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Trinity Nova

Trinity by day and Rogue by night

0 · 895 views · located in Washington D.C.

a character in “the hero service”, as played by Simple_Imperfections


"I want to help the world in any way I can"
FC: Zendaya Coleman || Hexcode: #6D01A7

Full Name
Trinity Mae Nova
Eighteen; 18
Cis Female
African American/Black
Hero Service Trainee

Major || Weapon Proficiency
✓The user has the ability to understand and wield any weapon with the proficiency of a master
✗Can only learn general usage and not specialties of any weapons
✗Only becomes proficient the second time using the weapon

Minor || Weapon State
✓The user has the ability to change the state of the weapon to benefit them
✗Only one state can be used on the weapon at a time
✗States are limited to type of weapon i.e. only guns can have accuracy state

Trinity has a heart of gold. She is true to herself and genuine in every sense of the word. Everything she does is to either make herself happy or to make someone else happy. At times she tends to pick the happiness of others before her own. She has a smile that is contagious and a laugh that would melt the sun. At seventeen, there is still this sense of innocence to her. She thinks the best of everyone and will push others to be the best. Her optimistic attitude around others can sometimes be off putting especially in situations where there doesn't seem to be a bright side. Trinity can quite hard on herself at times. As much as she tries to see the best in others, she also wants to bring out the best in herself. Unfortunately, that usually means being overly self-critical and overexertion of her abilities. She is proud of the discipline that she has for herself and how she can see her tasks through. She can be calculated with her moves, but can overthink situations leaving her to make careless mistakes. Everyday, Trinity tries to better herself and some days are just better than others.


Trinity Mae Nova was born to Gregory River Powers and Elyse Meredith Nova. She was born out of wedlock 18 years ago on a rainy afternoon. When she was old enough to know the story, her mom informed her that she was the daughter of Mr Powers. A very reputable and powerful individual who is known across the state. Her mother met her father at party and they hit it off from there. Trinity doesn't know much else of the story. it has always been Trinity and her mother for as long as she could remember. They weren't very wealthy, but they were well-off. Her mother had her abilities negated when she was old enough to work. She had the ability to talk to animals, but it wasn't deemed helpful. Her mother also never wanted her powers. Her mother was an elementary school teacher and Trinity would often help out in the classroom.

Trinity didn't start seeing her ability until she was about 13 years old. It was the first time she was being left alone in the house without a babysitter and her mother was explaining where the gun was, for safety. "There are dangerous people and I want to make sure you stay safe." Trinity was taught how to use it, but she knew more than she should have. The second night she was alone, she was able to take apart the weapon and put it back together. After explaining to her mother, they tested it with other weapons. Knives, swords, staffs, etc. She was not only able to understand the strengths and limits of each weapon, but she knew how to use them. It was at this moment, her mother had given her the choice to keep her powers or have them reported to get them negated. Trinity has been looking forward to knowing what her power was going to be and she wanted to help people. From then, she started collecting. She collected weapons, picking out some of her favorites, to train and practice with.

She was noticed and selected by the Hero Service to be a trainee. Without questions, she packed up her clothes and was headed off. She wants to make the world a better place and she knows that this is the way to go.

Created & Used By: Simple_Imperfections

So begins...

Trinity Nova's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

January. The first month of the new year and the start of a new journey. The Hero Service Training begins and Trinity was beyond excited. She had been looking forward to it for months. Her and her mother spent the time to replace any rusted weapons and clean any of the others in order to impress everyone at the facility. She had spent more time focused on packing her weapons than she did her clothes. Her mother was insistent on taking her to the facility, but she convinced her otherwise. Trinity and her family were from D.C. so the facility was only a train ride away.

Winter wasn’t her favorite season, but she loved when it snowed. She always thought that it symbolized a fresh start and this was Trinity’s fresh start. With two bags in hand, Trinity stood before the facility. It resembled every other government facility. It was bleak and boring. There wasn’t anyone outside readily available to greet her or help her with any of her things. Trinity shrugged the grey peacoat she was wearing back up onto her shoulders. She headed inside, eyes looking around for any other people. She could hear distant voices, down one of the many hallways. As she was making her way, her phone rang. ”Hi mom.” Only three steps into her new life and her mother already called. ”Yes I made I haven’t met anyone...I will unpack once I find my room...Can I call you later?...okay bye.”

Phone securely tucked back into the back of her jean pocket, she continued down the hall. There were several doors lining the hallway, each with names. Trinity continued her way down until the voices - which turned out to be one voice - became more clear. Another trainee stood at the entrance of her room, whom she was assuming was her roommate until she saw the second name posted. No one had told her about the co-ed rooms. She was either expecting to either have a room to herself or be with another female. It would be the first time having to share a space with a male. ”Excuse me...” She stated to the girl still blocking the entrance. Trinity managed to slip her and her two bags through.

The room was rather large and taking up one of the beds was who she assumed was her roommate. ”You must be Dominic.” She offered him her award-winning smile before turning to look at the other girl. ”I’m Trinity or Rogue now since we are trainees.” She moved over to what she assumed was her side of the room, placing both of the bags on the bed. She could put clothes away later, but the weapons need a home.

Flights always wore Josiah out. Despite all the flying he was used to doing in order to visit various family members. He had just finished a trip from Florida and was not happy about being back in the cold. Though from D.C, he did everything he could to limit his time in the cold. He would take trips to warmer places during winter months and even hotter places during the summers. This was the first time his snowbird fun would be cut short.

Josiah stood before the training facility with a pout on his face. He was not excited to be here. It’s usually everyone’s dream to be a hero. To have their names in the papers and save countless lives. Josiah did not have that dream. He was having plenty of fun living as if a normal citizen. He was only here to appease his mother who he was not hoping to today or for the next week. He was going to need time getting over being forced into this.

He strode inside, duffle bag in hand. His mother had kind of explained how the training facility works and the set up of it, but she doesn’t spend enough time here to know much more than the basics. It was pretty easy finding the rooms they would be staying in. The hallway was lined with them. Names were posted, two to a room. Josiah raised an eyebrow as he noticed the rooms were co-ed. ”Maybe it won’t be so bad.” He managed to get to his room and noticed someone’s things were already there. He went to the other vacant bed and left his things. He was determined to see where his roommate had disappeared too.

Josiah wandered down the hall, hands in his hoodie pockets. He followed the voices until he noticed a girl standing in the doorway. No one else seemed to be here. He continued to move closer to her, a grin on his face. ”Um are you Sapphire? I could be completely wrong, but you are the only other person here..” He peeked his head into the doorway and realized two others were settling in as well. ”Correction. We are the only four here. Is this supposed to be the welcome party?” Josiah said jokingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Sapphire did have a tendency to ramble, especially in situations were she was nervous about something- in this case, being around other people with abilities who also wanted to become heroes. That also gave her a bad habit of tuning out her surroundings, causing her to be in the way of her new teammate trying to move in.

”Oh, sorry about that! Didn’t mean to keep you out of your own room,” Sapphire steps out the way, giving the girl plenty of room to get inside. Her eyes widened when the girl, Trinity as she introduced herself, started to unpack some very intimidating weapons. It was becoming very clear while they all had abilities, her teammates would have more combat prowess than she had prepared herself for.
She hoped that she wouldn’t fall behind, but she was confident in her unique abilities setting her apart from the team.

She tried her hardest to not let that confidence falter as she was introduced to both of her new teammates. ”Oh wow, Rogue is a badass name! I’m Sapph-“ Before she could continue with her introduction, another male appeared, asking if she was Sapphire.

This must be her roommate Josiah, and it was confirmed that she would be living with a boy for her time in training. While she thought that a government facility of this size would have enough room for the trainees to have their own rooms, she wouldn’t be that girl who immediately complains about being around her teammates. She wanted to make the best impression, and she was sure their pairings were to improve teamwork between them by living in a shared space. She wouldn’t be happy about it, but she also would t be the brat of the group if she could help it.

”You guessed correctly. Also, I go by I. T. for my hero name.”

Dominic wasn’t sure how his room became the epicenter for his teammates to congregate and introduce themselves, but now wasn’t the time for pleasantries. Certainly their handlers had plans to get them all acquainted, so he would not be doing that himself. But, he did note that the Trinity girl he was living with was less chatty than the Sapphire girl, which he was thankful for if he had to live with her. She also had quite the array of weaponry, which peaked his interest.

”Weapon specialty?” Dominic asks her, stepping closer to get a better look at her weapons. He was always more of a hand to hand fighter, especially considering his ability heightening his combat skills, but had an appreciation for a skilled weapons fighter. ”I’m Prodigy, my skills are specialized for hand to hand. I've worked with some of those weapons before.”

He needed to know more about his teammates if he was going to be the best of them. Learning how their abilities worked and the advantages they would have over his combat skills would be necessary to work with them as a team and show the most powerful aspects of his abilities. He would have to prove himself not only as an opponent no criminal would want to face, but as a hero that could easily work with any other hero in unexpected battles.

He could approximately guess both of the girls’ abilities, Trinity by her display of weapons and Sapphire by her hero name. They would have a few more teammates trickling in, each with their own unique ability to study. He wasn’t sure how many of them had siblings or parents already in the hero service, except for Sapphire who had decided to divulge her family history of no abilities. He wondered how well she would do without the support that many of them received before coming to training.

”You must have some technology ability, right?” Dominic directs his next question towards Sapphire, who seemed surprised that Dominic had spoken with her again. ”Well, not exactly. I can manipulate information, it doesn't have to be technology based, it can be any medium of information.” Sapphire answers, about to ask him more about his own ability when Dominic interrupts her.

”And you?” He asks Josiah, having an idea of everyone’s abilities except for the other male in the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

The girl that had originally blocked the door was named Sapphire. Another male had stepped in while she was talking and basically did her introduction for her. Trinity waved to the male, in the doorway after he made his comment regarding the welcome party. This wasn’t too bad of a welcome. Sapphire and the new guy were friendly enough. And Dominic hadn’t kicked the other two out. She was pretty optimistic about this team.

Though it seemed rude to be unpacking while the team was trying to get to know each other, these weapons needed to be laid out properly for easy access. ”Yes I am.” These weapons were her pride and joy. She wants to collect more and learn more which only boosts her ability and usefulness on the field. The weapons must have piqued her roommate’s interest because he actually moved closer to her and took the time to explain his hero name as well as his ability. Hand to hand combat. That would come in handy out in the field for sure. She was impressed that he even knew what some of these weapons were. Usually people with abilities, stick to the ability and forget there are other ways to fight. ”Well I will happily show you how some of these other ones work.” She said with a smile.

Dominic continued on trying to figure out the rest of the group’s abilities. Sapphire had to do with information manipulation. Though demonstration would be inappropriate, she was curious to see how that worked. Though not really giving I.T anymore time to explain it was Josiah’s turn to explain himself.

Josiah leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed against his chest. He had a feeling that this wasn’t going to be as terrible as he originally thought. His roommate was adorable and kind of reminded him of his twin sisters, though she talked way more. He raised an eyebrow at her. ”I.T? Doesn’t that just spell IT. Like that freaky clown?” He questioned more as a joke than anything else, a tiny grin tugging on the edge of his lips.

