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Ginger Blaire

The Catty Blonde

0 · 820 views · located in Newton City, USA

a character in “The Hunted Ones”, as played by ~Lonesome Butterfly~











âœĢ Name âœĢ
Ginger Blaire

âœĢ Gender âœĢ

âœĢ Race âœĢ

âœĢ Sexual Orientation âœĢ

âœĢ Age âœĢ

âœĢ Relationship Status âœĢ

âœĢ Occupation âœĢ










âœĢ Likes/Hobbies âœĢ
Vintage/Pin-Up Things
The Ocean

âœĢ Dislikes âœĢ
Large Crowds
Ignorant people
Nosy people




âœĢ Weight âœĢ

âœĢ Height âœĢ

âœĢ Eyes âœĢ
Large and Sky Blue.

âœĢ Hair âœĢ
Dirty Blonde and reaches to the very end of her back when out straight.

âœĢ Body Art âœĢ
Crossed industrial, small spike plug, and six lobe piercings in both ears. She also has Vertical and Horizontal belly button piercings.[/url]

âœĢ Personality âœĢ

- Personable

- Intelligent

- Easy Going, hates arguments/fights

- Jokester





âœĢ Short Bio âœĢ

Ginger had a normal life with her parents and two siblings before her and her brother became one of the hunted and had to go on the run. She wasn't the popular cheerleader type but she was incredibly active in school activities and friendly enough that it felt like she was a friend to many and an acquaintance to all.

Now she finds herself missing her friendships as she wanders alone trying to find her brother. The two were split up the last time they were attacked and it's her mission to not only find him but find the others like them, because they're stronger together than they are apart.




âœĢ Powers âœĢ

Cheshire Cat Physiology and Energy Shield Construction.

The former is her main trait, she can with ease take on the abilities of a Cheshire Cat - from feline physiology to pulling herself and/or someone else through a solid door/object. On the other hand her Energy Shield Construction is a secondary trait that is limited in strength. She can only keep a shield up for so long before becoming drained, and the more elaborate the shape or bigger the size of the shield she puts up, the shorter it's duration will be.
She can also create a thin energy outline around her body that cloaks her in invisibility, but the duration she stays invisible is relatively short.




âœĢ Strengths âœĢ

- Fluent in Multiple Languages.
- Photographic Memory
- Personable
- Nimble
- Natural Instrumentalist
- A Quick Learner

(I might add more later, but for now this is about it! =D)

âœĢ Weaknesses âœĢ

- Trypophobic
- Animals
- Her Family
- Children
- Over-Thinking Things




So begins...

Ginger Blaire's Story

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Image"Hello? I said that'll be $15.79.
Ginger was snapped out of her daydream when the cashier at the small bodega repeated the total for her two-liters and bags of chips.
"Oh yeah, sorry about that, here you go."
She handed the older Hispanic man a credit card and waited for him to ring it up then bag her stuff before heading towards the door. Before she opened it the man behind the counter would offer an old umbrella free of charge and she'd gladly take it.

Ginger was on the very outskirts of Newton City, where it almost felt like a small town. There was far more greenery, less crowds, and subsequently less authority.

The wind outside quickly picked up as she made her way back to the small park-side cottage she had been staying in for a week or so with a nice elderly couple. The area was almost always relatively empty compared to the heart of the city, but as the rain picked up the more deserted it became, and as the cottage came into view Ginger was one of the only people out and about.

"I'm back." Ginger called out as she shut then locked the door. It was late for the couple but both were still up, and she'd hand the man named Larry his bag of chips before throwing hers on the table and walking towards the Kitchen. "I'll put the drinks in the fridge."

After sliding out of the raincoat she was wearing Ginger would hang it up by the door and walk over towards the table, where Larry's wife - Annie'May - sat.
"Here's your card back Ms. Annie'May."
The woman smiled before taking the card and shoving it in the pocket of her night robe. "Thank you dear, I hope you got yourself something?"
"Yeah, I love those Sour Cream and Onion with Cheddar the big bag, and a Tahitian Treat too!

