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April Summers

Come on. Try and tell me you don't want a piece of this.

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a character in “The Liminal Academy”, as played by cirrus_sd


For those whose talent has brought them to the Academy, when money could not.


Image Name: April Summers

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: April looks much older than her age, for multiple reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is her body, which, although slender overall, is quite voluptuous, with curves in all the right places. A natural redhead, April's skin is pale, soft, and largely unblemished, with only a light smattering of freckles across her small, round, upturned nose. Contrary to the provided image, April has bright green eyes, with thick, darkened eyelashes. She stands at a confident 5'8, and enjoys wearing heels often. With a bombshell bosom, a tight waist, killer legs and a pleasant sight for the eyes of those behind her, it would be difficult to turn down April based on physical appearances alone.

As of late she has been able to dress in fancier clothing, purchased legally with money from her dubious and not-so-legal profession. However she isn't above lounging around in more comfortable and/or revealing clothing, so long as said clothing is made of silk or some other expensive fabric.

Personality: Behind the pretty face lurks something a little more dangerous. Despite spending much of her later years among the poor and uneducated, April is cunning and quick-witted. She learns quickly and has a strong sense of street smarts and gut-feeling. A skilled actress and liar, April isn't above deceiving others for her own means, and she has resorted to various tactics to do so. From flirty to shy to playful to aggressive, it is difficult for most to decipher what April is really like. She is flexible--both physically and mentally--and is able to adapt to her surroundings, becoming what people expect her to be so that she can achieve the unexpected. Her pride falls in her ability and not in the manner she may dress or act. It is all an act anyways.

Since realizing her ability, April has developed a much stronger confidence in herself, and carries herself as such when she is not actively trying to manipulate someone. However, beneath this confident, almost arrogant cover is an insecure, quiet, and sensitive girl. It is she who gets affected most by emotion, and when her mental shield is broken, it is this girl who is most corrupted into blind fits of rage, jealousy, or sadness.

Those who spend extended amounts of time around April will discover certain quirks of hers. For example, when thinking she tends to curl her hair around a finger. She clicks her nail on surfaces out of both boredom and nervousness, and she stiffens at the sight of airships before looking away quickly. She suffers from a crippling fear of heights, stemming from the manner in which she lost her parents, and will not step foot into an airship. Discussion on that particular topic will result in a bored look on her face, however since this is a facial expression she wears often it may be difficult to realize the correlation.

April also has a deep knowledge of flowers and flower arrangement, and is knowledgeable in the Terra version of Victorian Flower Language. She can identify various plants and herbs through sight or smell or seed, and knows all of their names by heart. She often smells of flowers herself, although the exact scent is difficult to put a finger on...

Lastly, April has a very strong aversion to fire. Almost as strong, if not stronger, than her aversion to airships and height.

Background: Originally the child of two nobles who were somewhat close to the royal family (but only through marriage), April's first few years of life were grand. However, at the age of 6 her parents perished in an airship accident. April herself was on the same airship, which had caught fire while descending and crash landed, exploding. Miraculously, she was found unhurt, with only a handful of scratches and not a single burn on her body. They later discovered that the fire was caused by rogue fire-users, but were unable to confirm whether it was mage, assassin, or simply a civilian terrorist attack, and the culprit was never found.

April went to live with her maternal grandmother in a more pastoral setting. Because her mother had married into nobility, the living conditions were much poorer. However, these years were also happy, and it was here that April learned of the flowers. She was 10 when tragedy struck once more, this time with her grandmother dying of old age.

With no more surviving relatives, April was sent to an orphanage in the city. These years were darker years, the orphanage overcrowded and full of smelly, rowdy children, especially the boys who would whistle and hoot at her growing body. April ran away after only a year. After a few weeks on the street and truly homeless, a locksmith spotted her and took her in. A widower with a good heart in desperate times and lonely, having just lost his own daughter to sickness, he took care of April, providing for both of them with both his daytime profession and his under-the-table 'hobby' of duplicating keys and creating master and skeleton keys and lock picks for the ne'er-do-wells. The locksmith eventually taught April his ways once she showed interest, and he found her curiously exceptional at opening locks with enchantments placed upon them.

