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Lucas O'Connell

"You know it's better not to complain Sage, your not the one being targeted, your just along for the ride"

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a character in “The Lightning Thief”, as played by Soki


Name:Lucas O'Connell
God/ess Parent: Poseidon
Personality: Lucas is a rather laid-back and happy go lucky most of the time; though sometimes he can be a bit paranoid but with what he is, it's quite an understandable flaw in his personality. When you first meet Lucas you wouldn't think he was a very serious guy, sarcastic remarks, bad jokes; and pranks galore was his forte. Though he can be quite serious when the situation calls for it, specially when his friends are in danger. His loyalty is one of his major faults, seemingly getting him into trouble more often than not, considering he's always taking the blame for his friends to keep them out of trouble when the situation calls for it.
Magical weapon(s): Celestrial Bronze Odachi; A gift he found on his bunk once he had been claimed, The sword has waves carrying cherry blossoms painted along the blade, with the hilt having absolutely no hand-guard, the sword when not in use takes the form of a earring that he wears on his left ear, it looks like a silver katana in earring form
History: He was born To an Irish immigrant who had just arrived in America not but a few weeks previous. His childhood was normal other then the obvious lack of a fatherly figure in his life, well that was until his mother married his step-father; a drunkard of a man who was about as faithful and loyal as a nymphomaniac on speed. Which that was putting it mildly by Lucas. His childhood was filled with bad pranks and stupid jokes, which most of the time got him expelled from every school he's ever attended. His life seemed to grow weird as well as he got older, spotting weird looking people, animals that don't look right, all this seemingly made him wonder if he was crazy or not, but life began to change for him around sixth grade, when he killed his pre-algreba teacher that turned into a bat-like creature with a pen turned sword thrown to him by his latin teacher. Then a trip gone haywire after he got expelled from Yancy academy, and a trip to montauk, which hell broke loose as his mother rushed him and a kid he had met at Yancy off towards a summer camp, first lightning then a bullman and then darkness. His entire life now upside, as he now calls Camp half-blood his home.

So begins...

Lucas O'Connell's Story


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas’ eyes finally opened, finding it hard to even manage that his eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room. His eyes finally focused on his surroundings taking in the sights; they weren’t much but it was a lot better than where he had passed out at. When his body finally allowed him to sit up, he got an intense feeling of vertigo, almost as if his body was telling him it wasn’t ready to get up, but he wasn’t going to stay in bed when what he hoped was a nightmare didn’t seem to be. He moved his legs to the edge of the bed his entire body ached, mostly his head, that bull-man he fought must have tap danced across his forehead while playing some sort of folk music. He rubbing at his forehead trying to focus his thoughts as he used the nearby end table to balance himself, only now noticing the cup that was on it, and the faint taste of chocolate or cookies, something he couldn’t quite place at the current situation.

He stumbled his way to the door turning the knob stumbling his way out into the den, now his had to adjust to the light of day coming in through the windows and the screen door, but that wasn’t the interesting thing, the entire den seemed odd, and smelled of fresh grapes. He frowned and turned towards the door; the warmth of the sun felt good on his aching body pushing his way out to the front porch, and if it were humanly possible his jaw would have hit the wooden porch that he had stepped out on. What he first noticed was the cabins, not so much cabins as ancient Greek-like buildings, he rubbed at his eyes to see if this was all a hallucination caused by his aching skull, but no such luck; after his realization of the cabins, his eyes fell on the campers now seemingly going about their day as if he was just another kid that got lost and managed to wind up here after the storm though he wanted to call out and ask where he was, he kept his mouth shut his mind registering what his eyes had seemingly ignored; this kids were armed! Some of the campers seemed to be walking off towards an archery range with a quiver on their backs and bows in their hand, others swords at their hips and breastplates on their torsos.

Lucas made his way to the railing leaning against it his head now throbbing with all this new information that it was gathering, but that was before the whinny and the whooshing sound passed over his head. He looked up just happening to catch a glimpse of a
 flying horse? His eyes grew wide for a moment and then he just closed his eyes placing his head against the railing. “Nope, just a dream, can’t be real flying horses, armed kids cabins with Greek-influences. This place was making less sense by the moment, not to mention his fight with a tighty-whitey wearing bull man, that choked his mother to golden dust. “I’m going to wake up..on the side of the road and my mom’s going to be shaking me awake yep..that’s how it’s gonna play out..” He mumbled to himself quietly trying to keep standing, and using the railing to keep him up-right.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
“Not a dream..” He muttered to himself, those first words sticking in his head as Sage continued to talk. He listened, or tried to not wanting to seem rude at this point, mentioning his mother set a rigid shock through his spine, and for just a few moments all the pain was gone as he stood up straight looked to sage and frowned. “wait
you called that thing the minotaur, as in the labyrinth, Theseus right killed him? so uh..if that really happened shouldn’t he be.” Lucas’ mind was working overtime, which didn’t help the headache as he studied sage’s face, and his new appearance which in hind-sight he would have laughed at if he wasn’t in so much pain emotionally and physically. “Camp half-blood..” He repeated, beginning to sound like a broken record. “Three days..what..” His mind was trying to wrap around all this new knowledge, all these new facts that were seemingly burning into his brain.

