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John Skelecoot

The Brother of Adam Skelecoot and Governor of the Skelecoots

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a character in “The Imagiverse”, as played by Adam_Skelecoot


Amoral. Antiquated. Analytical.
Jonathan C. (Clutterbuck) Skelecoot is the brains and de facto leader of the Chosen Few, bringing to the table a hefty metaphysical tome of knowledge compiled from his afterlife-long pursuit for answers. Ruler of the Victorian undead city Old Albion, he is significantly responsible for the city's scientific pursuits and, consequentially, its many contributions to esoteric sciences.

Physical description: Jonathan is of a peculiar height of 7 foot, rather resembling a four-legged cellar spider in proportions. Age has not been kind to his teeth, some of which he is missing.
Personality: Eccentric; Mildly apathetic; thirsty for all knowledge
Equipment & Abilities: Jonathan dresses in a maroon trenchcoat and trousers, long-sleeved white buttoned, purple waistcoat, boots a swashbuckler would kill for, and a purple bandana, likely so that others can distinguish him from his red-bandana'd brother and vice versa. He possesses a substantial amount of knowledge on the darker corners of the Imagiverse, technical prowess, and an analytical and strangely effective mind.
Historical Background: Jonathan, like his brother, lived in Victorian Britain in some iteration of the dimensionally-schizophrenic Anti-Earth. Raised in an aristocratic family, he received a high-tier education and had ambitions for a political career, which he would ironically achieve in his untimely death.

So begins...

John Skelecoot's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"Well we finnaly made it, and with just enough time to spare...For a second there I thought we were in real trouble..." Vargas sighed in relief as the massive seal still held. Of course it would not last forever still, at least one of them had the potential to reinforce it just enough so they don't worry about it breaking as soon as they enter.

They were still on a time limit of course, so they could not just dilly dally as they please. For now Selena went to work reinforcing the barrier, while Vargas looked at Mal while he was eating a sandwich. This was the perfect time for a grand speech of epic proportions!

"Everyone! My allies and friends! Today we go up against a god, it won't be easy but together we will win! Today we fight for our world! To stop the Gods from destroying it! Right now we are on---Did Max just kick John into the portal?" Vargas cut his speech short as the Choesen few all entered the portal.

So much for a grand speech! Vargas soon grabbed Selena's hand as soon as she finished reinforcing the seal and ran with her into the portal. "Vargas!? What about a plan first!?" She called out to him who just turned around and nodded. "This is the plan, we get in that portal and kick the god hard and fast!" He soon entered the portal with Selena in tow.

Kira slowly shook his head, those two were part of the six heroes? What a scene..."Whatever...Little miss angel this is your last chance to back away...Let the real warriors fight. This is no longer a game." He glared at Rosa before walking forward. He would deliver the killing blow to the God. He would prove to be stronger than this lot.

And with that the Grand Gaians entered the portal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Rosa was hesitant to enter the portal, but she did anyways.

Jason hopped into BT and began to check the systems, "plasma shield online, electric smoke online, tracking missiles online. We are good to go!" Jason said with enthusiasm as BT entered the portal.

Herobrine casually entered the portal, he wasn't afraid what they had to face on the other side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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As they enter, Laadan follows, casting a cautious look at Mal, who simply stands there rubbing his chin, staring down at the sandwich. Whatever he was up to, with his cryptic words, it wasn't as important a matter at this point in time. Entering the portal she goes to join the rest of the party in a fight against the malicious god.

"Waste not, want not," Mal says finally after they all had left. A sudden black maw shooting up from the ground and quickly gobbling the sandwich before plunging back under, leaving only ripples in the ground. "Heh... time to get to it."

With that, Mal walks towards the portal, ripples like creatures beneath the waves following behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Inside the seal

On the other side on the portal, everyone would come out on top of a floating platform. The environment was hazardous, there were platforms simply floating around in space, the edges of these platforms led down into...possible oblivion...There was no bottom in sight so that was more than possible.

Of course the presence of...something...was felt...A being of immense strength was here...The God of Malevolence was definitely here...and they could already hear his voice...

"Oh?...Foolish mortals that dare come into my domain?...Have you come to die?...You won't beat me worms...Your kind is only destined to die...I am the God of Destruction of this land...If you seek your deaths then I shall oblige..."

