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Dinan Soulbreaker

My fate is ever the battlefield, I'll earn my right to peace when the last breath passes my lips.

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a character in “The Mercenaries' Princess”, as played by Derek Smith


Dinan Soulbreaker



Appearance: Dinan's height is at a mere 182 cm is considered somewhat short by his race's lofty standards. This is made up for by the fact that he weighs 79 kg, all of it lean muscle, an impressive feat lauded by his overall slender race. Like all his race however he shares the same alabaster skin tone coupled with pale white hair tinted by rose overtones. But the defining feature of the Kamael is very obviously their singular wing of angelic features, something that given their origins has elevated them to demi-god status among the more easily impressed. Dinan is unique in that his eyes are not the piercing sky blue of his race but rather a bright sanguine red.

This Kamael male cares not for anything less then full armour. This second skin of steel is considered the mark of an adult. The right to wear it is considered the coming of age for any Kamael. It's design and form determined by the warrior to wear it. As a result Dinan's sports much more in the way of reinforced areas, a direct result of his great physical strength. Though not commonly known Kamael armour is blood forged, the metal quenched in the ruby life source of the first foe a Kamael slays.

Equipment: Aside from the signature armour of his race Dinan has the weapon he was born knowing. For the Kamael do not set hammer to anvil to create the peerless weapons they are known for. Upon the first time their blood forged armour is worn Kamael are confronted by the soul of war, servants of their Goddess. The test is then undertaken and a weapon is given. Dinan was granted the great sword Soulbreaker, a blade forged from his fighting will and a fragment of his soul. As a result Soulbreaker can not be wielded by any save Dinan. Furthermore the blade is sentient, capable of guiding it's user and aiding beyond the simple act of cutting Dinan's enemies.

  1. Dinan was born to war, he understands it on every level. As a result he shows nothing in the way of fear engaging overwhelming odds.
    2. He does not lack for either strength or stamina thanks to the demanding life expected of the Kamael
    3. Soulbreaker grants him the ability to absorb the souls of enemies it has slain. These souls can then be used as power sources to fuel Soul Magic. A mix of offensive and defensive spells Soul Magic is frowned upon by most given its nature.
    4.Kamael do not feel pain in the same manner as other races. Though aware of injury Kamael are not incapacitated by them save in obvious ways. For example losing an arm forces Kamael to adopt a left/right handed techniques.
    5. Though only possessing only one wing Kamael can fly and rather quickly as well.

  1. Being separated from Soulbreaker for extended periods of time weakens Dinan severely often to the point of near death.
    2.Though immortal in a sense Dinan does age whenever he indulges too freely in using Soul Magic.
    3. Soulbreaker's power is tied directly to Dinan's life, therefore it is possible to destroy the blade by long term separation from Dinan.

Personality: Dinan is a calm and collected individual with little in the way of excessive emotions. Economic in both words and movement the Kamael cares little for indulging his companions in any sort of banter. Indeed his interactions with the mercenary band he has joined can be summed up in a rather short paragraph. And that is exactly the way he prefers it. To Dinan only when faced with the prospect of Death does anyone do anything worth paying attention to. Among the war born Kamael this truth is religion and Dinan could have been a priest. He has only joined this mercenary band to live out the Dogma of his people.

As a result he comes off as dour with little in the way of patience for anything but the poetry the clash of steel can offer. To face Death with nary a flinch, to rush towards it with a smile on your lips and weapon in hand. These are the only words he has shared with the group. Thus he has become the group...Well Dinan has never asked what that makes him. He openly scorns those who engage him in prolonged conversation, usually in a rude manner. Mostly because he has never been one to hide behind false feelings and words.

This cold persona however is in the end simply Dinan's way of dealing with the mortality of his mortal companions. This after all is not the first group to welcome this winged warrior. But his desire for meeting his match is all real, for dying of anything else is shameful in Kamael society.


To understand the past of Dinan you have to understand the importance of his people's history.

The Kamael are the children of Mystria, She who holds the sword. A Goddess of war she crafted the Kamael out of steel and blood, forged in the fires of Heaven. War would be their burden and their joy. War would shape them into the mystic holders of Mystria's legacy, the soul weapon. After countless millennia the Kamael's deeds and lust for combat would see them equal parts hated and admired. Hated for the cold and distant attitude they had towards the other races. Loved for the battles they fought to keep darkness at bay. All this and more shaped a race of winged warriors whose lofty mountain strongholds kept them aloft of every problem save their faith. What was a warrior without war?

The Kamael are less a race though and more living weapons created by their goddess Mystria to serve as guardians . Though in the countless millennia since their forefathers fought against darkness they have become cold and distant to other races they share this world with. Reveling in their born to war nature one could say they as a people are forgetting the honor and duty that once elevated them above common soldiers.

Despite their relatively good alignment the Kamael feel no compunction about using the inherently dark Soul Magic granted to them by Mystria. Indeed they feel entirely justified in its use, to them Total War is over sooner. A noble ideal in their minds for glory in battle is one thing, the suffering of innocence is an other thing. And to that end the Kamael have always united, the fighting of evil has ever been the banner that has united them as a race. But the petty political machinations of others no matter how well disguised has never earn naught but their scorn. Indeed no Kamael will ever kneel to a monarch and that has earned them mistrust and some resentment from those less open minded about their desire from any authority wielded by a ruler.

Whatever their opinions on the Kamael though many rulers have over time made use of the Kamael's more then willingness to fight . Though they will not fight wars of aggression for their employers Kamael mercenaries are more then happy to fight defensive ones. This valour and racial skill at war is the main reason most rulers will put up with the idiosyncratic beliefs of the Kamael.

Culturally speaking though the Kamael have no ruler of their own, so the thought of mercenary work causes them little trouble with honor. For their last ruler Airn Crimson-kissed died long ago even by the standards of their immortal race. And unable to decide upon a worthy successor the Generals in charge of the army decided a scattering of their people was a more preferable outcome then the civil war fighting for the throne would cause. So splitting the nation into the hundred legions they abandoned the majority of their cities save the Royal Palace and city atop Silver Storm Peak.

Over time the legions commanded by the Generals formed into nomadic clans with the succeeding generations identifying them less as military officers and more as the impromptu ruling class they had become. And so the Generals became Archons, a Kamael term for Prince or Princess. But the title was not a hereditary one, instead divine blessing earned by deeds and Mystria's favor saw a Kamael become an Archon. But they were never kings, a Archon ruled only his or her clan and never in the fashion of other nobles. A unpopular Archon could be stripped of office by either Mystria or a general consensus of his or her clan.

But one decision was ratified by both the Archons of all the hundred clans and a general consensus of the Kamael people. And that was the Compact, a breeding contract meant to ensure the survival of the Kamael as a race. For with their faith all but requiring death in battle population control was and is a major issue for these Angels of war. To be a Kamael is to be bound by this duty. To forsake this duty is to be forever cast out of the clans. Love, desire, wishing to raise a family, none of that is the reason couples are paired. Bloodlines and desired traits are the reason couples are paired. Though love is not forbidden to the Kamael, this approach to breeding has seen it less and less common with each generation born underneath the Compact.

Dinan was the result of such a union, indeed Mother and Father detested the sight of each other. No love ever blossomed in their hearts for each other. It was merely doing their duty when they coupled till Dinan was born ten months later. A event greeted with joy by both parties involved as they could dissolve their Compact and return to their true lovers. Dinan was given to the Maidens of Cloud to be raised, an order of warrior nuns they taught the child in the arts of war known only to Kamael. He never would ever know the faces of his parents though he was taught the names and faces of his half - siblings, if only to avoid incest.

Dinan was raised as such, each Maiden taking their turn teaching him of philosophy,various weapons, of Mystria, and the rules of Kamael society such as their now nomadic people had. In all these he excelled showing perhaps there was something to the mixing of the right bloodlines.

When he turned a hundred the Maidens of the Cloud decided that the time for the blooding had come. A right of passage Dinan was required to join a party of Kamael warriors on their latest raid against a enemy these warriors had been paid to fight. His only weapons were his own hands and wits. In this he to excelled, killing five before the battle was over. Collecting their blood in the chalices given to him he then presented himself before the Maidens who helped in the forging of his armour. Upon it's completion the next step of his test begun.The Soul of War asked him what the Maidens taught him during his childhood. In response Dinan launched a roundhouse kick aimed at the apparition before him.

" To not waste time with words it seems. " The Soul of War added with an echoing laugh." Well far be it for me to hold you back. "

Thus the blade Soulbreaker was crafted and the path of Dinan set. His mind and soul consumed with the legacy that was his now to bear he parted from the Maidens of Cloud forever more, never again to spend his days in their company. Descending to the Earth proper he also left Silver Storm Peak behind. The air was thick to his lungs, to his senses it seemed like breathing water. Four hundred years saw him turn from the young man of Silver Storm Peak to the Angel of War all Kamael were meant to be. The daily battles to live up to the legacy of Mystria forged him into the cold steel who mourned somewhat the fate of fellow warriors he buried, Kamael and other races alike.

Now he finds himself once more amongst fellow warriors. Again the strength of his faith is tested. To smile once more as Death looks on.


So begins...

Dinan Soulbreaker's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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#, as written by Siryn

It was about time.

Years of planning and getting ready for that very moment were about to take place. Sakura looked about her room, no, her prison. A frown pulled on her lips as she eyed every inch of the space that had been the only thing she'd known for almost ten years. The bed in the center of the room with its four tall mahogany posts. The closet that held all of her clothing which she'd only ever worn three dresses from. A writing desk that she never used, except to sit at and ponder how she was going to free herself.

It had taken several years to accumulate what she needed. Hiding sheets from the nursemaid who tended to her room every so often, but not so much that it was suspicious. Gathering up old clothes from a couple of the servants in the castle whose rooms were close to her own. Finally, making requests for cloth that she knew she would be granted and from that making the rest of her clothing that she would wear when leaving the castle. She didn't want anyone recognizing her right off the bat as soon as she stepped foot outside of the palace walls.

Not that anyone would, though. Sakura thought to herself as she turned to the window. She'd never been let out of the castle before and even rarely ever allowed to wander the halls of her palace. It had taken place when she was about five years old. One of the maids had been carrying a tray of dishware and Sakura had startled the poor woman by coming around a corner too fast as she'd been playing. The young princess had crashed into the woman's legs and they both got tangled up. In order to not fall upon the small princess, the maid dropped the platter she'd been carrying and the dishes broke all around Sakura, scaring her.

Sakura wasn't entirely sure what had happened after that, all she could remember was feeling a lot of pain in her chest and then nothing afterwards. Since then she'd been locked into her room, her mother's only reasons were that she was very fragile and that she was being taken care of in this way.

Shaking her head, the princess cleared the memory and went to where she'd stashed all the sheets that she'd tied together. Dragging it all out from a well concealed place underneath the head of the bed, she tied the end of it to one of the bed posts and pulled on it heavily. When it didn't give out, she nodded her head in satisfaction and released her hold on it. The last preparation was for her to change clothes. Currently she was wearing a bright red silken dress and her hair was done up, pulled away from her face to show the flowering mark on her forehead. Undoing her hair, she let the long black silken locks fall, covering the mark perfectly.

Stripping from the dress, she pulled out the commoners clothes that she'd prepared. First a pair of leather pants, over that a white and brown skirt that was cut in such a fashion that the front of it only came down to mid thigh while the back was down to just above her knees. Tall boots came on over the pants, their leather warm against her feet. A white commoners shirt was next, and over that was a leather vest that pulled it all together. Catching her reflection in a tall mirror just across from her, she eyed the appearance with careful scrutiny. Satisfied with how it looked, she grabbed the sheets and threw them out of her window.

She frowned a bit, wish there was a better way to do this.... Leaning out the window she looked around to make sure that there was no one around. It was nearing the end of the day, the sunlight casting it's orange glow on the other side of the castle and thus where her room was, the shadows were much darker. Climbing up onto the edge of her window, she gripped the sheets that would take her three stories down the side of the castle wall. Straddling the sheets, she took one look over her shoulder and ground her teeth.

