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Azazel Bezaleel

Born in the light but forced to hide in the shadows.

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a character in “The Hunt Begins”, as played by Hitomi-san

Description ... 5,s:0,i:87

Azazel Bezaleel means sacrifice of the shadows.
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 167

Azazel was a normal looking young man growing up he grew at a normal pace and had no genetic mutations of any description. However, now he lives in the shadow's long sleeves cover his arm and a bandage loosely covers his whole right hand. Azazel has become more scruffy seeing as though one day he has a room and the next he's on the street. His glasses are not needed they help some with his vision but he could live without them.


Azazel was born in a well off family; he was brought up with all his needs met and his education was better than some. His parents decided early in his life to place a musical instrument in his hands and teach him to master it. They allowed Azazel to choose his instrument for life at the age of 4. Azazel walked through a room filled with instruments and saw people playing them as he walked by. No one was behind the Cello; Azazel crawled up in the chair behind it and grabbed the bow and ran it over the strings. The deep melody it played entranced him and he wouldn't leave the chair behind it. Its massive size to his tiny body was unusual, but he loved the sound of it and that was his instrument. The fact that it was a instrument not many people chose to play captivated him even more. Azazel learned to play the Cello and was an artist at it. At the age of 15 he played in orchestras up until the age of 25.

One summer afternoon Azazel and a friend of his went hiking in the mountains for a change in scenery. Azazel and his friend were planing on staying overnight; they had packed tents and supplies and were setting up camp when they heard a young woman's voice. Azazel and his friend followed the voice in concern for a woman out in the mountains alone. Azazel's friend took off hearing the woman's voice scream. Azazel tried to catch up to his friend but by the time he made it over the ridge his friend was gone. Azazel couldn't hear the woman's voice anymore nor his friends. Azazel called out for both of them hoping they were okay. Azazel stumbled upon a cave near where his friend vanished and figured his friend was just playing a joke on him. Azazel didn't have a fear of caves so he walked right in. Suddenly his world went black.

He soon woke up to the sound of dripping water. He opened his eyes and tried to sit up but his left arm was stuck. He looked down his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the cave. His wrist was tied with vines to a stalagmite he looked to his left and saw his friend with his leg half gone. Azazel looked past his friend and saw two other people their legs missing they where nothing but weak and slender torsos almost to the brink of death. Azazel's mind started to race trying to think what was going on and how they got where they were. His friend had passed out from pain. Azazel gazed at his friends pain and saw what looked like a dull blade had cut off his friends leg. Azazel heard foot steps and rustling throughout the cave. Azazel sat in silence hoping to see his tormentor. Unfortunately Azazel's tormentor stayed far away the sound of him eating what could only be assumed was his friend's leg. The ripping of flesh and the drip of what Azazel thought was water filled the space. Azazel tried not to let his mind wander, and trying to keep his stomach level. The figure of his tormentor could be seen in the distance bent over feasting on human flesh. Azazel started to study it. The figure was that of a human but with no noticeable hair on his body. Soon the feasting stopped and the bones where thrown to the side of the cave close to where Azazel was. He studied the figure its fingers where long and had what looked like claws. Azazel tried to wake his friend but to no avail. Night fell upon them and the creature fell asleep. Azazel continued to try and awake his friend. The creature rustled in his sleep. Azazel had to stop trying to wake his friend. Azazel used his feet to try and get one of the bones he stretched and tried for hours to move it close enough to him.

