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Laura Kinney

"I wouldn't be like this it wasn't for you!"

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a character in “The Grand Reopening!”, as played by Love me Not


Name: Laura Kinney "You gotta problem with it"
Nicknames: X-23 "Yeah, but nobody knows that"
Age: 16 "Just cause I'm young doesn't mean I'm weak or stupid"
Gender: Female *looks at her chest* "Yep, definitely female"
Nationality: American "I guess this is right"
Fluent Languages: American English, French, and Japanese "I don't know if you can call what I speak English. But I really don't give a damn"

Tell us about yourself:
Personality- Upon initially encountering her, X-23 might be mistaken for a typical young woman, calm and quiet. However, as her character evolved, she has become somewhat darker and more complex. X-23 is very taciturn, rarely uttering more than one sentence or two at a time. Because she grew up in a controlled environment, she speaks using perfect grammar, rarely using slang. She also engages in self-injury, cutting herself with her own claws; this is something she has done since a very young age. X-23 is a highly trained and skilled combatant; she is able to kill dozens of heavily armed opponents during a single encounter.

X-23's mother, Dr. Sarah Kinney, did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. X-23 rarely spoke, or expressed much interest in her mother, who was forced to reject any emotional advance the girl might make, such as laying her head in her mother's lap, because of the Facility. Despite the upbringing X-23 received, she has always shown signs of humanity. In one particular mission when X-23 was assigned to assassinate Martin Sutter and his family, she killed Sutter and his wife without hesitation, but she spared their young son, Henry.

History- When a top-secret program attempted to recreate the original Weapon X experiment that involved the feral mutant Wolverine, they failed to secure a test subject that could survive the bonding of the virtually unbreakable metal Adamantium to their skeleton. Seeking to take the project in a new direction, the project's director, Doctor Martin Sutter, recruited renowned mutant geneticist Doctor Sarah Kinney and tasked her with creating a clone. Using the only available genetic sample from Weapon X, which was damaged, they were unable to salvage the Y chromosome after 22 attempts. Kinney then proposed they create a female clone, and though her request was initially denied, she still went ahead and produced a viable female subject, prompting Sutter to reconsider. Despite resistance from his protégé Doctor Zander Rice, whom he had raised after Rice's father was killed by a bestial Wolverine at the original Weapon X Project, Sutter allowed Kinney to proceed. As revenge for her insubordination, Rice forced Kinney to act as the surrogate mother for the clone, and she gave birth to "X-23."
Raised in captivity, X-23 was trained to be a weapon. Kinney did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. After seven years, Rice had X-23 subjected to radiation poisoning in order to accelerate the activation of her mutant gene, then forcibly extracted her claws and coated them with Adamantium. Next, Rice created a chemical compound he called "trigger scent" that sent X-23 into an involuntary berserker rage upon smelling its presence. Three years later, X-23 was sent on her first field mission to kill Presidential candidate Greg Johnson. Numerous other missions followed, as X-23's services were sold to the highest bidder, and she was left emotionally stunted as a result. Rice, in an attempt to avenge his father's murder, abandoned X-23 on a particularly dangerous mission, but she survived against overwhelming odds and managed to return to the facility.

Ultimately, Rice persuaded Sutter to hand over control of the program to him, then secretly ordered X-23 to kill Sutter and his family. Later, Rice revealed to Kinney a chamber with dozens of incubation pods containing female clones before he fired her. Before fleeing the facility with X-23, Kinney gave her one last mission - destroy the pods and kill Rice. However, Rice was able to exact revenge on Kinney from beyond the grave, as he had earlier exposed her to the trigger scent, sending X-23 into a rage that caused her to kill her mother. As she lay dying, Kinney named X-23 Laura.