For a brief moment, her body shook uncontrollably. Facing the wall again, she took a deep breath and stepped off the ledge of her window. Leaning backwards, she started walking down the side of the stone wall. Thankfully, there weren't any other large windows down below her room, only the small occasional one here and there. Halfway down, she felt the sheets slacken a bit, jolting her body. Her heart jumped to her throat and she feared for a moment that she would begin to feel the pain that she hadn't felt in a few months. The attacks were rare, but every now and then when she was feeling particularly upset it would flare up.

Was this going to be too much for her? No. She shook her head and continued downwards. Freedom wasn't too much farther and she would have it even if it cost her. Nearing the bottom, the sheets finally gave, the knots loosening as she'd climbed down. A bit of a sharp gasp filled her throat as she fell the last few feet. Thankfully she hadn't been that high up and the bushes softened her fall. Tangled up in leaves, vines and a some thorns, she groaned slightly before sitting up. Brushing her fingers through her hair, she worked to free the small sticks and leaves that had tangled there.

Standing up, Sakura turned and caught sight of a carriage that was sitting not too far from where she'd come down at. Her heart leapt with elation and joy. My escape! Looking left and right, she quickly skirted towards the carriage and jumped into the back of it just as she heard voices from the palace entrance. Ducking down between two large boxes, she settled there with her heart pounding rapidly. Closing her eyes, she focused on calming herself quickly and hoped that whoever it was wouldn't notice her until she was far from the palace.


"Thank you for your trouble, mercenary," the Queen's adviser called as Shyc left the castle. He waved back at the man without saying a word or turning around, taking the steps two at a time.

He walked out back to the carriage that he'd been driving, a smile on his pale features, bright green eyes dancing with the usual mischief. The delivery to the castle had been taken care of and a couple of the palace guards were escorting him back to the cart. Shyc wondered what it was that the Queen had wanted, and what was in the box that he'd just delivered to her, but he knew it was best not to ask. They never asked. They were employed by her to do as she said and not ask questions. Shyc sort of liked it that way. Except for times when his insatiable curiosity would take over. Even so, she probably wouldn't have answered him anyway. The Queen was just that kind of woman, cold and secretive. Sometimes it left him with a sour taste in his mouth.

At least we're on her good side, though... I'd hate to be her enemy, Shyc thought to himself as he approached the lone cart that belonged to him and his company of mercenaries.

Shyc reached up and ran his hand through his brown hair, pulling it away from his eyes as he strode towards the carriage. The guards next to him halted a few feet away from it, having done their duty. Their hands were constantly on their weapons, a kind of nervous air about them as they watched Shyc carefully. He was used to it. After all, he wasn't the most trustworthy individual on the planet. At least when it came to shiny objects...

"Thanks!" he called back to them, waving his hand a bit. His grin was a bit wild and mischievous as he climbed up onto the seat of the carriage and flicked the reigns to get the horses going. Once he was freed from the scrutinizing gaze of the castle guard and others, he laughed out loud. Putting the reigns in one hand, he dug into his pocket with his free hand, going around the small bag of golden coins awarded to him for the mercenaries hard work. It was a smaller pay than normal, but the job hadn't been all that hard in the first place. His grin was wide as he let the horses pull the cart down the cobble stoned street of the city. In his hand were several small jewels that he'd 'acquired' from the palace. They were beautiful and he couldn't help but have them conveniently fall into his pocket.

"Way too easy. Sometimes it's no fun being able to just grab what you want and not get caught at all," he said to himself. Re-pocketing the jewels he pulled the reigns to the left and the horses turned at an intersection in the street. The carriage clattered down the street that came to a small gate leading out of the city and into the forested area just beyond. Shyc hummed to himself while he directed the horses into the woods. I wonder if they would like them... he thought to himself. He enjoyed showing off what he'd gathered to the others. Though his smile faltered a bit... Raze would surely be very angry with him, and he wasn't too sure Dinan would be approving either. He sighed a bit.

The carriage pulled into the area where they'd camped out for the night only because they had to do that delivery. Shyc stood up and stretched. With having to report back to the castle, getting new supplies was also in order since they were going to be away for a while. As he jumped off the cart, he pulled from his pouch a letter from the Queen, "Hey Raze, this is from her Majesty," he called out and handed the letter to the elf. It was probably new orders for them. He hoped it was something easy again, he was tired from fighting and hoped that they could all have at least another day of rest before heading out again.

He went back to the cart and lifted himself up onto the back of it and grabbed the crate that he'd filled with the supplies from the city. As he lifted it, he caught sight of black hair and a body shifting around frantically. Startled as he looked at bright purple eyes gazing up at him in shock, he gave a sharp shout and stumbled backwards. The back of his boot caught the edge of the carriage and he cried out again as he fell from the cart. Landing hard on his back with the heavy crate atop his chest, he groaned as he lay there. Lifting a hand he pointed at the cart.

"Girl.... girl in cart...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The first rays of dawn were colouring the inky veil of night and early bird song filled the air in a melody matched only by the singing of the keen wind as it flowed over the body. The sense of freedom riding the aerial currents was almost intoxicating as the allure of battle, was it any wonder birds sang each and every day. The winged figure flying through dawn sky and night's remnants adjusted his singular wing while twisting his body in a manner similar to a swimmer making a dive. Altitude was shed with an alacrity that would have elicited concern in any not born to the sky.

And just like that his morning flight was over and his feet touched the ground so beloved of the other races. Dirt no self respecting Kamael would willing choose over the azure canopy of their birthright. But unlike the clan mates he had left the current group he was working with had no skill at flight nor truth be told the slightest ability to fly. Frankly Dinan thought their gods cruel masters for denying them the sky.

And despite how early it was the Angel of War knew his fellows would be about their business, Queens waited for no one after all. The only good part was the insulting task would be over with. Kamael were not bloody couriers, such tasks were fit only for punishing children. He just hoped the next contract was worthy of the strength granted to him by Mystria. That and the others didn't demand rest, always with the rest. That and the horses, Kamael saw little use in the beasts. Being both winged and gifted with strength and stamina in copious amounts a Kamael clan carried most of what they needed upon their persons. Reinforced by a millennia of nomadic life Kamael carried little beyond their weapons and food, with the more delicate packing tents.

Mostly though Dinan looked forward to simply moving on. Immortal though he may be the winged warrior was not gifted with endless patience. Time spent standing still was time not spent honoring Mystria and that was the reason he fought. To live up to the creed of war and to die with the honor inherent in living up to the duty he swore to when Soulbreaker was granted to him.

He strode towards the remains of last night's fire, a few guttering coals. Reaching into the pile of wood laid nearby the angel of war coaxed it into an open flame. That done Dinan shrugged off his pack and dug out a pot and various herbs. Emptying his water skin into the pot he set it to boil over the flame. While waiting for that he dug out a few pieces of jerky and ate that.

The rattle of wheels and the snapping of reigns announced the arrival of the prodigal son as it were. Shyc at the driver's seat, a human with a side to him Dinan was willing to admit intrigued him. Then again anything that promised a potential match for his martial skills was enough to get his attention. The others were out and about by now and the carriage driver handed the self appointed leader of their merry group a letter. Hopefully it was a better contract then the last.

His tea done the winged warrior filled himself a cup and flew over to the carriage to offer a hand when Shyc, crate in hand, gave a cry of shock and fell off the back. Despite the obvious hard landing Shyc seemed more concerned with spluttering out something.

"...girl in cart...."

Hovering over the top of the cart Dinan saw the truth of those words. Taking a sip of his tea he looked down at their newest guest.

" Dropped in for a cup of tea did you?" The angel of war asked with a raised eyebrow and another sip of the tea cup he held.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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The young elf and human hybrid was enjoying his peace and quiet on a hammock as he relaxed back and closed his eyes. He considered today to be, for the most part, a rest day where he and his fellow mercenaries could rest without much worry. These times between missions were the ones he often cherished most, as after nearly a month of walking, running, scouting, fighting, and working he could see no better reward than some shut-eye and serenity. This had not been a particularly difficult mission and, in his opinion, he thought the ride back was more of a bother than the actual job, which had been to escort a high value target to one of the outposts of the kingdom. There was a small conflict about a two thirds of the way through, but other than that, it was nothing notable. Just another day, if you asked Raze. Although they did tack on another objective for the mercs as they returned, which was quite annoying, but understandable.

So even though he couldn't say he would be unable to do another mission in quick succession to the last, he did feel as if he earned this special time he had. And because he might have been a bit selfish, he sent Shyc to go do the shopping, against his better judgement. In short, Razeluxe was being a bit lazy. But he figured that Shyc would not pose much of a serious problem to the simple tasks he was given; namely retrieving their next piece of work from the Queen and purchasing the supplies they would need for their next outing. Simple tasks that even a baboon could do with its eyes closed.

Yet.... he had to feel just a little worried. That kid did have this irresponsible habit of taking things that did not belong to him, and people did not really take kind to losing their stuff. Now that he thought about it, he did send Shyc to meet with royalty. No... he'd have the common sense not to steal from the Queen. Anybody who wanted to keep their head would heed to that.

As he laid in his hammock, enjoying the relative calm air that their camp owned, he heard tell of Shyc's approach. The gallops soon slowed to a stop and, hopefully, there was food and water within the carriage. Warrior do need to eat, with no exceptions. Raze got off of his hammock and stretched a bit before walking over to meet with his young ally, who presented him with a letter.

"Hey Raze, this is from her Majesty," Shyc stated as he handed the letter to him.

Razeluxe looked briefly over the letter, taking note of the paper used and the insignia of the royal court printed upon it. Though it looked to him like an over-designed piece of paper, he did realize that this was legitimate. He wasted no time in opening the letter and begun reading through it, but before he got too far in, he heard a woman scream, and it sounded like it was coming from right in front of him! Tensing up and preparing himself for conflict, he begun over to the back of the carriage to see what had been attacking him, ready to strike it down within an instant!




But it was Shyc. The scream was his, and the young man was on his back, mumbling something as he pointed to the carriage. "Girl.... girl in cart...." he said weakly. It did not look as though he was harmed. Razeluxe followed his finger and looked into the back of the carriage, spotting a woman with dark hair inside. The back of the carriage was a bit too dark for him to tell what sort of face she was wearing at this given time, but odds are she was a bit frightened as well.

If she was hostile, she would have killed Shyc before he could have screamed.

"Yes." Raze replied calmly as he kept his eye on the woman. "There is a girl in the cart. Although I am not so certain she was the woman that screamed." like usual, he did not sport any smile or grin when making the jest, arousing the question of whether or not he was making a joke. It simply was how he was. But so as not to dwell on that specifically, he took a step towards the carriage. He was not sure why exactly she had hidden in this carriage, but he could tell it wasn't to kill someone, his reasoning being the aforementioned statement above.

Dinan, who was standing there and casually taking a sip of the cup of tea he had with him, gave his own comment, only this one was directed towards the woman. "Dropped in for a cup of tea did you?" Like himself, Razeluxe noticed Dinan did not see any threat in this woman. There was no way anybody attempting to kill them would have been so clumsy as to get caught in that attempt. Hiding on the underside of the carriage would have presented more opportunities to attack in all honesty. Raze was nearly certain that her objective was NOT the harm of his mercenaries. But what he couldn't see was why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch WHAT she had actually stowed away for. In additions to Dinan's comment, the mysterious woman was then shot a more direct question.

"I would hope you could give us a reason not to slay you on the spot, young miss. Mercenaries aren't fond of stowaways." perhaps this approach was a bit more hostile than he should have given, but his tone alone should have let her know where she stood in this situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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Silent as the still air around her, Willow sat nearby on the flatest piece of dirt she could find, with her bare feet drawn up into a lotus position. Though her eyes were closed, and her breath even she was well and completely alive. A crystal bauble orbited lazily around her head, it's color dyed a light blue-- denoting the element that was held within was water. From outward appearances, it seemed as if her mind was elsewhere, but this wasn't the case. Her mind was everywhere She could hear the gentle wind kissing the tips of the trees, the steady rise and fall of Raze's breath as he lounged, and even the babbling of a nearby stream. She was aware of everything and anything around her.

