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Lacey Chung

"Damaged people are dangerous. They know that they can survive."

0 · 1,463 views · located in The Mutant Project Facility

a character in “The Humanly”, as played by chanelindistress



{"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” }
-Khalil Gibran

Yellow Flicker Beat: Lorde || Blank Space: Taylor Swift || Elastic Heart: Sia || She's A Genius: Jet || Do It Like A Dude: Jessie J || Wildfire: Tinashe



|{Full Name}|
"Nothing you need to concern yourself with."
Myong Soo May
Alacia Jasmine Chung

Lacey {Most common; preferred}; Lace or CC {Common; mostly by friends}; JC {Common; only in reference to her vlogs}

|{Code Name}|

|{Citizen Number}|


"Oh, you're hilarious! Know what's funnier? Your face blown off."

|{Sexual Orientation}|
Demisexual|| Panromantic

|{Zodiac Sign}|

"Let one more of these fuckers call me fresh meat. Just one."
Controlled Power

Vlogger|| IT Specialist

{"You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath.” }
-George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire



|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
Paces when angry and resorts to throwing various items when she feels helpless in her rage. Always has her earphones on, even when she's not listening to music. Prefers to call it "potty" rather than bathroom. When she is arguing with a person, no matter what height they are, she stands on her tip-toes to maintain eye contact. She even gets to jabbing her thumb into their chest when trying to drive her point home. Quirks her lips to the side when she is casting judgment. Is always watching people, waiting to pick up on ticks or habits of theirs that she can use to her advantage, particularly for pickpocketing purposes. Feels stressed out when she doesn't have her laptop or phone, and needs to have them near her to feel like she has some semblance of control. Constantly maintains eye contact for fear of showing weakness.

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
Cunning Survivalist{Is not a trained fighter, but makes up for it with a mean left hook, surprising headbutts, and sharp kicks} Pickpocketing All things related to technology and the internet. Lacey is an excellent hacker and even great with computer graphics, which is why it is so easy for her to override systems and keep people from recognizing her voice when she does her podcasts or vlogs. Unassuming Persuasive {At times} Independant

|{Flaws || Weakness}|
Impulsive Extremely stubborn Does not know when to back down Manipulative {Only when she needs to be} Vindictive and holds grudges Sometimes she cannot be serious during a serious situation. For instance, if someone told her they loved her or were threatening her life, she would probably laugh, not because she finds it hilarious but because she doesn't know what to say or doesn't want to appear afraid.

Volatile Constructs: The user can create and launch bombs, explosives and other volatile constructs that have various yields, ranging from small explosions to near-nuclear blasts. These bombs may be composed of energy, element, biological matter, or simply normal bombs.

|{Power Limitations}|
The user of this ability not immune to its effects, meaning that Lacey creating a bomb too close to herself can result in her death depending on the ferocity. Likewise, the bombs or explosives generated only have the potential of her emotions. If Lacey is simply feeling mischievous or her intent is to simply frighten, then her bombs won't be as large. However, in extreme situations such as a few years back, her explosives can generate catastrophic results. It is unclear how much damage she can really do. Also, she can only generate up to five small bombs at a time due to any more causing a headache, and a larger explosive takes up energy.

øBeing bound or tied up {It makes her feel extremely powerless} øBecoming too attached to anyone øDepending on someone else for survival øNot feeling like she's in control of herself øBeing buried alive

The fact that she isn't who her records claim she is. Alacia Chung was just something she made up to put in the record books. The only ones who might still have a bit of information of her real self are the Mutant Project officials. Lacey is one of the few who actually know what happened with the explosion that killed Jarek Hunt's father. After all, she was the one that caused it. For all of her seductive antics and ways of getting what she wants, Lacey has never actually had sex.


