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Sapphire Mossig

i. t.

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a character in “the hero service”, as played by blondehaired



S A P P H I R ExxM O S S I G

also known as I.T., a hero service agent in training

A G E Eighteen
G E N D E R Female
S E X U A L I T Y Bisexual
H O M E T O W N Detroit, Michigan
A B I L I T Y Information Manipulation, manipulation of information in any medium
W E A K N E S S If she cannot touch the medium the information is on
A G E N T I D ITSU-227507

B A C K G R O U N D Sapphire is the pride and joy of her parents, Louisa and Howard Massig. There wasn't anyone with abilities in their family, aside from one of Sapphire's distant cousins that they didn't have much contact with. Sapphire's world was normal, and she idolized the heroes and those with abilities, especially when it became clear that she would be like her distant cousin.

The ability to manipulate information made her a star in school and gave her a know-it-all mentality with this power to mold information with her fingertips. This caused her instructors to be very strict with her ability use, though she found loopholes to learn more about hacking into computers and manipulating details on paperwork. Her parents were concerned for her morality, but with her fierce loyalty to the famous heroes that protected their cities, there was no possibility of her stepping past the boundaries into criminal activity. But, it was fun to see how far she could push to become a powerful hero.

Her parents were always worrying for her, having no clue of the life she was about to get herself into. The reality of heroism was something Sapphire would have to experience for herself, a much harder reality than the dream she made for herself of being a hero.

So begins...

Sapphire Mossig's Story


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Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dom was just getting comfortable talking with Angel after the incident with his sister’s doppelgĂ€nger, so there was no way he’d be comfortable talking to this man he just met. He'd expected Trinity to be on board, just as much as he expected Josiah not to be on board, but Sapphire's flat out refusal was one that surprised him. She seemed especially sensitive today, so he wasn’t going to provoke her any more. But the three agreed on one thing: they were not going to talk to this stranger about the issues their team had faced. Josiah’s complaints were right in line with Dom and Sapphire, but Malillos made it clear that if they didn’t talk to the therapist, they were no longer cleared for missions.

It made Dom’s blood boil, as it did for Sapphire. But neither of them reacted quite as harshly as Josiah did. Sapphire was about to protest as well when Trinity piped up and agreed to speak with him. Sapphire wouldn’t have been as hesitant if it weren’t for the fact that she knew she’d eventually have to talk with the therapist about being taken hostage. She re-lived it in every nightmare so she didn’t want to recount it to a stranger. ”So you want us to ignore the safety of civilians just because we won’t tell our problems to some stranger? Doesn’t sound very heroic but you’re the boss,” Sapphire spat out once they were dismissed, leaving before the agents could say anything in response. Still, Orinwell followed behind her and grabbed her arm as she stormed down the hallway. ”Saph, this isn’t a punishment. We brought Dr. Dalton in to help you.”

Sapphire scoffed, shrugging his hand off her arm but waiting to continue running off. ”Well he’s not going to help me. I talk to you enough, and Ruby helps me. So I don’t need him,” Sapphire grumbled back, folding her arms over her chest. Orinwell sighed, running his hand through his hair. ”Well, we’re serious about this. So until you talk to him, you’re not being assigned to any missions. And that’s a promise,” Orinwell replied. He walked away before Sapphire could say anything else, and she was mumbling under her breath as she made it back to Ruby’s room. Ruby must have had training or a mission because she wasn’t in the room when Sapphire got back, so she settled into Ruby’s bed and tried to nap until she got back.

Dom went back to his training session and took out his frustration on the punching bag. He worked through his emotions with training, not through talking. Dom had a hard enough time talking with Angel or Trinity, and some random man would not make it any easier. He’d also developed a sense of paranoia since his accident with the Stranger, wondering who he would show up as next. He had no way of knowing if this doctor was just a facade of the villain that wanted to kill him. His paranoia blinded him to the obvious: the agents would have vetted this person and made sure he didn’t have any hidden abilities. The fact that he knew this and the villain could still make him feel so scared, it made him punch the bag continuously until his lungs were dying for breath. The sweat dripped down his face as he finally stopped, and walked out of the training studio still in a slight pant.

When he got back to the room, Trinity’s weapons were still out. He remembered she was going to clean them instead of going to train with him. She would be getting back from talking with the therapist soon, and he had a feeling she would be trying to convince him to go too. He decided to take a hot shower, relaxing his body and his thoughts before Trinity came back. As he walked back into the room with just his towel, Trinity was coming back. ”So you really talked to him?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Josiah barely waited to be dismissed before basically storming out of the debriefing room. They shouldn’t be forced to speak with a psychiatrist. If there were any problems, the team could figure it out together. What was the point of the agents, if they weren’t the professionals that could deal with their problems. Josiah got back to his room and slammed the door shut. He started pacing back and forth in the room, registering the level of anger that was bubbling. ”There is no way they would actually keep us from missions...that is ridiculous.” He mumbled mostly to himself. Josiah stopped pacing and sighed heavily. He jumped up onto his bed and rested his head on his pillow. He did not want to relive any of the negative emotions that he knew would come if he had to speak to the doctor. He still refuses to speak with Agent Mallilos regarding his tragic incident. Just the thought of it makes Josiah’s heart race. ”This is just stupid.” He picked up the handheld game off his nightstand and started playing on it to try and distract himself.

Trinity wasn’t entirely sure what she could say to her teammates in order to get them to want to speak with the doctor. They were all so loudly against it. Well Sapphire and Josiah were loud, Dom maintained a neutral facial expression. She thought her team would want added emotional support. Of course they are there for each other, but it’s hard to heal when they are trying to use each other as therapists. Trinity thought that at least Sapphire would be on her side, but she was almost louder than Josiah about her hatred for the idea. Trinity was nervous to even try and bring it up, but they were suspended from missions. Everyone needed to speak to the doctor and get cleared. A soft sigh escaped her and realized that this doctor was the team's mission and they were failing. She took her time getting back to her room. She remembered the guns that she had left on her table that she still needed to clean. That would be something to do while she figured out what to say.

Trinity entered her room the same time that Dom had stepped out of the bathroom. Only a towel wrapped around his waist. Her cheeks immediately shifted to a red color as she realized that she was admiring the view. She had almost missed that he had asked her a question. Trinity moved over to her table and started putting her weapons back together. Trinity was now severely distracted and there was no way she was going to be able to sufficiently clean her weapons. Dom was now her boyfriend, but they haven’t gone beyond kissing and cuddling. ”Yes I did.” She answered. ”It was actually really nice. He didn’t even ask me anything about missions.” Trinity elaborated, hoping that explaining the conversation she had would do some convincing on its own. It wasn’t long before her weapons were put back together and set aside. Trinity turned to face Dom, trying to look past the fact that he was shirtless. ”I even asked to speak with him again.” She admitted before just covering her eyes. ”You are making it hard to think, Dom.” Trinity complained, hoping that he would speed up the process of getting dressed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dom swore he saw Trinity start to blush as she turned towards her weaponry and started to answer. It sounded like the session had gone fine so he was unsure what could make her embarrassed enough to blush. What he did know was that her enthusiasm for talking with the doctor didn’t not make Dom any more interested in going to see him.

Sure, he hadn’t asked Trinity about any of their missions. But Dom found it hard to believe the doctor wouldn’t bring up anything he didn’t want to talk about. Whether it was his ever so popular siblings, or almost dying just a few weeks ago, there wasn’t anything Dom wanted to talk about with the doctor. If he really needed support, Trinity and Angel were always there. ”If he’s not asking about missions, then what’s the point? I have you to talk about other things with, and the team.” Dom grumbled, folding his arms over his chest.

Once Trinity looked at him, she immediately covered her eyes and Dom cocked his head curiously. ”Hard to think? What do you- oh, right, uh,” Dom’s face flushed a little pink as he realized he hadn’t changed before Trinity got back. They were still a new couple, but the thoughts that followed remembering he was only in a towel were enough for Dom’s face to heat up more. He never blushed in front of the team, aside from the beginning of their time together when they failed on their first day. But that was also for a totally different reason than now. ”I can get dressed now,” Dom adds, though his voice is only at half the confidence it usually was.

Hidden behind the flush of being new to those kinds of thoughts was a curiosity. Would Trinity want to take their relationship farther in that way? There was really only one way to find out. ”... if you want me to.”

Sapphire was fast asleep when Ruby finally came into the room and gently woke her up. Ruby was in her uniform, so she must have been called out while Sapphire was getting the news about the therapist. Her eyes were already asking for forgiveness before she spoke. ”You usually don’t nap during the day unless you’re injured or upset about something,” Ruby noted, brushing Sapphire’s hair back before starting to take her uniform off. Sapphire’s eyes immediately locked on the bare skin suddenly revealed and tried not to let it distract her. ”The agents want us to talk to this civilian therapist for our psych evaluations. Malillos said that they wouldn’t approve us for missions until we talked with him,” Sapphire grumbled, sitting up in the bed and trying not to watch Ruby undress so blatantly. They were girlfriends but she still felt unsure about a lot of things.

