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Mathew Miles

"Not going to live for nobody else, not going to die for anybody else either"

0 · 2,023 views · located in Kerris, Northern Corner

a character in “The Garden: An Arcadian Boneyard”, as played by No-one-special


Dear Miles Mathews:

It's been a month now and you still haven't sent a letter from your station, I know that you've been busy working out at sea on that post but surely you have time to send a note to your fiance. It's been getting worse here, the food shortages are more frequent than ever and the income we get to survive has been getting smaller and smaller even with the extra money you send back to us the benefits are barely keeping the electricity bills paid, if it wasn't for your work it would be a choice between food or warmth. I need you though, I need you to send me a letter soon because its only getting worse here and the mail box is the only comfort I have found within these past few months.

I know it is so wrong of me to say such things after decrying the need we are in but I so long to see your smile again and how your otherwise pale cheeks would flush with red when we are together, even those bags under your eyes that earned you the nick name Panda have come to grow on me as a sight I'd welcome. It seems now every time I see a man even close to five foot nine now that I hope he'll turn around and turn out to be you on your way to me for some reason but every time its just another depressed stranger due to the time. The only heirloom I've manage to keep away from the powers in place is my emerald necklace and I can't even gaze upon it without being reminded of your youthful eyes that contrast against your snowy, worn but masculine complexion. You're silly hat that looks like it belongs to a police man is the only piece of clothing that you left here and a constant reminder of that short bundle of black crimson tar hair beneath your head.

I sent off a present that should be arriving soon, I don't know if it will get there with how much packages get stolen with everyone being hungry and the government companies becoming more unreliable but if it gets there late-which I undoubtedly believe it will- I am sorry that it didn't get there in time for your 24th birthday. I hope you enjoy it, Honey. Let me know how it went and if you are fine

With Love from L------------------

Race: Human (Abnormal)

Place of Birth: Corundum.

Corundum is a isolated alternative world inhabited by humans, having no contact or even the awareness that other races exists including other humans this world in theory functions very much like Earth in many ways however there are differences and these differences are blatant. The first fact is that Corundum inhabits four times the amount of minerals that are toxic or radioactive in nature which in turn has bred a species of human that have a heighten level of resistance and ability to genetic repair and cope with the sickness and mutations caused by these factors however this still presents a serious issue for long terms effects and is devastating for the inhabitants child birth rate, retardation, disability, mental illnesses and outright mutations are much more diverse and common in this world not only in humans but its wild live.

To make matters worse none radioactive metals are scarce, gold and platinum along with titanium, steel, boron, magnesium, Aluminium and even copper being relatively hard to come by, expensive or priced by such a large scale that people on Earth would declare you mad if you tried to peddle copper for the same cost. Technetium however is bountiful and used in a large amount of every day items along with beryllium: a very light but very strong-and toxic- metal, these two metals have caused the cities, devices and daily lives of the people to not only be surrounded by toxicity but living it, making life expectancy rather short-age 50 being considered pass the normal life expectancy- despite in theory having the technology in many areas to support live until the ripe age of 85. This human offshoot utilizes nuclear power en mass, almost every aspect of life not only being powered by dangerous minerals but very deadly forces of energy, however if there is one area that Corundum beats all others it is utilizing dangerous power in a stable and safe way, remarkably they have been known to minimize entire site melt downs to what could be considered to be damn near miracle work by Earth standards, chemicals fire and poisoning of both the atmosphere and water via these disasters is still an issue, sturdy against both but still vulnerable sadly are these human offshoots. Corundum works currently in a communists state and has been facing heavy propaganda, brutality, military might on its own people, political corruption and various issues from famine to melt downs, national income for all is in effect but ultimately been reduced due to nothing by the issues. If you want a picture of Corundum, imagine a big massive metallic city of black and dark grey textures with a distinct lack of any light bulbs but mass amount of neon EVERYWHERE that its is effectively just as common as our lights. Overall the narrative and style is similar to the Victorian era while having tech far above it and architecture that is common in communism...bland and made to simply be acceptably functional, mix corporatist grimy factory and you get the idea.

Corundum current state is unknown due to its toxicity and virtually unheard of in both the Garden as its own dimension for the obvious reason that any intruder never returns due to unforeseen death.

