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Jo-Jo the Human

"Yee-haw! Did you see that? I can't believe I made it out alive!"

0 · 462 views · located in The Land of Ooo

a character in “The Magical Land of Ooo”, as played by XShishioX



Full Name: Jo-Jo doesn't know if he even has a full name. As it is now, he just goes by the nickname a friend once gave him.
Nicknames: Jo-Jo. He'll let just about anyone call him that. His enemies have another name for him. The Falcon. It's a play on his ability to hunt down evildoer a without a shred of compassion.
Age: Jo-Jo has just had his 16th birthday. He's a man now, though no-one would ever say so.
Gender: Male, silly...
Species: Human, Jo-Jo is under the strict impression he's the last human in all of Ooo.
Alliance: Jo-Jo is Good. He obeys rules when they're put in place to protect the innocent, but when the rules start holding him back, Jo-Jo has been known to break them. He will only do so in pursuit of evil. Regardless of whatever rule he's breaking in the process, Jo-Jo will never kill, never unjustly imprison, and never use violence against those who cannot defend themselves. Period.
Location of Residence: Jo-Jo lives in a small cottage in the wide open Grasslands of Ooo. He suffers from severe wanderlust, but he does appreciate having a home to call his very own. He's just bought it and looks forward to filling it with souvenirs from his adventures.

-Exploring. Jo-Jo is a huge fan of going on quests. He doesn't just do it for the loot, though that is a major perk. Jo-Jo just likes being in places he hasn't before and trying new things.
-Candy. Jo-Jo's sweet tooth is massive. He knows the candy people are actually alive, but...
-Justice. Jo-Jo's sense of justice, right and wrong, and morality are massively well defined for a boy just barely a man. Jo-Jo likes when good wins out and people are happy.
-Magic. Jo-Jo views the world through the eyes of a child. As such, Jo-Jo loves to watch magic unfold before his eyes.
-Cute things. Jo-Jo is the world's biggest softie around cute baby animals. If it's relatively small, cuddly, and soft, Jo-Jo wants to hug it.

-Unnecessary rudeness. Jo-Jo hates people who disrespect others with no cause.
-Evil. Jo-Jo is a stalwart defender of good and innocence. While he values life above all else, Jo-Jo is not above killing things that are evil.
-Bitter things. Jo-Jo doesn't mind tea if he can put sugar and honey and lemon in it, but he hates coffee above all foods and beverages.
-Science. Two words: BO-RING! Plus, science ruins the fun of magic...
-Shoddy Craftsmanship/Not taking pride in your work. Jo-Jo firmly believes that everything is done for a purpose. Why put something out there unless you poured your heart and soul into it's creation.

Jo-Jo has shaggy blonde hair that he cuts rarely, barely allowing his green eyes to show through. He prefers it to look carefully disheveled, but would never admit to it. His features are sharp, hinting at forced maturity, but his overall facial expressions seem childish and soft. He is just tall enough, sitting at exactly 5' 10" and weighs just under 140 lbs. He's rather skinny, but he's no where near scrawny. His muscles are lean, and he has barely a scrap of fat on him. His hands are well worn from work and much abuse. He wears a little paint under his eyes when he's on the job, but otherwise his face has no blemishes. It's his back that is covered in small, criss-crossing scars. Jo-Jo doesn't know how he got them, but he expects they're something he was just born with. Finally, he has an almost crooked smile when dealing with his closest friends. It appears to be more of a smirk than a smile, but those who know him understand he's just joking around.

His sense of fashion is rather... steam-punky at best. He wears an overly large gold and bronze gauntlet on his right arm that often glows with blue and yellow energy, his other hand is covered in a simple, black leather glove. He wears brown leather boots that are light but sturdy. They rise all the way up to his mid-calf. He wears very distressed and faded blue jeans held up by numerous belts and even coils of rope. Underneath his brown, leather jacket, Jo-Jo wears a simple, white linen shirt with a collar. Atop his head rests a pair of green lensed goggles that he only wears when he needs to concentrate perfectly. They often blink with green energy.

Jo-Jo is child-like in the extreme. He's whimsical, lackadaisical, and more than a little naive. He wears innocence all around him and spreads his joy and wonder wherever he goes. He loves to be helpful and always offers his advice, physical assistance, and even his treasure with anyone who might need it. Jo-Jo loves to see people smile. He's a total softie and his heart melts when he sees something cute. Jo-Jo can frequently be seen smiling and he's always doing something. He loves to run errands for people who can't do so themselves. His heart is as big as the land of Ooo itself and his smile is as wide as the day is long. Jo-Jo is undoubtedly one of the kindest people you'll ever meet and is one of the more positive influences on the land of Ooo. He is well known throughout the kingdoms as a travelling knight who will always offer his aide to anyone, no matter how small the request.