The three would stay up and talk for another hour or so before the couple retreated to their room for the night. Ginger on the other hand was a night owl and chose to stay up and reflect on her situation.
It had been nearly a month since shes seen her brother and she was starting to let her imagination get the better of her. One night she'd dream he was fine and that the two escaped Newton City, then the next night she'd dream he was killed right in front of her eyes.
It was starting to drive her up the wall, but even so Ginger knew she was lucky to have found a couple that took her in with little questions asked and never pestered her to reveal just who she was and why she was running, but in the back of her mind Ginger knew this couldn't be permanent - this wasn't some new home for her, this was just the latest safe-house of sorts in what was sure to be a long and dangerous journey.

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Within several minutes the bag of chips Ginger was eating was empty, but her hunger still lingered. So after finding some spending cash in her back pocket the hungry blonde made her way downstairs, put the raincoat by the door back on, and stepped outside into the Outer South district. Even though the rainfall had soften dramatically it was still rather empty out.
As she approached the district's small park Ginger would peer across the street at the restaurant signs. "Mexican, or Jamaican? Mexican or......yeah, lets do Jamaican!" she whispered to herself before jogging across the street. As she came across a large puddle she'd rise up ever-so-slightly and air walk over it versus running threw it. Usually she wouldn't use her powers in such minor situations, but there was barely as soul out and the height in which she raised herself off the ground to walk over the puddle was so slight that it could easily go unnoticed by the casual walker-by.

"Oh, a customer - in this weather? Hello!" a middle aged man said in a warm Jamaican accent. "Yeah, my stomach made me come out." Ginger joked, before ordering four spicy beef patties, jerk chicken salad, and ginger beer. "For here or to go?"
Ginger would mull over the question some before finally settling to eat at the restaurant. "Here sounds good, but can I add a slice of rum cake too?"
The man smiled and added the cake to her total, and after she paid for her meal she'd take a seat in the back of the restaurant with her back against the wall so she could have a clear view of the front door.

The comfortably heated restaurant caused Ginger to pull off her raincoat fairly quickly and sling it on a nearby chair - revealing her black flower-patterned tunic dress, which she oddly enough paired with black combat boots with silver buckles.

For some it would have been awkward to sit inside a fairly large restaurant without any other customers, but Ginger enjoyed the peace and quiet, and was perfectly content to listening to the news on a small flat-screen TV several feet away as she pondered over where to pick up the search for her brother tomorrow.

The wait for her food wasn't all that bad, about fifteen minutes or so, and after thanking the waitress Ginger quickly began to dig in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ginger Blaire
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0.00 INK


After a few bites of her food the owner's wife, a woman by the name of Shawnice, sat down across from Ginger - who smiled at the older woman.
'You know what?" the woman began in a thick Jamaican accent. "You're only the third white person I've seen order those things."
Ginger instantly began to laugh and shook her head in agreement. "I totally beleive that. It's a shame though, these things are so good!"

As the two talked Shawnice's husband would turn the volume on the TV down, bump the restaurant music up, and begin to sing along with the track. A Breaking News banner on the TV caught Ginger's eye for a second but she was quickly pulled back into the conversation she was having.

Nearly fifteen minutes later both the plates in front of her were completely cleared and Ginger would ask Shawnice's husband to turn the music down for a moment so that she could listen to the news.
After a few minutes of the anchors simply talking back and forth about "the incident" downtown in general terms - showing only a couple blurry stills in the midst of their conversation - Ginger would stand up and stretch.
"Thanks but you can turn it off now if you want, I guess they're not going to actually go live to the scene anytime soon, so I'm gonna go home."

Despite being low on funds Ginger would leave a tip for the couple and thanks them both for the great meal before walking back outside.

It had stopped raining on her side of town so Ginger wouldn't bother buttoning up the raincoat or pulling up it's hood, and she'd instead take the long way back to the house via the small park.
She was a night owl at heart and wanted to stay out on this cool Summer night, run through the breeze, and walk on the air inbetween the upper branches of the trees. But she knew better than to be so reckless, and as much as didn't want to admit it staying in this city for too much longer was going to be even more reckless.


Once she arrived back at the cottage Ginger would lock the doors and then quietly make her way into the living room where she'd remove her shoes and lay down underneath a handmade quilt.
She'd turn the television on to a random channel and begin to stare at it, but within several minutes she was out hard.