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Cantus Amator

"Would you like to buy something?"

0 · 456 views · located in The Land of Ooo

a character in “The Magical Land of Ooo”, as played by 0rchidDay



Full Name:Cantus Amator
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 2340, pretty freaking old.
Gender: Male
Species: Demon
Alliance: Neutral - whatever gets him profit.
Location of Residence: The Grasslands in the top floor of a five-story shop.
Likes (at least five)
- Profit
- Technology
- Food
- Adventuring
- Trading
- Thieves who steal from him
- Bandits who target him
- Wasting Money
- Scammers
- Mention of The Great Mushroom War

Cantus is a pretty lazy demon when it comes to his appearance or that's what people assume. In reality, he meticulously keeps his appearance in the same style. He has grey skin everywhere on his body except for his face. His face is covered by a white substance, mostly for an aesthetically pleasing look. His pupils are slightly slit with an orange color with purple irises, and orange scleras. He stands at 5'7 with a slender and slightly muscular build. His hair is wild, black, unkempt and somehow doesn't defy the laws of gravity.

He has approximately 20 copies of the same black shirt he wears and 20 pairs of his pants. The shirt he normally wears is a black one with the astrological capricorn sign on its front. His pants are black with purple polka-dots randomly splattered on them. He doesn't wear much other outfits, other than the occasionally needed armor. His shoes aren't very fancy, they're simply black shoes.


Cantus is a very capricious demon to those who don't know how he acts. He may seem to favor "good" at some times and "evil" at other times, but he doesn't believe in these labels. He believes that anything can be justified and that anything can be seen as bad from the correct perspective. If forced to choose between two "bad" outcomes, he'll choose the most favorable for him or his allies. He has a tendency to do whatever gets him more money, be it smithing a weapon for someone or going into a dungeon for an item someone wants.

He doesn't enjoy asking questions when someone asks him for a specific item unless the item is of importance. One thing he knows for sure is that he'll (most likely) never steal anything from anyone unless they're dead of course. They wont need it, right? Cantus carries all of his wares and his personal stuff in his 'hammer-space'. He doesn't only sell items. He sells information or anything he can get his hands on. He also trades, and he buys stuff from beings. He accepts souls as payment as well, but hardly anyone sells their souls these days.

He, due to losing a fight to a hero back when he was young, is now bond by a promise to help any human 'hero' he comes across. He only agreed to this seeing as he believed that humans had died off after the mushroom war, turns out he was wrong. He does however, have the liberty of choosing how much and how to help the heroes he comes across. Although he'll mostly just give discounts.

Cantus Amator was born before the great mushroom war and has seen the human world. He had been been born in a strange location, and was never interested in killing. He was instead interested in making profit, and ended up gaining a good amount of money from causing fights and supplying both sides. His money-making schemes were never figured out, and he ended up making a huge profit.

He ended up eventually leaving his birthplace and exploring. His business flourished and he was rarely attacked. He was in the human world, it would be stupid for people to fight him or they would go to jail. He sold things that humans found 'magical' but were simple commodities in his birthplace. He didn't bother to mention this and instead kept on selling the commodities. He after making a huge profit, decided to go back to his birthplace and restock. He closed his shop for approximately a year and returned after a while to find the world had changed. His five-story shop however, remained intact.

He continued selling his wares, not really caring who bought his stuff. Although he did miss the humans and their technology. He was after all, a demon. Rumors started spreading up about him, but most of them were wrong. They told of how he killed mercilessly, how he maimed, but he never did any of this.

He let the rumors run rampant and was eventually challenged by a misinformed hero. The hero believed that Cantus was a terrible demon.

He stupidly agreed to fight the hero, and ended up loosing badly. It was the fight that made him promise to help heroes or die on the spot. He of course choose to help heroes. His ego was crushed that day, but he did end up finding his preferred weapon that day.

