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Ryan Griega

"The girl from my dreams... Is here?"

0 · 386 views · located in Oregon, Portland

a character in “The Memory.”, as played by Riley Shikoku



{"Where there is love there is life.” }
- Gandhi



|{Full name}|
Ryan Griega


|{Birthdate | Age}|
April 17th | 18


Hetero-sexual (Straight)


{"It makes me happy that I finally get to meet the girl from my dreams, literally... But, how is this possible?”}



|{Quirks | Habits | Oddities}|
✘ Biting His Nails
✘ Making Weird Faces When He's Perplexed
✘ Playing With His Hands
✘ Spending Money Hap-Hazardly
✘ Sorts Everything By Color

|{Talents | Strengths | Skills}|
✔ Skilled With Computers
✔ Skilled Writer
✔ Keeps Calm In Stressful Situations
✔ Studious
✔ Logical Thinker

|{Flaws | Weaknesses}|
⌘ Really Unorganized
⌘ Really Awkward
⌘ Not Confident About Anything
⌘ Logical Thinker
⌘ Not Funny

❖ Writing In His Journal
❖ Playing On The Computer
❖ Reading
❖ Swimming
❖ Working Out

âœĻ Dark
âœĻ Strange Noises
âœĻ Being Alone For The Rest Of His Life
âœĻ Being Useless
âœĻ Not Being Happy

âœĒ He keeps a picture of his late sister on his desk, though it's always face-down.
âœĒ He keeps a necklace on at all times because it was the last thing his sister gave him.
âœĒ His father is in jail.
âœĒ His brother is addicted to cigarettes.
âœĒ His father is an alcoholic.



Ryan is a mostly quiet person, though when he gets talking, he won't stop. It just takes a little bit of social interaction to get him going, he usually comes off as awkward at first, but when people get to know him, they are genuinely surprised to find out that he is actually a really nice, awesome person. He laughs at nearly anything and is usually found smiling. He's amazing at hiding his feelings and most people won't be able to tell that he is. His close friends can usually tell when he is hiding what he really feels. He doesn't generally get mad, it's just not an emotion that he experiences a lot. He tries to be funny a lot, but he can't usually tell jokes in a funny way. He has a somewhat perverted mindset, though he knows when it's the wrong time to say something of that nature. He can be extremely serious when he likes and he tries way too hard to make friends.


{"My sister... She... Died a while ago...”}




|{Place of origin}|
Madison, Wisconsin

30% English 30% Swedish 40% German

Ryan Griega was born in Madison, Wisconsin. He was born into a somewhat dysfunctional family, which had an alcoholic father, a mother, a smoking son, and a sister. Most of them had their quirks but the only one that was at least somewhat normal was Ryan's sister, Kaila. Kaila was a straight A student and had the demeanor of a princess. Ryan secretly liked her since he was young.

His father was an extremely abusive man, beating the kids and their mother every time he came home drunk. They all took the beatings submissively and stayed quiet about it until Kaila, Ryan's sister, told her school counselor about it. When the counselor arrived with a child protective services official, the father stayed calm and presented himself as a normal man. Luckily, the worker and the counselor saw through him. They reported the incident to CPS (Child Protective Services) and the CPS was to arrive the next day to pick the children up. Immediately after the interview occurred, the father found out that Kaila had told the CPS that he was beating them. He was furious, so furious that he picked up a large hammer and hit Kaila on the head. It crushed her skull and she died. Ryan was not in the room when it happened, but all he could remember was his mother screaming and her brother calling the police. There was no need for the CPS any longer. His father was taken to jail and that was the end of the beatings.

As an immediate effect of the beatings and his father being known as a murderer, he had a different reputation than most kids did. The police had advised him to start a journal, which could be proved as evidence if it ever became an issue again. He thought it was stupid, but did it anyway. As soon as he started the journal, he started having strange dreams. The dreams always had to do with a girl and he always felt like he was there, but that he wasn't there. It confused most people and most people thought he was crazy, probably because of his father, but he believed they were real.

Just when he thought the dreams were just that, dreams, the girl from his dream appeared in his school and he hasn't been able to comprehend his life ever since.

|{Family tree}|
Kyle Griega - Father (In Jail)
Janice Griega/Fawn - Mother
Miles Griega - Brother
Kaila Griega - Sister (Deceased)

So begins...

Ryan Griega's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gemma Duchannes Character Portrait: Ryan Griega
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Five Years Ago.

Gemma Duchannes found herself human at the edge of Boundary Wood. Which edge, she didn't know; the woods were vast , stretching for miles. Easily traveled as a wolf. Not so easy as a girl twelve years of age. It was a warm, pleasant night- a great night, by fall- in- Oregon standards. If she weren't lost and naked, that is.

