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The Hunger Games-esque

Panem Arena


a part of The Hunger Games-esque, by ColorMeCrimson.

A treacherous place with unbreathable air.

ColorMeCrimson holds sovereignty over Panem Arena, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,124 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

the hunger games books? i put it in the title?


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Panem Arena

A treacherous place with unbreathable air.


Panem Arena is a part of The Hunger Games-esque.

16 Characters Here

Cadie Stout [23] District 5 Female Tribute
Cattail Kinnikinnick [20] District 6-F
Rhiannon Vana [18] Who knows what will happen? Sometimes I surprise myself.
Vespia Camory [15] I'll track you down.
Mason Mitchell [14] Male District 11 Tribute
Kline Halloway [11] Male District 1 Tribute
Ethan W. Grey [9] District 6 tribute
Helena Restoni [7] The toughest of District Seven. She is brutal. She is tough. But she is a misunderstood soul. She volunteers as tribute.

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Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cadie threw her arrow, and since the snakes angle had hid the eye, she had chosen to go for its mouth - possibly the only part of its body not razor sharp. As the snake fell on the floor, not yet dead and still writhing in pain, she threw another at it's head, hitting the bloodshot eye and it stopped moving.

She carefully walked over towards it and the weapons, cautiously picking up the bow and taking the arrows out of the snakes dead body. She wiped the blood off the grass and checked her weapons. Yup, 14 arrows, the only one missing was the one still stuck in the dead rats body. "Okay," she said decisively. "Our next concern should be food and water. Which either means look up here or search for the mines. And presuming they want us all together for a big bloody fight, all the food is probably below ground." She placed an arrow in her bow just in case anything 'unexpected' dropped by.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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"Our next concern should be food and water. Which either means look up here or search for the mines. And presuming they want us all together for a big bloody fight, all the food is probably below ground."

Britty walked over to the tree and reached out her hand to the girl. "I'm Britty, by the way...."

The darkness had encompassed the woods around them and the tiny slivers of moonlight reflected off the snake's dead body. Birtty sighed, and began digging even deeper into the mud until her hands grazed the sword. She pulled it off and tried to wipe the muck away with her sleeve.
"I was going to suggest that we camp out until sun-up, but now I'm not so sure. I don't know how much longer I can last in this muggy swamp without at least water. And if I'm half as pale as you, we'd better be finding something to drink as soon as possible..and probably regroup..." the inflection of her words left something to be desired. She wanted so badly to trust these girls; but in the arena it is a fool's errand. She could not disguise the bitterness in her voice at using the word 'regroup' - it suggested that they could be friends, or a team.

Britty took a step back and peered off into the utterly black jungle. She wondered what would happen if they met up with Cattail and the three of them found a mine together. Would they split the supplies? Would one of them kill her in a fight for water, weapons, or food?
She shook these thoughts away and turned back, addressing her partner.
"What do you think we should do?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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#, as written by T1ra

Our next concern should be food and water. Which either means look up here or search for the mines. And presuming they want us all together for a big bloody fight, all the food is probably below ground."

Cattail smiled hearing the familiar voice and began to head in that general direction. The leaves made no sound, nor did the branches as she leapt from tree to tree, she looked around as the tree's fell into the black of the night.

"I'm Britty, by the way...."

Cattail felt good hearing the voices were getting closer, 'not much further, just up ahead' she thought as her head began to throb from the lack of water "need, water" she panted as she leapt for the next tree. As she landed in the tree a foot slipped as fatigue slowly overcame her, with a violent shake of her head she listened for more voices, hopefully ones that will lead her to safety.

"I was going to suggest that we camp out until sun-up, but now I'm not so sure. I don't know how much longer I can last in this muggy swamp without at least water. And if I'm half as pale as you, we'd better be finding something to drink as soon as possible..and probably regroup..."

Cattail pushed on listening for Britty's voice, she came to stop in a final tree, now exhausted and dehydrated she slumped against the trunk of the tree 'no more, I'm done, they won't find me, i won't find them, no now I rest, now I rest' she thought dully as she sat there in the tree.

"What do you think we should do?"

