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Rhea Bryant

"Guilds here, guilds there, what's the difference? It's bad for your health to judge."

0 · 312 views · located in Zorgoth

a character in “The Guilds of Zorgoth”, originally authored by Renmiri, as played by RolePlayGateway


Rhea Bryant

Image Soundtracks:
Nights of London - Sonic Librarian
Born Leader - Adrenaline Music

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Class: Mage (to be specific, Lightning Mage), and partially Mage Knight
Guild: Apotheosis
Home: Nosit

To her general dismay, this golden-haired child has always been skinny, slim no matter what she's tried to do. When she was young, over half of her lifetime ago, it was her feather-light build and small frame that mercilessly crushed the first, often unrealistic, dreams for a future occupation. (Although, of course, Rhea has never regretted her career path.) Speaking numbers, all she weighs is a measly 95 pounds; accompanied by the short height of 5'7". Combined with her slightly (nonexistent) lean build, the image she manages to give is that of being borderline sturdy --not in the least fragile--; otherwise small, but commanding a type of attention stemming from justified self-confidence. Her movements often seem practiced, graceful to an extent, making her job look like the complete opposite of what she could commonly be seen to do.

Rhea's mane of blonde hair is, unfortunately, naturally messy (but not entirely in a bad way); tumbling down to the middle of her back. Vibrant blue eyes are set on a small face, usually smiling amidst her hopelessly carefree nature. Because of her adult, somewhat refined type of beauty and the general sense of calm around her, people find that she's especially easy to approach; another trait that she doesn't exactly appreciate. Nothing much else stands out besides the rose tattoo inked on the back of her right shoulder, a floral design almost always at least partially hidden.

The only colours she ever really wears are combinations of white and gold; much for the look/comfort than for actual defense (akin to the white-gold in this). She does care about her appearance, although it's hard to tell. However, Rhea stays away from bulky armor to maximize movement; rather than for a shallow reason. The only thing she keeps constant around is her short sword, the channel she uses to easier control her destructive, specialized branch of magic.

No scars, as of yet, are visible anywhere on her body, and she doesn't appreciate the thought of there being.

The best way to describe Rhea would be that she's unrestricted, free; and it's her lack of limits that most people are attracted to. She does whatever she wants whenever she wants to, but not in the slacker, procrastinating way. This trait of hers was the main reason why Rhea decided to join a guild, to be able to keep her complete independence through choosing jobs herself. Her carefree attitude gives her quite the awkward work record, what with often alternating periods of time for extreme work and (as viewed by others) extreme slack. It's not that she particularly resents extending herself, more like something else caught her fancy. She views the world as a place full of unseen, uncharted beauty; and spends her time (if not working) traveling around the countries. As such, nobody in her guild ever really knows where exactly she is; at a given time.

Nothing quite bothers this slightly strong-willed girl, proven when insults and threats are seamlessly brushed right off. Rhea's straightforward confidence can't be shaken, and although she doesn't show it, she knows painfully well her limits. When she sees she can't win, she knows nothing better than to stop. Following that logic, she turns into a different type of person when it comes to dangerous jobs; becoming reliable so to make sure she'll never get into a bad situation. Contrary to her image, her mind works astonishingly well. The only other thing she could be is a strategist or a scholar, if she didn't happen to be a mage already.

Moving on to general attitude, Rhea is usually easy to get along with. Strangers find that she's polite with a dash of sarcasm; and as such gain a better impression. Friends, though? She's painfully blunt, and even worse sarcastic. But that doesn't mean that she insults people left and right; rather she's always joking in that respect. She isn't the type to lie or put on much of a false face, besides keeping some things under for the sake and welfare of all. (To clear out any doubts from that sentence, Rhea's poker face is still flawless.) She's seen a lot and can be said as 'well-grounded', if only for the reason that she never really gets surprised. Genuine over-protectiveness resides over all those she knows personally, little though that number may be.

