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"Link... no he's my brother wait what happened to him?"

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a character in “The Legend of Zelda: Endless Skies”, originally authored by Ryuu Takeshi, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Torin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Hylian
Element: Fire
Skill(s): Torin is a fast climber a master dual blade wielder and can make high quality items quickly depending on what it is
Appearance: he has short light brown hair that reaches to the base of his neck and is messy due to his constant napping when he get's the chance but more often then not he may not look like much but he works hard giving him moderate upper body strength which the light weight allows him to move fast and deliver powerful blows his looks often remind people of link, he also has a scar running along the side of his arm more will be reveilded later


his kind heart often gets him into trouble but if someone needs help he will dive head first to help which he often finds himself deep in a dungeon and when his ind is made up there is no changing it though there are times he has to think quick to avoid traps he can often be hard to handle due to his love of napping but that aside he is a formidable fighter who if given a choice he would choose to fight till he dies and very reliable most times when people mention Link's in front of him Torin will show pride in his brother


Two swords lay across his back both fairly large but he can use them with ease, around his waist is a pouch that holds a grappling hook Torin created himself and a few other stuff that can surprise aside from that he carries no shield in fear that he will be tossed off balance while in a battle


Both Link and Torin grew up in the same village when they were young since they are half brothers Link is good with the sword and shield, but Torin had to learn how to use two swords because the shield would always leave him off balance so instead of defense and offence Torin had to do mainly offence and every time link worked with the rancher Torin was out hunting so when Link was chasing some monsters who took ilia and Epona Torin was lugging back a few pounds of meat for dinner but when he reached Link's house he got rather worried to hear he went off somewhere and has yet to return

So begins...

Torin's Story


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"boy no one ever said travelling to Castle town was going to be an easy task i doubt I'm even half way and it's already noon" Torin said yawning unlike Link he didn't have a horse to make travel easier and carry the extra weight that had to be carried "i wish that i bought a horse the last time i was there travel would be much easier" setting down the baggage he was carrying Torin sat down and began counting the amount of rupees in his wallet "about sixty nine rupees not enough to buy me a horse" scratching his head Torin lied down in the grass and dozed off


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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As if a wish was being granted, a beautiful chestnut horse ran past, chased by a female Gerudo on a horse that looked as if it had been carved from a single block of obsidian. The Gerudo looked as if she wanted nothing more than for that horse to stop running away.
"Poala! Quit running away and get back here! Master will be angry with me if I don't get you back to him!" the Gerudo shouted, pleading with a horse that wasn't listening. As she neared the fleeing beast, she stood on her own horse's back, then leaped over towards Poala, landing perfectly... If the horse hadn't decided now would be a good time to pull left. The Gerudo missed completely, and rolled a few times, ending up sprawled on the ground.


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Kasine Character Portrait: Torin
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Kasine was managed to follow Torin from the sky by shape-shifting into a brown hawk with a six foot wing span. The glorius sun of Hyrule shined on Torin's skin as if he was some angelic being. Kasine was sickened by Torin as he would kill him right now as he slept but he was a big part of his Chess Game. What piece was Torin? The Knight. As he looked down on Torin in the distance he saw a Gurudo Woman. Kasine cursed loudly which came out as a squawk considering he was a hawk. The Gurudo woman had messed up his plans with Torin. He flew and headed into the most busy area of Hyrule, the Marketplace.

The marketplace was always nice, even for a demon. There were many smells and sounds that would make each experience different. From the bards playing to the birds chirping it as all part of the experience. He flew down into a dark alley near a bar and transformed into his Hylian Human form. He walked out of the alley and put on a fake smile which could easily deceive most people. He made his way out of the back alleys into the real marketplace. He sat on the sidewalk waiting for something to happen.


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Kasine Character Portrait: Torin
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after hearing the squawk of a hawk that was following him Torin snapped awake "how long was i out?" he asked himself standing back up then grabbing the bag "if i don't get there by tomorrow the shop's owner is really going to have my throat." turning around Torin saw something he found rather odd, a Gerudo was chasing after a horse "hmm never saw that before oh well i better hurry and get these to Castle town" he said walking off, well at least until the horse came rushing past which caused him to leap to one side to avoid getting trampled on.