Cattails eyes widened, the voices were below her 'thank you' she thought before hanging from the tree upside-down, her legs hooked around the branch "hello you two" she said with a smile "i was almost lunch" said flipping down " what happened here?" she asked putting her hands on her hips as she looked over the silver snakes body. Her grey-green eyes seemed to shine even in the dark of the night, her red hair still sewable in the darkness.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mason Mitchell Character Portrait: Kline Halloway Character Portrait: Rhiannon Vana Character Portrait: Vespia Camory
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Kline and Mason

As Kline slept silently, Mason worked with Vespia and Rhiannon to get the snake off his leg. It took several hours, but it wasn't that bad. They needed to get up and moving, though, if they were going to get to that supplies before everyone else. After all, they were careers. That meant, at least for Kline and Mason, they had little to no skills of getting themselves supplies out here in the wild. Mason had ripped off a bit of his uniform to wrap around his leg, keeping it for the most part, blood and gunk free. For the most part. Getting up, he knocked Kline from his tree with a stark, "Get up."
Without a second to realize what had happened, Kline reached the same fate as his partner. A gator mutt snapping his jaws up around him, and then BOOM, cannon fire. There was no helping him.
"Move!" Mason shouted, knowing quite well these things could come up on land. Not even pausing a second to grab Kline's sword. It wasn't their most important prerogative at the moment. The gators were about, and he wasn't going to end up like Kline.
Running through the expanse of trees and muck, he came upon a camp fire. Or at least, saw the smoke from it. Peering through the trees, he found the girls from districts 3, 9, and 11 hanging around like best buddies. Didn't they know they were supposed to kill each other. Well, Mason was going to have to do it for them. He waited for the two girls to catch up to him first, it would help round them up if he had more people.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mason Mitchell Character Portrait: Rhiannon Vana Character Portrait: Vespia Camory
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Rhiannon's eyes widened and the look on her face turned to one of horror as she saw those huge, menacing jaws close around Kline...
Before Mason even had to yell for them to run, she was already doing just that sprinting off in the opposite direction, Mason closely tied with her. She kept running as fast as her tired and sore body could allow her, only to stop when she realized that Vespia wasn't for sure following behind them. She took a quick glance at Mason who was continuing to run without waiting for either of them, but she didn't care, he could leave her behind, but no way was she leaving Vespia behind. They could catch up with him together soon enough. She stood there, breathing ragged and heavy as she peered through the trees and waited.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan W. Grey Character Portrait: Cateline Williston
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Ethan heard the mistrust and skepticism in the girls voice as she echoed his "us" in a low voice.
Moments later he saw her lower her knife slightly, not quite relaxed but seemingly ready to accept the alliance.
"Your right, now how do you think we're going to find shelter," she asked.
Ethan took a moment to really look around the area, this seemed to be a relatively young forest, with many trees barely larger than saplings, certainly not good for climbing. Just beyond the clearing however, there was a stand of larger more mature trees, the lowest branches of which, were high but not so high that they couldn't be climbed.
This patch of forest was damp but it seemed to be at a slightly higher level than the rest of the strange swampy arena. The woods smelled of decaying plant matter and brakish water, and even though the sun had nearly disapeared beyond the horizon the air was more hot and humid than even the highest heat of mid summer in district 6.
A plan began to form in his head, with swift decisive action he stowed the knife that he had concealed in his right palm and pulled the hatchet back out of his belt loop, keeping a wary eye on the girl he moved swiftly across the clearing to three 2 inch thick saplings.
Grasping the tree just above where he was going to cut he made quick work of chopping down the small trees.
"See that stand of mature trees over there?" he said in a low but serious voice pointing to the stand of mature trees off in the distance,
"If we can get these up into the canopy" he said glancing down at the cut trees before him,
"we can build a safe-ish platform that we can both rest on comfortably".
Ethan moved over to the mature trees, dragging the cut saplings. Leaning the trees on one side of the tree he reached up for the lowest branch, using the strength he had acquired from helping his father on the trains in his district he pulled his body weight up onto the branch and into the tree.
Moving up into a more stable part of the tree he hooked his legs around one of the branches and leaned his upper half down toward the ground, hand outstretched to help Cat into the tree.
Suddenly, just beyond the clearing where they had been moments earlier the leaves began to tremble and he heard distinctly, the sound of many small feet running.
A small black-furred animal lept through the cover at the edge of the clearing moving very quickly followed by not one, or two more, but dozens upon dozens poured through the cover, all running mindlessly en mass away from something.
Not knowing what they were, or, what they were running from made Ethan extremely agitated.
With swift movement and without consent he snaked his arms through Cat's armpits and lifted her into the tree.
He was, momentarily surprised by how light she was, she couldn't have weighed more than the heavy mechanical toolkits the grease monkeys on the older trains in his district through around on an hourly basis.
Quickly Ethan swung his upper torso down towards the ground again, and pulled the three saplings up into the tree with them.
As the mass of black furred animals grew closer he began to see distinguishing features; long rope tails, long front snouts with beady black eyes,
"Rats!?" he said in a strangled whisper as the first began to move past thier perch.
Without a second thought he nestled himself into a crook in the tree and pulled the foliage of the sapling up over himself motioning for Cat to do the same, then, through the concealing leaves he put a finger to his lips motioning for her to be silent and motionless.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cadie Stout, District 5