One thief would often frequent the locksmith's shop, though not always for picks and keys. When April was 13 the man tried to force himself upon her while she was out getting groceries. She scratched at him and tried to run away, but was cornered by his gang. One of them wielded runes, but when he tried to use them against her to subdue her, the magic held no effect. Fireballs and electric bolts and vines were cursed at her, but still, nothing. The fire would extinguish in a plume of smoke, electric bolts bouncing off and vines curling in a perfect circle about her feet. It was then that April realized she too could wield magic, in the form of an anti-magic barrier.

Still distressed by the situation, April ran away. Shortly after she was recruited by a younger gang of ruffians, and was used as a way to get through enchanted doors and passageways. It was during these three years that her confidence boosted and her manipulative, deceptive side developed. Along with lockpicking and her ability, she became skilled with small knives, often carrying one or two on her person. She became tougher, more mature, and certainly more cold. Up until two weeks ago she made her living as a thief, living by herself in a small, cramped apartment and doing fairly well for herself. However, at her most recent job her gang was caught and she was arrested. An older man showed up, introduced himself as the headmaster of an Academy for those young and gifted like herself, and offered to bail her out if she attended. By no means did she refuse.

Possessions: Two small daggers hidden on her person. An ornate, bejeweled hair clip. Many fancy, and not so fancy, clothes. An antique pocketwatch with a photo of her dead parents and grandmother folded inside. A small key she wears on a chain around her neck, given to her by the locksmith. A lock-pick she wears as a hairpin, also given to her by the locksmith. A small, bound leather book of pressed flowers. And a pair of cut wedding bands that she wears as earrings.

House: House of Candles

So begins...

April Summers's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Ellard K. Donahue Character Portrait: The Chatelaine
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He sat in the carriage, palms sweaty, staring down at his newly shined black leather shoes. A drop of sweat dripped down from his forehead onto the wooden floor.

He didn't like this. He wasn't prepared for this. This was a total break from his daily routine. He wanted to go back home. Now.

He wished he could just tell his family that he didn't even want to assume the head of the family, but he feared too much for his own life. His sisters were ruthless...he wasn't even sure if they cared much for him. Particularly his oldest younger sister, Amelle...she was twice his size in both girth and height and ten times stronger. Yet her distaste for him was even stronger than her physical strength, and she had threatened killing him on multiple occasions. Whether she meant it only as a joke was lost on him. He wasn't taking any chances.

"Master Donahue," he heard the voice of the driver call out, "The horse is growing restless. As am I."

With a nod, he grabbed the handle and pushed. He nearly fell out of the carriage, so nervous was he, and he was far too weak to carry his single suitcase.

The thin boy approached the stern-looking woman, and stammered out, "E-ellard...Ellard D-Donahue," when prompted for his name.


The red-haired beauty had decided to walk to the school. She never was very fond of horses anyways, only riding them as a last resort. She had upon her several bags and a large suitcase trailing behind her. She was dressed in several layers of her not-so-shabby clothes, which only caused one to wonder what else she had packed. Her bags themselves were of fine quality, and at first glance it would have been difficult to pin her as a child of the streets. However her leather boots, though pretty, were well-worn, the brown on the heel chipped and hinting at heavy use on the streets.

She strode confidently to the doors of the school, waiting in line behind a mousy-haired boy accompanied by a man holding a suitcase. Much be the rich type, April thought to herself, hefting her bag higher on her shoulder. She listened to his painful stutter, as if he were answering a difficult math problem rather than something as easy as his name. She rolled her green eyes and sighed. If this was what she was up against at this school...well. Perhaps this was not as prestigious as she had first thought.

The setting changes from The Known World to The Great Hall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon Character Portrait: Ellard K. Donahue Character Portrait: The Chatelaine
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"Ellard Donahue," says the Chatelaine. Is there a hint of warmth, even of sympathy, in her demeanor? Perhaps, but it is so slight as to be virtually imperceptible. She hands him his key. "The House of Sunlight. Room 209, with Jasper Salvatore. Stairs are to your right, rooms are marked. Questions?"

Once young Ellard is dealt with, she gives April her room assignment and key -- 117, with Allyse.

Finally she attends to Phoebe -- brusquely, but at least with none of the pointed pauses that some of the others had earned. She has room 118, with Alina Rivers.

