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Shyc Regaile

"I swear I didn't bring anything weird this time!!! Well... except for that, maybe that was me... "

0 · 858 views · located in Camdiere

a character in “The Mercenaries' Princess”, as played by Siryn




22 || Homosexual || Half human Half daemon

Shyc stands at a height of five feet eight inches, his body is lithe and muscled from daily work. Brown hair covers his forehead, often getting into his bright green eyes that have a wild light in them at all times. He wears simple clothing, nothing to extravagant. A simple white shirt that's often opened in the front with a black vest over the shirt that he only does up the last few buttons on. He wears black gloves that cover all but his first two fingers on each hand, the heavy leather is warm and gives him a good grip for when he's lifting things or using his weapons. Black pants are tucked into shin high boots that are a deep rusty red in color that are worn out from overuse. His pale skin is unmarked except for three large scars on his back. When Shyc turns into his daemon half, his cheery demeanor changes to a darker, almost insane and sadistic feel. His normally bright green eyes will take on a very dark green almost black. In addition to his eye color growing dark, almost pitch black, Shyc's normally white straight teeth take on four elongated sharpened fangs, two on either side of his eye teeth.



Shyc has a variety of weapons and equipment. He carries two short swords and two long knives. Several knives are located on his person, one in each boot to start. The two swords on his left hip while the long knives are located on his lower back. Inside his vest are his prized possessions: his lock picks. All of which are kept together on a small ring inside the pocket. He has a large assortment of lock picks and he prizes himself in the fact that no lock has ever kept him out.


• Shyc is a great hand to hand fighter.

• He's very quick on his feet and can often throw his enemies off with his speed.

• He's also very good at ranged fighting because of his smaller knives that he can throw with great accuracy.

• His lock picking skills are second to none. Nothing is ever locked for him.

• When his daemon side takes over, his entire demeanor changes and he becomes very dangerous, a real problem with any enemy he'll be up against...

• In his daemon mode, Shyc can wield different sorts of magic. His two favorites are the use of silver fire that'll engulf his arms and whatever weapons he's holding, and to turn invisible for a short amount of time.


• When his daemon side takes over it's hard to get him to return to normal.

• His daemon form isn't particularly nice to deal with as it completely changes him. He's very dangerous and often cold to the people around him. In this form, he enjoys killing.

• He's weak to magic when not in his daemon form.



Shyc is highly energetic always moving and never staying still. He enjoys the company of his companions and treasures them all, despite his being a smart ass with most of them almost all the time. He's very witty and enjoys picking on his fellow mercenaries if only to have a good laugh. He can be very comical, especially when taken by surprise by someone. It would seem that he never takes anything seriously, though that would be very wrong. You only have to push the right buttons to get him to be serious. That tends to be anything to do with his small group that he's deemed as his family. Shyc's got quite the temper especially when it comes to his friends and he'll show it easily if provoked.

He's the thief of the group, though he likes to call it 'acquiring' and not stealing. Shyc has a weakness for anything shiny and interesting (interesting to him may be 'junk' to the others). Most times it's hard to keep him on track especially if they're in town and shopping for supplies. Because of his insane amount of energy it's often like trying to keep a young kid in line when in a candy store. Shyc enjoys running around and looking at random things, most times those things may slip into his pocket for him to show to the others later when they've left the market. It wouldn't be surprising for him to be blamed for the group ending up with random trinkets and other things (which most times it is his fault).

The thief enjoys talking, mostly to tell stories of the groups adventures since he'd joined up with them during the night hours and they're all sitting by the fire. Most of those stories are elaborated and he likes to tease the others during such times as well. During the story telling, he likes to portray himself as the sole hero if their group had been in a sticky situation even though it probably wasn't true. He also likes helping others, and is a good listener when he needs to be. Just like any other male though, if presented with a problem, he'll do whatever he can to fix it even if there is no clear 'fix' to the problem. For all of his joking and teasing, though, Shyc wouldn't have his life any other way. To have all that he's worked for taken away from him is a deep fear that he keeps to himself. That fear is driven by his daemon side.

Shyc hates his daemon side, and for good reasons too. He's afraid that one day he won't ever be able to be freed of it's hold should it take over again. He dislikes the feeling it leaves after he's come back to his senses and will often keep to himself for a day or so after such an incident. Shyc fears that should it take over, it'll kill everything that he holds dear to him. He's not entirely sure what provokes the change, though he knows that an excess of anger will usually do it, but there have been times when it wasn't just anger that had him changing into his daemon form. He does his best to keep his anger to a minimum though that can be hard when he's faced with certain events.

His daemon side is very cruel and sadistic. He enjoys killing during those times and it takes quite a bit to calm him. Shyc doesn't even know how it's done to bring him back to his normal self. Even so, the daemon half is very strong and can be a good advantage for the group should they be faced with a very powerful enemy. The only thing would be convincing Shyc to allow it to be used, which he most likely would not allow.


Shyc's past is very dark, one of which that he doesn't like talking about and one that he hardly remembers himself. His mother was human, that much he remembers. His father was a daemon, a very powerful and dark creature from the underworld. Shyc's father had wooed his mother, had her fall in love with him and then took her for his own. Of course the daemon didn't love his mother in return, he had wanted a toy and that was all. The creature of darkness left his mother as soon as she was pregnant, never to return again. Shyc's mother, having been love struck through underhanded tricks and dark magic, was devastated as his leaving and never knew the real reasons. When Shyc was born, he was born looking human, but with the power and burning blood lust of a daemon. Being so young, Shyc couldn't control the darker side of him and he was soon exposed to the small village when he'd gotten into an angry fight with one of the other local boys. He was shunned as a 'demon' in the village afterwards. He and his mother were driven out of the village under death threats -a few almost taking place- and relocated to another place where he hid his heritage. Shyc's mother helped him to control the dark power that he'd gotten from his daemon father, and he was able to keep it under lock and key for the most part. There in the new town, he made many friends and was finally happy along with his mother.

However, his happiness and the friends he'd gained didn't last very long. When he turned eighteen, the lord of the Kingdom he lived in had begun taxing the city under his control and started drafting the youths for his army as he was preparing to go to war with a neighboring Kingdom. When the soldiers came into the town, Shyc was afraid as he watched them destroy the homes and merchant stalls where the people where trying to make a living. Several of his friends were dragged into the street to be recruited into the army. Screams filled the air and there was so much shouting that Shyc felt he'd never hear anything other than that. He hid by his home, ducked down behind boxes and crates in fear of what would happen next.

It wasn't until the soldiers began beating some of the boys they'd dragged out to be drafted, that Shyc reached for the closest thing and rushed at them, angry beyond anything. He swung the wooden pole at the first soldier who cut it cleanly with their sword and lunged at him. Dragged into the small group, he suffered the same treatment as his friends and other young men. His back was torn open by a sword, the gashes deep across his smooth skin. Shyc could feel the darkness welling up inside of him and he curled up into a ball to try to keep it at bay. Even though he wanted so much to fight back against the soldiers, he didn't want to lose himself to the daemon and do something he would regret. However, when his mother came rushing out for him, he felt a stirring in his chest. As she neared the group, shouting and yelling as she tried to get to Shyc, a soldier turned and hit her with the handle of his sword, sending her tumbling to the ground. Shyc's body trembled with the sight and at that point he lost himself to darkness.

Shyc returned to his senses somehow and was surrounded by a burning town littered with bodies. It was dark, the pitch black billowing clouds of smoke covered the sun that was starting to sink in the distance, giving the scene an eerie reddened glow. He was covered in blood head to foot and shaking terribly. The feeling that filled him made him sick and he ran. Shyc had lost everything, his friends and his mother, all to the daemon inside of him which continues to haunt him. Shyc ran until he couldn't go anymore. He was sick that entire night and into the early hours of the next morning. Finally, weak and delirious, Shyc started wandering the countryside. It took many months before he didn't feel sick anymore, but his sadness and regret was still there and always will be. Shyc had ended up in the Kingdom of Iverien where he intended to just pass through. However, fate would have it differently and he found himself liking the giant city. Being alone for so long would take it's toll on anyone and with his nature, he just couldn't handle it anymore. He needed company of a sort, but he couldn't really bring himself to stay in the city all the time. Thus came the opportunity to be a part of something he'd never thought of before. A mercenary. It consisted of a small group of hirelings and they never stayed in one spot for too long. It was the perfect setting. Even so, Shyc is still fearful that one day he will not be able to control himself should something dire happen and his daemon side is released. He's inserted himself into this group well enough, but still he hasn't told them about his darkness, and he hopes that they'll never find out. Shyc has been with the small group of mercenaries for three years now.



So begins...

Shyc Regaile's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Siryn

Her heart lurched to her throat as Raze looked a little irritated by the fact that she'd reacted and covered his eyes. Reaching up, he withdrew her hands and moved over to the woman who was seated in the fire. Once Sakura was calm, she too found the blackened figure fascinating. Edging forwards, she caught Raze's question to her new guardian.

Fotiá gazed up at him with a strange look in her eyes. Was she... confused that Raze asked her what she was? Did she not realize that she was the one who was different? She was sitting in a fire! If anything, she should have been on fire, burnt to a crisp. Fotiá stayed like that for quite some time, watching him as she seemed to be trying to figure an answer for him. Sakura came up and knelt down near them, behind Raze and watched the woman with the fiery hair and brilliant star-like blue eyes.

"I'm not sure if your plane has an equivalent for me since all fire here is dead. But, I believe I would be identified as a fire elemental. I promise not to burn you." she paused between the sentences, thinking briefly before explaining to him.

The young princess glanced between her and Raze, her expression filled with wonder. Her mother had employed this sort of person to protect her. It was rather interesting, at least to Sakura anyway. She wasn't entirely sure what it meant to be a fire elemental, but from the looks of it, Sakura could determine that fire was not going to hurt her. That was fascinating. The princess was going to ask her a thousand questions, all of them bubbling up to the surface but then Fotiá rolled away.

Sakura stopped, her mouth opened and the first words to the string of questions halting as she watched the woman promptly turn from them. Maybe she is tired... Sakura thought to herself as she tilted her head off to the side for a moment. With a bit of a pout on her lips, she lifted a hand and rested her chin there, fingers puffing up her cheek as she looked over to Raze.

"I guess she's tired," she said softly. Glancing around the camp, she sighed, "I suppose we should all be getting some rest soon too, hu? We'll be leaving early I assume. Oh! Raze!"

Sakura nearly jumped up with her excitement as she remembered something very important. Reaching into the small bag that she had carrying her brush, earring, and the white ribbon, she produced the ribbon. For a moment she paused, her fingers hesitating to withdraw from the pouch. Finally, she took a breath and pulled it out. She wasn't sure if he would know what it meant entirely, but she was fairly certain that he would figure it out.

"For you. I... I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again, and well... When I was told that I was going to go to Truell with you, I thought immediately that you should have this." her voice sounded strange to her own ears as she tried to explain to him without saying too much. Her fingers extended outwards as she handed the white ribbon over to him. She was fairly certain it was a universal sign, she'd read it many books before. Unless that information was outdated... then she'd have to take a different approach... well maybe... Sakura's face burned as the thoughts rushed through her mind.

Relax! I'm sure it's still the same, or at least somewhat close... she told herself and remembered to breathe, "Also, I would like to learn how to use a sword. Could you teach me? I don't want to be a burden to you. You can tell me in the morning, it's really late now." this she was deadly serious on. Recalling the last few times she'd been in trouble, she'd been nothing but a weight to them. If she could fight and hold her own against someone else, then he wouldn't have to worry about her as much anymore. That would make things easier, at least she thought so.

Standing up, she brushed herself off. Shyc -who had come to see the woman as well- smiled at her, "You can sleep in that tent there. I'm over there and Raze sometimes sleeps in the hammock or the tent next to yours. Depends on the night."

Sakura nodded and moved over to the tent that he'd pointed out to her. Once she was on the mat, it felt like all of the days stress just washed away, leaving her relaxed and weary. Within a few minutes she was asleep.


When the woman had stripped and entered the fire, Shyc about had a heart attack. His immediate thought was to drag her from the fire because he was sure she was committing suicide. Which, of course, made no sense really since she'd just said she had been ordered to go with the princess. It wasn't until Raze moved over and asked the question of what she was that had him calm down. Oh... well of course... shouldn't have freaked out if Raze hadn't... he chided himself.

He listened intently to the woman as she described herself as a fire elemental. How... peculiar. Though he himself couldn't say much. He was half daemon anyway. The daemon was from another world too. It was understandable that there were other things aside from daemons out there. Reaching up, he gripped his hand over his chest briefly, wincing at the recollection of his other 'self'. Sakura spoke to Raze then, offering him something that Shyc could only barely see until she moved. It was a white ribbon and he couldn't help the small grin that developed on his face. So... she's finally gathered the courage then. I wonder if he'll get it...

After showing her to the tent that would be hers for the night, Shyc beamed at Raze, "Well, what a strange turn of events. You know, the Queen's going to be even more stringent about this now that she's entrusted us with Sakura," he sighed heavily as he stretched his arms up over his head, curling the fingers into his hair, "Anyway, goodnight, Raze."

Though he'd bid his leader 'night, he didn't go to the tent. Instead he moved to where the firelight just barely reached and pressed his back against one of the trees and slowly slid down into a sitting position. He wasn't sure if Raze had noticed that he'd been doing this since Duun, but it wasn't like he could help it. It was getting easier again, easier to deal with being around the others. A little while longer, he thought to himself as he pulled his legs up, wrapping his arms around them and staring off into the darkness. He wouldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep, not yet.

End Quest Five: Return to Iverien

Start Quest Six: By the Queens Request

The crow of birds had greeted him. Shyc hadn't moved from his secluded spot the entire night. He had drifted in and out of sleep, but woke constantly to the screams in his head and the stench of blood all over him. For the last time that night, he woke again, sweaty, heart racing and thinking that he'd killed mercilessly once more. Glancing around the tree, he noted that the camp was quiet. With a sigh of relief, he realized that he'd not gone on a rampage. With his breath short, he took a moment to calm himself before standing up and running his fingers through his hair.

They would be going soon, he was sure. Sakura wasn't one to sleep in and neither was Raze or Nahv. It was still unimaginably early though. Even the trees were still darkened slightly, only just starting to turn purple from the rising sunlight over the mountains. Stretching, he moved about the camp silently. Going to his tent, he fetched a change of clothes before heading towards the stream that wasn't too far from them. He was worried about Willow and Dinan since they had not come back from whatever they'd been called away for. His other worry, though was what they were going to eat. Willow usually cooked for them, and Shyc was no cook at all.

He blushed slightly as he came to the stream and bent down. I should really learn how to cook, otherwise Raze'll be stuck with all the work he thought solomnly. Reaching up, he dragged off his shirt and plunged his hands into the cold water. Within minutes, he was soaked, all except for his lower body. Brushing his fingers through his hair, he sprayed water all around him as he attempted to clean it from the bark and leaves that had most likely accumulated over him during the night, along with the usual dirt too. Leaning forward, he cupped handful after handful of water over his head as he washed. The morning air chilled him to the bone as the water was already cold.

"Ugh... sometimes I wish we had heated baths or something like they have in Ollian."