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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The Gerudo pulled her horse up, the beast rearing it's front legs in the air, then landed back on all fours. The Gerudo then jumped down from the horse, stroked it gently, whispered a word in it's ear, and leant a hand down to the boy in front of her.
"Are you alright? I apologize for that, but I have a horse to catch! Care to help a Gerudo out? You help me catch Poala, and I'll give you a lift into town, it's on my way back to the stables, and I'll give you my word I won't steal anything of yours. After all, a Gerudo's word is as good as an arrow in the back of your enemy." Her speech was rapid fire, as if she had just been shocked by an electric Chu. As she spoke


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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"i'm fine just was a little shocked when the horse passed me" Torin laughed completely unaware of who he was talking to. "and sure i can help if i can get to castle town faster sort of on a dead line to get some goods there." looking in the way the horse went he put his stuff down even his swords. "if it's running away i think i better leave my stuff with you it should be getting thirsty from all of this" handing what he had up to the Gerudo woman he started for the horse when it stopped moving slowly so not to alarm it.

As soon as Torin had reached the horse he placed his hand on it's snout which caused it to stand on it's hind legs "easy easy i'm not going to hurt you." he said after the horse got back on all fours Torin got up on it the rode it back to the Gerudo woman "there we go seems like something spooked it out" he said petting the horses mane


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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Poala nickered a bit, let him brush her mane a bit more... And then promptly knocked him off as she ran off again, Shaiya picking him up and dropping him on Aveil's back(Anyone who gets the reference here is a cool guy in my book.). If anyone spoke horse, you'd be hearing Poala laughing her ass(badumtss animal joke) off.
"Did I say you were going to be able to ride her? She only lets me do so, and killed the last person to try and ride her that wasn't me, so quite frankly, I'm amazed you're not a smear on the grass! You'll need to take the reins so I can jump on her back!"


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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still some what groggy from the fall a small grin crept onto Torin's face "well seems like this is going to be a bit of a challenge." he said brushing off dirt from his tunic "mind if i try again if i learned anything from my little brother is never give up when the first attempt fails if it won't work then i'll give your plan a go" now he was genuinely interested in the task. "and don't worry about me i won't die just don't chase her yet." placing both feet on Aveil Torin flipped off landing on his feet stumbling just a little on the impact.
"ow ok i really have to ask Link how he can stand that" Torin said to himself taking off in a run towards Poala knowing full well she might not let him ride her but he wouldn't give up keeping his distance Torin reached into his little pack "hey what does she like to eat!" he called out to the Gerudo woman pulling out a bottle filled with water then a carrot.


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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"She eats anything! But like I said, she only lets me near her without attempting to kill you! Do you seriously think I haven't tried everything you might have even thought of?" The Gerudo said, very irked at this boy and his stubbornness. It reminded her too much of the boy Ganondorf had slain. Angered, she reared Aveil once more and charged Poala. This time, as Poala darted away, the Gerudo prepared for her change, and jumped. This time, it was a success, and as Poala bucked and kicked with the strength of ten horses, the Gerudo held on with shouts in the Gerudo tongue. Poala, after a bit of this and not losing the woman on her back, nickered a bit and settled down, with a happy whinny from having had so much fun. As the Gerudo slid off, Poala nuzzled her gently, and the Gerudo reached into a pocket and pulled out a Hylian Pear, which were surprisingly hard to come by in the desert, and fed it to the horse.
"Like I said," the Gerudo panted, tired from holding on to Poala, "Only I can ride her. She only understands Gerudo, and takes a verbal instruction in order to even WANT to move. The reason she's all the way out here is because one of my fellow Gerudo thought she could ride Poala. Without the proper password, Poala sent her flying into the valley after galloping in one direction and then bucking. Listen to the Gerudo who spent her entire life with horses. Buuuuuut at least you tried. Hop on Aveil, she won't mind your presence as much. Just don't stray too far from me, she's worse then Poala when it comes to not having me near her.