”Well, none of them are licensed therapists. It could be good for you, Gem,” Ruby attempted to be positive, but Sapphire just glared in her direction. It was hard to be positive when she knew what he was going to bring up. It probably wouldn’t be the first session, but he would bring it up. ”I talk to enough people about my issues, thank you. I don’t need a stranger telling me what’s wrong with me. Like I don’t already know,” Sapphire responded. She didn’t want to argue with Ruby, but their argument earlier had ruined her mood and she wasn’t feeling any better. Ruby seemed to notice this, as she opened her mouth to speak and then promptly shut it. ”Fine. Why don’t we do something to take your mind off of it, then?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Trinity couldn’t help but feel honored that Dom was comfortable talking to her about stuff. She actually loved the days when they just laid on his bed and talked. They talked about the days before they became heroes. Trinity talked about her mom and Dom for the most part skipped over talking about his siblings. Trinity was sure that she knew more than the others, but she was still pretty clueless. There were other days where they talked about funny things that happen during training, mostly involving Josiah since he always made it his mission to turn it into a joke. Dom liked to take training seriously, but even he had to admit Josiah made him laugh once or twice. Other times they were just talking to fill the silence and it was nice. And as lovely as that was, Trinity wasn’t a professional. That wasn’t enough. ”And I love that you talk to me, but it's not really enough.” She said, hoping that she was somewhat convincing.

Her hands remained over her eyes as she waited for Dom to finish getting dressed. Trinity has seen Dom without his shirt plenty of times. She has the same reaction almost every time but he usually gets dressed and she can move on from it. However, having him stand directly in front of her with just a towel on is leaving too much to the imagination. She wanted to actually have a conversation with him but she was having a hard time forming words. Though she wasn’t expecting the next sentence to leave his mouth. If she wanted him too? Of course she didn’t. She could probably stare at him like this for the rest of the day. But she doesn’t really think she will have much self control to keep her hands to herself. ”N-no I don’t w-want you too
b-but umm
” She silently cursed herself for how much she was stuttering over her words. ”But words are hard and I-I can’t promise to keep my hands to myself” She finished, her words coming out faster than her brain could comprehend. Trinity removed her hands from her eyes, her cheeks a deeper red from before. ”Uh is it hot
im hot.” She started fanning herself with her hand, trying to will the redness on her cheeks away.

Josiah had managed to calm down enough on his own. He was still angry but he wasn’t mashing on the buttons of the gameboy. The idea of even having to talk about what had happened to the team was causing flashbacks. He was dead. His teammates had watched him die. And then in turn, he had to watch his team suffer his same fate. Team Alpha was powerless in the face of death and it was breaking the team. Josiah wasn’t sure how much of this he could handle. It was becoming too much but he was better off ignoring it then talking about it. Avoidance was the only thing holding him together and he couldn’t break. Not now. His head glanced to the door as he heard footsteps and then a knock. ”Its open.” Maggie strolled in with a bright smile on her face. Honey, I’m home!” She exclaimed, climbing up onto the bed with Josiah. He set down the game console. He opened up his arms and she settled in neatly, resting her head on his chest. ”How was work?” He asked with a small smile.

Maggie just shrugged. ”The mission was pretty easy. Not much fighting and we were successful. I kind of wish I got to duplicate at least once but it wasn’t needed.” She said with some sorrow in her tone. Josiah loved that him and Maggie were alike in that way. They both wanted the chance to use their abilities if they were going on a mission. ”Now how was yours?” The smile immediately disappeared from Josiah’s face and he sighed. ”Terrible. We got suspended from missions because we won’t talk to a therapist.” Well not all of them, Trinity went. But the rest of them refused. ”Well that’s dumb. Are you going to go speak with the therapist, cause I don’t wanna pick up your slack in missions.” Maggie stated jokingly. ”I really don’t want to. But we will just see if the agents are willing to hold up that end of the deal and then I will decide.” Josiah could already see that as a no. There was no way that the agents would keep them for missions just to talk to a therapist. The professional heroes don’t have therapist, at least he didn’t think he did. It didn’t matter. Josiah wasn’t going to talk.


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Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dom didn’t see any reason to talk with anyone but Trinity. He didn’t need strangers knowing any more about his life than what was necessary. He’d already been prodded by Angel about his siblings, his feelings about being a hero, they even had a quick talk about the accident with the villain that shifted into his sister, but only enough for her to remind that he wasn’t Dom’s sister and just a villain that would use anything to hurt a hero. Dom knew the therapist would delve in further than that, try to help Dom with the fact that he still felt like his sister tried to kill him, but that wasn’t something a stranger could help him with. And he wasn’t ready for that conversation with anyone.

Thankfully, the subject didn’t last long as he was pulling on his shorts to make Trinity more comfortable, and he much preferred the new conversation topic. As he was pulling on a tank top, Trinity stuttered out that she didn’t want him to dress but was worried about where her hands would go. That thought alone made Dom go red in the face again, but he felt less nervous knowing that Trinity was interested. He stopped pulling his tank top on and left it on his bed, stepping closer to Trinity with just his shorts on. ”Considering we’re a couple now, you don’t have to keep your hands to yourself,” Dom replied softly, not with his usual confidence but more sure of his actions. He took Trinity’s waist and pulled her close, one hand reaching up to cup her face. ”I’m open to
 developing our relationship further
 if you want to?” Dom offers after a soft kiss.

Dom had never gone farther than kissing with anyone, but he’d also never felt the way that Trinity made him feel and he was open to sharing more intimacy with her. Especially since he almost lost the chance to even tell her how he felt about Trinity, he didn’t want to lose another chance to have this new step in their relationship.

Sapphire was acquainted with intimacy at this point. Ruby was her first partner, but they developed quickly and after she was taken hostage, they finally decided to go all the way and have sex with each other. Ruby had partners before Sapphire and guided them through lots of giggles and other sounds that Sapphire had never made before. It was easier now, but the argument from earlier and learning about the therapist just kept distracting Sapphire’s mind from really enjoying it. They ended up stopping halfway and decided on just a shower together. Before sapphire could step into the hot water, Ruby pulled her into a tight hug. It was different from any of their casual hugs. Ruby’s hand held the back of Sapphire’s head as they hugged, and her other arm was tight around sapphire. It was Ruby’s hug when she was scared.

”Ru?” Sapphire’s voice was muffled into Ruby’s chest but the concern could still be heard. As much as she was still bothered by earlier conversations, she would give it all up to make Ruby happy. Anytime Ruby was upset, Sapphire dropped everything to make her feel better. ”I know we just want to enjoy the time we have, but God I can’t stop thinking that we only have limited time. I don’t want to ever lose you,” Ruby’s voice got heavier as tears started dripping down, Sapphire could feel the tears dripping down to Ruby’s chest. Them breaking up was something Sapphire had accepted she would need to fight, but the new enemy was breaking Ruby’s acceptance of their eventual break up. It was just so heartbreaking that she was certain they couldn’t make it that Sapphire almost didn’t want to fight for them. But, what was love if not the most difficult thing on earth?

Sapphire pulled from the hug, taking Ruby’s face in both of her hands and wiping her eyes with her thumbs. ”Listen, I’m not surviving four years of this hell called training just for some douchebag to take you away from me. So stop worrying, okay? You’re gonna get wrinkles,” Sapphire teased and then kissed Ruby’s forehead. She didn’t know what four years would bring, and if she’d be alive by then, but covering her fears with false assurances and positivity was the only thing she could do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Trinity hasn’t said the word boyfriend since the christmas party. Though she has been enjoying the new title they have acquired. She has been able to hold his hand and close the distance between them in public. The entire facility basically knows at this point and it's nice. Even Cameron was happy for her. Trinity has yet to kiss him outside of their room. Not because she hasn’t thought about it, but because PDA is still something she has been getting used to. So Trinity knows that she doesn’t have to keep her hands to herself, but she is used to doing so. Especially when they are behind closed doors. Trinity was definitely enjoying the view, but it was still a strange feeling to be able to admire it. She all but melted into his arm when he pulled her closer. She will never get over how much she enjoys being held by him. Her hands gently rested on his chest as he proposed further developing their relationship.

