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"I won't promise to be something that I'm not ..."

0 · 654 views · located in Neverland

a character in “The Lost Girls Diary: Saving Neverland”, as played by Kura Ravengade


"Even the strongest of the strong break, and I just tend to blend into the background ..."




| Full Name |
Angeline Annemarie Tuttles

| Lost Name |

| Nick Name |
Little Red
Dirty Scott

| Appearance age |
16, but can appear older when she tries

| Real Age |

| Role |
The Quiet One

| Ability |
Ability Replication;
Synopsis ~ The ability for one to acquire the special abilities of another evolved being.
Weaknesses ~ Only one ability may be accessed at one point of time. Past abilities acquired have been erased, almost as if deleted from the software of a computer, and are inaccessible unless gained once more, which would wipe away the current ability. Such as, if one were to hold the ability of water manipulation, from a mere touch the ability is acquired, but only through skin-to-skin contact. Once this ability is absorbed, it is able to be used by the holder of Ability Replication, but once another ability is taken, such as Animal Mimicry, the person is unable to use Water Manipulation unless there is skin-to-skin contact with the holder of that ability once more. However, then Animal Mimicry would no longer be accessible. This does not affect the person in which the ability is being taken from, though. They do not lose any amount of their power, nor do they feel any differently, and are able to use their ability just as before. Angeline has yet to master the ability to not absorb other's abilities, so therefore wears gloves that guard her hands from touching another person's, especially one of the other Lost Girls.Image


"A Bit Personal"


| Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks/Other Outlandish Markings |
~ She has scars that lace across her back in random fashion with seemingly no intent for any sort of design, that was caused by constant whippings dealt out by her drunk father ~
~ A scar along the left side of her forehead, her her hairline, which was caused by a 'fall' onto the corner of a table ~
~ She has tattoos on her back, over some of the scars, that were placed there by the tribe that took her in and made her one of their own ~
~ She has more scars then anyone can count, lacing across her wrists and up to the middle of her forearm, which are easily concealed by her gloves, which reach up to that exact place. Her reasoning for wearing the gloves cannot be questioned, either, due to her powers, and she almost never removes them ~

| Trademarks |
~ Her quiet and gentle nature ~
~ Her lovely voice, when speaking and singing ~
~ Her unnatural ability ~
~ Her fiery red hair, intense green eyes, and endless splay of freckles ~
~ Her Scottish Brogue ~
~ Her hatred for Peter ~
~ Her musical abilities ~
~ Her low self-esteem ~

| Likes |
~ Climbing Trees ~
~ Reading ~
~ Humming ~
~ Music ~
~ Freedom ~
~ Animals ~
~ Flowers ~
~ Butterflies ~
~ Honey ~
~ Fruit ~
~ The color Green ~
~ Exercise ~
~ Playing her fiddle ~
~ The Lost Girls ~
~ The Lost Boys ~
~ Slightly ~
~ Hook ~
~ Physical Pain ~

| Dislikes |
~ Authority ~
~ Being 'In 'Charge ~ "I'm no leader ... I'm a follower, through-and-through ..."
~ Fear ~
~ The Unknown ~
~ Hook ~
~ Peter ~ "He deserted us. He's no leader, nor is he someone to be idolized. This is all his fault. The other girls may think of him as a hero, but I think of him as a coward, and nothing will change that."

| Weaknesses |
~ Easily Manipulated ~
~ Tends to Over-think Things ~
~ Often comes off as though she thinks she's high-and-mighty ~
~ Fear ~
~ She tends to not have a backbone and is almost unable to stand up for herself when it comes to anything, which makes her any easy target ~

| Strengths |
~ Freckles doesn't really have a backbone, so there aren't many ~
~ The other Lost Girls ~
~ Her need to protect those that she cares for ~
~ Her bow ~
~ Animals ~
~ Her ability, despite her fear of using it, is quite powerful ~
~ Hand-to-hand combat ~
~ Knife-handling ~

| Weapons |
~ Freckles never travels anywhere without her trusty, hand-made Bow and Arrows ~
~ A pair of daggers fashioned for her by the tribe that had taken her in when she first arrived in Neverland ~

