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Cyrus Bennett

"I always get what I want and I want it NOW."

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a character in “The Lovely Ones”, as played by SpaceMonkey



Name: Cyrus Edward Alexander Bennett
Role: The High King's Brother
Age: Twenty-Five
Occupation: "Socialite"; short for Palace Bum
Class: Aristocrat

Personality: Cyrus is unpredictable at best, a loose cannon at worst. Being the High King's beloved little brother has its perks - Cyrus knows that - which is why he seeks to exploit it in every single way he knows how; he does what he wants, says what he wants, and when he wants something, by god he will get it. He's loud, brash, and generally unpleasant to be around. Mostly, that is. If he doesn't like someone - and he doesn't like that many people - then may God have mercy on their soul. But for those he does like, then he probably won't be all that bad - tolerable, at least, and he actually tries to play nice around them.

Though not nearly as merciless as his brother, Cyrus can be quite aggressive towards those he doesn't like, and he's been known to hit people at random, regardless of whichever class they belong to. However, there are also these rare moments where he just shuts himself off from the rest of the world, barring his rooms and refusing to come out until either of his siblings force him out. It's also in these moments where he's most violent. It's not uncommon to see mirrors reduced to mere slivers of glass or entire pieces of furniture to splinters. Not to mention the blood on the walls.

Unfortunately, due to his image as aristocracy's wild child, most people believe him to be, well, stupid. Which, of course, is not the case. He's actually quite gifted, and not just on an intellectual level either. He can accurately play classical pieces by ear, recite entire passages after reading through them a few times, and calculate large sums in his head. Learning isn't a problem for him - the only thing he lacks is motivation.

+ Animals; They're the only things he'll never try to harm. Especially cats. It's not unusual for him to bring home a stray once in a while, though he never keeps any.
+ Music; Classical pieces keep him sane, and putting on Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture is usually enough to calm him down.
+ Alcohol; He's hasn't been entirely sober since he was fifteen. It's his lifeblood.

- When people attempt to take his "stuff"; Whether it be objects or people, what's branded as his will always be his and his alone. Take it, and there will be consequences.
- Sitting still; He just can't do it. It's impossible. He has to keep moving.
- His...ability; It's not so much an ability as it is a hindrance. There are many things e'd rather not see, and he only thing he finds it useful for is for looking through peoples' clothes.

Background: Cyrus Edward Alexander Bennett was the second son of one of the wealthiest men in America. He had an easy childhood; got whatever he wanted by just pointing at it and frowning, and never had to ask twice for anything. He was doted on, yes, but due to his older brother having taken the role of the golden boy in the family, Cyrus was pushed to a considerably lesser role as the family's favorite accessory. His mother took him everywhere she went, dressing him in all the latest fashions, and was always at his father's side at charity galas and fundraisers and whichever event that required them to look as family-oriented as possible. And also because he was easily the cutest of the three (or so he was told).

His teenage years were no different, except with the addition of sex, and alcohol, and drugs. It was around this time where his recklessness really started to blossom (He'd shown signs as a child and was prone to fits, but he was easily calmed). His school life wasn't very eventful. Like his brother, he went to a private school, but instead of taking it slow and making friends and just progressing through it like normal people do, he decided he hated it. He resolved to get himself kicked out, but no matter how many rules he broke or how many times he set the grounds on fire, the amount his father paid them was still enough to keep them from giving him the boot. And so, he decided to lessen his stay the only way he knew how - by acing everything they threw at him. He graduated in less than two years. College was just about the same. After six years in the system and with multiple degrees under his belt, he decided to call it quits and join Daddy and Big Bro. And then the war happened.

The events during the war were a bit hazy, but his parents had perished somewhere along the middle and power fell to his older brother, and himself, to a lesser extent. He also found that he could see through walls (as long as they're no more than eight inches thick) and through peoples' skirts and lots of other things and it freaked him out for a bit, especially whenever he would wake up in the night to find that his eyes were, in fact, closed and that he could actually see through his eyelids. It scared him. It scared the living shit out of him, and so he rarely ever uses his ability (unless there's someone incredibly hot in sight). With nothing left to restrict him, he eventually grew wilder, and even more violent than ever. It's only a matter of time before he ends up destroying himself instead of the furniture.

So begins...