The setting changes from Kingdom of Iverien to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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Though the color of the flames flickering before them distorted the view of her face, Fotiá'd answered his question with a difficult expression on her face, as though it had confused the woman. "I'm not sure if your plane has an equivalent for me since all fire here is dead. But, I believe I would be identified as a fire elemental. I promise not to burn you." she said, as though it was a natural as anything could get. Considering that the word 'natural' probably was derived from 'nature' (as if Razeluxe would actually know such a thing) and fire was, in fact, part of nature, perhaps this should be true. But it certainly was not.

Razeluxe was unable to question the elemental further, as she turned away as though uninterested in pursuing further conversation. Part of him wanted to assume that a mere mortal such as himself was unworthy of even talking to her, but that part was very small and could very well be described as 'insignificant'. What he truly felt was as though she simply had very little interest in conversation as an action, so it probably hadn't mattered that it was him. Her line about fire being 'dead' caused him to assume that the plane she was from was much different than the one she resided in currently. Perhaps speaking words was unnecessary there. He could not say he'd be surprised, considering fire never really appeared as though it would speak using its nonexistant vocal cords. Some form of telepathic communication? Body language? Perhaps those odd (yet beautiful) fire dances some of the female members of his old clan did as tribute to the elementals were inspired by how elementals communicated? Then again, it's very likely beings of a higher caliber need not speak at all. It was impossible to know unless you were told by an elemental, and this one wasn't appearing to fond of conversation with people. Curiosity was definitely residing within Raze, but he was not going to play the part of the cat in this case.

"I guess she's tired," Sakura guessed, briefly looking about the camp before continuing. "I suppose we should all be getting some rest soon too, hu? We'll be leaving early I assume. Oh! Raze!"

Confused by her sudden excitement, Raze razed raised his eyebrow and spoke. "Yes...?"

"For you. I... I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again, and well... When I was told that I was going to go to Truell with you, I thought immediately that you should have this." appearing nervous and with a face the shade of a beet, she said this before digging into her bag and handing him a white ribbon.

Wait.... a white ribbon?

Suddenly, the man was lost to his past. He recalled an event he witnessed long ago.

Was it a century, or was it two? He could not accurately remember, but then again, it wasn't necessary in the first place. All he could know was that it was a great deal of time ago, back when he was still a bit naive and wore his heart on his sleeve. There was an enemy village of the nation he was currently serving that he had taken refuge in for a few days as they awaited reinforcements. He could not remember what nation it was, nor if they even won that war (though given the circumstances it was likely they had won), but what he did know is that he made some good friends back then. You see, regardless of your reasons, people tend to hold grudges when you are responsible for their loved one's death. Since they had just defeated the men responsible for keeping the city safe, it was pretty obvious that there would be a great deal of hate and loathing the villagers had towards these 'monsters' who killed their friends, their brothers, their sisters, their mothers, and their fathers. Though the fear of death kept them from attempting anything violent, it did not keep them from glaring or 'running out of room' for the men. Seeing the faces of the ones related to those who they had just murdered did nothing to help the soldier's morale, either.

Raze was probably the one most devastated by what he had done.

Despite his career, he was easily described as a 'goody two shoes' back then. He hated the idea of having enemies and he loved to help people whenever he had the chance. Such a contradicting personality to have back then. But still, he wasn't one who liked to think about what he had to do in war. And there was never a point back then when he could say he enjoyed ending another's life. So, as you may have guessed, he wound up meeting many people who had just lost their beloved friends or family. It wasn't the crushing glares he received that got to him, but the pained expressions of the villagers as they tried so desperately not to cry, not to show weakness to the monsters that murdered their family that each one had.

Normally, there'd be nothing he could do. Nobody would really listen to an apology that would easily be summed up as, "Sorry I was part of the army that killed someone you love". It was inevitable that people would always resent them. But perhaps simply out of luck, he overheard the depressed musings of a woman who had just lost her brother. Simply put, he was part of the army Razeluxe had just faced, who were returning from another village to protect this one, as they'd seen the advance coming just in time to react. That being said, it was too late for reinforcements to arrive in time, so they had to make due with their small force, which of course was the main reason for their defeat. But that was unimportant. The real importance of this was that her brother was carrying with him a white ribbon he had gotten from the village he was at prior. She was to receive this from him so that she could give it to their childhood friend, whom she had a crush on (which Raze was unaware of). Thankfully that man was not part of the military, but instead stayed behind to help with labor around the village. He survived, and was working at the time. The woman regretted not being able to accept her brother's kindness and pass that ribbon to the man, since her brother still held onto it even now.

Of course, Razeluxe would not allow that. All he understood is that it was something that a perished family member had they could possibly remember him by, and though the lady adamantly refused him at first, after witnessing his determination to assist her in finding it, he was able to get the details of her brother from her. So, naturally, he returned to the battlefield and begun inspecting multiple corpses that fit the description of her brother, until hours later, he had succeeded. When he returned to the lady with a white ribbon that was only just barely tainted in a dark red, she hesitantly thanked him with tears in her eyes. She could finally confess to the man she loved with the ribbon her brother had gotten her!

She departed immediately to go find the man, and without getting to far away, found him. Razeluxe witnessed the event from moderate distance away.

"U-um... Takeshi.... this is for you..." she held out the stained white ribbon for him to see.

Taking a moment, the man, 'Takeshi', observed the object she presented to him, before his expression tightened to that of a man about to cry.

"F-for me? This...." he was on the verge of tears. It was obvious it had a great effect on him.

Seeing this, the woman couldn't help but smile warmly -- warmer than the sun. She was so happy because it looked as though he was moved by the act. He was going to accept it!... or that's what she thought. Sadly, she forgot how dense said friend was.

"Am I supposed to wear this?!.... I-I'm not... Do I look that feminine to you?" he seemed very worried that this was the case.

The expression on the woman was... frightening. Without so much as another word, her fist tightened and she landed a powerful uppercut on the man, launching him into the stars, probably never to be seen again. "IDIOT!!!!!!!!!"





Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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So from what he gathered... he should probably accept this ribbon if he wanted to live. Yes, that's it. Although he would agree with that man he met many years ago about this being to feminine for his tastes, he really had no intention of becoming a star. He would avoid such a scenario. Thusly, he accepted the ribbon from Sakura.

"It looks good. I'll err, wear it sometime for sure." he said, perhaps even displaying an uncharacteristic amount of nervousness. But said nervousness certainly wasn't from embarrassment. It was fear, clear fear of something bad happening to him.

But what was much more clear was that he was at least fifteen cubic Emiya Shirous dense.

Moving on from that topic, Sakura mentioned something that Razeluxe was certainly - and secretly - glad to hear. "Also, I would like to learn how to use a sword. Could you teach me? I don't want to be a burden to you. You can tell me in the morning, it's really late now." to that, Razeluxe nodded with an almost pleasant expression on him before turning to catch Shyc, who was departing for sleep, but not before giving Sakura a tour of the tent she'd be staying at.

Raze listened to Shyc afterwards, speaking simply, "I'm aware. Lets not give the Queen anything to scold us about this time though." before he waved the young boy off to sleep. With nothing he needed to do, he briefly attempted to bug the fire elemental about sleep, before realizing that probably was a meaningless idea. She seemed the sort to ask about things she was curious about, and she'd not shown any signs of getting tired to begin with. It appeared as though she was perfectly content with the fire she was mediating in, so as far as he was concerned, she'd be fine. After all, she was one of his gods, wasn't she?

He took no time in departing to his hammock. Tonight seemed peaceful enough to relax there.




Despite it being faint, the noise of someone rustling through the camp caused Razeluxe to stir awake with a soft yawn. He only caught the back of Shyc, who departed towards a stream that was nearby, before the boy disappeared entirely. Briefly, he remembered the young man leaving for firewood, and the events that occured then, but this particular place was in a friendly kingdom, so the chances of enemy soldiers being in it without them knowing beforehand were none. So, taking his time, he slowly got up out of the hammock, but noticed something fell off of him and onto the floor of the forest. He glanced down, recognizing it as a small piece of paper. As he picked it up and read it, his gave but an upset sigh that wasn't loud at all.

Essentially, it read this,

"Raze, I've got something to do, perhaps we'll meet again later.

- Your friendly neighborhood lizardman, Nahv. "

So it would then seem as though the man left them before they even awoke. It was a shame, but Razeluxe realized that Nahv was never really a part of his mercenaries to begin with. He was a former ally and they had met up simply due to chance. Of course he'd still have things of his own to do. It was nice meeting a friendly face, and it certainly helped back when they were being attacked. He simply had to hope they'd get the chance to fight together again one day, and that's all he could do.

Razeluxe got himself up and began making breakfast for the rest of the people at the camp. Did the elemental eat? Either way....

The amount of servings seemed so small for a camp that had been so big.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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After leaving the Mercenary group to their crazy antics, Kenji found himself a cozy little tree to spend his time. The thick leaves of the dark tree branched out far and made a perfect makeshift roof, and on top of that, it created a certain darkness that Kenji enjoyed. He sat his weapons down at the base of the towering plant and observed his surroundings. Most of it was just more beautiful trees, but behind his new little base, a little stream wormed its way through the dark land. He could only faintly hear the obnoxious adults at their camp, so he was sure he was distanced far enough to not be caught.

He slowly sat down on one of the large roots sprouting from his new home and pulled out the plant he had harvested a while ago. He had never gotten around to checking it out, so now he took his free time full of waiting to observe and understand it. He struggled as thoughts of Shyc continued to cloud his mind, tormenting him. The plant in his hands did nothing to distract him, and that was a problem. Eventually though, the many nights without sleep caught up to Kenji and he dozed off, leaned up against the trunk of the tree.

The Next Day

Suddenly his ear twitched and his eyes instantly opened. Damn... How could I fall asleep? He looked to his left side to see something incredible, the very man who now haunted his dreams, all alone. It seemed that he was walking towards the stream, without anyone else near him. Kenji remained still so he could maintain the element of surprise, and as he did so, he watched every move the young man before him made. Thankfully Shyc didn't seem to notice, so Kenji was all good to go. He quietly stood up and grabbed his weapons, not so they could be used, but so they could be offered.

The shirtless young mercenary seemed to be bathing his upper body in the stream, clearly to show off his gorgeous abs. Kenji walked up to him without a sound gripping his weapons tightly. Note that at this point, Kenji hasn't discovered his sexuality, so the shirtlessness of the man he was now approaching didn't faze him in the slightest, even though it should make him blush and giggle like a little school girl. Any who, as Kenji came up right behind Shyc he stopped and suddenly got down on both of his knees. (Calm down your perverted minds now.) He then shut his eyes and bowed his head to the ground as he rose his weapons above his head with both hands. For the first time Kenji was willingly offering his protection and sacraficing his boldness and dignity.

He was soaking wet, his hair dripping in icy cold water, rivers of it running down his back and sides as he lightly rubbed at his skin with both hands. He hadn't been aware of his surroundings at all. It was the forest outside of Iverien, so he didn't think he needed to be all too alert. The boy seriously needed to start thinking twice on those assumptions though.

As he dipped back down to run more water through his blonde locks, he noted something dropping down beside him. Startled, unsure of what was going on, he jumped. The person sitting behind him was a familiar face, and they were offering something to him. The immediate reaction, though, was far from graceful or anything like that. Shyc, thinking that this particular man was attacking him, lost his composure completely.

Having already been leaning forward over the stream, he gave a sharp cry of surprise and promptly fell forward into the water. It wasn't deep, perhaps two feet or so of water, but it was rather cold and the stream was just long enough for his entire body to be soaked. Turning over so that he wasn't drowning, he looked back to the man who had managed to change him back from his daemon form several days ago.

Sputtering slightly, Shyc was unsure as to what this person was doing as he was still sitting there, offering up his weapons, "Uh... um... what?"

Everything went completely opposite than what Kenji was excpecting. He assumed that Shyc would accept his weapons and automatically invite him to join the group, but clearly that was a very unreasonable excpectation. The sudden girly scream that came from the mercenary caused Kenji to abruptly raise his head and open his eyes. Kenji's lips slightly parted as the clumsy man fell forward into the stream soiling the rest of his clothes. He silently placed his weapons on the soft ground and awkwardly stared at the questioning Shyc.

Kenji then, ELEGANTLY, stood up, with his weapons remaining on the ground, and reached down to offer the soaking man some help up.

Shyc watched in shock. The other stood up and reached out for him. Wait... hadn't he tried to kill him a few days ago? Then again, he hadn't done it and from what Shyc could remember -which wasn't much because he tried not to remember- he hadn't looked like he really wanted to when he held Shyc against the tree back then.

With an eyebrow lifted, he slowly reached out and took the hand that was offered to help him up out of the water. Shyc stood up and stared at the man before him for a long while, speechless. Then he realized he was without a shirt. His eyes grew wide, his face turning brilliantly red as he gasped slightly.

"Uh!! Oh, s-sorry..." he desperately looked around for the clean shirt he'd brought, but to no avail could he find it. Why am I acting like this though?! he chided himself. Taking a breath he seemed to steady himself slightly, though he was still red, "Um... why are you here?"

Kenji had no problem lifting up Shyc, he was surprisingly light, at least to him. He then stared back at the man as a very uncomfortable silence settled between them. It seemed as though his face turned to a cherry as he seemed to have remembered something or other. Kenji hadn't understood whatsoever, as he had never witnessed something before in his life. What's happening? Is he sick? He must have a fever... Remedies for a fever jumped through his head as he tried to think of something he could do to help. Then the embarassed fellow spoke.

'Sorry'? Why is he apologizing? Does he have to puke? Does he smell? What am I missing? Kenji was utterly confused and just sort of stood there, completely still, as he pondered the possibilities. It seemed he had ignored his offer to join the group, which was dissappointing. He ignored the fact that a few words could make all this better, as he came up with another way to silently show his newfound dedication to Shyc.

Kenji bent down and grabbed his weapons once again. He gripped them with both hands and then shoved them towards Shyc's drool worthy chest. He then returned to a straight posture, backed up slightly, and gave a beautiful obedient bow. Yes this is perfect. He has to get the message now.

The weapons hit his chest and he automatically reached up to hold them so that they didn't fall when the man released them. Stunned was an understatement.

Shyc stared at him in disbelief as he proceeded to take a step back and bowed to him. The silence stretched. The young theif tilted his head off to the side, "Hu?"

Glancing down to the weapons, he then looked back up to the man who had bowed to him, "You... giving me weapons..." he pondered outloud, "Wait... wait... I have weapons.. wait no, that's not right either. Um... there's got to be... what does this mean," he was seriously struggling with the meaning, "Wait... you haven't said anything. You can't talk? You don't talk... Oh man. Okay. You want... to..." he stared down at the weapons for a long while as he proceeded to mumble to himself.

Finally it clicked, "Eh!?! You want to join us, maybe.. wait why would you give me your weapons? Are you... sure? I mean... I don't mind, after all you did save me kind of. But... Raze... I don't know. Don't you think you should be offering these to him? Not me?" as per usual, Shyc talked quickly and usually in a string of sentences and ideas. He'd forgotten he was shirtless right then and even forgot that he was still standing in the stream.

"What's your name anyway? Because I honestly don't know what to call you, or how to talk to you properly. And... especially if you want to come with us, I mean I'm going to have to explain this to Raze somehow and I can't just call you... uh... 'you' or 'that person'. Kind of odd right?" He took a breath, finally realizing he'd rambled, yet again.

Kenji returned from his bow and shook his head at all of Shyc's rambling questions until he brought up the question of joining. Then and there he nodded and continued to listen. He didn't really think about the evil elf, Raze, or whatever. He then knew he should've approached him instead, but he felt that Shyc was a better option, especially since they shared such an emotional moment together. Then the moment Kenji was unprepared for, arose. The man had asked for his name, and Kenji had no idea what to do. He couldn't really show his name, he had to use the magical power known as speech.