He took the clothes, though he never really registered the fact he did. “Wait, you said Ambrosia, wasn’t that
the food of the gods in old greek myths?” He asked his mind reeling with old details his ADHD mind had actually kept. “Wait you also said half-blood right, Ambrosia.. it was said it would kill a mortal man..” his mind seeming to get nearer to an answer but the logic of the world he had lived in denying it. He disappeared back inside the big house finding a room that wasn’t occupied, or didn’t seem like it, he couldn’t tell right now changing out of his tattered jeans that looked like he had let someone throw hot coal all over, burn marks and holes all over the legs, and his shirt, needless to say was ripped around his abdomen and missing a sleeve, though his shoes seemed fine, thankfully doubting he’d get a chance to find another pair any time soon.

Once he had changed and felt like his head had stopped working overtime, he rejoined Sage on the porch studying the male as if he had just met him again. “So, that was just an act then back at the academy?” Though he didn’t wait for an answer, figuring he didn’t need one as the answer stood obviously in front of him. “So
wanna show me around my new home, I guess I better get to know it and my new friends and family..” He said family with a bit of sorrow, as if the word was a gouging knife ready to pierce his heart, still not ready to accept his mother’s death; or that he fought the minotaur in his underwear. “Oh uh
and a comb would be nice.” He said indicating his bed-head, his hair was going in so many different direction it looked like a back up high way in New york, and he should know he lived there.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
Lucas just stood there, mostly dumbfounded by the knowledge that was being poured into his mind by Sage. “So
We’re born, find our way here or die trying..good to know” he said with a shake of his head following Sage towards the cabins, hearing he’d be bunking down with cabin eleven; the Hermes cabin made him blink. “Soo
.glad I’ve nothing of value on my person, if I’m staying with the children of the god of thieves..” Though when Sage indicated towards the three bigger cabins his eyes caught onto the sight of the Poseidon cabin, something, a strange feeling calling to him from it but he ignored it promptly as another person entered the conversation.

His first instinct when hearing that there was a bet on his life was to be angry, but he didn’t feel angry, more along the lines of being happy to actual have survived. “Thanks, good to know my survival lost you some easy money” He said a bit sarcastically though he nodded when the male mentioned his name. “Lucas, or Luke I suppose, I’m not exactly sure my name’s gonna matter much” he said with a returning gaze to the Poseidon cabin. “Sage you mentioned an arena, are you talking like the Roman Coliseum kind of thing? like pit-falls with wooden stakes fighting lions, and sword fighting?” He asked curiously, the first notice of a smile on his face, something he was good at swords, well not swords in particular considering he had no official training, but he did like them.

“oh um wait, you said Chiron, are you talking about the famous trainer of heroes; like Achilles?” he asked with a curious expression, knowing he was bringing something up that had been mentioned a bit before what he had asked currently. Which in his mind it was spinning in circles trying to regain a foothold but failing miserably. “Wait
okay so I’m a demigod, and I’m alive now
because I was able to kill the Minotaur; who killed my mother” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “This being the only place our uh
kind? can learn to survive out in the real world, and uh I’m guessing Chiron is our what? camp Director?” He asked curiously his mind now focusing which was odd being ADHD and all. “Is there any possibility that I’m in a comma and this is just a recurring nightmare that I’ll wake up from? no?” he asked looking from Ishmael to Sage, and back again. He knew deep down Sage was telling him the truth, but to find out that the Greek gods weren’t myths, and they’re in America of all places now? Well one more bit of news like that and his head might ignite, if not maybe his heart would have a complete attack because of the fact his mother was actually gone. Then it hit him, his eyes seemingly began to have signs of hope in them. “Wait if everything from Greek lore is real
that means the underworld too right?” he asked with a hopeful expression aimed directly at Sage.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He observed Sage, noticing he seemed to be growing slightly annoyed at his questioning after he replied about the arena, but his next answer wouldn’t be coming as another entered the area, this one looked older than the rest that were present. He listened to the new male, noting his name was Ethan, shaking his hand when it was offered. “Nice to meet you.” He stated in a rather bland tone, but once Sage answered his question, his eyes began to shine with renewed vigor and his pains seem to fall away, if just enough to allow him to move quicker. “Then, I can find my mom again.. There’s hope” He said out loud more to himself than to those present. “So how do I find the entrance to the underworld, if everything is here.. in America now, that means it is too” His mind working the angles of getting his mother back, and not so much worried about the flame that was now held a by twelve year-old boy.