Rhea is also surprisingly receptive to subtle changes in the mood, however dense when it comes to her being the cause. Nevertheless, knowing about it doesn't seem to drive her to do something. No sense of discomfort or the like affect her in the least, when confronted with such a situation. Whether or not it's a good thing, she'll continue being her natural easy-going self through even the worst of it all.

Of course, besides when she gets angry; an emotion only triggered by not insults to her person, but to her awkwardly beloved guild or friends. Rhea's type of rage is the brooding, slow-boiling dangerous kind; where one plans to perfection the absolute revenge. Grave insults akin to murder are probably the sole instigators of such anger; and so far she's never entered into such a state. That, of course, is a subject imminent to change from the threat of all-out war. (Which, by the way, she finds a total waste of energy).

Last but not least: the reason Rhea remains unaffected by the actions of those in Dark Guilds. To be frank, she's a skeptic. Judging them over just what they do? That's probably the source of the most disgust she'll ever have. In the case of war, she'd probably play the neutral even if the world was against it. (And she once knew a nice person in a Dark Guild. That's a big part of it.)

Class Ability: Image
As stated before, Rhea is specialized in one area of magic: Lightning. Most often, she channels the destructive force through a small short sword; allowing her control on where bolts go. However, the spells used with her sword are among the weakest in her spectrum of abilities; including things like charging an area to reach electrocution within a touch, sending arc-like volleys of lightning, and shooting little versions of lightning. Little incantations to boost speed or the body's electrical signals rest here as well; though those can be cast anytime. As you can see, they don't quite compare with real bolts and thunderstorms themselves.

So whenever she needs to, Rhea ditches her 'staff' and goes bare-handed. Her raw talent extends to summoning electricity, often calling it in showers to either act as a make-shift shield or barrage an unfortunate enemy. Once in a while, with the expenditure of most of her energy, she can form a 'spearhead' composed of raw lightning; firing which pierces and explodes like a miniature nuclear bomb. The only setbacks these stronger spells have is the speed of which it exhausts her, and the fact that the difficult nature of lightning itself could backfire on her if used half-heartedly. It's all very difficult to control, and as such requires absolute attention. She bears as well the common trait of most lightning mages: more power in the midst of natural thunderstorms.

Rhea's secondary branch is the complete opposite of her first; healing. She's not nearly as good with it as she could be, but sufficient enough to keep her colleagues alive if need be. Rather than expending energy too fast like Lightning, this magic expends much more time; never instantaneous like some clerics are known to be. In any case, she can heal the vast majority of injuries; from setting broken bones to ugly battle gashes, everything but those on just the brink of death. That, she can't do anything but dull the pain.

(Whenever Rhea casts magic of any kind, small magic circles appear hovering above her hands regardless if they're holding things. Faint but noticeable.)

Rather than the wooden staff that most sorcerers and mages use, Rhea opted for a set of short swords upon choosing her specialty. These swords are magically enhanced (by other people) to be able to better withstand the heat of lightning and magic, instead of just melting into a puddle of steel (or bursting into flame like a staff). However, even though their resistance is nothing to scoff at, they can't survive the full blow of Rhea's destructive magic. But she uses them anyway. If she must, she can 'fire' them like arrows.

Two of these short swords are kept at her side at all times; though she only ever uses one at a time. The rest of her supply (as they break often) are kept in a special designated space in her Guild-House, and replacing them is usually the reason she ever goes back at all (short of needing money). A small jewel is embedded just above the hilt; which lights up at the use of magic.

Compared with other magician families in Nosit, Rhea's earliest days of childhood wasn't particularly special. She was born as an only child under parents that were both --you guessed it-- mages, in the busy capital of the country. Her father worked as a professor in a well-known university, though he part-timed in a clean guild, while her mother was a simple housewife. As you can imagine, their child was surrounded by magic since the very first days from birth; and life was rather sweet, mixed with the fruits of their talents. Lack of money and the pains that came with it never surfaced, as Rhea's father was a very capable man; leading to a rather spoiled little girl among a rich environment.