Spoken Languages: English, Cerranduia(Secondary trade language of Corundum)

Corundum Profile:

Background: Grew up in a stable home during the "virtualist" Egoism era up to the age of 7 when our revolutionary order was implanted firmly for and by the people. Miles Mathew Father was stationed in the capitalist corporation A-Tome on the opposite shores performing mechanical duties for a local power station before being deported back home to his son on the nationalization of the plant where many workers refused to comply in the initial take over by communist forces. He was reprimanded for not working for the people and not allowed to work at all for 3 months where he taught his son the tools of the trade and routinely talk philosophy no doubt against the marvelous new order. Mile's father was imprisoned when his son was the age of 16 for the act of having a private business repairing bikes and generators in order to advance his family above his comrades and finally was murdered in prison in a fight between convicts Lukas Lenford and Mudan Yates. Old enough he applied to work for the glorious government of Corundum where he was assigned throughout the years on various boats, oil rigs, power stations and military encampments. Suspected in these times to engage in petty smuggling and working around the system in order to gain luxuries for himself and his love ones-*scribbled on the side*"yeah who hasn't"-while disappointing it is not unexpected and at this time no evidence of these acts have been gathered. Met his spouse: L---(see page 4 for full biography) at the age of 19 while working on the south side shore in a small seaside village whom later he made arrangement to live with after his mother died at the age of 45. The two are engaged and been noted to have full intention of marriage later on.

Psychological Profile: {CLASSIFIED} Shows blatant self interest and has no qualms about it neither does he have an issue placating, lying, scheming or acting in order to get away with it or give off the idea that he is a worker for the people. Has an immense interest in engineering and has been noted to tear up his prescribed manual to add notes and other pages from former companies and capitalist groups but so far has been given lean way by the grand authority for his good work ethic and its work application. Rebellious and energetic yet prefers to not say much more than he needs, clearly a hand on person both in his work and in his approach to people on how he socializes with them. Sexually active for a male of his age(possible infidelity) and has been exposed to ideas of anti-revolutionary nature. Shows an appreciation for creatures comforts and little mention of the good our controlled market does * a massive stamp sits next to the writing* [AMBER] we suspect his loyalty and his integrity to the people, at this point in time we have arranged for future psychological profiling appointments and possible searching of his home and personal information.



1888 Berry Crafted Mini-Atom Splatterer: Ultra light, Extremely hard and capable of delivering a punch the Berry Blaster as it is frequently called is capable of puncturing skin, wood, bone, metal and anything else that thinks its good idea to stand in its way. The Atom Splatterer holds seven rounds and functions very much like a shot gun, when using bullets from Corundum the shots it fires come with a toxic kick to it that if making its way into flesh or smoke, dust or fragments of it breathed or swallowed becomes very much life threatening . While wonderfully crafted it is out shined by conventional standard weapon of Earth as a gun but makes up for it by its awe inspiring stability and lightness, makes a good club too. While Beryllium is harmful as it is poisonous when firing bullets crafted outside of corundum its toxicity delivered shots are numbed down immensely, still Beryllium as a metal is deadly for a reason, so as a club, as a gun or as a back scratchier the users risk being infected with berylliosis (

It should be noted that while the Berry Blaster( Atom Splatter) is a deadly weapon it is hardly ever used and in fact kept in a specialized sealed toxic container for the reason that all his team would be dead if he used it around them.

Beryllium copper Wrench: A standard wrench however infused with very small amounts of beryllium grants this otherwise copper tool the ability to not create sparks and thus removes the risk of causing a flammable disasters. Makes a good whacking tool but for the most part is just a normal wrench.

27 bullets of Corundum Ammo.

One government issued mass produced backpack with the capacity to store up to 60 kilo grams of weight altogether with its five extra side pockets. Flimsy however and won't last long or against damage of any kind.

One government Issued gas mask with optical goggles that are anti-fog and capable of withstanding exactly 3 days of biological attack without breaks before suffering microscopic breach, can filter out low level gas hazards that are normally found in toxic items, has a defense against pepper sprays, powders thrown at the face and tear, laughing and sleeping gas.

Standard issued tool box contains a various amount of typical tools for all practices of engineering due to Miles all around versatile knowledge of the mechanical world. All low quality but functioning and probably won't last long if used as weapon(unlike his copper/ beryllium wrench) or exposed to attacks.

Passive Traits:

Innate Resistances to radioactivity: Can live for years in areas that would be uninhabitable for normal humans and stand long hours without protection in dangerous areas that are considered to be high in radioactivity however this will still have long term effects later on in life. In areas considered by all accounts a nuclear melt down, nuclear winter or in a period of radioactive fall out he will remain alive for approximately one hour before death occurs even if taken out of the area.

