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Nenet Amorath

Princess of Karth

0 · 336 views · located in Paladin Galaxy

a character in “The Last Story Ever Told”, as played by silverclawedmouse


Nenet Jovian Tigerlily Amorath



A half-breed between a human and a shanquei, Nenet gets most of her characteristics from her human father. In fact, the only obvious things she gets from her shanquei mother are her pupil-less gray eyes and her perfectly symmetrical features. The elongated canines and love of meat that still bleeds are less well known. The pouting lips, pointed nose, and relatively unremarkable dark brown hair all belong to her father. She is one of the few successful hybrids between the humanoid shanquei and humans themselves – but with all the money her father has at his disposal, its little surprise that he and his wife decided to have the baby grow in a test tube instead of a womb. For the first year and a half she was monitored night and day as she grew from a small bundle of cells into what could be recognized as a child. Genetic abnormalities and physical defects were virtually wiped from her system and most importantly, to the royal families at least, she was born fertile, unlike other, sterile hybrids. It was only then that her parents got married – the young shanquei princess to the richest man in the galaxy. After all, there is no point in joining the richest world with the galaxies’ largest military power if there is not fruit from their efforts. Nenet’s features are pretty, but its them in addition to hormones and automatic physical cues that make Nenet so attractive. Though she played rough when she was young and underwent martial training throughout her life – as all shanquei do – special care has left her virtually scar-less. She has muscle underneath her smooth skin, but her father refuses to let her work it more than is ‘proper’ for a noble lady. Nenet and her mother often trained more anyways – it is in Nenet’s blood to push her body to the limits. She is agile and fast and strong – more so than a human of her size warrants, but compared to other shanquei she is still nothing more than a child.

Nenet is good at pleasing people and knowing when to talk back and when not to. She knows her duties to her world and her father and does not shirk them in the least. In fact, she even looks forward to the choosing of her future husband that will be happening over the next year. In is traditional that a person of high birth in Karth has periodic parties for a year before he or she (or her father) chooses a suitor. Nenet has a love for the extra flourishes that parties call for and requested to her father that her first party, set on her 23rd birthday, be a masquerade party. Nenet was raised spoiled by her father and the fancy dresses and masks would not be denied to her. She isn’t exactly snobby, but she expects others to recognize and respect her position. She has a love of fighting that was instilled in her at a young age by her mother, but the customs of the humans have also left her with a love for reading and dancing. She fully embraces her emotions - but not within the sight of others. Training has given her a perfect blank face for when she is required to hide her emotions from others.

Nenet was raised with the best education money and power could offer. She knows a multitude of language fluently and her shanquei side’s ability to not sleep has left her with much free time with which to improve her knowledge. She knows the cultures and histories of the major civilizations in the galaxy, along with important persons, up to date on current affairs and wars, and the worth of a multitude of items both in the fair-market and in the black-market.

She is also skilled in fighting. Perhaps not as much as a mercenary or someone whose life depends on it, but certainty more than your average noble. Bullet guns are her favorite, but she is also skilled in the curved blades the shanquei favor. Her shanquei blood has given her an edge that humans lack.

Nenet does not keep any sort of weapon on her while she is in court or in the castle.

What guards Nenet and keeps her safe is Nenet’s pet basilisk. It is from her mother’s home planet and the shanquei have co-evolved with it – they can look a full grown basilisk in the eye and not be harmed. Nenet was given her hatchling three years ago and she cherishes it above all else. Though it still lacks the power to turn things to stone, it has a few other tricks that Nenet has found useful. The sing-song whistle the creature produces can unlock locks or shatter glass. Its bite is venomous, though at its young age it would do little more than numb the affected area. Looking into the creatures eyes causes a sense of vertigo and nausea that can take several hours to recover from depending of the length of the gaze. A person caught in the gaze has great trouble breaking it.

The Shanquei were discovered by humans on a distant planet, nestled at the far edge of the galaxy. They were incredibly human-like, and at first humans thought that they were a long ago colonized planet, forgotten. There were a few differences however. The Shanquei were taller and more slender, with ridges of bony plates on their backs (assumed to protect their spinal column). Their eyes had no pupil and when they lacked light they could sense heat. Their diet consisted mainly of meat and they ate it raw, though they did occasionally add native fruits. They did not sleep, but instead rested for a few hours a day. The most amazing was their involvement with the basilisks. The basilisk gaze did not harm the Shanquei and the venom did not kill them. The Shanquei treated the basilisks like sacred creatures. They were warlike, and after initial bloody confrontations, a strained peace developed. Some thought they would be able to subdue the natives – savages armed only with sharpened steel – but the Shanquei proved to pick up new weapons and strategies as if they were born with them. Within a century, they were creating the most advanced weapons the galaxy had ever seen. Now, they are the biggest military threat, on no ones side but their own. They have peaceful dealings with other races, but take no part in the conflicts of others.

During humans first voyage to the Shanquei home planet space vessels were found, ruined and decrepit. They are similar to ancient human ships and some have theorized that the Shanquei used to be humans, perhaps a genetic experiment to make super soldiers, that later escaped or were cast out. It seems to be the most accepted theory in why they are so close physically and genetically to humans, while the rest of the creatures on their planet have no similarity to those on earth. This has created the less than politically correct term ‘Shades’ – shadows less than human.

So begins...

Nenet Amorath's Story