The voice spoke, or more correctly echoed in their minds. It was definitely time...There was no turning back now...The fight against a God was right around the corner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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John was the first to exit, or rather fall out of the portal. He would scramble up and turn around angrily when the other Chosen Few joined him. "What," he snapped, "the f***?"
"Don't yell at me, Jonathan," said Max. "I wasn't gonna wait a second to see this God."
The destination of the portal was not as they expected. Whatever this is, it didn't look like a prison. Then again, it normally took more than iron bars to imprison something that was not entirely mortal. When Adam went on his knees and peered over the edge of the platform, pure black void met him halfway. Around it, several more platforms like theirs span out into infinity. There was no sign of Cardes.
At least, not until they heard the voice. They didn't exactly hear it with what classified as their ears; it seemed the malevolent voice went straight into the brain without checking in with the ears. As soon as it started, the group bundled together, scanning the void for any sign of movement within. The collective thought between them ran like this, "please let there be some tangible form for us to attack."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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As Herobrine exited the portal he just casually stood there like he's done this countless times before.

BT exited the portal with Jason, Jason was on edge cause he hadn't experienced anything from this world yet so he kinda jumped when he heard the god's voice.

As soon as Rosa exited the portal she immediately tripped and face planted onto the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Laadan glanced around at the apparent domain of Cardes and found it... to be honest, woefully abysmal. Literally, it was nothing but a huge abyss! All that kept them adrift were some platforms. All around she could, however, feel his presence, one that, if it had a smell would be definable as "repugnant."

"Maybe you are right, but I'm not a mortal," Laadan responds, boldly correcting Cardes. She looks down at the emptiness below. "In fact, I'd hardly call you a god. Maybe... you are like me, a caged beast desiring freedom, guided by impulses. The difference between us, however, is that I evolve to acquire more meaning."

"Wow, well then, this place sucks," says Mal behind them, his tone flippant as usual in spite of the stifling atmosphere. "You call this a domain? A really unimpressive psychosphere, but hey, it suits you. Hah. I mean, malice is one of the most meaningless emotions, alongside apathy. Are you certain you are not the god of gauche?" The jester cracks out into a giggling fit before pointing up into the air and waggling his finger. "But don't despair over your hollow existence, oh vain one, you will become part of something more meaningful... at least, your essence will."

Laadan simply glares back at the jester. He was taunting a god as if this was some game? Was he too intending to fight him? It was clear he was after Cardes's power, his essence as he called it. Well, as long as he was helping them... even if it was a selfish reason... she couldn't simply shove him away. They needed all the help they could get at this point...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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John would step out from their circle and look slightly upwards, as if addressing what was substituted in this dimension as the sky. "Well, me and my brother are rather ahead of you on the whole dying thing. We've in fact come to put you back to sleep." He would cock his shotgun and add, "with force, if necessary."
Behind him, the Chosen Few were watching him with the caution one reserves for a bomb disposal technician who was one wire cut away from oblivion. Jonathan had this amazing ability to be completely unfazed by the most hideous creatures, and would easily tell whatever eldritch being he was facing that he was going to send them back to whatever abyss or portal they arrived in. In hindsight, he had the survival chances of a windsock in a hurricane, but he always came out okay, albeit with scratch marks on his jacket.
It's with this knowledge that they listened to John as he continued. "You don't scare us. We've seen more horrible things then you've had human sacrifices - if that's what your followers are into, that is. So come out of that void and face us in whatever corporal form you possess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"If you insects are so eager to die then I shall grant your wish...It was bad enough when you humans sealed me away, however I will not repeat that same mistake again..." The voice of Cardes spoke as a mass began to form ahead further along the platform they were standing on.

The two Heroes drew their blades, it was him...The God Of Malevolence...It was their duty to eliminate the gods, and their adventure finnaly led them to this point. Then the black mass took shape, the God himself has appeared


"I am Cardes the Malevolent...You humans and mortals have been a blight to the world, and it is time to wipe more of you out... He spoke before Eying both Kira and Rosa. "Useless...The both of you...I know your name Kira, the one who served the Gods but was thrown away...And that half breed 'angel'...If you are here that means one thing, you have thrown your life away...You dare betray the Gods?...Your death will be merciless..."

Kira narrowed his eyes as he drew his axe and sword. "I am going to prove that not even the Gods can stand up to my power! I'll wipe that arrogance right off your face, and then I'll finish the rest of you myself!" He roared as he grew his wings going at his full power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Herobrine began laughing, "you think you're so all powerful, well guess what, I've been draining your power from the start, it won't be to long until you're empty, I'm gonna wipe the floor with you." Herobrine said with a demonic grin as his right arm morphed into a large blade.