{"There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others.
My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”

-Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice

From the first glance, Lacey is very much unassuming. She would be the typical young woman at an internet café or even the bookstore, too enthralled in whatever was blaring in her earphones or what was on the screen of her laptop. She's quirky and seems to connect with people quite easily, though more on a surface level considering how elusive Lacey can be. After all, for all her seeming effervescence (which isn't as much a lie as it is a survivalist strategy, Lacey doesn't seem to have too many actual friends nor actual enemies. She does good at not coming off as a threat or as unapproachable in case a particular interaction garners her a slight alliance or gains her some kind of advantage in life, whether that be a new place to stay or someone to count on during dire situations. Which can happen when you consider the fact that she owns a vlog and podcast meant to eradicate the Mutant Project and incite mainstream public concern with how mutants are being treated. After all, despite how much Lacey likes to pretend that she doesn't care, she is far more compassionate than she will admit. No matter how distant or nonchalant she may try to act, Lacey cares, even about the man down the street on the park bench with barely anything to eat because he's a mutant and homeless, and not many care about either.

At her core, Lacey is still a girl wanting a home and wanting to belong somewhere due to the fact that her family was ripped from her at a young age, and no one would adopt her. However, being both cynical and an optimist leaves her a bit distrustful of people. Lacey will always believe that there is something better, that there are still people out there with actual human sincerity and concern for each other. However, until it is proven, she watches everyone like a hawk and will always be looking out for herself since, to be honest, that's all she's had. Herself and knowing that she needed to live. She doesn't have some long term goals or anything like that, but at the end of the day, Lacey is a survivalist. She does what she needs to in order to survive. Whether that means fixing computers or retrieving documents like she's an IT Specialist when she hasn't been to school since she was fourteen, then so be it. If it means flirting with the police officer to keep her van from being towed and also somehow getting the ticket he would have prescribed for her out of his grasps, then that's the game she's going to play. She can manipulate when she needs to, seduce when necessary, and evade when it is necessary while also keeping any and everyone at a distance in case they wish to do her harm. Lacey has been independent too long to truly admit to needing anyone or their help, but it never means that she doesn't want it. She's just never felt safe enough to truly and fully trust anyone, and when she has, it usually leads to betrayal or something happening to that person, and Lacey always feels either guilty or self-deprecating afterwards for letting her guard down. And for all that unassuming aura that she has on a regular day, for a girl that is five feet and three inches, Lacey has a temper that cannot be easily controlled. Especially when provoked or when she feels trapped in a corner. Again, Lacey is a survivor. She may not win the battle or the war, but she damn well will fight until the end. Just don't expect a sarcastic little sprite like this to back down any time soon. You'd be surely mistaken and have to deal with the smart mouth she hides behind small smiles and mischievous brown eyes.

{"If you want to discover the true character of a person, you have only to observe what they are passionate about.” }
-Shannon Alder

Having the last word Technology Listening to music The art of kissing Chinese food Getting under someone's skin Laughing and people who can genuinely make her laugh Pranks Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream Flirting Adrenaline rushes Spicy Foods Hacking and computer graphics People who have genuine optimism Seeing genuine relationships Chocolate-chip pancakes Chai tea

{"I don't hate you.. I just don't like that you exist.” }
-Gena Showalter, Seduce the Darkness

Unnecessary drama The government and the Mutant Project Slanderers and liars Computer viruses and malware Crying in front of people The idea of never finding someone who could love her or having a real family Feeling responsible for someone else Coffee Not belonging {even if she acts like it doesn't bother her} Abandonment Internet Explorer Boredom and people who bore her Having to lie Feeling trapped Abuse of any kind The 'blue screen of death'

{"Strong women wear their pain like stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it.”}



|{Place of Origin}|
Wonsan, Korea {Age: 0 - 3 yrs. old}| Norfolk, Virginia {Age: 3 - 6 yrs. old}|District of Columbia {Age: 6 - 11 yrs. old}| Hyattsville, Maryland{15 - 18 yrs. old}

|{Family Tree : People of Importance}|
Biological Mother|| Myong Bae Cho Hee|| 34 {When she died}|| Deceased