Innate Resistances to Toxicity: Capable of functioning perfectly well in toxic areas despite inhaling of dangerous substances, drugs altogether are less effective and a number of metals that are deadly to humans poses nothing but a mild health risk as great as a smoking a cigar every day, it effects ones health for sure and shouldn't be done but a live still can be long and prosperous if it isn't done every single day in the morning, evening and night which is ultimately what kills these people so young is because they are around these things every day of every minute. High toxic items will cause bed ridden sickness but not have the same life threatening effects as long as they are taken away from the hazard.

Gases or suffocation inducing elements or creations will affect them normally, toxicity delivered directly to the brain or the lungs will and can kill them just as quickly as any normal human. Toxicity and poisons delivered from animals such as spiders, fishes, plants and fungi will still effect them normally although these effect will have noticeable delays in them. Neurotoxins and elemental that have effects on the brain will still offer notable danger but ultimately will be delayed and numbed down greatly compared to their damage on humans.

Magical Ineptitude and weakness: As a rule Corundum Native as far as anyone knows are totally incapable of committing magic and in fact while being remarkably sturdy against the dangers the material world may offer they have almost no coping mechanism when it comes to magic as a whole, spells that cause elemental damage tend to work much better than the casters intention upon these folk all the while the simple act of seeing the use of witch craft is psychologically hazardous to Corundum originators especially at higher levels which makes the developing of mental illness not uncommon for the few rare cases that leave their home land unexpectedly into the garden, cases of panic attacks and moments of hysterical reactions are normal after they have been exposed to so much. Magic is not like a warm bath to the Corundum Citizen, it is not a simple act of fear of its ability but it breaking rules that their minds are not made to comprehend such things being broken.

Greedy Backseat Driver: When another member beats an enemy opponent, a traitor or accomplishes something for the guild Miles gain 200 energy even if his participation in the act itself was zero.


Energy Awareness:

Pump generators: (small) 30 per post (moderate) 70 per post (big) 120 per post.

Solar Power: (small) 10 per post (moderate) 40 per post (big) 80 per post.

Hydro-Power: (small) 50 per post (moderate) 90 per post (big) 140 per post.

Magical Power:(low level) 70 (moderate) 190 (high level) 240 (Master level) 320

None Corundum Nuclear/ atom generators: 120 (small) 210 (moderate) 300 (big)

Corundum Devices that produce power will have their supply ability per post list in there construction notes.

The Hierarchy of the Construction World and Your Place Within It TM Corundum Government:

*The manual is typical and lacks any real aesthetic design going so far to be as simple looking as a script with it looses flexible spine, the cover is just simple sand yellow and Red Bold Words for the title but thankfully there is a metal sheet that is attached to the spine that can be wrapped around it for protection. The introduction seems to be thoroughly torn to pieces with only few words legible, pages upon pages have been taken out and replaced with scrap paper, blue prints, random papers of different colors and materials all from different authors and what seems to be different companies, corporations, countries, governments and groups some even having Miles own name scribbled over on them *

Level 1:


M.N.G-Mobile Nuclear Generator- Dangerous for obvious reasons should it be damaged beyond repair or suffer a melt down but it produces ten times the amount of power that any big electrician company can provide without going nuclear themselves and does so without costing astronomical prices along with being portable. The Mobile Nuclear Generator is essential to any engineer out in the front lines or sitting in the back in Corundum life style and I know what you've been thinking β€œSurely there got to be a safer way” well, dear reader you've been listening too much to fringe environmentalist as surely by now any engineer worth his salt has found that any generation of power via diesel, pump, recyclable energy and whatever else you can muster is just too slow to meet the demand of even one of your on duty devices let alone facilities and encampments. Put your trust in the Atom, son. Put your trust in the A-Tome.

*A large selection of scribbles and sticky notes have been placed beneath the text *

Energy Needed 1000
Time Needed (depending on the time used and how time will shift or skip) 5 hours or 5 posts.
Produces 400 power per post.