”Oh! My name is Josiah, hero name Goliath. I turn into a monster.” Josiah stated nonchalantly. He ran his fingers through his hair. ”Not all the time though, most of the time I prefer to just borrow the power.” Trinity was stuck trying to figure out if he meant monster as personality or as in a literal monster. ”As much as I like to show off, I am going to save the show for when its an emergency.” Josiah stated with a wink, almost as if he had been reading Trinity’s mind for a demonstration.


Trinity covered her ears as the siren went off and the intercom loudly announced that they were under attack. ”What do they mean under attack?!” Her question, rhetorical in nature, made it evident that she was beyond nervous. Josiah’s eyes went from their normal brown to red. ”I think that means we need to find cover.” Rogue immediately took hold of the retractable metal staff and clicked the button. She also took hold of her beretta 92, placing in the back of her jeans waist. Trinity regretted not having her utility belt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dominic & Trinity & Sapphire & Josiah
Simulation Status: FAILED





One side of Dominic’s lip tugs into a smile at Trinity’s offering to show him more of her weapons, nodding back at her. She was the one he was most interested to see in action, especially with her arsenal laid out in their room. Or maybe it was Sapphire, because he had a hard time picturing her in the field but she was obviously on their team for a reason.

He even chuckles a bit at Josiah’s joke to Sapphire’s hero name, though the slight look of annoyance on the girl’s face was clear that she didn’t find it funny, and Josiah’s introduction interrupted her before she could correct him.

His explanation of his ability was equally mysterious and intriguing, causing many questions to flood into his mind of what exactly this ‘monster’ was. However, there was no time to ask as a siren started blaring and a warning blasted through the facility of a villain attack. A chill went down Dominic’s spine, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It felt like a trap, with no agents around and only trainees on their first day of being at the facility. They’d only been here for less than an hour, Dominic didn’t know anything about layout or access points to know where would be safe to cover.

Sapphire was frozen in her spot. Not even her worst nightmares or anxieties prepared her for a villain attack on their training facility. Josiah was the closest to her and without thinking she clutches to his arm. ”This can’t be happening
” She whimpers out, unable to move from her spot. She could hear boots thumping loudly out from outside the room and she started to shake. ”This can’t-... oh God-“ Sapphire is slightly panicking at this point, not wanting to die on her first day of training to some random villains that decided they would attack the facility.

Dominic pulls his gauntlets out from his bag, moving to the doorway and noticing the attackers coming their way, and fast. ”We have to fight them. There’s no way we’ll get out of here otherwise.”

On instinct, Josiah kept Sapphire close and slightly behind him. The sounds of boots echoed through the hallway. It was hard to tell how many of them there actually were. Even with his enhanced hearing, he couldn’t make out the different steps. ”Just stay close to me..” His voice is calm and not wavering. Josiah was trying to remain calm and confident, despite him being just as nervous as the others in the room. But if he let himself get out of control, he would be forced to do a demonstration of the beast he was talking about.

Trinity had the gun for long range attacks, staff for combat, but that might not be enough weapons. She also doesn’t have enough bullets for the gun. Out of her bag she clipped on her gun holster. It was able to hold both beretta’s and extra ammo. Trinity clicked the retractable staff and it elongated in her hands. ”Um fight? Right...fight.” Trinity was always told not to use any of her powers without permission. Does this count as permission? Hand on one of her guns, she placed the state accuracy on it. ”Wait.. she mumbled to herself. She removed the state and placed a state of weight on the staff. Makes the staff appear heavier to opponents making the blows harder.

Josiah peeked his head out of the door for a moment and quickly looked back in. ”Okay so I see one down the hall and so far that’s the only one, but I could hear steps from other corridors.” It took a minute for him to think. ”I can try and find an exit and keep Sapphire with me.” He mostly said that as peace of mind for his clearly scared roommate.

Sapphire didn’t understand how any of them were thinking clearly. She told herself she would not be a burden, but the thought of the villains outside their door waiting to kill them, she could hardly breathe, let alone try to fight. She wasn’t a fighter; she was a hacker, manipulator, data wizard, everything but a fighter. She had some gadgets she brought along but there was no telling if she could get to her luggage in the other room down the hall. She stayed solidly behind Josiah, eagerly taking his protection over trying to muster the courage to fight.

Dominic nods at Josiah’s observation, looking to Trinity. ”We can follow behind you, take care of anyone from the rear,” Dominic answers, hoping that his roommate would follow along so he could have some assistance with her protection. She wasn’t as helpless as Sapphire, but the nervousness was easily noticeable.

Once they were out of the room, he was quick to charge at the first villain that came in his vicinity. A part of him wanted to prove that they were already strong enough to battle, and impress the handlers once they saw how the team took down a villain attack on the facility once they finally showed up.

The villain was quick to use their ability, shooting ice at Dominic that wrapped around his boots and forced him in place. He was shocked at the speed, and was rooted to the spot as the villain advanced on him.

Trinity couldn’t help but jump behind Dominic as some form of protection as he attacked the nearby villain. It was instinct, she isn’t used to using her powers without strict permission. Dominic was stuck in place and she quickly used her staff to break his foot free from the ice. Quickly pulling her gun from the holster, she shot twice at the villain in the chest.

Josiah was trying to keep hold of Sapphire as they were making their way down the hall. A villain already at the rear and the one further down the hall charging at them. The villain swung and Josiah took a quick step backwards making sure to move his roommate with him. With his enhanced strength, he drove his foot into the chest of the villain sending him back down the hall where he came. ”This way”. He made his way down a different hall, Sapphire still in hand, but not really checking if Dom and Trinity were following.

Sapphire was barely keeping up, trying to dodge any attacks while Josiah was attacking the villains. They ended up getting close enough to their room that sapphire quickly slipped inside, wanting to hide under the bed but noticing her small box of smoke bombs she had been working on last week. She quickly grabbed them, and with shaking hands, threw some behind them and in front of them, covering the entire hallway in a blanket of smoke.

The smoke made it harder for the villains to locate them, but without holding on to Josiah, she could barely see where she was either. The realization of what she had done was making her chest even tighter, and she hadn’t grabbed anything else so she resorted to hiding behind Josiah again.

Dominic was thankful for Trinity’s assistance, otherwise he didn’t know if he could have gotten out of the way of the villain’s attack. She also went on the attack, shooting the villain who staggered to the side and allowed them to get away. He turned to see where Josiah and Sapphire had run off to, and the hallway was filling fast with smoke. ”They have all kinds of abilities, we need to be careful,” Dominic warns, thinking the smoke to be from the enemy. He grabs Trinity's hand and steers her past the villain to get away in the other direction from their teammates.

Trinity was still in a bit of shock that she even shot anyone. She was so used to just practicing on targets, but this was not a target. She didn’t have time to overthink it. Dominic had a hold of her and they were on the move again. It was only then she realized that smoke was covering the halls. It was getting harder to see. ”Where did Josiah and Sapphire go?” She asked quickly, realizing it was just the two of them .

Josiah wasn’t even sure where the two of them were at the moment. The halls were covered in smoke. Even though the villains couldn’t see, he could barely see them. His enhanced sight could only do so much. All of sudden he felt something wizz past him. A cut on his cheek and the knife finding its way on the wall behind him. ”Stay behind me Sapphire.” Another knife went by, ripping through his shoulder and cutting his skin. Now he was getting angry. ”I’ve had enough!”

It doesn’t take much for Josiah to get angry. Which usually, isn’t a problem. But at this moment while using his enhanced form, it was a problem. He quickly began to transform to the monster. Normally standing at 5’9” he grew to about 7’ and doubled in wingspan. Hair began to sprout to take the shape of a lions mane around his head. Bones snapped into place and his nails elongated into claws. His hood and shirt ripped and fell to the floor. His fast resembled that of a cat with teeth sharp enough to tear into the flesh of any of these villains. His eyes were still as red as they were when the battle started. Josiah let out a roar once fully transformed that echoed through the facility.

Trinity eyes grew wide as the roar hit her ears. ”What the hell was that?” She held her staff tighter and moved even closer to Dominic. She had no idea what they were up against, but it sounded as if things were about to get more serious.

Dominic was starting to realize they were really out of their league. Whoever wanted to attack them was doing a very good job of it. He held tight to Trinity’s hand, making sure she was close. He didn’t know where the other two had disappeared, which put his attention solely on keeping Trinity and himself safe so they could find them later. ”I don’t know. Let’s stay together so we don’t lose each other.”

The roar made him stop in his tracks for a moment, wondering if he should just turn around and find some other way out. But with Trinity, he could muster enough courage to head in the direction of the roar. Once they were close enough for Dominic to just barely see the hulking figure in the smoke, he decided to attack and hope that he caught the monster off guard.

Sapphire shrieks the moment Josiah is fully transformed. When he said that he could turn into a monster, she didn’t expect anything so menacing and, well, monstrous. The sudden change causes her to stumble back, falling onto her back and she scrambled to get into the nearest corner she could hide. She didn’t know how much control Josiah had over this side of him, and she didn’t want to be in his way if he didn’t recognize her in this form. Tears pricked at her eyes as she thought of all her dreams dying because a villain took her out on the first day of training, unless this monster form of her teammate got to her first.

Trinity immediately regretted not speaking up when Dominic pulled them towards the roar. The figure was gigantic. It was a monster for lack of better terms. Nothing on this creature resembles a human-like being. Dom jumped in to attack, but Trinity was frozen in place. They were completely out of their league. One hit from that thing and they could be knocked out cold or worse.

Josiah always battled with controlling his beast and this was going to be one of those times. At this moment he was just trying to focus on attacking whomever attacked him first. All of sudden he felt a blow to his back which made him growl in pain. He quickly turned to whomever it was. Josiah couldn’t make out who it was, but it didn’t matter. Reaching his hand out, he gripped the figure in his oversized hand and pinned him against the wall.

Trinity watched in horror as the monster didn’t even flinch at the hit that Dominic gave it. Her roommate was now pinned against the wall and she needed to do something. With shaking hands, she reached in her holster for her gun, but dropped it. ”...shit shit SHIT! She dove to the ground, quickly trying to feel around for her gun. That monster was going to hurt Dominic and she couldn’t even hold onto her gun.


The voice echoed the halls and the lights flashed back on. Some of the doors opened up to clear out the smoke. Trinity found her gun, but was now confused. Josiah glanced around, still keeping hold of the figure that had attacked him.

”You all failed.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dominic stopped struggling in the hold that this beast had him in, the clearing smoke making the entire facility easier to see in. The beast was much more menacing without the smoke to hide some of its features, but when he glanced into the open room beside him, noticing Sapphire cowering behind the door frame, he pieced together that this must have been the ‘monster’ that Josiah was able to turn into. Just the sheer power of this beast was enough to make Dominic speechless.

When he was realized, his legs didn’t hold him up, and he fell onto his bottom in shock. The ‘villains’ around him started to pull off their helmets, brushing off and even some lightly conversing with other ‘villains’. The one that Trinity had shot was still sitting against the wall, but he had pulled off a vest and was showing the bullet shell to another. These weren’t evil criminals trying to kill them, Dominic assumed they had to be training agents and handlers.

Sapphire didn’t move even when the smoke finally cleared and their enemies revealed themselves as non-enemies. At least, that was what she thought considering they weren’t attacking anymore and practically ignored the four trainees in various stages of failure.