"I'm Britty, by the way...." Cadie gave her a small smile and took her outstretched hand. "Cadie," she replied. She suddenly noticed how dry her mouth was, like sandpaper, and swallowed the small amount of spit she could muster into her mouth. "I was going to suggest that we camp out until sun-up, but now I'm not so sure. I don't know how much longer I can last in this muggy swamp without at least water. And if I'm half as pale as you, we'd better be finding something to drink as soon as possible..and probably regroup..." Cadie looked over at Britty after hearing the bitterness in the word 'regroup.' If she wasn't happy about the allies, was she going to betray them?

"What do you think we should do?" Britty asked, looking over at Cadie expectantly. "I think we should continue looking for the mines," Cadie said. "I'm not badly in need of sleep yet, and we'll have to get their before everyone else. And I doubt anyone could be paler than you at the moment," she added, before looking down at her own arms. God, she looked sickly. What if it wasn't from dehydration, it was from some disease the rats carried?

Her stomach rumbled, and Cadie cursed under her breath, putting her hand to her stomach. "Hoping my stomach won't give away our position," she muttered. Food wasn't her top priority, though.She had lasted a while without food before, but never a day without water.

"Hello you two," Cadie stopped herself just in time before shooting Cattail through the head. "Don't scare us like that," Cadie said, half joking, half serious. "I was almost lunch," Cattail told them. "We knew you could handle yourself," Cadie replied quietly, about to say something else when Cattail said, " what happened here?" referring to the dead snake on the ground. Cadie shrugged. "There was a snake," she said in response. Britty could add on more if she wanted to tell her what happened. "So where are the snakes? And how did you find us?" Cadie asked in a half whisper. She coudn't be sure that no one was close-by.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mason Mitchell Character Portrait: Rhiannon Vana Character Portrait: Vespia Camory
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And just like that, Kline was dead. She wanted to kill all the things that suddenly appeared. But she knew she couldn't finish them all night. Having no other choice, she followed Mason and Rhiannon to the other direction, away from those bloodthirsty gators. She was a fast runner, but she hesitated to run away from Kline. Before she can even hear the cannon sound for his death, she saw Kline's eyes beg for help before those gators killed him. And that was why she hesitated. She saw that Rhiannon had waited for her. She ran as fast as she could, with all the weapons that she can find. When she finally caught up to Rhiannon, she told her, " You shouldn't have waited for me. Who knows what awaits you here? "

Seeing that there was smoke not far away from them, she saw that Mason was poised to attack them at any moment. " Stay here first. I'm going to climb up that tree and see what I can find " And with that, she climbed up the nearest tree. She had cuts and gashes along her legs and arms, tearing her attire slightly, as she was no expert of climbing trees. But she does know how, and that was better than not knowing how to climb at all. When she reached a point where she knew that she couldn't be seen, she peeked at the female tributes surrounding a campfire. She had no idea who they were. But if Mason was going to attack, then she won't be holding back too.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cattail was asking questions about what had happened, and once again the two girls were chattering away like best friends. The darkness enveloped them all, and Britty was fairly certain that they were covered from prying eyes - she assumed that there were none anyways; most of the tributes had probably made there way much farther from the edge of the woods in the first day than her little group.
She looked off into the darkness, squinting to see how far she could see. The little map was still there, unreadable, and she began to examine it closely for the first time since the gong sounded. It made no sense to her until she could find one of the entrances and look through the maze for herself.
She glanced back at the two girls; her friends, her allies for now.

