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The old god of the winds and the storm. Talingue has been forgotten for many years, but the indifference of Aleron has brought back belief in him.

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a character in “The Gods”, as played by Lord Validrir


God Name: Talingue
Avatar Name: Nicole Avirthain
Title: Lord of the sky and God over the wind and the storm
God Gender: Male
Avatar Gender: male
Alignment: Good
Terrain Preference: Avians live in high, grassy areas. They don't like to be near the sea for they find it like a large, disgusting sewer. That and water is not their most favorable element.
Opinion of Mortals/Followers: Talingue enjoys his people very much. He loves them and would see them become a great people. He is not opposed to them having relationships with the other races and in fact encourages friendliness with them. He accepts their flaws but that does not mean that those flaws please him. He sees them as children who are beginning to grow. It could be said that He would have them continue in progression through out their lives and become more flawless with each day. The deciple of Talingue who does this would be blessed indeed.
Civilization Name: Avians
Avians appear in most any sence to be ordinary humans. The difference is that they can use the wind their advantage, have a stronger bodies, faster reflexes, more stanima compared to humans. In fact the only thing that that doesn't seem magnified is their mind as they are only as intelligent as the majority of other races. Opon first glance an avian would seem weak because there muscles don't show quite so much as a human or a dwarf for example. Truth be told they look rather thin and none to intimidating. The kicker is that they can lift objects five times they're body mass. They are usually in the range of 5"7- 6'1 in height and are 65-135 in weight. They are typically called "Skype's". Avians are also known to have extremly long lives some even live up to a thousand years.

Avians are a peaceful race and rarely go into battle, but when they do they crush their enemies with superior tactics and large forces. The avians tend to stay within their domian and perfers that other race's come to them. They have a total of five different walled cities and numorous villages and towns. The king and queen reside in The tower castle of Cloud Spire, the nation's capital. It is tha largest city amoung the Avians also with the best economy. They have a high education program and military both of them are very important since Avians like to be secure and smart about everything. They tend to build airships and do most of the battleing in the sky or just bombard (in other words fire with ballistas) the race they target. The airforce will have about 15000 troops in it would be split into smaller units. The Avian Airforce is belived to be the largest in the "Known World", however their ground forces are only half the size of their sky forces but are extremly powerful and mobile that means there are about 7500 light-infantry. They also have a great a agricultural system due to there being in a grassy enviorment.

For transportation avians raise horses however there isn't a large calvary in their millitary, there being only about 450 calvary troops. They have no navy, and don't like to be on or close to the sea, also they use small airships for transportation or bison power wagons.

The Avians have a ranking system that places them in diffrent groups because of their powers and abillities. Avains are normally born with the touch they have but they can change it through special training, combat, or knowledge.
God's touch) This type is able to use the wind to a degree that is close to Talingue's or the forgotton Aleron. This level of power also allows the use of lighting which is extremly rare. This type has never been heard of since it requires for the wind god to kiss the person.
King's touch) This group is able to use a powerful amount of the wind and is able to summon tornados .This type is said to be grant to the king when he has done something good for his people.
Queen's touch) This group is able to use a moderate amount of wind to there advantage.This touch is usually common in high officals, the queen, and the crown princess.
Jack's touch) This class is pretty powerful but not as the Queen's they specialize in shaping the wind and .This is common in soilders and lower class workers such as jewlers, rich merchants and, buliders.
Joker's touch) The weakest class, they can barly use the wind to there advantage .This is most common in the lower classes, farmers, and peasants which is rare that there are peasants.

This class system is not all to pleasing to Talingue as he enjoys equality in his people. This is somthing that has been ingrained in their culture. Somthing Talingue hopes to root out in time.

Avians also specialize in talismens and enchantments. Many of their enchantments are placed on jewlery and weapons. They are usually about strength, love, speed, beauty or knowledge But they make enchanments for most everything. All of the classes are able to buy them but they each have a different augments to them, due this the type of enchantment ablity is low and depends on what class a person is.

Each of the classes have a duty to do and follow it with small complaint.

Joker's: Being the underdog of the Avians, they tend to do there jobs obediently since they cannot do a thing about it. The jokers are the farmers who grow the food in the country and in addtion to they make the bulk of the kingdom. Joker's due to there class get pushed around most of the time by nobles, there have been records of fights between the two classes but it always ended up the same.