Cyrus Bennett's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magdalena Arden Prior Character Portrait: Cyrus Bennett
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Rays of light filtered through the dust-smattered windows, casting a soft, warm glow upon the chamber. The manor itself had been bustling with activity since the wee hours of the morning, yet this particular chamber had remained untouched, uninhabited, save for the lone figure sat hunched in the middle of the room. In front of him was a grand piano; one that had clearly seen better days, yet none could deny the sheer beauty held by it's handcrafted, albeit rather dusty, maple wood rim. The figure drew back, and slowly brought his fingers towards the keyboard - not quite touching, but merely content to hover over the polished ebony and ivory keys. Then the man let out a breath, and brought them down.

The soft melody of Grieg's Morning Mood filled the room as slender fingers effortlessly danced across the keys. Cyrus Bennett was known throughout the globe for his destructiveness and instability; nearly everyone in the manor had been surprised to know that he'd been the one responsible for producing the beautifully uplifting pieces emanating from the East Wing from time to time. In fact, very few outside the walls of the manor knew of his proficiency in music, and he saw neither need nor desire to let them. Before Grieg, he had played Bach, and before that, Liszt. His music was his and his alone to enjoy, and he would like to keep it as such.

As he neared the end of his piece, he heard a sharp rap on the door, accompanied by a mild female voice announcing that his breakfast had already been laid out and prepared. Cyrus paused for a moment, waiting for the hurried footsteps to fade, before rising. On any other day, he would have thrown a minor tantrum over such an interruption, maybe even smashed a vase or two, but the medications he was given not half an hour earlier had already begun to take it's toll, and he was feeling decidedly mellower than normal. A little weary even, which prompted the sudden interest to play the piano in an attempt to keep himself from keeling over. Cyrus heaved a sigh and ran his fingers through his sleep-rumpled hair. The medications were for tonight - to help keep him calm enough to maintain a grip on his emotions. He didn't want to embarrass his brother in front of the guests; not this time, at least.

He snatched his waistcoat from where he tossed it when he first came in, slung it across one shoulder, and made his way out. He would have to begin preparing for the ball soon, but for now, he needed to get breakfast. He pushed open the door and made to leave, but a sudden wave of nausea washed over him, causing him to trip over his feet. The little move nearly sent him stumbling forwards and unto his face. Luckily, he managed to hold unto the door frame for support. "Ah, shit..." He cursed softly, wincing as he struggled to pull himself upright. It was the medications again. He shook his head and shoved his hands deep into his pockets before making his way down the hall. He didn't even care anymore who saw. He just wanted to get some food. And some sleep too, if he could afford it.

He quickly made his way down the hall, and towards the West Wing where his rooms were. He wanted to get there as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, his body seemed to disagree. He suddenly felt the beginnings of yet another wave of nausea stirring in the pit of his stomach as he walked. He groaned inwardly, and held a hand against the wall to steady himself. The drugs, he decided, was the spawn of the goddamn Devil himself, and Lord have mercy on the bastard that gave them to him in the first place. He grit his teeth, and ran a hand over his face. He was silently grateful that no one else was in the hall, He didn't want anyone to see him at such a pitiful state - let alone the servants. "Fuck this. I need some air..." He muttered, pushing himself off the wall towards the nearest balcony.

Unfortunately, he forgot to check whether that particular balcony was occupied, and found himself staring at one Magdalena Arden Prior. Great. She wasn't exactly the last person he wanted to see - at least not when he looked the way he did. But then, he decided, he couldn't really be bothered to look for another balcony, and he doubted his body would allow him to, so he ultimately decided it best to swallow his pride and stumble in. "Lena! Hi. Good morning." He said hurriedly, "Sorry if I'm intruding. Mind if I get some air for a bit? Of course not. Thanks." He immediately strode towards the edge of the balcony and, gripping the railing, leaned out about as far as he could go. He about to take a large gulp of air, when he caught the familiar scent of cigarette smoke permeating the air. So much for fresh air, he thought. He turned towards Lena, trying his best to ignore the dull ache at the bottom of his gut, and noted the cigarette between her delicate fingers, and the faint traces of smoke trailing out of her lips. "Smoking again, Magdalena? If you don't stop, pretty soon you'll end up just like Marcus."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magdalena Arden Prior Character Portrait: Cyrus Bennett
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M A G D A L E N A // A R D E N // P R I O R

A muffled sound like an opening door brought Lena back to reality as her eyes snapped forward to just listen intently to whoever was jumbling with the door. As she heard it slide open her head moved slightly to the side, catching just a glimpse of whoever dared interrupt her usual routine of smoking about an hour before doing anything productive. Her eyes caught on the short black hair and grayish eyes, whom she at first thought belonged to Marcus but then as she fully turned around she realized they belonged to his younger brother, Cyrus.