Cadie seemed friendly enough. Cattail seemed good too.

Stop it... That doesn't matter now. Only one person leaves. That is the rule.

She brushed the sweaty bangs off of her forehead and addressed the two girls.
"We've got to keep moving. Cadie is right - we have to find the mines..." she trailed off, letting her thirst overtake her at the thought of the water waiting for them underground.
She handed Cattail the sword.
"You can probably use this better than I can," she said, extending it to her.
She started walking into the darkness, hoping that nothing would jump out and finish her while she was too weak to defend herself.
The Anthem played in the distance, and the seal showed up in the sky. They all knew what it was, and Britty looked away and kept marching. She refused to even say a word.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cadie looked up in the sky as the Anthem sounded around the Arena. There he was, the boy from District 5. She gave a small gasp and hoped none of the other girls noticed, before looking down at her feet, following behind Britty. She hadn't known him, maybe a small conversation here and there, but he had been her onl tie to home. Well, apart from the small handmade bracelet around her wrist.

She delicately messed with the bracelet, not letting the girls see her face, for she was sure it must be red. If she had any liquid left in her bod, she was sure she would have been crying. She closed her eyes or a second, remembering where she was. You ain't gonna' get out of here if you let that get to you, she thought, looking up with clenched fists.

Cadie followed behind Britty, her absolute exhaustion and the murky swamp making her go painfully slow. Her stomach was empty, her tongue was as dry as sandpaper and her throat burning with thirst. She felt like a vampire who hadn't fed for days. She was contemplating whether or not she would be able to drink human blood, if it came down to it, when she remembered what they were looking for. "We must be close to a mine by now," she said, her voice croaky, as if it hadn't been used for a while. Even just speaking hurt, now.

Just a bottle of freaking water, for gods sake, she thought. But she knew sponsors never gave anything this early on - atleast, not usually - and it might cost alot, with only about - Cadie realized she hadn't been bothered to count the canon sounds last night, and now regreted it. She felt slightly vulnerable, not knowing how many people were out there, hunting her down. "Should we be scavenging the ground?" Or more like the swamp, she thought. The thought of digging around in the mud didn't seem pleasing, but if it was what was needed to survive, she would obviously do it.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Mason Mitchell Character Portrait: Kline Halloway Character Portrait: Britty Claritt Character Portrait: Rhiannon Vana
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" You shouldn't have waited for me. Who knows what awaits you here?" Rhiannon just looked at Vespia and shrugged, "I 'm not about to leave my closest ally behind." she said in a low voice. Then she saw Vespia looking off in another direction and followed her gaze to see somewhere where smoke was rising through the trees and Mason was standing there with his back to them, looking like he was ready to leap out at someone.
Rhiannon felt her throat close with fear when she realized that the moment had arrived, the moment where she'd been faced with having to hurt, fight against, likely even kill somebody. It was a moment she wanted to put off for as long as possible but now here it was, right in front of her. If she wanted to stay with the careers and have some people she could depend on in this game, she'd have to fight with them. Her face went a dozen shades paler than normal, and as Vespia spoke she turned to glance at her, a blank expression on her face, " Stay here first. I'm going to climb up that tree and see what I can find." Rhiannon nodded quietly as she watched Vespia climb up the tree, cutting herself up pretty bad in the process.
"Are you okay? You should probably come down- be careful." Rhiannon said in a slightly strained voice. But Vespia was too busy staring down at what was going on to hear her.
"What is it?" Rhiannon asked in a slightly hushed, lower than usual voice. She tried to hide how immensely terrified she was. She glanced over at Mason who was still watching the people through the trees, and she felt chills go down her spine at the thought of taking an innocent life, and for what purpose? She clenched her fists and waited for one of her allies to make a move.