The setting changes from The Great Hall to The Known World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Luken Chase Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon Character Portrait: Ellard K. Donahue Character Portrait: The Chatelaine
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Luken arrived at the academy in anything but a good mood. It was his father's suggestion, no, order, to attend the prestigious school. Luken sniffed at the large door he passed under, adjusting his collar and rubbing at his stubble chin. Horus, the servant behind him pushing a cart of his two trunks and bag, mumbled something Luken didn't catch. The probability that it mattered was slim, but Luken huffed, "Yes, Horus?"

"I was just saying, sir, how am I going to get these up the stairs?"

"You'll just have to carry them, won't you?"

"But sir-"

"Horus, you're the servant. It's what you're paid to do, yes? Isn't my father paying you overtime or whatever for today? Taking this ridiculous journey...for school. I've already finished my exams, what does he think I need further help with?"

Horus paused in the doorway, hesitant.

Luken squinted over his shoulder to the thin man. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not a student. Er, sir."

"Lucky you, now c'mon!"

Approaching the severe woman in the center of the hall, Luken swallowed back a look of disgust. Whether it worked or not, he didn't care much. All he wanted was to get through this year and be done. He didn't even know what this whole academy place was about.

"Luken Chase," he muttered when prompted. Horus wheeled up beside him, the cart creaking to a stop. Luken rolled his blue eyes, pushing his hair to the side.

He caught a girl with brilliant red hair heading up a set of stairs with two others. Students, he figured. And the dorms were indeed up a large flight of stairs. Luken shrugged. Horus would manage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Topaz Montgomery Character Portrait: Luken Chase Character Portrait: Jasper Salvatore Character Portrait: Ellard K. Donahue Character Portrait: Noah Marx
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The pale blonde's hand clutched onto an ink pen, the pen being a sleek black color with a gold accentuation, the pen moved swiftly, the sharp tip of the pen scratching on the paper of her diary as gel black ink seeped out of it.

Dearest Diary,

Topaz is currently riding within her coach, waiting to arrive at the prestigious Liminal Academy. Topaz isn't sure if she's that fond of the premise of the school, part of the reasoning behind this is that Topaz would rather not have to partake in a lot of work into her magic...perhaps one could say Topaz's work ethic is very flawed, but Topaz begs to differ...there isn't much reason to wish to work a lot when you don't have to. Is there? Topaz supposes one would think of her to be full of herself now, a spoiled prodigy, but she wouldn't care less, the prospect of Topaz caring about what others thought of her is rather unimaginable!

Topaz let out a small laugh, before continuing.

Besides, Topaz doesn't think that when it comes to magic that much work needs to be put into it...Topaz feels as though magic should be something natural, something that just flows out of you like a river...or a pool of blood for that matter.

Topaz hates to go but her carriage has made a full stop, the horses are getting rather antsy and she supposes it's about time she exited to make her way to the school.

Love, Topaz.

With that Topaz shut her book and gracefully made her way out of her cushioned coach, her glossy heeled shoes stepping onto the floor. As she made her way to the school they clicked faintly on the ground, she gathered her belongings, and soon began walking towards the school, her ruffled black dress crinkling as she walked. She soon made it within the school walls, stepping to a rather crabby seeming old lady who wore outdated clothes, what she found most interesting however, were the keys attached to her belt, assuming they had something to do with the doors that the school was partially most renowned for.

"Topaz Montgomery, Madame," Topaz said in response to when she was questioned for her name, her voice was soft and non threatening, perhaps unlike her nature. Respectfully, she bowed slightly to the woman, the Montgomery family was rather well respected and well known, a gift and a curse she supposed...but she was definitely fond of doing such antiquated yet elegant things such as bowing.


Noah had decided to walk to the school, against the wishes of the faculty who though it would be better if he were to be escorted there by carriage or at least with some officials of the school. He had been involved with a pretty infamous crime organization, so he didn't blame them for thinking he'd try to run away after they bailed him out of jail, but it wasn't like he was evil or anything, besides, they were providing for his family, and he wouldn't turn his back on his family.

In reality Noah knew they just thought that it'd be safer in case a member of the guild tried to kill him to keep him silent, or perhaps they even just wanted to be friendly and give him a comfortable journey, but Noah didn't really enjoy thinking of rich people in a positive light all too much. It was a bit risky to do that. Besides, he was sure they had one or two people watching him just in case one way or another, or not...he could really care less.