What talents do you possess:

Powers- X-23 possesses the ability to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of her cellular structure at a superhuman rate, which varies in direct proportion with the severity of the damage she suffers. Despite the extent of her healing factor, X-23 is not immortal. Injuries that result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form are potentially lethal for her. X-23's natural healing also affords her virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and the fatigue poisons generated by bodily activity. Hence, her endurance, agility and reflexes are enhanced. X-23 also possesses superhumanly acute senses, allowing her to see and hear things at an extended distance. She is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if that person or object is hidden, and can use these enhanced senses to track any creature with an impressive degree of success.

X-23's skeleton includes two retractable bone claws in each arm and one in each foot that she can extend and retract at will. These claws are housed beneath the skin and muscle. Unsheathing them causes her skin to tear and bleed, but the wounds are quickly dealt with by her healing factor. X-23 can unsheathe any number of these claws at once, although she must keep her wrists and/or feet straight at the moment the claws emerge. The claws are naturally sharp, tougher than normal human bone and have been coated with Adamantium, allowing X-23 to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials.
Presumably, because X-23 is a clone of the mutant Wolverine, her healing factor will also provide her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process.
Do you have any allergies:

Induced Berserker Rage: She has also been subjected to conditioning in which a specific "trigger scent" has been used to send her into a berserker rage, killing anything in sight.

Powerful Energy Blasts: Injuries like being hit with blasts of energy.

Intelligence- 3
Strength- 4
Speed- 3
Durability- 6
Energy Projection- 1
Fighting Skill- 5

Other: Laura after escaping has chosen to track down her reason for existence, Wolverine; eventually bringing her to the Xavier institutes front door step. Posing as a troubled teen with blooming mutant abilities; she has infiltrated the mansion in hopes of going up against Wolverine. But she is fighting with herself emotionally with the fact that he is practically the closest thing she has to a father. Upon her entering the mansion no one is aware of her intentions, and she is waiting for the right moment to confront "Weapon X".

So begins...

Laura Kinney's Story

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Character Portrait: Laura Kinney
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There was a crackle from the intercom at the front gate, and Storm registered it but didn't think much of it. "Hey aren't you gonna answer that?" asked a gruff voice not to far from her. She looked up to see Woverine standing in the doorway, "Oh... yeah Logan would you check on that for me I have all these applications to go through", she said "Yeah, yeah yeah just call me the bell boy?" he said as he went to the surveillance room.

He set the computer on the front gate camera, thats when he noticed what looked to be a young girl slumped on the ground just in front of the intercom. "What the hell?" he questioned himself. He stepped out of the room and headed to the front door, on his way there he ran into Hank happily carrying a pile of books in his hands. "Ah... Logan how are you doing this most enjoyable evening?" asked the huge blue, man. "Hey beast you mind comm'n with me to the front gate there's something fishy going on out there".

"But of course Logan I'd be glad to", said Dr Hank McCoy, and he swiftly followed Logan out of the mansion and to the front security gate. What they found was nothing that Logan expected, a bloodied and bruised girl who couldn't been much older the 16 or 17 laid in a pool of her own blood. Hank immediately scooped the girl up "Logan go and inform Aurora, I'll take her to the infirmary she looks as though she has lost allot of blood".

Wolverine happy that he didn't have to deal with the "tragedy case" made his way back to Storm's office, after explaining everything he had seen the pair made their way to the infirmary to check on the girls progress and to get some answers. As soon as they stepped in Hank stopped them and pulled them aside to his office, "It's extraordinary I've never seen anything like it other then with you Logan", said Beast with and excited tone in his voice.

Logan raised an eyebrow "Hey doc you mind putting what your say'n in Lehman's terms, cause I'm a little lost right now" said Wolverine with hint of annoyance.

Hank nodded and smiled "This young woman has the same healing factor that you have... when I went to stabilize her the wounds on her body began to seal and heal over before I even had a chance to look at them" said Beast.

Logan looked at Aurora and then over at the young girl laying on the exam table, "Is she awake yet?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Hank shook his head "No but she had a quite extensive injury to her head, it looked to be a gunshot wound to me but it closed before I was able to examine it thoroughly"

Wolverine stepped into the exam room and looked over the young girl on the exam table, all the wounds he had seen before were gone, nothing left but smaters of blood, "What the hell is going on?" he said.