Kenji couldn't remember the last time he used his vocal cords. One should assume that its dusty and filled with cobwebs, because that's how rarely he speaks. He looked straight into Shyc's eyes and uttered his name.

"Kenji." His voice was deep, husky if you will. A tad raspy due to the fact that he hadn't spoken in years. But it was a voice that would make anime fangirls melt. After the forced word left his mouth, he looked to his right, almost as if he was ashamed.

A sound. A sound filled the space between them after Shyc finally shut up. It was a soft sound, almost inaudible, but Shyc's hearing was rather sharp (when he was paying attention). The weapons slipped in his grip as he was startled by the noise. His heart jumped to his throat. Wow... was his only thought. Once again his face grew red hot as he stared at the man before him.

He quickly adjusted so as not to drop the weapons that had been handed to him. Clenching them tightly, he took a deep breath, "Kenji," he repeated lightly. Amazing name... and voice... Oh god! He took in a sharp breath "Uh! Um.. I'm Shyc. It's... nice to meet... you. Kenji."

Glancing down at the weapons in his grip, he sputtered, flustered at the sitaution. Finally he noticed the rushing water beneath his feet. Quickly, he stepped up onto the bank to stand next to Kenji. Once out of the water, Shyc realized just how tall the other was. He had long hair tied back from his face, and dark eyes. Dropping his gaze he found himself eyeing the other rather... slowly.

Ah! Okay... concentrate, "U-uh... Should we... head back? Wait! Wait... my shirt... God... and your weapons... could you imagine the look on Raze's face if he saw this?" he quickly turned a full circle in search of his simple white tunic, still holding Kenji's weapons.

Kenji watched as Shyc turned red again. He doesn't look too good... The cold water probably is worsening his fever. He should put his shirt back on. He observed the man as he seemed to look a little on edge, and he nodded at his welcoming reply. Kenji thought that his name came out a lot better from Shyc, his voice seemed to make it right. He eyed the red-faced man as he stepped out of the water and noticed that there was a great height difference between the two of them. Kenji watched Shyc's eyes as they seemed to be looking the tall man up and down. Obviously undressing the man with his longing eyes.

Kenji nodded once again as Shyc suggested they head back. Although he seemed a bit worried about the situation at hand, which made sense due to the fact that the man's shirt was missing from the scene. Kenji looked around, but couldn't find a trace of the thing until he glanced down and saw the white fabric under his foot. He pulled the shirt out from under him to unfortunately find a muddy footprint of his sandal smack in the middle of it. Unfazed by the situation he handed over the shirt without an apology and didn't offer to hold his weapons. But this wasn't because of his rudeness, instead he figured the short-tempered elf would be extra uncomfortable if he waltzed into camp flaunting his weapons.

Shyc stopped fumbling around when Kenji offered the lost shirt. With a sigh, he took it resigning to the fact that he would have to wash it. Shifting the weapons around he was thankful that he hadn't brought his otherwise it would have been awkward to carry around his and Kenji's. With that, he tossed the shirt over his shoulder and looked back to the camp.

"Well... here goes nothing. I hope he doesn't freak out..." with that, Shyc lead the way back into the camp site. Figuring it to be better to announce his approach he called out to Raze to hopefully ease the coming process, "Raze! Uh... there's someone here. He want's to come with us -I think-" Shyc muttered the last part as he came around the corner and entered the area where the fire was and surely where Raze was to be cooking.

"His name is Kenji, and... um... well, he's the one who had saved me from my daemon half last time..." Please don't go rage mode on him, Shyc thought desperately.

Kenji followed and then stood silently as Shyc explained his story to the scary elf. He then nodded and bowed, hoping to earn Raze's acceptance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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There's a reason why people are required to eat if they want to survive. For each action one might take, energy is used up and returned to the world in one way or another. There is nothing you can do to halt this process, for even the simple act of existing expends your energy. The way to replenish said energy is by devouring things and absorbing the nutrients. If one were to look at it on paper, there is no reason for a person to be picky about what they eat so long as it provides thing with everything they need to continue surviving. But people in general are.... odd. Razeluxe was no exception.

Today Razeluxe would be cooking some beans for breakfast. He particularly enjoyed such things. One could say that his favorite food was beans, and if there ever were any in stock, they'd be sure to have some. While Razeluxe was masticating away, he could not help but ponder a certain philosophical dilemma.

-- Do beans have emotions?

Some people claim cacti may sense human emotions. What, then, of the bean? They don't scream when you boil them, but perhaps some among them know how to use their 'bean'. Plants may be aware of the world in some unknowable way.

Under such a hypothesis, then even vegetarians would be monstrous mass-murderers. Brandishing their cruel, shining silverware, they gruesomely flay innocent carrots, chop their bodies into sections, and then consume them to the core.

....that's probably enough for breakfast.

Razeluxe had just finished up preparing some beans to eat when he heard the tell-tale signs of Shyc's return to the campsite. By this time, neither Sakura or the elemental had seem to have awoke (though Raze speculated that the elemental hadn't even gone to sleep, but was still meditating) and it was simply just Dane and Shyc alone for now. Perhaps they could speak more about his condition. He was still worried, after all, considering that Shyc went berserk and did not seem to want to cease the bloodshed back then. Hopefully he could learn exactly how to prevent that side of Shyc from surfacing again, as not only was it unpleasant, but it brought pain to Shyc's very heart when it did. So, as Shyc called out to him, he made sure to set his utensils down and stood up, turning to face the young boy.

Shyc was not returning alone.

"His name is Kenji, and... um... well, he's the one who had saved me from my daemon half last time..." Shyc stated as they stood, Shyc himself obviously nervous about Razeluxe reaction to the sight. He had good reason to be. There was no doubt about it Razeluxe wasn't exactly thinking friendly thoughts about this man beside him.

More like he tried to kill you and that was just a side-effect of you surviving the attempt.

Though he likely attempted such as a measure of showing respect, the bow the young man performed seemed to have the opposite effect. Raze's eyes narrowed and he shot glares at both of them. Shyc for being a fool and stumbling into an enemy when he left camp for the second time now, and this 'Kenji' guy simply because he wasn't going to trust someone who they had fought just days ago immediately.

"I do desperately hope you slipped and knocked your skull upon the floor at one point during your departure from the camp, Shyc." Dane began, not the least bit pleased with this situation at all, and so much was apparent from his tone. "Because I'd have to honestly question your sanity if this is not the case. You do realize this man attempted to murder you but a few nights ago, correct? He is very fortunate that Sakura isn't awake at the moment, or I would likely draw my sword right now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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#, as written by Siryn

"I do desperately hope you slipped and knocked your skull upon the floor at one point during your departure from the camp, Shyc.Because I'd have to honestly question your sanity if this is not the case. You do realize this man attempted to murder you but a few nights ago, correct? He is very fortunate that Sakura isn't awake at the moment, or I would likely draw my sword right now."

Shyc flinched, he'd been expecting something to what had just occured. Raze was not happy. He felt his face flushing as he faced the man whom he respected. Glancing over to Kenji, he wasn't sure what to do really, "Uh... I-I know, Raze. But if he really had been determined, he would have killed me when he had me against that tree, but he didn't. I don't know how to explain this, but..." he sighed. Stepping forward he produced the weapons that Kenji had given him, "He gave these to me. You can hold onto them if you wish, Raze. I know that at the moment I probably don't have the right to ask, but... would you trust me?"

Despite Shyc's expression swapping from nervours to, well, pretty nervous, Razeluxe's own face hadn't shifted from the glare he was giving out. Listening to Shyc, he thought the excuse laughable at best, but this was no laughing matter to begin with so he hadn't thought about chuckling. Instead, he crossed his arms and spoke.

"The problem is not me trusting you, Shyc. It's me trusting him."

That being said, Razeluxe did not hesitate to retrieve the man's weapons. Not that he had any reason to trust that he wasn't keeping something hidden on his person. Probably a joint. Anyway, why did this man even want to join them in the first place? Suspicious was probably the perfect word to use when describing this man. "What's his intent for joining us?"

Shyc glanced over to Kenji as Raze took the weapons. A frown pulled his lips as he regarded the man and the given question, "He doesn't really speak... well... anyway," Shyc dismissed the earlier event of Kenji simply speaking his name, "I suppose you could try asking him, I doubt he'll say anything though." He motioned to Kenji for him to answer the question hoping that things didn't get anymore tense than they already were.

Kenji felt a bit uncomfortable having Oboro handed over so easily. Oboro was all he truly had, and he never let go of the sword. He wasn't at all surprised that the evil elf rejected his offering. It was clearly the logical thing to do, especially in his situation. He knew his intent, but he wasn't quite comfortable speaking in the presence of so many others. He looked over to Shyc and stared at him intenly. Once again Kenji muttered a single word, "You." He continued to gaze at Shyc, wondering what his reaction might be.

It was definitely the truth. He had thought it over and over again and the only reason he wanted to give his life to protect a princess was so he could be around Shyc. He is kind of a creepy obsession of his, so to say. Not because Kenji is a pedophile, but because he can't get over the fact that this very man made him feel for the first time in many years.

"He doesn't speak?..." Raze couldn't help but let a sigh out of his mouth. This situation wasn't getting much better at all. Regardless of the fact Shyc seemingly forgave the man for attempting to put an end to his life, Razeluxe wasn't so kind... or was it naive? Either way, this man certainly shouldn't expect to get buddy-buddy with Raze anytime soon. Going from a crossed-arm stance to running his hands through his hair in a mixture of confusion and frustration, the young elf continud, "So?" he looked expectingly at Kenji.

Then Kenji said something... strange. 'You'. Without clarification. That was kind of odd. No, it was really odd. There was nothing else added to his single word, so what did that mean? Did he want to finish the job? That seemed very unlikely, since there was absolutely no reason to ask Raze's permission to join them just to try to kill Shyc. Did he want to violate poor Shyc? What a cruel person! And somehow, he got the feeling this guy had been striking through some of his posts. THAT MONSTER. HE WOULD NEVER TOUCH THE YOUNG MAN.

"It's not something I can really even accept by myself." Razeluxe briefly recalled Willow's intervention last time, when they had first met his ship, I mean, Sakura. Razeluxe wasn't for this man joining them, but since he honestly considered Sakura a part of this family, perhaps even more (not really. She has to work at that nerd), he ought to at least get her opinion on this guy. He felt she would realize the danger it posed to not only Shyc, but them. She'd seen what he did too, didn't she? Hopefully she'd be sane. Or holding a bag of strawberries. Or both. That'd be cool too. "We should consult with Sakura when she wakes."

"I wonder, why it is that when I finally find you, it looks as if there is no remorse, no regret, no guilt around you Dane."

Shyc starteled, whirling around to the voice, his hands instinctively dropped down to where his swords were normally, but gripped only air. His heart jumped to his throat, "What?" Shyc asked in return, he didn't like the tone of the man's voice as he moved slowly into the camp, his sword drawn. The young theif was completely confused, not to mention unarmed as this man was slowly advancing with his weapons drawn.

As he grew closer, Shyc noted that he had the ears of an elf, his hair was light in color, a little longer than Razes with cold dark eyes. He wore black from head to foot, a heavy looking bow on his back with a quiver filled with black arrows, their fletchings all black as well. Like Shyc, he weilded two swords matching in length and design.

The young theif moved, having located his weapons near his tent. Kicking up a sword to his hand, he unsheathed it and turned only to meet cold steel right under his throat, the other pressed lightly against his chest. How... Shyc was stunned at how quickly the elf had moved. It reminded him of Raze's speed and agility, something he couldn't quite match.

"Drop it," the elf growled, "I'm here for someone else, not you. If you value life, human, you'll step aside."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Igari


The fire elemental had found a small amount of peace during the night, the camp was surprisingly homely for her and she was able to adapt to her environment well. The night passed by without much activity--though she had fought off the strong desire to fly away from the camp. She didn't want to go exploring yet--not until she got the hang of this "band of mercenaries" and knew she could safely part company from the princess for a few hours or so. The fire beneath her had died out around the time the sun rose. Her body resumed its' more human appearance, caramel skin coating the inky blackness, her hair faded to long, brown curls.

It was the sound that snapped her consciousness back into her body. Fotiá opened her eyes, glancing around the camp as she became more coherent to the physical realm. Hm, a few heads were missing. The princess was still sleeping several feet away but the elf leader had vanished, as had the wide-eyed one. And the lizard was also gone. She was touched more by the disappearance of the lizard. She had wanted to pet him. And hopefully not light him on fire. That happened sometimes when she was excited about something.

Where were they? The elemental got up slowly, dusting herself off and half-wondering if it would be appropriate to don clothes again. An inconvenience and an act that would definitely slow her down--but apparently, socialization with these flesh creatures required some form of... "decency". With a heavy sigh, she bent over, picking her clothes up and re-arranging them on to her body. With her cutlasses comfortably hanging from her sides, she debated if she should wake the princess. Hmmmm. The sounds resembled the clash of metal, perhaps a battle was taking place? Wait.

The queen had given her very specific orders to ensure Sakura's safety. And logic told her that the sounds of battle and missing mercenaries meant a fight was most definitely happening and perhaps the antagonizers were after the princess. Well, they wouldn't be getting the upperhand this round. Fotiá leaned over, carefully reaching underneath the princess' slender form and pulling the woman up on to her back. She adjusted Sakura's weight, making sure to keep one hand free so that she could keep her one of her cutlasses at the ready.

With Plume in hand and the princess balanced on her back, the elemental walked through the camp, the sounds getting progressively louder. It took a few minutes but as she reached another clearing, she spied the elf leader, embroiled in battle with another being. Was that... another elf? What were they doing fighting their own kind? The two men clashed weapons and even the elemental felt a small amount of interest in the battle. It seemed as though they were evenly matched.

A quick glance to her right showed her where the wide-eyed one had wandered off to... but there was a strange man standing next to him. What. What was with all these bizarre appearances. This wasn't even mentioned in the job description. These material beings were so erratic. How on earth did they all survive, crammed into living spaces and squabbling over land? Her annoyance was very clear on her face. Was this even worth getting involved with? Her task was only to protect the princess, not bother with all the other side... business.

... But the princess did seem fond of the elven leader. And she... supposed that if the leader was hurt, then the princess would be sad and that would slow down their journey. Because if there was something she had learned pretty fast, it was that women could cry for hours and hours, shedding those disgusting water particles from their eyes and potentially flooding rooms. And that was absolutely revolting. She didn't want to deal with any more water than she had to. That came with the risk of her human form... best not to think about something that wasn't happening presently.

She readied her blade, projecting her voice to reach the others. "I'm not sure what form of extended play date this is, but it'd be wonderful if you could finish this up quickly so that we could continue on our way. Also," The elemental wasn't pulling any punches and narrowed her eyes into slits, gesturing towards the other stranger. "Is he a joining us or are we doing the stabbing thing? You material creatures take life in order to get rid of obstacles, right?" At least, that was what the mages had taught her. And killing never took long anyway. And the less distractions that there were, the faster they could depart from the campsite.