She had heard Dinan's rhythmic wing beats long before his feet ever touched the ground, though she made no motion to greet him. She would do that once her meditation was over, not out of rudeness, but out of habit. She did not simply quit her schedule so easily. The next experience was the Angel's willing the fire back to life. It would have been effortless for her to wave her hands and make the fire return, but she wasn't going to rob the man of his experience. Dinan wasn't the type to like having things done for him. Had she not been so far within her own mind, she would have smiled at the thought.

The scent of tea followed soon. The smell of herbs steeping in the water assaulted her senses, begging her to relinquish her mediation and grab a cup. It was her self control that kept her seated and denied the scent of tea. It wasn't until the sounds of galloping and a cart that finally did it. Her eyelids drifted back, revealing a pair of aquamarine iris. Her head first tilted toward the sounds of activity, the cart resounding further away than she initially thought.

She rose to her feet and went to the pot of tea Dinan had made, pouring a cup for herself. As she moved around the camp, her crystal bauble levitated over her head, high enough so that it would strike any of her taller allies. It was when Shyc halted the cart and handed Raze letter than she finally began to approach them, with the initial intention of reading the letter as well-- though she was not so rude as to not give him a friendly welcome. "Welcome back, Shyc. There were no troubles on the road I hope?"

A shout interrupted her thoughts to read the letter, and instead brought her on a path around the back of the cart. Her pace was decidedly more deliberate and calm than Raze's, noting the shouts to instantly be Shyc's. Her first notion was the boy had tripped and fallen out of the back of the cart-- and she found herself to be only half-right. He had tripped, and when she arrived she found him to be laying on the ground, a crate on top of his chest. The sight brought a smile to her lips as she nonchalantly sipped her tea. Her eyes followed his fingers and did note that there was someone in the back of the cart.

"There's a lady in the cart," She gently corrected, sensing that the poor creature was no simple peasant looking for adventure. It wasn't her clothes that gave her away-- for she did wear the clothes of a common. It was in her face and hair. Clean long black hair, an alabaster face bereft of the hardships of the common folk, and her dazzling violet eyes. Aside from the skin-deep details, Willow knew nothing else about the creature that had nearly scared Shyc to death.

"Perhaps," She began speaking to Raze directly, her tone even, and perhaps even a bit of scolding was apparent, "You should help Shyc raise the crate from his chest, instead of threatening our guest? I'm sure he's having a hard time breathing?"

Turning her head back to their new arrival, she smiled sweetly as she greeted her, "Hello there. While not precisely the language I would have chosen, our friend is right in asking for the reason of your appearance-- if only to sake my personal curiosity." As she spoke, the bauble drifted from over Willow's head and gently made it's way to the woman in the cart, where it hovered within her reach. "Water?" Willow asked kindly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The flowery scent, followed by hints of fresh grass was something he thoroughly relished when laying lazily within the shadow of a mighty tree on the meadow. He had that grin on his face, only thinking about Shyc doing his duties while he can relax and do nothing all day. Once in a while, he liked to tease Shyc as it's also in a way teasing Dinan along with it due to an incomprehensible reason that Yan had yet to figure out. It is purely for his amusement though, not meaning anything bad and his fellow mercenaries knew him already so well, that they can relate to it. Despite some difficulties, Yan must admit. It is to be expected, it wasn't like he was completely oblivious about what disturbing actions he was able to do. Nonetheless, it wasn't any of his concern as of for now. No one wants to be adored by going like someone else, at least, Yan. That didn't mean the slightest that he is entirely sincere though.

All of the sudden, it burned, the energy within. He felt an unfamiliar insecurity, a seldom feeling of dread that he began to despise. Uncomfortably he rose from his position as he behold that what he had already saw within his premonition. A dead person's spirit still lingering on earth, hovered with anxiety around on the grassland, sent him all of its feelings it felt right before its death, almost overrun him making him having the urge to run, run far, far away. Unbearable . Make the pain be gone. Uneasiness almost overcame him, but then he quickly put his red scarf around his arms, tightened it, and instantly the lingering spirit of his appeared. His hair shone red in a second afterwards and the lingering spirit functioned like a layer of warmth. It protected him from the emotion they sent and supported his heart to stand a chance seeing the spirits expression of deep void which attacks mentally. It hurt, hurt not being capable of bringing them peace. It pained, pained merely having a share of their life experience without being able to relieve their hearts, making their regrets to flee away. Perhaps it was a good thought to accompany Willow when she meditated. He lacked the tranquillity she possessed. A grin played then again on his face, trying to calm himself thinking how weird it would be to see him be quiet for a long period of time. Even Yan himself couldn't think of it as possible -- and along with the amusement he felt, the ease came back. It is alright. Everything is going to be okay.

It was simply pure nonsense.

He picked a nearby flower from where he stood as he then left the spirit still hovering in the air while seeing up to the skies. Perhaps, he'd given it a chance, following the path to the spiritual world and leaving reality as reality. Nonetheless, never will it be a happy ending; Yan knew that too well despite him living only for 25 years old. He went ahead leaving. There was nothing that he could do, as he was unable to communicate with words. Uselessness he had been aware for long. "Thanks Nessa!" There he goes again with his cheerfulness, slightly jumping along the path up to the place where the cart of the mercenaries group rested.

It was surprising to find that everyone's gathered there, apparently looking into the cart. Yan could feel a presence of another person, someone he wasn't familiar with. Very disturbing at first, but there was something gentle and in a way vulnerable that he kept his composure in balance, looking forward to what exactly there is to get all of their attention. He stepped to their direction; slightly waving even though he doubted anyone noticed and popped up right beside Willow. There his fellow mercenaries were: two individuals, calm as always with a tea cup on their hands, their dear leader Raze examining whatsoever there is to examine inside the cart and of course, Shyc, laying there within an unfortunate position below the heavy crate. "How funny, especially you Shyc." He commented rather pleased as he played with the thought of making funny of Shyc or helping him up. Nonetheless, Yan was aware that he owed Shyc something due to him doing all the work that day while he got to laze around, so he choose to get rid of the heavy crate above him. "Heh, you okay there? Seems like the something inside the cart made everyone forget about yo--" Right at that time, he glanced into the cart. It was a woman... or a girl? There was something about her that didn't appear womanly yet. Even then, her appearance was alluring and her deep, violet eyes made an impression upon Yan's subconscious. "Whoa, an eye candy. Mind someone introduce her to me?," Along the lines, he rested his arm on Raze's shoulders, demanding him to explain the situation... and of course, receiving the pleasure to get to know the unknown woman. It was long since he felt such a pure essence without an ulterior intent. And a beauty on top of it. It promised to be exciting; at least, that was Yan thinking at that moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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#, as written by Siryn

Shyc huffed as he lay on the ground, the heavy crate atop his chest. Dinan hovered over head, and the moment the young mercenary caught sight of the winged angel his face flushed a brilliant red. What an embarrassing position to be caught in. Not that it was a first, definitely not... Shyc always seemed to end up in the strangest situations. Following Dinan almost immediately was the half elf, Razeluxe. The man had hurriedly rushed over when Shyc had let out the cry of surprise. Of course, upon finding what the situation was, their leader calmed immediately and he cast a quick glance down to Shyc who managed a small grin of innocence.

"Yes. There is a girl in the cart. Although I am not so certain she was the woman that screamed." Raze commented lightly before he turned his attention to the woman in the cart. Overhead, he could hear Dinan offering the woman in the car a cup of tea. Was it possible that the angel hadn't noticed his plight? Shyc almost wished that were true...

To Raze's words though, Shyc's pale features turned a darker red as he sputtered under the crate, his legs kicking upwards in a comical display, "I did not scream like a girl!" his voice didn't help his situation, strained as it was under the heavy pressure of the crate that he was pushing upwards to help alleviate the weight in order to breathe properly.

"There's a lady in the cart," Willow's voice followed soon after, making him cringe slightly at her chiding.

Thankfully, though, the woman turned her attention to Raze and chided him as well. It was most like her. She'd taken the role of 'mother' in the small group whether they wanted it or not. Shyc didn't mind, he could tease her more that way, until she doused him in water or something worse...

"Perhaps, you should help Shyc raise the crate from his chest, instead of threatening our guest? I'm sure he's having a hard time breathing?"

"Yes... Yes, definitely having a hard time... here," he called out, trying to bring Raze's attention to him so that he'd take the damned crate off him. Unfortunately it didn't work. Raze was rather good at ignoring the young thief, probably out of habit by now. Shyc could be rather loud and talkative when he wanted to be.

"How funny, especially you Shyc." Shyc rolled his eyes at the man's familiar voice proceeded him. Footsteps followed and the boy tilted his head backwards in the dirt to watch Yan making his way over to the gathered group. He grinned down at Shyc, having a bit of a laugh at the youth in his current predicament. Shyc stuck his tongue out at the man rather child like before gritting his teeth as the crate shifted from his hands.

"Ugh," he let out a sigh of relief as Yan bent down and took the box of supplies from him and set it down on the ground. Rolling over onto his hands and knees, he panted a bit, "Thanks Yan."

"Heh, you okay there? Seems like the something inside the cart made everyone forget about yo--" the man started, but never finished for he too was caught up with the girl -lady- in the cart. Shyc glanced over his shoulder to look at her as well. Standing up he brushed himself off.

"Yeah, thanks for making that apparent," he muttered to Yan, who obviously didn't hear him as he continued, leaning against Raze as they all watched the poor girl. Crossing his arms over his chest, he watched them as they crowded the back end of the cart. The girl inside looked rather intimidated by the sudden attention.


When the cart came to a stop, Sakura was unsure as to what to do next. She'd gotten into the cart and they'd definitely left the city and palace behind. However... what was she to do now? That was when she heard voices. The driver of the cart had gotten off and called out to someone, saying there was a note for them. A woman's voice welcomed the driver back, and then suddenly the boy was up in the back of the cart and shifting around the supplies. They both stared at one another for a moment and Sakura was unsure as to which of them was the most startled. Until he gave a sharp, high pitched, cry and stumbled backwards. This led to his falling off the back of the cart. Sakura came forward slightly, her heart leaping to her throat as she wasn't sure if the boy was alright or not, the crate he'd had in his arms looked rather heavy.

"Dropped in for a cup of tea did you?"

Once again, her heart lurched forward in surprise. It pounded hard in her chest and she could feel the beginnings of the sharp pains that used to plague her. Sakura's fingers curled into a small fist as she pulled her hand back to the middle of her chest. She winced slightly as she glanced up at the man who had one wing. It was an amazing sight and just looking at him almost made the pain go away. It was sort of nice.

"I would hope you could give us a reason not to slay you on the spot, young miss. Mercenaries aren't fond of stowaways." When this voice joined in, she gave a startled gasp.

Jumping slightly, Sakura turned to see the young man looking directly at her after he'd addressed the poor boy who had fallen down unto the ground. Slowly her mind processed his words. He wants to... kill me? she thought, and all over again the fear came back. This time she did wince, her fingers curling tighter as she huddled near the back of the cart. Her voice squeaked slightly as she tried to answer him. Of course, before she could get some words out, the female voice she'd heard before came towards the carriage and a beautiful woman appeared at the carts end.

"Hello there. While not precisely the language I would have chosen, our friend is right in asking for the reason of your appearance-- if only to sake my personal curiosity."

As she spoke a glowing bauble hovered over to Sakura, swirling a beautiful blue color. Entranced by the object and the color, Sakura was starting to feel calm again. Her fingers reached out to touch the strange object as the other woman asked if she wanted water. Water sounded amazing for her dry throat. Slowly she nodded her head, not trusting her voice to answer for her. Sakura was more than happy to have a friendly voice addressing her and another woman to bat too.