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Britty pushed through another tall, hanging vine as she ventured further into the swampy wetland. She occasionally saw creatures lurking just beyond the nearest trees, but luckily they had not yet encountered any of them. The daylight was creeping back into this place, but it held a dim murkiness at all times; she compared it to the sky when it was about to start raining.
They had walked all night and Britty was to the point of utter exhaustion. If they did not find a mine entrance within a few hours, there was no doubt in her mind that her entire party would be dead. If the exhaustion and thirst did not kill them, they would fall prey to other tributes or wildlife within the muck that was no undoubtedly stronger than she.
She wondered if the other tributes had camped out and were well-rested, leaving her the weaker among them. Surely none of them had found the entrances to the mines already? She could only hope to find the much-needed supplies before they were used up.
Britty sort of laughed to herself, thinking of the irony that she may not be killed by other tributes, but just by a lack of supplies after all.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Restoni
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#, as written by Adantas
Everything was sticky. There were bugs everywhere and they were starting to stick to my skin because of the sweat. It was all so uncomfortable, my wrist ached, my throat burned and I was overheating due to the humidity. The bugs on top of all this nearly drove me out of my mind! I seriously needed to find a mine shaft and soon. My legs were starting to get sore from trudging through the thick swamp. It wasn't that I was lost but my perception of my location was definitely screwed. It wasn't long before she found herself at a rats nest. Crap I hope I haven't done a complete circle because that means that that creature would be still around. Paranoia was setting in and I twisted around wildly trying to find the tree that told me I had been here before. Thankfully I couldn't see it. That meant that this was a new nest. I didn't want to get too close since I really didn't want a horde of angry rats gnawing on my bones any time soon. That is definitely one thing I don't want; me dying of some stupid mistake and it being televised for everyone to see. I would much rather die in battle then some mongrel rodent.

There was something different about this nest. There was a slight current going towards it and over the cacophony of sounds I could hear trickling water. My heart skipped a beat. Could I really get so lucky? My mind soared at the prospect of being so close to a mine shaft. I slowly dragged my legs through the murky water trying to keep noise to a minimum. I reached the base of the nest and deep in the middle I spy a hole. The trickling water is coming from there and I'm getting cool blasts of air. It feels heavenly after this humid heat. But how to get there? The hole was blocked by a large root and the only way I could get there would be to crawl under it and that meant that I would have to get wet. But between getting soaked with the horrid water and finding supplies it was a no brainer.

So I eased my self down the my stomach so that my head was just above the surface and I commando crawled forward. The bottom was littered with slimy things that I really didn't want to think about. I easily passed under the root and found my self in the middle of the nest right in front of the entrance. Somehow I couldn't help but look up and above me I found dozens of sleeping rats scattered across the branches. I took a gulp because now was definitely not the time to wake them up. But now I faced another problem: how was I supposed to get down the mine shaft? It was a steep drop and the walls where rocky.

Fate seemed to shine on me today as just above the hole was a sturdy looking branch that I could hold onto while taking my first steps into the hole. There was a but in there somewhere though. On that branch slept a particularly nasty looking rat. Another gulp and I readied myself. Ever so slowly I brought my legs forward and sat up in the water. With the movement the water splashed a little louder and I froze. No movements so far. Delicately I grabbed the branch and used it to balance myself while I lowered my body down. I took it step by step stopping every so often. I was about to let go as my shoulders had nearly reached the rim of the hole but a rock came loose from under my foot and clattered down the hole. I stopped breathing. I waited a few seconds the rat above me let out a sighing squeak but otherwise nothing moved. I slowly let go of the branch and transferred my hand to the rim of the hole and made my slow decent into the blackness. It finally started to level out and I breathed a silent sigh of relief. I had made it! I was in the mine and could find supplies!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cadie turned to look at th other two girls, who both looked as exhausted as she did. "Where will these mines be?" she asked, a little louder than before, as no one had seemed to hear her before. "Like, in a tree, on the round, or what?" She was absolutely exhausted, and had a killer headache. but knew better than to ask for a rest. If they stopped, they were dead.