She ached. Her bones felt as if they'd been rolled into Play-Doh snakes and then back into bones and then back into snakes again. Her skin was itchy, especially over her ankles and elbows and knees. One of her ears rung. Her head felt fuzzy and unfocused. She had a weird sense of deja vu.

Compounding her discomfort was the realization that she was not only lost and naked in the woods, but naked in the woods near civilization. As flies buzzed idly around her, she stood up straight to look at her surroundings. She could see the backs of several small houses, just on the other side of the trees. At her feet was a torn black trash bag, its contents littering the ground. It looked suspiciously like it may have been her breakfast. She didn't want to think about that too hard.

She didn't want to think about anything too hard. Her thoughts were coming back to her in fits and starts, swimming into focus like half-forgotten dreams. And as her thoughts came back, she was remembering being in that moment- that dazed moment of being newly human- over and over again. In a dozen different settings. Her parents. She remembered sitting in the passenger side of her mom's car, feeling the wolf climbing out of her as she stared at the full moon. She remembered the crash that took both her mom and her little sister, Jaime. She remembered being a wolf for nearly three whole years.

Gemma Duchannes.

She forgotten all of it as a werecoyote. And she was going to forget it all again.

She knelt, because standing seemed suddenly difficult, and clutched her arms around her pare legs. A brown spider crawled across her toes before she had the chance to react. Owls kept ooing from overhead. Dappled light from the moon played across the forest floor. A warm autumn breeze hummed through the new orange, red,and yellow leaves of the branches. The forest sighed again and again around her. While she was gone, nature move on, normal as always, but here she was.

Then, there was sounds of feet alternately crunching leaves from beneath. She glanced around. Nothing in front of her, but the path she was heading. Nothing behind, but the path she'd gone. She heard it again, but this time it sounded as if there were more than one person. Dozens infact. And they were headed her way. She tried to get back up, but this time she stumbled down.

"Over here," she heard a voice call out, closer now.

She whirled her head in that direction, and was greeted by the streak of a flashlight. After so long in darkness, the light stabbed her eyes; she looked away, covering her face with both hands.

She heard more feet shuffling closer until they came to an abrupt stop, then there were voices, and fear began to squeeze at her chest.

"What the hell?"
"Is that her?"
"It seems so"
"After three years? Can't be."
"It is. It's Gemma Duchannes."

The girl was hit with wave of confusion, blistered with panic. The voices were odd, tinged with echo; some of the words were completely foreign-others felt familiar. She willed her eyes to adjust as she squinted toward the light and those speaking.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gemma Duchannes Character Portrait: Ryan Griega
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Three Years Earlier

Ryan woke up in what seemed like a forest. Or maybe it was a town. He wasn't sure. All he knew was there were a lot of people and they had flashlights. They were all walking in a group and were looking for something... Or maybe it was someone, he wasn't sure. Wait a minute! How did he end up here?! All he remembered was laying down to sleep and then... He ended up here! He shook his head and then looked in the direction of the group. He couldn't make out any faces, only voices.

"So, what are we gonna do? We've gone searching for a long time but we haven't found her yet. We should just give up." So... They were looking for someone. It was a girl apparently.

Another voice whispered from a different direction. "No! We've searched for her this long, we can't give up now. We have to find her." I wonder how long they've been searching? And what's up with this girl anyway? Why are they searching for her?

"Screw that! It's been three years and we haven't found her!" They've been searching for this girl for three years?! Something is definitely up! I guess I should follow them since I haven't woke up yet.

Nevertheless, the group traveled towards the forest. The group then divided into three groups, each group containing a pair. I decided to follow the group following the right edge of the forest. Thoughts flew through my head as we walked. Then suddenly, there was a rustling and all of us stopped. The group went and checked it out and it was just a squirrel. We walked fro another few minutes and then there was another rustling. The group checked it out and it was just a small rabbit. Seriously, where are all these animals coming from? We continued to walk until there was a larger rustling. This sounded like an incredibly large animal.

One of the member shushed the other. "Over here."

One of the two members of the group shined their flashlight in the direction of... a girl? She was completely nude and he looked away because he was blushing. He knew he wasn't actually there, but he was wondering what kind of dream he was having.

"What the hell?"
"Is that her?"
"It seems so."
"After three years? Can't be."
"It is. It's..."

His vision blurred out after the word "it's".

He woke up and sat up in his bed, his alarm going off. He was breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" He went on as the day went by and tried to tell his mom, but his mom brushed him off like he was crazy.

At the end of the day he took out the journal he had bought recently and wrote,
"Journal #1.