"Whoa, an eye candy. Mind someone introduce her to me?"

"Eh??" Sakura managed the noise as the strange man leaned against the elven one. Eye candy... what's that? she thought to herself. She was utterly confused, "Eye... candy?"

Shaking her head she took a deep breath and dismissed that portion of the conversation. Everything had happened so quickly that she was at a loss as to where to start. Her gaze flicked between them all, noting that the boy had finally managed to stand again from his plight off the back of the carriage.

"Umm... I'm..." she started slowly, trying to think up something to tell them. Telling them she was royalty was definitely out of the question, "I'm running from home..." she said softly. It was mostly true, "I want to prove something to my mother."

Her gaze shifted downwards to the carriages' wooden bottom. Hopefully they wouldn't send her away. She really couldn't go back anyway and she wouldn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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" I see you have seen fit to quit the lolly gagging my dear Shyc. Can you not see we have a guest?" Dinan uttered with a quick and wry tone as the gathering behind the carriage grew beyond a misplaced girl or rather young lady and the two of them. From his position hovering slightly above them all the Angel of War seemed content in the silence that was his wont. Besides the others of the merry little band were proving quite adept at filling the silence his lack of words left. Not to mention ending the small amount of amusement the winged warrior was deriving from watching Shyc struggle underneath the heavy crate. And unless he was missing his guess doing quite the job of overwhelming their little stowaway. Especially the self appointed leader with his pseudo threat. But he figured fighting the battles of a child was not what Mystria had granted him life and will for.

Taking yet another sip of the tea he held Dinan watched as first Willow provided a much needed distraction from Raze's rather odd greeting by means of the magic she commanded then repeated the greeting more politely. Which seemed more fitting, true a good leader took duty seriously but the girl was as about as much threat as any other child. There was little need for the drawn sword as it were.

Of course what ever calm was won by the words and actions of the self appointed Mother of the band was lost by the confusion two simple words, eye candy, wrought. He looked askew at the hello Yan offered, a rather tasteless use of the voice granted an sentient being. Coming down to the ground Dinan folded his singular wing tight against his spine in the manner of a roosting bird and shot Willow a glance. Though the angel found the mother act of a woman barely a a sixth of his age a bit much she was at least calm and level headed. It also didn't hurt that despite being a child by Kamael standards the woman did somewhat remind him of the Maidens of Cloud that had raised him in their convents.

Fingering the hilt of Soulbreaker which hung from his waist the Kamael looked with a half amused smile as their newest guest fluctuated between telling the truth and what she wanted to tell them. Though no mind reader Dinan noticed beyond a face free of the worries of a common born girl her hands were smooth, with neither calluses from weapon or tool. And her skin was not the bronze of a farm girl or indeed of any honest trade.

" Yet another child we find ourselves saddled with Raze, do you have a unrequited desire towards fatherhood perhaps?" Dinan spoke directing his scorn of this girl joining them towards their self appointed leader." And exactly what do you suppose we should tell your Lord Father when he comes for you." The latter half of his commentary aimed at their 'guest' ." And do not deny noble birth child, those hands are the hands of the pampered and privileged not those whose daily bread is earned by blood, sweat,and tears." The angel added with a slight laugh. Truly the Kamael cared little one way or another about her parents. Human nobles with their titles were a joke to Dinan and his race, only deeds and divine favour earned one a title in Kamael society. Who your parents were mattered so little that the Angels raised the young in complete ignorance of their parents.

The winged warrior knew though the short lived humans put much stock in this odd concept of parenthood of theirs. But to see this girl fumbling with a desire for independence and the fear inherent in the sheltered touched something in him. Mystria had created the Kamael to serve as guardians against the darkness and evil so prevalent amongst the various races of the world. True a millennia without a king had scattered the once united race but some things could not be forgotten. And whatever rock her parents kept her under was a minor evil in and of itself.

" Still I applaud any willing to take the first step towards mastery of their own fate, even if the reason makes little sense to me." Dinan finished with an actual clap. " Raze I do not think her presence amongst us would be a detriment to our operations. Who knows perhaps she can drill that high born etiquette into your half breed skull of yours. Honestly death threats are the domain of the uncultured, shame it'll take a human to teach you that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The corners of Willow's lips took a downward turn upon the girl's answer. It was clear that the girl's answer was not the one that Willow would have liked, and her face betrayed it. However, she didn't begin immediately chastising the girl for her choices, for it was not her place to criticize the choices that others undertook. "It is not the... Best of reasons to stowaway in a strange wagon," she said, doing a very good job of looking past Yan's rather forward approach. Willow could imagine what the poor girl's mother would go through once she realized her daughter was missing. Thinking about it only made her frown deeper.

Willow had to prevent herself from scolding her, telling the girls the dangers of jumping into the back of a wagon on a whim. What if the cart didn't belong to them? And some other disreputable mercenary band, who would show her the kindness they've shown her-- barring Raze's threat. She then turned to look at Dinan as he revealed that they were of similar mind on the lady's blood, that she was no simple commoner, but some noble. It was always the nobles that went seeking out adventure, it was why Willow was there after all. "You saw that too," she noted, rather than asked.

"Good to see that you found your feet again, Shyc," Willow said, finally allowing herself to reveal a smile again. "Not injured I hope?" She asked, though the boy was tough. It'd take a lot more than a fright and a crate to keep him on the ground. Taking her attention off of him, and placing it back to their new addition, Willow let her smile melt into the teacup she brought to her mouth. After taking a sip of the tea and looking the girl up and down, she spoke to her again. "Perhaps it would be wise to take your leave of the cart and stand with us on the ground?" She requested. "It's improper to carry on an extended conversation from the back of a wagon."

After she spoke the sentence, Willow took steps away from the cart to allow room for the lady to dismount, though her bauble still levitated near the girl-- but in such a way it was out of the way. At the top of the object, a small hole had since appeared, to allow access to the water within. Willow's offer of water was not rhetorical pleasantries, if the lady was thirsty, then she could drink freely if she wished.

"As do I Dinan," She agreed with the angel's view on finding one's own path through life, however the tone in her voice told that a but was all but inevitable. "Yet, I would implore that the lady consider returning to her family. They will worry once they realize their daughter is no longer there."

Feeling as though that notion would be dismissed by the rashness all youths possessed, Willow quickly continued to speak, "However, since I believe that you may not heed my advice," She said with a warm smile, showing that she would not be offended by the act, "Perhaps we should instead start with introductions? I will begin, my name is Willow, and I'm an Elementalist," She said, tilting her head toward the bauble that still floated. "And the man you so kindly scared out of the cart would be our very own Shyc. He's braver than he seems," She said with a wink towards the boy in question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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"Perhaps you should help Shyc raise the crate from his chest, instead of threatening our guest? I'm sure he's having a hard time breathing?" Willow 'suggested' shortly after making her appearance at the scene that was unfolding. It seemed as though the group around the cart was getting bigger by the second.

"He'll live." was Razeluxe's response to her, his tone showing a great lack of interest in assisting Shyc to his feet. "I don't believe you're concerned about the proper threat...?... at this moment..." He felt that he used the wrong word there, so it came out fairy awkward. But more importantly, at the moment, he was a bit disappointed that Shyc hadn't been able to detect this woman before she had gotten to the camp. While she may not be a threat, what if it was someone else there, and what if they had malicious intent? The leader of the mercs was not necessarily angered at Shyc personally, but the possibilities did briefly pass through his head, and they did agitate him a bit. Call him crazy, but he honestly did not expect too much from Shyc, especially with something as nit-picky as checking your cargo more than once. Or maybe Raze was a paranoid person.

...yeah, probably.

Before Raze could continue, he felt someone's arm wrap around his shoulders, and someone's familiar voice sounded much too close to his ear for his personal space to not have been invaded.

"Whoa, an eye candy. Mind someone introduce her to me?" it said, the voice belonging to Yan, as well as, Raze assumed, the arm wrapped around him. Even Razeluxe could tell that the varied greetings from each individual member would overwhelm the young stowaway. Judging by appearances, it did not look as though she worried much about anything. Flawless skin, and her obvious anxiety at the situation told him as much. If that wasn't enough, her reaction to Yan was icing on the cake.

"Eye... candy?" she repeated with confusion lacing her tone. It did not sound as though she was confused as to why someone was calling her that. It seemed more as though she did not know what that meant in the first place. Perhaps it was not the most common phrase to describe someone's physical appeal, but still....

Giving a soft sigh, the half-elf shook his head and spoke to Yan. "I'd prefer you keep 'it' sheathed. And I couldn't introduce you to a stranger. I don't know anyone that 'innocent'." he explained, moving his gaze over towards the girl again. It was unlikely he knew someone who wasn't armed to the teeth, or very wary of the world and how it worked. Though it should not come as a surprise that Razeluxe's 'friends' were either made on the battlefield or after doing successful business with someone. And 'friends' would honestly not be the best word to use to describe the relationship between them. But continuing further would be digression. Essentially, if you did not know how to use a blade better than the average man, or you did not hire mercenaries, you'd have no connection to Razeluxe. This had to be some random noblewoman who had picked an odd cart to stowaway on. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Yet another child we find ourselves saddled with Raze, do you have a unrequited desire towards fatherhood perhaps?" Dinan, who had been more or less the 'quiet one' of the group so far, asked Razeluxe as he decided to finally commit to the gathering.

Slowly becoming a routine, a sigh escaped Raze's lips and he turned to face the angel upon hearing the question. He seemed to be attracting more and more 'children' by the month. Dinan's 'jest', if it were such, was hitting a bit too close to home there. Did something about the hybrid attract these people? Not that any of them were necessarily bad, but he was finding it hard to acknowledge this as simply coincidence after so many people. Ah well. "Maybe it's a sign I simply need to settle down and make children of my own." he answered. Even with nothing in his tone to indicate such, one should know Razeluxe wasn't actually considering that.

"I'm running from home... I want to prove something to my mother."

Dane's 'keen' hearing allowed him to pick up that little tidbit of conversation going on just merely a few feet from him. He did not enjoy what he heard. Such a reason was, in his eyes, a very foolish and immature one. Say what you will about him, but fleeing was no way to 'prove' anything besides your own immaturity and foolishness. You can't solve things by running away - Raze would know that more than anyone here, likely. To say that his face betrayed his opinion on her invalid 'reason' for her appearance here was a perfect depiction of the situation now. It was lucky for her that Dinan had taken to being somewhat talkative for once, or he might've simply told the rest that she was not worth anymore of their strength or time bothering with. In fact, that's exactly how he felt. It may seem cold, but she did not appear to have anything to offer them besides looks, which did not exactly benefit mercenaries much.

He had been able to simply listen silently as Dinan and Willow spoke to the woman. He was expecting the others to realize that this was just some noble who slipped into their cart and would be useless to them in any way, shape, or form, but apparently Dinan took a liking to her. "Raze I do not think her presence amongst us would be a detriment to our operations. Who knows perhaps she can drill that high born etiquette into your half breed skull of yours. Honestly death threats are the domain of the uncultured, shame it'll take a human to teach you that."

Dinan could have left that last little comment out. Actually, Raze would have definitely preferred if he did. The angel never did show much positive personality traits, and his tone now certainly wasn't one of the few points about him that Raze admired. Even if he was a couple centuries older, speaking so condescendingly was irritating to the hybrid. "I'd prefer it if you wouldn't speak to me about being uncultured." he jabbed quickly before moving onto the more important part of the conversation. "Forgive me, but I am not seeing why this is even being considered. She obviously can't fight, and I haven't the most optimistic opinion on her mindset if - no, when we get in trouble next. I'm going to make the assumption she has yet to have witnessed bloodshed, much less caused it."

Around this time is when, of course, Willow decided to introduce herself, and Shyc for whatever reason. Sad is though it may be, the title of 'leader' apparently meant little to nothing when they had their mind set on something, which happened to be the girl tagging along with them at this given moment. Did they not realize she would simply burden them now? That she was going to be useless until she learned how to use a blade. Someone would have to teach her to figh----

Someone would have to teach her how to wield a weapon.