Azazel failed to move it close enough to him by morning. The creature was awake and going threw it's daily routine. Noon fell upon them his friend was moving once again but not strong enough to wake up. The creature showed himself to Azazel a tall human like presents appeared in front of him pale pasty skin, lanky arms and legs and glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs, terrible claws and an overly long tongue. Azazel was brought speechless at the sight of this ghastly creature. In the creatures long boney fingers was a blade made of bone. Azazel tried once more to free himself from the restraints. The creature softly laughed at his helpless struggle. Azazel tried to fend the creature off with his legs only to be stabbed in the calf with the make shift blade. Azazel huffed in pain and was soon over taken by the creature. The long yellow fangs of the beast bit into Azazel's arm. Azazel screamed in pain not giving up his struggle. A mouth full of Azazel's bicep was pulled from his arm. A scream of pain and desperation emerged from Azazel's mouth. The creature paid no mind to Azazel's helpless cries for freedom. Azazel felt the blade go into the top of his arm where it connects to his torso. He screamed in agony as the creature used the dull blade to cut off his arm. Screams filled the cave blood pooled on the floor. Azazel soon lost the energy to fight off his attacker and laid against the stalagmite that held him hostage. The creature wrapped Azazel's wound with the clothing of his past victims. Azazel drifted in and out of consintiousness. As the creature ate his arm Azazel passed out.

Night had fallen upon them once more when Azazel woke. Azazel regained his mind and saw his friend missing the portion of his leg from the knee down on the other leg. Azazel's stomach turned again. He had to find a way out of this. He looked over at the small pile of bones to his right. He once more tried to reach the bones. Azazel was able to slip off his shoe and bring his friends fibula to him. He could feel some of his friends muscle between his toes. Azazel flinched at the thought and feel of his friends body. He was the only one out of the four in any position to leave. Azazel managed to use the bone to untie himself from the stalagmite. He silently limped over to where the creature had left his dull blade and took it. Instead of running in the night he went back to the stalagmite and sat in his blood waiting for the creature to come closer. As he waited anger grew in his mind revenge flooded his head.

That morning the creature awoke and did his morning like any other. He walked over to Azazel with a filthy smile and a deep chuckle. Azazel glared at him in hatred. He wanted to shank the monster in the heart but let the anger rise a bit more before he took revenge for himself and his friend. He watched the monster move boulders and run at high speeds. Azazel needed a plan in order to catch and take his revenge on that beast. That afternoon Azazel had vines ready for his revenge. When the beast came to feast on him he would tie him up like he'd done his victims and that's exactly what he did. The beast came up to Azazel and sniffed him getting close to Azazel's neck. Azazel wrapped the vine around the monsters throat and pulled with all his body weight down on it. The best plunged his claws into Azazel's leg trying to get him to stop. Azazel returned the favor with the blade. Azazel tied the monster down and started cutting. Rage filling him as he forced the dull blade into the creatures legs and started to saw away. Azazel was running out of energy and with a mind filled with rage he focused on cutting off the creatures arm just as he had done to him. Azazel unwrapped his shoulder and put the monster's arm where his used to be. He wrapped it in place till he could sew it on. Now that the beast was crying in agony and would soon bleed to death Azazel had no choice but to put the humans around him out of their pain. The two who had been there the longest begged for it and thanked him. His friend however didn't say a word just knew it had to be done and took it like a man.

Sense than Azazel had retrained his new arm to play the Cello but it never reached the mastery he once had. He studied the creature who brought him to this shadow. He lived by playing his Cello on street corners trying to make enough money to survive. He hid his arm and his shame well and talked to as few people as he could. Two years have passed sense than and the blood of the monster that once tormented him was trying to control him once more.

So begins...

Azazel Bezaleel's Story


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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((Ok, this time it.. it shall be good!))

Jude crossed over the street, reaching the other sidewalk quickly as the red trafic light turned green. She'd always been a quick one to stay out of harms away, at least when she wasn't busy with her usual 'work', it may not pay but it helps out humanity. The sidewalk was a bit crowded, not something she was use to haveing usually run around at night. The woman chuckled to herself for a moment, there wasn't anything around that seemed funny at all, she had just remembered something from a month or so back that involved some rather odd things. She shook her head slightly, the chattering of of civilians as they walked passed her was loud. None of them knew waht really happened in their quiet little lives, the things many regular people do to protect them and keep them to their happy lives. Jude shrugged, as long as she knew what was really happeining it didn't matter if other did.