'The weirdest thing happened to me last night. I was dreaming, though it was like no other dream I've ever had before. It was real, or so it felt like it. I don't remember much, but I do remember her. A girl I've never seen in my entire life, but I dreamt about her. She wasn't nearly as pretty, though she wasn't hideous either. She was just..average; dark-brown eyes with golden specks flecking around the irises, long hair the color of dirt, lips the lightest shade of pink, and pale skin that seemed to glow right beneath the full moon.

It confused me why I was dreaming about her; however, something told me that she was special. She never opened her mouth to speak; didn't fidget either. She only stood within four feet away from me, staring at me with those captivating eyes of hers. A minute passed. Then, two until she reached a hand out to me. I seemed lost in her eyes that I didn't even hesitate when felt her fingers intertwining with mine. Her fingers were surprisingly soft and fit around mine perfectly, but I jerked my hand away so quickly. When she touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us.

Then everything faded. I woke up in my room as if nothing had happened. As if whatever connection I felt towards the girl in my dream never happened, but I knew it couldn't be. I know it was real. I tried telling my mom that day, but she only looked at me and said 'you're probably not getting enough sleep, hun.' She told me to the point where I actually started to believe her. Just a little.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gemma Duchannes Character Portrait: Ryan Griega
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Three Years Earlier

Ryan woke up in what seemed like a forest. Or maybe it was a town. He wasn't sure. All he knew was there were a lot of people and they had flashlights. They were all walking in a group and were looking for something... Or maybe it was someone, he wasn't sure. Wait a minute! How did he end up here?! All he remembered was laying down to sleep and then... He ended up here! He shook his head and then looked in the direction of the group. He couldn't make out any faces, only voices.

"So, what are we gonna do? We've gone searching for a long time but we haven't found her yet. We should just give up." So... They were looking for someone. It was a girl apparently.

Another voice whispered from a different direction. "No! We've searched for her this long, we can't give up now. We have to find her." I wonder how long they've been searching? And what's up with this girl anyway? Why are they searching for her?

"Screw that! It's been three years and we haven't found her!" They've been searching for this girl for three years?! Something is definitely up! I guess I should follow them since I haven't woke up yet.

Nevertheless, the group traveled towards the forest. The group then divided into three groups, each group containing a pair. I decided to follow the group following the right edge of the forest. Thoughts flew through my head as we walked. Then suddenly, there was a rustling and all of us stopped. The group went and checked it out and it was just a squirrel. We walked fro another few minutes and then there was another rustling. The group checked it out and it was just a small rabbit. Seriously, where are all these animals coming from? We continued to walk until there was a larger rustling. This sounded like an incredibly large animal.

One of the member shushed the other. "Over here."

One of the two members of the group shined their flashlight in the direction of... a girl? She was completely nude and he looked away because he was blushing. He knew he wasn't actually there, but he was wondering what kind of dream he was having.

"What the hell?"
"Is that her?"
"It seems so."
"After three years? Can't be."
"It is. It's..."

His vision blurred out after the word "it's".

He woke up and sat up in his bed, his alarm going off. He was breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" He went on as the day went by and tried to tell his mom, but his mom brushed him off like he was crazy.

At the end of the day he took out the journal he had bought recently and wrote,
"Journal #1.

'The weirdest thing happened to me last night. I was dreaming, though it was like no other dream I've ever had before. It was real, or so it felt like it. I don't remember much, but I do remember her. A girl I've never seen in my entire life, but I dreamt about her. She wasn't nearly as pretty, though she wasn't hideous either. She was just..average; dark-brown eyes with golden specks flecking around the irises, long hair the color of dirt, lips the lightest shade of pink, and pale skin that seemed to glow right beneath the full moon.

It confused me why I was dreaming about her; however, something told me that she was special. She never opened her mouth to speak; didn't fidget either. She only stood within four feet away from me, staring at me with those captivating eyes of hers. A minute passed. Then, two until she reached a hand out to me. I seemed lost in her eyes that I didn't even hesitate when felt her fingers intertwining with mine. Her fingers were surprisingly soft and fit around mine perfectly, but I jerked my hand away so quickly. When she touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us.

Then everything faded. I woke up in my room as if nothing had happened. As if whatever connection I felt towards the girl in my dream never happened, but I knew it couldn't be. I know it was real. I tried telling my mom that day, but she only looked at me and said 'you're probably not getting enough sleep, hun.' She told me to the point where I actually started to believe her. Just a little.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gemma Duchannes Character Portrait: Ryan Griega
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Present Time. Monday, August 27, 2014

Gemma woke to the aggravating sound of her bedside clock. Without rising from the comfort of her bed, instead she dragged her hand out from beneath the heavy mountain of blankets that hovered over her, and hit the 'snooze button.' She grunted to herself as she dismantled the blankets and sat up in a sloppy position.