That someone could be Raze.

Raze could actually do something productive with himself after a mission if that were the case.




"But..... I guess she can stay if she so chooses, so long as she agrees to work towards holding her own in a fight if she's planning on staying for an extended time." he 'finally caved in', although if one paid very close attention to the differentiation between his tone earlier and his tone now, one might see he was not really opposed to the idea as strongly as he was before. But this was not entirely easy, given Raze's tone at almost all times was still very similar. "I'm willing to consent if that's the case." for now, he ignored the introduction and instead proposed this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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All his attention averted to the woman up front, so he didn’t hear Shyc little comment. It is to be noted that he was one of those who owned that scattered mind, indefinable was the order and so it comes that he was only able to concentrate on one single thing. And that was already much work, really. "Eye... candy?"

"Woohoo, cute voice. How lucky can I be!" Yan blurted out, his purple orbs gradually shining for excitement. His spontaneous behaviour was known already, perhaps a bit hated but why should he care? He didn't have to hide the fact that he perceived the encounter as a play of fate and that he assumed her to be “still free to get”. Though rather than wanting a woman, Yan was more ecstatic to get to know her better, which was exactly the reason why for his over eager demeanour, waiting for an answer. Suddenly Raze moved, or to be exact, shook his head and took Yan along with the movement. "What? Stranger?" He asked, widened his eyes upon hearing the response he did not expect to the point it appeared as unnatural for... let's say, normal individuals;; as if exaggerated despite that being his natural reaction. His gaze though, was still meant only for the woman, while trying to figure out where she came from. Eventually he stopped;; using his brain for good was never one of his qualities, and so he listened well to the conversation going on. Still staring at the girl with those eyes wherein the sense was difficult to grasp. It was something in-between pure curiosity and vigilance; with hints of lust playing along. Probably a gaze anyone wouldn't comprehend as “safe”;; at least, when knowing nothing about the hazel haired individual.

"Yet another child we find ourselves saddled with Raze, do you have a unrequited desire towards fatherhood perhaps?"

Never Yan understood why these two have that tension between themselves going on and little did he even grasped what they were implying. It seemed suitable to call him a child, seeing him (and Shyc to be the youngest in the troop) to be the youngest by far, still his subconscious understood which might be quite a conflict sometimes. Merely a grin was displayed on his face, showing pure delight upon hearing Razestating the possibility to be a real father. "That’s a thought!” He commented with an amused laughter, putting even more weight upon Raze’s shoulders to get even closer to him. "It’ll be the first time having children calling me uncle,” There he went again with his unfunny remarks. At least, his laugh is aimable enough to get people forgive him… for the most, without regarding the situation they were in.

"I'm running from home... I want to prove something to my mother."

At that, he had to agree with Willow. There dwelt a concern within him, that found disturbance along the thought leaving while knowing that she at least belonged somewhere (which didn't apply for him);; perhaps there was also jealousy playing along but that though is rather redundant at the current moment. His wide grin however, had disappeared in the period of time and he was then unusually quiet while inspecting the uninvited guest that he had yet to dislike... no. He just couldn't. He didn't knew whatsoever conflict she was in with her mother, he can't have an opinion already before knowing the actual situation. Since when was he so swallow? "Don’t you think it is that of a leader’s duty to make sure, even though there lays little concern?”, he meddled within the conversation of Dinan and Raze, but he found it unnecessary in the end, knowing that their leader wouldn’t accept it as an insult, and will rather counter with a reasonable statement.

"I'm willing to consent if that's the case." He almost glomped Raze upon hearing that.

"Woohoo! You heard that, pretty girl? You can stay with us! Aren't you happy?” His smile came back while he went towards the cart, leaning forward so his hand reached right in front of her face. A rather straight forward gesture one might believe he took there, but it had to be noted that his innocent looking face with one sympathic wide grin was inviting enough to get a hold of the hand being offered. ”Comon, I am not biting. At least if you’re not asking for it,” He laughed again, freely without any bad intentions. ”Name’s Yan by the way, mind telling us yours?” And there he thought, he wouldn't mind giving her some special teaching for the basics of fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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#, as written by Siryn

"He'll live." Raze stated simply as Shyc proceeded to dust himself off.

To this the young mercenary rolled his eyes, though he did give a bit of a pout to add to it, "So mean..." he muttered knowing that he wouldn't be heard.

"I see you have seen fit to quit the lolly gagging my dear Shyc. Can you not see we have a guest?" Dinan added, there was a certain mirth in the angels voice that Shyc just barely picked up on.

His face turned red once again and he sputtered, trying to answer the man only to fail miserably.

"Good to see that you found your feet again, Shyc, not injured I hope?" Thankfully, Willow saved him from having to answer the man's jest. If it was a jest at all... Shyc could never really tell.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered with a bright smile clearly recovered from the incident and moving on to the next. This of course was now the girl in the cart who had remained at the back end of it unsure of what to do. Shyc looked around the shoulders of his companions, watching her but not saying much. Everyone else was doing plenty of the talking anyway. During this moment, Dinan said something that didn't sit well with Raze. Shyc didn't hear it very well, but he winced slightly. Those two always seemed to be at odds with each other. It was a slight tension that never really built up to anything serious, but it was enough. Shyc glanced over to the two of them warily.

He looked up to Raze because the man was far older than himself and was their leader. He would do anything for Raze, hell Shyc would even jump off a cliff if the hybrid so wished. On the other hand, he highly admired Dinan and was constantly trying to appeal to the one winged angel. He wanted the man to see him, or better yet to notice him. Shyc wasn't sure if he was ever accomplishing this task or if he was just merely annoying the attractive warrior.

"I'd prefer it if you wouldn't speak to me about being uncultured." Raze said quickly before turning his attention to the woman again, Forgive me, but I am not seeing why this is even being considered. She obviously can't fight, and I haven't the most optimistic opinion on her mindset if - no, when we get in trouble next. I'm going to make the assumption she has yet to have witnessed bloodshed, much less caused it."

Despite Raze's words, the group seemed to ignore him completely to which Shyc frowned, "Raze has a point you know," he called out, trying to help. None seemed to hear him though and Willow continued without skipping a beat.

"Perhaps we should instead start with introductions? I will begin, my name is Willow, and I'm an Elementalist," Her earlier statement about no one listening to her had definitely fallen on deaf ears, but Shyc was sure that Raze had at least heard. Still, she continued, "And the man you so kindly scared out of the cart would be our very own Shyc. He's braver than he seems," Willow sent a wink back at him and Shyc couldn't help but smile brightly once again.

"Hey!" he offered with a short wave of his hand to the girl, "No worries, nothing broken or damaged. It'll take more than a heavy crate and a short fall to take me out!" he said, jabbing his thumb backwards towards his chest while he grinned mischievously.

It seemed that Razeluxe had taken this time to muse over the situation and their esteemed leader had finally come to a rather appealing conclusion. One of which seemed to be pleasing to the girl for she'd been arguing the hole time about not going back to her family.

"But..... I guess she can stay if she so chooses, so long as she agrees to work towards holding her own in a fight if she's planning on staying for an extended time. I'm willing to consent if that's the case."

Yan let out a loud sound as he leaned heavily against Raze, and then went to the cart to reach out to the girl who scooted back immediately before she glanced around and finally allowed herself to be directed out of the carriage. Shyc grinned as well, laughing a bit.

"Awesome! This'll be fun," he commented, trying to keep the situation light hearted. He wondered what Raze planned to have the girl do in order to stay with them, but she obviously didn't mind. She eagerly agreed as she came from the cart to stand. Her eyes glowed brightly with excitement too. Shyc could sort of relate. Switching gears once again, the young thief turned back to Raze. In all of the chaos right then, he'd completely forgotten about the letter!

"Hey Raze! Where's the Queen sending us this time?" Might as well get started right away. The Queen never liked to wait too long when she wanted something done.


"Woohoo, cute voice. How lucky can I be!"

The man's voice was startling and she then understood why he'd called her 'eye candy'. Did that perhaps mean that she was... cute? Maybe. It seemed the only thing that made some semblance of sense. Still, Sakura didn't answer though as she watched them all. They were far too excited about this.

"And exactly what do you suppose we should tell your Lord Father when he comes for you. And do not deny noble birth child, those hands are the hands of the pampered and privileged not those whose daily bread is earned by blood, sweat,and tears." The winged angel called.

To this, Sakura flushed deep red, her head hanging down slightly, "I don't have a father..." she answered softly.

"Still I applaud any willing to take the first step towards mastery of their own fate, even if the reason makes little sense to me. Raze I do not think her presence amongst us would be a detriment to our operations. Who knows perhaps she can drill that high born etiquette into your half breed skull of yours. Honestly death threats are the domain of the uncultured, shame it'll take a human to teach you that."

With a bit of a gasp she lifted her head to look at the man. She was happy that he'd accepted her decision even if he didn't seem too willing at first. She smiled a bit. The one named Raze turned answered the angel with a sharp tone before addressing the situation as a whole. Sakura was at a loss as to what exactly was going on, so she just sat there instead.

"Perhaps it would be wise to take your leave of the cart and stand with us on the ground? It's improper to carry on an extended conversation from the back of a wagon." The woman offered gently.

Sakura scooted forward a bit, coming closer to the edge, but not quite to the point of exiting the small safety of the carriage's back end.

"Yet, I would implore that the lady consider returning to her family. They will worry once they realize their daughter is no longer there."

Sakura gasped a bit, "No, no I don't want to go back. I won't go back! I'm sorry, I didn't mean any trouble, I can go on my own! Anything but going back," she said sharply.

Sakura wasn't sure if the words had reached the others or not, but Willow then introduced herself and the boy who had fallen out of the cart. His name was Shyc. The youth grinned at her as he announced that he was just fine. Slowly, the Princess nodded her head, a small smile creeping onto her lips because of his energy.

Raze's words were the most exciting of them all though and she literally lit up. They were going to let her stay! She couldn't express how happy she was! She beamed then, completely absorbed by the elf's words.

"Woohoo! You heard that, pretty girl? You can stay with us! Aren't you happy? Comon, I am not biting. At least if you’re not asking for it, name’s Yan by the way, mind telling us yours?” Yan said, his hand reaching for her. At first it startled her, but then she allowed him to help her from the cart where she stood looking around at everyone.

"Yes, I'll do whatever you want me to do! Thank you!" she beamed, "I'm Sakura."

It was then that Shyc asked what it was the Queen had wanted them to do. She watched Raze for his answer, curious as well and hoping that she would be able to go with them. Her heart was pulsing rapidly, but with excitement and happiness. She couldn't wait to start this new adventure.

||End Quest One || Begin Quest Two||


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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As Razeluxe would have guessed, about the majority of the group seemed to become ecstatic about his newfound approval of the new woman's stay with the group. Shyc and Yan in particular did not seem to hide their elation, and promptly went about doing whatever the felt like to express it. Razeluxe himself simply watched, only reacting to Yan's uncomfortably close presence near the half elf, who was much more busy earlier to really care. However, now that the argument was over, he could safely say that he was feeling a bit awkward with the touching.

"While I'm glad it pleases you all," Razeluxe began, appreciating that Yan was finally off of him. Personal space was certainly something the soldier believed in. "...remember that we're mercenaries and nothing is sunshine and roses. I'd refrain from 'spoiling' the woman with too much attention or kindness, as it will make the hardships much less difficult to deal with later on." as he finished, he turned to face Shyc, who had then approached him.

"Hey Raze! Where's the Queen sending us this time?" his youngest member asked.

As if just recalling that he received orders from royalty, the hybrid reached into a pocket on his person that he had somehow conveniently placed the letter in without any mentioning beforehand and retrieved the letter from it. The letter itself was exactly what you might expect from royalty themselves - it had unnecessary decorations on the envelope, and a seal on the front told him that it was indeed from the kingdom they were just about to depart from. It took less than a minute for him to read through it. Even though he was a soldier, he had at least managed to learn to read before he started such a bloody career. "Duun, it would seem." he replied, still looking through the message. "We'll be playing spies, and this is a request from royalty, so all of you should do damn well to ensure we don't start anything we don't need to. Finishing this without any complications is sure to net us some real coin."