Now she was crossing yet another street, this time she was crossing at the cross walk, not right across traffic during a red light. Jude continued to walk down the street, she wasn't sure exactly where she was going for the moment, but wherever it was hopefully more interesting than doing this. An alleyway was slowly approching, and if she knew a thing or two about monsters, allies were one place they liked to lurk. Upon passing, though, she didn't say anything odd, but she did notice a man being kicked onto the streets. He was probably being kicked out due to not being able to pay his rent, or he was a lunatic, either way it seemed pretty sad.

Jude continued looking down the alley as she walked, but something caught her eye, causing the woman to stop. There was wrapping around his hand, but why? Had he gotten into some sort of fight? Or did he get badly burned? No, it wasn't any of those reasons at all. Soon the man's wrapping had slipped letting her catch a glimpse of what was underneath. It was an arm, but not just any old human arm, it was a Wendigo arm.. but how? How could such an ordinary man have the arm of a Wendigo? Why wasn't he a full fleged Wendigo?

The thoughts ran about her mind as she stood there, watching him from afar. 'This is strange,' she thought to herself, her hand tucking away into her pocket, 'there must be some reason he's like that, I'll have to keep an eye on him to make sure he stays ok." She walked out of view, peeking over the corner, watching, waiting, wondering what he was going to do after being kicked out of his home.


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The night before Azazel had gotten a break and had enough money to rent a room at a local inn. It was a lowly place dirty and not well managed. Azazel rented a room and pulled out a razor from his pocket and went to the bath room he finally could get a good shave. His face was scruffy and he was starting a beard. He shaved and then turned on the water for a warm shower. The water was tan in color but hot water was a luxury to him now. He washed his clothes in the tub and hung them to dry. Azazel looked down at his cursed arm shame came over him. He hated that part of his body but now it was to late. The limb had joined with his flesh and it's blood had mixed with his. Azazel had been getting weird thoughts about kidnapping people women mostly. He hated himself for such evil thoughts and tried to push them away. His right arm had burn marks from cigars, cigarettes, and ambers. Azazel during his research read that fire would keep the Wendigo at bay and punished his evil thoughts with fire when they tried to take over his mind. He set his Cello case on the bed next to him and crawled under the sheets tomorrow would be another day.

Azazel was awakened by people yelling and fighting going on next door. He jumped up and put on his slightly damp clothes and wrapped his hand loosely he was going to get out of there as fast as he could. It was too late he turned the corner his Cello case in hand and a woman was beat up crying to the owner of the inn. Upon seeing him she pointed and screamed. Azazel had done nothing to the woman but the owner didn't even let her say why she screamed. Azazel looked behind him and the woman's man was standing behind him with a gun. Azazel knocked the gun out of the man's hands and brought him to his knees with a single punch to the stomach. Because of his new arm he moved faster than any human. All the owner of the inn saw was him throw that punch and assumed he'd been beating on the woman and her man. Azazel tried to argue but it was futile as he argued he didn't struggle much but protested. He'd paid for today and last night he was loosing money when every penny counted. The owner didn't listen to him nor did he care he threw Azazel into the ally and tossed his Cello at him with great force. If it hadn't been for his right arm the Cello case would have broken his nose and damaged the Cello inside. Azazel caught it and had the door slammed in his face. He set his hand down on the ground where his bandage slipped off a bit. Azazel felt a weird presence and looked to his right and left no one was there but he knew he felt something.