Now that was a word that was uncharted territory to Sapphire. Even without her ability involved, she didn’t fail. She excelled, with school work and extracurricular and even training her ability. Her high marks on ability control was what landed her on a field team despite her lack of an affinity for combat. To hear that word, on the first day of training, she was in total disbelief while still reeling from all the heightened emotions and panic she had just gone through. This wasn’t even a real attack, which started all these thoughts of what a real battle would be like if she couldn’t fight properly in a staged one.

”Team Alpha, I am Agent Suzana Angel, your handler during these next four years of training. Follow me to the control room for your simulation debrief.” The woman who had stopped the simulation spoke again to the four teenagers, not wasting a moment making her way to the control room. Sapphire picked herself up from the ground, and offered her hand for Dominic, who let her pull him up from the ground. They waited for their roommates to join and followed the agent to the room in question.

The control room wasn’t far from their rooms, passing by the same door they entered the facility from. It looked as if no time had passed, yet the battle felt as if it had lasted hours. Sapphire was taking a long shower as soon as she could get back to the room.

Video footage of the battle displayed on a map of screens at the front of the room. Agent Angel stood in front of these screens, a stony look on her face. Dominic could only wonder what this woman would say about their performance, and his chances of impressing his handler from the first day were dropping significantly as he watched himself on some of the screens. Sapphire didn’t look at any of the screens, her eyes focused ahead but not on anything.

Trainee Prodigy,” Agent Angel starts, the screens changing to only footage of his part in the battle. Dominic was ashamed at every screen, and his face clearly showed that. He couldn’t read the agent at all so he waited for her commentary. ”Attacking without a plan does not work when you do not know your enemy. You attacked one of our agents without knowledge of his ability, and without your teammate’s assistance, you would have suffered an attack from this agent. If she was an actual criminal, you could have been killed. You also attacked your fellow teammate in the midst of the smoke. Friendly fire is punishable by negation and removal of your status as a hero, if in a live battle. You need to plan or you will make these mistakes again.”

She did not wait for his response, turning to her next target. Footage of Trinity flooded all the screens. ”Trainee Rogue, you dropped your weapon in the heat of battle where you had a distinct disadvantage with the smoke covering the field. In a live battle, mistakes like that will get you killed. You need to have control over your emotions, this could be only the beginning of ambush attacks you will face as a hero and you need to be on guard. You also did not confirm that you had subdued the enemy you shot. Plenty of villains have bulletproof vests, or even an ability that would allow them to recover quickly. Subduing the enemy without fatal measures should be one of your most important goals.”

Sapphire knew she was next, with the unwavering gaze that burned into her from their agent and the videos of her on the screens. Trainee I.T. Your placement on this team was made under the strict direction that you would be able to perform combat should the mission require it. Your performance in this simulation was the worst of your teammates. You cannot use your teammates as a shield, and your use of the smoke bombs gave you and your teammates a distinct disadvantage in the battle. We will need to see improvement from your combat skills or we will be forced to reconsider your position on a field team.”

Sapphire was fighting back tears again, though from sheer embarrassment rather than fear. She wouldn’t cry in front of her handler or her teammates, but it was difficult to hold back the feeling of failure that made her eyes burn and her chest tight. Thankfully the agent moved on without commenting on her expression, moving on to the final member of their team.

”Trainee Goliath, your control on your ability is extremely lacking. You need to have more control on your emotions than any member of your team due to its impact on your ability. Like Trainee Prodigy, you attacked your teammate in the midst of the smoke without knowing if he was an enemy or a teammate. We are concerned that this was not because of the confusion of the smoke, but because of your lack of control with your ability. We need you to have complete control before we can trust you to take missions with your team.”

The screens blacked out after she finished the mission debrief. ”That is all for today. Tomorrow training will start at 5:00am sharp in the training stadium in the middle of this facility. Don’t be late.” Their handler left the room, leaving the team to whatever they wanted to do to prepare themselves for tomorrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Failed. The group had failed. Less than an hour at the facility and their handler was less than impressed with them. The screens had been turned off, but Trinity continued to replay the scenario in her head. Every move they made was wrong. They went in without a plan, split up, got caught in the fog, didn’t communicate with one another, panicked, and attacked one another. They are a shame to the hero service. Their handler had left them alone to their thoughts and it didn’t seem like anyone was moving. Everyone was still in shock that they all did so terribly. They thought they all were going to die when in reality their skills were put to the test.

Trinity dropped her weapon. The only thing she is good at is weaponry. In the heat of battle, when her team mate needed her most, she couldn’t even hand onto her gun. If this was real, Dominic would have died. She had hesitated going into batter and could have easily been killed for not thinking quick on her feet. Trinity was so prepared to be a hero and when it came to a simulation, she couldn’t even protect the teammates she just met. Thinking back on it, it wouldn’t have taken another second to make sure the enemy she had taken out was actually subdued. It also wouldn’t have taken another second to make sure that she had a firm hold on her weapons. There is so much she has to learn. Trinity sat up straighter and tried not to let the look of disappointment remain on her face. The whole point of being a trainee is to train. They are going to get better.

”Stupid..” Josiah muttered mostly to himself, but loud enough for anyone to hear him. Luckily, he had managed to transform back right after the simulation ended. There was no reason to have a simulation on move-in day. They were supposed to meet each other and their handler. They should have had someone greeting them and explaining how things work. A simulation on day two makes more sense. Josiah and the crew had no idea where the access points were. They have never been heroes before nor have they ever worked in a team. Effective communication was foreign to them. And they did have a plan. Fighting and finding an exit is a plan. Josiah also wouldn’t have attacked Dominic, if he had known it was his teammate obviously. This first day was a failure, but not because of the team.

It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t control his monster. He was basically told not to use it. Josiah didn’t say that though, but his irritation was written all over his face. ”We just go here. Of course we didn’t know what to do..” He ran both hands through his hand, taming the mess a bit. ”Whatever. I’m going to finish unpacking.” Josiah also needed to put clothes back on. During his transformation, his shirt and hood had ripped off. He still had his jeans, though they were basically shorts at this point. He wasn’t sure his teammates felt the same, but it didn’t matter. This team was great in his eyes.

Trinity glanced over to Josiah, both confused to how he isn’t more bothered by the fact that they failed and dumbfounded by how he is just brushing it off. She didn’t say anything to him. Obviously coping in his own way. Trinity turned to Sapphire, who was clearly trying to hold back the tears, threatening to fall down her face. ”Hey, it’s okay. We are going to get better.” Trinity may feel like a complete failure at this time, but she wanted to try and make Sapphire feel better. And they will get better. That’s the point of the training.

”Come on roomie. Let’s head back.” Josiah was less irritable and now more concerned about Sapphire. He couldn’t help when his brother instincts kicked in. Clearly she needed some comforting, though he wasn’t all that great at it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

Trinity hadn’t come to terms to how weird it was to have a male roommate until it was time to get ready for bed. She had brought decent pajamas to sleep in, but it was the sheer fact that across the room was someone of the opposite gender. She tried not to think about it too hard as she was trying to go to sleep. Trinity made sure that she had slept with her back to him to make it less awkward for the both of them, but mostly for her.

It wasn’t long before she fell asleep. Between being extremely excited and nervous about her first day and the very eye-opening simulation, she was exhausted. Sleep overcame her and she was grateful to rest. It was only interrupted due to the alarm that her roommate had set. Even though she was sure he hadn’t done it on purpose, she was awake. Trinity then realized that it was weird in the morning as well. They had to share the bathroom. She decided to wait until he was gone before getting ready herself. Once the door clicked, she got up out of bed.

To say that that Trinity was nervous was an understatement. It was their first training after basically embarrassing themselves. They were going to be getting whipped into shape and she had a feeling that this handler wasn’t going to go easy on them. It didn’t take her very long to get ready since she finished unpacking everything yesterday. Trinity wore some comfortable workout gear for training, since she wasn’t exactly sure what they were going to be doing. She made sure her utility belt was full of her favorite weapons and put it over her shoulder. She left her room and made her way to the cafeteria.

It took Trinity a few tries to figure out where the cafeteria was. She had already come to terms with the fact that it was going to take her a few tries to memorize the layout of the facility. For now she knows how to get from the debriefing room to her room and from her room to the cafeteria. Slow but steady progress. Trinity didn’t get much for breakfast. Excitement and nerves were putting her stomach in knots. She looked around to see Dominic and Sapphire eating already. Trinity moved over to them and sat next to Dominic, across from Sapphire. ”Good morning.” She said to the both of them, a bright smile on her face. She moved the utility belt off her shoulder and onto the empty table space next to her. ”Are you guys just as nervous as I am about training?” She asked in attempt to make friendly conversation while taking small bites of the food in front of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK



Sapphire couldn’t help but let a small smile spread across her face as Dominic accepted her request for extra training. She knew enough about her new teammate to know that if she could get in some training time with him, her combat skills would be better for it.

Trinity joined them at the breakfast table soon after, leaving Josiah to be the missing teammate from Team Alpha. He had been dead asleep when she finally crawled out of bed to get ready, and she assumes he had his own alarm set so she wasn’t going to wake him up. She smiled as the other girl sat down with them, trying to be friendlier today to make up for her emotional actions yesterday. Nervous was the half of it, but Sapphire replied assuredly, ”I’m ready to prove myself to our handler today. No matter what she throws at us.”

Dominic finishes the small breakfast he picked up, and pulls himself from the table. ”We all weren’t prepared yesterday. You’ll be fine.” The blunt statement is all Dominic offers, mainly targeted at Trinity but really meant for all of them.Today was a fresh start, moving past their failures yesterday and proving to their trainers that they were more than a bunch of scared kids that blundered the moment they were given free reign on their abilities. Dominic would not let this training prove that he was just as weak as his siblings thought him to be, he would use it to prove them wrong.

Sapphire didn’t have much of an appetite after a night of unrest, and threw away the rest of what she didn’t eat to follow along to the training fields. They both waited for their teammate to finish her own breakfast, and the three of them made their way. Sapphire thought to check on Josiah, but there was still time for him to get to their meeting point on time and didn’t want to interrupt him getting ready.

Agent Angel was already at the front of the room, a set of files in her hand that she was scanning through. She didn’t acknowledge them as they came into the room aside from momentarily flicking her eyes up to see who was coming in, and then back down to the file she was analyzing. Dominic remained silent as he took his place in front of the agent, as did Sapphire as she took her place beside Trinity. They waited for Josiah to join them, but as Agent Angel checked her watch, she wasted no more time waiting.

”Today is your first official day of training,” Agent Angel’s voice boomed throughout the room as she spoke, and a few trainers joined her at the front of the room. Sapphire noticed one of them had prosthetic legs, and he was younger than the man who came with him and Agent Angel. ”Agent Orinwell and Agent Malillos will be assisting me in your training programs. We will train you with mastering your ability, your combat skills, your weaponry skills, and the ability to work as a team. Today we will be assessing your current skills in the first three areas to plan your programs accordingly. We will also be assessing your current physique with different exercises. Any questions?”

Dominic just wanted to start this and prove himself after the failure from yesterday. And Sapphire was too intrigued by what they would be doing to ask anything. With the absence of questions, the trainers started the first training day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Trinity tried to eat what she could of her meal. She was just itching to get started and despite Dominic’s kind words, or his version of kind words, there were still butterflies in her stomach. Her teammates were nice enough to wait for her to finish her meal prior to heading off to the training meet up. Trinity made sure to note how to get from the cafeteria to their current location for future reference. She also realized that they were missing a teammate. Sapphire didn’t say anything about Josiah, so she didn’t think that she needed to worry.