The kiss was both warm and inviting and did nothing to help with the redness on her cheeks. Trinity didn’t think they would be moving further in their relationship so soon. They were finally embracing the label and the PDA. It's not like Trinity hasn’t thought about it. In fact she has probably thought about it more times than she was willing to admit, but to actually move forward was a lot to comprehend. ”I-I-I
” Trinity took a deep breath and nodded. ”I would love to.” She was nervous and beyond terrified, but Dom made her feel safe. There isn’t anyone else that she would rather be intimate with.

The entire experience was clumsy and slightly awkward as they both tried to navigate through the process for the first time. No one knew what they were doing and continually stumbled through the steps. As they started to get more comfortable, they were visibly able to relax with one another. It wasn’t perfect like the first time stories make it sound, but it brought them closer together. Trinity didn’t have words to describe what they had done. She was, however, willing to try all of it again with Dom. In fact the idea of trying again had excited her, but she tried not to focus on it. She was cuddled up in his arms, clothes still on the floor, trying to find the words. ”Can this be our one on one training sessions instead?” She asked mostly as a joke.

Josiah and Maggie spent the last twenty minutes talking about the pros and cons of speaking with the therapist. Maggie was the pro side of the conversation while Josiah was the con side. Both of them had good points, but it was only frustrating Josiah further. ”Ugh you sound like the agents. I don’t need a therapist. I just need to be able to do my job. Why can’t you understand?” Josiah crossed his arms and leaned against the wall across the room from where Maggie was sitting. Their discussion resembled more of a disagreement. Josiah was more emotional about it than Maggie was. He was really hoping that his friend would have been on his side. Team Omega could have helped Team Alpha convince the agents that they should still be able to go on missions.

Maggie sighed and folded her arms across her chest. ”How are you going to do your job if you are always worried that you or one of your friends are going to die?” She questioned, forcing Josiah to look down at the ground. ”You were carried into the infirmary. Lifeless. No one knew you were going to wake up. Then it happened to Sapphire. And then Dom. Who’s to say it won’t happen again?” Maggie asked with seriousness dripping off her tongue. ”I can protect them.” Josiah muttered. Maggied rolled her eyes and stood up off the chair. ”Not if you are so busy worrying if you are going to end up beaten again. Just
” Maggie started making her way to the door of the room. Think about it. Anyway I gotta go. I will talk to you later.” Maggie disappeared from the room, leaving Josiah with more to think about.


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Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dom had seen sex in movies and television before. And though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, a powerful curiosity led him to some websites that had to be erased from the browser history. It was nothing like the real thing. Dom and Trinity had no real experience being intimate, but the experience they had fumbling around and just trying to make the other feel pleased, it was better than anything those movies could sell. It made him feel more connected to Trinity, even so far as to improve how he read her body language. Dom was always better than most due to his ability but this was a new level of knowledge.

It made him feel more normal. As they laid there and Trinity made the joke about training, he couldn’t help but laugh. ”I don’t think that’s a bad idea. As long as we get some actual training done too,” Dom joked back. He always felt more relaxed and open with Trinity, more than he was around the team or his own family. She understood him in a way that no one else did, and still managed to have feelings for him. Josiah always teased that he was an ‘unfeeling robot’, but that was far from the truth and he was able to show that to Trinity. The team? Well, that was still a work in progress. It was mainly Josiah, with the constant teasing and joking, but he wouldn’t deny that Josiah was the brother he always wanted instead of the judgemental hero he was actually a brother to. ”We can’t let Josiah find out or we’ll never hear the end of it,” Dom adds as a warning.

”I know you’re not happy to be sitting here with me, Miss Mossig, but I am thankful you’ve given this a chance.” The doctor’s tone was light and assuring, but Sapphire just huffed and folded her arms across her chest. The only way to stop worrying about talking with Dr. Dalton and getting back on missions was to actually talk with him. She almost decided to back out as she met at their meeting place, but he opened the door for her and there was no backing out now. ”You seem okay, I just don’t like therapists,” Sapphire replies with a shrug, looking over to the window. Most of the facility rooms didn’t have windows for further protection, but a few allowed the luxury and Sapphire did gravitate towards those rooms when she could.

”I’ve been told about your conversations with the agents, but have you spoken with a licensed therapist before?” Dr. Dalton asked. He had a notepad in front of him but he hadn’t written anything down yet. Sapphire wanted him to, she wanted to know what he deemed important about her life. She nodded, hoping that would be enough of an answer, but he looked at her expectantly for more. ”Yeah. My parents don’t have abilities so we went to family counseling and that therapist suggested I have solo sessions too.” Sapphire answered. She didn’t want to linger on the subject; her sessions alone with the therapist always went the same, him trying to convince her that she would have a better life if she negated. Everyone in town thought the same thing except her parents and herself. Her parents were scared of her joining a field team, but they knew Sapphire wouldn’t be happy without at least trying to follow her dreams. ”Can we just cut to the chase? I just want to get approved for missions,” Sapphire said this before the therapist could comment further on her experiences with other therapists, trying to hurry up to her approval.

”Miss Mossig-“ ”Just Sapphire.” ”Alright. Sapphire. I’m only here to help. Your team has been through some very traumatic experiences and your agents want you to have peace of mind. I won’t push you to talk about anything you don’t want to, but I will only be approving you for missions if you agree to talk with me,” Dr. Dalton’s voice was sincere, and Sapphire knew he meant well. But it was hard enough talking about this with Orinwell, Trinity, even Ruby. How was she expected to open up to a complete stranger? She just slumped into her chair further and accepted that she had to suffer through this to get back to missions. ”I promise you we don’t have to talk about any of the missions, this is just a start-“

Sapphire was quick to interrupt him. ”Then what’s the point of bringing a professional in? I know they only brought you because of the accidents. All this other stuff is bullshit. You want Josiah to relive his chest being torn open by some beast? Or Dom to tell you how it felt for a villain to shapeshift into his sister and strangle him? Personally I’m really tired of talking about how weak I am and that I wouldn’t have survived without-“ Sapphire’s words got stuck in her throat and she could feel Dr. Dalton’s pitying gaze on her. She didn’t want his pity. She just wanted to be on a mission again. Sapphire kept her head down as she left, but the tears had started streaming down her face the moment she brought up Josiah and hadn’t stopped even as the door slammed shut between her and Dr. Dalton.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Image ImageImage Image

The last few weeks had been frustrating for all of Team Alpha. Dominic thought for sure that the agents would finally let them go on missions without speaking to the therapist, that something would come up that would take greater importance than speaking with some guy who would pretend to know what they were going through. Trinity had tried to convince him plenty of times, and while he was doing everything he could not to fight with her, the arguments were getting old and it was causing some tension in their relationship. With everything so new, trying to navigate having a girlfriend who was also his teammate was more difficult than going on missions. Angel had even taken it upon herself to speak with him and remind him that they wouldn’t go on another mission until they spoke with the therapist. Her words were still playing on repeat in his head. “If you three continue to be defiant to our orders, we can disband Team Alpha and schedule negations for the entire team. That’s your only other option here, Prodigy.”

Sapphire had attempted one session with Dr. Dalton, but after her little meltdown at the end of the session, it was fear that kept her from returning. Fear that he would make her relive the most traumatic situations she’d ever faced, or scold her for being so emotional at their last session. Plus, with Ruby on missions with Team Omega, there weren’t many people to pass the time. Other than in training, Orinwell seemed to be avoiding her. Ever since the kidnapping with Virus, he could barely look Sapphire in the eye. Today she’d almost gone to Dr. Dalton’s temporary office, her hand pausing on the doorknob, but decided to walk over to Orinwell instead. Look, if Agent Angel is telling you not to work with me until I go to the therapy sessions, I promise I won’t tell her. I can be very sneaky-“

“I. T., we’re not going to work on projects outside of your gadgets anymore,”[/color] Orinwell cut her off. Before she could protest, there was an announcement overhead for Team Omega to go on a mission. Orinwell looked up from his computer, sighing and standing up from his desk. “Look, if I hadn’t let you work on the facility security with me, then maybe your team wouldn’t have snuck out that day and-“ Another announcement cut him off, telling Team Alpha to report for training. Sapphire glared at Orinwell, and as she was walking out the door, she finally spat back at him, ”Maybe you need to go to therapy then, agent. That was nobody’s fault but mine. I’m stronger now.” She slammed the door behind her, going back to her room to change. Josiah wasn’t in the room, which meant he was probably already in the training room. Her bad mood followed her there, where she was the last to arrive after Dominic. She kept to the back of the room, eyeing the man who introduced himself as a representative. But she didn’t miss Orinwell slinking in after, a guilty look still painted on his face.