It was the first day of junior year, and for Gemma it was also the first day as a normal human being. She was nervous, yet excited at the same time. Though, she doesn't know how she would introduce herself to the students whether or not if they'll accept her as a newcomer. She never had many friends in the past, and living as a coyote for three years isn't going to change that matter. She just isn't good with relationships.

Nearly twenty minutes had passed before she began her morning routine by first: brushing her teeth, showering, putting on her outfit in which she seemed to work up the courage to find last night rather than at the last minute, and brushing out her unruly brown waves and left her hair over her shoulders to hang down. As soon as she was finished, she slung her bag over her shoulder, exited her room, and treaded downstairs towards the kitchen. She found her father, already dressed in uniform, merrily sipping down a mug of coffee. Seeing his daughter well and awake put a grin on his face. "Morning, kiddo." he said.

Gemma was over by the fridge and drinking out of the carton of orange juice when she heard her father which made her turn her head towards him as he spoke. "School? Monday? How is any of this good, dad?"

"And I actually thought you'd at least be happy of your first day of public school." he snatched the carton from Gemma's lips causing her to spill some on her shirt.

She rubbed at the stain, and gave up after two minutes. "I am," she hopped onto the granite counter and let out a sigh as she grabbed an orange from a bowl and began to peel it. "It's just, what if they don't like me?"

Her father gave out a soft chuckle, then moved over to his daughter. He gave her a peck on the forehead, "They'll love you." At that, he took another slow sip of his coffee; giving out satisfied 'hmm's' in between, looked at his clock and gasped slightly before chugging the rest of his coffee and grabbing his keys to the police cruiser. "Alright, lets go bud."

Gemma puffed out a sigh, "Okay," she said as she stuffed the remains of the orange slices in her mouth before hopping off the counter. "If I come back home knowing that I have enemies, I'm blaming you."
Then, she grabbed her bag and walked out to the garage; leaving her dad amused and rolling his eyes with a smile until he followed her out to the cruiser.

Finding the school wasn't difficult for her father, though he had never been there before. Gemma stared out the window and noticed that the school was, like most things, just off the highway. It was not obvious that it was a school; only the sign, which declared it to be the Portland High School, made her father stop the cruiser. The school looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon- colored bricks. There were so many trees and shrubs she couldn't see its size at first.

Her father parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door reading FRONT OFFICE. "Here we are," her father turned to his daughter. "Have a good day, okay Gem?"

Gemma wrapped her arms around her father before muttering in his shoulder. "Thanks, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, make friends." Then he let go, and Gemma stepped unwillingly out of the toasty cruiser and walked down a little stone path lined with dark hedges. She took a deep breath before opening the door.

Inside, it was brightly lit, and warmer than she'd hoped. The office was large; a big waiting area with padded folding chairs and sofas, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, a big clock ticking loudly. Plants grew everywhere in large plastic pots, as if there wasn't enough greenery outside. The room was cut in half by a long counter cluttered with wire baskets full of papers and brightly colored flyers taped to its front. There were there desks behind the corner, one of which was manned by a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses. She was wearing a purple t-shirt, which immediately made Gemma feel overdressed.

The red-haired woman looked up. "Can I help you?"
"I'm Gemma Duchannes," she informed her, and saw the immediate awareness light her eyes. Gemma was expected, a topic of gossip no doubt. Daughter of the Chief's dead wife, was finally found by the search party and has come home at last.

"Of course," the woman said. She dug through a precariously stacked pile of documents on her desk till she found the ones she was looking for. "I have your schedule right here, and a map of the school." She brought several sheets to the counter to show Gemma.

She went through her classes for her, highlighting the best route to each on the map, and gave her a slip to have each teacher sign, which she was to bring back at the end of the day. The woman smiled at Gemma and hoped, like her father, that she would like it at Portland High School. She smiled back as convincingly as she could.

When she was out the door, other students were starting to arrive. She looked at the map, trying to memorize it now; hopefuilly she wouldn't have to walk around with it stuck in front of her nose all day. She stuffed everything in her bag, slung the strap over her shoulder, and sucked in a huge breath. I can do this, she lied to herself feebly. She walked away from the FRONT OFFICE and rounded a corner around the FINANCE OFFICE, went straight down the sidewalk, and into an enormous building North that was clearly the school's main entrance building. Gemma felt her breathing gradually creeping toward hyperventilation as she approached the two large double doors.

In the building were thousands of students. They were all huddled into their usual groups, or just walking through the crammed halls; bumping shoulders with one another. There were only about five people that turned their direction to the entrance and noticed Gemma, and immediately they gossiped. Lockers, left and right, elevated up high and were being slammed shut by their owners.

Gemma began to shove her way through the crowds to her locker which according to her schedule was located down the halls, right.