Ballistic Atomic Nullification Shield- The standard B.A.N.S is designed to keep both you, the surrounding environment and populaces protected as per regulation of the Administration. Our vigilant Corundum government expect there to be full compliance with these standards of safety and routine; any personal who fail to meet the safety practices prescribed to their station will be meet with the same punishment as someone who has failed to supply their ability to their nations needs and thus be reprimanded. The B.A.N.S is a ballistic withstanding metal container for the standard operation of the Mobile Nuclear Generation Unit and is applicable both in combat scenarios and civilian life due to is radiation negating attributes. B.A.N.S is able to be applied to all generators of all sizes but its effectiveness is reduced the more powerful the generator becomes.

Energy Needed 500.
Time needed 2 hours (2 posts)
Needed so the nuclear generator doesn't kill any none corundum that comes in walking distance of generators.
Ballistic Defense: Protects against one handed guns, assault rifles and even a sniper shot or two. Is very resistant to elemental attacks even from powerful magic users.

None Combatant-

The Matter Masher -C.C.E.S.U Core Component Elemental Separation Unit- We at the Merryland Team are glad that you decided to choose the Matter Masher over other competitors and hope you come to find that your purchase was a wise one, The Matter Masher is capable of reducing and separating all elements into their base units such from entire mechanical devices to even dangerous materials and base elements. The C.C.E.S.U or its public given name: The Matter Masher is capable of pulling these feats of atomic separation into solid reforms of their previous elements and parts with a lot less energy consumption than many other breeds of its type out there today while still remaining efficient both in time and energy.

Energy needed 1700
Time Needed 8 hours 11 posts.
The Matter Masher is able to separate elements, outside of RP this allows the engineer to destroy items inside of it even if it is a N.G(nuclear generator) of any size or time without risking harm. This refunds 80% of he energy it took to make it but also serves in RP for taking apart all items of all types, an basic example is it can separate the gold and dilution of cheaper metals from a necklace and then put them both in whole forms back to the user. How you use the Matter Masher is precisely up to the guild.

Black Box: The Corundum government would like to remind its citizens that it has a moral duty to serves its kin and nation before themselves and that the idea of personal property, privatization and the use of hoarding or hiding items from the people is strictly against the ethics of the civilians in place and the order in position. Uses of a black box to make them unattainable to officials in the event of your death or its RIGHTFUL confiscation will result in reprimand, if you are not able to be punished for this blatant act of theft from your fellows then your immediate family will be punished in your place. You have been warned.

Energy needed 300
Time Needed 1 hour 1-3 posts.
The Black Box is a small metal container that is able to hold one item which upon being locked will be made virtually impenetrable except by extreme force-and thus the destruction of the item inside-some Black Boxes are used to store deadly items such as explosives, toxic materials, poisons and military components and devices. It should be noted that many Black Boxes can be booby trapped and normally are.

Sense Maker- *unlike most of the other notes this one seems to be hand written in a big felt pen* Prototype anti-magic device. Not going good but has yielded result. Don't let the spinner hit 130, apply stronger friction and think about rewiring the head. Should be able to clear up magical residue and provide protection against low level magics, be aware that it eats up power. Mine, do not steal...also got to think about putting something over the spinner without ruining the function, it's a safety hazard

Energy Needed 800
Time Needed 4 hours/ 5 posts
When put online it will continuously remain active until destroyed.
Consumes 300 energy each post for as long as it active, stacks if multiple are online.
The Sense Maker is a small machine the size of a torso that sit in an area with no ability to move on its own accord, when in this state it will start to rapidly spin its head about to a dangerous speed which can result in serious bruising and even dislocation of joints if a person or otherwise gets caught in it. When active and the spinner is fully in rotation then all magical spells that designed to affect a large area rather than a specific target will be nullified for around 10 metres including those that enter the area affected by the spell. Auto-purges people of effects by mass spells not directed at a single person-weakness, mental suggestion, physical sickness by magic and so on- however has no effect when done by someone of a master level of magical power.


Gentle Genetic Nudger: Normally made out of Beryllium like the Atom Splatterer it is considered deadly in both of its dispensed ammo as well as to the touch. The Genetic Nudger is a two handed heavy weapon with a large piece of metal wrapping over the shoulder to utilize the wielders back and shoulder in help carrying it. The key aspect of the Genetic Nudger is that it is 5 foot long and at least 70 kilograms heavy with ammo in its belly. It rapid fires a series of heavy power that seems to the naked eye to be almost like sun rays, mostly transparent and disappears slowly after from the atmosphere leaving no trace of its existence. The sun rays are in fact particle emission from a massive stream of radiation, particles and microscopic elemental constructs being dispersed in a focused stream at the pointed target, when this beam hits its victim they starts to experience rapid decay of genetic structure, causing almost immediate mutations such as the appearance of tumors, extremes rashes and skin flaking off, the loses of hair, eye sight and melting of skin or growth of fleshy drooping sacks, rapid growth of teeth, the loses of various parts of their body, bone fragility, extra body parts, blood deficiency or over introduction bodily chemicals causing severe reactions, organ failures, rapid brain growth(causing death due to skull limitations) and finally immediate brain death to mutation in the synapses . When used against vehicles, metal and general armor causes crystallization and rusting instantaneously.