Yes. She could stab the stranger, the leader could stab the man he was fighting. The fungus would overtake the soon-to-be deceased bodies, and then they would be that much closer to getting to Truell. Riveting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Siryn

She felt warm hands around her body, but she didn't think to open her eyes and see what was going on. Things were so peaceful and quiet, she probably could have slept for quite a while longer. Sakura gave a soft moan as she was slowly moved around from her resting place. She hardly thought about it as she was put upon someones back, her head lulling against the other persons. Silky hair that smelt like campfire brushed her nose.

She was still lost in her dream as she mumbled slightly. The group of mercenaries was surrounding her and she was enjoying every bit of it as they ate next to the fire. Her heart was settled finally, no stress or anxiety filled her. She was happy. Truly happy.

That was until she heard a loud sound. The ring of steel filled the air, cutting sharply into her peaceful dreaming. Slowly, drowsily, she opened her eyes and found herself up on the back of the woman whom her mother had ordered to protect her. Her mind wasn't quite working properly so she couldn't figure out how she'd gotten there in the first place. Sakura yawned lightly, until her gaze fell on the chaos before her.

Instantly her heart leapt into a race and she gasped in a sharp breath, "Raze!" her cry for him might have startled the woman holding her, but she didn't care.

Squirming out of the woman's grasp she dropped down to her feet and took off running towards him, careless to her own safety as the other elf's gaze locked on her. He was dark, a threat to someone she cared about and she could see the blood lightly coating Raze's face and arm. He's wounded! she thought frantically as she ran. Her thoughts were only of getting to him before anything more happened.

Shyc, however, quickly stepped in and grabbed her around the waist, keeping her from getting to his side. She struggled against the young man fiercely, "Shyc! Let go! Let me help him! Raze!"

"No! You can't! You'll get hurt or worse! You just can't!" Shyc said to her, trying to still her from struggling so much.

The other elf's gaze gave her a cold chill that spread across her entire frame. Slowly he turned back to Raze, his dark eyes narrowing to mere slits. It looked as if he meant to kill Razeluxe and this scared Sakura. Her heart pounded hard with the terror that flooded her and she dropped, feeling the sudden well of pain in her chest.

"Sakura!" Shyc's alarmed voice cried out to her as she suddenly went limp in his grasp.

"Shyc..." reaching out she gripped his arm tightly, tears in her eyes as she fought off the growing pain, "Help him, please. That man mean's to kill him! Don't let that happen, please!" she cried, once again cursing herself for how useless she really was.


Shyc watched in awe as the two elves fought furiously. Both dealt blows to one another that weren't crippling, but had it been any other person certainly would have ended the fight. His heart was pounding hard in his chest as the young thief watched the fight unfold. The full blooded elf was certainly enraged about something, whatever that was Shyc wasn't sure he really wanted to know. Eitherway, though, he was threatening someone that the half daemon cared for. It didn't matter what the past was like, he knew Raze as he was now and he wasn't about to let anyone else kill the man, to take him away from Shyc who looked up to Raze so much.

Then the inevitable happened. The woman who had lit herself on fire the night before came into the picture. With her, she was carrying a slowly waking Sakura. His heart plunged to the depths of his soul as he watched the young woman wake up.

"I'm not sure what form of extended play date this is, but it'd be wonderful if you could finish this up quickly so that we could continue on our way. Also, is he a joining us or are we doing the stabbing thing? You material creatures take life in order to get rid of obstacles, right?"

"No! We're not killing him!" Shyc immediately answered, stepping up near Kenji so that Fotiá knew exactly who he was talking about. Pointing his finger towards the elf whom Raze had called 'Iriyn' he shouted, "But him we can kill."

Then Sakura's voice filled the air as she realized what was happening. His eyes grew wide as she freed herself from the woman's grasp and sprinted towards Raze in fear. The young thief moved, faster than she was, he all but tackled her to keep her from interrupting the fight that was going to start again soon. Shyc could feel the tension growing as well as feel the murderous gaze as it settled on Sakura and himself. He could almost read the thoughts in the full blooded elf's gaze as he watched the young woman.

Sakura pleaded to him then after dropping and giving him a heart attack. Is this the illness? She looks like she's in pain! he thought frantically, his face loosing it's color as he stared down at her. Even with her body as it was, she could only worry about someone else. He nodded to her, "I will," he reassured her.

Turning, he looked around the area for Raze's shield. Though he'd been fighting well enough without it, Shyc knew that Raze would be far better if he had it. When he spotted it, he sprinted for it, leaving Sakura to her fire guardian -or so he hoped-.

Iriyn's voice filled the air as Shyc made his way to the shield, "You know, I'm glad that you did not fall so easily, Dane. I would have been severely disappointed if I'd killed you so quickly. This makes things so much more worthy, don't you think?

The elf paused for a moment, his gaze growing darker once again and his laugh falling into a deep scowl, "For some, exile was enough. But for me, it wasn't. You took away everything, Razeluxe. Do you remember? My sister, my family, the clan was destroyed because of you! Do you remember her, Dane! Do you remember my sister? She was only a child, she used to cling to you and call you 'brother'! Do you think that being exiled is enough for such an atrocity as that!?"

Iriyn's words were piercing as he screamed them. Right after, he lunged at Raze once again, his weapons ready for another round. Shyc reached the shield and grasped it, rolling over it as he'd dived for it. Coming back up to his feet he watched as the other elf closed the distance between them so quickly. Shyc's heart was pounding hard as he moved to get closer in order to give Raze his shield.

"Perhaps I can repay you in a different way," Iriyn's gaze shifted from Raze to Sakura still on the ground. Swiftly moving from the half elf, he made for her who gasped and watched in fear.

Shyc yelled then prepared the shield as he was closer to Raze than to her, "Raze!" he shouted then threw the heavy piece of metal hoping that the elf would get it in time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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Yay for dramatic pictures ;3 It's foreshadowing things <3

"We should consult with Sakura when she wakes." Kenji thought to himself, I believe that's the princess, sounds reasonable I suppose. Then Kenji's ears twitched as he heard a slight sound behind him. His hearing never seemed to fail him.

"I wonder, why it is that when I finally find you, it looks as if there is no remorse, no regret, no guilt around you Dane."

Kenji looked over to the frazzled Shyc, then followed him and turned to meet eyes with the threatening voice behind him. Great, another elf. The man's pointed ears and dark eyes gave away his species. Kenji grew confused at the statement the mysterious man made. Who was Dane? Perhaps the elf lost his way and confused someone for being a person he was clearly attempting to kill, due to the fact his weapons were drawn. Although the man's eyes were definitely focused on Raze with a certain look that seemed to be lust for vengeance.

Shyc made some sudden movements towards his weapons that were greeted by the enemy holding him up by knife point. When this turn of events occurred, Kenji had some abnormal reactions. As soon as the elf's blade came into contact with Shyc's throat, Kenji stepped forward almost as if he was worried that his new lovely man was being threatened. Unfortunately he stopped as he knew he was defenseless and also the sad truth that if he stepped closer, the new actually scary elf would most likely end Shyc right then and there.

"...Iriyn...?" Raze clarified that him and this newcomer had past relations, and now there was a name to the face. Then after a quick exchange of words and poor Shyc being man-handled, the two elves erupted into battle. Kenji watched closely at their techniques and took them into consideration for future battles between him and another. He decided not to intervene as he understood the emotional concept of vengeance very well. Nothing would get in Iriyn's way so why try? Plus he was sort of disarmed at the moment, his weapons being too close to the battle that he would most likely be stopped in the process of venturing to Oboro. Quite some blood was being spilled between the two fighters, they were clearly evenly matched.

Unsurprisingly, the new woman and the princess approached the scene, most likely due to the disturbing clashing steel sounds. The princess seemed to remain in slumber as she was carried from the tents in the camp site. Kenji figured this would be no good as they all seemed to have emotional connections with each other. Well, for sure the princess and Raze as they seemed to have inappropriately rough housed earlier, from what Kenji was seeing... Once again, another threat was delivered to Kenji as the green eyed woman approached. His eyes moved to Shyc as he awaited his response, and to his surprise it seemed as though he was trying to protect Kenji, stepping in front of him and all. All of a sudden Kenji felt a little ache in his chest, like his heart... wait for it...skipped a beat. (*Cue the aww sound effect*)

Kenji distracted by this odd new sensation, didn't acknowledge the princess' awaking, leading her to cause another unneeded commotion. Thankfully enough, Shyc grabbed her just in time before she committed suicide, running into a battle unarmed like that. Kenji glanced over to the princess as she seemed to be weakened and now on the floor unguarded as Shyc finally decided to intervene. Then as he ran towards Raze's shield the Iriyn guy seemed to see an opportunity.

"Perhaps I can repay you in a different way." Kenji's eyes suddenly darted to the elf as he began running towards Sakura. Time seemed to slow down as he decided what he could do. I can't let her die. They'll never let me into the group then... I have to do something drastic. No weapons. All I have is my body. Okay. Without another thought Kenji started barreling towards the elf and his swords and at the last second he extended his arms and side tackled the man right as he was about to reach the helpless princess. They both came tumbling down to the ground, the two blades marking Kenji's body with several slashes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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Although the typical situation would have had Razeluxe sharing the elemental's desire to head to Truell as soon as was physically possible, the battle before him was not only a difficult one, but a personal one as well. One might call it a 'blast from the past', but it was really more like a nightmare; anything to do with that village could only resurface undesireable memorie. Dane never let his eyes wander from Iriyn.

Before the two elves could reengage on each other, more voices began appearing to have joined the scene. One particularly disinterested voice belonged to the very girl that had been suspected of being an elemental being. And, just shortly after she had finished speaking, the panicked voice of a young princess caught his ear. Iriyn glanced over towards her, and then back at Razeluxe with a glare that betrayed the other elf's intentions were he to succeed in defeating Raze. Then again, the rest of the camp was here in that case, so he might have felt safer had it not been for the fact this elf wouldn't just find a way past numbers. The clan was resourceful, which is why Raze had made it out of so many different situations before, but.... well, now that might come back to bite him in the ass.

No, he simply just needed to beat Iriyn here and now, then there'd be no worries. As long as he didn't die....

"For some, exile was enough. But for me, it wasn't. You took away everything, Razeluxe. Do you remember?"

For as long as he had been 'Razeluxe', people knew he was not prone to emotional outbursts, angst, or sorrow. Well, so it had seemed. He was no devoid of emotion as it would appear, and those closest to him could tell he was quite the tsundere, never really wanting to seem like a good person. Small acts of kindness weren't unfamiliar to him, and he typically tried to factor in everyone's opinion on things when events had to become democratic. That being said, he would always try to downplay what he had done with his usual blank expression. "I don't care much for potatoes, so take mine" even though he happened to be very fond of them. "Go ahead, I can simply use my fire magic to warm myself up. The blanket's yours." Since his abilities were limited to empowering something with an element, they did not work that way, and he wouldn't mind spending a cold night or two if it helped anyone, hiding signs of a cold the next day. He was stubborn that way, and there were also times when he was sad, angry, or even happy, but he went out of his way to hide all signs of this if it were possible.

Because showing anything but regret was forbidden to him. Yet lately, things had been changing. He remembered spending time with their newest member, even smiling on occasion. He also nearly had a heart attack when he learned who Sakura was, simply because he was that worried Shyc and the others might be harmed. He wasn't doing a great job of remembering what he had done as of late, and that's why Iriyn's words managed to strike up a pressure in his chest: the guilt only one such as he could have.

"...My sister, my family, the clan was destroyed because of you! Do you remember her, Dane! Do you remember my sister? She was only a child, she used to cling to you and call you 'brother'! Do you think that being exiled is enough for such an atrocity as that!?"

The pain of regret pulsed through his bodies and showed up on his expression only briefly. "... of course I remember her." he worded softly, obviously recalling the young girl as he did so. It wouldn't be crazy to say that of all his tragic memories, this one was the most painful to recall.

Dane was nearly drained of his will to fight, but nontheless, he slowly brought up his sword to defend himself from Iriyn, who was charging straight at him. Unfortunately, this proved to be meaningless, as the other elf muttered something and switched his target to someone else: Sakura. Raze's eyes immediately widened upon the realization, and the elf followed in quick pursuit. As he so desperately to reach the young princess, he hard his name, followed by a heave, and was just barely able to grab his trusty shield from the air. Now, all he had to do was save Sakura!..... but Iriyn was much too fast. With the head start he had, he wouldn't be interrupted by Raze before he could complete a lethal slash on her. Knowing this, Dane still rushed to try something, anything, but it was going to be too late.

Helpless, Raze watched as the other elf brought his sword up to swing down upon the girl.




But there was no death cry. No, in its stead was the sound of tumbling, swords clanking on the groudn, and groans. Someone had manage to reach him in time and intercepted him. That person was non other than the man who had injured Shyc but days ago. The act confused Raze, and likely irritated his elf brethren, but that did not hold him up. After ensuring the young princess was no longer harmed, the young hybrid followed up Kenji by jumping to the scene with his sword at the ready, pointing the tip to the neck of the elf Kenji had just knocked down. "Shyc, get over here." he ordered, nodding his head towards Kenji, who seemed to be injured a bit. Having his attention focused on Iriyn at that moment, Raze couldn't tell if they were serious or not, all he knew is that he had to keep this man from trying anything else.

"Iriyn...." Raze sighed, a pained expression taking form before he continued. "So in your pursuit of vengeance, you've become no better than the one you wish to kill?" Since his target was Raze, it meant he was speaking very ill of himself, and he did so so naturally you wouldn't even know that unless you were paying attention earlier. One could say that Razeluxe's least favorite person on the planet was himself.

"You're done for now. Give up and leave. Even you should be aware you can't take on an army by yourself."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Siryn

Her voice gasped loudly in her throat as she watched the elf turn and streak towards her. With her heart hammering hard in her chest, the world around her seemed to swirl in nauseating circle. The elf in all black moved so quickly, yet to her it seemed that it took him forever to get to her. She watched Raze turn to chase after him but he seemingly couldn't gain any distance on the other. Fear gripped her tightly and she couldn't move. Again... I'm in the way again... she thought saddly.

Her gaze softened as she watched him, growing a bit distressed that she couldn't do anything about what was going to happen to her. Iriyn's shadow fell over her as he raised his blades. She was the only one to hear the man's words, "Forgive me, but I've no choice. He should suffer as I have." His cold gaze was dark, a look that she'd never thought any mortal being possible to have. Slowly she shook her head.

The sword came down upon her and her eyes closed. Several seconds passed by before she dared to peer out to see what was happening. She then heard the grunt of someone hitting something and the sound of two bodies hitting the ground. Looking to where the sound came from, she watched as the new comer had suddenly tackled Iriyn, keeping him from harming her. Her breath released, sucking in and out of her lungs rapidly. Every limb shook as she knelt there, watching wide eyed as Raze finally made it to her.

She watched as Raze ordered Shyc to his side, which the young thief immediately did. Her fingers clutched the area over her heart as she sat there, trying to remember to breathe. Her eyes watched Raze carefully, taking in everything during that moment. He seemed pained. Something was wrong. Not only that but he was injured too, even if it was light injuries, she couldn't help but hate the fact that he was bleeding.

"Raze..." Sakura's voice was shaking slightly as she watched him hold the blade right up against Iriyn's throat.

"Iriyn.... So in your pursuit of vengeance, you've become no better than the one you wish to kill?"

W-what? What does that mean? she thought frantically. Sakura tried to stand, but found her legs didn't have the strength to do so just yet. She leaned forward, her fingers curling in the dirt.