"Burst core online" BT announced.
"Hell yeah we're going to beat you so hard you'll be hit into next century, ugh I guess." Jason said with some confidence but he quickly remembered that they were fighting a god.

Rosa stood back from everything to try not to get in the way of things.

Herobrine's right arm began to absorb surrounding energy and begin to glow red. The blade was filled with huge amounts of power, his eyes soon had a dark red araura coming off of them, the rest of his body was soon covered in a black armour that is nearly impenetrable, but the only thing vulnerable was his head, because the armour didn't seem form on it for some reason.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"Annnd, you continue to call me a mortal, what, are you all shhhhhhtupid?! Ah hell with it, if you won't heed my words, then listen to this!" With that, crouching down before launching off with a burst, she sets her sights dead center on Cardes. Her strange winglike flaps spread full open, the ornate colors glowing brightly. Drawing back one of her large claws. Winding it up she swings dead on at his face.

Mal stares on for a moment at her dramatic initiative, and briefly cracks his head over towards Herobrine. "Uh, you do know he's not a demon, right? You sure that'll work right? Anywho... no time for that. Heh. Y' l' uln mgleth yaah, uh'enyth cahf lllln'gha r'luhhor, Y' ah Mal'kdet! Y' ah Mal'kdet!" For the first time he starts to show his power, the glowing orbs beginning to emit a multicolored haze around him, the exact nature of his power being hard to determine, not because of just its chaotic nature, but it was like several presences overlapping one another! His robes spin around, the jingle of bells filling the air, the green orbs forming a circle behind him, arcane symbols imprinted in the air, like some kind of summoning rite. Suddenly, the fabric of reality bulges and warps about, distorting the air like a heat haze behind him, before shattering like glass behind him, fragments like shards from a mirror float around him, and, what burst forth were a set of massive dark arms on each side of him, each hand inhuman, possessing only three fingers each, and in the palms were eyes, black sclera with glowing orange irises, twitching around looking at everything. "Say hello to... me, oh how bizarre it is to summon myself! Haha! Feels like... I guess a headrush coupled with being pulled inside out? Oof! Anyways."

With that, Mal slaps his massive hands together with a force that causes the very air to tremble, and opening them back up, an amorphous green energy stretches out like a thick viscous fluid before snapping loose, exploding into a swarm of small glowing orbs with a muffled sound, akin to a heavy man plunging into a pool. The orbs zip around each other and circle around his arms and body, having a life of their own. "Get em, fellas!" Suddenly groups of the strange orbs bundle together and begin zipping, making a shrieking sound as they fly at an extremely fast pace, leaving behind streaks of light, headed straight for Cardes, being sure to swerve around Laadan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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The toons broke out from their circle when Cardes materialised. Instead of the colossus they expected, Cardes took the form of a muscular human with albino hair, wearing nothing but plate leggings. Arcane runes of unidentifiable power were etched on his bare body, emitting energy the likes they've never seen before. His eyes were golden all the way through.
"Is this the form you're choosing?" said John, utterly nonplussed, aiming his shotgun. "This won't take long..." It was at this point when he heard the chanting. He turn around quickly, his survival reflexes labelling the chant as one that summoned an old god, towards Mal'kdet. The sight that followed didn't fully register in John's fragmented mind as it was too eldritch even for him. What registered, though, was that there were now colossal shadow-like arms beside him with black-and-orange eyes implanted in each palm.
"Oh no," said Fancy in a blank tone.
"What is it?"
"He's gonna try and suck Cardes dry."
John turned to Fancy, a look of horror mixed with terrible interest plastered on his bony face. "I beg your pardon?"
"Oh, I didn't tell you what his plan was. He was gonna absorb all of the Gaian Gods' power to make himself stronger."
The skeleton nodded. "Right, that makes sense." He turned back to Mal. "Then he's gonna kill us."
"Chances are high on that," said Max.
"Right, then Adam and Max are gonna deal with Cardes, Fancy and Jack, you check on Mal. I'm gonna stay here and worry like hell." This entire plan was shared in a battle strategist's tone, calm and logical.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Cardes looked over at Herobrine as he was 'absorbing' his strength...however there was one little problem with that. He was no demon. He was a God, a divine being. He was absorbing Kira's strength, and he himself turned to look at Herobrine with a growl. "You drain more of my strength...I'll kill you myself!" He yelled.