Eventually he walked into the school, slouched slightly as he walked, he noticed a few people there, most of whom seeming rather wealthy, four of whom stood out to him. There were two guys, one with peculiarly colored hair (not as if he was one to talk) who appeared to be having a seizure or a panic attack or something already, and another who seemed extremely pompous based on how he treated his servant or whatever, and definitely someone who he wasn't going to like. Alongside the guys were two girls, one with a voluptuous body and vibrantly red colored hair-like a fire, and another with an odd vibe and long pale blonde hair-like a ghost. "Noah Marx," he said to the woman who asked his name, his presence informal and distant.


Jasper sunk his head in embarrassment as he rode in one of his family's best carriages, supported by his family's best most regal stallions, which were guided by his family's most experienced rider. He was sure that many others would definitely desire to be in the situation he was, but he thought it was really all too much, just another flagrant attempt to try and get other high class people to think of the Salvatore family in high esteem. Their family name had never been one of well renown, despite their economic success, and Jasper's parents were definitely trying to cash in on his enrollment to the academy.

Soon, they had arrived at the school, their arrival preceded by an ensemble of various loud instruments played by people hired by the family, along with actors hired by the family to cheer and swoon at his arrival. At this point in time Jasper undoubtedly wanted to strangle his parents for their excessive behavior, but was already far away from them now, and would soon be far away from their reach...hopefully. He never comprehended the lengths his family would go to achieve renown and never would. His parents said he would in the future but he highly doubted that. He thought that perhaps if they applied all of their energy into actual important matters rather than eccentric things like this they would get a good name for themselves...

Soon he had entered the school, already noticing the big personalities that were inside it's walls. Himself on the other hand...he wouldn't say his personality was much of anything that interesting really, but he did pride himself in a good taste for comfortable clothing, tea, treats, the arts, and, well, there was always that to fall back on. His family's servants had carried his belongings in for him, despite his requests, their presence granting him an unwelcoming glare from a boy with what looked like white hair.

When asked for his name Jasper was caught off guard, forgetting to bow and everything, "-Oh, I'm Jasper, Jasper Salvatore." He said with a meek wave. He could already tell that his family would not be receiving a good name for themselves already, and he was glad to say he couldn't be happier about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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#, as written by Miyer
Allyse was bored now, the excitement had worn off and the girl couldn't go explore the school just yet, she didnt want to miss meeting her roommate.

She had already explored the room, unpacked what little she had, given her cat some food and changed into a new set of cloths after discovering a bunch of cloths in her size in her wardrobe.

Now dressed in a simple red tank top and black skinnies, Purple hair tied up into a messy bun on the top of her head, her dancing cloths and accessories packed safely in one of the back draw.

Laying down on her bed she brought her hands into the air and clicked her finger, watching as a small flame flickered to life. Watching the flame detach itself from her finger in began to dance around Allyse's hand and arm as she waited for her new roommate.

The setting changes from The Known World to Room 117


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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0.00 INK

Opening the door, April was indifferent to the girl on the bed, clearly her roommate. However, when she realized she had fire dancing around her fingers, April's eyes widened slightly, feeling her stomach dip.

However, the reaction was not long-lived, and the normal cold glare in her eyes returned as she kicked the door shut with the heel of her boot.

Confidence returning, April strode over to the remaining bed, releasing her backs and suitcase and pulling her hat off. She didn't speak, figuring that her roommate, another street rat no doubt, would introduce herself shortly. She started unpacking her things as she waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer
Allyse quickly sat up when she saw her roommate enter room, pausing at the door before moving over to the bed on the left side of the room.

"Hi! My names Allyse, but please call me Ali!" She said enthusiastically, waving her hand so the flame disappeared as she bound across the room to stand next to her roommate, "You April right? It's nice to finally met you, I have always wanted a roommate!" She grinned, clapping her hands together excitedly before spotting coal and running over and scooping him up from where he lay, "This is Coal! He's my familiar! I hope we can all be friends!" Allyse said again, tilting her head to the side a little to watch April unpack as she waited for the red haired girl to reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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0.00 INK


April wondered how to go about acting with this girl. Should she keep up the snooty, too-good-for-you attitude she had now, or perhaps soften up? Maybe even descend to the level of excitement this girl fact, she needed to think about how she would portray herself here in this academy...appearance was everything, regardless of what others may think.