His face was slightly greenish and he had a sick look to his eyes as the bags clung from them, the result of not sleeping well. She knew Cyrus was somewhat messed-up but she couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of pity for him. A small smile crossed her lips as she took another swig of her cigarette.

“Lena! Hi. Good morning,” Cyrus said, his voice a little raspy. “Sorry if I’m intruding. Mind if I get some air for a bit? Of course not. Thanks.”

Lena rolled her eyes and snorted quietly as she turned around to rest her arms on the railing in front of them, Cyrus following her moves too. She looked at him from the edge of her eyes and shook her head, exhaling the remains of smoke through her mouth.

“Do as you please,” Lena said in her low voice, raising her head to try to overlook what was beyond the Manor.

“Smoking again, Magdalena? If you don’t stop, pretty soon you’ll end up like Marcus,” Cyrus said. It actually caused Lena to burst in husky laughter, but she stopped herself before starting to snort, which resulted in her sounding like she was choking on her own spit. She shook her head slightly and threw the cigarette down and into the water. The maids could clean her mess up later.

“I thought you’d be the best one to understand my reason behind smoking. It numbs the pain,” she explained, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “Are you not feeling well, Cyrus?” she asked, her fingers drumming quietly in the iron railing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magdalena Arden Prior Character Portrait: Cyrus Bennett
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Cyrus leaned against the railing, arms left to hang limply across the railing, making some half-hearted attempts to wave off the smoke that drifted their way. "You know me Magda," He started, a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Magda. His nickname for her. As far as he knew, he was the only one who called her that way, and he actually took a bit of pride at that. He tilted his head in her direction for a brief moment, the smirk now in full bloom, "Hypocrisy's my specialty." He turned back once more towards the water, his eyes following the burnt-out cigarette as it made it's way towards the chlorinated water. He sighed inwardly; he'd have to ask (or rather demand) the servants to clean it up later, knowing that Magdalena probably never would. Hopefully before the ball. Vivian would definitely have an aneurysm if one of the guests happen upon a cigarette butt floating in the middle of the pool, he thought with mild amusement.

“Are you not feeling well, Cyrus?” Lena asked, effectively bringing him back from his thoughts. With that, all the amusement he might've felt trickled away, leaving nothing but tension in the air. "Meds." He uttered simply, keeping his gaze trained on the water below him. He didn't dare meet her eyes. "New ones." He added with a small scowl. His old ones had been good enough, less side-effects and all that, but the man responsible for manufacturing them perished in the War, and the last few ones had been sent off for others to try and replicate. It had already been six months since then, and still no progress. So, for now, he was stuck with the new ones, and it wasn't sitting very well with him at all.

He sighed. It was all a bit pathetic, really. He was a grown man, for god's sake, yet he couldn't even make his way through a single goddamn event without some sort of mind-numbing drug in his system. He was better than that, he thought. He shook his head and sighed once again, "Fuck..." He muttered, hands clenching tighter around the railings. The sudden movement seemed to have caused the slow, mildly irritating throbbing he felt in his head earlier to intensify into something a lot more painful, like a migraine of sorts. "Now I've got a headache." A short, bitter laugh escaped his lips as he said so. He turned towards her and attempted what he hoped was a friendly smile, though it ended up looking more tired and bitter than anything. He really was fucked up. He knew it, he felt like it, so it must be true. Fortunately, he thought with a sigh, he wasn't the only one.

