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Urianie Patel

"I didn't ask to be here."

0 · 757 views · located in Clandestine

a character in “The Hunger Games: Last Man Standing”, as played by Magical_pineapples



{"Great breakthroughs are always followed by great catastrophes.” }
"Don't You Worry Child" || "The Fighter" || "Wake Me Up" || "Still Into You" || "Classic" || "Pompeii" || "The Monster/Wake Me Up Mashup"


|{Full Name}|
Urianie Amethyst Patel.

Ryan-to those closest//"Willow"-code name//Amy-family only.


July 16.

45% French-Canadian//35% Arabian//30% Russian.


Female #12.

Bow and Arrow.

{"Imperfection is beautiful.” }


|{Hair Color}|
Honey Blonde.

|{Eye Color}|
Forest Green.



Lean, Slim.

The young tribute has her fair share of scars from fights, yet her most dominant one isn't from a fight. The long, jagged scar runs across her right calf. When she was smaller she wasn't paying attention and stepped near a snake, which caused her to jump back and stumble down a small cliff which she rolled down and ended up hitting multiple rocks on the bottom. The other scars aren't noticeable. There isn't really a day she isn't without a cut, scrape, or bruise. She's known for getting a little too tough with play fighting and messing around.

|{Brief Description}|
Ryan practically radiates attitude, even if she's simply standing there; one hip cocked to the side, hands on her hip, and her head cocked to the side as if she’s judging you. She walks with a swift pride that hardly goes unnoticed. She makes no effort to hide her authority. Her hair itself is a bit uncontrollable, unpredictable; much like her mood. Her asset is the only thing that frustrates her, the only thing she has never seem to actually control - her hair has a natural wave to it, some days her hair may actually have volume. Her hair has a mind of it’s own, for years now she’s just let it have free reign, she finds no need in styling it. The only hair products she owns: an untouched hairbrush and a huge can of hair spray. Not messing with her hair, finding it a waste of time. So naturally, it has its days of the full on messy, tossed away, look. This unruly hair sweeps to the left, most of it finds home all bundled on her left shoulder. She rarely tosses her hair into a bun or ponytail, only when needed.
Framed by is Ryan’s blonde hair is her smooth tanned face. She spends most of her time outside, so her skin is always evenly tanned. Ryan’s facial features are very defined. She has high curved cheekbones, a full mouth, almost too-big eyes framed by scrawny lashes, and a "too pointy for her liking” nose. Her eyes are nothing spectacular, just a deep bright shade of emerald green, and the shape of her other features makes them look even larger than they are, plus the magic of make-up. Her face is usually dawned with a sly look, like she’s up to something. Nine times out of ten, she is. Her brows are usually furrowed and her eyes wide with excitement. She has several “signature” looks. Her smirk, her grimace, her innocent look, her confused look, her angry look, and her disgusted face. Ryan is proud of her set of perfectly white teeth.
As for her physical shape, it’s soft and curved, very deceiving to the venom within. She may have a soft shape, but don’t be surprised if you catch a glimpse of her lean, slim muscle when she moves or is doing some strenuous activity. She has a small waist and wide hips, to her discomfort, along with sturdy thighs. Her appearance is lithe and a simple distraction to the fact that she is partially an athlete, and she isn't afraid to exert her dominance.

For style, Ryan is very open. If it fits, she’ll wear it. Though she’s typically seen wearing sweatshirts, loose hanging tank tops , graphic tees, blouses, skinnys or shorts. She’s been known to just grab something out of the laundry and put it on. She finds no need for style really.

{"Your talent is your obligation to the world.” }



|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
Canadian Accent
Growing up in Canada has given this tribute a distinct voice. A voice that isn’t as nearly as soft as you would expect. Her voice is bit husky, almost challenging..usually challenging. It’s the voice of reason, the voice of control. Yet, this voice is soaked in that nice French-Canadian accent. Sometimes she'll get ahead of herself and stumble over a few words or pronounce one wrong, luckily she's known to just laugh it off. She'll address her team mate as "yer" without even realizing it.

Since she was young, Ryan always had a thing for pretty flowers. She use to pick them and put them in a vase, but they soon died. She found a solution though, once she picks a flower she puts it in a book (Her Deathly Hallows hard copy) and presses them, reserving them. No one knows about this, she likes to keep her flowers a secret. Everyone knows of her four-leaf clover obsession though. She can't pass a clover patch without stopping and looking. All her clovers end up in the same book as her flowers.

Devil's Advocate
Ryan wants her team mate to be independent, to think for themselves, and come up with solutions quickly when they're in trouble. So, she's learned to always be the "other" voice in an argument. She'll take the other side just for the sake of arguing, wanting her team mate to stand up for themselves. She'll always ask, "Why?" "Are you sure?" "What about this way?

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
Clumsiness is not in this tough girl's nature. She is rather quick on her feet which she uses to her advantage to sprint out the sights of others, or just simply ducking away from the arenas "horrors" sent by the Gamemakers to destroy the tributes.