Making up her mind, she smiled warmly as she turned to, Ali. "Hello," she said brightly, "Yes, I'm April. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." She grinned down at the cat, or familiar as the girl said, and fluttered a couple fingers towards it in a sort of wave, "Hello, Coal. He's very handsome." She glanced back at the girl as she pulled off her shawl and outer layers, dropping them on top of the bed, "I'm sure we'll get along just fine, don't you think?"

The setting changes from Room 117 to The Known World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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#, as written by Miyer
Allyse grinned as April gave her such a warm response, from the look she had in her eyes when she entered the room Allyse had been a bit worried she might of been spoilt and snooty but she turned out to be very friendly!
"I know, I love coal! I got him off the street, he was basically starving when I found him and we have been best of friends since!" She said with excitement, "So what magic do you do April? Oh and what classes are you taking? I am really curious about that but I don't know when we will be deciding them, though I know I want to work with fire! I'm a pyromancer after all!" She said happily, lighting up her fingers again with a snap before waving her hand and the flame vanishing, "I use it for my dancing but I want to be able to do more with it, and hopefully the academy can teach me!"

The setting changes from The Known World to Room 117


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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0.00 INK

A pyromancer, huh? April didn't exactly have the best history with pyromancers...or fire in general. Still, the girl looked to be too much of a dolt to pose any sort of threat yet. Dancing? Please.

April continued to smile, though, opening her closet to find more clothes and hanging up her own as she continued undressing until she was only one layer away from her slip.

"I'm not entirely sure what my magic is," April answered, somewhat truthfully, "All I know is that it prevents other magic from affecting me. So...I guess like a shield? Or armor? As for classes," she laughed, "I'm not even sure what's available, to tell you the truth. But I'll let you know for sure when I find out," she winked at the end.

She tossed her other clothes bag into the closet and sat on her bed, taking a pause from unpacking. "How long have you been dancing for?" April asked, keeping the small talk going as she thought about the rest of her luggage.

The setting changes from Room 117 to The Known World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer
Allyse watched April for a moment and noticing she was going to change, began to play with coal in her hands. "That's true, I also don't know what classes there are." She stuck her tongue out, "Silly question. But cool, it must be nice to be protected from magic! Your can kind of neutralise magic than? That cool!" She grinned as she made Coal walk around on his hind legs by holding his hands in the air, which caused him to meow in protest.
"I have been dancing for years, started when I had to get money for my family. I got better and learned how to use fire and than I used fire in my dancing, got a name for myself down in shadowtown. Many called me the dancing flame, but I doubt that name means anything." She smiled up at April, "So what about you? Got any hobbies?" She smiled, Allyse liked talking.
It kept away her boredom and helped her learn about people.

The setting changes from The Known World to Room 118


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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The dancing flame? That sounded familiar...she'd probably overheard Romul talking about her to the other guys.

"Hobbies?" April repeated, and then smiled, "Well, I do enjoy flowers. Primarily flower arrangements. You can tell a whole story with the right ones."

There were other "hobbies" of picking locks and throwing knives...but Allyse didn't need to know any of that.

"Do you want to look around this place?" April asked, standing up. She was still somewhat scantily clad, with only a thin dress on top of her slip, but she didn't particularly care. She scampered around in less on the streets.

The setting changes from Room 118 to The Known World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers
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#, as written by Miyer
Allyse smiled and nodded, picking up coal and cradling the cat in her arms as she headed to the door, "Ya, I have wanted to explore this huge school for ages! But I was waiting for you to arrive so that we could do it together." Allyse smiled at April as they began to walk down the corridor.
Glancing around at the architecture, Allyse couldn't help but feel amazed. It was her first time in such a grande building and it looked absolutely beautiful.
"I wonder if we will meet anyone else while we are exploring, it would be nice to know some more people before classes start!" Allyse said, glancing left to right as she tried to spot other students but right now they appeared to be alone.

The setting changes from The Known World to The Students' Rooms

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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"Of course not," said Alina, with a small smile. "They shall get better use of the windows than I, after all."

With that wry comment, she headed for the door, managing to find the door-knob without too much trouble. Assuming Phoebe followed, they emerged from the room together, finding themselves back on the long balcony overlooking the Great Hall. Nearby were two girls, presumably the 'neighbors' Alina had mentioned.