For Laadan, she managed to get Cardes's attention in full. Along with Mal's attack. He raised his fist and slammed it forward colliding with Laadan's attack. As for the orbs flying for him, a ripple around him formed as dark orbs formed in the air around him to crash into the orbs sent by Mal.

"Fools...I am a God. You wont beat me, those humans that sealed me away could only seal me away but they could not kill me...I will end you all...So heel beast..." He spoke as he looked impassively at Laadan.

"Don't underestimate humanity! Or anyone for that matter! Take this! Flare Ride!" Vargas suddenly roared as he slammed into Cardes from the air. Selena followed with his attack and swung her sword into his side. The damage was expected, not much...But it still affected him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"Kira, did you even listen to what I said, I said I was draining his power not yours, do you need a hearing aid cause you deaf, and I can absorb all types of energy, but I can only certain types, I'm not taking your power cardes, I'm getting rid of it, and Kira, if you don't shut your trap I will crack your skull in half." Herobrine yelled in anger.

Herobrine dashed forward and punched cardes in the gut and followed with an uppercut the a slash at the throat then Herobrine kicked him in the neck.

"Target locked" Jason said as BT launched missile from the rocket launcher on his shoulder. It didn't do much but it stunned cardes.

Herobrine took the opportunity to charge up his fist with energy and then punched cardes right in the skull which would cause severe brain trauma but most likely death if it were something mortal.

"Burst core activate" BT announced as a powerful focused beam of energy came out of his gun that struck cardes in the chest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Mal buckles over laughing at Cardes, despite his attack had been canceled. For a moment he stops, faking to wipe away a tear.

"Well, good thing I'm no human then!" He responds in a very frivolous manner, posing with one hand on his chin. The two massive hands points at Cardes, and Mal'kdet begins to laugh again, shaking his head with a shrug. "Plus, heh, I'm not the one still wearing a mortal's form. Pathetic, don't you think? Hating humans, while still fixated to the visage of one? Honestly, if you are so much greater than them, then why not liberate yourself from such a constricting form? Heheh... anyways..."

With his mockery finished, Mal'Kdet charges another attack, waving his hand outwards at the ground, rifts gashing open within space as black masses form up from the ground. These masses take on the shape of eyeless eel-like creatures, gaping mouths snapping, the depths of their maws are simply purple endless pits. They make breathy sounds as they swim around in the air before lunging out towards Cardes.

Laadan who bumped fists with Cardes was flung backwards by the recoil, catching her footing on the platform down on all fours before falling to her knees. She looked down at her hand, which had a glowing spot and steam emitting off of it. "Need... matter," she mutters, looking around. The only obvious choices around were the platforms, and comrades, both choices of which were unfavorable, even to an Id like her. She places her hands on her cheeks, pouting somewhat before slamming her other two fists down in frustration. "Agh! Stupid void, having nothin'! Stupid, stupid!"

"What, nothing to eat, haha, really should have ate before you came here," Mal says tauntingly, only to back up slightly as Laadan gets up in his face. "Um... personal space, lady."

"I would have but," she begins, before glancing off, holding up one of her lower arms and waving her finger, brushing aside one of her antennae. Her tone became far more intelligent for a moment, and soft instead of booming. "Well, it doesn't work quite like that, see, it has to be matter that exists currently within this plane of existence. And it isn't really eating as much as displacing it within that plane of existence, and in turn increasing spacial priority, thus in turn increasing my own absolute existence."

"I... I see, well, consider me corrected then," Mal'kdet responds, taking a few steps away to focus back on Cardes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"That's our cue, Max," called Adam as Herobrine let loose hell on the human avatar. After he lets loose his punch on Carde's skull, Adam would dash towards the momentarily stunned god and perform an upward-diagonal slash at his torso. As he didn't bother putting a shirt on, if this hit, Cardes would most likely get a big wound on his rune-etched body.
The skeleton would immediately leap sideways, making way for the brute who was now accelerating towards the god. With a yell of pure adrenalin, Max would initiate an uppercut right under the chin, likely launching Cardes into the air. With hulk-like strength, he would then leap towards the now flying avatar and slam him into the platform, forming a crater on impact.
Meanwhile, Fancy and Jack were pushed aside as Laadan confronted Mal'kdet. Apparently she needs matter to function - or rather, John thought as he watched, to exist in the corporal realm - so was likely to feed on Mal. "Oh, this truly is enlightening to watch," exclaimed John excitedly. "Never before have I encountered a being that feeds on matter itself! I should take notes," he added to himself, reaching into his jacket pocket, producing a grubby notebook and pen.
The recovering Few glared at the skeleton, feverishly scribbling in his book. It was probably more exciting to him that he could continue his research rather than the fact that they were facing a god and, potentially, a power-syphoning jester. So far, the demon hadn't got a drop of the God's power yet, but when he does, they won't be found wanting for the resulting conflict.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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Kira growled at Herobrine as he joined the fight. "Threaten me again and I'll break your spine!" He yelled as he joined with the Others. After Herobrine and BT unleashed their attack on him, soon enough Adam cut the God with his sword which did inflict a nice injury on Cardes before Max uppercutted him into the air and into the ground forming a crater.