Team Player
Although Urainie is a hot head, in times of dire need she is good at ordering those where to be, what to do. She keeps a level head when others tend to lose theirs all together. However, that is only when the time truly calls for it. She’s good when it comes to fairness and always tries to do the thing that is best for her team mate, putting them first.

The coordinated control of eye movement with hand movement, and the processing of visual input to guide reaching and grasping along with the use of preconception of the hands to guide the eyes. This skill that needs to be mastered if Ryan ever hopes to survive out into the arena. With her bow and a few arrows at her side, nothing can stop Ryan. She's been practicing archery since she was only 6 years old, and she's a pro at it.

|{Flaws || Weaknesses || Deflects}|
Her Sister
Ryan remembers the death of her little sister as if it was yesterday. It was Ryan's first year up to represent District 12 for the Hunger Games until her little sister volunteered to take her place. Ryan had no choice, but to allow her twelve-year-old sister volunteer to take her place. About two weeks later into the arena, Ryan was then informed that her sister had been slaughtered by District 2 members. Ryan was devastated. She never got the chance to tell her sister goodbye. A year has past now that Ryan volunteered in the place of someone else to tribute for the death of her sister, and get her avenge on District 2.

Moody, bad-tempered, and sulky. Some days Ryan can just be having a bad day and she'll go off on the person closest to her. She doesn't mean to, but sometimes she just gets overwhelmed and stresses out. Most consider this "childish" behavior. So, yes, she does act pretty childish when she's stressed. She will lock herself in her room and not communicate for a few hours, but it usually doesn't last long. Sometimes to let off steam she'll drain herself with music. She just needs a way to channel her anger and aggression so she doesn't potentially harm herself or others.

Ruthlessly Protective of Loved Ones
Ryan is extremely protective, nothing short of possessive, of those she cares about and deems family/close friends. Those who have earned his trust have also earned her loyalty, and that’s something the young tribute holds close. She would die for her team mates, and that isn't a lie.

øPanic Attacksø
These rarely occur now that she's taking medicine for them, but she does become panicked in crowded spaces. It triggers the body's natural fight-or-flight response and she becomes much like a cornered dog. She's been known to shove her way out of these situations or just turn and run. Either way she ends up wide eyed, trembling, with rapid breathing, and a heart beat that is through the roof. Most of the time you just have to calm her down and make sure she's breathing slowly and that she's not too dizzy too stand up.

øPeer Pressureø
It's not something that commonly happens. Yet, on rare occasions Ryan has fallen into the trap which can influence a person to do something against their will. She doesn't want to be pressured by other districts. She wants to run her district how she wants to, not how people expect her to. She wants what is best for her district and will do anything to make sure they get the best, but she's terrified she may be influenced to do something she thinks is beneficial and it turn out to be harmful. Leading to them abandoning her.



{"I world more than likely offend you at some point.” }

|{Sharp-tongued || Blunt || Independent || Not Easily Impressed || Intelligent || Loyal || Protective || Kind || Sarcastic}|

In an argument, Urianie has no mercy, whether she wants to or not. The girl grew up to have a sharp tongue that cuts like a dagger and spares only those whom she very much cares about, though even then there are times when she is a tad bit more blunt than she really ought to be. Her father taught her to never let herself be manipulated by other people, never to let herself be walked over, and she's taken those lessons to heart, influencing greatly who she is today. The young woman refuses to dumb herself down or soften herself for the sake of another person's ego, because doing so once, she was taught, will only open the door for future problems.

So she defends herself, not only with her skills but with a quick wit and an attitude that makes it clear- she is not the sort of girl who one can win over with pretty words or a few drinks at the bar. In fact, try to run some dumb line by her, and expect to have it thrown back in your face with a bit more sting. If she wants to hook up with someone, she'll make it clear, but otherwise, she has no time for idiots with a pickup line that other idiots have been using for decades. And she'll say so.

She is blunt, after all, certainly not the type to dance around the truth, regardless of the matter. If she's going to say something, she'll say it straight, believing that to be the best method. Urianie is a big fan of the 'ripping off the band-aid' route when it comes to problems or telling people somewhat unhappy truths. The truth is rarely simple, but she prefers it to the alternative. She expects honesty from others, as well, and while she can tolerate liars to an extent, enough of it will try her patience- which isn't always the largest thing in the world, if that isn't obvious yet. The young woman is not impressed by parlor tricks and white lies, by sweet nothings or stupid deceptions.

What does impress her is honesty, and individuality. She values those who are true to themselves above all else, and at least gives credit to those making an effort to find who they are. She's independent, but not just in the sense of taking care of herself. She believes that everyone is an independent being, that need not rely on others to validate their existence or their preferences. If someone likes something, then they like it- there is no need to make sure that it is approved of by peers, extremes excepted. Of course, she does also believe that people have a responsibility to look out for themselves to the best of her abilities. She, at least, doesn't like accepted aid from others unless absolutely necessary.