Agent Malillos took a step forward, resting most of his weight on his cane. ”Today’s training will consist of a series of sparring. You will each have three battles, unless seriously injured, utilizing your abilities.” Representative Patel made sure to keep a mental note of each ability and watch how they function. ”And Goliath, we do want you to change forms.” Josiah nodded in understanding, taking a moment to stretch. ”We will start with Rogue and Goliath.” Agent Malillos guided the rest of the agents off the center of the mat. Rogue and Goliath stepped up.

It has been a while since Rogue has fought with Goliath. The last time, he had lost control and she had to taze him. After that, she just spars with everyone without their abilities. But she wasn’t going to give in so easily, not in front of someone of such importance. Rogue watched Goliath change before her, going from 6ft to 8ft and doubling his wingspan. She was so used to watching the change, that she continued to make eye contact. Josiah let out a low growl, but smiled a bit to let everyone know he had full control of his beast. Without wasting any time, Josiah charged at her.

Rogue wasn’t expecting him to move so fast. She dropped and rolled underneath his legs and then pulled out her retractable staff. She placed the state weight on it and took her defensive position. Goliath was right in front of her and continually attempted to reach out to her. Rogue dodged as much as she could, knocking his paws away from her. Goliath reached up his foot and kicked her in the chest while she was focused on his hands, sending her rolling away from him. She stood up and Goliath just laughed and pointed to her feet. Rogue looked down and groaned. She rolled off the mat. ”Prodigy will replace Rogue on the mat.” Agent Malillos states as Rogue makes her way off the mat, ignoring the pain where Goliath had kicked her.

Dominic stepped onto the mat, his mind shifting from Dominic to hero prodigy. Goliath was his constant rival, someone he seldom beat in training battles like this. He remembered their first battle well; he’d managed to best Josiah, but the moment he was able to transform into Goliath, he didn’t have a chance. This time, his odds were better but he wasn’t sure by how much. ”Don’t go easy on me, big guy,” Dom barked out, using his ability to pinpoint his weak points. They flashed a brighter red in a bigger area than if he were using it on a stranger, considering Dom had the time to learn Josiah’s weaknesses. As soon as he locked in, he rushed at Josiah, aiming to launch from his chest and use his other foot to knock Josiah’s head back by the chin.

Goliath smirked at Dom and took his defensive stance. ”Wouldn’t dream of it.” Josiah particularly enjoyed battles with Dominic purely for the fact that his teammate wants him to use his full strength with every battle. Josiah always holds back a little but he definitely delivers twice as much as he is willing to give to the girls. The kick to his chin knocked his head back, but he managed to keep his footing. Josiah reached out a punch to the center of Dom’s chest with the intent of knocking him off the mat the same way he did Rogue.

Even with all the training they’d done recently, Dom wasn’t on his game today. Usually a punch from Josiah could be avoided, or at the very least wouldn’t knock him off his feet, but today when his fist connected with Dom’s chest he was thrown back. The moment he felt his sneakers connect with the wood instead of the soft mat, he was finished. ”I. T. will replace Prodigy for the final Goliath round.” Dom wanted to rush right back on the mat, turn the round in his favor, but merely stalked off the mat as their final teammate took to the mat. Sapphire knew Goliath would be at his ‘weakest’ after two rounds with Rogue and Prodigy, and while she wanted to use her improved gauntlets on a fresh transformation, beating Goliath was the only objective. Sapphire stood at the edge of the mat, her heels almost hanging off as she snapped her gauntlets onto her knuckles and gave Goliath a devilish smirk. No more was the Goliath that refused to spar her after so many transformations, they were each other’s favorite sparring partners.

Goliath was three for three. He only had one more battle and then he can be done with training. His muscles were starting to ache but he was gonna be able to hold out a little bit longer. He was the most excited for Sapphire. Though he didn’t use all his strength with her, she was still his favorite sparring partner. All of her gear and gadgets made their fights a bit more intense. Only a few times did something blow up on him but his Goliath form was tough. He didn’t mind gadgets going wrong. The more he learned with her the better off he was on a real mission. No words needed to be exchanged, once her gauntlets were on he moved towards her with a kick to push her off the mat.

Sapphire watched his movements, hoping he would charge toward her. She darted to the side, barely missing his kick, and went right back in to slam her fist into Goliath’s side. She’d been working on a failsafe to pull Josiah from his powered form if he ever lost control, and wired these gauntlets with enough electricity to de-transform him. They’d tested it out a few times before but she ramped up the electricity since their last test to make sure that it was a full de-transformation. If Goliath was back in his normal form, she may get a better chance to beat him in this battle.

Josiah was stopped from turning around by the punch to his side. He was used to Sapphire getting hits in, but what he wasn’t expecting was the electricity. Goliath dropped to a knee and released a low growl. That hurt way more than he was expecting it too. But he was about to let Sapphire take him down easy. He stood back up and turned to face her. He moved towards her again, this time with a punch directed at her chest.

If there was one thing she had learned all too well, it was that Josiah knew how to pack a punch. Once his fist connected with her chest, she stumbled back and fell off her feet, but managed to save herself from tumbling off the mat. In the beginning, landing a punch would have taken her out of the match. Today, she sprang back on her feet and reached into her pocket for two spheres connected by a wire. She winded her arm back and threw it straight at Josiah. If it worked appropriately, the wire would expand and the two spheres would circle like a tornado until the wire was completely wrapped around her teammate.

Josiah was hoping she was gonna roll off the mat but she caught herself. She was too smart to allow this fight to be lost on a technicality. He was ready to go back in for another kick but wires wrapped around him. Goliath tried to wiggle out of it but electricity moved from the gauntlets through the wires. He wasn’t sure how to explain what he was going through. Pain for sure but there was something else he couldn’t explain. Before he realized it, he had shifted back to his human form and dropped to his knees. He tapped the mat to show he surrendered. ”Are these new?” He didn’t even care that he lost. He was looking forward to doing this again with her. Representative Patel clapped impressively. ”Wow! That was amazing. You have done so well with this team. If you don’t mind, I would love to join in. I can’t do much but I have always loved the idea of being a hero.” He stated, sliding his jacket off.

As Sapphire caught her breath, she grinned and pressed on one of the spheres for them to retract and untie Josiah. ”No, they just wouldn’t expand last time we tried them so I fixed it,” Sapphire answers, holding her hand out to help him up. The representative’s applause did make her blush a little, she wasn’t used to the praise as the agents weren’t as transparent with their approval. Her eyebrows raised as he asked to spar. She caught eyes with Agent Angel, who gave her a nod to entertain the representative. She stepped back onto the mat, extended her hand for a handshake before starting at the back of the mat again. Sapphire figured she should go easy on the representative, she doubted they had much time for sparring. So she pulled a set of smoke bombs from her training belt, throwing them to the floor and filling the mat with smoke to shield her movement as she rushed towards the representative.

The Representative took what he thought was a defensive stance but was immediately caught off guard by the smoke. ”Wow smoke bombs too!” He said, impressed with the amount of gear she had on hand. He felt a hit from Sapphire and stumbled to the right. He threw a punch randomly through the fog and missed. With the smoke, however, he slipped one of his own gadgets to the ground ready to use it when his real target made it to the mat.

Sapphire heard the representative and pinpointed him even in the smoke. She’d gotten a lot better with finding her opponents in smoke, it was a common scenario in her training sessions. After getting a few hits in, she got him with his back turned. She could barely make out his shape but quietly rushed forward, tackling the representative and pinning him down on the mat. ”I wouldn’t be much of a hero if I let you beat me, right?” Sapphire jokes, waiting for the representative to call the match.

Representative Patel was brought to the ground and released a breath as the wind was knocked out of him. He then laughed a bit. ”You got a point.” He tapped the mat and then pushed himself up off the ground. He dusted himself off, with a smile still on his face. ”I would love to spar with Rogue, if you aren’t too tired.” Rogue shook her head and moved to replace I.T on the mat. She brought out her staff but decided against placing a state on it. Rogue wasn’t sure how to fight with a civilian, but she would do her best. ”Now that I have your attention, I have some questions.” He stated, the smirk still on his face. Patel kicked the gadget that was on the ground towards the agents and it immediately wrapped sprung out wires tying them together. The wires released a bit of knockout gas, putting them to sleep. Rogue eyes grew wide and gripped her staff tight. ”Wh-what
?” Josiah tried to run over to the other side of the mat to check in the agents, but the Representative waved his hand and sent Goliath flying back in the other direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dominic & Trinity & Sapphire & Josiah




Dom was half paying attention to all the sparring but sat up as Trinity was called to the mat. Why did he want to spar with Trinity? He told himself that the representative just wanted to spar with all of them, get a sense of the new heroes and their abilities. But all of a sudden he took out the agents with one gadget and threw Goliath across the room without even touching him. ”How'd you hide yourself from negation?” Dom barked out, looking over to Sapphire for a plan. She looked totally stunned by the situation, a frantic look in her eyes as their eyes met. She bolted for the door, planning to alert the guards and grab some more of her gadgets from her room. Dom knew she had to have some sort of plan, so he put himself between the representative and the door, leaving Trinity the closest to the representative. He trusted that she could hold her own, but it still made him worry that the representative started this as soon as Trinity was on the mat saying he had questions for her.