As Cardes was beaten by this assault of attacks Mal's attack would still go for him. However, Cardes easily recovered from the assault and stood back up. "Fools...Humans are the ones who stole our form...and you think you can drain my power?...Fool you can do that for hundreds of years and not affect me. However..." The God would put his two arms together as he channeled his magic into his hands creating a massive ball of energy in between his hands.

A foreign light began to shine over his body as his wounds began to slowly heal back up. "It seems that you worms are posing a threat now...I'll destroy you all then..." Cardes soon launched the massive sphere of energy forward directed at the whole group.

"Take care everyone! If that attack misses no doubt the explosive force will take out our platform we stand on and put us in dangerious locations around this area!" Selena warned as she began to form magical ice around her to get ready for a counter attack as the massive ball of destructive energy was going for them.

Vargas of course backed up a bit, this platform did not give them the best of room to manuver around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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The ball of energy cardes created soon disappeared, as Herobrine held out his hand which had a small ball of focused energy in it, "like I said, I absorb energy, you should have thought about that before you used an energy based attack" Herobrine said as he quickly launched the ball at cardes, then Herobrine shielded himself from the blast while the ball of was about to explode. "Protocol three, protect the pilot" BT said as he ejected Jason and threw him away from the blast. Rosa was far enough away to not feel the effects of the blast but she still took cover.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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"Hey, good idea, make him angry! And while he's pounding you to paste, we get him!" Mal says with a laugh to Herobrine, slamming his fist into his palm... which the large hands do as well. Then, without turning, he points finger guns at Cardes, and wiggles his thumbs like triggers, the large hands beginning to fire beams of the weird energy at him, the impact of which being less like a burning laser, and more like a kinetic blast equivalent to bullet trains at full speed in force, the impact zones causing ripples through space. "And stole your form? Hahahaha, really? Really now? That's a good one! But seriously, why is a god an overly glorified sack of meat in this universe, yet not willing to admit to being an one? Issues..."

Laadan on the other hand was still hunting for something to gobble down to increase power. She had taken to getting down on all six and gnawing at fragments of Selena's magical ice that broke off from the explosion, her form growing little by little each time. Apparently any matter would suffice, even that which was magically summoned. "Not enough," she mutters.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Outsider Owru Character Portrait: Jack "The Ducky Boy" Quackers Character Portrait: Max the Robloxian Character Portrait: Adam Skelecoot ((Roleplay Creator)) Character Portrait: Vargas Character Portrait: Fancy Pants
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0.00 INK

The Chosen Few who were dealing with the god stared in horror at the massive ball of energy coming at them, ready to jump to the next platform. They were a bit pissed that Cardes simply erased whatever damage they'd done. Max would turn to John, who was still scribbling in his notebook. "John! Get your skull outta that book, we need to get off this thing!"
The skeleton would only turn his head. "Pardon?" he said in an infuriatingly calm tone.
"Get off the damn-" Max became aware that the platform hadn't become a storm of debris. He turned back and watched in shock as Herobrine absorbed the ball of energy and chuck it back at Cardes. "Well, ---- me," he muttered, successfully pronouncing dashes as the explosion nearly blew his cap off.
The sight also woke John from his observer daze, putting away his notebook and pen whilst muttering, before getting out his gun. "Is his body really that hard to pierce? I expected more from you."
"B-but, he just regenerated!" Adam stuttered, more horrified at the concept of having to fight a god that can brush off a flesh wound than anything.
"Well don't stand there like a twit, Adam. Chop his head off."
The skeleton warrior would look at his sword as if he had forgotten he had it, turn to the god and begin to run towards him. The explosion was likely to stun Cardes for some time, so he hopefully had a few seconds. He would leap at the god and aim for the neck, using the momentum to boost his swipe.