Biological Father|| Myong Dae Ho|| 37 {When he died}|| Deceased

Biological Brother & Sister|| Myong Chun Hei & Myong Young-Soo|| Eighteen months {When they died}|| Deceased

{"Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.” }
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Myong Soo May, or Lacey's true identity before it all had to be wiped away, was meant to have a much easier life. Or, at least as easy as she could have had considering both of her parents were a part of the North Korean branch of The Humanly with her father holding the role as "Second." Naturally, May was too young to understand any of this and when she was three, both of her parents were wanted on counts of terrorism, so they ended up leaving Korea for America. May wouldn't remember her homeland and even now, barely remember how to fluently speak Korean, only small phrases. But America didn't fair that well either because by the time May was six years old, both Cho-Hee and Dae-Ho were killed in an attack on a secluded Humanly base that belonged to the United States branch. Cho-Hee had both of her youngest children and May with her at the time in the infirmary, and made May run out into the woods with a few Humanly sympathizers who had visited the base, not knowing that that would be the last time she would see her eldest daughter. From that point until May was around ten, she was in foster care.

At first, she didn't want to be adopted. May had wanted her mama and papa, and didn't want some new family. She wanted her mama because Cho-Hee had promised to show her how to really use her powers and May only knew them for small pranks, which she wasn't against. In fact, in the orphanage, she was a constant prankster with the nuns, constantly throwing the tiniest of bombs underneath desks. Back then, in line with her innocence was the most menial way of using her powers, firecrackers. They were harmless really and May had yet to learn that her powers would have her ostracized. She was in a house filled with children who did hold the hatred for her kind like those of the outside world and the orphanage held a good number of Humanly sympathizers. It was when she was eight that she would experience her first show of hatred. May still didn't really want a new family, but she was tired of losing her friends to families so she figured that if she was nice enough and stopped doing as many pranks, she might be able to get adopted. But family after family shunned her and it wasn't until one of the nuns explained that May understood: she would never be adopted. Not by a regular family and it was extremely rare for a Humanly family to come by. So, she learned to keep to herself. Getting too close to some of the other kids warranted abandonment because they would be adopted over her, so May showed out even more. More pranks, more pushing people away. Until she got caught by one family who called her a "danger" to the other children, resulting in the government taking her away. This would be May's first encounter with the Mutant Project.

She was ten at the time of her capture and would be with the organization for an entire year, undergoing various tests. They wanted to figure out a way to use her powers, May was constantly trying to find a way out. She would get beaten, though not as severely as some of the older mutants. It was after a bad beating that she would meet Dr. Hunt, father of Jarek Hunt, though she would never meet the son. She would hear about him since Dr. Hunt tried establishing her trust, telling her about his life and how he thought she was too young to be trapped in a dark cell. He had spoken of a few other scientists, one who was his best friend, and how they wanted to get the Humanly out of here, and possibly with the Humanly branch that they were aware of. May didn't know who the Humanly were, just that she wanted out and that Dr. Hunt was nice. He fed her better than the guards would want to and he would make excuses to get her out of experiments, and even the brainwashing treatment. It would be after her eleventh birthday that that plan would be put in motion. A good number of the captured mutants would be taken to various sectors of the lab facility for different experiments and tests, May included, and it would be then that the scientists planned to drug the guards, and then get them out. They were mostly all kids, so it would be easier to get them out. However, one of the scientists broke at the last minute and told one of the higher-ups and all hell broke loose. The Mutant Project's guards and hitmen opened fire on any mutant that did not return to their cells and the scientists, killing more than half of the staff members. Dr. Hunt and his friend were both shot, though the latter was lost somewhere amidst the firing and May, to this day, has no idea if he survived or not. Dr. Hunt, however, had been in the middle of wiping the system clean of a good number of records for the mutants, May's being the last one he could get his hands on before he realized they were trapped. Locking the office doors, he struggled to convince her to leave him behind and only could when he told her that he had lost too much blood anyway, and would be bound to die when the officers got to the office. So, he begged her to get rid of the last bit of evidence of the torture that went on in the facility by doing the one thing she had never done: blowing up the entire facility. It was because of the intensity of her guilt and horror that she accomplished the task after escaping. It would also be the secret only she and a few of the surviving mutants would be able to keep.

