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Galexi the Sky Nymph

"A new magical land!"

0 · 285 views · located in The Land of Ooo

a character in “The Magical Land of Ooo”, originally authored by shadowseductress, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: Galexi the Nymph (Pronounced Galaxy)
Nicknames: Lexi
Age: Ageless, appears young about 14 or so
Gender: Female
Species: Sky Nymph
Alliance: Neutral
Location of Residence: Galexi has always lived in the sky realm, but has recently surface to Ooo
- Knowledge
- Candy
- The color blue
- Orion (her familiar/companion)
- Magic
- vegetables
- the thought of having to go home
- talking about why she left the Sky Realm
- the color pink
- having her questions ignored

Appearance: Galexi has milky white hair that flows like stardust. Her skin is always moving in different shades of blue and purple, you can sometimes see flecks of gold under the surface, making her look like the sky in deep space. She wears a little witch outfit that is purple with gold stars and moons on it. She also carries a black messenger bag.

Galexi is new to Ooo so she is learning all she can. She is pretty happy go—lucky and enjoys being happy and causing happiness. She knows no one here but has no problem making friends. She would go totally out of her way to help a friend in need. She is sweet to the core although a little mischievous. She is like a pixy at times, creating little pranks and jokes for fun.
She is a very curious creature and is constantly taking notes, sketches, and samples from the world around her. She keeps these in her messenger bag. She doesn't quite understand how things work on Ooo so she can be a little unorthodox.

Galexi is from the Sky Realm. She left for unknown reasons and is now on Ooo. She has only just arrived and know no one other than her familiar Orion.
Powers and Abilities
Space Magic: Galexi is a nymph and is decently skilled in magic. She can do various spells from creating little balls of Space to throw at enemies to creating small black holes. She can create some things out of stardust as well.
Flight: Galexi can fly. Also she does not need oxygen
Cosmic Knowledge: Galexi has gone many places and many worlds and is very knowledgeable about most things, magic, and lore.
Galexi's powers are strongest at night, she can use her powers during the day but quickly runs low on energy and must fly up very high to refuel off of the sun or moon. Her lack of knowledge of Ooo also causes her much chaos.
Orion and her endless messenger bag. It has no bottom and no carrying capacity. She lives in there.

*Companion: A small little planet follows her around, his name is Orion. He is cranky and is always sighing. He can fly but does little else, he also can take infinate amount of weight so he is often flying Galexi around even though she can fly herself. He is also the keeper of her messenger bag. They met when her magic went ary and accidentally made him sentient.
*Theme Song: “Strangers Like Me” By Phil Collins, as seen in the movie Tarzan.
*Other: Galexi does not like to talk about why she left Sky Realm and avoids it at all costs.
Password: GUYS GUYS GUYS! Do you know what time it is??? AAAAAADVENTURE TIIIIIME!

So begins...

Galexi the Sky Nymph's Story


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Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human Character Portrait: Galexi the Sky Nymph
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There was a small boom as the shooting star streaked across the sky. As the small planet broke into Ooo's atmosphere, there was a stream of color through the sky. No one could see the small nymph riding on the cause of the catastrophe. She sat delicately on top of a small ringed planet flying down to the grounds of Ooo. The two landed without a sound in a field of grassy plains.

”Can you please remove your fat hams from the top of my head?” the small planet grumbled from underneath his mustache of small space rocks that made up his ring. Galexi payed him no mind, and began to fumble through her messenger bag. She pulled out a small notebook and began to jot down things she observed about this new and foreign world.

'It so far appears uninhabited, it smells sort of sweet and nature-y.'

”Galexi!” the planet grumbled. The white haired nymph rolled her dark eyes.

“Orion, you big whiner,” she sighed and hovered off of him.

”I don't get it,” he said moving his mustache in an irritated manner. ”You can fly on your own, why do you find the need to sit on me?”

Galexi ignored him and began to fly around taking small samples of the world around her and throwing them in her messenger bag. The sentient planet followed her, despite his displeasure with the situation. They traveled for quite sometime, then something amazing came into view.

There was a large pink city in the distance, the likes of which Galexi had never seen. She immediately began scribbling in her notebook. She did this everywhere she went, trying to learn as much as she could.

“Holy Macaroni!” Orion gasped. ”Is this where that sweet smell was coming from?” Orion was right, the smell was stronger now that this city was in view. Galexi floated above the wall, not even waiting for Orion to do the same. She knew by now that even if he acted like he hated being around her, he would follow her.

Curiously she broke a chunk of the wall off and stuck it to her tongue. This strange, brightly colored world was made of candy. She took the remaining part of the candy piece and stuck it in her messenger bag.

”Ewww” complained her planet friend. “You put your mouth on that... wierdo.” Galexi only rolled her eyes. It was about that time that a small gumdrop child crossed her path.

”Look at that Ori!” the nymph happily squealed. ”That candy can walk! Do you think they're sentient?” She straightened her purple hat and looked at the small gumdrop wearing a bow.

”Hello! We come from the sky!” she said things slowly and precisely so the candy could understand her. It made a small startled noise and took off through the Candy Kingdom. It took Lexi and Orion almost no time to catch up to the small child.

”I have so many question! I'm going to take you back to my bag...for science!” She snagged the little girl up and thew in the messenger bag without a second though.

“Hey! What do you think you are doing!” someone yelled. Lexi looked up to see two larger pieces of candy wearing armor.

“Now you've done it.” Galexi didn't say another word but quickly jumped on Orion's head and let him fly her off into the distance. It didn't take long before the guards were out of sight.

”Thank goodness for that!” Galexi sighed. “Let's find somewhere to park the old backpack for the night huh?” They flew for a while before they saw a nice brown tree outside of a sweet looking colorful barn. It looked pretty abandoned.

”Perfect,” She hung it in one of the higher branches. “Let's try and catch some sleep eh?” she picked Orion up and slid inside the bag.

It was way roomier on the inside than it looked from the outside. On the outside it was just a shoulder bag, on the inside it was a nice one roomed apartment. Galexi collapsed on her bed exhausted, unaware of the guards that were nearing the barn.