On the flip side, Jo-Jo is a merciless defender of good and will pursue evil to the ends of the earth. He is downright tenacious in his pursuit of wickedness and will not sleep while hunting, often refusing to eat as well. When he hunts, he becomes much colder than usual. His tone becomes almost mean, though he never says anything rude. His mannerisms lose their child-like innocence and charm and are much more curt and mature. This has earned Jo-Jo his not so friendly moniker of The Falcon amongst those who dislike him.

Jo-Jo doesn't know much about his past. His farthest memory back is receiving the locket he wears around his neck from a woman who as much older than him. Jo-Jo expects it's his mother. However, he doesn't know what happened to her or his father. However, Jo-Jo does remember the face of an evil man. A red-haired demon who destroyed all Jo-Jo had ever loved. His home and his village were gone, not a single house was left. By some miracle, Jo-Jo survived perfectly unharmed. The locket around his neck was the only thing on him. Even his clothes were torn away. Jo-Jo doesn't know who the man is, he doubts he'll ever find him, but rest assured, Jo-Jo has dedicated his life to bringing the monster who killed his family the same misery that Jo-Jo feels every night before going to sleep.

Jo-Jo was raised by Candy people, who found him by pure coincidence. He lived with them in the city, learning all he knows about magick, math, and academia in general. When he was twelve, his surrogate mother and father told him everything. Now, Jo-Jo is searching all of Ooo for a magick powerful enough to turn back time and erase the damage done by the red-haired man.

Powers and Abilities
As a human, to allow himself to fight evenly against creatures with massive strength, magickal puissance, or amazing dexterity, Jo-Jo spent a lot of time learning and studying. He learned everything he might need to be an exceptional adventurer and a jack-of-all-trades. He is well versed in cartography, linguistics, survival, hunting, fighting, etiquette, and academics. He's even able to read old, dead languages, as well as magick runes. He has to be, as he tends to travel alone, therefore he needs to do everything himself.

Biologically, Jo-Jo is pretty mundane. He's not capable of superhuman feats of strength, dexterity, or endurance. Mystically, however, Jo-Jo is a bit odd. He wasn't born with the talent or ability to be a wizard, and yet, inside his very soul swirls vast amounts of pure magickal energy. The reason that this is possible is rather simple, though Jo-Jo is blissfully unaware as to how and why it works. He tends to shrug and just say, "Magick is donks..." Regardless, Jo-Jo's body is special, something even he doesn't know about. As a result of exposure to massive amounts of ancient, magickal energy, Jo-Jo's body and soul became permeated with magick. Soon, his soul, accepting the vast flux of energy as a norm, attempted to balance itself out by generating magick. Half of the energy comes from Jo-Jo's diet, which is why he's such an insane glutton. The other half is absorbed directly from Ooo itself. While Jo-Jo will never be a true wizard, as he has neither the talent or ability to shape his natural magickal energy into spells, he can channel that power into the artifacts he's found so far, allowing him to perform some useful combat magicks.

Jo-Jo has three magical items that he uses for combat and he keeps them on him at all times. The first is the oversized gauntlet on his right hand. By channelling power through the gauntlet, Jo-Jo can fire bolts of glowing yellow magickal energy. These bolts strike as hard as the average crossbow and are roughly the size of a walnut. The magick has an effective range of 100 meters and travels at a speed of roughly 315 fps. By allowing more magick to flow into the gauntlet, Jo-Jo can modify the bolt's power, but at a price. The more energy Jo-Jo allows to flow into the gauntlet, the longer he has to wait before he can fire again. Jo-Jo is capable of making the bolts hotter, colder, electrified, or he can overcharge them with magick. The more energy Jo-Jo puts into an elemental effect, the stronger it becomes, however, the bolts will maintain their standard range, speed, size, and striking power. If Jo-Jo overcharges the bolts, he can make them wider, shaping them into a crescent shape, and allowing them to affect more area. He can increase their speed, striking power, and range as well.

Next are the goggles on Jo-Jo's head. By channeling magick into them, he can grant himself vastly improved Vision. Jo-Jo can use the goggles to zoom in and out, letting him see farther. Jo-Jo can adjust the clarity of his vision so as to allow him clearer images. The goggles are also capable of providing the distance to an object or person, a general scan on what the thing is based on Jo-Jo's knowledge about the object or person, the ambient temperature around the object or person, and his percentage chance to strike it with a bolt from his gauntlet based on the movement of the object or person.