His mind was set now, wither he lived to tell about it, he had to find his mother and save her no matter the cost or the fights he’d have to live through. He had already killed one tighty-whitey wearing monster? what could a few hundred thousand do? unless they all wore tighty whiteys then it could get embarrassing. He was standing perfectly straight now his body seemingly not in as much pain as it had been, though that was just the adrenaline and excitement giving him something else to think about, it wasn’t like he was trying to be rude or anything of the like, but with a chance to save his mother, a chance to bring her back to life. He had to take it, even if it cost him his life in return. “Look is there any way I can leave camp at all? I mean thank you for uh saving me and taking care of me for three days but

He looked off to the side and then back to Sage, and then at Ethan straying from Ishmael a bit if only because the male had bet that’d he die. “My mother didn’t deserve her fate, and it was my fault, regardless of what happens to me I’ve got to save her, if only to give her back her life..” He said feeling his aching return but more promptly in his heart. Why did it have to hurt so bad to know his mother was able to be saved, but yet so far out of his reach, then again even if he did make it to the underworld how would he save her, and with what training. He didn’t know what to think right now, his mind taking the irrational action of wanting to save his mother at any cost, but yet a bit of him knew there was no chance of him succeed specially with how he had only beaten the Minotaur out of pure luck, not out of any natural training. He turned some looking towards a large hill with a lone tree. He studied it, a feeling of remorse seemingly taking him over but not for any reason he knew of, maybe it was a sense of realizing he was half-blood or whatever.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
Luke paid attention to how Ethan’s expression changed, listening intently to his words before he left, and trying his best to ignore the roaring anger in his gut that wanted to burst out and bash in Ishmael’s face in for his comment, needless to say that tugging, and roaring feeling in his gut wasn’t ever going to leave him. His face darkened again, a mask of sorrow seemingly taking the place of the hope that was there as he looked to Sage, but his face turned in the direction of the girl that Ishmael had began to call to, noticing a string of occurrence with the male in the form of slight insults for everyone, the tugging roar at his gut lessening knowing the male was just like that, as he tilted his head curious at the girl, but said nothing returning his full attention to Sage and what he had to say, hearing him say the same that Ethan and Ishmael was saying, didn’t do much for his hope, but his anger felt like it was about to burst from his body.

All three of the people he had just recently met were telling him to all but forget about his mother, though not in those terms. This was too much, his anger was roaring in his ears like the waves did during a storm, his face had to be a little red as well. Though it lessened, if just a small portion hearing how Ethan had failed at his quest; which made Lucas just a tad bit nervous, seeing as someone who was as confident as Ethan could fail, what chance did he have? Then came Sage’s optimism, he didn’t know if it was to try and put a positive note on all of this or to try and boast the mood, but right now he didn’t care. He was slightly surprised to see the girl come over, and then to mention his deed; he stared at her dumbfounded, his mind not registering her words until a few moments after she had said them. “Umm
thank you? my names Lucas” was all he could manage, though the mentioning of the bet made him shake his head. “Yeah, I’ve heard about this bet, I’m glad some people lost; cause I’m not ready to wind up dead yet” He said calmly, looking back to Sage.

“I’m ready to continue the tour, and I doubt I’ll be anything special, I got lucky with Tighty-whitey bull, nothing more” He said modestly, it hadn’t just been luck in that situation, some instinctual reflexes, and heavy bursts of anger had seemingly took the reins of his body and led him to killing the creature, but of course because of the stress put on his body he managed to pass out for three days, so yeah he really felt like a bad ass. “Sooo, Max Ishmael are you gonna join Sage in my tour? maybe tell me more about this bet, and who I’ve to watch out for now that I’ve cost some people money?” He said with a bit of anger in his tone, something he needed; he needed all the anger he could muster, because once he let that go, nothing but sorrow, nervousness and fear would be in its place, and right now? That was not an acceptable feelings. “so what’s next on the tour Sage? maybe the armory? seeing as if I’m to learn to fight I’ll need an actual weapon right?”


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He followed Sage in silence his heart feeling heavy, and for once his ADHD mind was silent of everything, upon reaching the armory his eyes lit up at the sight of all the beautiful weapons, though oddly glowing, but he didn’t care all of them here, and he got to choose! He smiled like a kid in a candy store as he looked around picking up a dagger here, or a sword there. The only thing about each one he picked up, was that the balance felt off. He didn’t figure it mattered right now, with all the things he’d seen so far just having one, or two would be a comfort. He picked up a regular Greek short sword, and a dagger giving them both a twirl in each hand. “I’ll take these..” He said swapping the sword to his right and the dagger to his left, the dagger feeling more balanced in his main hand then the sword. Then came Max’s question which he stopped and stared at the ground, trying his best to remember; as if there was a block in his memory that wasn’t about to break. “I remember
” He paused gathering a breath, “I remember the car exploding from a lightning strike and being thrown from it.” He paused once more working his mind to remember the rest. “Then, with a flash of lightning I could see it clearly, it well, looked like a giant hairy guy in tightey whites to be honest..” He said with a nervous laugh, “anyways, the next thing I know is it’s strangling my mother, she turns to gold dust, and I’m charging it with no weapon whatsoever, the next thing I remember is I’m on it’s back holding onto it’s horns for dear life!” He frowned a little, knowing there was just one more thing he could focus on. “Then I remember breaking off one of it’s horns and jabbing it through it’s face..”