Iriyn laughed lightly, "Don't put me on your own level, Dane. You've no one else to blame but yourself for why I'm doing what I'm doing now. Perhaps I've struck a nerve? Do you actually care for these people around you? Or are you going to lead them to destruction just like you led those men to destroy us?" Iriyn scoffed as he lay there, panting just slightly from the fight and having been knocked to the ground so suddenly.

"You're done for now. Give up and leave. Even you should be aware you can't take on an army by yourself."

"Then you don't know what you're going to be up against when we meet again, Dane. You call this an 'army'? These are children compared to us. You and I both know we could kill them easily," he leaned forward, the tip of Raze's blade just barely pricking his throat, "You're life is mine, Razeluxe. Just remember that," Iriyn back up a bit before he stood, the sword following him as he stood.

Slowly he backed away from Raze. Within minutes he faded into the forest just as silently as he'd appeared. Sakura moved a bit. Her legs were shaking, but she managed to stumbled up to her feet. In a few quick strides she was at Raze's side. Her fingers gripped his wrist tightly, but not enough to hurt him, "Raze... You're... injured," she was originally going to say that he was 'hurt' but decided not to as it implied far too much. Reaching up she gently wiped at the blood that was on the side of his face.

"I can clean the wounds for you," she said as she took a step back to try to direct him back to the camp.


Shyc watched with bated breath as the shield flew through the air and finally as Raze caught it deftly, just as he knew the elf would. The half elf took off so quickly that even Shyc was astonished. Still, the full blooded elf was far faster and had a head start. The young thief cursed himself. Maybe if he hadn't yelled at Raze to catch his shield he could have caught Iriyn.

Shyc took off running as well, though he wasn't quite as fast as the fleet footed elves were. His heart lurched in his throat as he saw something else happen though. Kenji launched himself at Iriyn and took the elf down before he could cut through Sakura. They tumbled, a mass of limbs and extremely sharp blades. In a matter of seconds it seemed that the fight that could have prolonged for Gods knew how long, was over as Raze stood over his adversary.

"Shyc, get over here." Raze yelled for him and the half daemon obliged without a second thought. Kneeling down next to Kenji, he rolled the tall man over and frowned a bit as he examined the lashes he'd taken when he'd tumbled with Iriyn. Pulling him up, cradled by one arm and his leg, he shook his head a bit.

"Idiot... what were you thinking?" Shyc muttered, though he figured if it had been him, he probably would have done the same.

He looked up to watch the display between Raze and Iriyn. The other, darker, elf seemed intent on killing Raze, something that stirred a cold darkness in Shyc's chest. He tried to ignore the comments being made, turning away even and closing his eyes to keep himself calm. The stirring of the beast were almost too much, but he fought it back. This was no time to be letting that take over.

Finally Iriyn disappeared. Shyc let out a breath of relief as he sat there. Bowing his head over Kenji's chest, he finally looked up to Raze. His brilliant green gaze held many questions but he pushed them aside. It wasn't his place to go asking his esteemed leader a thousand questions to what had just happened. If Shyc had just met Raze he wouldn't have known better, but he could tell there was something wrong. He wasn't sure what it was his leader was displaying on his face... sadness? Regret? Hatred even? Raze had always been a hard individual to read, but Shyc was having an even harder time now.

With a soft sigh, he allowed Sakura's gentle nature to take over that particular subject. Maybe if they got lucky, Raze would open up to her. Though Shyc was starting to think the hard headed elf needed a push -albeit a large one maybe- to see what was standing right in front of him. Looking back to Kenji he sighed again.

"Alright, come on. Got to clean your wounds. At least they're not too deep..." he said as he pulled aside one piece of cloth that had been torn opened cleanly to look at the cut. Shifting around, he pulled Kenji to his feet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Igari


The elemental was none-too-amused when the princess slid off of her back, taking a stance in front of her and gesturing to the enemy elf. What was that silly human girl thinking? It was foolish to run into the middle of danger like that and the queen certainly wouldn't approve of such ridiculous behavior. If this was an indication of the way it was going to be every time the mercenary leader was in danger, then she'd have to work up sufficient amounts of patience for the task. It was bad enough that they could be attacked at any moment due to the... peculiar gift of the princess. It was made worse when the girl just threw herself into the fray without a second thought.

Before Fotiá could intervene, however, the stranger stepped in front of the princess, offering his own body as a shield. The woman narrowed her eyes, factoring in the fact that she had not been informed of this additional party. What was this man doing? What purpose did he have for defending the princess? And, furthermore, why did he seek to defend her charge? She was a fully competent guardian and she did not require assistance from any outside forces. She gritted her teeth together but restrained herself, for it did not seem as if there would be any more danger imposing itself onto Sakura. The elf seemed to be content with his threat and after growling a few words to the leader, he shrunk back into the darkness, leaving the group alone in the clearing.

Her head was already aching and the morning hadn't even passed yet. It was with this tiny realization that she quickly glanced up at the sky to double-check the sun's position. She felt a bit of relief, it was still too early and noon was probably an hour or so away. Plenty of time to re-group and then seek shelter for a few hours. She had yet to explain this circumstance to the group at hand but felt little desire to do so. The elemental did not seek comprehension of her being--she only had a job to do. A job that this... stranger had interfered with.

Sakura was quick to attend to Raze, the wide-eyed boy following suit with the other human. Was everyone pairing off? Why did creatures of flesh seek the company of others like this anyway? It was no mystery to her, the blooming of that awful thing called "romance" floating about in the eyes of the boy and the princess. While she did not have much of a tolerance for it, she was quick to spot it. It had also existed on her plane of fire--although those romances tended to be a lot more volatile and passionate due to their fiery nature... no pun intended. (The woman failed to smile at her own joke)

Sighing and figuring it best to get this over with, she walked by the princess first, sliding her hand across the girl's shoulder as an affirmation of being unharmed. She approached the boy and the wounded human, coming to stand in front of the pair. She adjusted Plume in her hand, casually hovering it over the man's throat and narrowing her eyes at him.

"I believe you failed to make your introduction earlier. I'm curious as to your excuse for intersecting with our party." The word "curious" came out colorless and bland. The truth was very simple, of course. Fotiá wasn't the least bit interested in his reasoning or, for that matter, in his existence. However, it would be important for her to verify his reason for staying, she did have people to report to and she didn't want her records to be incomplete. Besides, the sooner she learned of his rationale, the sooner she could leave his direct presence. Too many people confused her and all this lovey-dovey crap was making her feel ill at ease. And feel the strong impulse to fly away somewhere... though that was not a current possibility.

"Define yourself." She prompted further, inching her cutlass just a bit closer to his throat. "Or I'll have no choice but to assume you will be a hindrance to the group."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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Razeluxe remained wholly silent and unmoving as Iriyn backed into the forest, eventually disappearing from view, but certainly not from mind. While his appearance was sudden and brief, the hidden regret that resurfaced in Dane was not. Even after the figure of Iriyn was lost amongst the many many trees of the forest, Dane was still hesitant to even respond to outside stimuli, the painful memory of events long past repeating in his head.

"I can clean the wounds for you," Sakura claimed, backing towards their camp.

"Huh? Oh... sure..."

Not bothering or unable to hide the fact something heavy was weighing on his mind, he replied idly, slowly following the worried princess back to their campsite which wasn't far away. Because they were but a few steps away from the camp, they reached their destination in three paces. Although the mute samurai seemed to be hurt, it certainly did not appear fatal, and Shyc could certainly handle it. There was no doubt that things could have gone much worse had Iriyn had a sturdy head about how he approached things, or so Razeluxe thought. The fact Dane could hold him off without his full potential being realized (having his shield on-hand made things much easier and comfortable for the elf) was a new experience for Raze. It was quite likely Iriyn was somewhat blinded by the desire to avenge the fallen, which would explain this. But worrying about something like that was... pointless.

He had every right to be angered, after all...

"I believe you failed to make your introduction earlier. I'm curious as to your excuse for intersecting with our party." Fotiá spoke, and the dull way in which it came out contradicted her wording. Judging by her actions so far, Raze would assume this elemental did not find much interest in anything. At least, that's what her tone always implied, and with the minimal interaction between Raze and she, he shouldn't really be coming to any conclusions. Then again, at the moment, there were so many internal questions and debates running through the elf that he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings in the slightest. Heck, Sakura could be stripping him of his clothes and taking him for a ride and he probably would not even notice --- he was that deep in thought. But perhaps for the better, the elemental snapped him out of it unintentionally.

"Define yourself. Or I'll have no choice but to assume you will be a hindrance to the group." she threatened, brandishing her odd blade towards Kenji's throat. Things got a bit hypocritical from there.

Razeluxe did not move in any way that would hinder whatever progress Sakura was making with his 'wounds'. He had only cuts and scrapes, nothing serious, or so he figured. It was possible he was still on his adrenaline high and just couldn't feel any real pain because of that. Either way, Sakura did not seem to be panicking more than usual so he figured it wasn't anything that would kill him. The elf made sure to speak a bit loudly and clearly so that his elemental companion could be sure to hear him. He wasn't yelling at all, but simply ensuring he wasn't drowned out by any other noises despite there not being any real reason to do so.

"I would appreciate the chance to thank this man for his help before you go and point a blade at him needl-------"

Mid-speech, a certain memory replayed from his past, causing him to cut himself off.

"I would hope you could give us a reason not to slay you on the spot, young miss. Mercenaries aren't fond of stowaways."

Oh, well this was fairly awkward...




Clearing his throat after a brief moment of silence, Razeluxe continued, albeit a bit timidly at first, "A-anyway, you should listen to him before you point your blade at him." managing to recover at the end, he also added, "It's unlikely someone performing your job of protecting the princess is here to hinder our plans." Such words were merely there to parry any attempts at rebuttal - the fact remains she wasn't the one who protected the princess at the given time, and although the same could be said for Raze - and he'd certainly get around to beating himself up about that once other thoughts were off his mind - she seemed to take a great deal of importance in her task, going off of his eagerness to get to their destination in face of a spontaneous eruption of combat.

"Lets hear him out. We owe him as much."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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Kenji's eyes were shut tight, unwilling to open as he and the elf hit the ground with a painful thud. It was over. Kenji knew someone would be there to keep Iriyn on the ground, so he rolled off of the man and opened his eyes to stare at the clouds while the grass of the forest tickled his back. He didn't blink and all noise seemed to leave the world. All he could hear was the pounding in his ears as blood stained his kimono. Blood trickled down his cheek from a slight gash, but he felt no pain. He felt more empty than before. The last time any blood had touched his skin was seven years ago. A fatal mistake when he decided to take on an army of twenty worthless men. It wasn't even his own blood, but it still bothered the hell out of him.

Everything had to be clean, had to stay clean. He couldn't bleed or stain his clothes with the blood of others. That was highly unacceptable. Yet what he had just done was his own fault. He had just caused all the painful memories to come back. And for what? The possibility that he may be able to feel again? Was it worth it? No, he was stupid. And now the images of his father's and brother's dead body flooded his mind, the sounds of his shrieking mother as she was dragged away to be handled by grubby bandits. Kenji could never handle the red liquid, it always brought back so many horrible memories.

The clouds above him seemed to lose their white pureness and turned to a dark menacing grey. He couldn't tell if it was just him or if it was actually reality. Sound still hadn't returned, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Iriyn flee the scene. I'll kill you. You will wish they hadn't let you go. His eyes remained on the sky as threatening thoughts flew through his head. Then all of the sudden he felt warmth and his senses returned to him.

A light redness came to Kenji's cheeks as he realized Shyc had been holding him all this time, but it was really just because he finally felt the pain from his wounds as feeling came back.... Not really. Kenji felt almost comforted as he lie there in the mans arms. A sudden flashback hit him of him as a child lying in his mother's lap. She had told him a story about her father, and how he was a great warrior. Kenji had always wanted to be like his grandfather, and at this point he was almost better than him.

"Alright, come on. Got to clean your wounds. At least they're not too deep..."

Kenji wanted to lie there forever, but Shyc was more realistic and pulled him up. He usually wouldn't take the help, but he would take anything from Shyc... Yes yes yes. Kenji looked down at his body. The one piece of clothing he owned was ruined. Shredded and stained with blood, and who knew when they would reach another market. But Kenji brushed it off and looked over to the other angry newcomer who now seemed to be threatening him. The woman was holding a very decorative cutlass to his throat and the emotionless words spewing out of her mouth seemed to go through one ear and out the other for Kenji. He turned his head and locked eyes with Shyc as Raze seemed to be defending him.

Kenji was pleased that Raze seemed to have warmed up to him now. Saving the princess really was a good decision on his part, not taking the painful thoughts into consideration. At this rate, Kenji would definitely be able to spend more time with the mercenary he was so interested in.

Shyc turned on the woman as she leveled the blade at Kenji. Hadn't he made it clear that they were not going to kill him? Without thinking, he reached out and snatched the blade into his hand and pulled it straight up, away from Kenji's throat. Shyc hadn't felt anger like this in a long time. But it was pulsing, raging through him like a torrent and he couldn't stop it this time.

"I said we're not killing him, or threatening him!" Shyc exploded, his eyes narrowing at her as he moved and put himself directly between Kenji and her weapon, "You want to threaten someone, you can start by trying me," he growled. "So what if he wasn't in your damned orders. You're only supposed to worry about Sakura, so just worry about her and let me worry about Kenji."

He cut himself short though as Raze's words filled the air, calling for her to back off as well and allow Kenji to explain himself to Fotia. Shyc glanced back to Kenji, he frowned a bit as he looked down at the wounds. Small though they were, they still looked like they hurt and Shyc wanted nothing but to clean them to relieve any pain rather than stand there and fight over such a petty thing. If Raze was willing to give the man a chance, then Fotia needn't step in as she had.

Kenji's lips parted slightly at Shyc's sudden anger. He then watched intently as the man lifted the blade with his bare hands. What is he doing? Kenji wondered. Then Shyc started shouting at the woman and Kenji almost wanted to smirk as the lady was being put in her place. Shyc was being such a turn on. He then noticed the man's frown and wondered what was causing his sadness. Kenji couldn't really comprehend the whole situation. Raze's words seemed to be the cue to have Kenji speak for himself. Everyone was looking at him so he figured he had to step out of his box. Especially because he wanted to please Shyc.

His deep voice began, "I feel I would be beneficial to the group. I'm good at fighting and as you just witnessed I'm fast with quick instincts. My name is Kenji Umeki, I've travelled all around Camdiere and fought for almost all the kingdoms. I have no affiliation. My intentions are to work with Shyc and in order to do that I'm willing to protect the princess. Accept me if you wish or else I'll be on my way." With that Kenji gazed back over to Shyc to see what he thought. It had been years since he spoke that much. But it almost felt relieving.

Shyc felt his face flush slightly, be on his way? Is he really going to give in that easily? the half daemon thought worridly. Shyc shook his head slightly, but held his tongue as best he could. Raze would accept him, right? Even if this woman didn't, Raze would. Shyc wasn't sure why he was so worried about it really. Maybe it was because for the first time in all these years, he'd finally found someone who could put him back together should he ever fall into his daemon side again. Turning, he looked not at Fotia, but at Raze instead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá
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#, as written by Siryn

thanks Famished!

Sitting with Raze, Sakura concentrated on cleaning the wounds he'd sustained from the fight. The wet cloth gathered up the stray blood as she wiped it across his face. It was silent for a little while, but she was dying with questions. Something was wrong and she wasn't sure if she should ask them or not. Finishing with the small cut across his cheek, she moved to his arm, "Um..." she started, "Your... shirt."