He after a while, ended up finding a strange puppet. The puppet "spoke" to him and told him to help it, or so he says. The puppet was and still is named Cal.
Powers and Abilities
He can open portals to meta-physical plane of existence consisting of an infinitely long wall of cabinets and an equally extensive floor. To an observer, it will seem as if he's sticking his hand into nothing and pulling it and an item back out. The portal he opens in the meta-physical dimension can be moved at will, but the portals in Ooo will almost always be in front of his hands. It is possible for him to enter the dimension, but he wouldn't be able to close the portal in Ooo without being trapped forever, meaning that he can't use this as an escape. Once he makes a portal in Ooo, it'll stay there until he makes another or he gets rid of it.
He, when angered, can convert his rage into raw power. His movements however, become sloppy and slow. This state of power lasts approximately ten seconds before disappearing, and he wont be able to use this power till an hour passes. This is mostly used in dangerous situations.
He is very much capable of creating things, although he gets most of his wares from dungeons, trading, and adventuring. He can create weapons depending on what his buyer has to offer, although souls tend to give the best weapons. He uses his skill for blacksmithing for heroes who have the right materials for him to make what they want, seeing this as a way to help them.

His horns, they're like teeth. You break them, and he'll most likely cry like a baby. They are full of nerves and sensory cells, allowing him to feel the temperature and many more things.

He is absolutely terrified of ants. If he sees one, he'll do everything in his power to obliterate it. He'll show no mercy to them, none at all. The mention of an ant during a trade will make him raise his prices for the person who mentioned ants.

Money. You can convince him to do pretty much anything if you have the right amount of money or something worth a lot. Heck, you could get him to kill someone for you if you had enough money.

His greatest weakness and strength may be his neutrality. He will not specifically care to help an old lady who's in danger and this may change peoples' opinions of him, but he may know something about the old lady that others don't. He wont speak up about this knowledge, and he may have in fact been the one to put the old lady in danger. He might have even been doing something "good", who knows? Exactly, it's hard to trust him when you know what he's truly like unless of course, you're a hero.
He carries almost everything he comes across with him, meaning that he's a bit of a hoarder. He carries around a laptop from before the Great Mushroom War. He also has herbs, spices, keys, and much more stuff. He carries materials for making weapons in his 'hammer-space', but he only carries his own weapon.

If you're looking for something specific, he most likely has it or he can acquire it. One of things he will not sell is the Warhammer Of Vrillyhoo, one of the most powerful and weakest weapons in existence. The reason for it being one of the weakest and most powerful weapons in existence is the fact that the effects its attacks have are random. It is still however, his preferred weapon.

Although he prefers selling food, essential items, and stuff like that to people who aren't heroes.


*Companion: Lil Cal
*Companion Description: This little puppet is the creepiest thing to have ever existed. Its soulless eyes terrify even the bravest of people, and its not for sale either. It is disputed if the puppet is alive, but it somehow ends up moving when you're not looking. If this is a trick the humble merchant is playing on you or if the puppet is a demon is unknown. People claim to hear childish laughter coming from the doll when they're not looking, but surely a doll can't laugh, right?

Cal, is alive or at least that's what Cantus says. Cal is apparently male, and appears to have the uncanny ability to instill fear into even the darkest of souls. If this is a power or just due to its creepy nature is a disputed matter. Although many agree that they should destroy the creature, but Cantus wont let them near his best friend.
*Theme Song: Off - Pepper Steak


So begins...

Cantus Amator's Story


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Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
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Cantus Amator was able to escape the claws of justice due to his neutrality. He wouldn't be attacked by heroes unless he did something "bad" and he wouldn't do so unless necessary. After all, why should he kill a possible source of income? Of course he wouldn't kill them out of the kindness of his heart, right? Probably not.

He had been running in a forest near the Grass Lands after a particularly nasty encounter with bandits. He didn't expect to be attacked today, but he was prepared anyways. He could never be sure his money was safe, unless of course he bought out a whole army. But he wouldn't waste money on that. "Money is power." He said this as he dropped a few fake jewels on the ground. He wasn't stupid enough to drop real money, instead he had fake money prepared for situations like this.

After a few minutes or so of manuevering through the forest, he managed to exit the forest and leave the bandits angered. "Cretins," There was malice and amusement in his voice, mostly due to the fact that de didn't need to pull out his weapon. It was better this way. His weapon was after all, a rare and valueable one which he would never lose.

"Hee hee hee, hoo hoo hoo." The 'terrifying' puppet on his back seemed to laugh, and Cantus laughed alongside the puppet. The puppet was his true and only best friend. The only motherfuck... he really needed to stop thinking with curse words.

After exiting the forest, he ended up near his seemingly industrial shop. "Wonder how business is going," He had recently hired workers and bought machinery so he could have people manufacture items to sell. Although his world-wide business mostly focused on selling repaired human-age technology. Video games still had their appeal, even in a world where magic existed. He was probably moving the world to screw itself over again though, but money is money no matter how it's made, or so he told himself.