After that, Lacey was created and learned to live on the streets. She remembered the address of one of the nuns and got help occasionally, like with getting into school. But in the following years, she would never finish her education. Didn't see the need. The library was useful and Dr. Hunt had gotten her interested in technology, so finding various books on computers were things she did on her spare time. Which was a lot of the time. In the next few years, she would steal, lie, and evade government officials, all the while building on computer skills that would get her involved somewhat with the Humanly organization. No one recognizes her name and that's how Lacey would like it. In fact, she barely recognizes herself as a Humanly member but an associate, helping in tracking information and hacking databases if needed. The podcasts and blogs started as her way to get more people involved and aware of what really goes in government facilities, or when they say they are getting the "mutie freaks" off the street. Of course, because she lives in her van and keeps up a hard-to-crack firewall on the devices that she has stolen, it was hard for anyone to ever really track her. However, Lacey was caught only because one of the mutants that had been captured with her back in the day were brainwashed without her knowing, and tricked her. To say she's pissed is an understatement, and the biggest one yet.


Character Dialogue || #E8ADAA

Character Thought || #985D5A

Face Claim || Chloe Bennet

So begins...

Lacey Chung's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Chung Character Portrait: Smack
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0.00 INK


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Chung Character Portrait: Smack
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0.00 INK

Collaboration With Girl2Fine2


It wasn't odd for Smack to be making rounds around the training area of the facility, because it was basically the only thing she ever did. Whenever she trained it kept her busy, and being busy meant her mind was also busy, and when her mind was busy it meant she didn't have to think about how caged she felt.

Take in a deep breath she decided that she would get a few punches in at the punching bags while waiting for some trainee or two that might come to her for some assistants. At this point she was training ten to twenty trainees a day, at this point it was her daily routine and also her job given to her basically by the ring leaders of the Mutant Project. Of course when she trained other it was just making herself strong, which she enjoyed.

With a deep breath in her lungs she brought her left fist back then punched the bag at full force, then her right hand, left hand, and right again until it became a smooth pattern of rhythmic hits.

Lacey was not amused by her predicament. In fact, she was still infuriated, an entire week later, and she made damn sure that anyone who was near was aware of it. She would consistently slam the bottom of her foot against the steel door to, knowing that the guards in the hall could hear. She would let out loud, exaggerated breaths. She would flip off the camera that seemed to always be watching her in the left corner of the steel colored room. And she damn sure would snap at whoever came in the room, even going so far as to try to run past the man and woman that brought her first meal for the day. It didn't work and left her with a still stinging cheek from the sharp backhand the guard served her, but she knew she was getting under somebody's skin. Even if it meant she wasn't getting out any time soon, she was doing something.

"I'm boooooored," she yelled through the open rectangular space that sat high upon the steel door. She didn't know whether to call the room she resided in a cell or an actual room, but at least she had a bed and not a cot. Lacey probably would have went off it was the latter. She knew one of the guards, Vincent, probably rolled his eyes at her exclamation and she trudged closer to the door, banging her fists against it in a lackluster fashion. "Come on, already! Let me out! Train me or something, or is your job really as boring as standing outside of a door because if that's the case then you're more pathetic than I - "

There was an sharp click to the lock and Lacey flinched at the sound, taking only a step back as it swung open to reveal the six-foot-three frame of the guard she spent her every waking second antagonizing, his dark gaze fixed on her face. She met his stare, unimpressed. A beat later, and the large gun he seemed to always carry flicked outward and Lacey stuck her hands out, grinding her teeth in irritation at the sound of metal clinking and the way the cold handcuffs seemed to be tighter around her tiny wrists. "Asshole," she muttered in discontent and he only shoved her forward. Soon, they were on the same journey they went on every day to the training facility.