Agent Angel was standing there waiting for them and didn’t even acknowledge them. She was sifting through files. Trinity assumed it was their files. There were other trainers with her, one with prosthetics who didn’t look much older than the group and another with a cane. Their trainers were just diverse and unique as the team. That could either be a good or bad thing. Trinity was leaning on the side of that being a good thing. She took her spot next to Dominic and Sapphire took the spot next to her. Their handler’s voice seemed to echo around the room. She sped through introductions and was going straight into the introductions. Trinity stood up taller. She was ready to prove herself.

Josiah knew that he was late and at the moment he did not care. It was quiet and he took his time getting ready, spending extra unnecessary time brushing his teeth and making sure his hair curled just the way he liked. His training outfit, but pretty simple. Most of his clothes were worn or old since he was prone to ripping them on the off chance that he transformed. So most of the clothes that he packed were things that he didn’t care about. If he needed then he was sure his parents would send him more. Once he was dressed, he made his way to the cafeteria. Three left turns and a muffin later, he was off the training meet up. Josiah wasn’t exactly sure where it was, but he was willing to wander around until he ran into it.

Stepping through the door, he took a bite of the muffin. ”Present.” he stated as if they were taking attendance. He made his way towards his fellow trainees, taking his place next to Sapphire.

”You are late. 100 push ups.” Agent Malillos stated firmly, making direct eye contact with Josiah. Josiah took another slow bite of his muffin, finishing off the rest of it. ”Now?” ”Now.” He sighed, dusting the muffin crumbs off of his hands prior to dropping to the ground. He began doing his push ups making sure that he was counting loud enough for the trainers to hear. He decided against using his ability to help, since he could do 100 push ups without much difficulty.

”The rest of you, your first exercise is a 30 minute run.” Agent Malillos commanded. ”If any of you stop, I will restart the timer. If Josiah stops his push ups, your timer will start over. Any questions?” Trinity was physically fit to some degree, but hopefully her teammates were able to keep up. She could only run for so long with a timer that had contingent restarts. ”Go.” There wasn’t exactly time for questions. Trinity started running around the room, making sure to focus on her breathing. She was trying not to let the fact that she was running without any music. She decided that humming quietly to herself, would make the time go by faster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Trinity did alright during the run. She usually incorporates running during her exercises, but more as a warm up. She did alright with pacing herself, but when they had to start over she thought that she was going to collapse. Towards the end of the run, she was breathing harder and her lungs were starting to hurt. Part way through the run, Josiah had joined them since he had finished his push ups. Trinity was trying to swallow her jealousy as he seemed to be doing just fine even though he had to do a completely different exercise. The exercise was over and Trinity was just grateful to be able to catch her breath. She leaned against the wall and focused on taking deep breaths.

Next was strength. Josiah stretched a bit with a smile on his face. The pushups and the run actually warmed him up. Prior to being a hero trainee, he would religiously exercise for at least two hours a day. For one, it was because he liked to look good. Josiah wouldn’t consider himself a vain person, but he does care about his looks to an extent. Exercise has always been the way to keep up with a version of himself that he liked. He would also exercise to keep up with the ability he has. He can only be as strong as he trains to be. His enhanced ability is limited if he wasn’t already relatively strong and fast. For Josiah, this was going to be a breeze. The free weights were set up and he was trying to contain his excitement.

It wasn’t shocking that Josiah was able to lift the heaviest weights with Dominic tailing behind him. What he wasn’t sure the group knew was that he didn’t use his ability until the last two strongest weights he used. He was willing to keep that to himself. Josiah raised an eyebrow in surprise as he noticed that Saph wasn’t very far behind Dominic. It was very impressive. Trinity was even farther down, closer to the mid-range weights. That was where he expected her and Saph to be so he wasn’t all that shocked. They put down the weapons and waited for their next exercise.

”Next is weaponry.” A unfamiliar voice spoke from across the room. She was standing behind several different tables that were covered in weapons. Trinity could not help the smile that formed on her face. She recognized at least 70% of those weapons and the ones she didn’t recognize she was beyond excited to get her hands on. The beautiful thing about her ability is that once she touches it the first time, she will know exactly how to use the second time around. ”My name is Agent Gupta, but you all can call me Helena. Step up to the tables.” Trinity already liked this agent more than the others, but she kept that to herself.

”This is simple. Pick a weapon you think you know how to use and demonstrate. Behind me are dummies and targets. Enough for all of you. Mastery in a weapon is a headshot of any kind, Proficiency is any attack on the chest, and failing is missing. Only one shot for each weapon you think you know. Have fun.”

Josiah hated this entirely. He started at the table, dumbfounded that this many weapons existed. He could only imagine how their weapons expert teammate is feeling. He just wanted to get this over with, he knew that he did not know any of these weapons so there was no point to delay his failure. Josiah walked right up to the table and grabbed a dagger. At least it looked like a dagger to him. He moved around the tables in front of the dummies. His eyes grew red as he channeled his inner strength. He threw the dagger, but it missed completely hitting the wall behind the dummy. Once done, he returned to his original spot in front of the tables with a smile on his face.

Trinity was going to take a while. The excitement was written all over her face and luckily they can all do this at the same time. Trinity went straight to work, taking hold of weapon after weapon. For weapons that she knew inside and out due to personal experience, she managed to get all headshots. Not one miss. For the weapons she knew, but only from getting her hands on it, she only made attacks on the chat. Trinity made sure to strategically pick up weapons she had never seen before. She had to refrain from attempting to use it because it would ruin the zero miss streak she had. Once Trinity was done, she took her place next to Josiah who had to stand and wait for the rest of the group to finish.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dominic & Trinity & Sapphire & Josiah
Training Session: In Progress




”Josiah. Please return to your original state.” Josiah let out a huff and transformed back to his human form. His shirt, however, was missing and pants ripped in several places like he expected. Josiah stretched out his muscles a bit. He wasn’t expecting to be fighting again so soon, but it wasn’t like he had much of a choice. He smiled brightly at Trinity as she took the mat. ”Begin.”

Josiah charged at her the same way that he had attempted to attack Dominic. He was trying to end this fight early as well. The back to back battles were starting to get to his muscles and he needed a break. Josiah was making the assumption that Trinity didn’t want to do this fight as much as he didn’t.

Trinity was watching him closely and was trying to think quickly on her feet, but it was hard when she was trying to focus on dodging his movements. Luckily, Josiah did the same move that he had started with Dominic. She quickly dodged to the right, but stuck out her left foot. He was moving so fast, that she was sure he wouldn’t have been paying attention to her feet.

Josiah stumbled over Trinity’s foot and tumbled to the ground. He stuck his hands out and pushed himself into a forward roll to end up back on his feet. He stood back up and quickly turned to face Trinity, but he wasn’t expecting the foot to his chest and he ended up on his back.

Trinity was trying to move quickly to get her round over with and knew that Josiah couldn’t think quickly in combat. She dropped to the ground and tangled one of her legs around his neck while holding one of his arms tight against her chest. Josiah attempted to break free, but luckily just tapped out. ”End of first round.” Trinity happily released him with an apologetic look on her face. ”I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Josiah just laughed at her. ”Trainee Goliath. Please transform once again.”

It wasn’t long before the monster stood before Trinity. She took a few steps back and pulled out her retractable staff from her belt. She didn’t want to use any of her weapons that could actually hurt him. ”Begin.” Trinity swung her staff at him, hoping to be able to subdue him even a little.

Josiah roughly pulled the staff from Trinity’s hands and threw it across the room. Before his partner could reach for another weapon, he wrapped his hand around her and picked her up so that they were eye level. A low growl escaped him and he started to squeeze. Trinity squirmed, but there was no use. She was not going to be able to get out of this. But she wasn’t on the mat to be able to tap out. ”Ow ow ow...let me go..please..” End of round. Put her down.” Josiah opened his hand and Trinity dropped to the ground. She was on her knees and wrapped her arms around herself. Trainee Prodigy and Trainee I.T. please step to the mat. Trainee Goliath transform back.” As Josiah left the mat, he returned to his human form.

Sapphire gulped back her anxiety as she stepped onto the mat. She watched Dominic take down Josiah in the first part of their match and wasn’t liking her odds, especially once he’s able to use his combat ability. She noticed the confidence move back into his form, refreshed from his battle with Josiah. She held her fists in front of her face, waiting for his first move.

Dominic was prepared to swipe her footing like he did with Josiah, but he was sure she was expecting that and wanted to catch her off guard. He slowly moved forward, closing the distance and reaches out for a quick blow to her face. He tries not to punch too hard, just to stun her, but as she stumbled back, he could see the blood running out from her nose. ”Fuck
” Sapphire groans out, moving out off of the mat to sit against the wall.

”Trainee I.T. will forfeit both rounds, Trainee Rogue back on the mat,” Agent Orinwell calls out, jogging over to Sapphire and taking her to the bathroom to stop the bleeding. Dominic wasn’t expecting his round to end so quickly, and didn’t mean to cause his teammate a nosebleed. He wasn’t given time to talk to Sapphire as his next opponent came onto the mat. He wasn’t sure how this one would go. He knew Trinity’s specialty was weapons, but he wanted to see just how good her combat was without one. He gave himself a second to study her, letting her make the first move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

Dominic & Trinity & Sapphire & Josiah
Training Session: Complete




Josiah looked to the trainers and then to Sapphire. ”No.” He took a seat on the floor and crossed his arms like a toddler in protest. ”Trainee Goliath. This is not optional.” Josiah shook his head. ”I’m not fighting her.”

Sapphire frowned, walking towards her roommate and leaning in front of him. You afraid of getting your ass beat by a girl?” She asks with a mischievous look in her eye. She knew she had no chance of truly beating him with his ability, but she had some confidence of their non-ability combat battle. ”I’m not scared, come on, Goliath.”

The small smile Josiah had on his face, quickly disappeared. The look in Sapphire’s eyes did not amuse him. In fact, it was upsetting him. She was taunting him. He was trying to spare her. One hit from Dominic and she had a nosebleed. Also, his muscles ached and he wasn’t in the mood to have a 30 second battle. ”I said no, it. He made sure to put emphasis on the incorrect pronunciation of her name.

”Again, this is not optional.” The agents barked at Josiah. Sapphire’s mischievous demeanor was quickly turning to irritation. Not only at him calling her IT instead of her real agent name, but the fact that he was still sitting and not fighting her. She leaned down further, getting in his face. ”You fight everyone else on the team. Why not me? Am I too weak for you to even bother, huh? Don’t want to waste the energy on your nerdy roommate who can’t fight anyway? Fight. Me.” Josiah’s refusal to fight her was cutting deep into her insecurities, and her tone was dripping with venom. She didn’t care anymore that she’d easily lost to Dominic, she wanted to be treated like a member of this team.

Josiah was beyond irritated. The trainers were yelling at him to fight and he wasn’t going too. His muscles ached. He has to do more transformations in 10 minutes than he does in a month’s time. He has been pinned to the ground twice and failed one of the exercises. He was done with today and he wasn’t about to fight his roommate. Josiah’s eyes flashed red. Between the agents and Sapphire, he wasn’t going to be able to hold it together. His bones started to crack into place. ”Fine.” His voice distorted as his monster form took over, towering over Sapphire.