Finally, is Jo-Jo's bracelet. He wears it underneath his gauntlet on his right hand. It's a simple silver chain with a key charm on it. By channeling energy into the key charm, Jo-Jo is capable of performing a short warp with a maximum distance of 120 feet. This "jump" or "blink" is instantaneous and hard to get used to if you're a first timer. Jo-Jo can use this to take others with him, but no more than two at a time. Further, they have to be holding his hands. Otherwise, there are three conditions that have to be met for the "jump" to work. Upon leaving the warp, Jo-Jo must be directly above solid ground. Jo-Jo has to be moving so that he, "enters the door" upon warping. Finally, Jo-Jo has to "open the door" with the hand the bracelet is on. This trick takes a lot out of Jo-Jo. While he can still run, jump, and fight physically, the warp makes him magically fatigued for a period of three minutes. He cannot use any of his other tricks for the next three minutes after he's warped.

Jo-Jo is hilariously weak against pretty women. He melts like putty in their hands and cannot fight one. Ever. He is very awkward around girls he finds attractive. He blushes for, what appears to be, no reason, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and he will always help a woman who asks for his aide.

Jo-Jo is a sucker for well made anything. He loves painstaking craftsmanship and adores well-worked materials. He's a real idiot about it sometimes, but he calls himself an appreciator of good work. So great is this appreciation, that it will often distract Jo-Jo from what he's currently doing. It can happen at anytime, like when he's running from a monster or disabling a booby trap.

Finally, Jo-Jo cannot hold his root beer. If he imbibes even a drop, he makes a fool out of himself and quickly passes out. Most attempts to revive him are met by silly one-liners and vicious critiques on the clothing style of the person attempting to rouse him. If it weren't so rude, it'd be hilarious.

Jo-Jo has a few items that he always carries with him. Firstly is his clothes. Jo-Jo has several pairs of that exact outfit back in his home. He wears leather boots that are light but sturdy. He wears a few belts, as well as some rope, around his waist. You never know what you need it for. Jo-Jo has a magickal pack with an extended carrying capacity. It can carry a large amount of supplies without feeling as if it weighs more than ten pounds. Next are Jo-Jo's goggles which allow him to see as he does. He doesn't wear them, though, unless he really needs to concentrate. Jo-Jo's gauntlet is something he wears at all times. It is capable of forming Jo-Jo's vast magickal energy into bolts for him to fire. Underneath that gauntlet is Jo-Jo's key bracelet. It allows him to short warp and he only uses it when necessary. Next, Jo-Jo is writing a book. It's something he always keeps on him. Jo-Jo js using the book to compile his knowledge about the mysteries and wonder of Ooo as well as the secrets of t's magic. He's calling it, "The Adventurer's Guidebook." Finally, is Jo-Jo's locket. Inside it is a picture of him as a baby as well as a small bell and a single magickal rune on it. The rune reads, "Heart".

Theme Song: This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars, Demons by Imagine Dragons, and Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. All are songs that show Jo-Jo's resolve to make things right as well as his own inhibitions about himself.

Password: "Shmowzow! It's AAAAAA~DVENTURE TIIIIIIIME!" ~Jo-Jo

So begins...

Jo-Jo the Human's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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Jo-Jo woke as he usually did; with the sun. He yawned and stretched; his customary greeting to the morning. He smiled dully as he slid out of bed, his feet finding warm slippers. Normally, Jo-Jo would have ignored the slippers altogether, but one does not simply ignore the cold of wooden floorboards on his feet. Most especially if one lives underground. Yes, Jo-Jo was quite pleased with his new house, or so he thought to himself as he slipped on his bathrobe over his pajamas. The only thing he really didn't like was how cold the floors were in the morning. Otherwise it was perfect, his rooms were all completely furnished, though they lacked the cozy feeling of his old place. Jo-Jo suspected that it was because the house was new, therefore nothing had settled in quite right just yet. Jo-Jo padded through his house, making his way to the kitchen. Though the floors were cold, his central air system spewed warm air, heated by geothermal vents in the ground. Jo-Jo found the effect quite comfortable. Soon it would be just the right temperature and Jo-Jo could turn off the heat and enjoy the ambience of his new home. At least, that would do for lesser adventurers. Jo-Jo took two eggs, a potato, cheese, and an onion from his cellar and brought his supplies to the kitchen. There wasn't any meat in the house, or Jo-Jo would have loved to eat some ham with his breakfast, but that could get worked on later. Instead, Jo-Jo cracked the eggs into a large mixing bowl and began stirring them with a spoon. When the yolks and the whites were completely mixed, Jo-Jo sliced up the onion and potato and tossed them into the bowl as well. He grated some cheese next and put the mixture into a casserole dish. He then set it to bake while he put away his other supplies and clean up the mess he'd made. By the time he was done, his breakfast was finished and he slipped on an ovenmitt before opening his stove and removing the casserole. His egg bake was perfect. Jo-Jo brought his breakfast over to the counter and set his casserole down on a hot pad, so as to not damage the new marble counter tops. Jo-Jo smiled as he ate his breakfast, looking around at the kitchen. His stove, toaster, and cellar/freezer door were all stainless steel. His cabinets and other shelves were a fantastic dark wood. He believed it was called Mahoghany. His floors were a cream colored tile, and his marble counter tops sat on the same Mahoghany counters. The appliances surrounded a central island counter that held all his cooking utensils. The cabinets held all his silverware, and the general ambience was very cozy. The only room he liked better was his library. After cleaning up, Jo-Jo headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting dressed in his usual garb for the day. He pulled on his gauntlet, his bracelet, his goggles and his back pack and headed out the door, making sure to lock the place up before he went his way. Though the entrance to his home appeared to be a dumpy old shack, it was actually a ruse. If people found out that the Falcon lived in the Grasslands, where anyone could come get him while he slept... well, Jo-Jo didn't like to think about it.