Azazel shrugged it off and picked up his Cello and walked down the road trying to find a good spot to play to make the money he lost. Azazel stopped at the square he'd made good money there last time. He pulled up his hair mostly out of his face and tied it with a black ribbon and slipped on his glasses. Realizing his wrap was loose he tightened the wrap so that his secret would not be reviled. After a good nights rest and a hot shower Azazel cleaned up quiet well. He opened his case and faced it towards the people of the street and began to play. His right hand holding the bow the wrap around it concealing his shame perfectly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Jude noticed the man walking up out of the alley towards the street, she didn't want to get herself caught watching him like a hawk and quickly ducked into a near by doorway. The woman stood there, a large newspaper blocking her face as she tried looking as if she'd been there reading the whole time. As soon as the man passed she bent the paper back to see where it was he was going. She hadn't noticed before, but he had a very large instrument case in his hand. Jude wasn't very muscily inclined and wasn't sure what sort of instrument would be in a case that large, or if it was even it was an intrument at all. Whatever was in there she most certainly needed to follow him, but keep herself hidden so he wouldn't notice here. Before she followed him, though, she bent down and checked her boot, making sure the knife she'd hidden was secure in there.

Once she was sure she had anything she may need on her person, she quickly followed him, at a close yet far enough distance behind. To her surprise he wasn't up to anything wrong, instead she'd found it a bit sad seeing him struggle to make money to live off of. They were in the square, people surrounding the poor man whom played his heart out to them, and those whom cared enough threw money into the case. Jude knew this would be a great opportunity to get closer, a crowd was always a great cover in these sorts of situation.

"Excuse me, pardon me," she said as she gently pushed her way to the front of the crowd, standing there watching and listening. The man seemed harmless enough to her, but she knew that even with good people, bad blood can try to take controll. She stood and listened for a while, finally she reached into her pocket taking out a sizable roll of money. Jude took a look at it for a moment, she might as well help the man she'll be keeping a close eye one. A flick of the wrist sent the money flying into the man's instrumental case, the money underneath flattening under it's weight.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel
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Azazel heard the clunk of the money hit his loose change. It almost made him jump he looked down and saw the roll of money and his heart ached someone either knew who he was or had a kind heart. He finished the song he was playing and picked up the roll looking threw the crowd for who may have blessed him with it. He placed it in his pocket so that no one could run by and steal it and continued to play. This time instead of him eyes being closed as he played he watched the faces of his crowd some where filled with emotion others were blank. He thought to himself how thankful he was to who ever gave him this he could eat a real meal today. He played until the crowd thined to just a few people and then thanked them for listening and packed his Cello and headed to a cheap dinner.

Even if he had the money to get a nice room and eat a steak and potato meal he knew that money could be here one day and gone the next and he was going to make it stretch. He ordered a large burger and fry with a coke and sat in a table in the corner window placing his Cello in the bench across from him. Most of the homeless like himself spent their money on booze to drown out there sorrows but for Azazel drinking only made his worse. He'd tried to drink away his thoughts and had ended up cornering a woman in an ally way. He thankfully was able to stop himself before she was hurt in any physical way. From that night on he stayed away from the devils brew. A waitress brought him his food with a smile and asked him if he needed anything else. He smiled up at her knowing her smile wasn't genuine but was thankful she tried. "No thank you." he replied turning down to his meal.

The waitress soon returned with the check and handed it to him. Azazel stopped her this time "Mam, pardon my asking but do you have a family?" he asked he'd noticed her on the phone with what sounded like a baby sitter. The woman felt uncomfortable but answered his question honestly. "Yes I have a daughter." Azazel pulled out some of the money from his pocket and paid for his bill and gave her a 20 for the tip. It was more than his meal cost. The waitress was taken back and thanked him. "You're welcome just don't let your manager see it." Azazel said looking over at the manager that tried to take portions of tips away. Once his meal was eaten he headed back out to the street. He took a right down the street and headed back to his spot on the square. He sat there watching the people with their busy lives walk by.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Jude continued to watch the man play, she could tell he was happy to see the money she had thrown to into his case. She couldn't help but to watch with a smile, the muscic he played was very soothing to her. It wasn't everyday she was able to just stand around and relax, everything in her daily lifed involved dangers of some sort. Soon he had finished his playing, she was most certain he was probably going out to get something to eat. She pondered to herself for a moment, wondering if she should follow him to wherever he was going, but decided not to. Thought she felt herself obligated to follow him wherever he went, almost like a creepy supernatural hunting stalker, somehow she knew he'd probably return back to the square.. certainly there was no other place for him to go. After watching him walk away she sat down onto a bench close to his spot, waiting for him to return.