Sapphire’s satisfaction was limited as she realized Josiah was skipping their first fight without abilities involved, and she wasn’t quite sure it was intentional. She lost her confidence quickly, but was hiding it behind a falsely confident gaze and she held her fists up in front of her face again. She wasn’t sure how long this would last but she would do everything she could to at least get a good hit on him. She wasn’t going to let him make the first move, she ran forward and swung towards his chest, making her punch as hard as she could.

Josiah let out a rather loud growl as Sapphire made the attempt to hit him. He wasn't entirely in control. He was truly mad that he was being forced to fight her and shift as often as he had. But he was willing to fight, but not so nicely. He grabbed her and tossed her backwards towards the wall and stormed after, bearing teeth. "Trainee Goliath, stop." Goliath wasn't listening, he was gonna give them a fight.

Trinity's eyes grew wide as she looked at Josiah, he was different than when he fought her and Dominic. It was similar to when they had seen him in their simulation. "He isn't going to stop
 Without so much of a warning, she ran across the training to room to find one of the non lethal weapons on the tables.

Her attack did not more than make Josiah angrier, though she could barely see the boy that was her roommate when he was like this. She started to back up but he grabbed her before she could get out of his range and threw her to the walls. Her back hit the wall hard and she cried out, falling onto her hands and knees. She slid back up against the wall and into the nearest corner, her arms coming up to shield herself. ”Okay Josiah, I forfeit! You can stop now.” Sapphire’s voice came out shaking and slightly scared, hoping that her voice would stop him if she couldn’t physically stop him.

Dominic could notice the difference as well, starting to move once he saw Trinity moving towards the weaponry. He knew Josiah had been controlling himself in the other battles, but they didn’t know how much damage he could do if he wasn’t in control, and Dominic didn’t want Sapphire to be the test subject.

Trinity was in a panic, she wasn’t sure what would work on that monster. He would barely flinch with any of the attacks done to him and that was when he had some control. She laid eyes on the taser gun and quickly grabbed hold of it. Trinity was willing to get in trouble for this if it snapped Josiah out of his nonsense. She put the state intensify on the gun to increase the voltage. She ran right up behind Josiah and held out the taser. ”This better work
” She mumbled, before shooting. The voltage lines jumped out and attached to the target sending five times their normal amount thanks to the state. Josiah roared loudly and dropped to his knees and slowly started to shift back.

Josiah remained on the floor after fully transforming. His muscles were screaming and he felt like his head was foggy. He winced as some volts of electricity continued to bounce off of him. He glanced around and realized everyone was staring at him in confusion, but only one was really looking at him in fear. ”Shit..Sapphire, I’m so sorry.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trinity Nova
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{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

Trinity was trying to process the training session. It ended on a scary note, but for the most part it went rather well. For endurance purposes she was able to keep up and hold her own, though she will admit to almost needing to take a break during the run. She would have felt terrible about making the group start over. Luckily, that didn’t happen. During strength, she proved to be the weakest and that needs to be correct. Trinity was making a mental note to train on her own to increase her strength. She would be no good to anyone being able to lift anything bigger than herself. Trinity also made a mental note to ask if there was time to train individually. During combat she was able to hold her own against both Josiah and Dominic. She did lose a no ability battle with Dominic and an ability battle with Josiah. That would just mean extra training. Trinity also came to the realization that she wasn’t given the opportunity to train with Sapphire. Though she was silently grateful, her muscles ached and another fight would have completely worn her out.

”Earth to Trinity.” Trinity looked up to see that she was sitting across from Agent Gupta. She must have followed her without paying attention to where they were headed. That ruined one of her goals today. She wanted to memorize every inch of the training facility in the case that she needed to escape due to a villain attack, she would know the best way. ”Sorry, Agent Gupta.” Her agent giggled and leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms ”Helena. You can call me Helena, Trinity.” Trinity nodded in understanding.

”How was training today?” Helena asked, pushing aside the manila folder. Trinity couldn’t help, but wonder why there was a manila folder in the first place. ”Insightful.” She stated with a smile. ”I learned things about myself and about my team that I think will help us in the future.” Her answer textbook for what anyone under pressure would say. ”And what were those lessons exactly?” Helena probed, amused by the trainee before her. ”Weaknesses and strengths in each teammate as well as myself. For example, my skill with the weapons, but weakness with strength.” Helena nodded while Trinity stared at the folder. Aren’t you going to right that down?” Helena smiled. ”We are just talking. Relax.”

This conversation was a big deal and had to be part of the training. There was no relaxing, but she nodded and did her best. ”Why do you want to be a hero?” ”To help people.” Helena laughed. ”Police officers help people. Librarians help people. Hell, even the janitor of our facility helps people. He unclogged the cafeteria toilet which helped everyone.” Why do you want to be in the hero service?” Trinity took a moment to think about her answer. She has always wanted to help people and it was standard that with abilities you join the hero service to do it. Part of her knows that she wanted to be better than average. Her abilities gave that opportunity and she wanted to take it. ”I want to help those on a grand scale, keeping the streets safe of people like me with abilities who decide to abuse them. To give the people without abilities the opportunity to live without worry that someone with abilities is going to take away everything.”
”Did someone take something from you?” Trinity raised an eyebrow. ”What? No, I was just saying-” I know what you said.” There was some silence between the two of them. Helena opened the manila folder and then closed it back up. ”Why aren’t you writing anything down?” ”I don’t need to.” Trinity could feel her heart racing. She must not be answering questions appropriately. There has to be something that Trinity is saying worth jotting on paper. Her hands were fidgeting in her lap and her left leg bouncing under the table.

”Would you sacrifice a teammate for the good of the many if a mission called for it?” Trinity’s eyes grew wide. ”I-I..there would have to be another way. That isn’t my life to sacrifice.” Helena’s face grew stern and her posture was a bit straighter. ”But you were willing to sacrifice Josiah for Sapphire.” ”No! I was just trying to stop him!” ”Did you know that electrifying him was his weakness prior to grabbing the taser?” Trinity's face became pale and she sunk in her seat. ”Answer the question.” She did not know that it would work. Trinity could have easily killed Josiah, especially after amplifying the voltage of the taser. ”No.” It was then when Helena started writing in the manila folder, but Trinity couldn’t read it. ”You are free to go, Trinity.”

That couldn’t be the end of it. She couldn’t end with her trainer thinking that she would just sacrifice her teammates. Trinity didn’t want to hurt Josiah or any of them. She wanted to protect them and in the moment, it was the only way to keep Sapphire from getting injured further. ”There has to be more questions. Those questions couldn’t possibly be the only way to get to know me and my teamwork ethic. I’m an analytical thinker and I remain calm even in the most scary situations and-” Helena closed the manila folder. ”No more questions. Get some rest.” Trinity reluctantly stood up and left the room.She was trying to take deep breaths to slow her fast beating heart. Trinity decided to take the long way back to her room. She needed a moment of alone time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

The first week of training went without any extra hiccups. Trinity would let Dominic’s alarm wake her up and they would manage to get ready for their days without much of the awkwardness. There were still some days where Trinity would wait for Dominic to leave prior to getting up. The training was intense and she could feel every action in each of her muscles. It was painful, but proof that she was working harder than she had been in the past. Her workers were more intense, the training sessions were more intense, and she was learning more than she ever has. The extra training sessions with Dominic were also proving to be more helpful. He was teaching her a lot of combat moves to use if she was unable to use her ability. And as previously promised, she was teaching him how to use some of the weapons he was unfamiliar with. It was a good trade.

After 6 long days of training it was finally time to take a day of rest. Trinity couldn’t have been more grateful to sleep in and allow her muscles the time to recover. She thought that she was going to be able to at least get some kind of workout in, but her body had other plans. When she woke up in the morning she realized that it wasn’t to Dominic’s alarm. Instead, it was due to the overwhelming sunlight that had overtaken their room. She glanced around and realized she was left alone. Trinity took the opportunity to take her time getting ready and wearing something that wasn’t workout clothes.She left her hair down since the constant ponytails were giving her a headache. Trinity wasn’t sure what they were going to do on this day of rest, but she knew that one of the things she needed to do was call her mother. She promised to give her an update. But first, breakfast.

Trinity made her way to the cafeteria and grabbed something light. Despite the hard work from the week, she still doesn’t seem to be overly hungry for lunch. So some cereal and fruit will have to do. Trinity joined her teammates at the table, sitting next to Dom and across from Saph. ”Morning.” She said with a bright smile. ”Do you guys happen to know if they are secretly hiding a room of fun things to do?” She questioned jokingly, realizing that none of them were going to have much to do.

Josiah enjoyed every second he was in his bed. He worked out intensely at home, but his body was still recovering from the transformations he has had to do the past week. It had taken a toll on his body that he hadn’t been prepared for. He had been late to every training session last week so he has had to make up for it with extra physical training. He did not mind the extra running, weight lifting, shifting, or even the push ups. However, the final straw was last night when he was assigned to clean the entire cafeteria last night by himself. Josiah couldn’t even half ass it because Agent Malillos was watching him the entire time. It was a long process and he couldn’t even remember what time he had gotten in last night. Josiah did remember, however, that cleaning the cafeteria was the nicest thing he was being forced to do. He already promised to be ontime because if there was one thing Josiah couldn’t stand, it was chores.

The sun was signaling that it was time to get up and his stomach made sure to let him know that it was time for breakfast. He took his time getting ready since Sapphire wasn’t around and he could spend extra time without any clothes on to keep her from being uncomfortable. Part of him was sad that she hadn’t come back the night he had hurt her, but she was glad that she was recovering so well. The amount of apologizing he did when he saw her was rather annoying, but he wanted her to know that he would never hurt her on purpose. They were cordial now, but Josiah was even more determined to control that side of him because of it. Once dressed, he headed off to the cafeteria. He got as much food as his tray would carry and took a seat with his teammates, sitting next to Sapphire across from Trinity and Dominic.

”I have an idea and none of you are gonna like it.” He stated unprecedented and unprovoked. Josiah was starting to get cabin fever, but there wasn’t another group he would rather stage a prison break with. ”I haven’t been in D.C. in over three months and I would like to walk the streets.”

Trinity raised an eyebrow. ”We don’t have permission to leave yet, Josiah. You know that.” He nodded, but smirked. ”Yes, but I wasn’t suggesting that we ask for permission. I’m thinking we sneak out one of the 5 exits that I was able to canvas this week and return in a couple hours. No one would notice.” Josiah added boldly before taking more bites of his food. ”Go ahead. Take your time to think about. I’m not really taking no for an answer either.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Josiah was prepared to come up with more reasons why they should all sneak out. He can be very persuasive when he wants to be. Being the oldest of many siblings, he was used to having to convince a diverse group of people to do what he wanted. It didn’t always work, but he can be compelling. The trick was to be persistent which was easy. Josiah didn’t mind being annoying, in fact it was rather entertaining. At the very least if no one wanted to go with him, then he would have gotten his slice of entertainment for the day. What he wasn’t prepared for was for his roommate to jump in and agree with him right away. He was expecting more protest. But it's easier to do some convincing when there is someone in your corner. ”Why didn’t I think to check for the guards
” He muttered mostly to himself.