He had finished his story and blinked away a couple of tears from the part of his mother before shrugging. “I remember having to drag him towards that big blue house too; then nothing” He said with a shrug of his shoulder twirling the sword and dagger again. Though before anything else could be said, a man in wheelchair, someone Lucas instantly recognized. “Mr. Bruner?” He questioned, the older man smiling from his wheelchair. “Yes, well here I prefer to be called Chiron, Sage, Max” He gave them each a nod, and a smile in turn. “Come Lucas, Though I do not doubt the talent of your two tour guides here, they must get ready for sword practice with Ethan so come along” The man said before turning his wheelchair and moving off along the path away from the Armory. “um
see you guys later?” His words seemingly coming out in the form of a question, as he walked quickly to catch up with the man, leaving two of the only three people he knew at the camp behind.

“So, young one do you remember what happened on that field trip?” Chiron asked, looking to his side at Lucas. “So that pen you tossed me did turn into a sword and I did cut Mrs. Dodds in half!” He exclaimed, “Why did you and Sage lie to me about that?” He questioned feeling a little hurt knowing his favorite teacher at Yancy at looked right in his eyes and lied. “It was better you didn’t know who, or better what you were; if you had known, it would have been like a sign to all the nearby monsters, and something far worse could have happened.” Chiron said as he stopped his wheelchair, Lucas sighed softly coming to a halt as well standing there, his eyes catching sight of a strawberry field and kids tending it; well more like making the strawberries grow at rapid speed, curious but not going to bring it up he turned to Chiron. “You mean like a Minotaur choking my mother to dust and my step-dad’s car exploding with us in it?” He questioned with angry eyes, causing the old centaur to frown slightly. “No.. something far worse my young friend..” So many questions stormed Lucas’ mind, so many that he knew he wouldn’t be able to ask them all and make sense of it in one day. Chiron gave him a knowing glance, realizing, almost reading his mind as it were. “Lucas’ I know what you’re thinking, and how many questions you must have, I promise that they will be answered in due time, but for now! go have fun at swordsmanship practice, I will see you at dinner!” Chiron propelled his wheelchair forward but stopping his short and smiling as he turned it around. “Oh and before I forget here” He tossed him that same exact pen he had been given that day at the museum. “Hey but this is” His sentence cut short as the Centaur in a wheelchair moved off towards the big blue house, leaving Lucas alone on the path staring down at the pen in his hand.

Though it took him a bit he made it back to the arena, having put the sword he had got from the armory back where it belonged, before walking inside. He looked around, thinking he would find Ethan, or maybe his new friends here, but alas it seemed he was the only one here, so with a shrug, and uncapping the pen; and drawing the dagger now in his right hand, he began to gingerly practice on a dummy, at least until his friends showed up.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
I’m so dead” He thought to himself, hearing the rules and then the fact he went first. He might as well throw in the towel now, at least if he had come near last he might have stood a rookies chance being fresh and all, but being first up he might was well run like a coward. He took a deep breath clearing his head of the thoughts of trying to talk his way out of it, placing the dagger back in its sheath at his hip, he held Riptide in both hands glancing down at the blade ever so slightly; almost in a silent prayer. He then turned his attention to his new friends, Ishmael seemed to be lazing about, Sage already joining the circle and Max. “Well this is just great, everyone’s here to see the kid that killed the minotaur get his butt handed to the camp badass..” He sighed at that thought, “well time to take my thrashing, and hopefully walk away with some sort of dignity intact”