Laura stepped out of her room and headed down the hallway to one of the bathrooms, scratching her rear end as she walked. She was wearing a gray wife beater and a pair of cut off shorts, she stepped into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She turned the faucet on and water began to pool in the sink, she cupped her hands in the water and splashed the water on her face. After her vision cleared a slight smirk formed on her face, "Things are going just as I planned" she said menacingly. "I've waited my whole life for this and now I can feel victory just barely out of my grasp, all I need is a little more time to gain their trust and then I can strike, patience is a virtue".

After drying her face and using the toilet she made her way back to her room and got dressed, today was the official start of the school year many students were just now arriving some had been there as long as she had. For the past three weeks she had been living among them playing the part of the young innocent girl with amnesia and remembered nothing but her name. It was a perfect story, that had to be totally convincing the wounds that she had self inflicted on herself including the gunshot wound to her head. She knew that the wounds would heal before they had a chance to figure out that it was all a show. She headed to the court yard area it was one of her favorite places to go so far, oddly enough the Xavier Mansion had been quite soothing for Laura. She found a tree and sat down at the foot of it waiting for instructions for the day.

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Character Portrait: Laura Kinney Character Portrait: Tobias von Hohlen
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Laura had almost fallen asleep leaning her head back up against the trunk of the tree, there were many people gathered and her hearing was attuned to everything that was happening despite her appearance.

“Ah! A good start, ze ace of spades an' ze ace of diamons.”

Laura raised an eyebrow, she noticed an odd looking guy sitting by himself playing solitaire, she pushed herself up from the ground. She had seen him around the mansion for the past week. But then again she hadn't been paying attention to the movements of Weapon X and not what the other students were doing. She started over to where he was and glanced over his shoulder, "You can put the 10 of spades on that Jack of hearts there" she said and pointed out the move. It was imperative that everyone believed that she was at the school to learn and be protected from whatever it was that had hurt her. So being social with the other students would help keep up appearances.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laura Kinney Character Portrait: Skye Daniels Character Portrait: Lorraterre Jord Character Portrait: Tobias von Hohlen
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"Hi, I'm Skye...Um, thank you for the pear. It was really good."
Lorra giggled. She thought the new kid would never talk to her. "Oh I thought you are one of those silent type. The pear tree says you are welcome. It's the time of the year that they share their ripest. Wait till you get a taste of the grapes by the orchard."
She has started blabbing again. After a year in the institution, she found the extrovert part of her and actually made it blossom into a talkative girl. She always had questions- she barely shuts her mouth. Yeah- once in a while she remembers her past but the plants try to cheer her up when she's down. That only strengthens her belief that they have feelings just like other living things.
Dr. McCoy kind of doubted her observations- saying that they are very different from animals but she was persistent in her belief. He just asked her to keep her observations and experiments going and maybe- just maybe, she could prove herself right. Patience is the key according to her professor.

Just then Skye started tearing up, not sure why. Was there something wrong with the fruit? "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute," She panicked.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He suddenly spoke up.
"You scared me! What the heck is happening?" She wanted to slap his back but she stopped herself just in time. "Was the Pear rotten? I can always take it back if that's the case." She was hovering above Skye as she wondered what made him tear up. It was one of the few times that a guy actually cried in front of her.

"I should take you to the clinic, you are really freaking me out," She was sort of panicking that she started looking around for help. She saw a boy with some sort of stitches that was playing with a deck of cards, “Ah! A good start, ze ace of spades an' ze ace of diamons.”

"Excuse me, eerrrrmmm... hey. You. Can you help me? I'm not sure what's wrong with him but I think my pear got him sick. Can you help me?" She called on to the student, a new one perhaps. "Please."

Just then the vines started slithering next to her, most probably wondering (and understood) that something was wrong. "Come on guys, I thought that was a good one?" She started talking to them as if it was the most natural thing to do. One willow tree lowered it's branch, probably trying to see what was wrong as well.