Trinity could feel her wheels turning in her head. On one hand it would be really nice to get out of the facility. There wasn’t going to be much for her to do. And even though she was allowed to use her phone, she didn’t want to be on it for the next several hours. She wanted to be able to walk around, breathe fresh air, and do something other than train. However, Dominic brought up the point about their travel restriction. They were doing well with training and stayed in the trainer’s good graces. She was sure that they could get the ban lifted with extra hard work. Maybe even do well on their first mission and then wouldn’t even have to ask for permission to leave the facility again. Sapphire then brought up demonstrating their covert skills. It was like another form of training. If they pulled it off, not only would they have pointed out a flaw in the security but it would show that their training was going well. ”Trinity?” Trinity looked up from her hands at the group. ”Feel free to pitch in.” A little bit of redness came to her cheeks. She was in her head again.

”I don’t know if it will be worth risking losing our travel privileges forever.” She stated, pushing some hair behind her hair. ”Oh come on Trinity. It will be fun. And like Saph said, we will be working on covert training. More importantly, anything is better than prison walls.” Trinity took a moment to think further. She doesn’t think that she could be bored for a whole day. She would just end up training and probably tearing a muscle. ”I guess it would be good to get out...and I know some places that we can go.” Trinity eventually stated, agreeing to this very risky plan. If they pull this off, then it would be great. ”We can make sure to limit how long we are gone, so we aren’t gone way too long. She added. ”This will be a good uh team bonding experience Dom, so the three us go, you should go as well.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

It was a miracle that Dominic even agreed, but now the entire team was on board. Next was the plan. Sapphire must have been working on this for a while because it was detailed and well thought out. It was simple enough to understand as well as execute. As long as they were paying attention and that the guards kept up their rotation schedule everyone would be able to get out without any difficulty. The team agreed on the plan and decided to leave right away. If they tried to delay the time then they would never get out. The team took time to head back to their rooms to either change or grab anything they think they would need. Trinity made sure she got a pocket knife and Josiah grabbed a hoodie for the cold weather. The first step of the plan was to unsuspiciously gather at the back door where the pool was. The team made sure that no one was around in the hallways or near the door. Luckily it was just the four of them.

The pool house was only a couple steps away, so once each of them made it out the door it was a straight shot. First up was Sapphire. She was the one that had originally timed out the guards so she was able to better tell them when it was the best time to go. She disappeared out the door and the team silently listened out for the next set of footprints. There weren't any words coming from anyone on the other side of the door so the team could only assume that she had made it without difficulty. Next was Josiah. Once the footsteps were no longer heard at the door, Josiah ran through and got to the pool house easily, with some help with his speed enhancement. He met up with Sapphire in the pool house to wait for the others. Next up was Trinity who could feel her heart beating against her chest. Again the footsteps disappeared from the door and she reluctantly ran out making it to the pool house. All they needed to do was wait for Dominic, but they weren’t surprised that he was able to make it across with ease and grace. Once in the pool house, they took a moment to survey the land.

They would still have to leave out the front door of the poolhouse, but as long as the guards weren’t paying attention to the shed, they would be fine. With the same concept as getting to the pool house, they would leave out one at time further behind the pool house and away from the facility. A series of trees lined the back. They just needed to get through to the other side and they would be home free. One by one they got across the lining of trees to the road. ”Woah...we actually did it..Nice plan Saph.” Josiah complimented. He stretched dramatically and smiled bright at the group. That was a very good covert operation that they were just able to run for just a week of training. Trinity was both shocked and impressed that they were even able to get across without getting caught. She tried to not think about the lack of security for that back door.

The excitement quickly took over her and she giggled a bit. ”I can’t wait to show you the city!” Trinity was in her element and she would happily act as the tour guide. She loved her hometown more than anything. It didn’t take very long to get to the heart of the city and it was bustling with people. It was nice to see people doing normal things. Eating out, laughing together, playing together, and just genuinely having a good time. Trinity was very excited and already had a plan for them. ”First we have to start with the monuments, it sits on this lake that is so pretty. And then the museums that are all free. And- Trinity gasped. ”The national park! It looks so pretty when its covered in snow.” Josiah laughed. ”That sounds like we are going to need more than just a few hours, but I’m down. Lead the way, Trinity.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

Although Trinity’s mind was racing with things that they could do now they weren’t under the close eyes of the facility, Dominic was the voice of reason the entire trip. She made to just stick to the historical district. They all seem to be relatively new to the city so she wanted to show them what made it so great. The area was busy with people, but not overcrowded. Trinity acted as the tour guide, explaining everything that they could see. Luckily, she packed her phone so that she could take pictures with her new friends. She picked out some of the museums that they could get through without taking too much time. Trinity made a mental note that for the next time they come out to hit the other museums they missed today. The most important part of the trip was the shopping. Well it was at least important to Sapphire and Trinity. They spent plenty of time, probably too much time if you asked the boys, buying up clothes and trinkets. Trinity also made sure they stopped every so often to get snacks for Josiah since that was all he seemed to want during this trip. Unfortunately it was time to head back the same way they came.

No one had considered that the door was only unlocked from the inside. The rest of the team were in a quiet panic, ready to act quickly if Sapphire needed the help. They also weren’t expecting Sapphire to basically turn herself in, but it seemed to work out. She made it inside and was gesturing for everyone else to get moving. One by one, they managed to get through the back door making sure to keep in time with the guards movements. The rotation was shorter than before, but they managed to all make it inside without getting caught. Once safely inside, the group made their way to Trinity and Dom’s room. ”That was so much fun!” Trinity exclaimed. She politely took her shopping bags from Dom and dumped everything out onto the bed.

Josiah shut the door behind them all. He handed Sapphire her shopping bags and sat in the desk chair. He pulled the bag of chips out of his hoodie pocket and resumed eating. ”We are definitely doing that again.” He stated more as a promise than a question. Now that he had tasted freedom, there was no way that he was going to spend unnecessary amounts of time inside. Especially if they were going to keep making him do chores every time he was late to training. He wasn’t planning on being late any more, but he got tired after all the training. He had to remember to ask Sapphire to wake him up for training. Josiah finished his bag of chips and tossed the bag in the trash. ”Also Trinity, can you send me the pictures.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he tossed it over to Trinity to put in her number and send over the photos.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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Dominic & Trinity & Sapphire & Josiah
Mission Status: SUCCESS




A full month of training and now they were going to have their first mission. Trinity has learned so much since the first day of being part of the Hero Service. She didn’t think that she was particularly ready for a mission, but she knows that she is stronger than before. Trinity has increased her combat skills and learned how to use even more weapons. She was mostly proud of herself and her strength. Trinity was able to get higher up on the weights and even though she was still weaker than the rest of the time, she was at the lower end of the heavy weights and that was all that mattered to her. Trinity has been keeping her mother updated about everything with training and her teammates. Mostly she talked about how much she would talk about how much she made friends with them and that she was happy to be here. She tries not to call her everyday, but it always feels like everyday. Trinity slipped into her black leather catsuit, pulling the zipper all the way up to the top. Her utility belt wrapped snugly around her waist, harboring her two handguns, retractable metal staff, extra ammo, and her trusty butterfly knives. Her hair tied up into a bun as she slipped into her combat boots. She tied a ribbon with eye holes cut out around her eyes and went off to the mission briefing.

Josiah could honestly say that he had made more progress than he had anticipated. Though not originally not wanting to be here, he was happy that he was here. Josiah had been better at controlling his emotions in regards to transforming without any control. His muscles were also getting used to the constant shifts between his human form and monster form. Even more so, in his monster form he was better able to recognize his team than he had in the past. Throughout the month he has even managed to mostly show up on time to all of the training. However, he will admit that he has cleaned the cafeteria enough times that he is able to know all the best places to hide snacks for him and his team after hours. Mostly for him, but he was willing to share. He was beyond excited to go on the mission. He was tired of being trapped inside and he wanted to fight for real. The combat training was nice, but it wasn’t enough to test if any of them were actually good. He dressed in basic black sweats and tshirt. He didn’t wear a mask since it would break if he shifted. He was probably the only one that walked away from the mission briefing with a large smile.

Team Alpha accepted the mission. Stop and Detain the villain. It was simple enough and if this team was being sent, then their handler must also think it was doable despite only having a month of training. There wasn’t much time after the debriefing to talk amongst themselves. The villain was currently wreaking havoc, so they would need to plan on the way. Agent Orinwell lead them to the motorcycles they were going to use in order to get there. Josiah didn’t hesitate to take hold of one. ”There are only two.” Trinity pointed out. ”Gotta double up. Now come on.” Josiah stated. Trinity didn’t know how to ride a motorcycle anyway. She got on the back of Dom’s and once Saph loaded up they were off. ”We need a plan.” Trinity said, hoping the communicators were clear enough to hear each other despite the speed of the motorbike.

Dominic was trying to think of a solid plan once they got there, but his mind was racing with everything but a plan. ”You all have the comm devices I made, right?” Sapphire asks them. Dominic nods, pulling it out of his ear and then slides it back in. ”Let’s keep in constant communication. Assuming she hasn’t recruited any help, we should be able to take her down with a little coordination. If we have to split up, it should only be in two groups.” Sapphire knows this is only a simple plan until they knew what they were dealing with, but it was all she could think of right now.

It wasn’t hard to spot the villain even when they were still a few blocks back. ”We can try a long distance attack, see how easily rattled she is,” Sapphire adds, pulling a group of throwing knives from the motorcycle and facing the direction of the villain. She takes this chance to send her knife flying through the air.

The villain’s laugh echoed through the air as chaos reigned. Civilians were running about ducking for cover as she continued to throw various bombs out into crowds. The bombs weren’t powerful enough to take down buildings, but enough to injure any passerby. To add to the chaos, some of the bombs only had confetti coming out just to scare some of them. A knife whizzed past her, cutting her cheek as she quickly dodged. The smile stopped and she turned to look at the group of heroes. ”Who sent me wannabes? Am I not hurting enough people for a real hero?” Mimic tossed a bomb towards them.

Josiah laid eyes on the bomb, his eyes immediately turning red. He moved towards it with lightning speed and threw it high into the air. The bomb reached high enough in the air to go off without hurting anyone. ”I think she is easily rattled.” He stated.

Trinity pulled out her gun, quickly placing an accuracy state on it. ”We need to clear out the civilians so they don’t get hurt.” She stated and Josiah nodded. With enhanced speed, he sped around to get people far enough away from the crossfire.

Sapphire shoved her knives into the handles on the side of her jeans, eyeing out the territory and taking in any information she can from the scene. ”I think if you and Prodigy attack her head on, Goliath and I can focus on keeping the civilians safe and one of us can step in if we need to. She’s underestimating us so we can take her down with her least expecting it.” Sapphire barks into her comm device, keeping one of her knives firmly in her hand.

Dominic nodded, looking over at the villain attacking. She didn’t look much older than them, but her mind was obviously in the wrong place. He saw all the civilians’ faces, how terrified they were. It only made him want to protect them more. He’d be prepping for a day like this, watching martial arts videos and combat videos to instill into his muscle memory. Of course, the last of his power wasn’t enough to make it long in this battle with borrowed moves, but he would make it last until they could detain the criminal and stop all of this havoc. He swiftly moved forward, eyes on the villain until he charged forward and aimed for a front kick to her head.