While he himself had gotten on the elemental's case about the blade at Kenji's throat, he had done so much less aggressively than Shyc did for sure. In fact, just the anger behind his motivation for speaking to Fotia had even gotten on Raze's nerves a bit. After all, right now Shyc was speaking to Dane's god, and Dane himself was not really feeling happy about how he spoke to her before. Combined, these two factors caused Razeluxe to, of course, raise his tone, particularly towards Shyc. "Her worry is warranted, Shyc. Your attitude, however, is not. Don't tear out the throat of an ally, it really benefits nobody." Razeluxe was a lot more calm with his words than he felt. He wasn't some zealous, fanatical worshiper of the faith he believed in, but it was still somewhat infuriating. Either way, the leader of the mercenaries kept his cool as usual and that should be that.

Shyc's face went pale as he took the verbal warning from Raze. He often got in trouble, but this time was a bit more than usual, or so the young thief thought anyway. He bit his lip as he felt a blush of shame cross his face and he looked down. Releasing the weapon he turned away and stared down at the ground, but he didn't move either, remaining right in front of Kenji. He offered an apology to Raze though, because he knew he had gone out of line and he didn't like it when his leader was angry with him for any reason, "I'm sorry, Raze," he said and then waited for Kenji to speak, which he did.

"I feel I would be beneficial to the group. I'm good at fighting and as you just witnessed I'm fast with quick instincts. My name is Kenji Umeki, I've traveled all around Camdiere and fought for almost all the kingdoms. I have no affiliation. My intentions are to work with Shyc and in order to do that I'm willing to protect the princess. Accept me if you wish or else I'll be on my way."

If what he said was true, then his 'resume' as it were would suffice. Raze did not care much for Kenji due to his blatant refusal to acknowledge him a few days earlier, but if this man could listen when he needed to, then that should be good enough. And, obviously, saving Sakura earned the man a few points, so that went far enough to win Raze over, albeit hesitantly. "I am willing allow him to join us, so long as he listens and obeys when need be. I don't run an army, but I do lead a group. Some obedience is required eventually." he did want to know exactly what about Shyc had interested him. Shyc did not seem to be the most interesting individual from Raze's point of view, no offense to the boy. He certainly couldn't be said to be the brightest fellow in the bunch, so maybe it had something to do with his other half. Or so Raze deduced. Either way, as long as he didn't threaten anyone and did not cause disruption to the group, Razeluxe did not mind. He'd throw his vote in. But he could only throw his own....

"However, your joining of the group requires everyone's consent. I won't ask Shyc because it's obvious how he feels, and the lady who pointed the blade at your throat is technically newer than yourself to the group. So..." the elf glanced down at Sakura. "What's your opinion on the matter?"

Sakura looked between Raze and the man in question. Honestly, she wasn't sure what she thought. She recalled the night that Shyc had gone rampaging and how he was treated by the very person who wanted to now join them. Her lips pulled into a frown as she sat next to Raze. In light of that, she couldn't forget what he had just done either, the cuts across his skin were glaring proof of that. Even so, she was slightly unsettled, "I don't know, Raze. He did help though, so I guess it would be alright. I will have to learn more about him to really trust him though," she answered, looking back down at Raze, "I don't trust him. He had tried to kill Shyc before. I do, however, believe in giving others a chance."

"Then it seems he may stay." Raze stated, perhaps much to Shyc's elation. "Though if he does anything hostile whatsoever to the wrong party, then I will show no tolerance. I don't think I need to elaborate further on that matter, it's pretty obvious a threat."

Having said as much as he had wanted and his business involving Kenji directly being done, Razeluxe returned his attention to the fragile girl who was treating his wounds. With a small pause, she simply mentioned his shirt and with an even shorter pause, the young elf did not hesitate to reach under each sleeve and remove the fabric from his body, exposing a warrior's physique - a firm and tone body, riddled with many small scars in various places, obviously all from the many conflicts he had been in throughout his long life.

Sakura was slightly shocked at his near immediate response. Her gaze dropped unwillingly down as he removed the shirt. A brilliant blush painted her face and she quickly turned to walk behind him and tend to the cut on his arm, "Raze..." her voice squeaked a bit and she coughed to clear it, "Who was that elf?" she asked softly, trying to give her mind something else to focus on.

Upon hearing the question, Razeluxe tensed up. He was upset that it would be impossible to pass it off as just some random elf - the fight, the fact the elf knew his true name, and the hatred he had for Raze --- no, Dane, had already betrayed as much. If one were listening to the conversation the two elves had, they could likely piece together the basis of what may have happened, or at the very least, the fact that the other elf held a deep grudge against Razeluxe. Sakura didn't seem like an idiot, so Razeluxe could tell this was probably just a meaningless question to pass the time. Or, so it should have been. Remembering the past was just a very difficult thing for Raze to do when it came to his elven brethren. Taking a moment to himself before answering, he replied with, "My brother? No... I really haven't the right to call him that anymore..."

Sakura frowned a bit. The cut wasn't anything serious and so she had cleaned it rather quickly. Sitting back, she ended up staring at the glaring red wound for a while, trying to gather her own thoughts, "That man. He really wanted to kill you. I could... feel it. It scared me, Raze. I thought he was going to win, and... the way you fought.... it was different," she frowned even more as she tried to explain, "He... called you Dane. Why? Why does he want to kill you so badly? You don't deserve anything like that," she leaned forward now, reaching to touch his shoulder and moving just enough so that she could see the side of his face. Her heart was racing again, pounding hard with a flux of emotions that probably weren't good, but she didn't care.


It certainly had been more than a few decades since he was last called that. Who had said it last? His dying mother? Someone from the clan? Iriyn? It had been too long to bother remembering. All he knew was that at one point, that had been his name, the one his human father had given him. But he wasn't human anymore, for what creature with any shred of humanity do what he had done? There was none. So, of course, when he was branded with a title most befitting of him, he never did return to calling himself Dane. "... When you take everything from someone, they tend to hold a grudge, Sakura" he looked down at her with cold, nearly dead eyes. Eyes of a beaten, broken man. Though his speech remained unaffected, one could see the torment, sorrow, and regret in these orbs of his, clear as day.

"Your biggest mistake right now, Sakura, is believing I'm half the man I'm made out to be. There's nobody more deserving of meeting their end at his blade than I am, it's just the truth. I think... I've accepted that now. Is that what you meant when you said I fought 'differently'?"

As his gaze fell on her, they were cold, dark and full of feelings that scared her further. Sakura sucked in a sharp breath as she met his eyes. Her own eyes widened at bit as she looked up at him. She didn't know what he meant exactly by taking away everything from someone, perhaps he was saying that he had done such an act, but Sakura shook her head a bit. She wasn't going to believe that for a second. This man, sitting before her, wasn't someone who could do that so easily and with what she was witnessing in his look right then told her that whatever it was that had happened, he wasn't happy, or accepting, or anything of the like towards it.

"Raze!" she nearly shouted his name as he continued afterwards. Lurching to her feet, she came full circle to face him fully, grabbing his shoulders with both hands now she shook her head as she tried not to cry, "You are a good man, and you have shown that to me and Shyc and Willow and Dinan. You cannot say that you're not anything less. You don't deserve to die, no one does! And yes, that's what I meant when I said you fought differently. You wanted to die, didn't you?!" she was shaking now as she spoke rather quickly, her emotions flaring up in a bright wave, "You idiot! What do you think would have happened if you allowed that? Didn't you think about how Shyc would have reacted if that had happened? And what about me? Don't you understand anything, Raze?"

"Mercenaries always die in some way or another." he retorted, "You and Shyc wouldn't spend forever mourning the loss of a soldier, nor should you."

Sakura's face slackened as she watched him. The strength in her legs was threatening to give out. Her head dropped forward, long tendrils of black hair falling over her shoulders and face. With a soft laugh, she closed her eyes that shed tears now, "So... You are telling me not to be sad about someone that I care about, someone that I might even want to be with for a long time. You're telling me that I shouldn't care what happens to him? That if he dies I shouldn't mourn his passing? Are you saying that I should just accept the fact that you don't care?! About anything?" she shoved off his shoulders and turned around.

"..." Dane remained silent as Sakura's emotions began spewing forth like a hurricane. He wasn't so blind as to miss the implications of her words, but that wasn't an excuse for being so dense about the matter earlier. He wouldn't be surprised if he found out the others knew how Sakura felt earlier. That being said... he wasn't someone who could accept such feelings were they thrown at him. He'd lost that chance so very long ago.


He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I've accepted the fact that I have done something unforgivable in the past, and that I do deserve to die. And I don't believe you should spend too long grieving over me if that ends up happening. But that does not mean I've any intentions of dying, or I would've just let myself perish earlier. I apologize about what I said, it was a bit insensitive of me, and I won't try to place blame on anything but myself. Yet, do you really think you could even spend a great length of time with me? I've exposed you to danger countless times already..."

Her chest had started hurting again, her fingers curled up over the area as she stood there with her back to him. He called her name and touched her shoulder and she jumped slightly. Turning to face him as he finished talking and apologizing, she looked up at him for a while not saying a word. He had somehow calmed her down, calmed down the raging torrent that usually caused so much pain she couldn't stand properly. She smiled at him, despite the tears, "Of course," she answered brightly, "I want to stay here, I want to stay with you, Raze. The past doesn't matter to me. You are you, and I want just that. I don't care if we find more danger along the way. What I do care about is that I'm with you and no where else. I know you for who you are and I'm in love with that. Everything, that is you, everything."

"... So is that your honest confession?"

Sakura's face lit up once more as she looked at him. Her mind went blank for a moment as she realized that, yes, she had indeed confessed to him. After a moment she finally took a breath, "Yes," she answered, her heart skipping a beat as she answered. Now what?! she thought as a slight tremble started in her hands and limbs.

Perhaps one might be thrown off by his expression after she admitted it. Where one would expect a smile of some sort or tears of joy (though Raze wasn't that kind of person, so probably not from him), Dane had looked a bit more down than he already was. The fact was, was that he still couldn't just be happy with his life. He convinced himself to live for now, but being content with life was another matter entirely. So, while it was possible he might internally return those feelings to Sakura, well, he just could not accept them yet. He still had much things to do.

"I see..." he wasn't sure what he should say. Rejection wasn't something he was accustomed to. It wasn't like she was not beautiful, kind, or his 'type'. It was solely him that was the problem, but the line 'it's not you, it's me' was much too clichéd for him to use, and it didn't make things any less... hurtful. Knowing her, she would think there was something wrong on her end, even if he could somehow word it to accurate describe why he could accept her feelings, which he wasn't exactly able to. "... Your mother would murder me if she heard you say that, you know?" the only thing he could do now was... ignore it. So he tried.

Sakura searched his gaze but he had gone back to being impossible to read. She wasn't sure what to do as he told her about her mother, "My... mother," she muttered the words, "She... I wouldn't let that happen, Raze. I...." she paused, unsure of what to say or even how to think really, "I wont let my mother kill you, or tell me that I cant be with you. Is that.... really what you're worried about?" she asked though other thoughts were starting to come to mind as well.

"I tried to make a joke." he clarified. In all honesty, he wasn't the best at doing that, so maybe it wasn't so funny as he had thought it was when he was thinking it. Well, in any case, he was not attempting to quit his day job any time soon so it should be fine.

"Well, we should get ready to head out. We've got a trip and a cure to get."

Sakura was partially stunned as he walked by her. She wasn't sure how to react to what had just happened. She had poured her heart out to him and in return... nothing. There was a slight pain, and she did wince but she didn't turn to follow him just yet. Sakura stood, trying to figure out what she was feeling and how to deal with it.

Start Quest: Journey to Truell ; Another Mercenary

Sakura had three days to think. Three days of moving with the group. She had been bright and cheerful as much as she could be, but she was otherwise left to her own thoughts. Raze had seemingly brushed aside her confession with no real answer to her and she wasn't sure how she should be feeling. Truell was getting ever closer and the 'cure' that was there was the ending point of her stay with them.

Trudging along the road with them in midday light, she looked up to see the snowy covered mountain as their destination far ahead of them. Holding onto the reigns of the horse that led their cart, she gripped it tightly, wondering what exactly she was going to meet there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá Character Portrait: Amaunet
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#, as written by Igari


Fotiá was caught off-guard when the wide-eyed one, Shyc, made a grab for her weapon. He allowed it to cut into his skin, narrowing his eyes at her as he spoke up in defense of the strange human. What was wrong with him? What was inciting this boy to speak to her in such tones? Was it the power of LOVE? His actions were confusing her and making her perception of him a hesitant one. She never knew what to make out of overly emotional situations and this seemed to be one that she was bound from the start to misunderstand. Because none of it made sense. He seemed willing to pick a fight with her, he had welcome that possibility. And it was an offer she was now fully considering, if only to stop him from behaving so weirdly.

It was the mercenary leader, however, that provided the voice of reason, rising to her defense. "Her worry is warranted, Shyc. Your attitude, however, is not. Don't tear out the throat of an ally, it really benefits nobody." She felt an odd tinge of... something in her chest as he spoke. Maybe this was what was called "relief". While she had been gearing up for battle, it wasn't the ideal result and his interference had stopped the two of them from clashing with one another. Still, she could not say she was overly fond of this Shyc character, or the stranger that spoke moments after him.

What the human Kenji said mattered naught to her, and the subsequent conversation afterwards was of little interest. It was all just white noise to her. What mattered more was the consent that their leader gave to the very idea of traveling together. The princess seemed to share the elemental's hesitance but radiated that thing called... trust towards the leader and voiced her acceptance of the whole issue.

For the first time in awhile, Fotiá was experiencing something she had come to identify as frustration. It was the same feeling she had felt when she had discovered she was stuck in this human body during the day hours. The same feeling she had when she realized that her true body was limited here and her abilities somewhat diminished. This whole thing was just... ridiculous. And, perhaps because she didn't know what else to do, she released the boundaries she placed on herself, just a little.

She had been aiming to only burn the nearby plant. Just to see the familiar and calming flames for a few moments to find some point of peace in this whole ordeal. But she hadn't taken into account that it was nearly noon and releasing her fire, even if it was just a little bit, was a mistake during the day. Her eyes flashed for a brief moment and what should've been a tiny flame ended up bursting a whole entire tree on fire. She blinked, staring at the poor flora as it burned to ash in a few, mere minutes.

... at least this time, she hadn't caused a forest fire.

Fotiá felt guilt bubble up in her stomach, oh well, there went her promise not to light any trees on fire... She glanced back at Shyc and Kenji before turning on her heel, not even bothering to say another word as she walked back towards the trails. The elemental didn't want any more unfortunate outbursts and it was already time to seek sufficient shelter for a few hours before the sun's rays became too intense. She eyed the cart with most of their supplies. Yes, that would do nicely.

She lifted up some of what was covering the equipment, climbing aboard and nestling into a more comfortable position for travel. She would explain this later to the group. She made sure her eyes were visible from underneath the tarp, sending scathing looks at the sun every now and again. At least they would finally be departing for Truell. This whole side diversion had grated on her nerves and while she was sure that she would've felt more neutral towards Shyc and Kenji had the fight not happened and the strange human introduced himself more normally... as it stood, she wanted nothing to do with them for a fair amount of time.

She'd try to communicate with them later. Raze was right, the fighting was a waste of time and they were allies, for better or for worse. All she could hope for was that there would be no more distractions before they arrived at Truell...