"You know what? We are so, so fucked up." He muttered soft enough so that even Lena had to strain to hear, and reverted his gaze back towards the blue, blue pool water below. "Not just you or me or Margaret. All of us." It was true, he thought. Marcus, Vivian, Margaret...All of them. It was just how they were meant to be. He leaned back farther against the railing, parting his lips and breathed in. He fresh air eased his nausea a bit, but the headache still lingered. It was rather annoying, but he tried to pay no mind to it, preferring to stare out into the courtyard. He caught sight of a few servants milling about - no doubt for the party tonight - and he wondered idly how much time it would take for one of them to spot the cigarette butt floating in the pool.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Augustine "Mark" Bennett Character Portrait: Finley James Whitaker Character Portrait: Kent Silva Character Portrait: Chrysanthemum Keller Character Portrait: Lillian Knightingale Character Portrait: Magdalena Arden Prior
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By now standing in the line of a strangely decorated diner, Chrys is waiting for her order of hash browns to go, so that she can make her way to the Bennet Estate. It was requested that she help out by acting as a serving girl at the display of disgusting amounts of wealth and narcissism tonight, and she had accepted primarily to be around several of the other key rebels. Now, she is conflicted on whether she should go- there is that burning anger which makes her want to be there during the dance when the night's planned activities begin, courtesy of the rebellion, but also a part which fears that her anger may make her mind a sitting duck to be probed by the head bastard, one Marcus Bennet. Of course, the fear is likely unfounded, for she has a gift for lying within her own thoughts, probably fed by years as a call girl even before the nuclear war's ending and her gaining employment under the Bennet family, though not the most pure position, with ulterior motives. One might find that odd in a girl who is otherwise so honest, but she believes that honesty is a luxury- she strives to afford it, but some situations simply do not allow for the virtue to prosper. Given her position, there are many times in which she must keep herself from giving into the temptation of sharing her genuine opinion. That is the way this new world order works, though- especially when one is standing against the Bennets and yet directly beneath them as well. The wait ends eventually, and the dark-haired young woman is on the sidewalk again, at the estate gates within a few minutes. Tossing the hashbrown container into a waste bin, Chrys merely glances at the gatekeeper and is allowed in, being a rather regular face here, despite not actually being a resident of the ridiculous place.

Wisely choosing to enter through the servants' entrance, Chrys is able to avoid seeing Magdalena, Finley, Cyrus, and all of the other people who find themselves being her enemies simply due to their association (or relation in the case of two) to the bastards upstairs. Instead, she sneaks through side hallways, an expert of getting through houses unseen, as most of her clients back in the day were married men who fancied a change from the norm- sleazy bastards, every one, of course. The young woman is about to turn a corner but pauses at seeing two figures staring at eachother, completely motionless, in front of the door to the kitchen, where she had been headed in order to receive some sort of instructions. This hesitation allows her to recognize them as her right-hand man, Kent, and a pretty woman whose face is familiar in a may-be-a-rebel way. However, there is also something strangely familiar about her itching at the back of Chrys's brain. She doesn't realize that it is because the girl holds a striking resemblance to her brother, the one whom is no doubt dead by now. Whatever their conversation is about, based on the way that they are staring at each other it seems rather important. Not sure whether or not to intrude, she turns around and walks back down the hallway, deciding to circle around and form a decision based on whether they are still speaking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magdalena Arden Prior Character Portrait: Cyrus Bennett
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M A G D A L E N A // A R D E N // P R I O R

Lena’s eyes wandered off into the distance, driving her attention away from Cyrus, who now stood leaning against the railing beside her. But apparently Cyrus wasn’t done talking with her.

“You know me Magda,” he started. Nobody had ever called her that way, it was either her whole name Magdalena or just Lena. But the way the new nickname rolled off Cyrus’s tongue made Lena bite her lip and repress a shiver. “Hypocrisy’s my specialty,” he finished.

Lena’s eyes landed on Cyrus’s full grin and shook her head slightly, giving him a small smile herself. After she asked him about his sick attitude, his only response was that he was given new medicines. A scowl broke into his face, replacing the previous smirk. Lena’s own face contorted into a frown.

She heard him sigh beside her and she turned her head to look at him again as he gripped the railing tighter with white knuckles. “Fuck… now I’ve got a headache,” she heard him mutter. Her thoughts diverted to everybody else, and how many problems they all seemed to have. Sure, they had powers, but the war had left a big chump their sanity. Lena’s eyes found his and she just stared, kind of hoping he’d get a mental image of what she was thinking.

“You know what? We are so fucked up,” Cyrus said, “Not just you and me Margaret. All of us.” That simple statement had Lena thinking hard. She pushed herself off the railing and paced from side to side in the middle-sized balcony, pondering on what to say next. It was true, all of them where pretty messed up. Money was the only thing keeping them sane and standing.

“That’s just the way life is. It gives us something, but then takes away something bigger.” Her white skirt ruffled with the wind, and her hands found themselves in a warming embrace, trying to stop the wind from hitting her chest.