Mimic huffed as the bomb didn't scare off the wannabes like she wanted. Instead they split up which made it easier for her to deal with them. She took note of where the other two went while her focus remained on the two obviously meant to keep her distracted. One in navy charged at her and she waved a hand, shifting his kick to the right so it missed her completely. Mimic pulled out a confetti cannon and shot him in his chest with it. "Well since you insist on pretending to be heroes, I might as well explain why I'm here." Waving another hand, she made Trinity re-holster her weapon. "My name is Mimic and I'm here to expose the Hero Service for the true villains. Forcing children to decide if they want to put their lives on the line or be vulnerable to villains. They sit in their fortress sending you to do the dirty work, watching heroes die just to replace them. If the hero service was so great then villains shouldn't exist and yet here I am. Once I deal with you four and summon a real hero and killing them, it will show these people that the hero service doesn't actually protect them. It protects the higher ups.

Trinity was a bit confused as to why her gun wasn't in her hand, but quickly pulled it back out making sure it was loaded. Then she could hear Josiah laughing on their communicators. "Was that a monologue? What kind of villain still gives a monologue? She has to be new.".

Dominic was knocked back a few feet by the villain’s cannon, grunting as he barely stayed on his feet. He rolled his eyes at her long speech, thinking the words that were coming from her mouth were nothing more than garbage. There were plenty of people like her who hated the Hero Service, but most of those people weren’t bombing the city. He glares at the villain as Josiah jokes into their ear, and uses his body language analysis hoping to get the edge on this villain. ”We have to end this quick or she may turn back to the civilians.”

Sapphire was noticing something off about Mimic. Dominic usually didn’t miss his attacks, especially using his muscle memory which she was sure he was. It was starting to click when Trinity re-holstered her weapon, and Sapphire had to test her theory about this villain’s ability. ”Distract her again, I want to try something,” sapphire says low into the comms, her grip tightening on the knife as she waits for the villain to be distracted and she throws a knife from where she and Josiah are protecting civilians.

Trinity nodded at Sapphire's words. She was clearly thinking of something. She placed the state accuracy on her gun before firing off two shots. Mimic waved a hand again and it was almost as if she didn't shoot her gun at all. Mimic then groaned as a knife lodged into her arm. She quickly pulled it out and dropped it onto the ground. Grabbing another bomb, she tossed it in the direction of where the knife came from. Josiah sped over to where the bomb landed and threw it up into the air so that it would explode above the buildings. "You got her!" Trinity said, keeping a tight grip on her gun.

Sapphire’s eyes went wide when the bomb was tossed towards them, but thankfully Josiah was reacting quickly and got rid of it just as easily as he did the first time. Her experiment showed that she could only use her ability on one person, as Sapphire’s knife hit its target. She felt a surge of pride with that, but had to remain focused. She guessed Mimic could control the movement of her enemy somehow? That part was unclear, but she needed to do more testing to truly understand it. She threw another knife in the villain’s direction, fully aware that she would anticipate the attack this time and Sapphire could see her ability for herself.

Mimic scowled as the bomb went back off in the air. If she could see who was doing it she could undo it. Next time she will have to throw more bombs. Another knife was headed her way, but she saw who did. She waved her hand changing where Sapphire had thrown the knife. Trinity groaned as the knife ended up in her arm. "ow!" Mimic started laughing and grabbed three bombs. She tossed them in three separate directions. "Try and catch those." she said proudly.

Josiah grabbed one of the bombs closest to the civilians he was protecting and tossed it into the air. The other one went off near a statue but the other landed near Sapphire. Josiah ran at Saph, picking her up and running with her, far away enough from the bomb before it went off.

Sapphire wasn’t sure where she thought Mimic was going to send the knife, but she didn’t mean for it to turn onto Trinity. ”Tr-Rogue, I-“ She was starting a panicked apology when she saw Mimic’s bomb landing in her direction. Before she could run, Josiah’s arm wrapped around her waist and she was whisked off before the bomb could go off and blow Sapphire to pieces. She had to catch her breath and think. She had to go on what information she already had, she couldn’t risk another one of her teammates getting hurt.

Dominic was immediately at Trinity’s side, unlodging the knife carefully. ”She's reflecting our short and long range attacks. If we don’t make a good plan, Rogue isn’t going to be the only one getting hurt,” Dominic growls into the comms, mainly directed at Sapphire. He knew she didn’t mean for Trinity to get hurt but she had to be more careful out here. They didn’t know anything about their enemy and she was clearly doing better than them.

”I’m sorry okay? I’m trying to make a plan,” Sapphire hisses back, forcing herself to regulate her breathing and make a plan. She knew now that Mimic could change trajectories and movements of one person, and had long range weaponry at hand that had to be a limited amount. ”We’re going to have to hit her with multiple attacks, long and short range. If we all attack her at the same time, she can’t deflect all of our attacks, right?”

Trinity was trying not to let the pain get to her. But the knives her teammate had were sharp and precise. Made to make targeted damage in a distinct location. Dom got it out, but it didn't really lessen the pain. "I'm okay. Prodigy and I can do up close attacks, if you continue to dole out long range attacks. Goliath can keep you and the citizens safe." Solidifying the plan that Sapphire had figured out.

Mimic rolled her eyes and tossed her confetti cannon aside. "If you two are done gossiping, I would like to get this over with." She pulled out the rocket launcher she stashed behind the bushes. She aimed it at Dom and Trinity, quickly pulling the trigger. Trinity pushed Dom hard away from her and she jumped back allowing the rocket launcher to go off behind them.

Josiah set Sapphire down, making sure she remained hidden. He looked over her a second to make sure no parts of the bomb had any affect on her. "Stay here. I am going to move the citizens farther away." Josiah took off running back to the people, helping them evacuate to safety.

Dominic was getting more frustrated by the second. If she was able to block attacks so easily, he had no chance of getting a hit on her. Trinity was better to get an attack in but he could see the knife injury was starting to affect her. ”Listen, I’ll go in and try to attack her, you follow right behind me and get a hit,” Dominic speaks as low as he can once the rocket goes off without hurting either of them. He looked over to Sapphire and Josiah. Josiah was moving all the citizens so they wouldn’t be so concerned with keeping them out of the range of attack. Sapphire stood at the entrance, a knife cradled in one hand and a small orb in the other.

Dominic shook off the tenseness from his muscles and ran forward again. He wasn’t worried about attacking her directly, but he wanted that launcher out of her hand and he immediately went to try and grab Mimic’s wrist and throw her against the nearest wall. If it didn’t work, he knew Trinity was right behind him, and sapphire was waiting just out of the shadows.

Trinity nodded at Dominic in understanding and stood back up after the rocket went off. They needed to act quickly. Things were getting deadlier.

Mimic was loading another rocket as Dominic was coming in to attack. She waved a hand over him, undoing his movement sending him back to where he started. What she wasn't accounting for was Trinity to come up with butterfly knives. Mimic jumped back, dropping the rocket launcher. Trinity kicked it off to the side. Mimic glared at them and reached into her holster, shooting at Trinity. She quickly jumped out of the way while Mimic ran after her rocket launcher.

Sapphire was on the side where the rocket launcher had stopped. She immediately ran for it, grabbing onto it and stepping back as Mimic started to come back for her weapon. She never held a weapon this deadly and massive before, taking two hands to train it at Mimic. ”This is over, you hear me?” she yells at the villain. Her eyes glared at her opponent but her hands were slightly shaking as she held up the weapon.

While the villain was focused on Sapphire, Dominic was in the best position to attack her from the side. This time he was going right at her, planning to tackle her from the side while Sapphire was holding the launcher.

Mimic looked to Sapphire and couldn't help the smirk that came to her face. "I couldn't agree more." She waved a hand, forcing Sapphire to pull the trigger of the rocket launcher. Mimic then dodged out of the way of Dominic and moved to hide behind the nearby statue, waiting to hear the rocket go off.

Trinity's eyes went wide. "Prodigy watch out!" The rocket was aimed right at him. Out of nowhere, Josiah in his monstrous form, grabbed Dominic and turned his back to the rocket. It hit his backside, making him growl, but it didn't injure him as much. Trinity was within the blow and was sent flying backwards. She was scratch free but the wind was knocked out of her.

Mimic came out of hiding, laying eyes on Goliath. "Oh. I don't like you." she stated simply, waving at hand over him to undo his transformation. Without delay, Josiah was back to his human form. "What the hell?"

Sapphire was frozen in her spot, other than the launcher dropping from her hands and cracking on the pavement. Without Josiah coming in at the last second, she would have killed her teammate. She stepped backwards, unable to look at Dominic. She couldn’t believe that Mimic was powerful enough to undo Josiah’s transformation. She couldn’t believe any of it. And her disbelief turned to blind anger fast. She took off running at the villain before she could even think about how to attack.

Dominic was yanked out of the way, and if it wasn’t for Josiah, he wouldn’t have escaped as much as the blow as Josiah allowed for. He could tell Sapphire was obviously shaken by the attack, and her usual planned moves were out the window as she rushed forward. He decided to do the same, rushing towards Mimic from the back with hope that if Sapphire was dodged, he would get the attack in.

Trinity scrambled to her feet and pulled out her retractable staff adding the state heavy to it. She followed the lead of her teammates. If they hit her all at once then at least one of them should be able to get a hit in.

Mimic waved a hand at Sapphire, shifting her attack to the left from her. She didn't have enough time to block Dominics attack from the back or the hit from Trinity with her staff. She stumbled backwards, shaking off the pain. Without much warning, Trinity went after her again. Josiah took a moment to collect his thoughts prior to shifting once again. Mimic ducked under the staff while waving another hand to undo Josiah's transformation. "Dammit!" He stated angrily before trying to shift again.

Sapphire tumbled to the street but quickly pulled herself up, immediately going in for the attack. She still wasn’t thinking, there wasn’t any time to think. The adrenaline was pumping in her ears and she was doing anything to protect her teammates instead of almost killing them. She jumped up and tried to kick Mimic right in the face. Dominic was going back in as well. It seemed that if they all attacked at once there was a least one attack that would always hit. He sweeps his leg low in the hopes of knocking Mimic off of her feet.

Mimic waved her hand at Dominic, moving his feet to the right but she took a blow from Sapphire in the face. Mimic stumbled into Josiah's monstrous form. Josiah grabbed hold of the villain and brought her up to eye level. He growled lowly and started to squeeze. Mimic groaned and wiggled around in pain.

"Mimic you are under arrest. Surrender now.". Trinity held up her gun, ready to shoot in case she had any more tricks.

Sapphire took a brief second to catch her breath, then grabbed the handcuffs from their motorcycle and got Josiah to lower the villain enough for her to get the handcuffs on. Adrenaline was still pumping through her system and she wanted nothing more than to pummel her for hurting her teammates. But she stepped back, allowing for the team to take her over the officials waiting to take the criminal off of their hands. ”Team Alpha first mission is a success,” Dominic breathes out, looking at his teammates with awe in his eyes. Their first mission, and they won. They defeated the criminal and saved the city, just like they always wanted.

With Mimic safely apprehended, officials arrived along with their handler. Several agents took hold of Mimic who was struggling in their hold as they placed her in the back of the transport vehicle. Agent Angel walked up to the team, hands neatly placed behind her back. ”The mission was successful. Mimic will be taken to the Department of Justice Prison Center where she will no longer be a threat to society. Return to the facility and visit the infirmary to tend to any wounds. You are dismissed.” Agent Angel left the team to ride in the transport vehicle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Roy Character Portrait: Trinity Nova Character Portrait: Josiah Woodward Character Portrait: Sapphire Mossig
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

{ josiah GOLIATH woodward}


{ dialogue } || #DA6904

Goliath (n)
someone with an unusually large amount of strength

It was over. Their first mission was over and Trinity couldn’t have been more proud of their team. Sapphire did such a great job with being quick on her feet and figuring out the villains weakness. And everyone was so adaptable and working well as a team. For only a month's worth of training, they did a great job. They rode back to the facility and Trinity couldn’t hang on to Dominic very tightly. Her arm was killing her. She was so happy that Sapphire had gotten good at throwing knives, but also regretting helping her with that at this particular moment.