energy needed 800
Time Needed 5 hours 5 posts
Can be fired for 5 minutes straight before needing to be reloaded.
Range: 55 metres
There is no substitute for Beryllium for this gun, most other metals make it too unstable and risk having the particle steam go back to the user or allies.
This gun costs 300 energy each recharge/ reload.

1888 Beryllium Atom Splatterer: The same gun that the man himself carries. Ultimately however for other people to use it should probably be made of a substitute metal but without its poisonous properties it is really just a shot gun-that is in fact out done by standard shot guns)

Energy Needed 300
Time Needed 3 hours 3 posts
Holds 7 rounds
Range: 6 metres
if made out of beryllium is ultra light and extremely stable, hardly ever breaks down even under intense stress.

503 Glutinous Catastrophe Creator: A large bullet proof glass container filled with what only can be described as sticky goo with the colors of grease, fat and the squishy sounds of jelly-ton being crushed. The gun is over 3 feet long, and requires two hands to use effectively while weighing 25 kilograms. The Catastrophe Creator has a long narrow noses at the end of its steel body-or any substitute for the poisonous standard of technetium- that fires off a large spray of sticky liquid at a target, when attaching to the victim the goo will slow them down by turning hard after being exposed to air in an almost rapid rate. Two things happen: Injuries occur due to rapid gain of weight as it hardens and then the goo after 5 seconds start to release a large amount of steam as it super heats literally taking the entire chunk of the affected person body as it is melted back down to a goo by its extreme gains in temperature. Good against vehicles due to its over heating powers, reasonably effective against moderate armor and is able to ignite flammable objects.

Energy needed 600
Time needed 7 hours 9 posts
Can fire for 10 minutes straight without stopping before needing to reload
Range: 75 meters when at full blast -continuous shooting- at standard bop shots or brief streams (3 minutes and under) it's range is 20 metres.
Can handle intense cold and heat but is capable of malfunction when used for hours at a time.

(Is also able to make hand guns(200 energy 3 hours), Uzis(500 energy 5 hours) and even basic boom sticks (200 energy, 4 hours) at this stage)

(Bomb) Abrupt Atomizer: Functions as a basic grenade in the shape of a canister similar to a can. The item has a small button sequence- 3 in a specific order- which is pressed to signal its detonation within the span of six seconds. The grenade upon exploding will release a deadly amount of matter distablizing energy that will immediately kill any organics directly hit within its radius and then cease functioning. Against vehicles it will stop them briefly and causes intense scorching on its impacted area. The blast is effectively one second long.

Energy Needed 200
Time Needed 1 hour 1 post
Blast Radius: 3 metres in each direction.


Engineer: Can repair most items at the cost of energy as well as deconstruct to learn the pattern of items and recreate them. The amount of power it needs correspond to the items complexity and technological advancement.

Combat Training (Simple): Is capable of using most one handed guns and two handed single shot guns(shot guns, boom sticks and rifles) while remaining moderately accurately and acceptable on the reload time. Possess basic brawling skills but is no martial artists and ultimately fails in hand to hand combat with most foes that can actually fight back beyond untrained reckless bar fighting.

Black Market Experience: Due to the nature of his previous regime in order to be able to eat anything besides grool, bread and basic milk he had to learn to use underground contacts and bribery to assure that not only he could have some sort of luxury beyond single brand stock food items for himself but also for his fiance, Because of this fact he has no issue or insecurity working with outlaws or risking illegal attempts at bribes, intimidation or straight up bartering in order to get what he wants. If in a social position he will normally be able to find some guy willing to sell something they shouldn't be selling(or perhaps even owning to begin with) even if there is only one other person in the room with him.

Minor Smuggling Experience: Can smuggle small (about the size of one hand or smaller)items pass security that doesn't utilize X rays or metal detectors.




(this will be updated with as he talks and interacts with others in the RP)

So begins...

Mathew Miles's Story