His thoughts now put on the back-burner, judging the balance of his sword, and then without a thought, relying purely on his own reflexes, and doing something no swordsman did unless under the influence of extreme emotion; or alcohol; he charged in, going for a complete newbie like move of a running lunge, doubting his blade would make any contact at all, more likely it was Ethan would side-step and he’d take a mouthful of sand as punishment for such an obvious attack.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
A slight yelp came from Lucas’ throat, and heat began to flow throughout his face as he blushed, realizing he had just made an utter fool of himself, with that charge and that yelp. He turned to face Ethan once again, hearing his words, but feeling a slight bit of anger in being made a fool of. He had learned a lesson now, charging in blindly was idiotic, but he didn’t really know what else to do; with a quiet sigh and angry thoughts at himself, he lifted the sword again, this time with an over-head swing straight for Ethan’s shoulder, if anything he just hoped this would be over soon, and that he could possibly walk away from it, without being unable to sit down, that would be nice. His ears picking up slight snickering in the crowd, letting him know that they were enjoying his thrashing, and with that once again another mistake; he wasn’t focusing on his attack.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
“Oh shit.. The only two words that came to his mind as the swing neared his wrist, without warning, and completely without a thought behind it he dropped his sword, his wrist moving out of the way as he spun around picking it up with his right and sweeping in the exact same motion, Riptide flying towards Ethan’s Ankles.
Though at the same exact moment a familiar Centuar, none other than Chiron appeared near the front of the arena bow slung over his shoulder, along with his quiver. "Alright Kids it's time for dinner! and then we play the camp favorite!" Most of the kids turned and nodded, and began to march out, Luke himself turned as he heard the voice of his old Latin teacher, riptide stopping just short Of Ethan’s ankles, and with a slight blush he stood up, and began to follow the shuffling kids straight to the pavilion.
The pavilion was amazing, out in the open, and with a single burning Brazier, or something of the sort, curious as to what it was, but he said nothing as he joined the Hermes kids that had sat down, being he hadn’t be claimed yet and didn’t know who his godly father was, he had no other choice but to sit there, or at least that’s what he had gathered. Once everyone had been seated, Chiron; who stood at the center table raised a goblet. “To the gods!” and turned it over pouring it on the ground, as everyone else did the same with their own goblets, so as such Luke did too, After that everyone rose taking their plate of; (Well as it turned out Lucas had noticed everyone’s plate magically had whatever they wanted on it, which he didn’t even wanna ask) towards the Brazier, cutting off the juiciest part of meat, or the freshest of the fruits, whatever was the best, and when it came his turn he did the same, but instead of smelling what had been dumped in, strangely he smelt the sea air. He frowned slightly and returned to the table with his plate poking at what was left, having lost his appetite for now.


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#, as written by Soki
The meal passed by quickly, or at least it felt that way to Lucas, as he ate what was on his plate absent-mindedly, though it wasn’t too long before chiron began to speak. “Alright Campers as you all know, today is capture the flag” A rallying cheer came from several of the tables, which spooked Lucas just a tad, but he just kept quiet, Chiron himself had to stomp one of his hoofs to calm the campers. “Everyone is to assemble in the field to arm themselves and put on armor, remember no maiming if you can help it, I will be serving as Referee, and medic” The centaur said in a calm, but stern voice, and with that the cabins seemed to disperse marching out of the pavilion and towards the field where tables with armor, and weapons were already set up. He followed the Hermes cabin right towards the field, though he stayed back a bit to watch everyone. A Few campers seemed to put on armor, one helping the other strap on the breastplate and such, others gathered up arrows for their quiver, Lucas stood there in awe for a bit, before he walked to the table and picked out some armor for himself.

Once he had been able to strap on the breastplate and some bracers, he felt well ridiculous, the breastplate was much too big for him, and because of that, well he felt like a turtle, but he figured with how Chiron had to mention no maiming he’d be better with it on. He stood there now, that he was finished with his own preparations, he looked around some, hoping to spot a familiar face of such, unlucky as it seemed he just stuck with the Hermes campers, and hoped he’d survive this with no missing limbs. “Nervous?” Asked one of the Hermes campers looking down at Lucas with a slight smirk. “Yeah..a bit” He replied trying to hide it behind a straight face. “Well don’t be, no one usually dies, maiming though happens a lot, I think a Ares’ camper lost a finger last time we played” He said with a laugh elbowing one of his friends who joined in, which only caused a growing warmth in Lucas’ face. “Thanks guys, for the reasurance..” He mumbled under his breath.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He was still quite nervous even though Ethan seemed so Enthusiastic about it. The helm on his head now, of course felt heavy and slipped down way too far. He pushed it up a bit as he listened to Ethan and everything he said, and then being told he was the secret weapon and that he was on border patrol, he nearly objected but before he could Ethan was already on his way. He frowned a bit, but his smile returned some as Max came into sight, trying her best to seem reassuring, as well as sounding excited about working together. He tilted his head listening to her and chuckled some. “Yeah..I guess you’re right, and thanks it’ll be nice knowing I’ve got someone close by” He said feeling ever so slightly more relaxed about this, but still quite edgy.
It took him a little bit to find the stream, but once he did; he just kind of found a place to stand and guard the area, he really didn’t know what to think, and considering he was just on border patrol; there wasn’t much for him to do, but once he heard a horn blow, he was sure the games had begun, and regardless if he felt ready or not he’d have to stay here, and thankfully with Max’s help protect this place from the other team. “Dad..whoever you are, it’d be nice to get a sign; or maybe a bit of help here..” He mumbled under his breath. After quite a few hours, or what felt like hours he had decided to sit by the stream, Riptide capped and in his pocket and his dagger sheathed, so far with the amount of swords clanging against each other farther out, he was sure the battle for the flag was getting intense, and, a slight ping of desire to be out there proving himself seem to ring in his heart, but he’d rather not move from here and end up screwing things up, with how Ethan had put it; he’d rather not disappoint one of the only people he knew here.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He frowned slightly hearing that she couldn’t get a clear shot, even more so when she said that Ish was all his, he sighed slightly as he stayed in a defensive-like position watching Ish closely. “heh, no I’m not gonna pay you anything except maybe a few bruises.” He said with false bravado, that wrench was short compared to his sword, with reach in mind Lucas thought this might not be so difficult, but once again he was proven wrong as Ish charged in at him aiming for his ribs on his sword-arm side. His mind working trying to think of a way to counter, but his reflexes took over yet again.
He quickly rose his dagger deflecting the blow and jumping back, he gripped Riptide more forcefully as he moved in for his own strike a downward angle with his sword, with his reflexes in full control, it wasn’t a matter of thinking about his next move, but just making sure that he didn’t leave himself open relying purely on his own battle reflexes with no formal type of training whatsoever. If Ish happened to block the sword strike, he was sure he could counter with a quick thrust of his dagger, though he’d have to be close enough , other than that this move was either going to leave him completely open, or surprise Ish enough to give himself an opening.