| Personality |
No one can really deny the sweetness that Angeline holds inside of her, but nor can they deny the burning hatred for Peter that she also holds. Although no one really knows why she hates him other then the fact they he deserted them - for hatred this powerful must go deeper - she holds her own reasons for hating the boy. She was outwardly cold to him during the last few years of him being in Neverland, and will become so once more when he returns, despite how much it angers Porcelain. To anyone else, however, she is one of the kindest people anyone could encounter, and couldn't hurt a fly unless provoked - and that's only if someone she cares about is hurt. She doesn't really care about herself and thinks that she's worthless. This is one of her worse traits. Her self-esteem is next to nonexistent, and will only jump to protect her loved ones, while taking any brunt of any attack on herself, even if it makes her feel like crap. Around people, even the Lost Girls, she's quiet and almost seems to retreat within herself like a turtle does when frightened, and will only inch her way out around those that she feels absolutely comfortable around. Despite being oldest Lost Girl, she hates being in a position where she is a leader, and will gladly follow Porcelain as the one who leads the Lost Girls.

| History |
Although she often doesn't show it, Angeline grew up in a difficult home that began in the early 1720's. Her parents were both drunks, and her own siblings were taken away by her grandparents, due to the danger that living with her parents faced them. For some reason, Freckles was never taken away, and was forced to live with them until she was sixteen. By that point, she had grown so tired of living with the constant abuse and anger that was often directed at her in a drunk en fit of rage, that she decided that it was time to leave Scotland and her parents. And that she did. She packed her bags and caught the first delivery boat out - as a stow-away, of course. The boat, however, never reached it's destination, but instead was caught in a hurricane and torn to pieces. Angeline drifted on broken boards for days, until she finally reached the shores of Neverland. Weak and barely able to open her eyes from lack of nourishment, she was taken in by a small tribe of people, whom she left as soon as she was well again - yet not without bestowing her gratitude upon them. She still visits them from time-to-time, in secrecy, of course. Not long after she left, she met Peter and the Lost Boys, who she drifted in and out with, until she joined the Lost Girls, who became her new family. When Peter left, she swore that she would never forgive him for all the pain that he put her friends through.

| Other |
Although she would never admit this to anyone after all that he's done to them and her, she's always harbored a secret crush for Captain Hook, and often finds herself stammering in both fear and admiration when he's around her, and although she knows he'd only ever come to her for his own gain, she wouldn't care.
She hates Peter, for her own reasons.
She also holds a slight crush on, ironically enough, Slightly. They grew close when she ran with the Lost Boys, and remained so even after she joined the Lost Girls. She's missed him extremely since Hook took over and he disappeared, and has been snowballing downward in her depression.
Despite everything, Angeline has always had mild depression, and even though it wouldn't really seem that out of ordinary with everything that has been happening, it's been intensifying each day, and is almost to the extent that she wishes to take her own life. Her silence is not a chosen one; she feels as if everything she says and does is wrong, so has taken to not speaking. She does self harm, however, and hides it under her gloves, which reach halfway between her elbows and wrists - the cuts are not in any specific designs, just merely slits to relieve her of her grief, and in their own sick way, they do. Even though she isn't positive, she's almost completely sure that the other Girls do not know of this secret, and would do anything to ensure that they never discovered it.
Angeline also has a thick Scottish brogue that often slips out when she's angry or extremely animated about something. At normal times, it's noticeable but not extremely obvious. If you hold a conversation with her, you would know where she hales from, but it's not an outlandish accent that drives people crazy. In fact, it's considered charming by most, who often wish that she would speak more, just to hear her lilting voice. And when she sings or hums, it's almost like a spell is cast over those who listem.


"My Own Serenade"

"The Lyrics of My Life"


Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self-control I fear is never ending
Controlling. I can't seem...

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem...

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface consuming,
Confusing what is real.
This lack of self-control I fear is never ending controlling,
Confusing what is real.

I Hate Verything About You

So begins...

Freckles's Story