Cantus was rich, richie rich rich, and all from his own genius and (possibly) evil mind, but evil is just a lable, a bad one at that. He was known as one of the richest demons in all of Ooo, and most if not all of those who opposed him mysteriously disappeard.

He walked towards an open space in the Grasslands, then opened a portal to his Hammer Space. He quickly jumped in and pulled out a checkerboard tarp, a table, and some food. "Time to meet some new people." By people he meant costumers or allies, either was fine. He planned on luring in people through curiosity. After almost forgetting to bring out a grill, he went back into Hammer Space and brought one out. People would probably see the smoke and want to come, or so he hoped. He really did hope. He wouldn't admit this, but it was lonely only having a puppet as company.

After a few minutes, he managed to setup a simple grill and put some food on the long table he had pulled out. All he had to do now was wait for someone to notice the smoke and investigate. He almost forgot to get drinks, but he managed to do so and close the portal to Hammer Space.

((Just to be clear, he's in the grasslands))

The setting changes from The Grass Lands to The Land of Ooo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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The setting changes from The Land of Ooo to The Grass Lands


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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The sun was shining over Ooo, and so people were likely to be out enjoying the exceptionally good weather, in good humors and, therefore, more easily tricked. One would assume that a cunning young (looking) thief would be unhappy with brightly lit days like this, and to be fair, she is somewhat irked by the sudden brightness that greets her as she exits the tent in which she had stayed last night. One downside of being from the master thief race of the Latrons is that one has to keep moving, or else they will become weakened, as though a certain location will suck them dry. Thus, the girl usually has a few things to make a tent on her, and has become very good at finding strange places in which she may sleep. She can sleep in the houses of people and slip out before they even notice that she was there. Of course, the people can't be complete strangers, if they've invited her in at least once, but they are very likely strangers to her true identities. When she was younger, Acadia had made a point of going into as many stores and houses as possible before she had built up a reputation for robbery.

Hm, someone's starting a fire, she muses, seeing the smoke in the distance from where she, residing in a forest, is. The young woman is rather interested in anything to do with fires, because house fires can be a treasure trove for the clever, and she prides herself on being very clever. Acadia pulls the blanket and role down, as her tent had been formed by using three trees as bases for the cloth, and packs them away before beginning at a leisurely pace through the forest. She has it within her to walk without sound and dart about with the speed of a frightened bug, but at this moment only the latter is taking place, the first thing that should raise suspicion give that she is walking without noise in a forest with a floor riddled with leaves.

As she walks, the blue-skinned girl plucks a fruit from a tree and inspects it carefully, smelling it to make sure that it is the perfect amount of ripe, with a few bruises on the skin. Those ones are the sweetest, and have the best scents, even though they tend to be more subtle. She sinks her teeth, two of which strongly resemble the fangs which vampires are in possession of, into the apple, relishing the taste at this time of day. Of course, it doesn't taste as good as it would if it were stolen, she thinks to herself. Acadia is not the sort of person who will be seen speaking to herself, but she does occasionally have long and elaborate conversations with herself- ones which often involve planning a prank, sassing herself, or praising herself. A peak into her mind would be both amusing and disturbing, more likely than not.

Acadia reaches the end of the forest, and therefore must now step into the full light, should she want to exit the forest. The young woman hesitates for a moment, knowing that it will probably be excruciatingly hot in the full mercy of the sun, but in the end decides that she'd rather go scope out the source of the distant smoke. She pushes her long blue cloak back slightly, so that it doesn't trap in too much heat, and then begins walking up the grasslands. Were she anyone else, the woman would stick out like a sore thumb here, blue against the vividly green grass of the area, but she is not someone else- this girl is Acadia the thief, and she has mastered the art of being well hidden in even the most obvious of areas. She has a stillness to her, when not walking, and a gift for going unseen right in front of someone's eyes, without needing something silly like invisibility.

When the young woman is near enough to see the source of the smoke, she cannot help but smirk at the sight of Cantus Amator sitting out with a grill and drinks, probably waiting for someone to show up. This is clearly some sort of ploy to attract customers of some sort, especially given that he doesn't seem to have touched the food, but it has worked just as well at attracting thieves, is should seem.