Jo-Jo made his way to the Candy Kingdom. He crossed the grasslands without incident, though he did notice the smoke of a small campfire, or so it seemed, Jo-Jo made a note to visit it later. There wasn't much time now. Jo-Jo had spent most of his treasure on his home, making a deal he wasn't the surest about with Tinrei, the Water Nymph. Jo-Jo liked the Nymph well enough, but he always felt just a little cheated whenever he left her place. Jo-Jo smiled as he made his way through the crowded streets of the Candy Kingdom. He didn't know why, but Jo-Jo always felt at home here. It was such a lively place, so bright and colorful. Soon enough, Jo-Jo had made his way to the Local quest board. Other adventurers were crowded around it as well, each considering the pros and cons of taking any of the quests. Jo-Jo smirked. "Alrighty Lightweights, move your hams!" Jo-Jo called out brazenly. He reached up with his gauntlet covered hand and took one of the harder quests. Something about Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo remembered he had something about them in his guidebook, but he'd have to read up about them when he got home, just to double check. As he took the piece of paper, some of the adventurers recognized him. They whispered to each other with bated breath. "It's him." Jo-Jo heard one say. "Jo-Jo the Falcon." Jo-Jo smirked his trademark smirk as he turned to the voice. It was a small candy child, he happened to be passing by with his mother. "Hey there little man." Jo-Jo said, as he walked over to the boy. He kneeled when he reached him. "What's your name champ?" Jo-Jo asked, a big smile on his face. "Gerald." The boy said shyly. Jo-Jo smiled, placing his gloved hand on top of his head and tousling his hair. "We'll Gerald, I'm sure you'll grow up to be an adventurer yourself one day, but you know what that means, right? It means you've got to eat all the food on your plate so you grow up big and strong. You've also gotta exercise lots too. It's a rough job, but if you really try, I promise you, there's nothing you can't do." Jo-Jo smiled as the little boy's eyes lit up. "Now run along champ, I'll bet your mommy's taking you somewhere important, yeah?" Jo-Jo said, and sent the boy back to his mother, who smiled at him and thanked him wordlessly. Jo-Jo nodded his head and smiled. He loved doing that. Little kids were the best, their eyes wide with wonder, their imaginations full to bursting. It was wonderful.

Jo-Jo left the quest board and started making his way back to the grasslands. He wanted to check on that fire and see what was up. After that, he'd probably head home and start reading up on Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo left the Candy kingdom with some hesitation. He always felt so sad when he was leaving. He didn't know why. There was something about the way that the Candy Palace seemed to look over him. It felt like it was begging him to stay. Jo-Jo turned and left, heading home. As he walked a ways, he looked at the quest paper he'd taken. It was rather simple really. Jo-Jo had to fight his way through Beautopia, watch out for whatever these Lub Glubs were, and relight the City's Heart with a flame. It'd be simple enough, once that heart was within 500 feet, Jo-Jo considered the Job done. As he came closer, roughly 100 yards or so from the fire, Jo-Jo stopped and climbed a tree. He then zoomed in with his goggles to see what was up. Jo-Jo almost wished he hadn't. Arcadia the Theif and Cantus Amator were the ones holding the party. Jo-Jo knew deep within his heart that they were up to no good, but Cantus was neutral. Unless he expressly saw Cantus doing something evil, Jo-Jo couldn't touch him. Arcadia, on the other hand, was another story. She was a known thief, and while Jo-Jo would have loved to shove her into the Candy Kingdom's prisons, he knew she'd be out again as soon as he turned around. Sighing, Jo-Jo instead took a minute to charge up his Gauntlet with icy and electrified energy and blasted the supercharged bolt up over the heads of Arcadia and Cantus, roughly 160 feet in the air. The result was a magnificent explosion that would put ordinary fireworks to shame. If Jo-Jo knew Cantus like he thought he did, Jo-Jo knew that he'd think twice about ripping someone off now. Not while Jo-Jo was watching. His warning sent, Jo-Jo hopped down from the tree and made his way back home.