Urainie has always been intelligent, though not necessarily in the academic sense. She was good at math, of course, but passable at most other courses. No, she is intelligent in a common sense sort of way. In a street smart, sort of way. She knows what to avoid and how to avoid it, has an instinct for the best roads to take, and definitely knows how to best deal with problem customers at the bar where she works. The girl can handle herself, in fact feeling more at home in large cities and slightly sketchier areas. It's what she's used to, after all. In dangerous situations, she has a knack for escape, though she hardly has the immediate 'assess all plans in a second' advantage that people with enhanced intelligence or survival enhancements might. People see things from different angles. Urianie is usually pretty good at seeing them where they are.

While the young woman may have a tendency to be sharp-tongued and blunt, she is no less a devoted friend for it. As her friends are, she is fiercely loyal to those she is close to, standing by them no matter what. Though she might seem it, the girl isn't the sort who has trouble letting people in, not really. And she is incredibly loyal to each friend that she has. If someone messes with one of her friends in any way, they will be answering to her in a very small period of time, and it might not end up very pretty, suffice to say. She is very protective of her friends, especially the more naive or easily hurt ones, and she makes it clear in how she treats those whom she thinks pose a threat to her friends, taking on a sort of mama bear attitude.

She cares dearly for her friends, after all, and will do her best to stop them from feeling pain, because she experiences that pain vicariously. Kindness is not limited to her friends alone, though, and her sharp tongue may mislead people to believe that she has a different level of kindness than she does. When the situation calls for it, she can be surprisingly sweet. She's the one who determines whether the circumstances call for it, though, and she can be very picky about it.

{"You hate it, I love it.” }


ControlRelaxation/NapsStarsFunny Shaped CloudsOld CarsCheesy Jokes, Puns, PizzaMusicLightening BugsThe Smell of RainCloversNatureRunningWorking OutSportsDirtArguing/FightingChallengesThe Sense of Desire Winning FairytalesSpontaneous AdventuresSpicy FoodsSnowBeing Relied OnArcheryThrowing People the BirdieHaving a Place to Call Home

{"Hate is more lasting than dislike.” }


Being DisrespectedNot Being Taken SeriouslyBirds in the MorningLonelinessIronyPitch BlackLosingBeesHospitalsInjuriesElevatorsComplete SilentsFearReckless BehaviorNeeding HelpFireBeing IgnoredInterruptionsLosing Track of TimeStaringHumidityShrewdnessMockery, Scorn, RidiculeBeing Looked Down On When She's Not Given a Chance to Prove Something or Herself

{"I came back for my sister.” }



|{Place of Origin}|
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Urianie was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada by two "starving artists". Well, perhaps they weren't exactly starving, but they weren't financially stable either. Ryan's parents had barely enough insurance to pay for her to get an education until her mother gave birth to another child when Ryan was just starting her year as a Kindergartner. With a second child to take care of, Ryan's parents couldn't handle. Soon the family was relying on food stamps and pay-day loans to keep them surviving. They were practically poor in this condition.

Eleven years had passed when Ryan was able to get a job. Her parents were still out working there late-night shifts which meant that Ryan was to watch her eleven-year-old sister. Every day she was to cook for her sister (breakfast and dinner), help her with her homework, and of course, whatever else she needed. If you asked her, Ryan was her mom. She doctored “boo-boos,” she read bedtime stories, and she listened to her sister's complaints and crying. Somehow, she always managed to have time for her schoolwork which was done in the wee morning hours. About three months later, Ryan decided that it was time to drop out of high school to take care of her sister.

By the time Ryan did drop out, a lot of things went wrong, her father lost his job, her mother had married off to some rich aristocrat in Austria, and Ryan found herself having to had get a second job to help pay the bills that seemed to be piling up. In addition, the 99th Annual Hunger Games was about to take place. On the day The Capitol announced the year's new tributes, Ryan was taken aback to hear her name being called. She was just about to walk onto the podium when her sister yelled out that she was going to volunteer as tribute in the place of Ryan. There was nothing Ryan could do to change her sister's mind once the guards came and collected her. She didn't even get to say her farewell. Two weeks later into the arena, Ryan was informed that her sister had been murdered by District 2 tributes. It was the first time that anger took upon her. The first time she felt the urge for revenge.

As the year 20XX approached and the 100th Annual Huger Games made it's way, Ryan didn't back down this time. Instead she had volunteered herself to take the place of a young girl. Now in the Games, Ryan hopes to seek revenge on District 2 as tribute to her sister and anyone that gets in her way. Memories of her sister still haunts her til' this very day; however, Ryan still learned to accept it. It only makes her stronger.

|{Family Tree}|
Micheal Patel||Urainie's mother||38||Alive
Cala Patel||Urainie's mother||36||Alive
Jo Patel||Urianie's younger sister||13||Deceased

{"It's surprising how one little song can bring back so many memories.” }

"Safe & Sound"
“I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window, darling,
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold on to this lullaby
Even when music's gone

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)
La La (La La)
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh, Oooh, Oooh
La La (La La)

Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh oh oh.”


How often do you get online?:
Everyday, unless something important comes up.
How often can we expect you to be able to post?:
Whenever I want.
Password 1 and 2:

Character Dialogue
Face Claim
Amber Heard

So begins...

Urianie Patel's Story