"Sorry about that, most of them are intrigued with us humans" Soon a few bushes had turned towards them, almost surrounding them. "He needs to breath some fresh air, it could be helpful if you can release more oxygen," Asking for their help, Lorra tried to see what first aid she can do to Skye. "Ohhhh Mister, help please." She once again called unto the guy who was playing with his cards. Just then a girl approached the card playing guy as well. "Hello, a little help here!"

Just then one of the bushes whispered in her ear. She listened intently then asked, "A what? A flying guy?" Apparently, whatever news worthy that involves humans- it is sure to make the top gossip around the plants in the institution. The bush had just shared that a guy who apparently levitates had crashed in one of the maze's hedges. "I'll get back on that in a while but right now I need help. I'm not sure if this guy's sick" She was blabbing and explaining herself to the plant's which is weird looking in all angles- even in a school with a lots of abilities.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laura Kinney Character Portrait: Tobias von Hohlen
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#, as written by Byte
Tobias von Höhlen

The Courtyard
“Quite observant. Zhat allows me to place zhe king of hearts on zhe empty spot, an' zhen zhis diamond seven can go on zhe eight of clubs.” After those moves were looked over and executed, Tobias flipped the face-down card that was now free to be revealed. Two of clubs, how unlucky. There were no real low rank cards around, and Corpse had yet to find the ace of the club suit.

A hard look grew on the zombie's face, doubtfully observing the cards. “I believe zhat zhe game is almost over.” Then, he frowned. Who had helped him anyway? Who was bolt enough to approach a freak of- Well, in the humans eyes, all mutants were freaks of nature. But it was obvious what he meant with those words.

Corpse turned his head to the right, his expression surprised as a girl, quite a years younger than him, had approached the table. “Oh. I, er... Hello zhere. Is zhere somethin' I can do for you?” Tobias was certain he had seen her wander around the institute. He tried to figure out who she was, all the while he unconsciously stared at the girl. “Oh, how rude. Zhe name i-” His words were cut off by another girl screaming for help.

Tobias simply frowned, as his eyes noted that the boy who was with her cut off the screaming. “Zhat vas... pointless. Now vhere vas I...?” Corpse turned his attention back to the student that had approached him. “Ah. Introductions. Zhe name is Tobias. Corpse to anyone vho may vant to call me zhat.” Tobias nodded as a form of greeting. “An'... You are?”

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Character Portrait: Laura Kinney Character Portrait: Tobias von Hohlen
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Laura smirked, "Corpse huh thats an interesting name, but if you don't mind I'd rather call you Tobias if thats not too much trouble of course", she said. Laura put her hand in the pockets of her jeans, "My names Laura... I haven't really come up with a cool nick name yet cause well... I don't remember anything other then my name and waking up in the institutes medical lab. But I guess I'll come up with something eventually, I don't know what you'd call someone who heals almost as quickly as their hurt but whatever", she said glancing at the girl that had been freaking out only moment before. She just shook her head, Laura just didn't understand human behavior sometimes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Laura Kinney Character Portrait: Tobias von Hohlen
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#, as written by Byte
Tobias von Höhlen

The Courtyard
“Fine vith me.” Corpse lightly shrugged at the notion of the girl preferring to call him Tobias. It wasn't a mandatory thing to call him by nickname. It was just a word, a word that summed up the rotten mutant entirely.

Still, it was a rather interesting twist. Someone just treated him like a normal person- Well, like a mutant who doesn't look as if he was about to fall apart form a simple bump. “Zhen Laura it is.” The zombie nodded, gathering all the cards that were now scattered around the table. “Amnesia? Zhat could be your nickname- Oh, never mind. Just zhinking out loud...”

Tobias shuffled the deck of cards again, stopping for a brief moment to gesture to a free seat. “Vant to play a game of cards?” He raised the hand that held the cards. There was hardly anything else to do, and he had grown bored of a sole game already. Plus, this was a good opportunity to get acquainted with another student. Even if that student suffered from amnesia.