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Alexander Yolkov

"God, this is going to be awful."

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a character in “The Hush of Night”, as played by Albatross


"Sometimes you're not the pigeon, you're the statue." -Unknown-

Lose Your Soul || Dead Man's Bones | Light That Match || Down Like Silver | Here With Me || Susie Suh x Robot Koch____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Image Image
Alexander Nikolai Yolkov

Sasha (by close friends/family)
Nikolai/Yolkov (his least favourites; typically used when someones mad at him)


March 18th - β™“


Heterosexual - Single





Light brown



6'1" (185cm) / 147lbs





Someone had once told Alexander that he was a drawing that had too many scribbles and too many crooked lines. Though he still isn't overally sure of what that the hell that was supposed to mean, he's positive that it wasn't intended as a compliment.

In many ways, Alexander is a bunch of too many scribbles and crooked lines, he just doesn't see it. He's a mess through and through, from his too hot of temper and his too high of energy, all the way to his complete lack of planning or consideration for how his actions affect others. He acts out on whims; going by his feelings rather than his common sense. Often this will result in trouble for Alexander, as his feelings aren't known for being the most reasonable of things.

However, slapping a label on him and simply knowing him as one thing isn't a wise decision. He isn't just an angry, melodramatic ball of carelessness; he can also be a slightly-less angry, normally dramatic ball of carelessness, too (that's a joke; it would be really sad if he acted in such ways all the time). But in all seriousness, Alexander has more to him than just his anger or his reckless behaviour. He's capable of being caring towards people and passionate towards things other than destruction, and though it may not always seem like it: he really doesn't hate everything in existence. In fact, the amount of love that Alexander puts into things would surprise anybody.

The biggest problem that he has is his tendency to 'ignore or attack'. He doesn't show his affection well- or rather, he isn't sure how to- and often either shoving it aside or expressing it through spiteful comments or crude humor is his go-to reactions. He has a fear of wrecking everything that he can get close to. Because of this, Alexander will often find it both better and easier to not let the person he cares about care about him.


β˜‘ Humor - Even if his jokes sometimes lean towards the more 'messed up' side of things, Alexander will still find them funny. If he thinks they're really good, he'll laugh at the ones he makes.
β˜‘ Photos - Something about them catches his interest.
β˜‘ Mornings - Being awake to see the sun rise can easily be the best part of his day. Unfortunately he tends to sleep in too late to see it.
β˜‘ Thunderstorms - The ferocity of them is something that most people find unsettling, but to Alexander they're oddly comforting.

β˜’ Sweet things - Alexander likes America, he really does, but anything supposed to be 'sweet' tastes bland and awful and he can't get himself to eat it.
β˜’ Animals - He would like them, if only they didn't all have some obsessive pent-up anger towards him.
β˜’ The cold - His body temperature is often low and he hardly has enough fat on him as it is. The cold is like a nightmare for Alexander.
β˜’ Loneliness - Although he doesn't mind being alone, being alone and the feeling of loneliness are two completely different things.

Illusion Manipulation
Alexander is especially skilled at creating, shaping, and manipulating illusions. With this he can cause people to see and hear things that aren't actually there, though he hasn't completely mastered the feeling of touch yet. His illusions are often rather convincing and can last as long as it takes until the one perceiving them realizes that what's happening to them isn't real. Often they come to this conclusion because their sense of touch is gone.

Occasionally, Alexander will accidentally cast illusions onto himself. They're a bit like dreams in this way, except because he isn't sleeping, he acts them out as if what he's experiencing is really there.

β–  Enthusiastic- Alexander doesn't show his excitement about many things, but when he does it's bright and clear.
β–  Clever- Maybe not in typical academics, but figuring out how things work has always been a skill of his.
β–  Observant- Quick to notice things, Alexander is good at taking in details and remembering them.
β–  Grateful- Because he's often rude and hostile, it's always a surprise when he's heard giving a thank-you.