Once a small part of Lacey's steam had left her (and it literally was only a day because there was only so much of a temper tantrum she could throw until there was no other way to destroy the practically bare prison she was given), two guards had snatched her up and thrown her into the training facility. Naturally, because Smack - and she was still trying to figure out how anyone would think to name another being that, of all things - could probably break her with a pinky and her eyes closed, Lacey returned to her cell extremely sore. However, she was entreated to return every day as a part of some "recruitment" as some of the others had said. It was stupid and if Lacey didn't already want to be stronger, she would have tried rebelling. But it was hard to rebel when even the geek who looked like a string of spaghetti could lift you like you were a grain of sand. So, she dealt with it and with Smack, who was scary as hell, yeah, but equally...interesting. And not entirely bad. At least, that's what Lacey liked to tell herself.

When she entered the room, Smack was already beating her soul into a poor, defenseless bag and Lacey tried not to grimace at, well, the sheer brutality of it. There was grace, yes, and something smooth, easy even about the way Smack moved. But she was deadly, that much Lacey was constantly reminded of. She didn't say anything at first, simply raising her wrists so that she could be released from her captivity. Vincent only glared once at her before heading for the door and Lacey made sure to flip him off. Finally, she turned her attention back to Smack, licked her lips dryly, and took a few more careful steps into the room. "So, is this gonna be the part where you have me flat on my back again or...?"

Aw, Lacey came a fake sympathetic sigh in Smack's mind. Lacey wasn't the strongest trainee under Smack's watch, but she certainly had potential and tried harder than most did. Normally the fiery fighter couldn't stand anyone she taught, mainly because they never actually tried, they more or less just threw a punch here and a kick there. On the other hand Lacey actually did attempt to fight Smack and for the most part surprisingly held her own... kind of. Smack couldn't contain her laugh at Lacey's remark.

"You're tougher than you think, one day you'll have me pinned to the floor... but today is probably not that day." Her chuckle grew in size as she let her hands fall to her sides. Walking over to the girl she gave a smile, which came off more sadistic than she meant to. "I have years of training unlike you, so of course I'm going to be a tad bit stronger." Smack brought her hand up and placed it on Lacey's shoulder in an attempt to be somewhat less menacing. "It's no secret you hate this place," scuffing she removed her hand from the girls shoulder and rolled her eyes playfully, "oh gosh all your loud groans and pestering kicking on your door. I hope you're aware that half the staff wants you dead and I'm the main reason they're keeping you alive."

Ending her last sentence she knew it was time to get to work, even though she wouldn't have minded talking a bit longer. Smack knew how important it was to train this girl well and that is what she planned on doing. "Instead of me beating your ass today how about we just work out? No point of fighting if you have no muscle to back it up." Smack walked over to the weights waiting for the other girl to follow.

As soon as Lacey heard Smack's laughter, she glowered at the taller female. Some of the other mutants thought the sound could be pretty menacing, especially when Smack gave them a smirk afterwards. It usually spelled trouble for one of them, particularly one of the hot shots who thought that today was the day they were going to actually land a blow on one of the Mutant Project's strongest weapons. They were always wrong and Smack had that same damn laugh. Luckily for Lacey, she didn't mind that sound too much. Cocky much, she thought grumpily when Smack confirmed her weakness. Not that Lacey needed to be reminded of that, she wanted to intone petulantly. She still had the healing bruises to prove it.

Still, Smack wasn't being as mean as her countenance had made her seem only a few moments prior and while the hand on her shoulder wasn't exactly comforting, it was enough to make Lacey only cast her a weary look instead of a biting remark. Luckily, Smack was moving away soon after, and so was her hand, and Lacey shifted on her feet uncomfortably. She could still feel the cool imprint of Smack's touch on her practically bare shoulder. However, she didn't have time to concern herself with body contact because another sound of amusement seemed to escape the "super soldier" as she reminded Lacey of how obvious her distaste of the facility was. It didn't make the hacker feel inclined to feel guilty for her actions. In fact, it made her smirk lightly but Smack's back was to her by that point. She was pissing everyone off. Good.