She held her bow and arrow in hand, and had collected the arrow from the dead rat last night, which meant she still had fifteen arrows. Her stomach rumled, and she thought of something. "Wait here," she told the girl's, and without waiting to see if they obyed, she ran off into the woods, a more quiet part than before. As soon as the girls were behind her, she took out her bow and arrow and aimed aroun, finally spotting a rat in a nest. Se wasn't sure weter or not it would be edible, but it was worth a shot. In one arrow, the rat lay dead on the floor, and she hopefully had food.

She returned back to the girls, holding up the rat. "Think it's edible?" she asked.

(Sorry if it's a bad post, I have a headache... :/)


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Britty glinted up into a single ray of sunlight that had pierced the canopy of the swamp. It was not a welcome element when placed among the dense hot rain forest, and Britty hoped to herself that it would not get any warmer. Her sweat-soaked clothes were hanging off her body, and it seemed like she could feel every drop of moisture as it left her body.

"Where will these mines be? Like, in a tree, on the ground, or what?" Cadie's voice rang out against the silence, easily giving away their position. At this point Britty was too tired and hungry to be annoyed. She started to answer, but the girl interrupted her.

"Wait here," she instructed, and trotted off into the trees.
Britty was startled and stopped abruptly, listening for any sounds that might give away what the girl was doing. Did she hear other tributes approaching?
Suddenly Britty heard the tell tale sound of a bow letting loose an arrow. She heard it whiz and then strike something, and she made ready to run if she had to.
Finally Cadie returned, holding up a dead rat into the air.
"Think that's edible?" She asked them.
Britty looked it over carefully.
"I don't think it's a mutt...just a large breed of rat. And I've eaten my fair share of rats when the livestock all caught the chicken-sores..." she trailed off. She started thinking about home, and the year that the disease absolutely ravaged all the livestock and all the crops. If she thought they were bad off in district ten, she could only imagine what it must have been like in the more distant districts, where the meat and produce barely made it when the crop was full. She started wondering if these girls she was sharing the company of had been adversely affected by the lack of food the way her family had.
Her words caught in her throat and she was more aware than ever of her rabid thirst.
"We don't have any way to cook it. Can you guys stomach it raw, if I butcher it?" She asked hopefully. This would keep them on the move as well, so they could eat and continue to look for a mine instead of sitting down and cooking their meal.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cadie Stout Character Portrait: Cattail Kinnikinnick Character Portrait: Britty Claritt
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Cadie nodded at Britty's suggestion to eating raw. "Sure. Right now, I'd eat anything." She hadn't eaten rat at all in her life - raw or otherwise, but it looked liek their only option. Though that wasn't exactly what she was concerned about, water was her first priority - of course. And her thirst was just worsened by the muddy, swampy water surrounding her. Of course, that wasn't an option. It would most likely kill her before it would save her.

"I'll watch out while you - y'know," she lowered her voice slightly. She realizd that she had been speaking a little bit too loud, and even if it didn't seem like anyone else was around, you never could tell. All the Careers had trained their whole lives, of course.

She ventured out into the trees slightly, makin sure to keep both the girls in sight at all times. She wasn't sure what she was looking for exactly - a mine? a water source? - but if she found anything, she would be grateful.

Wait - what was that, was that a mine?! A small hole, just about visible to the naked eye, lay at the bottom of the tree. She wasn't sure if she wanted to head back to the girls and tell them though - if it wasn't,she would make a fool out of herself, not just infront of the girls, but tehe whole of Panem, and that was not something she wanted to do.

She stepped closer, and turned her head to glance back at the girls. By now Cattail was out of sight, but if this was a mine... She dug at the ground that covered the hole, pushing the mud into the murky swamp. It was pretty big, but she had never seen a mine before. Then something occured to her. What if it wasn't a mine, but some sort of nest for a mutt?! She walked away fromit slowly, and headed back to the girls.

"I found something. It looks like itcould be a mine but -" she glanced back at it for a second "-I'm not sure. It could be a mut house or something." She bit her lip. "Or maybe it's nothing..." She trailed off, waiting for what the girl's responses would be.

(So, basically, I'm not sure whether or not we shoud find a mine yet or not, so I decided to open our options a bit more... :L)