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The Magical Land of Ooo

The Candy Kingdom


a part of The Magical Land of Ooo, by MegaKooala12.

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.

MegaKooala12 holds sovereignty over The Candy Kingdom, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

544 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Kingdom in Ooo
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The Candy Kingdom

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.


The Candy Kingdom is a part of The Land of Ooo.

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Izo Stesha [0] "This crown makes me craaaaazy. Wouldn't you like to know what it's like to be craaaazy, too?"

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Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
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The air was cool and the space around her had a cave-like silence as the young girl flew across the Cloud Kingdom on her brown-feathered morrow. She stood on the creature's back with caution yet carelessness as she reached her arms up, attempting to grab one of the soft fluffy clouds that drifted above her. Eventually, she settled down onto the creature's back, and twisted a soft smile forth from her lips. "Flake," she asked, "are you sure we should do this? We can always go back, y'know..."

There was brief silence, and then a firm voice masked in a heavy British accent replied back, "Raleigh, I'm telling you, you'll LOVE this place. I've been there before. I know you despise cities and crowded places; you've told me that a BILLION times. But I'm TELLING YOU, the Candy Kingdom is different. Much different..."
The morrow swooped down, sending billows of wind currents towards the girl. As her long, messy hair blew violently in the breeze, she grasped on tightly to the creature's feathers as the giant bird continued to speak. "Besides, I know you. I've known you only for two weeks, and I know that you essentially can't stay in the same place for a long time. You're one of those people who thrives on change, and that's exactly what this experience is: change. I mean, have you even lived in a city before?"
The girl shook her head. "Well then, you'll try the city for once. Maybe you'll like it."

The morrow passed by a party of cloud people, who giddily waved to the girl as they danced on top of the white fluff in the sky. She waved back, hearing loud, vibrant music as she quickly greeted the lively group. It was a few moments later that the morrow spoke to her again. "Alright, Raleigh, I'm going to drop down now and land on the surface. Hold on tight..."
In an instant, the giant creature faced its beak downwards, and plunged away from the heavens of the skies. Raleigh put all of her strength into gripping the bird's neck. As the two dropped, she could feel her legs rising up above her, as if she was falling head-first into the earth below. In less than a minute's time, everything came to a sudden brake, and gently, the bird flapped its wings slowly as it coasted to the surface.

Once the creature was grounded, the girl jumped off of the bird's back, and planted her brown boots onto the soil. She placed her hands on her hips as she took in the view, and then turned around to face the small sheep that stood where the morrow was once located. "Y'know, Flake, I think I actually like you better in your morrow form. I don't have to look down to see you." The brown-woolen "lamb" rolled his eyes, and then raised his hoof in front of her. "Behold, the beautiful Candy Kingdom."
Raleigh's eyes widened as she gazed upon the magnificent city that lay in front of her. Even from far away, she could still smell the faint scents of peppermint and cotton candy. Colorful buildings sprung up from behind the large candy wall, including the royal candy palace that lay in what seemed to be the center of the kingdom. Although she could not see anybody passing through the gates that lay between a moat of orange soda, Raleigh could hear the high-pitched sounds of small candy citizens as they ran their errands. She smiled, and then turned back to Flake. "Alrighty, let's go."

Inside the city, Raleigh's attention switched from one place to another in seconds. Her nose tingled with dozens of sweet scents, and she tried as hard as she could to keep her mouth from watering. "Man, this place takes a lot of determination to get through. I have to battle my innermost temptations in order to keep myself from eating anybody!" Flake gave a chuckle, and then continued to follow the peanut brittle path, making sure not to bump into the hundreds of citizens that passed by. "So, I guess we'll just stay in one of the hotels for the night. We'll settle our stuff there until we-..."

Flake ran backwards against the flow of traffic until he found his friend standing with a confused look in her eyes in the middle of the street.
"Uhhh...Raleigh?" Flake asked perplexedly, "You alive?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry..." she apologized as she came out of her trance, "It's just...that sign over there...." She pointed to a small abandoned stand near a sugar-coated fountain. There were piles of various junk laid out across the area. "What about it?"
"The sign on the top of the booth...It says "Tirinei's". I used to know a Tirinei..."
"And a Tirinei used to know you, RALLY!"

The human girl felt a tight grip around her chest as well as cold water as the familiar voice behind her spoke. She gasped, and an expression of shock and disbelief appeared on her face as she hugged the water nymph in front of her.
"TIRI!!! Tiri, I can't believe it's you!"
"Long time no see, huh? Who's your little friend?"
"Oh, right..." Raleigh pushed Flake closer to the tall nymph whose hair flowed clear blue streams of water. "Tiri, this is Flake. Flake, Tirinei."
"Pleased to meet you miss...?"
"Clearwater. Tirinei Clearwater. Nice to meet you too."
After bending down to give the animal a strong handshake, the bold water nymph crossed her arms and loosened her posture.
"So, what brings you two here to the elusive Candy Kingdom? Y'all tourists?"
"Far from it. We're moving in here! We were actually just looking for a hotel."
Tirinei's eyes widened with excitement, "Why stay in a crummy hotel when you deserve much better? C'mon, follow me..."