Not that Rhea really indulged in that aspect. She had always been fascinated by the works of sorcerers, witches and whatever else magical; to the point where she bothered her parents for lessons and demonstrations all the time. The kid was a talent herself, and with a hunger for knowledge that could never seem to be sated; she failed to build anything coming close to a social life. Well, she didn't care. She had completely devoted herself to learning the multitude of uses for her gift, so much so that she never noticed the declining health of her father; or the diminishing funds that they had. Certainly, Rhea hadn't known the difference when her role model secretly dipped into the forbidden ground of Dark Guilds.

At this point in time, she was about ten years old; just having reached the age of apprenticeship. Her carefree attitude, as she was already like that then, was only ever breached for an opportunity to be an apprenticed mage. After days of convincing, her wish was granted; but, coincidentally, it was the day of her leaving that Rhea's father paid the price of his bloody work. That night, hours ensuing her departure, an enemy Dark Guild murdered her parents in all but cold blood. You see, her dad had went and unknowingly killed one of that guild's members; and although he didn't know, his actions demanded compensation. And so, just like that, the debt was paid.

The job had been done incredibly quietly, so well-planned that Rhea herself didn't hear of her parent's disappearance until the week later. Apparently, the offended Dark Guild hadn't seen the point of pursuing and killing her too; though she might as well have been. When she heard of the news, she was very close to the brink of suicide herself. But it was her master, along with the foolhardy notion of revenge, that brought her back to life; leading her to attack her studies with renewed ambition. As such, she advanced far faster than any other; although for perhaps the worst goals one could have.

A few years into her apprenticeship, she had grown so quickly that she had to be handed over to an actual university; where Rhea began to discover the more aggressive elements to magic. Her first deviation from the norm was her pick of knives rather than staff, which later evolved into the swords she uses today, and these tools aided development in elemental spells. She learned how to use the smallest of incantations for the maximum effect, and for a period of two years became the equivalent of a Mage Knight (except without the horse).

It was within this time, at the sweet age of fifteen, that this miniature mage knight had her desire for revenge drained away. On a casual stroll in a park, Rhea had unknowingly met a group of members in a Dark Guild; in which the killer of her parents recognized her resemblance. But, be that as it may, he befriended her for friendship's sake; withholding the fact that he was a murderer. Time went on and a cliche romantic situation ensued, which --sparing the details-- eventually ended with Rhea finding out about her boyfriend's secrets just as karma came around and killed off said boyfriend in a bandit raid. And with that little history arc finished, the broken-hearted girl could do nothing but move on.

With her drive suddenly gone, Rhea's career path was lost. Almost as a way to pass the time, she tackled a new, difficult branch of magic (being Lightning); unlearning most of what she knew of the elements for complete mastery. Wanting a challenge to redirect her thoughts after that goal was seen through, she paralleled her studies with learning Healing; the absolute opposite of Lightning. Knives gave way to short swords and, ever so slowly over a period of five years, she finally let her past --and interest in learning magic-- go.

Over the two years, Rhea went travelling. She discovered the beauty of the world that she had previously so missed, having been preoccupied with personal problems. Her carefree attitude took her to as many places as one could possibly go in her given time, and she learned a multitude of new things; new sights. She joined a guild, though mostly on a whim; making new friends and gaining a previously nonexistent social life.

In short, the obsessive-compulsive kid called Rhea grew up. Now? As one chapter closes; the threat of war hangs over the next. Not that she wants war, what with the fact that it's a complete waste of energy. But such is the way of life.

Extra: Rhea can play the piano. Plus a bit of guitar. (Classical music puts her in a happy place.)

'From years past.'
All art belongs to their respective owners. In this case, Shilin and Futarinokizuna.

So begins...