With that, Razeluxe instructed the group to pack up and head out. It'd be best to arrive there as soon as possible. Their vacation, short as though it was, could now be considered finished.




"This would be it. We're not too much further to the kingdom now." Razeluxe commented as he withdrew a map from his person and looked at it. Before them was a wide forest, filled with trees that were a bright shade of green on their leaves. It was nearing the evening, so this would be as far as they could safely go. Like anyone might think, setting up camp now would be a good idea if they wanted to finish before they ran out of daylight. "Lets head inside and find a decent spot." Raze glanced back at the group of mercenaries, glancing over everyone once before then speaking.

"We're all here, good. How's everyone holding up?"

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The introductions were flying fast as the fate of their uninvited guest's fate was determined by that oldest and most time honored of methods. That of begrudging approval of the man in charge, not that the half breed didn't voice any number of objections. Then again somebody had to assume the role of devils advocate and Raze seemed the elf for the job and the kind of man to see it through.

The Kamael however felt little need to join the general rush of speech, the words of his companions doing an admirable job of filling in the morning air left empty by his lack of participation. had after all said enough to last days, and indeed more then he had spoken in days.

He instead spent the time his companions did in talk in observation of the lady who revealed herself as Sakura. A woman named after a cherry tree the runaway struck Dinan as a little over eager to leave what ever was behind her. True he had spoken in her defense and would do again but he agreed with the hybrid in his summary of a mercenary's life.

And this Sakura seemed ill suited to the rigors of a life lived by the sword. Beautiful enough by human standards the angel had to wonder exactly what the circumstances that led this high born human woman to her present position were.

But such musings were put on hold however as Raze dug out the letter Shyc had given him earlier. Reading the royal missive quickly their leader informed the rest of them

Spies, who exactly does Her Majesty think she is kidding. The winged warrior thought a annoyed flickering of his wing as Raze informed them of their next destination. Sure send a band of hired soldiers to do the job of a spy. What could go wrong with that? Dinan scoffed mentally.

The Kamael did not object to the morality behind the concept of intrigue or spying in general. After all the children of Mystria practiced the concept of Total War in its entirety. Rather the angels realized that their hopes of going unnoticed were rather slim, wings tend to mark one out in a crowd. Still such was life and Dinan did not see the point in thinking else wise. And anything was better then playing courier again.


The fetid swamps of Dunn were ahead in all their glory and a more hated place was not to be found in all the realms. And it wasn't the fact the mercenaries sole reason to be here was the ferreting out the secrets of its equally loathsome King. No this child of azure sky knew his morning flights were over for the time being and it left a foul taste in his mouth to have to walk the dirt like a human.

The terrian forbid flying unless he left the visual range of his fellow soldiers of fortune's, something that during a mission Dinan tried to avoid. That and just looking at the place made him want a bath, he really hated swamps.

" Fine on my part, just never liked Dunn. Four hundred years and this blasted place still makes me sick just looking at it..That and I could use a bath." The one winged angel replied with a twist of his mouth as the words Dunn left his mouth. Such was the winged warrior's distaste of this poisoned marsh of a Kingdom...A fitting place Dinan would say for its King if asked.

But likely he wouldn't answer the question with such an open reply. After all opinions were sometimes dangerous things to bandy about with the utter abadon of a whore's kiss.

Striding into the Kingdom of Dunn with a flap of his wing he took one last look at the blue and untainted sky with a longing that seemed almost mournful. Dinan then followed his companions into the depths.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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Willow chose to become silent after her own introduction. Harsh as though he was in his speech, there were hints of truth in Raze's words. The life they led was not easy, and was the farthest removed from the time she spent in a King's court-- though not the court of Duun, fortunately. She simply smiled and gave a subtle shake of her head at Raze's forthright warning. It seemed as if some three-hundred odd years did nothing to soften the man's words. However, Willow did nothing to chide the man for it, for he was right in a sense. This was a quiet matter to be handle had subtly as possible.

Turning her attentions back to the woman, who had given the name Sakura and smiled. "Freedom isn't quite so free as that," she said, "To be free is to be free in everything. Free of the ties that would make your life easy and free of personal security that would keep you safe at night. To be free means to work for that freedom, and to keep that freedom," She said, depositing some wisdom for the woman. Willow feared that the lady did not fully understand what freedom actually entailed-- though far be it for her to dissuade an individual from learning a life lesson through experience. Heaven knows that's how she became the person she is.

"But!" Willow added with an upturned finger and a playful smile. The finger then bent and pointed toward Raze. "Nobody can tell us what to do, only ask. And we can choose whether or not to do what they asked. And it seems that we choose," She said, drawing an example for the job they'd apparently just accepted.

"I hope those boots are comfortable, you'll be using them a lot while you're with us," She informed with an amused glint in her eye.

Duun. It wasn't her favorite place, nowhere near it actually. A sick land, filled with swamp and venom, a hostile environment unwelcome even to her own people. Her king mirrors the land, as she'd heard, she's never met the man in person. Only heard stories about him. As she looked at the forest her head, a frown worked it's way into her face, and she let her head lean against the staff she was currently using as a walking stick. Her bauble still floated around her head, reflecting the sunlight in the distance like a prism.

"I've visited the land on occasion," She spoke after Dinan, "She isn't hospitable, I will agree. However, her people are strong and hardy to live in such a land, from what I've experienced." She then looked to the angel and spoke again, "I spent a year or so in a small village serving as a sort of healer. Her terrain is no stranger to me," She said, this time turning to look at their new companion, Sakura, "Just keep close to us and you will be safe."

Once Raze asked about their well-being, Willow replied with a small laugh, "You say that as if you were expecting one of us to give out on the trip," She said, calling her bauble to her hand as she spoke. "I may not have neither your nor Dinan's long lives, but I can keep up." A smile formed on her lips as she pressed the bauble close to her face, drawing some of the water from the object with her magic and drinking from it.

"I am fine, thank you for asking," She said, allowing her bauble to continue it's orbit around her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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#, as written by Siryn
Hey Finnie, I decided to go ahead and start the next portion. I know you're busy on Wednesdays and Thursdays and cannot post. We'll see you when you get back okay? :)

|| End Quest Two || Begin Quest 2.5 ||


Orders to spy on another Kingdom... I wonder what my mother is thinking... Sakura thought to herself for the millionth time that trip. She didn't voice her thoughts though knowing that the moment they found out she was their employers daughter, they would all hightail it back to Iverien and hand her over. Which was definitely something she didn't want happening so soon. Although, she was beginning to think that perhaps Raze was probably thinking that a few times already. Sakura had been so curious the past few days during their travel that her near non-stop questions had probably gotten under his skin more than once. Each time she realized, of course, the princess would draw back and be abnormally silent for a little while before it started all over again.

Damn her insatiable curiosity.

Raze, though, was not the only one to suffer her incessant questions. The angel had gone through it too, as had Willow and... sometimes Yan. Yan was a bit harder to approach. His need to always be close at hand and touching was very hard to get used to. Not that she didn't hate it... it was just... different. Definitely different. Perhaps in time she would get used to it. Sakura smiled to herself pleasantly as they neared the forests edge. The dark curl of the trees canopy gave her chills as they slowed to a small pause. Raze glanced back to make sure they were all there. Once that was done, he turned and began to head into the trees.

Sakura beamed, "All good here!" she announced with loads of energy. Even though they'd been walking for days, the young princess hadn't complained once. Instead she'd shown so much interest in just about everything around them that she herself had probably tired out the other members before anything.

"Fine on my part, just never liked Dunn. Four hundred years and this blasted place still makes me sick just looking at it..That and I could use a bath." Dinan said, his tone speaking volumes of his dislike for the place they entered.

Sakura glanced over to him, her gaze growing soft as her lips slowly turned into a small frown. She could only slightly understand why he didn't like the place. The princess noted how he was mostly always flying, never really following with them down on the ground. In a way, she could sort of understand his dislike for the thick forest before them.

"I've visited the land on occasion. She isn't hospitable, I will agree. However, her people are strong and hardy to live in such a land, from what I've experienced. I spent a year or so in a small village serving as a sort of healer. Her terrain is no stranger to me. Just keep close to us and you will be safe." Willow added as they stepped foot into the undergrowth. The woman directed her last portion to Sakura who tilted her head off to the side. The young princess didn't really see what Willow meant. The forest certainly didn't look dangerous to her. Willow's voice continued to fill the air as she spoke to Raze, offering a soft laugh that pulled at Sakura's lips with the sound. Certainly, the princess had grown fond of that sound from the mage.


"This would be it. We're not too much further to the kingdom now. Lets head inside and find a decent spot." Raze announced as they neared the forest.

Shyc interlaced his fingers and stretched, his back arching as he pulled his fingers back in the movement. Limbs popped in a release of excess tension and he gave an audible sigh of relief. Having been walking for quite some time his body had gotten a slight bit rigid, needing new movements to keep him limber. At times he felt jealous of Dinan's flight. He was sure the sensation was very pleasant.

In addition, their newest member had energy that almost outstripped his own. The girl had been a chatter box most days, asking thousands of questions almost as if they had all been bottled up inside and she'd no one to talk to before. It had almost made him a bit crazy. However, he kept it to himself and found himself slowly adjusting to her presence. She was a sweet girl, always smiling and laughing it seemed. It was definitely a pleasant addition to their troop.

"We're all here, good. How's everyone holding up?"

Dinan answered first, voicing his disdain for the dark forest ahead. Willow followed and soon after Yan did as well at some point. It wasn't until Yan had spoken that Shyc did as well. He followed after them at an easy pace as Raze led them to a suitable spot to make camp.

"I don't think you could lose us even if you tried, Raze," Shyc grinned comically, "Never been better by the way."

The trees were growing thicker the further they went in, until they opened up again slightly. Thankfully too because it was growing rather dark very quickly. Shyc didn't want to be stumbling around Duun's swampy forest for too long in the night. He'd heard plenty of stories about the beasts and creatures that lived in the trees of this Kingdom. Here was probably a good a spot as any to set up camp.

"I'll go get some wood so we can have a fire," Shyc offered, bending his body back and forth as he prepared to set out into the dense trees, "Don't worry I won't go far," he grinned. Turning on his heel, he left the small group and entered the thicket of trees. The young thief moved quickly, trying to find as much dry wood as possible. It was very difficult, seeing as it was a swamp they'd just stepped in.

Bugs flew around his face which he waved off in irritation. The sounds of nighttime critters were beginning to fill the forest. Chirps of night birds and owls coiled around the air. The rays of sunlight were burning through the trees, but quickly becoming fainter. Shyc, lost in his self-dedicated mission, didn't notice the soft footstep behind him. As he straightened from picking up another few pieces of wood, he felt the sharp poke of steel against the middle of his back.

The mercenary froze.

"Mighty confident aren't we?"

Shyc grinned a bit as he released the wood he'd held in his arms and raised his hands slowly, "Well, you know. Forest's don't really scare me."

"They should. Especially this one. Do you realize the territory you've stepped in, boy?"

"Duun... I thought everyone knew about this god forsaken swamp."

A sharp poke issued from the sword, probably drawing a bit of blood, "Smart ass. Didn't think we'd notice you and you're group stomping through the forest? What is it you all want from here?"

"I don't suppose 'vacationing' would let me go would it?"

The man's voice laughed. The pressure pulled back from the sword and Shyc took his chance. His hands dropped down to his side and drew his blade. Whirling around, he could feel the very tip of the blade just barely scratch his skin. Steel clashed as he swung hard at the larger man. Shyc's grin never faded though as he lunged forward, dealing out several quick strikes and landing most of them. The man was hard pressed to keep up with the youthful mercenary. In a matter of moments, Shyc had the man kneeling on the ground, disarmed.