It had been a while since the man returned to his place on the sqaure, and slowly stood up from the bench, walking over to him with her hands deep into her pockets. It was hard keeping an eye on people when they were strangers, but if she befriended him perhaps it would becoem a lot better to keep her eyes on the man, just in-case.

Once she quietly made it over to him, she gently sat down beside him, trying not too startle him too much. "How's it going?" she asked him out of the blue, hopeing to start some kind of conversation.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Azazel looked over at her confused and looked around to see if she was talking to him. "Good I guess?" he said still not sure if she was talking to him or had one of those blue tooth things in her ear.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Jude smiled at him in a friendly matter, reassuring that she was talking to him. "Well that is certainly good to hear," she paushed for a moment and looked around, "so do you always play your intrument for money?"

She wasn't trying to be rude to him, she just wanted to spark a good enough conversation with the man so she might be able to befriend him. "With talent like you have there shouldn't be a reason you don't have a fantasic job playing," she stated, her hands moving out of her pockets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Her last comment struck him hard he used to play in orchestras and make good money doing it. "Thank you, yes it's how I make my living. I used to play in an orchestra unfortunately I had an accident and ruined my arm. It broke oddly and I've lost my talent." he didn't intend to share so much with a stranger but it had been a long time sense anyone had bothered to hold a conversation with him. It may have been because without hot water and a new set of clothes he looked off putting. His face was generally clean shaven and not off putting but his bandaged hand and rugged clothes made people wonder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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"Broken you say?" Jude asked, looking down onto the man's arm, "it doesn't seem like it's really broken, besides, even after breaking a limb one can retrain to play, because you play extremly well." She brushed some hair out of her face the wind had blown into it. The woman didn't want to let on that see knew about what was really under the banage, he'd certainly freak out if she did let on. Instead she continued talking to him, trying to get to know him more and more.

"Anyway, my name is Jude," she outstretched her hand to him, hoping in a friendly hand shaking.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Azazel was confused for a moment about why she wanted to shake his hand he looked and made sure he shook hands with his left hand. "Name's Azazel nice to meet you. Jude, do you live here or are you just visiting?" he asked knowing she most likely didn't live here she was talking to a homeless person. Either she didn't live here or she wanted to show pity on the homeless. Which wasn't very probable. Azazel's Cello case was incredibly nice it had iron rod detailing on it and intricate carvings in the cherry toned wood. It sat by his side propped up against the bench he was sitting on.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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"It's nice yo mee you as well, Azazel," she shook his hand in return, "oh I'm just there on bussiness really, I don't really have a set place I work." Jude laughed softly to herself, she was particuarly lieing about her being there for work, just the kind of work he didn't know about.

"Don't you have family to be living with? Instead of liveing off the streets and getting any money you can?" Jude questioned, she was trying to be sincere, she knew how it was to not have a stable home.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel
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Azazel turned and faced forward. "My parents raised me well and gave me everything. They don't understand why I stopped playing in an orchestra. I'm sure there is a band out there I could work for but my parents would say I'm better than it and want me to quit. I just don't want to face them not being able to be the son they always wanted." when he said that last line he looked at her with a smile. "Besides I make enough to eat and be healthy. I used to camp a lot before my arm. I'm used to it by now."


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Jude looked at him with a raised eyebrow, it seemed like a very kind and generous man, the arm hadn't seem to affected him in the way I would have someone else. The man must have been controlling it somehow, someway to where it wouldn't take controll of his minde. She smiled back at him though before placing a hand onto his shoulder, "you seem like a really good guy, and I'd hate to see someone like you live on the streets like this, how about you come stay with me at my hotel room."

