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Angelina Shillings

"I'm told that blondes have more fun. I guess that's true, now that I think about it." {Minor WIP}

0 · 1,581 views · located in California Nuclear Plant (research facility)

a character in “The Gifted Ones”, as played by Kura Ravengade


Angel Amila Shillings

"Everything's always so much easier when you're beautiful and have a charming personality ..."


Name: Angelina Amila Shillings
Nicknames: Angel, Ange, Ami, Shills, Goldie, Mystique
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Assassin's Tracker



Eye Color: Light Blue

Hair Color: Bleach-Blonde

Height: 5'4

Other features:
Knife/Eye Scar
Knife/Side of Face Scar
Whip/Back Scars
Fire Burn/Arm Scar
Stomach Butterfly
Lower Back/Butterfly
Left Ear/Cuff Piercing
Right Ear/Cuff Piercing
Belly Button Piercing/Dream Catacher
Tongue Piercing/Diamond Stud

Clothing: (put here) WIP

Equipment: Preferring an intricate compound bow above pistol, a complex crossbow, and a pair of dual swords, she is well-equipped with weapons that are not limited by the hindrances of guns and related weapons to them.



(general personality here)

Favorite Color: Gray
x Drinking | Flirting | Telling Jokes | Archery | Breeding Butterflies | Acting | Disguises x

x Children | Butterflies | Those she Cares For | Innocents x

x Loss | Abandonment | Death | Punishment x

History: (put here. Optional) WIP

So begins...

Angelina Shillings's Story

Angel Amila Shillings



The manila folder rest easily in the palms of Angel's hands as she gazed down at the picture inside of it. There were several shots taken of the young man, a few of them showing him clearly, while others were from the side or slightly blurry. Some were face shots, and others were full-body shots. She had to admit, he was quite the attractive man, especially one who was less than a year younger than her, yet appeared seventeen or eighteen in age.

"Oh, I could just eat you up ... To bad that scrumptious face of yours hides a beast just waiting to be unleashed," she purred. "Mr. Inviso," she said, a soft giggle escaping her lips at the childish wit.

She snapped the folder shut and glanced up as a woman approached, who wore an apron and carried a white flip-book. She twirled out a pen and gave the young, striking blonde before her a kind smile.

"What can I get ya', hun'?"

Angel pursed her lips and looked down at her menu, before raising her class to the kindly woman.

"I would like a Frappucino with extra whipped cream, along with the All Dog's Go to Heaven meal, with and extra side of bacon, five strips exactly, please," she smiled, closing the menu and holding it out to the woman, waiting patiently for her to finish writing down her order.

"I'll get that right out for you, shoog," she smiled, taking the menu and tucking it under her writing arm before striding off to the kitchen. "Hey Al! We gotta All Dog's meal, extra side of bacon, crispy! Five strips!" she called, sliding behind the counter, where she snapped it into the cliche metal spin-wheel, which she spun so that the order was visible to the cook, Al.

Angel turned her head to gaze out the window beside her, her two-person booth a bit lonely in comparison to the happy, chattering, laughing customers that surrounded her. Families had obviously come from breakfast, along with friends, young couples, a few elderly people, and truck drivers. A few single people were lingering about, like her, but they were dressed in business clothes, which showed their obvious importance and gave them a reason to be alone. They obviously had stopped in for breakfast on their ways to work, while their spouses were undoubtedly off doing something, perhaps at home with their children. Her position, a requested one to be in the corner booth of the restaurant, was dark and lonely the more that she thought about.

"Christ, I need to get a life," she murmured, heaving a sigh as she gazed out at the sidewalks with milling crowds of people. "Or a cat. A cat would be nice," she added, taking on a thoughtful expression. "Maybe I'll be a cat-lady. I mean, I'm already twenty-four and have had zero luck in the department of love, so I really have squash going for me. Zip, to be completely honest. There's also the fact that I talk to myself way to often for it to be healthy - exactly like I'm doing right now," she said. "Pity-fests, is what they are. But whatever. I'm perfectly happy," she said, holding her chin high and attempting to convince at least herself of that fact. "Besides, who needs companionship? I'll just be a cat-lady. Yup, a cat-lady," she nodded determinedly, a silly grin on her lips.