"So rude, coming up behind someone with a weapon. You never know who you'll be up against," he chided a bit as he held his sword under the man's chin.

"As do you," he growled back and from the darkness there was a soft whoosh of air before Shyc felt the burst of power all across his body. He stumbled backwards, gasping slightly from the shock. Every part of his body burned then, having been cut open by the magic that had hit him. Deep gashes laced his frame and he slowly dropped to the forest floor, panting. Shit! Mages... I hate mages.... he thought to himself as he winced.

"Do a favor for me," a woman's voice cooed as several pairs of steps surrounded him. She knelt down and rolled him over onto his back, "Call the rest of your friends, we were here first and we don't share well."

Shyc's gaze widened a bit as he realized the implications. It was another group of mercenaries. Who they worked for was a mystery, but for the moment that didn't much matter. Her fingers pressed down on his chest and her power crackled over her arm, streaks of blue light flashing in the darkness. For a moment, Shyc could only think that he really hated mages, and that what she was about to do was probably going to hurt... a lot. His second thought was that he hoped that didn't happen to him. The last thing he wanted was for the group to find out about his other half.

The blue light sparked and curled around him, eliciting his voice to fill the canopy of trees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The sky was quickly swallowed up the oppressive omnipotent presence of the verdant canopy that filtered the sunlight into a mild darkness. It did nothing to add to the charm of the place despite Willow's words concerning the pros and cons of the Kingdom of Dunn. Not if a thousand years were spent here would Dinan feel anything for this swamp, his people were meant to fly not this crawling through dirt and bugs.

Bugs which he constantly fanned his wing against, a futile gesture the angel knew but one that seemed more dignified then just as pointless slapping. Fingering the hilt of his weapon Dinan was highly tempted to simply use its power to buy even momentary peace. But the winged warrior just as quickly decided against, Soul Magic wasn't the gentle touch of a healer. Some found it little removed from true darkness. That and Kamael were above the petty need of comfort, at least that was what he told himself as even he was reduced to outright slapping. Though there was no pain in their bite the angel detested the sight of the foul things.

So when their apparent camping spot was reached Dinan felt a somewhat heightened sense of if not joy at least lessened misery. Now a fire could be built and its smoke used to chase away the denizens Dunn had seen fit to greet them with. However he was less pleased with the lackadaisical way Shyc simply volunteered to gather firewood and went off into the distance with all the care of a girl child berry picking.

I swear that foolish child is just asking for trouble. Dinan thought with a hint of concern that betrayed his scoffing thought. As far as the angel was concerned Dunn was now enemy held territory and all due care had to be taken. Shyc's actions effect us all t'would ill suit us to let trouble simply walk up on us. And going off on his own is simply that, letting trouble come to him. He further expounded mentally trying to justify his own concerns on Shyc's current status.

" What will be will be, no reason to worry about it." Dinan muttered to himself as he set up his sleeping role and set his pack next to it. Digging through its contents the angel fished out a bag of dried peaches. Munching on that as an early dinner snack the Kamael tried to quell his mind by admitting that Shyc could look after himself. Despite his age the thief was equipped for survival, after all Shyc wasn't a green mercenary new to the trade.

Such reassurance however was made a mockery of as a familiar scream echoed throughout the marsh, causing night birds to raise from the roosts with much complaining. Drawing Soulbreaker with a single fluid gesture he damned what the others thought.

Tapping into its core a darkness surrounded Dinan that had nothing to do with the rapidly approaching evening. The air grew noticeably colder with frost forming on the trees in a ten feet radius of the Kamael fighter. Of course such things went unnoticed by the angel as he charged with sword leading in the assumed direction of what could have only been Shyc's scream.

Forgotten were his other companions and even the tactical sense a Kamael was born with. A real soldier would have never left his unit like this but Dinan only cared at that moment his misgivings were right. And this reckless running off was his self imposed flogging. If he could have flown the winged warrior would have.

As it were his charge covered the ground at a pace that nearly matched his speed whilst airborne. And his feet and ears lead Dinan to the scene of Shyc's torture the angel began to sing a melodic but low pitched tune and the smile of an Angel of War large on his face spoke of nothing but war. The singular wing upon his back beat in tempo to his song of battle. Added to that were directionless whispers and screams as he brought Soulbreaker to bear in a middle guard stance. The voices of souls trapped in the blade uttered their threats, cried their pleas, and whispered in their hopelessness.

" Pick on somebody your own size"Dinan taunted as he made a downward slash of his weapon, its ethereally sharp edge singing as it cut the air. At the same time he ripped a soul out of the blade mentally converting its energy into a glowing black barrier that obscured his features.

The setting changes from Kingdom of Duun to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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The open disdain everyone in the group seemed to express about Duun led Razeluxe to believe he was the only one who had been here and not decided that it was some hellhole. The only places the hybrid elf could say he actually held a hatred for were deserts, as the extreme heats and lack of huge bodies of trees not only were exhausting to tread through, but restricted his ability to call upon the local wildlife. Snakes and scorpions did not heed a forest elf's call.

It was unfortunate that his prior experience in this land would likely be too dated to make effective use of, and what time he did spend here long ago was brief, as the small conflict he was a part of was. Besides major landmarks and cities, he would not pretend as though he knew the area aside from what the map showed. But if Willow was confident she could lead them through here and lead the way, then so be it. It was nice to have someone better at things other than combat in the group.

"I may not have neither your nor Dinan's long lives, but I can keep up. I am fine, thank you for asking." Willow wore a smile as she drank from her bauble and replied to him. He got replies from Shyc and Sakura almost immediately afterwards, both about as energetic as they ever were. Perhaps the query was more out of common courtesy than anything. The only one he should have had any real doubts about were Sakura, but she was nearly brimming with as much excitement as Shyc, which was saying something. It was honestly a surprise to the 'leader' of their group that she had not only been able to open up to the very man whose first words were akin to a death threat to her, but she was also able to ask more questions about miscellaneous things than his own soldiers had asked about missions in the past six months combined. Though, to be fair, after he explained the missions, there were only a few questions one could ask that he hadn't already covered. He always broke things down to: Risk, Requirements, and Rewards. It was rare to give a mercenary group a complex mission, so that was as much as he needed to elaborate on for the most part.

"If this walk could kill any of you, I'm sure we'd have a problem receiving contracts from the Queen." he voiced, glancing over to the body of trees they stood before. A small grin appeared on his face. Likely due to his elfen lineage, he could not help but feel more at home with forests than anywhere else. He always felt more comfortable, more able, and more relaxed in one. Razeluxe led the way into the swampy forest with a confident pace. It had been more than a hundred years since he had gotten over the clunky steps one makes when they first step foot in a forest. Tripping over branches, rocks, and misjudging his step were things he would never do nowadays. This also made a big difference, were they to engage in combat here. Yes, forests were his home.....

There eventually came a minor clearing in the forest that did not seem as though it would be a bad place to set up shop, and so he decided this would be the place where they would fate/stay the night. Razeluxe approached a larger boulder closer to the edge of the territory that would be deemed their camp, and set down his essentials to began constructing a tent, then instructing the others to do the same. "Same rules as always. First there, first to claim." he declared, eyeing a small spot just beside the boulder he was near, moving over to start his own camp. "Sakura, pick somewhere and I'll actually walk you through making your own tent this time, since we're not necessarily in a rush anymore." It had been a bit disappointing at first to see that she hadn't even the 'common' knowledge of tent-making, reinforcing his suspicions that she was a bit more spoiled than your average peasant. He would assume she was related to a wealthy family, like most of the group had already figured, but a few of her speech patterns, habits, and assumptions led him to believe there was more to it than that. Of course, she did not give him any evidence of anything that would link her to royalty he could use. For now, he kept his eye on her. Her vague responses would only serve to further his suspicions. However, he could not bring himself to become too pushy. There were things about himself he did not explain to the others, and he was sure the others had things too. He had no right to do such.

"I'll go get some wood so we can have a fire," Shyc announced, then adding, "Don't worry I won't go far."

"Very well. Don't stay too long."Raze nodded as he finished setting up a small makeshift tent. Perhaps in today's standards, it would not seem to be the great abode one could summon in a short notice, it certainly worked for him. He actually had a better tent, but that one he simply gave to their newest member out of generosity. He actually had not many problems with scaling a tree and sleeping in one, but that was a bit less civil, so he refrained.




There was an audible cry of pain crackling through the air, arousing the soldier's instincts immediately. It did not take more than a mere moment to recognize the owner, for he had heard the boy's voice not too long ago as he explained he would be on the search for firewood. Something had happened to Shyc. He withdrew his trusty longsword at once and surveyed the immediate area around the camp, including the trees. He wanted to make sure that there was nobody taking the high ground and luring them out, as that was a common yet effective strategy in a place filled with nothing but trees. When he was sure that the camp itself was already dug in by whatever foe they may be facing, he turned to his comrades, his mind churning out many possibilities.

He would assume it was some kind of trap. It was the safest assumption he could make in this scenario. In that case, he had to figure they at least knew what they were dealing with. The scream came close enough that there was little chance the enemy hasn't observed them already and planned around that. If that is the case, then how should he handle this situation? Rushing straight in would likely be the goal for them, but if that would only be the case if they were your common, ignorant bandits or the sort. If they were a bit more intelligent, then it was possible they would have predicted his assumptions and planned accordingly. Razeluxe had completely disregarded many factors, such as Shyc simply being attacked by the local wildlife, or some variable such as fear. As odd as he could be, Shyc could at the very least handle himself, and Razeluxe would not underestimate the boy's abilities. Razeluxe decided to play it safe here. Risking anything else without any further information would be a tactical mistake that could be costly.

"Dinan, come with me and we'll draw---" he began, only to realize they were missing their angel. Razeluxe resisted the urge to put his face in his palm and instead continued to the others. "Willow, I would suggest you stay a bit behind us so you're not caught up in any sudden confrontations that might put your abilities at a disadvantage. Yan can stay behind and protect Sakura, or trade roles with him. However, we can't leave her alone."

And with that, he took off swiftly behind the angel to lend his hand.

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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#, as written by Siryn

Sakura was elated that Raze was willing to show her how to set up her tent. He or one of the other members of the group had done it for her since leaving Iverien. To be able to do it herself was going to be much better than relying on the others. She felt awful every time they had to do something for her because she did not know how. As she picked her spot, a nice flat(ish) area between two large trees, she starting pulling out the items to the tent.

It had belonged to Raze, but he'd given it to her to use while they traveled. She bit her lip a bit as she stared at the equipment laid out before her. Part of her was excited to learn, the other part worried that she might do it wrong and ruin his tent. Because it wasn't hers, that made it all the more terrifying.

However, they never got to start the tent though as a sharp scream filled the air. It sounded like something or someone was in an immense amount of pain and it struck through her chest like a cold knife. Her heart skipped a beat entirely as she stood up quickly and whirled around, her fingers clasped together and crushed against her chest over her heart. Her eyes were wide as she stood there, hardly breathing.

It took not a moment and the angel had streaked off. Even Sakura had only caught a glimpse of his frame before it disappeared into darkness. Raze didn't move as quickly, but the elf had drawn his sword and looked more than ready for a fight. The princess watched them all, half in terror and half in wonderment at what she should be doing to help. Her answer came soon enough though in the form of an order from the groups' leader.

"Willow, I would suggest you stay a bit behind us so you're not caught up in any sudden confrontations that might put your abilities at a disadvantage. Yan can stay behind and protect Sakura, or trade roles with him. However, we can't leave her alone."

Then Raze was off into the forest as well. He soon disappeared too and the sight of his fading frame caused Sakura more pain and worry than the scream that had suddenly stopped. It was almost like a cold silence had filled the forest right after. She flinched when the sounds of fighting soon erupted though. Leaning over to Yan, for the first time she accepted his tendencies to touching.

"What should we do!?" she asked him, fear coloring her voice, yet determination to help also present.