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas felt a ping of regret for his attack as he watched Ish sidestep his attack and go in for another disarming attack. “No you won’t catch me that easily!” He called out as he took the blow with a parry from the sword, but that didn’t seem to be the only thing up Ish’s sleeve, not wanting to risk it he took several steps back standing in a defensive position once again. He could hear Max, and someone else in the tree; he wasn’t sure who was with Ish, and he wasn’t going to take his eyes off of his opponent to find out. He watched Ish with curiosity as he pulled on a black glove and dug into his pocket. He listened to the male with a rather curious expression trying his best to read his motives, but it wasn’t long before all went black.

“H-hey!” Lucas called out. “That’s not fair!!” His voice filled with a bit of a pout, as he tried to look around but could see nothing but darkness. “Where ar-“ His sentence was cut off by the sudden ringing of his ears and a throbbing pain in the back of his skull, thankfully it wasn’t enough to knock him out cold, but it was sure enough to send him forward straight into the stream. Once his body hit the water, several realizations began to hit him. One; he felt stronger, and the pain in his head was lessening little by little, until he felt no pain at all, two; he felt more aware of Ish, and the movements of the male, and the surrounding area they were in, and three;His eyes were working once again, the darkness seemingly purged once he had entered the water. He pulled off his slightly dented helmet tossing it on the opposite bank as he smiled. “Was that best you got? because if cheating with that and getting in a cheap shot was it, you’re not gonna win this fight” He raised both his blades again with a renewed confidence.


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#, as written by Soki
This feeling, of strength and confidence, he hadn’t really felt it before, it was all so new; and the tugging at his gut, though familiar it still felt stronger, much stronger than ever, and with Ish in the water; he could only feel more, and more confident, and as the tug grew in his gut. He continue to step back deeper into the stream. A Smile grew upon his face as some inert realization hit him. “Well I’m glad it wasn’t your best, cause then this wouldn’t be as funny” He said and all at once concentrating on the tug in his gut, and without warning a wave rose targeting Ish, ready to drench him completely, regardless if he tried to dodge, it was more than obvious he was in Lucas’ turf now

Lucas felt great, and even with an annoying glowing green light that was above him
 wait a moment, He looked up to see what the source of the light was, and amazingly enough it was a floating green hued trident; a sign of some sort. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt a connection with it, was this what it meant to be claimed? It wasn’t long before it faded leaving him standing in the stream in awe, in front of a probably quite soaked Ish. “Hey, did you see that?” He asked curious for a moment forgetting that they were on opposite sides of the game. Though it didn’t take him long to return to a stance of defense, even if he did probably just drench the guy, it didn’t mean he couldn’t still fight.


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas heard the cheering and then the horn, which he caused meant they won, with a smile on his face he turned to his soaked opponent wanting to get one more smartass comment in, but he’d never get the chance. A loud howling could be heard, and he turned his full attention to where it came from, and he could have sworn his blood ran ice cold. A large black dog looking thing stood on top of a large pile of rocks, and he could have sworn it was glaring down at him. He had no idea what to do, paralyzed to the spot, all he could do was watch as the thing jumped down, and charged him. Within a short amount of time he was pinned under the hulking mass of the big hound, clawing up and down his chest like he was a rag-doll, and just before he thought his chest would give several arrows flew by piercing the hound at the throat.
Lucas was sure if he looked down at his chest it would look like ground meat, but it didn’t, he was perfectly fine, the wounds were already starting to heal and the barest of white lines indicated the scaring, and even that was healing, he sat up quickly looking off in the direction from where the arrows came to see Chiron with a very distraught expression. “I think we should all return to camp right away, Lucas, I want you to come to the big house.” He turned his attention to Ish. “Ishmael you should go get changed and come along as well, Sage; bring Max to the big house as well!” He called out knowing both were nearby as he galloped off, leaving Lucas sitting there feeling very self-conscious about the fact his chest wasn’t a mound of ground beef

After regaining his composure and finding his dagger which he had lost when he got pounced, he made his way briskly to the big house, tapping on the door twice before entering. “Um..Chiron I’m here,” He looked around a couple of times and made his way into the den, only to find Chiron had someone gotten back into his wheelchair. “Ah, welcome come sit, let us await the others..” He said, his tone had sounded welcoming but he could tell that what he was about to find out was going to be probably something that was going to ruin the rest of his summer.