Rhea Bryant's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuri Abel Character Portrait: Lionel Farinox Character Portrait: Rhea Bryant
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#, as written by Renmiri

There goes another two. Well, it's probably better for my luck to run out now, rather than later. Beneath the shifting rays of sunlight breaking into dawn, a golden-haired child stood alone amongst a clearing; just beyond which were the frantically retreating backs of a local gang of bandits. Two smoldering, half-melted swords were set in her hands, the unfortunate victims of one Rhea Bryant overloading lightning magic. She had, in all her infinite wisdom, thought that scaring some group of half-witted thieves away was probably a better idea than personally beating some sense (and also easier to do). The only redeeming aspect of the local gang, as it were, was that they were overly stubborn, weak but surpringly resilient. Or so she had heard.

The plan worked, but even such a carefree kid like Rhea cringed at the prospect of losing another large chunk of her paycheck; so quickly after the last. Hiring an enchanter, or something akin to that, took more in this day and age than it had ever used to; and there was no other way out of it. It was just her luck to pick such destructive magic; to need a high-grade 'staff' to keep up. And even then? They couldn't take the full brunt of lightning. Been going through these swords like water. Anyway, since when have I been considered such an easy target? But then again, one sigh and a shake of the head later, her optimistic attitude came back in stride; and the girl promptly set off in some, as it seemed, random direction. Because, quite frankly, there wasn't anything she could do to cut losses. The only course of action left was to rearm herself as soon as possible. And I was going back to Apotheosis anyway.

Speaking of which, it's been over a month, hasn't it? The last time Rhea went 'home', it was just to replace a set of shortswords. Now, though? It's probably better for me to be there, in case war actually breaks out. In her travels over the past few weeks, the tension between guilds had risen alarmingly high; so much so that this normally indifferent mage was so pressured to make it back. She'd even cancelled all her sight-seeing plans after completing her initial 'caravan guarding' job, to ensure a fast route home amidst the strange, low-crime lapse. Needless to say, the situation was worse than she'd thought. Obviously nobody else thinks an all-out war like this is idiotic.

As it was, her journey had been relatively safe and uninterrupted; besides the little skirmish just the little while ago. With the last leg being from the city doors to her guild-house, no other unfortunate incidents followed in her wake; although entering Apotheosis almost made her plant a palm in her face in exasperation. Because, as she saw with a sigh, the floor was covered from end to end in beer bottles. Again. Did I miss something? Being away from the guild the vast majority of times, Rhea often missed their extravagent celebrations; although she was usually in time for the clean-up. Of course, like now. The whole thought of spending her afternoon helping out Lila through the mess wasn't probably not the best thing to realize, right at the crack of dawn. But then again, she was used to it.

Rhea's mood, however, took a quick turn for the better the moment she pulled her eyes from the floor; to the smell of breakfast and, more importantly, a dog. The moment she caught sight of it's shaggy, although dirty, fur her eyes lit up; and all her stern comments about the mess were --temporarily, mind you-- driven out to make room for a five year old's dream. Of, you know, having a puppy. Eyes now shining, she made her way to Lionel, giving him a large smile and a thumbs-up. Which practically meant something akin to "I forgive you for drinking so damn much", underneath a casual "Good job." while admiring the new guild mascot. It wouldn't be far-fetched to say she was sparkling.

Done with her fill of staring appreciating, Rhea settled to the bar; putting down a small sheet of paper stamped 'Completed' among a stack at the back. Then, after giving a hug and hello to Lila, (and before initiating any kind of converstion with a couple men with hangovers) Rhea systematically set to replacing her swords; going through her room in the process. Only when she was sure that she was well-prepared did she set herself down next to Yuri for breakfast; with a half-menacing smile on her face. He'll surely know why. She poked a single finger to his forehead, a small magic circle appearing as she worked healing a ridiculous headache. "So. What did I have the pleasure of missing?" Because this mess better be worth the explanation. Although carefree, she still had the morals to help the fellow women working for her guild if she needed to. There's little of us as there is.