Upon reaching the shack that served as his disguised entrance, Jo-Jo was shocked to find the door opened. He was one of, maybe, two people who knew about the place. Jo-Jo began charging a bolt with all three types of elemental energy. He didn't take kindly to intruders. Jo-Jo stepped gingerly inside and locked the door behind him. He threaded softly, his gauntlet held at face level. Jo-Jo didn't know who was here, but most inhabitants of Ooo didn't like it when you shot them between the eyes. Jo-Jo crept almost silently around the rooms of his house. He made his way through every room, finding a piano and a pinball machine that weren't there before. "I dunno who decided to move in, but I hope they know that breaking and entering is against the roommate agreement..." Jo-Jo quipped to himself. As he made his way through the house, he heard noises coming from the bathroom. Jo-Jo smirked. He was about to catch whoever was here with their pants down, quite literally. Jo-Jo waited for a second by the door. His back against the wall. He nodded to himself then pushed the door open, hard. "Hands in the air monkey-brain!" Jo-Jo yelled. "I dunno who you think you are but your hams are-" Jo-Jo cut himself off. Standing before him was a very pretty girl who was almost completely naked, besides of course, the towel wrapped around her body. "N-n-n-n-na-k-ked..." Jo-Jo stuttered. He slammed the door shut, himself back outside of the bathroom. Jo-Jo slapped himself on the face twice before starting up again. "Once you're d-d-decent, we'll have a chat, ok? Because this is my house." Jo-Jo stuttered and stumbled, bringing himself to the living room with much more difficulty than it used to take. His face was bright red.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
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Nicolette finished her shower and toweled herself off. When she was dry she looked around, "Crap." She muttered to herself realizing she had left her clothes in the guest bedroom. Even though she was fairly certain she was the only one in the house she thought it would be best if she covered herself and she wrapped her body in a towel. Mere seconds after the towel was covering her body she heard a voice from the other side of the door. ""Hands in the air monkey-brain!" the voice scream and the door flung open. There was a young boy, probably around 16 or 17 standing in the doorway, "I dunno who you think you are but your hams are-" the boy started to stay before blushing bright red and stuttering "N-n-n-n-na-k-ked..." and stumbling out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind himself. "How cute." Nicolette thought to herself, and then she heard the boys voice again, "Once you're d-d-decent, we'll have a chat, ok? Because this is my house." Nicolette smiled, "Well then you best walk away from the door, cause my clothes aren't in here. And we wouldn't want to embarrass you again now would we?" she said with a light chuckle. She grabbed her hair dryer, which she had remembered to bring with her and turned it on. She didnt wait for the boy to confirm if he was still there before opening the door and floating outside.

She frowned a fake frown as she noticed the boy wasn't there. "Oh well, I'll tease him more later I guess." She said quietly to herself as she made her way to the guest bedroom drying her hair and wrapped in only a towel. Once she made it to the bedroom she opened her purse, which thanks to her shrinking magic contained all of her clothes. "Now, what to wear." She thought out loud as she sifted through her purse, ultimately deciding to wear a black skirt, with red highlights, that was probably a touch shorter than it should be, but hey she thought it was cute, and a simple black tank. She then opened her purse back up and pulled out her red knee high boots that matched quite well with the skirt and tank. She took a quick glance at the mirror in the room and smiled, "This'll work." she thought with a smile gracing her face.

She floated through the house looking for the boy and found him, still red faced, in the living room. She sat down on one of the comfortable looking chairs, although she didn't sit in a traditional fashion, she sat with her legs over one arm of the chair and letting her head and hair flow back over the other. "So, let's start off with introductions, I'm Nicolette, and I'm a vampire. I was not breaking into your home, and I meant no harm, I just needed a place to sleep for the day. I have no home you see, I'm constantly traveling so I figure it'd be a waste if I bought a home I never used." She said explaining everything like it was all a misunderstanding and her being there was no big deal. "And you are a human, but that's all I can figure out, so tell me, who are you? You have a quite lovely home." she said buttering him up.