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#, as written by Soki
As each camper made it in, Chiron looked more, and more saddened. Once everyone had found a place to sit, or stand he let out a sigh. “Well young Lucas, it’s good to know who your parent is, but it also came at the worst time, and well specially because of the treaty” Lucas looked at the Old centaur with a tilted head and quizzical expression. The old Centaur stroked at his beard some. “You know of the three big gods correct? Zeus, Poseidon and Hades?” Lucas nodded. “Well after the last big war they swore never to have children, where you and Sage are well hints of how easy it is for god’s to go back on their word..” He said this calmly as he looked at each one of the children here smiling softly, but it was a pained one. “Young Lucas I think it’s time you meet our Oracle, and learn of your destiny.” He moved his wheelchair towards the hall, Lucas following.
Once He had gotten up into the attic, and began to look around; there finding all trophies from quests he figured, reading some of the names on the plates and such, though he continued to close the distance between him and this chilling feeling inside him. He found what he figured was the oracle, but it was an old mummy wearing a tye-dye shirt amongst other things that look like from the seventies. He walked closer, gingerly as he frowned slightly. “Whats..” He looked around like this was some sort of joke, swallowing hard as he finished his sentence. “What is my Destiny?” He asked. He stood there for several minutes, feeling like everything around him was deathly still, and before long the oracle opened its mouth as a green smoke-like substance seemed to move around the mummy, encircling it, and him as well. “You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned. You shall he betrayed by one who calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.” When it was finished the smoke disappeared seeping back into the mummy, leaving Lucas standing alone, and feeling violated and terrified at the same time.”
He returned to the Den where Chiron and his friends were, looking pure white and pretty shaken up. “I
I know what I must do now..” was all he said as he took a seat trying to regain a bit of himself, and hopefully that meant the color in his face. “Will you, please recite what you were told.” Chiron said, looking to Lucas; which the boy nodded his head taking a deep breath. “You shall go west, and face the god who has turned.” He paused taking another breath. “You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned.” He paused again, this time trying to think if he should mention this part; but not wanting to disappoint. “You shall he betrayed by one who calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.” Once he was done he frowned slightly looking up at Chiron, who nodded to him. “We have our Quest, all of you return to your cabins, and get some sleep; we will send you all on your way in the morning
rest well for I doubt you will see camp for awhile.” The old Centaur said wheeling his way out of the Den.
Lucas had left just after Chiron, not really looking at his friends as he did, considering he felt really low for some reason, the part about being betrayed really hitting home; specially considering he had just met all of them, trying to make a mental note on who it could be or why. His thoughts were interrupted as he stopped in front of his new cabin, the Poseidon cabin; once inside he found that some of the Hermes’ campers had been nice enough to move his stuff to the cabin, smiling a little as he walked towards his bunk, to find something that didn’t seem to belong there. a package not very big, something that held jewelry most likely, and as he opened it he found an earring, something simple, with a silver katana hanging on a silver chain. He smiled picking it up, but once it was in his left hand the pendent grew, until it was a large sword having to be held in both hands. “Wow..” was all he could mumble as he looked down on the card on the bed. placing the sword down on it as well, as he picked it up and read over it, a small smile growing over his lips. “Thanks dad..” He said softly as he touched the bottom of the hilt, the sword returning to earring form as he placed it on his dresser for now, curling up on his bunk, hoping for sleep to come soon, and just to wake up and this all to be a dream.