She walks up to him all the same, casual despite the fact that she has stolen from him before. After all, it's just business, and nothing personal- if only all of the merchants, like him, would understand that. She's a business person in her own way, minus the exchange of valuables for valuables, of course. But it's in her nature, isn't it?

"Are you really this lonely, Cantus?" she asks him, eyebrows raising from behind her midnight black mask. She glances over towards Lil Cal and tries not to grimace at the sight of the eerie thing, before reverting her gaze back to the shopkeeper.

The setting changes from The Grass Lands to The Land of Ooo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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Jo-Jo woke as he usually did; with the sun. He yawned and stretched; his customary greeting to the morning. He smiled dully as he slid out of bed, his feet finding warm slippers. Normally, Jo-Jo would have ignored the slippers altogether, but one does not simply ignore the cold of wooden floorboards on his feet. Most especially if one lives underground. Yes, Jo-Jo was quite pleased with his new house, or so he thought to himself as he slipped on his bathrobe over his pajamas. The only thing he really didn't like was how cold the floors were in the morning. Otherwise it was perfect, his rooms were all completely furnished, though they lacked the cozy feeling of his old place. Jo-Jo suspected that it was because the house was new, therefore nothing had settled in quite right just yet. Jo-Jo padded through his house, making his way to the kitchen. Though the floors were cold, his central air system spewed warm air, heated by geothermal vents in the ground. Jo-Jo found the effect quite comfortable. Soon it would be just the right temperature and Jo-Jo could turn off the heat and enjoy the ambience of his new home. At least, that would do for lesser adventurers. Jo-Jo took two eggs, a potato, cheese, and an onion from his cellar and brought his supplies to the kitchen. There wasn't any meat in the house, or Jo-Jo would have loved to eat some ham with his breakfast, but that could get worked on later. Instead, Jo-Jo cracked the eggs into a large mixing bowl and began stirring them with a spoon. When the yolks and the whites were completely mixed, Jo-Jo sliced up the onion and potato and tossed them into the bowl as well. He grated some cheese next and put the mixture into a casserole dish. He then set it to bake while he put away his other supplies and clean up the mess he'd made. By the time he was done, his breakfast was finished and he slipped on an ovenmitt before opening his stove and removing the casserole. His egg bake was perfect. Jo-Jo brought his breakfast over to the counter and set his casserole down on a hot pad, so as to not damage the new marble counter tops. Jo-Jo smiled as he ate his breakfast, looking around at the kitchen. His stove, toaster, and cellar/freezer door were all stainless steel. His cabinets and other shelves were a fantastic dark wood. He believed it was called Mahoghany. His floors were a cream colored tile, and his marble counter tops sat on the same Mahoghany counters. The appliances surrounded a central island counter that held all his cooking utensils. The cabinets held all his silverware, and the general ambience was very cozy. The only room he liked better was his library. After cleaning up, Jo-Jo headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting dressed in his usual garb for the day. He pulled on his gauntlet, his bracelet, his goggles and his back pack and headed out the door, making sure to lock the place up before he went his way. Though the entrance to his home appeared to be a dumpy old shack, it was actually a ruse. If people found out that the Falcon lived in the Grasslands, where anyone could come get him while he slept... well, Jo-Jo didn't like to think about it.

Jo-Jo made his way to the Candy Kingdom. He crossed the grasslands without incident, though he did notice the smoke of a small campfire, or so it seemed, Jo-Jo made a note to visit it later. There wasn't much time now. Jo-Jo had spent most of his treasure on his home, making a deal he wasn't the surest about with Tinrei, the Water Nymph. Jo-Jo liked the Nymph well enough, but he always felt just a little cheated whenever he left her place. Jo-Jo smiled as he made his way through the crowded streets of the Candy Kingdom. He didn't know why, but Jo-Jo always felt at home here. It was such a lively place, so bright and colorful. Soon enough, Jo-Jo had made his way to the Local quest board. Other adventurers were crowded around it as well, each considering the pros and cons of taking any of the quests. Jo-Jo smirked. "Alrighty Lightweights, move your hams!" Jo-Jo called out brazenly. He reached up with his gauntlet covered hand and took one of the harder quests. Something about Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo remembered he had something about them in his guidebook, but he'd have to read up about them when he got home, just to double check. As he took the piece of paper, some of the adventurers recognized him. They whispered to each other with bated breath. "It's him." Jo-Jo heard one say. "Jo-Jo the Falcon." Jo-Jo smirked his trademark smirk as he turned to the voice. It was a small candy child, he happened to be passing by with his mother. "Hey there little man." Jo-Jo said, as he walked over to the boy. He kneeled when he reached him. "What's your name champ?" Jo-Jo asked, a big smile on his face. "Gerald." The boy said shyly. Jo-Jo smiled, placing his gloved hand on top of his head and tousling his hair. "We'll Gerald, I'm sure you'll grow up to be an adventurer yourself one day, but you know what that means, right? It means you've got to eat all the food on your plate so you grow up big and strong. You've also gotta exercise lots too. It's a rough job, but if you really try, I promise you, there's nothing you can't do." Jo-Jo smiled as the little boy's eyes lit up. "Now run along champ, I'll bet your mommy's taking you somewhere important, yeah?" Jo-Jo said, and sent the boy back to his mother, who smiled at him and thanked him wordlessly. Jo-Jo nodded his head and smiled. He loved doing that. Little kids were the best, their eyes wide with wonder, their imaginations full to bursting. It was wonderful.