She didn't like the fact that she couldn't do anything, especially in the situation that had just erupted. As she waited for Yan's answer, a soft thud landed behind her. Turning sharply she kept her voice still as her gaze landed on a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak head to foot. A pair of golden eyes peered out from under the hood that made her shiver. Her fingers curled in Yan's shirt as she stood there.

"What an accurate description," the voice said softly, the tone marking the figure as male. The voice was almost like sand paper, raspy and somewhat hollow. He took a step forward, "You have no idea what price is on your head, do you, woman?"

Her heart clenched tightly and the fear that was spreading was intense, causing her to wince in pain as her heart began to act up. Sakura fell heavily against Yan, her body trembling but not from fear this time. Her breath was labored as she tried to still the raging pain that was slowly escalating and spreading from it's epicenter. The man took another step closer.

"Don't worry, no harm will come to you from me. I have strict orders you see," he rasped, his voice telling of the hidden grin she could not see, "Many lords want you, dear woman. What luck to have you fall into my hands here of all places."

"Stay away," she managed. Her gaze flicked over to the groups equipment and things. There had to be something there that she could use. Breaking from Yan for a mere moment, she grabbed up one of the poles to Raze's tent and whirled around. Slashing outwards at the figure she shouted in her attempt to hit him as hard as she could. The pole vibrated and she was shocked to feel it pulse up her arm to her shoulders. Opening her eyes, she gasped as she eyed the hand that gripped the pole tightly.

"Be a good woman and do as I say. You never know what I might do to this one," he ground out as he drew his sword and leveled the long sharpened piece of steel at Yan.


His voice was hoarse from the sharp screams that had tore from his mouth. Shyc hadn't wanted to cry out as he had, but she was a powerful mage and he didn't stand a chance against her touch. It wasn't long before someone came upon them. Which of his companion's it was, though, the thief couldn't tell. The haze of pain made his head light and dizzy. His vision swam as he tried to recognize who it was that stormed upon them.

It wasn't until the voice sounded that he realized it was Dinan who had reached them first. His heart skipped a beat, breath catching slightly as he lay there. The woman's hand had long since left him as Dinan issued his threat and attacked. The soul blade sang through the air as it cut downwards, then provided a protective shield over the gorgeous angels' frame. Just in time as well, the mage woman had gotten to her feet and spun around to face him in a matter of seconds.

Her hand flicked forward, sending her signature blades that had greeted Shyc moments ago. They were harmless against Dinan though. She ground her teeth, growling in frustration and quickly peddled backwards to allow the others of her group to engage the man who's low voice sung out his war cry. It was a sound that had always fascinated Shyc and at that moment gave him peace of mind knowing that these men weren't going to last much longer.

Slowly, the young mercenary rolled over onto his stomach and he pushed himself upwards, groaning slightly as he went. He stayed on all fours though as he couldn't quite get up to his feet due to the burning of every muscle and the dizziness that accompanied every small movement he made. Taking a deep breath he finally looked up to assess the situation. There were many mercenaries around him and Dinan. More than he'd thought originally.

Damnit... how stupid of me, he chided himself and sat up slowly, kneeling on the ground. He couldn't move very well, but he wasn't going to just lay there either. Pulling out a knife from the many hidden spots across his body, he threw the weapon at the nearest target. The blade sunk to the hilt in the man's thigh, forcing him down on one knee. Pulling another knife, Shyc looked for his next target.

The setting changes from Kingdom of Duun to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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With the wicked scream ripping through the air, Willow's body tensed, and her knuckles whitened around the staff in her hands. Her bauble too quit it's lazy orbit around her head and stood alert above her head. The scream was obviously Shyc's, but unlike the last, this one held tones of pain instead of surprise. Aqua eyes immediately darted toward the direction of the scream, but restraint kept her feet in their place. Instead, her eyes flickered to Raze, awaiting their tactician's suggestions.

Much to her surprise, their angel of war forwent the usual tactical advice, instead diving headfirst into the brush. A honeyed eyebrow lifted as the wing of the angel vanished into the undergrowth, before returning full attention to Raze. Upon his orders Willow nodded surely and turned to both Yan and Sakura, "Keep close to him, and keep her safe," she provided for the both of them, her voice stained with an edge of seriousness that had been absent up until then.

"Lead the way," She confirmed with Raze, darting into the woods not too far behind the elf. While they ran, her mind never stopped working. Through discipline and a level head, she had displaced her worry for both Shyc and Dinan, instead replacing it with useful thought process. Wood, earth, water, air she counted off mentally, checking all the elements she had at her disposal.

Within moments, the pair emerged onto the scene, a number of mercenaries surrounding both Shyc and Dinan, as well as a woman stepping away from the boy. Mage she noted internally. The way the woman, walked, the way she carried herself, her weaponry, and even her attire painted her as a fellow mage-- though unfortunately on the opposite side. If left unchecked, she would prove to a thorn in the sides of the more melee inclined of her party. With nary a though, the bauble floating over Willow's head surged forward and whistled passed both Shyc, Dinan, and even a few other mercenaries before coming to a violent stop in the woman's face.

Her head jerked back from the force and she grabbed at her face as a stream of crimson began to leak from a single nostril. "Her," She told her friends, her eyebrows knitting in the process. "I will handle her, I will leave the rest to you," She finished, an edge of darkness clouding her words.

"Shyc," She called as she stretched a hand out toward the nearby marsh, "I apologize in advance, but I will heal all your wounds once I settle current business." With that, she drew measure of fetid water from the swamp and began to move her hand in small circles. The green water she'd drawn then began to mirror the motion, circling larger circles in the air. It was clear that she was to spare no more words until the battle was over and the mage dealt with.

The same could not be said for the woman though. "Dammit! You broke my nose!" She hissed, though Willow made no response. "Handle me?" She replied incredulous, popping her nose back into place. "I doubt it, let's see what you're made of then!" Once again, her hands crackled with blue lightning and she threw them forward, causing a stream of lightning to leap from her fingers and strike toward Willow.

However, the lightning did not reach it's target. A quick wave of Willow's hand over her body stretched the water in a screen over the majority of her body, blocking the lightning and dissipating in the water. Where it had hit, a smoking hole remained, though only for a moment as Willow went about her counterattack. Now both hand a staff moved in unison, like a conductor for nature's symphony. The screen crumpled into a ball of water, which then reformed into long stream, which Willow then whipped forward stepping forward as she did.

The water whip turned end over end until it reached it's target, though the woman was too fast for it to hit initially. She'd only managed to dodge the first end, and was caught unaware by the second end. She threw herself backward to get out of it's range, receiving a nasty thump to the side of her face for her troubles. Had she not reacted at all, then the whip would have easily knocked her unconscious.

Now the woman was angry. "Arrgh!" She screamed and sent another lightning bolt streaming through the air. And once more Willow drew water from the swamp, and repeated her screen. Like before, the lightning hit the water and left nothing but a hole... A hole wide enough to allow the other bolt to pierce. Willow hadn't seen it in her concentration, but the woman had followed the bolt with another from the other hand. This bolt struck Willow in the shoulder, twisting her into a circle and forcing her to a knee. Though she said nothing, not even grunt, pain played easily across her face, the shoulder of her robe singed and revealing the burned flesh underneath.

"Oh? Does that hurt? Your friend seemed to think so," The woman taunted as she worked her next spell. The next was not the blue lightning that she had been using, but instead turning her hands a hateful red. Fire Willow thought as the flickers of flame began to concentrate on her fingers. A swipe through the air sent a large fireball screaming toward the elementalist. Still remaining on her knees, Willow dropped the swamp water where it floated and instead pressed her hand and staff close to the ground. As the fireball gained on her, Willow ripped her hands up, lifting up a shield of earth from in front of her. The earth and fire collided, resulting in an explosion that shook the nearby mercenaries, friend and foe alike, and even broke the corners of Willow's shield-- but the wall remained with Willow safe behind it.

Willow then separated her hands, parting the wall into halves giving her a clear view to the other woman. Fire, Willow noted the lingering flame on the grass, dried and ignited by the force of the fireball. The woman went to yell and curse Willow once more, but the older woman had had enough. One hand thrown forward caused a piece of the former wall the break off at the base and sent hurdling toward the woman, who then countered with another fireball, shattering the wall.

Willow repeated the action with the other piece of the wall, and the woman countered it as well. With a fine layer of dust and smoke between them, the woman waited for it to clear. And once it did, she didn't find Willow panting and exhausted, but instead a massive fireball of her own. All around Willow, she had collected what remained of the fire that the woman had thrown at her and used it against her enemy. Like before, the woman tried to counter with a fireball of her own, but this explosion had a backlash of it's own, sending the mage tumbling backward with reddened skin. While not burned, she certainly wasn't comfortable.

She continued being uncomfortable as she watched Willow collect the fire from that explosion as well, as she still sat on her knee. As a fireball was being concentrated between her hands, the woman had had enough. "Hell no!" She said, backing away from the kneeling mage and darting into the forest, and behind a singular tree-- hoping that would be enough to deflect the oncoming fireball. But a fireball never came, instead, the tree around her began to creak and reform itself, twisting knotted branches around her body as roots entangled her legs. She was trapped, unable to move within the tree's grip.

It was some time later that Willow appeared in front of her, inspecting her handiwork. She further manipulated the tree by wrapping her wrists in more branches and vines, and finally wrapping a vine around her mouth to cease her relentless curses. With the mage dealt with, Willow turned her eyes toward the battle, curious as to where her allies stood.

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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Battle, the true home of the Children of Mystria was calling to Dinan. Her sweet voice a melody he sang along with in that low but melodic voice of an Angel of War. The tune rose and sank in response to the ebb and flow of the clash of weaponry.

Only distantly aware of the presence of his companions the winged warrior only answered with a smile any words they may have directed towards him. The joy and burden of his race had Dinan firmly within its grip. The lights of battle gleam brightly in his sanguine eyes as the Mage's spells bounced harmlessly off his shield. Grinning with the pleasure only a Kamael could ever know he started towards the foolish woman, only intent on the danger she represented towards Shyc.

But the ranks of the enemy's steel greeted his charge towards the mage. The song of battle passing his lips only burst into a new tune as the first struck out against the angel. Parrying it with any almost lazy seeming upwards flick of Soulbreaker Dinan whipped the manifestation of his fighting will around the human's hasty blade lock. The ethereally honed edge tore out the Kamael's antagonists throat, the fine crimson spray staining Dinan's face. And new screaming filled the Duun swamp as the dying soldier realized what was being taken from him beside life.

That screaming went on long past the time breath should have left. Past when the last drop of blood had left the body. The enemy blanched when the realization of what they faced sunk in. But such things were lost upon the winged warrior as he dodged swung blades with only mere fractions of a centimeter to spare. These near misses spurred on the deluded fools as Dinan's blade and voice sang on in joy.

Catching a enemy's spear head he shifted to a one handed grip and yanked with all his strength on the shaft. The spearman underestimating the strength of the Kamael was caught off balance and stumbled forward. Only to be impaled upon the waiting point of Soulbreaker and fresh screaming was added once more the clash of steel and the battle song of Dinan. The souls of two added to the surplus already in his weapon the angel tapped once more into his true power and covered his body with a shield in time to block the coordinated strikes of an enemy determined at last to fight him as an wall of infantry and not simply a mob.

Soulbreaker in Dinan's lazy looking way flickered left and right deflecting the barrage of strikes. His tune altered not a wit but the lateral sidestepping betrayed the increasing difficulty the winged warrior was facing keeping the weapons of his enemy away. Inwardly cursing the lack of flying room 'neath the suffocating boughs of the poisoned marsh of Duun he decided that a change of pace was needed.

Jumping backwards to avoid being spitted on the end of a halberd Dinan swung his blade in a horizontal swing while ripping out the dwindling supply of souls in it to power its aural blast. The wave hit the enemy formation with enough force to send some flying towards nearby trees.

Alas the weakened blast did little in the way of lethal damage. The angel would take the breathing room it bought though.