The Representative waved another hand towards Sapphire pulling her away from the door she was running towards. He tossed her into Josiah who was pulling himself off the ground. He managed to catch her but they rolled back onto the ground. ”It’s easy when your ability isn’t flashy.” He explained simply. Rogue ran up to him, ready to back kick but the Representative dodged her kick and laid off a kick of his own in Trinity’s chest. Not expecting the impact, she rolled back off the mat. ”I really just need someone’s attention. Now Miss Rogue. Can you summon The President for me.” Trinity pushed herself off the ground. The President? She has never heard of that name in her life. ”I don’t know who that is. Why are you doing this?” The smile disappeared from Representative Patel’s face. ”Don’t play dumb, Trinity.” He flicked his wrist and she was sent flying, hitting the back wall hard.

Sapphire felt an invisible pull and she was thrown into Josiah, who thankfully caught her. ”Dammit. Jos, I need you and Dom to distract him so I can get out and alert the guards,” Sapphire whispers, pulling out the rest of her smoke bombs and throwing them at the representative. Dom wasn’t paying attention to anyone but Trinity, cringing as the representative kicked her in the chest. Who was this president he was asking for? It wasn’t the name of any villain Dom was aware of. But his thoughts were interrupted as Trinity flew back against the wall. ”Rogue!” Dom cries out, rushing to her side and guarding her with his own body. ”Are you okay, Trin?” Dom whispers over his shoulder, his eyes turning back to the representative and looking for those bright red spots of weakness using his ability. They were much smaller on him, and Dom would need to get closer to pinpoint the exact spot. ”We’re not going to help you, even if we knew who that was!” Dom yells.

Trinity dropped to the ground after hitting the wall. She wasn’t expecting to be tossed like that. Her head was spinning as she was trying to process the situation. She nodded at Dom’s question, but she wasn’t sure if that was true. ”I’m not expecting you to help me Prodigy. My questions were directed at Trinity.” Representative Patel emphasized. Just then Josiah ran full speed and body checked the Representative sending him flying to hit the wall away from them all. ”She isn’t gonna help you do anything either.” Josiah’s muscles ached too much to completely transform but he was going to borrow the power as much as he could.

Sapphire kept her eyes on her team. She only had so many gadgets with her when she trained so she needed to get out of the room. She carefully backed up, waiting for just the right moment. As soon as Josiah's body slammed into the representative, she bolted out the door to find the security guards and get more weaponry from her room. Dom was still in front of Trinity, he couldn’t keep the grin off of his face as the representative hit the wall. ”If we can find a way to restrain him, I think Sapphire went to alert security,” Dom says as he looks to the training mat. Sapphire’s gadget was still laying on the mat and he jogged over to the mat to grab it. He wasn’t sure how exactly it worked but it was a viable option.

Trinity stood up off the ground and noticed Sapphire slipped outside the training room. Hopefully help comes soon. Representative Patel pushed himself off the floor and looked at the group. ”Damn.” One of them is missing. He sent a bunch of mats and chairs to the door to keep whoever it was from coming back in. Josiah wasn’t even sure how to restrain this man. Josiah took off running towards and started his hand-to-hand combat. Shockingly enough the Representative was faster and packed more of a punch than Josiah was expecting. All of the hits weren’t landing, but the ones that did, stung. Trinity grabbed the handcuffs off her utility belt. She has started keeping them there for the missions. ”Restrain him and I can handcuff him. I think these ones negate powers temporarily.” She couldn’t remember at this time, her head still hurt.

Dom looked to the door, now blocked from letting Sapphire get back in with help. The only thing he could do now was try to help Josiah restrain the man. It looked as if Representative Patel had to use his hands, so the quicker they could get him in Trinity’s handcuffs the better. Dom charged over to where Josiah and the representative were sparring, trying to position himself behind him to catch the man off guard. He was quick with his movements, managing to throw Josiah off guard, so he had to be careful. As soon as he thought he found an opening, he rushed forward as silently as he could, aiming to wrap his arm around the representative’s neck to get him into a chokehold.

Representative Patel was getting annoyed with this. He just needed some information and attention from the President. He managed to kick Josiah away from him but Dom had him in a chokehold. Throwing his hands up in the air, he used his powers to remove Prodigy and tossed him into Goliath. Representative Patel made his way towards Rogue, handout and pulling the handcuffs away from her. ”I’m not gonna ask nicely again. Either tell me where the President is or this is going to get worse for you.” Rogue pulled her staff back out and ran towards him, engaging in combat. They needed to subdue him.

Dom grunted as his body collided with Josiah, falling to the floor. He couldn’t understand why the representative thought Trinity knew this President or how to summon him. What he did know was that things would only get worse with Trinity as his target. ”She just threw this thing at you, right?” Dom asked Josiah as he pulled the little gadget Sapphire used against Josiah from his pocket. He didn’t know if she activated it somehow or it just did everything on its own, but he hurled it towards where the representative and Trinity were fighting hoping to restrain the representative.

Josiah tried to catch Dom the same way he caught Sapphire but it didn’t work. They crashed to the ground but managed to recover. ”Yeah. It works 50 percent of the time.” Trinity was managing to hold her own, aiming for the Representative’s hands. If he can’t use them then he can just toss her aside. Representative Patel noticed the gadget in the ground and acted quickly. He kicked it towards Trinity and moved out of range. The gadget released and wrapped itself around Trinity. Electricity ran through the chords. Rogue let out a scream and dropped to the ground. Representative Patel walked up to her and pulled the loaded gun from her holster. ”Where is The President?” He asked. Rogue was barely conscious and the world around her was spinning. ”I-i don’t
” She couldn’t finish the sentence. The Representative sighed and shot Rogue in the arm forcing another scream to come from her.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The gadget was directed right at the representative and started to uncoil, but he kicked it away and it wrapped around Trinity instead. Dom’s eyes widened and he started running towards her, the world going quiet around him as she dropped to the floor. All he could focus on was her screams. They were so loud. It felt like he was trying to run through water, he couldn’t get there fast enough to stop the bullet that buried into her shoulder. ”Rogue!” Dom cried out, reaching out to try and pull her away and into his arms. He could hear banging behind him, which he assumed was Sapphire trying to get in. He just hoped she could find a way in with help, they needed it desperately. There was more to this representative than he led on if he could keep their entire team at bay. ”Stop! She doesn’t know anything!” Dom’s voice was full of desperation, trying to protect his girlfriend from harm.

Representative Patel rolled his eyes. ”She is lying.” With a flick of his wrist, he sent Dom flying away from them. He sent another bullet into Rogue’s other shoulder. Josiah was almost at a loss of what to do. He ran to the door and started pulling stuff off of it. They needed help immediately. This was too much for just them to handle. The door was cleared and Sapphire was able to come in with help. Trinity could feel tears falling down her cheeks but she didn’t have the voice to cry. There was so much pain and she couldn’t even answer his questions anymore.

Sapphire ran in with a full set of gadgets on her belt, just in time to see Dom fly across the room and roll across the floor. The situation had gotten much worse in the short time it took to gather her equipment. She couldn’t find any guards nearby so she decided it would be better to come back. Seeing Trinity in that state caused tears to start falling down her face, and she immediately pulled a tranquilizer gun from her side and shot a few in the representative’s direction. ”Get away from her, you bastard!” Sapphire shrieked from the corner of the room, already grabbing onto her own pair of negating handcuffs. She knew the moment she ran in he would toss her aside, so she had to find a way to get close. The problem was, he was fully focused on Trinity and she didn’t know who the President was. [color=#4307E3][b]”How is she going to answer you if she’s dead, huh? Let her go and we’ll find this President,” Sapphire pleaded, slowly stepping closer.

Representative Patel turned to see their missing teammate had returned with more gadgets. He waved a hand moving the tranquilizer darts away from him. ”You don’t think I tried to find them before coming here. You can’t just find him. You summon him or he finds you. And I'm hoping he finds me.” He explained Josiah ran after the Representative, immediately tackling him and wrestling him for the gun. The gun slid away from the both of them but they continued to roll around, throwing punches at each other.

