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Master of Mortality; Divine Deathmaker

0 · 351 views · located in Ashariel

a character in “The Gods”, originally authored by Sciamancer, as played by jakal_420


God Name: Mori (more-ee)
Avatar Name: Algor Mortis
Title: The Master of Mortality; [Personification of] Death
God Gender: Male
Avatar Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral

Terrain Preference: Anywhere. Morians (followers of Mori) are usually somewhat Nomadic and generally live in small groups dispersed among the other civilizations; Mori lacks a country of its own. Some of the Mora believe that the lands of Mori are all of the world, including the lands of other deities, because death and mortality are nearly universal. This is true in that everywhere people die, but Mori does not exhibit direct power in the lands of others. He is associated with places of death, from burial grounds to over-farmed fields where nothing will grow. These places are considered spiritual, and usually a group of Morians will often use such a place for prayer or rituals.

Opinion of Mortals/Followers: Mori sees all mortal beings as his own, as they all die, but has negative feelings about the great majority of them. They are petty, selfish, and have no thought for the long-term. His own people strive against this, but Mori favors his own people less than a god usually does.

Normal Morians: Are mostly human and born into the Morian culture, but converts or adoptions are more common than for other gods. An occasional dwarf, orc, or elf is rare but not unheard of. Mora do not believe in an afterlife. They are taught not to fear death, however, and also not to hope to be resurrected, as those who want to be resurrected are doomed not to be. Most are pious and have strong familial bonds with the other Morians in their tribe. Appearance varies, but most have somewhat pale skin with dark hair and eyes. Their unisex cultural clothing are loose, baggy, and made of a lightweight and black fabric. The very old are respected for their experience and longevity, which is assumed to be a blessing from Mori, while the very young are celebrated because they are the future of their society.

Morians travel in nomadic tribes that range from eight to forty, usually consisting of one or two families. Some inbreeding does occur from this, but most children are born from two or more tribes meeting. Unlike most cultures, the Mori do not "mate for life." They will breed when tribes cross paths, and all children are brought up by the entire tribe as their own. For women, it is considered bad to favor one's own biological children over the other kids in a tribe, while it is not a problem for men.

The Morians are superstitious, believing strongly in omens from Mori that will help them predict deaths that will occur or if someone will be unharmed through a struggle. They have common sessions whereby all of those present in a tribe will sit in a circle and go into a trance-like state. The lich leader or elders of the tribe will lead communicating with Mori in different ways depending on the circumstance. When a baby is born, the lich will praise Mori for giving them another life, and speak of the fleeting nature of life and how important it is that children are born to replace those who pass. When someone dies, the lich solemnly explains that life must end to make space for another to begin, that death is a natural part of life, and celebrate the life of the deceased. When a new member joins the tribe, the Mora will initiate them by begging Mori to accept the new member as one of its followers. When they need guidance, their leader will directly ask Mori for advice.

Arguably the most important and definitely the most extravagant, when two or more tribes meet, they will all form one circle to celebrate their acquaintance. A large celebration that can last from a day to several weeks will occur in which the different tribe-members mingle, and a Morian switching tribes is very rare, though not impossible. Occasionally two tribes, especially smaller tribes, will continue traveling together and over the course of a generation or so merge into one.

Liches: Rather than its avatar being born, Mori carefully watches potential candidates as they live. If someone Mori favors dies, it will resurrect that person as its avatar, a "lich". If this occurs while Mori already has an avatar, the old avatar will lose his or her immortality and their body will slowly rot away until they die. Avatar switching is highly variable; an avatar can stay as such for a decade, or last only a week. Usually, Morian avatars lived their first lives as Morians, as one might expect. Occasionally, however, Mori will resurrect a follower of another deity because it has decided that particular mortal lived a highly virtuous life.

Liches have no blood flow, and no need for internal organs except for the brain to think and the muscles to move. This advantage is downplayed by the fact that they cannot heal and become physically weak due to muscle deterioration. A Mora tribe is almost always lead by a lich, but a tribal elder can lead, especially if their lich has finally passed away. Liches do not always lead a tribe, however, and larger tribes will sometimes have two or three liches. Even when they are no longer the avatar, Liches maintain a strong connection with Mori, though not nearly as strong as the current avatar enjoys. A Lich who is no longer the avatar will slowly decay so that after about 50 years he or she can no longer move, and after another fifty will die if not killed.

Warfare: Their tiny numbers make all-out warfare a fantasy. Besides which, they don't particularly like offensive war; Morians feel killing intrudes upon Mori's realm, it is like "playing god." Even so, they are renowned for their small battle capabilities. They are divided into three major types of warriors, and although most Morians have some skill in all three styles, most also focus on one in particular.

Big-Shield: These Morians are usually strong men. They carry a large rectangular shield that covers their front from chin to ankle, and also carry a large sickle. They are mostly defensive, working with the other two combat types.
Scythe-Wielder: They carry a large battle-scythe tipped with a spear-like point, making for a versatile weapon. By swinging their weapon over their enemies' shoulders and pulling back, they can go around shields and tear them apart from behind. They carry a small spike-shield, which straps to their forearm, leaving their hands free. It is one and a half to two feet in diameter and has a large spike in the center. A scythe-wielder will usually partner with two big-shields for protection, destroying the enemy by swinging between or around his allies.
Bowman: A relatively recent art, only a few generations old. Bowman carry a sickle like a big-shield and a spike-shield like a scythe-wielder for close-combat, but their expertise lies in the long-range. They use a regular longbow to dispatch enemies from behind the Big-Shields and Scythe-Wielders.

Civilization Name: Morians; Followers of Mori; The Mora. Derogatory: Death-Worshipers, celebrators of death, etc. The Mora are disliked by many people for their strange beliefs and nomadic nature.
Political System: Overall anarchy made up of small nomadic groups, lead by a lich or sometimes an elder.
God Appearance: A full human skeleton, its bones picked clean and glistening white. The skeleton often simply lies in a pile of bones, but is sometimes depicted as levitating.
Avatar Appearance: Algor stands at 5'5" and is very thin. He appears to have died when he was in his late-twenties, and shows very few signs of decay, demonstrating that he was quickly resurrected. He has dark brown hair and eyes, but his skin is cold and pale due to the lack of blood flow. His bones, from cheek to ribs, are very pronounced, and all over his body (though not his face) is marked by wolf bites. He was not devoured due to Mori's intervention, and so has no major wounds.
Personality: Algor was chosen to be a lich for his pious nature, courage, and self-sacrifice; the lich died as a human when he protected his tribe from a large pack of hungry wolves by luring them away with fresh meat. Mori did not find him to be perfect, however, and almost chose someone else on the basis of Algor's untrusting nature. Mori's avatar does not trust non-Morians, and he barely trusts other Morians outside his own tribe. Algor and his tribe suffered greatly due to disdain for his people.

So begins...

Mori's Story