With a playful smile, the woman adjusted some loose strands of her hair while staring at herself in the mirror. Now there was a beautiful woman, why, the most gorgeous of all women in the land. She fluttered her lashes and blew a kiss at her own reflection, warmly gazing at how her cheek bones were the perfect height and how her hetero-chromia was utterly intoxicating to the eyes. There could be none as wonderful as she, not her who was so soft on the eyes. With a bit of regret, she tore her eyes away from her own reflection, stowing the mirror back into her bag. She couldn't be lost in a sea of perfection forever, there was work to be done!

Amaunet had been traveling for several days now, not on foot of course, that would be plain absurd. While she was capable of walking, the exercise did tend to tire her out pretty quickly. Instead, she opted to have her lovely, adorable skeletal children carry her everywhere. Her little minions carried whatever she told them to, whether it be her bag, someone else's purse, or her own weight. Hmm, just a few more days and she would arrive in Truell! She was sure to make a rather generous amount in that city--yes, nobles always did pay a nice amount for such a beautiful woman to give them attention for a few mere minutes.

She was more than aware of what effect her appearance had on others and she used it to her advantage, especially in her dances. And she had prepared an absolutely divine dance for her audience, ah, the thought gave her chills! The only downside was that she didn't have a traveling musician with her so she always had to hire some bard or some sort when she arrived in a new town. She should really work on hiring someone long term... Or just charming them into journeying with her, that could work too.

One of her babies gave a squeal, which caused her to look over her shoulder. "Hmm? What is it, darling? Did you hear something? She gazed down at her creation, which vigorously nodded its' head and gestured to the trail behind them. "What on earth..." She trailed off as she stood up, her golems moving quickly to help her to her feet and let her stand on the trail. She squinted, at first unable to see what all the commotion was about.

However, after a few minutes, she was able to make out some shapes in the distance. Was that... a caravan? She couldn't count off the number of individuals surroudning it but it definitely was a traveling party. Ah, could this be what she had foretold just a few days ago? She had not been sure at the time, for her Eye of Ra had indicated to her that she was due for some company on the trails. This had to be what she had seen in the shifting sands of fortune. And they were headed in what seemed to be the same direction anyway. Perfect!

A traveling party was much safer than going at it alone. Not that she couldn't take care of herself but a beauty such as she was always in danger of being harassed. (She chuckled at a particular memory when a drunkard in a previous town had attempted to hit on her. He had not left with the ability to see, her children had made sure of that) And besides, maybe she could get some money out of them if she offered to preform! Amaunet didn't doubt for one second her ability to persuade others, her looks and charm usually took care of most things.

With a growing smile, she decided her best plan of action would be to set up a campsite nearby. The flames would attract them over towards her, then she could hash out the details. "Darlings, She whispered with a coy look. "I believe we'll be needing some extra firewood for our guests." Her golems all broke out simultaneously in the same eerie looking smile before burrowing into the ground to carry out her orders. Mm, what a lovely day this was shaping up to be~


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Fotiá Character Portrait: Amaunet
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn
Thanks for the collab guys!! ^.^

The camp had not taken long to set up at all, her little darlings worked so fast and efficiently that she needn't have worried. It had been a safe bet to make the area large enough for a modest group of people. Even without knowing direct numbers, she had to make her surroundings hospitable, that was part of the game, wasn't it? Looking the part. And she certainly looked the part. Mm, she had to resist the urge to look in the mirror again. There would be time for that in just a little bit.

Amaunet dismissed her golems after their task was complete, a healthy flame crackling a few feet from her. She didn't want to scare her guests and while she thought her babies were the cutest things ever, the various screams from onlookers she had gotten over the years indicated people thought otherwise. (But how could they resist the plumpness of those round bellies? So what if they didn't have skin? That made them cuter) The creatures buried back into the ground, on standby till their mistress had need for them again.

She decided to pass the time by peering into the flame, fire was very beautiful. She always enjoyed the reassuring presence of flame, and it worked as a great lure for people too, so she couldn't complain. Speaking of lures... she heard some nearby branches snap and looked up. It looked like her guests had arrived. And she looked perfect, as usual. She made sure to lean over slightly to give a generous view of her ample assets, making the movement look natural. After all, she was just leaning over to add more firewood to the fire, nothing too intentional.

As expected, she had snared her audience with her looks--though in this case, it seemed to be her eyes that drew him in. Hmm, he was a handsome fellow, now wasn't he? She wasn't the biggest fan of blondes but he had a nice pair of eyes himself. She glanced him over, taking note that he did not seem to be in a defensive posture, considering his weapon was sheathed. Excellent, this was going to be easier than she had planned.

"I'm sorry for staring, I've just never seen a pair of eyes with two different colors." She smiled warmly at him, batting her eyelashes coyly.

"I tend to get that a lot." She laughed off his compliment but didn't say anything more, waiting to see what sort of move he wanted to make.

"Anyway, we've been traveling without rest for some time now, would you mind if we stopped here for a little bit? I don't make a living as a chef, but I'm fairly confident in my cooking. Food'd be on us." The offer at the end sounded like something of an after-thought but it was much appreciated. She was hungry after all, at least he knew to offer a lady food in the first place. What a gentleman. Hmm, though she wanted to be careful, he did look to be a warrior. And those were more difficult to toy with then the average person. Best to be kind until threatened~

"That's a kind offer, of course you are welcome here. I'm taking a break from traveling myself." She smiled warmly at him. Yes, he was easy on the eyes. But she was sure that the other members of his entourage would be reaching the camp shortly. Well, it didn't matter--males, females, anything in between, everyone could be seduced. She gestured towards some of the open spots around the fire. "You can settle where-ever you'd like,"

Razeluxe was a hardened veteran of more than a few wars, fights, and battles. Thusly, he had developed as a person over the years, becoming more and more experienced as time went on. One could say he was a master in some degrees. However, of all the things he learned, the most important one at this moment had to be his innate ability to be completely dense when it came to anything regarding women. This skill, of course, activated when the woman attempted to use her charms on him.

Immune to the round objects that weren't her eyes, Razeluxe simply smiled in return. Being sociable was one of his jobs, despite his actual personality. It was a bit difficult to get information if people didn't like speaking to you. "Thank you. It's very rare to see a friendly face so far away from civilization." so saying, he decided to take her up on the silent offer and took a seat across from her. It seemed as though the rest of their group was still a little bit away. Man, he really was trucking it.

"Headed to Truell, I assume?" it was best to keep from being quiet for now, while he waited for his fellow mercs to join them with their supplies. He couldn't make something from nothing, sadly, and food required something.

Sakura had hardly heard what Raze had said about a place to stop up ahead. She nodded, hummed a soft response and continued walking. Though he had kept pace ahead of them for the most part, she had done quite well keeping up just enough. It wasn't like she had anything to really talk about with him after all, but she had grown rather used to walking beside him. Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to match his pace ever since that day.

So, when they came upon the small campsite, she was startled to find that he had indeed stopped. Though she hadn't caught most of what was said, she did hear his offering to cook for her. This woman was very beautiful, she had the most stunning pair of eyes Sakura had ever seen. She was definitely far more appealing than the princess was in more ways than one.

For a moment, Sakura stood statue like as she watched the exchange. She recalled her first encounter with Raze some time ago. He had threatened me that time... she thought, a cold sharp feeling cutting through her chest at the same time. However, here he was offering to cook for her and was that... a smile? That was certainly something she rarely saw from him, if ever.

Her fingers slipped from the reigns of the horse that she had been leading. The creature then trodded off a bit for a small patch of grass to nibble on. The young princess wasn't sure what to make of the situation, she was confused and there were several other feelings fluttering around in her chest that she didn't know what they were. Sakura did know, though, that they weren't good feelings as her chest was starting to hurt again.

One thing was for certain, she didn't feel like staying right there. She didn't want to sit and eat with this strange woman, she didn't want to talk to her, and she certainly didn't want Raze to smile as he had or talk as he had with this person. Sakura turned on her heel and made for the cart. Unfortunately she couldn't go very far because she did have something to do, the cure that her mother wanted, but she didn't want to be near them right at that moment.

As she turned she accidentally ran into Shyc who had unknowingly come up behind her. It seemed the others had finally caught up. The young thief gave a startled sound as she had suddenly turned around and took her shoulders in his grip, "Ah! Sorry, Sakura.... Sakura?"

She slipped out of his grip without a word and went for the cart. Maybe a little bit into the trees... just enough distance.... she thought and went between three of them, sitting down against one with her back to their makeshift 'camp'. She could still hear them, but at least she couldn't see them.

Shyc walked over to Raze and the new woman that he had been talking to, a little worried about the princess as she looked pale and perhaps on the verge of tears. He wasn't sure why, but for the past few days she had been not herself. He was going to have to talk to Raze about that he was sure. But when to do so seemed harder to figure out. Their leader had been giving everyone the cold shoulder.

Tapping Raze's shoulder, he leaned over, "We're resting here?" he asked, though he had heard. Biting his lip a bit he wondered how best to phrase his next words, "We probably shouldn't stay long... Sakura... doesn't look well. It may be the sickness?" he offered, lowering his words for only Raze to hear.

"She's been kind enough to let us." Dane replied, keeping the tone pleasant, despite the angst that was happening without his know. Sadly, he was oblivious to Sakura's situation since he was - and still is - in his own little world. The difference here was that he had to put on a bright face so as not to make their host feel awkward or threatened. And that's all it was; a face, nothing more. However, said face was a bit harder to hold when Shyc brought up their little literal princess. He selfish for wanting her to hold on until they'd gotten to Truell.

"I see." he nodded to Shyc. "But I think traveling if she's feeling bad is not the brightest idea." he, of course, was well aware of what was going on, considering he was likely the source. But even so, he couldn't really up and explain the situation. First off, it'd be odd talking to Shyc about it, and the rest of the group was a bit too new for him to confide in. He'd have to deal with it himself, which is how he preferred it anyway.

"Shyc, why don't you take a seat? I'll go see if Sakura needs anything."

"Sure," the thief answered and seated himself with the strange woman that Raze had been speaking to. Unsure of what to say to her, he sort of stared off to the left of her shoulder, trying to ignore how scantily clad she was. Not that he was into women, of course, but still. Sometimes it shocked him how the opposite sex dressed, "S-so... what are you doing out here all alone?" he said, trying to strike up some sort of small conversation.

Sakura had pulled her legs up against her chest. Unwillingly she had felt tears falling from her eyes down her face. Though she couldn't hear the words behind her very well because of the distance she had put between herself and the group, she could hear their voices. The feeling she was having course through her chest though was something so unfamiliar to her that she didn't know how to go about handling it, or how to get the pain to go away.

The pain was growing steadily and she didn't like how it felt. Sakura was going to have to calm herself soon or risk making herself sick or worse yet, passing out from the 'disease' she had. Taking several deep breaths she focused not on the conversation behind her, or the memory of Raze's smile towards a woman she didn't know, but on the air around her and the trees. She was outside, not cooped up in a castle anymore. She could hear the birds, the wind rustling the leaves and the lovely sounds of the small critters that moved about the trees. Eventually she stopped crying, and looked up to stare into the expanse of trees before her.

After departing from the company of Shyc and the woman (whom he had just realized he'd not exchanged names with), Razeluxe moved off towards where he thought Sakura had ventured to. It only took a few moments of walking through some trees before he located her, staring off in the distance. When he did the same, he noticed nothing out of the unusual, simply many different trees scattering the environment.


Dane called out to the young woman as he approached, taking a seat just beside her. It was too selfish and stupid to think she wouldn't eventually get to this state long before they reached Truell. She had, after all, been locked up in the castle most her life, so she wasn't the best at hiding or dealing with foreign feelings. But still, it wasn't like he could just up and make this better by accepting her feelings. Not when he still felt like a monster.

"...How're you holding up?"

Sakura flinched at the sound of her name. It was Raze who called her and though she didn't particularly wish to speak to him right then, she felt some sort of comfort in knowing that he had come to see her. Her fingers pulled together tightly in small fists full of her commoners pants. The princess didn't look over to him even when he sat down with her. Turning just enough, she could barely make out the snow capped mountains through the canopy of trees. The thought alone was enough to make her wince slightly.

"Fine," she mumbled, "Just... unsure." she managed finally her gaze still settled on the mountains.

Raze rested his arms on his knees, simply enjoying the scenery like Sakura was doing. He took in the sights for a moment, gave an almost inaudible sigh, and took a breath in before he actually did reply.

"You know, it's not something I really care much to do." he said, then adding, "Making someone cry. It leaves quite the bad aftertaste in my mouth, it really does." he was still looking off in the distance, not really paying the girl he was speaking to any visual mind. He found the swaying leaves to be rather pleasant to watch.

Words weren't really forming as flowlessly as he had hoped they would. Despite this, he spoke almost like he'd rehearsed the setting. Each and every bit of the speech he made was constantly being plagued with internal criticism, since Razeluxe wasn't really too familiar himself with speaking from his heart. Yet, he knew not paying complete mind to this would be disrespectful to the Queen's daughter, to Sakura, and that's something he wanted to avoid at just about any cost.

"I know you're a princess, and it's probably that exact reason I'm having trouble with this, but couldn't you find someone more worthy for your affections? I know people much more kind, wealthy, handsome, and reliable than some mercenary... "

"So my station is the problem." she heaved a sigh as she spoke, "I suppose that I should have realized. After all, it is only in stories such things like this would happen. Reality isn't so kind, is it?"

She paused briefly before answering the rest of his statement, "There you go again. You know, Razeluxe, if you continue with that, you will drive away those that truly care for you and love you and you may only be left with those that will use and deceive you. I don't wish to be driven away, Razeluxe. But it seems you are intent to do so. To me, there is no one more worthy, or kind, or handsome or reliable. I care not for money, I prefer the road like this. I prefer a mercenary. I prefer you, but it seems that you do not see it that way no matter what I say. Perhaps if I had different colored eyes or a better body, you may smile at me as you did a moment ago. But alas, I fear that isn't the case either. I am simply my mothers daughter, an important 'bag' to you, that you must take to one place and bring back again."

Sighing, she blushed heavily as she realized she had spoken probably far too much and let her head fall into her hands that were wrapped around her knees, "I'm sorry. I am just... frustrated I suppose. We are getting closer to Truell and with it the end of my stay with you, once again. I guess it is the fate of one such as myself in this position. A 'princess'. If only status didn't hold us so tightly in one spot."

Razeluxe frowned when Sakura brought up his smile, having deeply been disappointed in her for doing so. He could feel a tinge of pain well up in his chest at the implications of her word. Besides, Razeluxe wasn't really one to appreciate physical appearance, even though she may have sorta caught him with the eyes. But it could be worse, he could be one of those guys who was overly fond of breasts, and admittedly, the woman beat Sakura in that respect by a long shot.

Not that she'd ever hear him say that.

"You should not be so jealous of a false smile. I avoided twisting my face in that shape near you because we're closer than strangers, Sakura." he shook his head a bit to show his disappointment. But from what he'd heard when in the bars while gathering information, females did typically have times when they'd be unreasonable. If that's the case, then it wasn't her fault.

"But that aside, do you not want to stay with us? With me, or Shyc? Even now, I wouldn't break a promise to you. If you aren't willing to go back to your confinement, I'll help you."

Her heart skipped a beat. A fake smile? Slowly she turned to look at him from the corner of her eye. She gazed at him for a while without saying anything. Finally she leaned back into her arms, hiding her small smile, "I see. I'm sorry I did not recognize it to be something like that," shaking her head a bit she closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze that moved through the trees.