Dom couldn’t think, he’d been thrown around so much that it felt like he had a concussion. But as soon as he saw Josiah and the representative wrestling around, he scraped himself off of the ground and immediately went to Trinity, kneeling in front of her to guard her body as he tore at the bottom of his shirt. ”Trin, stay with me, okay? Please, Trinity,” Dom whispered, trying to tie up the bullet wounds to stop the bleeding. He undid Sapphire’s gadget, releasing Trinity and throwing it aside. ”I'm so sorry, I should have protected you,” Dom’s voice is wet with tears as he hugs her to him, trying to be gentle and continue to guard her. Sapphire grabbed the gun that slid away from Josiah and the representative, moving closer while the representative was distracted and aiming the gun at him.

Trinity could barely understand what was going on around her and what Dom was even saying to her. The pain had subsided but now she was getting sleepy from losing blood. ”I-its
it’s okay..” Trinity tried to hug him back but she felt so weak and in that moment she slipped out of consciousness. Josiah was beyond angry and this time managed to get in a couple of critical hits. Without realizing it, he had broken both of Representative’s Patel’s hands. ”I.T! I need rope!” He managed to pin the representative down but he wasn’t sure how long he would be able too.

 Trin- no, come on stay with me, Trinity, please wake up,” Dom’s words were muddled by his tears, it felt like his whole world was crashing down watching her eyes flutter close. He tried to get her to wake up and nothing was working. Sapphire heard Dom’s frantic words and turned, seeing Trinity unconscious in his arms. ”Trinity-“ Sapphire immediately turned back and saw Josiah holding the representative down, his hands very obviously broken. She kneeled down and slapped the negation cuffs on just for safety, and with shaking hands, grabbed the rope from the other side of her belt and started to tie up the representative. ”I-I couldn’t find the guards, w-we need medical attention for Trin- oh god,” Sapphire started to hyperventilate, looking over to her teammate. They learned basic medical skills in case of an emergency but they needed a real doctor now.

Josiah tossed the Representative to the side, so that he was out of the way and he immediately went to where his teammates were. ”The agency nurse has an emergency number. Let's get her to infirmary and I will call her. Sapphire until the agents.” He trusted Dom would be able to carry her there. Josiah jogged ahead to make the call. He managed to get a hold of his phone and call. The nurse yelled about how this was for emergencies only, but Josiah quickly explained everything. She said she would be there as soon as she was able.

Sapphire let Josiah take the lead, moving over to the agents to release them from the representative’s bonds. She didn’t know what kind of sleeping gas he used so it was hard to tell when they would be waking up, but she could at least give them the freedom to move until they did. Dom scooped Trinity carefully up in his arms, trying to recompose himself until they could get her help. Josiah was calling the nurses and Sapphire was helping the agents, so he took great care to get Trinity over to the infirmary. ”Don’t give up on me, Trin. You’re gonna be okay,” Dom murmured as he set her down on one of the infirmary beds, brushing her hair back and kissing her forehead. He didn’t plan on moving from her side until she was awake.

Josiah was pacing around in the hallway, waiting for the nurse to show up. Sapphire was dealing with the agents, so he didn’t feel the need to go back to the training room. He was beyond worried about Trinity but nowhere near what Dom was going through right now. The nurse finally came running in and ran past Josiah and moved to Trinity’s side. ”Dominic. I need space to work. Help Josiah bring the agents to the infirmary as well.” She doesnt know exactly what happened, but based on Josiah’s rundown, she wants to see them as well. The nurse immediately got to work, starting an IV and closing up wounds. She was trying to move fast to replace lost blood but not too fast to make everything worse.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. This needed to be reported to the The President immediately. He was tasked with keeping eyes on Team Alpha and reporting anything significant. Usually nothing happens but this was horrid. He ran towards the conference room, short of breath upon entry.

”What is it, Tommy? You are interrupting my meeting.”

Tommy took a few deep breaths. ”It’s
Rogue. Her and the rest of Team Alpha
she is in the infirmary
she is unconscious
”. He managed to say in between breaths.

The President had a look of shock that quickly formed into anger. ”I’ve been patient long enough! We fetch her. Now!” He stood up and stormed out of the conference room.

Sapphire was kneeling in front of Gupta, gently patting her face trying to get her to wake up. It would be much easier to get them to the infirmary while conscious, but none of them were responding to her methods. She’d never thought she’d need to wake someone up from unconsciousness, so she didn’t have any fancy gadgets. She doubted she could carry any of them but Gupta ”C’mon Agent Gupta, please wake up.” Dominic had no plans of leaving the infirmary. He stood as close as he was allowed, tears still falling down his face. Surely Josiah and Sapphire could get the agents, he didn’t want to leave Trinity alone. ”I’m not leaving her,” Dom mumbled through his tears, his eyes blazing with all his pain and guilt just daring the nurse to kick him out again. He wouldn’t leave her, not without a fight.

Josiah knew Dom wasn’t going to be able to leave Trinity. He also didn’t help try and get Dominic out of the infirmary. Sapphire and Josiah could handle it. Josiah ran back to the training room and saw Sapphire trying to wake them up. ”The nurse wants them in the infirmary.” He didn’t think that Sapphire would be able to carry any of them. Josiah scooped up Agent Angel and started making his way back to the infirmary.

The President and Frigid found their way outside of the agency building. In no time, they were able to break down the front doors. From all of his spying and investigations, he was very familiar with the layout. The President made his way to the infirmary and almost felt his heart shatter at the sight. ”What
what have you done?” The President took a few more steps into the infirmary, Frigid manning the door. ”Nurse, step away from her. I’m going to get her proper help.” He demanded.

Sapphire managed to get Agent Gupta onto her back, though it was a struggle to get her to the infirmary. She was just glad that the infirmary wasn’t far so that she wouldn’t drop the agent. She was struggling so much that she barely noticed the unfamiliar voice until she saw Frigid at the door. Her entire body went cold, recognizing the villain that took Representative Lamb and helped Virus hold her hostage. She would have dropped Agent Gupta just out of shock but she managed to gingerly set the agent down against the wall. ”This can’t be happening,”[color] Sapphire whispered, reaching for a fire baton at her side. She’d restructured a regular electricuting baton to make flames instead after coming in contact with Frigid so much; it was a creation inspired by the terror she felt even thinking about the ice villain.

Dominic immediately went to Trinity’s side, he wasn’t going to let anyone take her or hurt her. He’d already failed once, he wasn’t going to fail again. [color=#E30707]”You’re not taking her,”
Dom snarled, putting himself between Trinity and the unknown man.

Josiah was stuck outside the infirmary with Sapphire. Frigid? This had to be one of Team Alpha’s worst days. He gently set Agent Angel down. How were they supposed to get around her? Then he heard more voices. ”She isn’t alone..” Josiah whispered back to Sapphire. They needed a plan, quickly. The President looked into the eyes of the boy that believed he could keep him from claiming his daughter. ”I was not asking. Step aside. NOW!” He walked closer to the boy, keeping an eye on where the nurse was. ”She was supposed to be safe here within these walls and now look! If you all can’t protect her, then I will.” The President wasn’t planning on killing anyone, but he will.

Sapphire grabbed onto Josiah’s wrist with her free hand, trying to stop herself from shaking. She’d been doing so much better, but the moment she saw Frigid, her entire body was shaken by fear. She had to relax, this would only get worse if she panicked. ”We need to lure her out so we can take her down,” Sapphire whispers back, turning on the baton and a tiny flicker of flame ignited from the top. She twisted the bottom of the baton to make the flame brighter and rushed forward to attack. Dominic didn’t move from his spot, glaring at the man that was trying to take Trinity. ”I won’t let you take her!” Dom snapped back, closing the distance between him and this man and putting all his energy into a hard kick to the chest.

Frigid let a wicked smile come to her face when she came face to face with a trainee. Quickly she turned around and back kicked Sapphire in the chest. She also made a point to free Josiah where he stood. She was gonna take her time fighting them. The President was losing his patience and pulled out the gun that was in his pocket, aiming it towards the nurse. ”Now I’m aware of your ability for combat so I won’t even waste my time. I will just start killing everyone and walk out with her.” He continued to take steps towards Dominic, not wavering and making direct eye contact. ”I’m going to count to three and I better not make it to three

Sapphire didn’t get to attack, Frigid’s kick was hard and knocked her to the ground. She gritted her teeth, tightening her hand around the fire baton before launching back at Frigid and swiped the fire along her back. She would do anything to make sure Frigid didn’t leave this facility, fighting back with desperation. Inside the infirmary, Dominic thought he would have the upper hand making it physical. But the moment he say the gun aimed at the nurse, he was frozen. He actually flinched as the man stepped forward, his eyes glaring right at Dominic. He couldn’t let the nurse die, but he couldn’t let someone working with Frigid take Trinity. Dominic wasn’t given any time to make a decision. He couldn’t make the words come out, he just looked down and stepped out of the way so the man could take Trinity. He knew Trinity would never forgive him if he let the nurse get shot, so he had to trust that the team would find her again. And alive.