Jude paused for a moment, she probably sounded like some creepy, stalker-ish murderer, though her intentions where extremly heartful. "Well, I don't mean it in a creepy way, I've got enough room and such... you can consider it a gift," she picked herself up off the of the ground and turned around to face him, waiting on his decision. "You can tell me about your camping trips on the way," she wouldn't normally allow people to see the hotel rooms she stayed in, not even maids. With all the guns, lore, papers, knifes, and other such things, she couldn't have any police being called on her. Besides, what other good way would it be for her to tell him she knows about the arm.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Azazel smiled at her kindness. "Thank you but I wouldn't want anyone to think poorly of you. If you'd like I will walk with you to your hotel." he suggested. His parents taught him well about a ladies respect and that a man and woman living together without being in a committed relationship or relatives is a negative sign on her. He wanted to walk with her to make sure she was safe in the big city and it was the gentleman thing to do. He picked up his Cello case in his right hand and walked beside her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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"Oh don't worry about anoy thinking poorly of me, I'm not going to be here long enough for people to even have an opinion of me," Jude laughed loudly, starting to walk off towards her hotel. The hotel was quite a distance away, haveing followed him a lot farther than she was hopeing she would, but it was for the best that she had. The woman glaced over at him and smiled, he was definatly a gentlemen, though she would have rather had him stay with her due to very likely reasons.

"You know, there is a room that is avalible at the hotel I'm staying at, perhaps you could stay there... beasts haveing to go looking anywhere else," she stated, if she couldn't get him to at least rent a room, she wasn't sure what she was going to do.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Azazel smiled at her kindness and thought about he money he had in his pocket. "Would you allow me to split the rent with you and sleep on the couch?" he asked pondering the situation. He continued to walk with her and noticed how far away they where. "What hotel are you staying at?" he asked looking around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Jude smirked to herself for a moment, she wasn't sure how or why he changed his mind in that moment, but she was certainly glade he had. "Of course, as long as you can handle the mess of the room, I'm not much for keeping thing clean," she said, continueing the walk down the street.

"Oh, it's not one of those, super fancy hotels but one of the cheaper ones," Jude shrugged her shoulders a bit, it was only a few more blocks till they reached their destination. Soon she walked up to the deep colored brick hotel, it almost seemed run down but it was a good enough place for a hunter of her kind to be staying at. There wasn't too many nosey people trying to barge in and the maids never came unless asked. In front of the building was parked her car, it would probably have been better for her to drive that around, but a good walk was always nice. "Here we are," she sarcasticly said to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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Azazel was thankful for her generosity and wasn't sure if this was a good idea but he wasn't in much of a position to refuse kindness. They would be staying in room 137 she opened the door and Azazel saw her papers scattered about. He saw the couch behind the paper covered coffee table he motioned for her to enter first as the gentleman inside him told him to. He set his Cello on the couch and looked around some more. A tv sat in the entertainment center that seemed untouched.

(hope you don't mind me describing the room a little let me know if there are any weapons around and what not.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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((no I don't mind at all :>))

Jude walked into the room after Azazel had let her enter the room first, not only was the man a kind, but also a gentlemen which was very hard to come by these days. Upon entering the room she kicked some of the papers that had fallen onto the floor, watching them bundle and push together with a harsh crinkle. "Sorry for the mess, uuuuh," she paused momentarily as she walked on over to the bed, pushing some papers aside, "I'm doing some.. research, yeah... that's it.. research." Jude whispered the last part to herself, hoping he didn't hear. The papers on her bed moved and shifted as she pushed them around, a large iron made knife revealing it's self. Jude quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into the back of her pants.

"So, make yourself comfy, however comfy you can find yourself getting," she smiled at him momentarily, before slowly walking to the coffee table and throwing some things onto it.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Bezaleel Character Portrait: Jude Wright
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"What are you researching?" he asked looking down at the papers on the coffee table. He saw the sun shine threw the window it was getting late. "I have an odd question for you. If you don't know that's fine most don't do you know anything about Wendigos?" he asked staring out the window. His hands going into his pockets his fingers counting the money he had left. "I'm sorry that was an odd question." he said turning to walk out of the room.