"Here's your Frappe, darlin'."

Angel looked up and accepted the drink as the woman placed her food before her.

A heart attack waiting to happen, she thought cheerily as she picked up a fork, eyeing the large Frittata before her, which was decked out with Canadian bacon, bacon, and sausage. Delicious and totally worth the extra thirty pounds - a joke, but she would undoubtedly gain some weight from the Omelette-impersonator, which was far more delicious than it's close relative - which was, in fact, the Omelette. Frittata's fwere so much better.



Really? Math class? Who's idiotic idea was it to station the 'robot' in a high school? Honestly, sometimes, the Director just ...

Of course, she wasn't paying attention. Why should she? First of all, she was a 'legal' adult - not that it really mattered, to be honest. Secondly, she knew everything that she already needed to know about mathematics. Actually, she knew pretty much everything that she needed to know about basically all areas of teaching that the school offered.

"Ms. Fathers, since you seem so keen as to not pay attention in my class, would you care to answer this question?"

Rainy turned a bored, dull gaze upwards, her eyes falling onto the chalkboard - a little oldtimesy, don't you think, Ms. Hardil? - and onto the chalk that the woman was writing with. The squeak of it on the board was mildly annoying, and she found herself dozing off while watching her write.

When she pulled her hand away, a complicated - at least, that's what Rainy supposed Ms. Hardil had been aiming at for her - equation was written on the board.

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10!

The woman rounded to face the girl, her expression holding a smirk to it, behind her wavy air of authority.

"How can this be possible, Ms Fathers?"

Fathers. What a stupid last name for a stupid alias for a stupid school. Pronounced as Fa-Thurs, with an annoying enunciation on the 'a'.

Again, why do I have to be here?

With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes as she rose, her chair scraping back across the floor in the room that was meant to be for Freshman students, she made her way up to the front of the room, snatched the chalk rudely from the woman's hand, and turned to the board. The chalk made no sound as she skillfully wrote upon the board, and by the time she was done, her 'classmates' were staring on in awe at the random writing on the board - or so it seemed.

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10!
So 10! means 10(10-1)(10-2)(10-3)(10-4)(10-5)(10-6)(10-7)(10-8)(10-9)=

She dropped the chalk onto the little metal tray that was connected to the wall, where it made a soft clatter as it connected, and turned to face the class.

"The answer of '10' means that it is 10 distributed into 10 times negative one, 10 times negative two, 10 times negative three, and so on, all the way until it ends at 10 times negative nine. Therefore, ten-times-nine-times-eight-times-seven-times-six-times-five-times-four-times-three-times-two-times-one is equal to 10!," she explained, crossing her arms.

The students were deadly quiet. Not even a whisper could be heard in the room, and it was a bit disconcerting, to be completely honest.

Why are they so quiet? It's ... Weird. It's unnatural! I just solved the equation. Why is that such a-

First one whisper, and then another, and another, until the entire room was loud enough to rock it - almost. They were impressed. Rainy smirked and gave Ms. Hardil a more-than-smug look as she moved back towards her seat and slid into it, leaning back and kicking up her feet, where she dropped them to her desk. Her eyes shot to their corners, following upon him. Avory. What an odd name. Honestly, who would name their child that? Why not Avery? Why Avory? True, her name wasn't normal, either, but really, why would a person name their kid something so common yet spell it so oddly?

His entire family was full of freaks. He just happened to be the one who was more so than the rest.

And he was a threat to the United States and it's citizens. The Director had provided enough evidence of that to prove it to be true.

He was smart. Far too intelligent for his own good and for her to be able to fool easily. But all men were gullible, especially when confronted with a pretty, innocent face. A pretty, innocent, new face. One that would be helpless to find her way to her next class.

He would be putty in her hands.

And when the final blow came, he wouldn't even see it coming. One minute, he would be walking, and the next, he would be back in whatever hole he had crawled out of.

"Devil's spawn," she murmured, far too low for any of her classmates to hear, even the ones immediately surrounding her "Death will befall you ..." Her hand rose, and her fingers curled around the charm that was slung along the chain around her neck.