”Good choice.” The President stated, slightly relieved, that he didn’t have to get blood on his hands. He moved to Trinity’s side, sad that he hadn’t collected her sooner. The President holstered his gun and lifted Trinity up into his arms. ”Don’t follow us. Frigid. Stop playing with them. Find the intruder and meet me back in the car.” He walked past her and the trainees she was fighting, heading back towards the exit. Frigid groaned annoyingly. She didn’t get much time to play. That one trainee was playing with fire, literally, and she wanted to see how long that would last. But it was time to go. She froze Sapphire’s hand and then her feet. ”I’m sure we will play again.” Frigid added with a wink. Frigid headed to the training room to collect the handcuffed Representative. The villains had their objectives in hand and disappeared without a trace.

The setting changes from Washington D.C. to


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Listening to the President leave, he knew that the moment he lifted his head he would see that Trinity was really gone. Tears started blurring his vision, and he flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see the nurse checking on him. ”Dominic
 why don’t you sit down?” She asked him quietly, he could hear the pity in her voice and he wanted none of it. He shoved her hand off of his shoulder, stomping out of the infirmary and stopped by Josiah and Sapphire frozen in the hallway. Sapphire was trying to break the ice on her hand and feet, and when her eyes met with Dom’s, her eyes just started spilling over with tears. ”I’m sorry, Dom,” She whispered, finally getting herself free but barely having the strength to stand. It happened again. One of their own was taken, in the place they were supposed to be the most safe.

Dominic kept walking, drowning out anything from the agents or his teammates. The only thing on his mind was her. He went straight for their room, but the moment he saw her empty bed - he froze. His eyes stayed locked on it: it was still freshly made from when she woke up this morning, there were no clothes out of place from rushing off to a mission or from any of the times they were intimate. There was nothing he could convince himself that she wasn’t gone.

So he kept walking to the nearest empty room he could find and slammed the door. He didn’t want to be with his teammates right now, or get a lecture from their agents, he just needed to be alone. Dominic had never had to go through anything like this without Trinity. They stuck to each other’s sides when Josiah was slashed by a giant villain, Dom comforted her when Sapphire was kidnapped under their noses, and her eyes were the first things he saw when he finally regained consciousness after his sister’s arch-nemesis almost strangled him to death in her image. He’s held these feelings for so long now that he doesn’t know what to do without her here. So he let out every bit of pain he felt for her absence, screaming, crying, punching at the walls, anything just to feel that pain go away. But it wouldn’t go away.

Sapphire watched Dominic walk off, but didn’t stop him. She didn’t know how to console him. She didn’t know how she just watched them walk out with Trinity. How did they even get in? So much had happened in so little amount of time and her brain was struggling to keep up. She stared at the empty infirmary bed, where her best friend - her sister should have been healing. But she was taken. That man had to be the president, the one that was working with Frigid. Even though she had been fighting Frigid, his words still rang clear in her head. She was supposed to be safe here! If you all can’t protect her, then I will.

Her thoughts were broken only by a groan from behind her. Angel and Gupta were starting to wake up, and they would be looking for answers. Sapphire walked over as composed as she could, offering her hand to Agent Angel. ”As the team leader, I’ll take respons-“ Sapphire was cut off as the older female agent hugged her. The last thing she ever expected was to get a hug from Agent Angel. But after all the team had been through, she just broke. ”We’ve failed to protect you and your team, Sapphire. I’m sorry,” Angel’s voice sounded like it was on the verge of tears, which made the young female trainee start sobbing. They were just kids, and yet someone had decided that they were targets. ”Why us? We were supposed to be safe here,” Sapphire cried out, barely able to keep herself standing. This was the final straw. They had all been targeted, and she didn’t know if Trinity would survive wherever she was being taken. She didn’t know how to fix this one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Sapphire didn’t follow Josiah when he ran towards the front of the facility, but him coming back confirmed one thing: the President, Frigid, Trinity, were long gone. And the fact that the agents didn’t know who this was made anger overtake the sadness she felt. ”What’s the point then?” Sapphire growled back at Agent Malillos, eyes burning brighter than she’d ever felt. Usually she was the level headed one, the one that could stop crying and trust that they would be safe, but a dangerous enemy just walked into their facility without any problems and took her best friend- her sister. ”The only thing you’ve proven to us in the past year we’ve been here is that you can’t protect us. I’m not going to sit around and wait for another villain to attack a member of my team,” Sapphire’s voice was biting, every bit of pain and fury she felt for her little family bursting free as she spoke.

Sapphire stalked out of the room, the building frustration causing her to scream and punch the wall right next to where Josiah had punched it. Her own knuckles weren’t used to the impact and she pulled them back bruised and bloody, but the pain cleared her thoughts. She wasn’t going to find Trinity by smashing into walls or yelling at the agents. Ignoring the searing pain in her hand, she went back to her room and immediately fired up her computer. If she could understand how the President found them, maybe she could trace it to where he was taking Trinity. His face was stuck in her mind, fueling her to find him. The cruelest part of it was that he didn’t look like a villain, and the concern he felt for Trinity didn’t come from a villain’s heart, but someone who felt connected to Trinity in some way. Why did he care about her?

Sapphire still took her precautions when hacking into the mainframe of the Hero Service, but understanding the new security systems and any weak points would lead her to the President. Even from her initial search, it looked as if an outside source was tapping into their security systems - and had been for a long time. Over the past year they’d been at the facility, someone that wasn’t a part of the Hero Service was watching them. Sapphire then worked tirelessly to find that source of who was watching them, and anything that would tie that source to the President. Agent Malillos was right, she could hardly find anything on him in their database aside from the security cam footage from earlier when he infiltrated with Frigid. But she would keep digging, as long as it took to find Trinity.

“What are you doing?” Dom’s almost inaudible voice broke Sapphire from her relentless searching. She was surprised she heard him when she was hyper focused into the hacking and he was so quiet. She’d never heard him that quiet before. Their eyes met and Dom was sure that Sapphire and Josiah were the only ones that could understand what he’s feeling right now. ”You’re looking for Trinity, right?” Dom added before Sapphire could answer, louder but more gruff too. Sapphire nodded slowly, looking down to the computer before she could start crying again. Dom’s eyes were red and slightly swollen from crying, all the tears already shed so his eyes were dry and tired. He walked over slowly, sitting down beside Sapphire and watching her screen, trying not to bother her so she could find Trinity faster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

Trinity knew the time had passed, but she wasn’t sure how much. It was hard to keep track of time in this facility. She could see the sunrise and fall from the window, but that wasn’t enough to help her keep track of time. Especially when she was falling in out of sleep for most of those sunrises and sunsets. The doctor continually checked on her and adjusted the medications that she was receiving. The nurses were talking to her and trying to encourage her to eat to regain strength. Trinity was trying to do what was asked of her and heal, but she continued to worry about her team. She didn’t know where they were and she wasn’t able to contact them. She didn’t have her phone and it was hard to relax in such an unknown place. Eventually, she had felt well enough to walk around the room and stay awake for the day. She thanked the medical staff over and over for taking care of her. Her father did the same. ” Is there still pain?” Her father asked, walking beside his daughter. ” Yes, but I can’t keep laying down. I’m getting antsy.” She admitted.

Her father let a small smile come to his face and just nodded in understanding. ” Dad?” The two locked eyes and Trinity could feel her stomach turning knots as anxiety set in. ” When can I see my team? When can I see Dom?” The smile disappeared from his face. Trinity asked this question over and over again. Every time the answer is the same, but she wants it to be something different. ” Not now. You still aren’t recovered and besides, they couldn’t protect you. I would rather you train here where I can see you.” Her father reiterated once again. ” I can’t train here. Heroes have to go through the agency. Please? Just one call?” Trinity pleaded. ” I’m sorry. I can’t let you go back to them.” Trinity could feel the tears bubbling and rolling down her cheeks. The President didn’t want to be the reason his daughter cried. ” Let me show you something and then you might agree to not go back.”

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Fourteen days had gone by. Team Alpha was relentlessly searching for their teammate with all resources available to them. The agents were also looking for Rogue, but they were mostly trying to figure out who The President was. Most heroes and villains were registered in the database. As far as they were concerned, he was a civilian on the wrong side. But they weren’t able to come up with any matches for who he could possibly be. Agent Gupta had to beg Agent Angel to bring this up to the higher-ups, but she eventually caved. Everyone in the hero service, including official heroes, was on high alert for Rogue’s disappearance and the appearance of a new villain. Each day went by painstakingly slow, but finally a lead.


