onto her back again.

"It's a three-break staff, the individual attacks with the sections remind me of a lizard I once saw when visiting Sudan. The two foot-long thing took down a bigger lizard with its heavy tail," Arii said with an air of satisfaction.

She smiled and pet the cat that brushed against her legs, welcoming the friendly creature. Something that the blonde girl had said finally sank in to her when the cat returned to Icarus.

"Wait, what about a guardian? I have no idea what mine would be, nor how to summon it like you guys have," Arii murmured, her smile fading.


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Icarus shrugs at Arii's question as he stands, Kuro climbing to ride on his shoulders as he does. "We're not really sure how it works either. Apparently, you're just supposed to think of a creature you Identify with, concentrate on it, and it will appear." Kuro nods approvingly as his partner speaks, knowing it was hard for his rather shy partner to speak to strangers like that.

"Also, it seems the only thing any of us have in common is we all have some sort of ability that others don't. I'm guessing you have something like that too?"


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#, as written by clarady
Nmri was currently simply observing the situation, studying the people of the other team and that of her own. Studying the kind of guardians and what she coudlg ather about their character that way. Not much cause it really wasn't her thing to base stuff on appearance and things like that. SHe was smiling faintly though, most guardians where really cool. A bird was so cool<3


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"Guys, let's chit-chat later!" Alex said, trying to get everyone back on task. "We nee to win this! Think hard, what kind of animal are you?" she flipped her red hair behind her shoulder and glanced over at the Fire Bird that was her guardian. "I guess my personality had a role in mine. I have a 'hot' temper. Like fire. Also, it's feathers are the same color as my hair, so I guess my appearance has something to do with it. Last, I can levitate and the Pheonix can fly. So think, what animal is most like you?"


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"I... I r-really have no idea," Arii replied, biting her lip nervously and trying to think of what animal best associated with her personality and her appearance. "I never th-thought about it before." (OOC: Yes, when she's nervous, she stutters a bit.)

Her staff had always reminded her of the lizard she saw when vacationing in Sudan. Maybe her guardian had something to do with that kind of lizard. Unfortunately, Arii never found out what it was called, so she instead tried to focus on the faint image in her mind's eye. A heavy tail, armour plating, and a sleek runner's reptilian body slowly formed into something more coherent.

"Gah! Wh-what is that!?!" Arii cried as a deep green orb appeared next to her, the form inside of it eerily similar to the one in her mind, but much larger.