It felt good to be back at the facility. The walls have never felt safer than this moment. Sapphire then out of nowhere started crying and Trinity could only vaguely understand everything she was saying. Dominic got a handle on it and Trinity just smiled politely. The mission was a success and the injuries were minor. Trinity was ready to get to the infirmary, but was stopped as Dominic tended to her knife wound. She could feel her heart beating faster and her face getting red slightly. After a month of constantly being in each other’s presence as well as getting one to one training time, Trinity has started to feel a certain way about her teammate. She has mostly been able to keep it to herself, but now he was making direct eye contact with her. ”I-its uh..fine. I’m fine. The words stumbled out of her mouth and she could feel her cheeks getting hotter. She moved her arm a bit too fast as she removed it from his hand and winced. ”Thank you. Really.” Trinity smiled past the pain.

Josiah could tell his muscles were going to be sore. He was forced out of shift twice and he couldn’t prep his body for it. He was just happy to have succeeded in the mission. His back hurt a bit as the remnants of the rocket stuck with him. There were other bruises, but he wasn’t worried about any of them. He walked with Sapphire to the infirmary, looking over her to make sure she was okay. He did his best to make sure that she wasn’t hurt by any of the bombs, but he was just double checking, Sapphire reminded her of his siblings that he couldn’t help, but stress. He didn’t try to ask Sapphire any questions. He didn’t want to bug her.

They all made it to the infirmary in one piece. The nurse made sure to tend to each and every one of them. She made sure to tend to every bruise, place a band-aid on each scratch, pass around pain medications, and make sure that they had everything they needed to freshen up their bandages in the morning. She sent them all off to their dorms for bed.

{To}: Trinity
{From}: Unknown Number
{MSG}: Hi I know you don’t know me, but I’m your father. I think we should talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trinity Nova
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0.00 INK

{ trinity ROGUE nova }


{ dialogue } || #6D01A7

Rogue (v)
behaving in ways that are surprising, often harmful

Rogue from Team Alpha will face Lady Toxic from Team Omega.” Trinity wasn’t extremely excited about facing the opponents of Team Omega. Their abilities were more obvious than the rest of her team. However, she wasn’t sure about Lady Toxic’s abilities. They must have been too dangerous or she would have showcased them. That made Trinity worry. Her opponent would have to make up from not being able to use her ability with excellent combat. Trinity took her spot on the mat, pulling out her retractable staff. She decided against putting a weapon state on it. Her opponent was no bigger than she. Adding extra weight to the staff would be overkill. She took a defensive stance and waited patiently.

Ruby could sense her opponent wasn’t going to attack first, but she gave herself a moment to scan the Alpha girl. She would target the staff, she was sure she could get the advantage if the girl didn’t use that weapon. She cracked her neck, then immediately sprints toward Trinity. With a grin, she turned around and flipped to kick both of her legs at Trinity’s chest.

Trinity made sure she was firm in her stance and tried to anticipate Ruby's move. With two feet coming at her, she quickly stepped off to the right and used her staff to push Ruby off to the left, trying to put the distance back between them.

Ruby landed onto her feet, though farther than she wanted to be. Her eyes set into a confident glare as she pulled herself up completely and didn’t give Trinity time to relax. She rushed forward again, aiming several punches to Trinity’s stomach in the hopes of knocking her over completely.

Trinity took the defensive position again waiting for the second attack which happened quickly. She managed to block some of the punches but the last two made it. Trinity stumbled back but recovered. She slid her hands to the middle of the staff and pulled apart her staff to have each half of the staff in each hand. She shifted to the attack position and lunged at Ruby. She swung at Ruby's head with one half while using the second half to defend any counters.

Ruby was planning on catching Trinity on her stumble but she recovered quicker than Ruby had anticipated. She readied herself for the next attack instead, crouching down to miss Trinity’s swing and rushing forward to try and headbutt her in the stomach. Looking for an opening to tackle Trinity.

Trinity placed a heavy state on her staff, she needed extra help to take down her opponent. She jumped back to avoid the headbutt and aimed half of her staff to hit Ruby on the back, hoping the adjusted weight of the staff was enough to take her down.

Ruby groaned as she felt the staff hit her back, it was heavy and knocked her flat onto her stomach. She was struggling to get back on her feet, and as she pants, she quickly grabs at Trinity’s ankle and uses as much strength as she can to yank her off of her feet.

Trinity was making her moves to end this battle, but she was knocked off her feet. She landed hard on her back, knocking the wind out of her. She tapped the ground to show surrender as she was struggling to get air back in.

Ruby has a victorious smirk as she extends her hand out to help her opponent off the floor. She returns to her team feeling a lot better with two victories under her belt against the other team. ”From Team Omega; Cyclone will replace Lady Toxic on the mat.” Cyclone quickly replaced his teammate on the mat, eager to get this battle finished quickly. He immediately transformed his entire body into a cyclone, spinning towards Trinity with dangerous speed.

Trinity allowed the other teammate to help her up and she put her two halves of her staff back together. Her next opponent did not hesitate to get started. She stabbed her staff into the mat and placed the weapon state stiff on it so she could hang onto it. The winds were dangerously fast and she was just trying not to be blown off the mat. She kept an eye out for any opening he might give her.

He got as close as he could, but that staff was keeping his opponent in her place. He morphed back into his non-gaseous form and didn’t take a moment of recovery before attacking again. Douglas made a swing for her staff, hoping to knock her defenses away and make it easier to attack.

The winds stopped and Trinity looked to see that he was back in a solid state. She removed her staff from the ground and jumped back. Trinity ran and jumped at Douglas, using her staff to push off the ground for momentum as she aimed for his chest.

Douglas was unable to hit the staff and stumbled back just in time to miss her attack. He barely caught his footing and was sent back a few feet by trying to dodge. He gritted his teeth, launching himself at Trinity and turning his arm into a cyclone, aiming for her staff again with the winds from his arm.

Trinity landed on the ground and tried to keep a tight grip on her staff that Douglas was still aiming for. Though she used it to her advantage. She placed the state heavy on the staff so that it weighed more to her opponent and she completely let go of the staff allowing it to fly towards him. Trinity ran after him, kicking the staff further towards him.

Douglas wasn’t expecting the staff to be practically thrown towards him, and as soon as it hit his chest it made him topple to the ground. It was much heavier than he was anticipating and that threw him off his balance. He could barely shove it off of him, trying to stand up before Trinity could pin him.

Trinity couldn't rest now. Her opponent was down and her weapon out of her hand. She needed to end this or she was sure he would get up and through everything he had at her. The staff rolled off him, but she already had a foot on his chest pushing him firmly onto the ground. Trinity unholstered on of her guns and aimed it at him. Her gun wasn't loaded but she just wanted him to know that this was over.

Douglas was the most surprised at the guns aimed at him, rather than the fact that this battle was over and he lost. He tapped on the mat, signaling his defeat, then waited for her to let him up so he can grumpily exit the mat.

Trinity put her gun back where it belonged and offered a hand to Douglas. She had to remember to celebrate that battle. But she still had two more people that she needed to get through. She picked up her staff and took her spot on the other end of the mat. ”Copycat from Team Omega will take the place of Cyclone.”

Maggie walked up to the mat a confident smile on her face. She was determined not to let this girl show her up like she had shown up Douglas. She was just a glorified weapon user. Maggie glared at her opponent and made three others of herself. All four of her went on the attack. Taking the same approach they used with Sapphire. Two would attack while the other two would move in once the first two made their moves.

Trinity hadn’t exactly figured out how to combat against multiple people fighting her at once, but she needed to figure it out quick. She could only block one at a time. A hit kept landing. One in her stomach, a kick on her chest, a punch to the face, and another swept at her feet. Trinity fell onto her back, but pushed into a back roll to stand back up.

Maggie added another copy of herself to the battle making a total five. They moved to all surround Trinity, each of them with the same devious smile. Then they began all attacking Trinity at once, trying to make sure that she never had an opening.

Trinity winced in pain as some of the hits landed, but she stood her ground to wait for openings. She started with the one behind her and kicked her off the mat. She used her staff to block a punch and jabbed the staff into her chest, making the Maggie copy fall onto her back. Trinity ducked and the two of the Maggies ended up hitting each other. Trinity stood before what she was hoping was the original Maggie and swung the staff at her, moving to the offensive.

Maggie used her hand to block one of the hits, but winced in pain as the staff was heavier than she had anticipated. As Trinity was moving towards her attack after attack, she couldn’t focus on her other copies. They faded away and it was just her on the mat.

Trinity was ready to end this battle. She turned and back kicked Maggie in the chest, sending her onto the ground. She moved over her and held the end of the staff on her to pin her down. She didn’t let up until Maggie tapped the mat in surrender. Trinity offered a hand to her opponent.

Maggie ignored the hand and just pushed herself off the ground. With a flip of her hair, she stormed off the mat. ”From Team Omega, Blaze with take the place of Copycat.” Cameron walked on to the mat with a bright smile on his face. He looked to his opponent and winked, prior to only setting his hands on fire.

Trinity's eyes went wide and she blushed a bit. She pushed some hair behind her ear and then cleared her throat. She took a defensive stance against her slightly cute opponent. She hadn’t been paying much attention to his face up until this moment. She didn’t want to hurt him.

Cameron was going to drag this fight out for a while, prior to claiming victory. He was curious to see how long she could keep up and he wanted to keep looking at her a bit longer. Smile still plastered on his face, he ran Trinity throwing the first punch.

Trinity used the staff to block his punch and kicked Cameron back. She quickly dropped the staff onto the ground and glanced at her hands. She hadn’t taken into account that metal conducts heat too well. She kicked the staff off to the side and held up her fists. She was gonna have to fight without her ability.

Cameron stumbled backwards a bit at the kick, but was able to recover with little difficulty. He stood at the end of the mat and tossed a few fireballs in her direction prior to moving towards her again.

Trinity dodged most of the fireballs, but one grazed her arm. She quickly patted out the flame and jumped back as Cameron attempted a kick of his own. She ducked under his arms and swept a leg at his feet.

Cameron was working on a second punch, but didn’t see her leg. He tripped on it and fell onto his back. The wind was knocked out of him, but with a deep breath he was able to breathe easy. He lingered on the mat, ready to end the fight in a fun way.

Trinity was shocked he was even still on the floor. She picked up her cool staff and held the end of it onto his chest. It was still heavy, so she was hoping he wouldn’t try to get up. What she wasn’t expecting was for Cameron to pull her down onto the ground with him once. She crashed onto him and Cameron rolled them over so that she was pinned. Trinity could not help the blush that formed on her face.

Cameron laughed a bit at his pinned opponent. ”What’s your name?” ”T-trinity
” He put on his flirtatious smile. ”I’m Cameron.” Trinity shut her eyes tight and turned her head away from him. ”I-I surrender!” She managed to get out. Cameron let her up and Trinity scurried off to rejoin the rest of her team, the blush still clear on her face.