Josiah sat up immediately at the sound of the overhead speaker. It had been two weeks since they were summoned. It couldn’t have been a mission. None of them were medically or psychiatrically cleared. The agents made it very clear that they were not going anywhere until this problem was solved. Josiah had been waiting around to hear if Sapphire had found anything in the hero service system. There wasn’t much he could do, since he couldn’t just knock down doors until they found her. At least Agent Mallilos and Doctor Dalton had told him he couldn’t do. Josiah originally had every intention of doing just that. Instead, he spent most of his time working out, making sure Saph didn’t need help and hanging out with Maggie. Time was moving slowly with every second that Trinity wasn’t here. Josiah couldn’t even bring himself to bug Dom like he normally does. Everyone needs their space. At least they did. ”Talk later Maggie!” It didn’t take him very long to leave his friend’s room and end up in the debrief room. He used his enhanced speed to make sure that he didn’t miss anything. Josiah ended up being early.

Once everyone, well almost everyone, was in the debrief room the agents got started. ” We have been scanning the database for potential villains that are on the Hero Service radar and might have possibly crossed paths with you all.” Agent Gupta brought up the screen with two villains. None of them the President. ” Frost had kidnapped Representative Lamb, was on the party guest list for the event you snuck into, and assisted in the kidnapping of Rogue. Virus was also there for the party, but the Hero Service wasn’t able to recover a body after the hospital incident. We haven’t confirmed her whereabouts. She brought up the three buildings, Frost’s warehouse, the hospital, and the party venue. ”We need to go back to these locations physically and mentally. These places could carry information about the President. And we need you all to remember what you saw and heard at these places. The more information the better.” Agent Gupta stated.

Josiah’s jaw almost dropped. ” How are we supposed to remember all those things? We were all so focused on the mission? And didn’t Saph get the files from the party, why do we have to go back?” Josiah didn’t see this as progress. It was the beginning of a dead-end that was going to send them in circles. ” We are going in with a new lens, Josiah. And she didn’t collect everything, because we didn’t want everything. But now we do.” Josiah sat back in his chair with his arms crossed, he wasn’t buying it. The agents must also be coming up empty with their search.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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The past two weeks had been primarily occupied by a computer screen. Sapphire had been searching through every little detail the Hero Service had in their database hoping for some clue or missed piece of information that she was missing. Even using her ability for long periods of time was only speeding up the pace of finding nothing, and exhausted her to the point where she was falling asleep at her desk more often than her bed. Ruby had stayed by her side whenever she wasn't on a mission, though Team Omega had taken part in searching outside the facility for Trinity, which meant she couldn't force Sapphire to take care of herself as much as she should; Sapphire only went to the infirmary for her knuckles when she couldn't type anymore, and found out she'd broken a few when she'd punched the wall the day Trinity was taken. Although it was a common release of stress for her teammate, she didn't have the healing abilities nor the strength to recover from that. Having her hand all casted wasn't going to help with making her search faster, leading to relying on her ability even heavier.

When she arrived at the debriefing, the bags under her eyes had taken a purple tone, and she stayed to the back of the room to lean against the wall in case her exhaustion got the best of her. Dominic was the last to arrive. He was a bit surprised that Josiah was already there, but he wasn't his usual self when one of them was in trouble. Dominic kept to himself even more so than usual, trying to figure out a way out of the facility so he could look for Trinity himself - even though Team Alpha had been barred from the search.

The debrief was all useless to Sapphire. She'd already made the connections with Frost and Virus, and she assumed that Virus was dead. Plus, they were basically asking the team to go back to the places that had traumatized them in a useless search to find information about their teammate that wouldn't be there. "I was tortured for information in that hospital, in case you forgot," Sapphire grumbled from the back of the room, swaying closer to the agents with a look in her eye that she was over this. "You don't know anything about the President, and it's obvious he meant for that to happen. What makes you think that he left anything for us to find?" Sapphire added, turning to walk out the door and return to useful work.

"Agent IT, you need to watch your tone-" "Or what, Agent Orinwell? You'll take me off missions? Negate me? I don't care. My best friend is out there with a villain and I'm going to find her my way." Sapphire left before she could be reprimanded further, slamming the door on her way out.

Dominic sighed, knowing that if Sapphire was pissed off, they all had a right to be. "Why can't we look for Trinity? We'd be the best to look for her," Dominic asked, his voice monotone especially compared to his teammate's lashing out. Angel sighed, knowing she wouldn't give the answer any of them wanted. "We've discussed this, Prodigy. Your team is too emotionally involved in the situation. We have professional heroes and other training teams looking for Agent Rogue. She is a top priority to the Hero Service," Angel gave a diplomatic answer, as always, and it was never enough for Dominic. "Then Sapphire's right, this mission is pointless. We'll never be professionals if you can't trust us with anything," Dominic sighed. He was too tired at this point to fight with them.

Dominic decided tonight he would make his way out. He had been watching Team Omega's schedule, and they went out every other night. He'd made a deal with Douglas that he would help Dom sneak out when they left so long as he could find his way back by the time Omega was done with their rounds for the night. He didn't wear his uniform, but had all black clothing on and managed to hide away a few gadgets that would help him if he did run into trouble. Dominic told himself that if did find Trinity, or the President, even Frost, he would call for backup. But as he left his room and made his way toward the front of the facility, seeing Team Omega leave their debrief room, a voice came from behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

Trinity didn’t know what to think. There were so many questions swirling through her head as she looked at the series of computer screens before her. She wasn’t sure how her father was able to get ahold of Hero Service records and she wasn’t even sure why he was looking at them, but she had seen what he had seen. Various images of villains that many heroes have faced over the years with the words DECEASED sprawled across them. At first, Trinity thought he was pulling up different records, but her father assured her that the information came from The Hero Service committee computers. Words were caught in her throat and she wasn’t even sure what to say or what to feel. The Hero Service prided itself on making sure that people with powers used them to better the world. Anyone that didn’t want their powers were negated and any villain went through a vigorous retraining program. However, there weren’t any records of attempting to retrain. In fact, retraining was nowhere in their records. Heroes were lied to. Trinity was lied to.

”W-why are you showing me this?” Why do you even have this? What are you going to do with this information?” Her head was spinning and she could hear her heart beating in her ears. It was like the world she had known was slowly collapsing around her. ”I want to stop the Hero Service. I was people with powers to not be dictated by the powerless. But I have to expose them for what they are first.” Her father stated as calmly as he could. Trinity finally broke her eyes from the screen and turned to look at her father. It was easy to tell that he meant every word of what he had said. ”We can just leak the information to the press.” Her father chuckled at the childish thought. ”To take down an entity that powerful, you need persuasion and money. Luckily I have money. But I need more information. Trinity I need your help and I need your team.” Her father had attempted not to say it bitterly. He truly only needed Trinity and Sapphire. Sapphire was a tech genius and could get into parts of the system that her could only dream of. But he knew Trinity wouldn’t have agreed to just one. Trinity took awhile to respond. She was trying to rationally think through possibly betraying the Hero Service, but her eyes turned back to the screen. If they thought she truly went rogue one day, they would just kill her like they did all these others. This wasn’t what she signed up for. ”What do I need to do?” Her father smiled and reached out a hand. ”We are going on a field trip.”

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Josiah didn’t know how to show his disdain and frustration with their handlers anymore than Sapphire and Dominic had. Usually, Josiah was the hotheaded one and ready to storm out without so much warning. But today, the frustration display belonged to his other two teammates. He loved Trinity and worried about her every day, but Saph and Dom took it the hardest. They were barely functioning as people. Sapphire spent all her time on the computer, barely taking breaks to eat or sleep. And Dom
Josiah doesn’t even know what Dom does all day. Josiah has only seen him for the first time in days at the mission debrief. Josiah was last to leave the debrief room, but now before emphasizing how dumb the agents sounded for now, allowing them two to go out and look for their teammate. For the first time in a long time, Josiah felt stuck. He was helpless and unsure where to go or how to help anyone.

Up ahead, he saw Dom. He was heading towards Team Omega, who had just finished their mission debrief. He didn’t know what his teammate was up to, but he wasn’t about to do it alone. ”I don’t know why you thought you could go without me. But I will forgive you if you tell me the plan.” Josiah said to Dom, with his arms crossed against his chest. After the display that Dom had in the debrief room, he wasn’t surprised that he was trying to go out to look for his girlfriend. Josiah was going to help. Staying within these four prison walls was making him stir crazy. And if he had to hear about Maggie’s awesome missions another night, he would punch a hole in the wall. Josiah was going to open his mouth again to make a statement about how he needed to change first, but then an alarm went off.


Josiah quickly turned around to see Agent Gupta heading towards them. Her eyes were filled with fear and worry, a look he had never seen from her before. ”Its the President
and he has Rogue with him.”