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Character Portrait: Shaiya of the Gerudo Character Portrait: Torin
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"you really didn't need my help and all i really did was get in the way so i think i should walk" Torin said walking over then grabbing his stuff. "i better get going oh and that water is from the goddess spring in my village" he said handing the bottle to the Gerudo before heading off "give it to the horse i think she might like it, i was told it had some what of a sweet taste to it one that horses enjoy." passing Poala he patted her softly on her side and began to head up hill
Far enough out of sight from the Gerudo woman Torin looked about "i think i may have gotten farther from my destination than i already was." putting the bag down and grabbed a telescope from the front pocket and looked through it. "yep there it is The castle but it's all the way over there... i think i should have asked for directions before i left" he sighed putting the telescope back Torin wasn't exactly the greatest when it came to directions which was usually why some one from the village would usually go with him "what were they thinking making me go alone they know i'm terrible at directions."


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Character Portrait: Torin
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after hiking for a little and finding a river that was fairly deep, after seeing it Torin set his pack down and took care of a few Bokoblins who had followed him "gosh i hate these things always trying to take my wares." he grumbled sitting down next to the river, cupping his hands he splashed his face with the cool water then looked to the sky. "gonna have to find a faster path in order to make it on time with out a horse that Gerudo woman offered me a ride if i helped but i didn't help much in the long run" he sighed placing both hands on the soft grass behind him "oh well not anything i can do about it now except follow this river looks like it leads there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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after a while Torin stood "no time to rest gotta get moving." he said picking his pack up and following the river up stream a little ways until he noticed two people one had a certain air about him the way he held himself it was obvious he was well experienced in battle. While the other seemed rather comfortable in the water she seemed like she could take the currents no problem but didn't have the air of one who could fight up close.

"hey you kind sir would you happen to know where the city with the castle in the center is!" he called out to the male in armor moving quickly to meet him stumbling a little but quickly regained his balance. After reaching him Torin placed one hand on his shoulder to get his attention "hi sorry but i'm hopelessly lost can you tell me the quickest route to Castle town is?" he asked readjusting the straps to his pack then examining his armor. "hmm your armor is a little damaged, any way my name's Torin." he said holding his hand out


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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Trya Lynn.

The girl rung the dampness from her long brunette hair before allowing it to waterfall down her back to shoulder blades. She then slung her bow over her shoulder and was about to head to Hyrule when the sound of footsteps made her glance back over her shoulder. It was a man, large and muscular. Clear strength seeped from his veins and he was headed directly towards her. Trya froze, her body shocked in pure panic; she wondered if she could fight in off if he was too attack.

What if he was hired to kidnap her, and knows about her royalty!? Wait I'm not thinking straight...Why would anyone do that?....

A blonde youth then also came heading their way, making her tense even more, but it seemed he was just asking for directions to Hyrule. He looked very much like the Hero of countless things. As the pair conversed, Trya just glared at them, unsure of what to say or do.


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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Aleph looked at the man approaching him and sized him down. He didn't seem like he had much going for him aside from upper body strength, for what uses he didn't know. But the boy seemed to be completely innocent, or stupid. He'd hoped it wasn't the latter, but after he tripped on his way.... well, Aleph wasn't too sure about it. But at least he wasn't some foolish bandit trying to claim items that didn't exactly belong to him. "Ah, you mean Hyrule?" he smiled. "I am headed there myself. You may follow if you so wish."

Aleph accepted the boy's handshake with a firm grip. "I am Aleph." he greeted, releasing the boy's hand and his eye caught the woman he noticed from before. She seemed to be staring at them, and observation was gleaming in her eyes. She probably feared these men, or so he'd assume. After all, she didn't look like she was built for battle, unlike a certain female tribe he'd had a few run-ins with. He offered her a smile as well, filled with a warmness you wouldn't expect from a cold-looking warrior such as himself. Those dents in his armor that they boy Torin referred to didn't help.

"Hello, Ma'am." he called.


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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nodding Torin set his pack down for a moment and stretched "so Aleph why are you headed for Hyrule?" he asked opening up the front pocket and pulling out the telescope and peering through it "got some business you need to take care of or are you looking for something" putting the item back Torin looked at the woman who seemed confused and waved

"Hi" he called out picking the pack back up "you really don't have to be that far away i won't bite" after readjusting the straps to lay comfortably on his shoulders inviting the woman over to talk to them


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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(Sorry for not posting recently, kind of got hit by a car...)
Tyra Lynn

It seemed both men were headed towards Hyrule, one clear of the way, the other not so much. Trya was unsure whether she was pleased or uneasy by this. If they began to speak with her then she would walk alongside the pair, if not she would awkwardly trail a few steps behind. The dark brunette male caught her gaze and smiled warmly, the girl returned one of similar affect. "Hello, Ma'am."