"I do want to stay. With you. I want to go where ever you go, Raze. I will follow you anywhere, if you will let me," her smile grew wider as he reminded her of the promise he had given her, "You should know by now that I would do anything to stay away from that castle. But what are you going to do now that my mother knows you have me and has ordered you to take me to Truell?"

"Well," he began. "There's a rumored cure there for whatever it is that plagues you. It would not be wise to forget that, so for now, we'll continue to do what we've been asked to. Having your situation get more serious than it already is is unpreferable. I am no doctor, nor is anyone else with us right now."

Hopefully this lead of the Queen's was true. If she were to perish in his care... well, that's something he was not thinking about, and it was for the better that he didn't. Right now was the time to think about positive things.

"Sound good to you? I can't protect you from illness, I'm afraid."

Sakura smiled warmly, nodding her head, "Yes, that sounds fine," she answered then laughed a bit, "You protect me enough Raze. If anything I'm only ever getting in your way. Do not worry about the illness, I can handle it. I have for many years, what's a few more days?"

She was feeling a little bit lighter now and her normal energy and happiness was starting to come back, "Don't you have someone to teach how to weild a blade too? I thought that was another promise of yours, Raze," she teased a bit as she leaned against the tree, her head tilting back into the back as she gave him a sidelong glance.

"I guess it's not much. If you can handle it, then I'll trust you." It did sort of frighten him when she'd suddenly collapse, so it was not the easiest thing to take her word for it, but if she was confident she could live for a few more days, then who was he to say anything about it.

Razeluxe did some idle motion to fill up some space before the next set of quotes. "That's true. You are kinda useless." he jested.

Sakura gave a soft laugh as she sat there, "For you to agree with me," she giggled, "And, thank you. I appreciate you're doing all of this for me, Raze," she said as she allowed herself to lean over just slightly. Her back was against his shoulder now, "I don't think your weapon will suit me though, I think I may have to ask Shyc to borrow one of his, they may be lighter for me," she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Fotiá Character Portrait: Amaunet
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After he explained himself, he tuned everything out. Voices behind him disappeared and the actions of others went unnoticed. He left his wounds unattended and began for his weapons. Being so carelessly dropped on the floor, Kenji easily snatched them up and secured them in their normal spots on his body. He knew Shyc wanted to tend to the still bleeding gashes scattered on his body, but Kenji wasn't in the mood, if he ever was in one. On top of that, the group seemed to already be preparing to set off to their destination once again. Kenji adjusted his now soiled kimono and craned his neck to the sky again. He usually wasn't interested in many things but for some reason the blue sky above always caught his eye. One wound on the right side of his stomach was quite deep, causing a lot of pain, but Kenji seemed to find peace and ignored it.

Eventually Sakura finished cleaning Raze up and they began their adventure once again. The fire girl hid away in the caravan while the Princess hopped on the horse. Kenji watched Shyc pass by then stood there for a bit, the others trucking on ahead. He then followed, keeping far behind the group, wanting to be alone. I'll find a spring to bathe in next time we stop. I'll clean the wounds myself. He continued to walk slowly and began thinking about Shyc. Kenji couldn't comprehend why he felt different around the mercenary.

Kenji hadn't been keeping track of how much time had passed. All he knew was that they had been walking for quite a long time. He'd been staring at the ground for almost the whole walk, his mind now empty as he had spent every possible minute he could on the stray thoughts bouncing off the walls of his skull. He moved his eyes to the caravan quite a ways ahead of him. It had stopped. The fire woman remained, but the princess and Shyc had disappeared. He picked up the pace a little, almost as if he was worried, but his unemotional face shot down that thought.

After a few minutes, Kenji caught up. Raze and Sakura were off somewhere, but Shyc sat across from some random stranger. Another annoying female. She had different colored eyes, which was quite interesting. But he still ignored her and the camp that she seemed to have offered and shifted his gaze back Shyc. Kenji swiftly walked pass him and spoke a few quiet words. "Thank you. And I'll be back." The thank you was for Shyc's lovely act to defend him from the fire lady, and the I'll be back was his cue that he was off to go find a source of water.

Thankfully he didn't have to go far. A little walk into the forest from the camp and wallah~! A lovely little spring. Pleased with this, Kenji gently rested his weapons on a tree stump and removed his kimono. He examined his wounds and stepped into the surprisingly warm water. For a minute he just let the water do it's job and wash away the blood, but then he dragged his kimono in with him and began scrubbing the stains. It was a pain and it seemed the blood would be there forever, the tears of course would, but the deep red seemed to lessen. He had to get new clothes no matter what, but at least now he didn't have to worry about being to filthy. Once he was satisfied, he set the kimono in the sun to dry then returned to bathing just himself. He felt around his torso to find wounds and found three. Two of them were going to easily heal, but the deeper one on the right side of him needed to be taken care of to avoid infection, Kenji didn't care about the scarring. He flinched a little as his hand glided over the deeper gash. He then though of what he could do as he didn't have the proper materials in the slightest. I'll ask Shyc later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile
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(Collaborated post with Qaida; Qaida would need to edit in the font color for Shyc)

Later that night ~ Camp base of the mountain

Shyc moved about the camp silently. The fire was down to nothing but coals by now and he didn't stir it to make it brighter again. It was warm enough as it was anyway. Sakura had gone to sleep in her own tent to his left, the others either sleeping in the other tents or the hammock as Raze liked to have set up on nice nights. The young thief took one look around and then went to stand against one of the trees that surrounded their small camp. It was at the base of the mountain leading up to Truell, the snow capped region and realm of the Ice King. It was going to be heavily forested and thus the cart wasn't going to be taken up the steep, dangerous mountain trail.

Though there hadn't been word of bandits or anything like that on the passes and trails, Shyc couldn't help but to be awake and keep an eye out as he often did during their travels. He didn't stay up all night though as he did after the incident in Duun. No, he would go to bed soon, but not just yet. After all, his thoughts were too clouded, there was too much to take in to really go to sleep. Crossing his arms he gave a soft sigh, his gaze dropping down to the forest floor as he wondered what they were going to do with Sakura.

They were getting close to their destination. If the said cure was there for her, then they were done with their charge and were to take her back to the castle. He didn't want to take her back. Shyc -and he was sure Raze too though the man didn't admit it openly or say so- was very attached to her. To top it off, there was still the issue of the elf that had attacked them back in Iverien. Iriyn was his name and he had called Raze 'Dane', something that Shyc had never once heard before. Though he was curious about that, he didn't ask. It wasn't his business and he owed Raze that much. His past was his own, as was the thief's. Even so, it still made him wary. He was sure that Raze had felt it as they were making their way to Truell.

Someone was following them, they had been following the small group for quite a long time actually. It made Shyc more than a little uncomfortable to think that the other elf was tailing them so easily. Biting his lip in thought, he shifted his weight slightly, making the slightest noise with the movement. Glancing over his shoulder, he took another quick look behind him into the camp before returning his attention to the forest before him.


Nahvariik, along with a small handful of Drakaani rangers, had been skulking around the borders of Truell, under direct orders from Ice King Wuld'drak himself, watching for any signs of travelers or the sort passing into the kingdom's outer borders. While the winds from the mountain rolled down, it hadn't bothered those of Drakaani blood, as they had originated from a much harsher climate.

They had caught the scent of others within the area a few days back while returning to the southern outpost, and had been tracking them for some time now. The small group had stayed out of sight and hearing for the most part, using the upper trees as their cover, while Nahvariik elected to stay on foot. As he observed the tracks the group in front of them, until recently it had been roughly the size of five and a cart, though they had seemed to gain another member.

Staying out of sight, the pack of Drakaani followed the intruders to a nearby clearing, and waiting for the perfect time to strike, Nahvariik signaled the others, each splitting up to flank and surround the group. Despite the eerie darkness that the forest around the mountain created after sunset, it had little effect on the reptilian hunters' vision, and the mountain winds betrayed one particular intruder as it shifted.

As the individual split from the group, Nahvariik followed him under the veil of darkness, occasionally shifting behind a tree whenever his prey glanced around. The group had the element of surprise in their favor, and after Nahvariik reassured that they hadn't given away their positions, he pulled his hood over his head before emerging from behind the tree and charging into the individual from behind, arms outstretched and prepared to tackle his target.

It was silent for the most part, but as Shyc turned to look back into the trees, he heard a slight sound, the crunch of a twig and turned only to be caught off guard. Barreled into by something very large and brutish he coughed upon impact and went tumbling to the ground with the attacker on top of him. Hitting the ground, he groaned as he struggled to get air back into his burning lungs. Dazed by the sudden attack he couldn't move for a moment. When he did manage to drag a breath into his lungs, he found he could move again and struck out at the one who had tackled him to the ground, his fist headed for the person's head that was covered in a hood.

The person on top of him was heavy as hell, constricting his movements for the most part. One arm was pinned to his side as the attacker had tackled him to the ground, "Get... off," he ground out between clenched teeth as he writhed around in an attempt to loosen the grip and free himself so he could at least reach a weapon to better fend off the heavy body.

Nahvariik felt a glancing blow to the side of his head, a lucky yet weak attempt to fend off the Drakaani, however he had repositioned himself in an attempt to prevent another such blow. As he pinned down his prey, he noticed that it was a young male, and there was something familiar about the person as he heard him weakly mutter something.

Then it had hit the Drakanni. The person that he had ambushed was Shyc, and where there was Shyc, the others were nearby as well. However, that didn't change the fact that they were intruding upon Truell's borders, which had unfortunately turned Nahvariik against them.

"Well, look what we have here. Why is it that things like this always happen to you when you're by yourself?" The Drakaani asked, releasing his grip on the poor mercenary. Getting back onto his feet, Nahvariik called out to the others in his native tongue that these travelers were old allies of his, but to stay alert.

Shyc winced as he was pinned down, giving a sharp cry as his arm was put in a rather precarious position. It didn't last long though, which surprised him. He heard the words that were directed to him and he had to wonder what the hell that meant exactly. Once the heavy weight was lifted off of him, the thief flipped over and looked up to the tall assailant. Standing up, he wrung his wrist slightly. Wait... he knew that voice.

"Nahv... the hell?" he asked softly. Rolling his shoulders to loosen them a bit he heaved a heavy sigh, "What the hell are you doing here? And has anyone told you that you're ridiculously heavy..." he shook his head a bit as he tried to get feeling back into his seemingly squashed limbs.

He had chuckled a bit, or what would've been considered as a chuckle from a Drakaani, before revealing exactly why he appeared from out of the dark. "Aye, I do apologize young lad, but you happen to be passing into the territory of Ice King Wuld'drak. If you and your party doesn't turn and return the way you came or return to one of the main roads, under direct orders of the Ice King I'll... have to dispose of you." he replied grumpily, hesitant on wanting to follow through.

Shyc sucked in a sharp breath, his fingers that were wrapped around the opposite wrist tightened. What? That... that can't happen. We have to get Sakura to see the King. He has the cure! Shyc's wide gaze studied the tall Drakaani carefully and for a long while as he tried to think of something to say, "Nahv...That... We can't. We... have to go there. It's for Sakura's sake. If we don't go, she'll die! Can... can't you just take us there then? Or let us pass without a word? Or... wait... you... since when did you work for the King of Truell?" confused he was rambling, trying to piece it all together.

The Drakaani was in quite a dilemma and had to pause for a second or two, thinking over what possibilities that were available. Returning to his native tongue once more, he called for a nearby ranger, and from the canopy above them, another Drakaani, roughly the same size as his male companion and armed with a bow, appeared. "Send word to the Ice King that I'm escorting Princess Dieriean through the old ruins. Also alert him to the fact that she will also be closely accompanied by a group of talented and well trained mercenaries, but we can deal with them when we reach the palace. Go."

The smaller Drakaani replied in confirmation before swiftly moving out of sight, as Nahvariik pitched the idea of having to go through the labyrinthine ruins that ran throughout the mountain. "Seeing that your group would most likely not last very long on the trails, I do know a much safer passage to the Ice King's palace, though you'll most likely have to leave the cart behind. It'll be dangerous nonetheless, but it's much safer and quicker than having to travel through the blizzards and other hazards."

Shyc lifted an eyebrow. Though he was grateful for the fact that Nahv didn't want to 'dispose of them' as he had first said, he was still slightly wary. All of the Drakaani around was definitely unnerving. Still, if it was a sure way to get to the King, he supposed they should take it, but that wasn't his decision in the least, "Well, we were planning to leave the cart anyway so it doesn't matter either way," he answered, also aware that the large lizard hadn't answered his question about when he had worked for the King. Frowning just a bit he sighed softly, "Anyway, you'll have to tell Raze, though I think he will probably agree. If it's our only way in, we'll have to take it. Sakura needs that cure. She says she can last, but I don't know how true that is."

Crossing his arms across his chest, Nahvariik released a small grunt. "Well, you should return to your camp. I also know that you picked up a new member along the way, so I shouldn't be too surprised."

Shyc startled slightly, but then relaxed. Of course Nahv would know that they had more than they had ended up with when returning to Iverien weeks ago, "Yes, yes. We picked up a few new people," he answered and moved to go past the large lizard-man. Stopping briefly, he turned slightly and looked over his shoulder to the other, "Thank you, Nahv," he said and went into the camp.

The warrior followed Shyc into the camp, making a quick hand gesture to signal the remaining Drakaani that it was all-clear and for them to continue making their patrols. It had seemed to him that the mercenary was the only one that stood watch for the night, as nobody else was in sight within their temporary campsite. "As for when, the... Ice King will reveal that when you're introduced to him," Nahvariik calmly spoke out, pausing midway in the sentence. "Unfortunately, I'm on the other team this time, so keep that in mind when you tell the others."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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Razeluxe never found himself in a deep sleep due to his instructor's training a couple centuries ago, and his own paranoia. As his hammock swayed very lightly from side to side, a small disturbance in the force area around the camp, too quiet for a normal human likely, snapped the warrior awake. At least those ears were useful for something.

He scanned the campsite quickly with his vision and despite not having night vision like a cat or some species, he was able to at least make out the situation with the moonlight which, of course, was that the actual camp was dead save him. But he could still hear something that sounded like voices, although he was not able to make what they were saying out. They begun getting closer and closer, as though people were approaching the camp, and eventually, Razeluxe could make out both the voices. He was moderately surprised at the deeper one, and for a good reason too -- they had just departed from the group a few days ago. Judging by the tones used, there was not immediate threat to the camp and Razeluxe quietly approached the incoming people, his footsteps naturally something swift but silent, this being more of a trait of an elf than a soldier.

"Alright." Razeluxe said quietly as the two finally entered his vision, not particularly wanting to wake the rest of the camp, though he wouldn't be surprised if someone had already awaken besides himself. He hadn't been able to make out any clear words since they weren't shouting, for obvious reasons, he was simply able to hear the tone and voices. "So it was Nahv that was trailing us? That's a relief." even if Nahv was hostile, Dane would definitely prefer him over Iriyn. It wasn't a matter of who would be easier to fight, it's simply a problem of his past he buried but didn't realize it wouldn't stay that way. But now wasn't anytime to be thankful your stalker was different than the person you really feared. You still had a stalker. "Anyway, what have I missed? It pertains to the business you had, I presume."

(OOC:Sorry for the poo post! T_T I'm fairly tired and need other stuff done too!)