Jack's: They make up most of the army that is not to say other personal. Jack's are the one's that make roads and build builings. They tend to be the wild card of classes and tend to enjoy themselves most of the time. They are the one's who choose not to submit to the destiny of becoming a Joker and became a jack's class
Political System: The Avian system is comprised of a king, queen, the first born princess, the high priest, and Avi General.
Each of them have purpose, The king and Queen rule over the country, each having different duites but they both have to agree on each of them. Namely the king holds most of the power. The high priest presides over religous, educational, and magical matters. The Avi general rules over most military matters and construction but the king is the suprem commander of all this and can stop any action he calls unworthy.
God Appearance: Talingue is tall and lithe in form, often dressed in flowing white robes that seem to be constantly blowing in the breeze. His long hair is a white blonde and hangs down to just passed his shoulders. His eyes seem to change color with the light giving them a rainbow effect, but no matter the color they glitter with kindness and portray his good nature. The exception to Talingue's peaceful and friendly looking appearance is when his wrath is kindled. Just as a white cloud differs from a storm bank so too does his demenor and form. Talingue's eyes turn a stormy grey and his usually glowing countanace turns ashy and dark. For battle his robes are exchanged shining silver armor and a long blue cape. His weapon of choice is rapier style sword of some crystalin material that mortal forgers are at a loss for how to create it.
Avatar Appearance: A young and hansome Avian who is the love interest of the princess Lilienne Azure. He stands at 6'2, some what tall for an Avian and is covered in lithe, corded muscle. His blonde hair is cut short as is the style of the avian millitary personel.


God: Talingue is a kind and benevolent god who would see the races and the gods become all that they can. Though the gods be immortal and some are as old as he, Talingue often adopts a fatherly attitude with them as well as the mortal races. He cares for them and can see their potential to be great, even if they ignore it. Talingue can and has been wrathful to those that dishonor him, but he often shows mercy and forgiveness. He has an affinity for the wind, and so takes it with him where ever he goes. His whims are fleeting and his interests change often, but his wisdom is everlasting. Where ever he is or what ever he's doing, you can bet he will go about it in an intelligent manner. He can be tricky and rather mischievous when he feels the need and takes particular delite in fooling the strong or proud.

Talingue is particularly fond of music and will sometimes become destracted by it. He is always ready to give advise, even if you don't want or ask for it.
Avatar: Nicole is a good natured young man who tries to be positive in nature. Being the son of the Avi General he has learned to be serious when needed but also enjoys to let loose when he can. In fact Nicole is more of a free spirit than anything but wants to make his father proud. He likes to spend time with Lilienne, the crown princess and the love of his life. It was said by some of the priests that Lilienne would bcome the avatar of their god, but that was before the withdrawl of Aleron. Now with the newly reinstituted worship of Talingue, Nicole will be most surprised with the old god's plans for him.


Talingue, God of the wind and storm and Lord over the sky. He was one of the first to come into existance, being outstripped in age only by Grumpish and Fedawaeyas. Talingue is in fact the father of numerous gods, amoung them Riso and Raven, the twin god and goddess of the dawn and dusk. He also fathered Aleron, Grungi and He is the Co-father of Asiysia with Ulmo. Talingue is in a sence the brother of Ulmo, as they both came into being when the world was formed and the horizon split the heavens from the waters. At the same time Jiraba was formed from the darkness by Fedawaeyas, making these three the first Gods over the world. The three were destined to rule over very different and distinct aspects of reality and thus were constantly at odds with one another.

Talingue was worshipped by the Avians and even amoung the humans and elves a great many years ago. His popularity wained when he began to wander into the ethral realms and one day did not return. When the blessings stopped and the prayers went unanswered, the people began to search for another god to care for them. In truth Talingue had come into contact with an ethral being which refered to itself as the "Eyes of the Dark". This creature was god like in power and had disturbing plans for the mortal realm. Talingue stayed locked in combat with the monster for years untill he finally banished it to a forgotten corner of the ethral plain.

When Talingue returned to his people he found Aleron in power and his one time followers worshipping this new God. Talingue was saddened by this, by how quickly his people turned from him, but he understood why it had happened and so returned to the ethral realm to drift and to watch.

With the sudden absence of Aleron, due to his seeming lack of concern for the Avians, they once again began to cry out to Talingue, a god they could scarcely remember but found recored of in the ancient texts. When the prayers came Talingue heard and like a rushing gale of wind entered the temple of the Avians and caused the alter before the priests to erupt into white flame. With a gentle touch, like the kiss of the breeze he caused peace to enter into their hearts. Their God had heard them, and would never leave them again.

So begins...

Talingue's Story