"Hello there," Trya said timidly, bowing her head politely. She did not so much as fear this man, she was just curious with the contrast between his personality and appearance. He also seemed to be rather different, as in not of Hyrule blood. How odd...

"You really don't have to be that far away I won't bite..."

Trya laughed lightly at the second males comment, she placed a hand upon her hip and tilted her head in amusement. "How do I know that you won't hmm?" She questioned smugly before examining the blondie brown haired male a second time; her eyes aqua eyes narrowed slightly. "You...have a resemblance to Link..." The words just rolled from her tongue.


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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hearing the last comment made Torin smile he had always shown pride in his Brother "well i hope i would have a resemblance to Link after all he is my brother and if i went around biting every one i met i doubt he'd be happy" he said placing one hand to his side and the other kept on one of the straps of the pack he was carrying "and you seem rather comfortable in the water" he added looking up trying to determine what time it is "looks like it's late in the afternoon better get moving soon" he sighed shifting the weight from one side to the other "hey Aleph one more question exactly where are you from?"


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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(Dear god guise, sorry! I did NOT see the thing for a response DX)

Aleph turned his glance back towards the boy, who apparently resembled somebody named 'Link'. Aleph was not native of this country, and so he wasn't too familiar with much about Hyrule that wasn't obvious. He obviously knew about Ganon and his dark reign that caused many people to suffer just so he could feel better about himself, but he didn't know about Link and that he had fallen. This was probably for the better because Aleph would've offered his sincerest apologies to Torin, who was unaware himself that he was down a sibling.

The boy spoke, asking of his origin. The brunette male clad in foreign armor got this question very often by travelers and even bandits before they attack on occasion. Those of them that cared, at least. "Far to the South would you find the land of Allyia, from which I was born. The red flowers that litter the green grass is most beautiful when the orange sun is setting, but the land is far too small in comparison to this land of Hyrule. I don't find many who know of my home, but it is a beautiful place indeed." Aleph rolled his shoulders and threw a glance towards the road.

"You are both very welcome to follow me to town if you'd like, but we must not delay much longer, for time waits for no one, and the monsters are much more fiercesome then." he offered them both a quick smile before starting on a walk down the road.


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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"you don't have to worry about me when it comes to monsters" Torin said looking at Aleph curiously "Allyia hmm that sounds familiar" shrugging it off Torin turned on his heels "but yeah monsters are much worse in the dark i just hope no Keese won't be out tonight those things are annoying and i can hardly ever get a hit on them." he said with a sigh following closely behind

looking up the hill Torin kicked a rock as hard as he could making it travel about half way up "and another problem is the Lizalfos who live near the castle i swear almost every time i had to go there they would just be sitting there waiting to attack" then looking back he put his hand on his head "but that path is usually what i take at least when some one is coming along giving me directions"


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Character Portrait: Trya Lynn Character Portrait: Torin Character Portrait: Aleph Banton
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Trya Lynn

"Your Links brother!?" The girl exclaimed incredibly loudly, a wide and beautiful grin spreading across her damp face. Trya leapt towards the blondey-brown haired male and grasped his hand tightly, the water from her hair dripping onto his clothes. "Wow! You have Asome pretty legendary blood running through your veins..." She then noticed the liquid falling onto his arm. "Oh I am sorry..."

"And you seem rather comfortable in the water..."

That was because she was a royal Zora hybrid, who had been taken from her own kingdom and placed in a land she knew little off because they would not accept her Hylian blood. But of course, she would never even dream about telling two strangers the truth. "Yeah...I guess your right..." Trya's expression fell dramatically and so she fell into a dazed depressive silence.

"Allyia, I have heard of such a land. My Father visited there regularly as a kind of holiday," The brunette told the large armoured man, she felt a little meek stood beside him which stressed her a little, but the man seemed very pleasant and polite and so she respected him greatly. "I would not mind travelling with two handsome men," Trya giggled lightly, ringing her hair out once more but still looked greatly displeased by her soaked clothes. She really did not think this through.