The dark-haired girl turned in their direction and offered a small wave. "Hello! Are you new students as well? I'm Alina, and this is Phoebe. We're in 118."

She then tilted her head, seeming to 'look' at Allyse, despite her sightless, milky eyes. Her expression was slightly bemused. "Is that... an animal of some kind? You didn't smuggle it in, did you?" Her voice was more intrigued than concerned, however.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Elyon
Phoebe sighed in relief, thankful to have such a bearable roommate. She didn't know much about the school, but she had heard that many of the students could be rude and unkind. While she had her moments, she wasn't sure she could live with someone like that everyday. The brunette slid off the bed and followed her roommate back into the hall.

As they approached two other girls, she remained behind her guide. It was odd how much easier the blind girl seemed to get her bearings in this maze of a place. Once Alina had uttered her greeting, she joined in waving, but remained silent. She suppressed a girlish giggle when she sighted the cat. Phoebe had this quirk where any cute animal made her giggle a little and feel immensely happy. It was distracting and entirely inconvenient, but cats are cute.

"He's adorable. What's his name?" She asked with an excited smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer
Allyse heard the door to 118 open and glanced round to see a dark haired girl with misty eyes and a brunette walk outside, the brunette following behind the other girl slightly.

Allyse watched as two girls walked up to them, "Hay! My names Allyse, but call me Ali, and this is April," She than held up Coal out in front of her, "This is coal, and of course I didnt smuggle him in, he's my familiar! And I know right! I love how cute he is!" She said while drawing the animal back and snuggling into the creatures fur.

Allyse rushed over to stand next to the girls, "So you seem really nice. Do you want to come exploring with me and April?" She said while jumping up and down at the prospect of making more friends on her first day.

The setting changes from The Students' Rooms to The Known World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon Character Portrait: Noah Marx Character Portrait: John Mortimer
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0.00 INK


Noah glared at the monotone speaker, finding his words were the only thing more irritating than his voice. He continued glaring intently at the boy, his eyes wandering slightly to notice that he seemed to just be connecting some pictures with others...his mind almost instantly flashed to the time he spent in jail, watching as the authorities made connections for various crimes with tacked pictures and thread. He assumed the boy was trying to emulate what they did, and he didn't like it.

Who did they think they were anyways? Assigning him a room with a wannabe guardsman as if he needed to be watched over by him or something, wouldn't they at least have stopped to think about how much of a bad idea it was too room them together?

Noah stood up abruptly, not wanting to be in the presence of Jean Mortimer any longer. He left the room, quickly closing the door behind him. He rubbed his temples for a moment once he was outside the door, looking across the hall to see what seemed to be a crowd forming of four girls. He sighed, looking the other way and trying to think of what he was going to do about this living arrangement.

The setting changes from The Known World to The Great Hall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Luken Chase Character Portrait: Cecile M. Tudor Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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Everyone present in the Great Hall or the surrounding balconies could hear a faint scream, followed by another at a slightly higher pitch. It sounded like the screams had come from the second tier -- the student rooms for the House of Sunlight.

The Chatelaine turned her head in that direction, frowning.

The setting changes from The Great Hall to The Students' Rooms

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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#, as written by Elyon
Phoebe, about to accept the April's offer, jumped at the sound of the resonating screams. Her eyes glanced around the room trying to decipher where the sounds were coming from.

She wasn't certain if she should be worried or annoyed, but she hoped that this was not normal behavior. With a nervous voice she asked the other girls in her party, "Do you think we should go check that out? I mean someone could need help.

She rubbed her finger tips together as she waited for their answer. She had developed this nervous habit over the years. It brought her comfort because she originally only did the act as she was about to tend to her garden. She looked hopefully at Alina, perhaps she'd like to join her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allyse Gypso Character Portrait: April Summers Character Portrait: Alina Rivers Character Portrait: Phoebe Avalon
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"I'm not sure," Alina replied, her confident voice gone a touch uncertain, though it gets firmer as she continues: "It came from Room 218, if the numbering is logical. But I'm not sure how to get there from here."

For those who can look around to see, it became apparent that there were no stairs from the first level balcony to the second. They'd have to descend to the Great Hall, and then ascend the opposite set of stairs.