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas’ sleep was riddled with nightmares; of his new found friends betraying him, one after another all under different circumstances, and all in one different nightmare after another; but after that his nightmares seemed to fade, as he began to float along in another way, his dreams leading him off somewhere dark, a cave-like area, but before anything could happen, he awoke; the sun barely breaking over the crest of the hill as he sat up in his bunk rubbing at his eyes. “ugh
 need more sleep..” he groaned out as he fell back wanting to sleep more but knew the quest was suppose to begin now.
He had only one spare outfit, consisting of a regular pair of jeans and a camp half-blood T-shirt. picking up his new earring and undoing the stud in his left ear, and put in his new piece of jewelry, feeling a tad more confident with a weapon given to him by his own father, but still not completely ready to take on such a task laid before him. He exited his cabin stretching out his limbs, as he looked off towards the hill. He figured they’d all meet there, considering it was the highest vantage point, and nearest place to the road. He looked at his cabin one more time before he turned his full attention to the hill and made his way for it. He passed several campers seemingly going about their business, or heading to the pavilion for breakfast and such. He gave a timid wave to each that he passed, and they waved back; but out of pity or actual friendliness he probably wouldn’t get a chance to figure out. Once he made it to the top of the hill, he looked at the tree, just now really noticing it, as he inspected it. A lone tree on a hill by itself, it was something to see, now completely lost in thought as he awaited his traveling companions on this one-way trip quest.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
“Coralbrain huh? Bet that took you all night to think of huh?” He asked with a playful smile as he shook his head, turning towards Ish. “good to have you around Ish, never know when I’m going to need a smart-alecky remark and a human shield around” He said with a laugh, and it wasn’t too long before Max, and then Sage joined the small gathering. “As ready as I’m ever going to be..” He mumbled to Sage’s question; then just as he was about to turn and walk down the other side of the hill to their ride, a familiar face stopped him. Ethan came marching up the hill, making a statement, and trying to sound disappointed even though he had a smirk, Lucas smiled a little and shook his head. “Well it’s easier to just go and not say goodbye ya’know?” he stated before a shoebox was shoved into his hands. He listened to what the male said tilting his head curiously but nodding some and smiling. “Thanks Ethan, We’ll see you when we get back” He said that last bit half-heartedly, as he made his way down the crest of the hill.
Once he, and his small group had climbed aboard the van, they were off down the countryside. He sat near a window staring out watching fields and fences roll by. His mind was everywhere else but where it needed to be, wondering about the prophecy; and how things were going to play out, not to mention the fact that he was being blamed for taking the lightning bolt when he hadn’t even know the gods had existed until two days ago, and even then he was out for three before that! He turned his attention to his friends trying to give a reassuring smile. “So
Sage, Ish you wanna make a bet if we make it back alive or not?” He asked trying to throw out a joke to lighten the mood.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He listened to Ish talk, shaking his head some as he frowned slightly. “Ish you really are a pessimistic guy, I figured it was just how you welcomed new demi-gods, but it’s good to see you’re as shallow as the kiddie pool” He said feeling like giving the insults back if just a bit for now. He then listened to what Max had to say, nodding a bit but not saying anything about it as he looked out the window of the van. While watching the countryside go by, something caught his eye, a flash of golden fur, and an outline of a
 giant lion? He rubbed at his eyes for a split second and it had disappeared; almost like it had never been there; or maybe a sign of something to come later, either way he couldn’t worry about that now. He turned his attention to the group just as Sage began to speak. “A grand huh, well let’s hope you’re right, cause I’d really not like to die at twelve years old” That being the last thing he said as the ride continued.
Once they had reached their stop, it being a bus station somewhere in Manhattan, they bid their driver farewell, (which Lucas hadn’t noticed before, the dude had like millions of eyes over his body, but he figured if he came back at all he’d get to ask then) who handed them bus tickets and then was off. He turned to the group before shoving the shoe box into Ish’s hands. “Here dude, I think dive bombing our enemies with that lethal wrench will do us all some good; besides with how big of a dent you put in my helmet when not sneaking you might be more of a challenge being able to sneak up on me” He said with a slight smile, testing the waters a bit seeing as he knew Ish already would have some way to insult him and say something shitty about the gift. “Besides if what Chiron said is true, and I’m sure it is I’m sure Zeus would love nothing more than zapping me out of the air, and I’d rather not die by electrocution by my very own godly uncle you know?” He turned his attention to the bus station, looking down at his ticket. “So
We’re off to risk life and limb to stop a war between the gods and clear my name
.” He said with a hint of sarcasm. “Hey Sage do you ever miss Yancy at all? cause right now I’d rather be, being picked on then nearly killed..” He mumbled under his breath.


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Character Portrait: Lucas O'Connell
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#, as written by Soki
He slightly listened to Ish’s negativity and only waved a hand. “oh shut it Grease-monkey” He said, before smiling at Max. “He probably expected a limo to ferry us to our doom, or something of grandeur” He said with a shrug as he looked down at his ticket to check for a bus number. “Bus number
” He squinted at the ticket for a second and smiled. “Bus 82..” Though before he could begin to look around to find it he heard Sage mention the other Latin teacher, He looked back at Sage and shook his head. “Well at least I know I’m not crazy now from all the weird things that happened back then.” He said with a slight laugh as he began to look around checking for the bus. “There it is, come on” He said and took the lead. He closed the distance between himself and the bus, patiently waiting for his time to climb in, once he had a chance he made his way towards the back, sitting there.

Once all the passengers, including his friends had made it on board the bus pulled out of the station and was off, he stared out of his window watching as the city slowly passed by. He really had nothing to say at the moment, though he was sure; that if he stayed quiet enough Ish would have something amazingly negative to bring to whatever conversation sprung forth. He laughed softly to himself at that thought as the city was gone and replaced with a comforting sight of nature. He smiled softly and just stretched out starting to finally feel a little better, even with the knowledge of imminent death, was waiting for them at the end of their quest, or maybe just one of them, who knows considering the it was his quest; it would most likely be him dying at the end of it most likely by a lightning bolt. He frowned at the thought, hoping Zeus wasn’t paying too much attention to his thoughts and liked the idea of roasted Poseidon spawn.