β–‘ Fierce- Whether he intends to be or not, Alexander comes off as aggressive.
β–‘ Blunt- Rarely do his thoughts go through any sort of filter before he puts them into words.
β–‘ Finicky- Alexander has a need to check up on things, though he does try to be subtle about it.
β–‘ Distant- He doesn't like to let people get to know him

β–Ό Naming- Alexander gives names to inanimate things, such as calling random household objects Svetlana or David.
β–Ό Disassembling- He'll subconsciously takes things apart. This results in broken wrist-bands or torn up paper.
β–Ό Photos- Underneath his cold exterior, Alexander likes to capture moments in pictures. He brought some taken of his family to the school with him.



Nikolai Yolkov and Victoria Marshall both came from exceptional pure-blooded families within the magical world; it only made sense that their parents would arrange a marriage for them. Young Victoria, smart and cunning, was always at the top of her classes while Nikolai would be stuck as the runner-up. Throughout their school years together they were constantly butting heads, but following their graduation they eventually took a liking towards each other.

Alexander was not the first of the Yolkov children, nor was he the one his parents tended to boast about. Yevgeny, the eldest, always seemed to have more brains than his brothers, and though Viktor lacked in that department, he could at least make up for it with his charismatic way of speaking. Alexander, however, was neither. He wasn't particularly skilled at academics and his charm wasn't all that spectacular, and unlike his parents his drive for ambition was incredibly low. While the rest of his family strove to be something greater, Alexander seemed to be content with simply being.

It was only a year after the Yolkov's moved to America did things for them begin to take nosedive. They had their social-status, they had their nice house, they had enough money and beyond, but they didn't have anything that could protect them from what was to come. Nikolai's work had always been a shady business, one that dabbled in dark magic and required the family to jump from place to place quite often. It was practically inevitable that one day something would come up to bite him in the neck and Nikolai knew it, he just hadn't thought that it would happen so soon.

The morning of March 18th was the last time anyone saw Nikolai Yolkov alive. It was also the last time the family would ever feel normal.

Following Nikolai's death things quickly became disorderly. The three brothers would fight daily, Victoria would try her best to calm them down. Yevgeny would point out how Alexander never carried his weight, and soon it would always be the two eldest brothers against the youngest. Fighting, accusing, blaming. Too many times had Alexander heard the words "If you weren't so selfish. . ." or "He wouldn't be dead if you weren't. . ." and every time he had believed them. "He was killed on the way to your party." Viktor had been so kind to remind him once, but it was something that Alexander already knew. If his birthday had been on any other day, perhaps Nikolai wouldn't have been dead. Alexander had played that fact over and over again in his head enough times to make himself sick. He can't count how many times he picked through every possible scenario there was to prevent Nikolai's death.

Much to his relief, he had been free of both his brothers and their reminders for a year while they were away attending the Colorado School of Exceptional Boys and Girls. To his dismay, Victoria insisted that he attended too as soon as he turned fourteen. Upon entering the school it was clear that neither Yevgeny or Viktor were allies to him, and instead of being helpful during his first few months, they outright ignored him. No assistance, no brotherly guidance. At first Alexander had taken it as something personal, but quickly he noticed that Yevgeny and Viktor hardly even spoke to each other. A rift had formed between the Yolkov's, and any attempt made to fix it only seemed to make things worse.

It was around that time did Alexander begin to form his cold exterior. His personality had changed drastically enough since Nikolai's death, but now with a too-large of gap between the only relationships he was familiar with, it took an even bigger turn. Him distancing himself from people wasn't intentional, or at least, it hadn't been at first. In his mind, relationships had begun to become a thing. His father was dead, his mother was angry with him, his brothers had both turned their backs. Alexander feared that history would repeat itself and that the same things would happen to any new people he cared about, and so he took the easiest route to prevent it from doing so.

Father || Nikolai Yolkov || Deceased
Mother || Victoria Yolkov || Alive -strained relationship
Eldest brother || Yevgeny Yolkov || Alive -strained relationship
Elder brother || Viktor Yolkov || Alive -strained relationship


Song | Artist
" . . . Nothing terrifies me
Nothing can shake me
No power in the lines now
No flooding on the streets

Light that match
Strike those pins
Knock me down
Knock me down again . . ."

Character Sheet By : The Toxic Cereus
Inspired By : AmeliaIsGhostly
Filled Out By : Albatross

So begins...

Alexander Yolkov's Story