Once Smack started moving away, Lacey waited a minute before following, knowing there was no point in not going along with what Smack said to do. It was either that or being dragged back to the same four walls from before, and she definitely didn't want that. "Sure," she intoned wearily, eyeing the various equipment in the room idly. She offered the taller woman a forced cheery smile while inquiring sarcastically, "And what would you have me do first? Cough up a lung? Oooh, break my arms!?" Neither of those things sounded good in any way, but it definitely was how she felt every time she worked out with Smack and she didn't doubt that this session would leave her feeling the exact same way.

"If you don't stop whining I'll break your arms instead of the weights." Of course the intimidating brute wouldn't do such a thing without reason, and so far she didn't have one. "Working out is fun, exercising has the same chemical effects as sex." Her statement was more of a guess than a fact, but the sureness in her voice didn't let that have a chance to show.

Glancing over at Lacey, Smack quickly picked up a dumbbell and lightly threw it in her direction while making sure not to actually hit her with it. "Gosh, pick up your pace girl. With this lack of enthusiasm the directors will never let you live another week." Even though the statement was entirely true she made it sound almost as a joke, mainly because she wouldn't allow the girl to be killed. Smack didn't necessarily care an awfully big amount about the sack of potatoes she was basically trying to train, but she did care a lot about The Humanly. They may have been her enemy, though she had a deep regard for them because her old friend had.

"What I just threw at you is called a dumbbell, eh makes me kind of think of you, dumb and beautiful," after making the simple joke Smack grimaced at how horribly she had delivered it "ugh ignore what I just said. Anyways, that one ways twenty pounds. Get another one, that way you have one for both hands. Do five reps of fifty for both arms." As she spoke to Lacey, Smack picked up dumbbells for herself; both were fifty pounds and she began her own reps.

Lacey offered nothing more than a half-hearted glare in Smack's direction, but knew better than to not believe the threat. Smack hadn't done her any real harm since her capture, but that didn't mean she couldn't. She was just getting closer to the brunette when her comment on the similarity between sex and exercising, and Lacey almost guffawed, eyes near comically wide and mouth dropping open for a second because, wait - did Smack just try to make a joke? And two, she couldn't even find it in her to refute the statement because well, she had never had sex and exercise was a rare thing for a chick who spent the majority of her time in front of a computer. Still, Smack's confidence in her statement made Lacey more curious about the brunette than she actually wanted to be.

Smack still intrigued Lacey, despite the way her seeming coldness threw the hacker off initially. There was this ostensible dichotomy between the rumors surrounding Smack and her involvement with the Mutant Project, and how she acted when she was training Lacey. Was she intimidating? Of course, especially when she threw a dumbbell in Lacey's direction. And yes, of course Lacey knew what a dumb bell was. Not that dumb, she wanted to say, but it didn't come out. Was Smack also cold? Lacey didn't doubt it. Dangerous? Of course. But was she...evil? That much Lacey couldn't tell.

So caught up in her musings, Lacey was absolutely caught off guard by Smack's comment about the dumbbell...which also happened to be a compliment? Whether or not she chose for it to happen didn't matter for immediately after, Lacey's eyes widened even more and heat rushed to her cheeks, causing the diminutive brunette to tinker with the weight in her hands idly. Its slight heaviness and Smack's demand didn't make Lacey move immediately. It made her miss the outside world. The café she faithfully ordered a caramel mocha latte from every day because she would help the owner's daughter with homework. The skateboarders who decided to bounce off her van for the hell of it. Levi, Barbie, Enoch, Chelsea, Aslaugh - her freedom. She missed it all and it made her want to throw the stupid dumbbell to the ground. But Smack began her reps and Lacey sighed, walking over to get her second weight and beginning her reps as well. She had to play along with this for now. At least, until she found a way to get out.