The woman led Raleigh and Flake out of the city, into the Cotton Candy Forest. The whole way, the human girl and her lamb companion gave each other glares of confusion, yet excitement. It was a mystery where Tirinei was leading them. Eventually, brown mountains appeared from the distance, and the pink forest started to come to an end. In the forest's place lay a bright red barn that seemed to stand out among the sea of green grass. Raleigh's face glowed with happiness as she stepped across the wooden plank that allowed passage over the narrow stream.
"Tirinei, it's just like your place! The stream, I mean. The's amazing!
"Only the best for my little sister!" Tirinei said with a soft smile and a wink, "I picked a valuable location for an adventurer like you. Close to the Candy Kingdom while also near the Grass Lands and the mountains. Little fun fact about this place; supposedly, many years ago, a rainicorn used to live here!"
"Explains all the colors around the place!"
Although there was nothing abnormal about the barn's surroundings, its location seemed brighter and more vibrant in the sunset than the usual house.
"Right. Listen Raleigh; I'd love to give you a tour of the place, but I really don't got any time. I have to get back to the shop..."
"Oh. Right. Well, it's no problem! I'll gladly take it! What about you Flake?"
"Same! There's just something so cozy about this place..." the lamb said with a warm smile.

"Great! Sold! Now...I guess we have to discuss payment..." Tirinei put her hands behind her back, military style, and circled the new residents as she spoke. "Normally, I don't sell this kind of house to two newbies like you, but seeing as you guys are an exception, I'll cut you some slack. I'm willing to give you this place for a discounted price: 10,000 gold coins.Deal?"
"Alright. But how much for me?"
"10,000 gold coins."
"...Yeah, but, I'm your sister."
Tirinei gave a mischievous smile, "11,000 gold coins!"
"Look, Raleigh," Tirinei crossed her arms and gave the girl a serious glare, "Times are hard. I'm not gonna sell you THIS nice of a house for free. Either you cough up the money, or you don't."
"Alright, so you don't got the money. I'll take a trade of equal value. How about that fancy gold hammer strapped to your backpack?"
Raleigh looked down at the metal hammer that was hooked onto a part of her white canvas backpack. Encrusted with various gems and inscribed with runes along the handle, her hammer was quite a beautiful weapon. She had attained it only a couple of days before after finding it hidden beneath a pile of jewels in the Evil Forest.
"Tirinei, I'm sorry, I can't. It's my only weapon. I'd be defenseless."
"Alright then," the water nymph's face showed lines of blunt satisfaction, "I'll take your lamb friend then. I'm sure someone'll want him for some nice stew or something..."
Furiously, Raleigh blocked Flake from Tirinei's reach. "NO!" she boomed,"YOU'RE NOT TAKING FLAKE!"

"Well then," the water nymph's expression grew serious again, "Give me the hammer, or you're gonna be sleeping in the forest tonight."
Raleigh shrugged, rolled her eyes, and then without hesitation, ripped the hammer right out of its strap on her pack.
"Here," electricity crackled in her green eyes, "take your stupid hammer."
"Thanks," Tirinei snorted, dragging the heavy hammer on the ground as she advanced towards the stream. "Nice doing business with you. See you two around. Welcome to the Candy Kingdom."
She then stepped into the water, and dissolved into the clear blue liquid as if she was a part of it. Raleigh tightly clenched her fists as she watched her sister get dragged away by the soft current. The hammer floated away in the stream as well.
"You said she was your sister, right?" Flake asked.
"I figured. You two seem like you've had your fair share of family arguments."

As the sun progressed on its journey to the west, Raleigh and Flake looked around the house. Although Raleigh was still tense from her encounter with her sister, Flake enjoyed all the surprises he found around his new home. There was a stone well, a small bench, and much to the duo's surprise, a large pumpkin patch in the back. Flake jumped up and down in delightment as his eyes gazed upon the vast field of orange fruits.
"This is brilliant!" he exclaimed, "I can make some pumpkin spice tea, while you can make some good ol' fashioned pumpkin pie!"

After taking a look at the area outside of the house, the two opened up the barn doors, and investigated the inside. "Great," said Raleigh, "It's barren in here. No furniture or nothing. There's not even a couch."
"Hey, at least we got cabinets and everything. Let's go check upstairs."
The two climbed a ladder, where they found more barren space. Piles of hay lay scattered around the room.
"Guess we're sleeping on hay beds tonight." Flake said cheerfully. Raleigh shrugged.
Afterwards, the two climbed back down, where they unpacked their bags and settled their stuff around the house.