Jo-Jo left the quest board and started making his way back to the grasslands. He wanted to check on that fire and see what was up. After that, he'd probably head home and start reading up on Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo left the Candy kingdom with some hesitation. He always felt so sad when he was leaving. He didn't know why. There was something about the way that the Candy Palace seemed to look over him. It felt like it was begging him to stay. Jo-Jo turned and left, heading home. As he walked a ways, he looked at the quest paper he'd taken. It was rather simple really. Jo-Jo had to fight his way through Beautopia, watch out for whatever these Lub Glubs were, and relight the City's Heart with a flame. It'd be simple enough, once that heart was within 500 feet, Jo-Jo considered the Job done. As he came closer, roughly 100 yards or so from the fire, Jo-Jo stopped and climbed a tree. He then zoomed in with his goggles to see what was up. Jo-Jo almost wished he hadn't. Arcadia the Theif and Cantus Amator were the ones holding the party. Jo-Jo knew deep within his heart that they were up to no good, but Cantus was neutral. Unless he expressly saw Cantus doing something evil, Jo-Jo couldn't touch him. Arcadia, on the other hand, was another story. She was a known thief, and while Jo-Jo would have loved to shove her into the Candy Kingdom's prisons, he knew she'd be out again as soon as he turned around. Sighing, Jo-Jo instead took a minute to charge up his Gauntlet with icy and electrified energy and blasted the supercharged bolt up over the heads of Arcadia and Cantus, roughly 160 feet in the air. The result was a magnificent explosion that would put ordinary fireworks to shame. If Jo-Jo knew Cantus like he thought he did, Jo-Jo knew that he'd think twice about ripping someone off now. Not while Jo-Jo was watching. His warning sent, Jo-Jo hopped down from the tree and made his way back home.

Upon reaching the shack that served as his disguised entrance, Jo-Jo was shocked to find the door opened. He was one of, maybe, two people who knew about the place. Jo-Jo began charging a bolt with all three types of elemental energy. He didn't take kindly to intruders. Jo-Jo stepped gingerly inside and locked the door behind him. He threaded softly, his gauntlet held at face level. Jo-Jo didn't know who was here, but most inhabitants of Ooo didn't like it when you shot them between the eyes. Jo-Jo crept almost silently around the rooms of his house. He made his way through every room, finding a piano and a pinball machine that weren't there before. "I dunno who decided to move in, but I hope they know that breaking and entering is against the roommate agreement..." Jo-Jo quipped to himself. As he made his way through the house, he heard noises coming from the bathroom. Jo-Jo smirked. He was about to catch whoever was here with their pants down, quite literally. Jo-Jo waited for a second by the door. His back against the wall. He nodded to himself then pushed the door open, hard. "Hands in the air monkey-brain!" Jo-Jo yelled. "I dunno who you think you are but your hams are-" Jo-Jo cut himself off. Standing before him was a very pretty girl who was almost completely naked, besides of course, the towel wrapped around her body. "N-n-n-n-na-k-ked..." Jo-Jo stuttered. He slammed the door shut, himself back outside of the bathroom. Jo-Jo slapped himself on the face twice before starting up again. "Once you're d-d-decent, we'll have a chat, ok? Because this is my house." Jo-Jo stuttered and stumbled, bringing himself to the living room with much more difficulty than it used to take. His face was bright red.