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Shyc Regaile

"I swear I didn't bring anything weird this time!!! Well... except for that, maybe that was me... "

0 · 859 views · located in Camdiere

a character in “The Mercenaries' Princess”, as played by Siryn




22 || Homosexual || Half human Half daemon

Shyc stands at a height of five feet eight inches, his body is lithe and muscled from daily work. Brown hair covers his forehead, often getting into his bright green eyes that have a wild light in them at all times. He wears simple clothing, nothing to extravagant. A simple white shirt that's often opened in the front with a black vest over the shirt that he only does up the last few buttons on. He wears black gloves that cover all but his first two fingers on each hand, the heavy leather is warm and gives him a good grip for when he's lifting things or using his weapons. Black pants are tucked into shin high boots that are a deep rusty red in color that are worn out from overuse. His pale skin is unmarked except for three large scars on his back. When Shyc turns into his daemon half, his cheery demeanor changes to a darker, almost insane and sadistic feel. His normally bright green eyes will take on a very dark green almost black. In addition to his eye color growing dark, almost pitch black, Shyc's normally white straight teeth take on four elongated sharpened fangs, two on either side of his eye teeth.



Shyc has a variety of weapons and equipment. He carries two short swords and two long knives. Several knives are located on his person, one in each boot to start. The two swords on his left hip while the long knives are located on his lower back. Inside his vest are his prized possessions: his lock picks. All of which are kept together on a small ring inside the pocket. He has a large assortment of lock picks and he prizes himself in the fact that no lock has ever kept him out.


• Shyc is a great hand to hand fighter.

• He's very quick on his feet and can often throw his enemies off with his speed.

• He's also very good at ranged fighting because of his smaller knives that he can throw with great accuracy.

• His lock picking skills are second to none. Nothing is ever locked for him.

• When his daemon side takes over, his entire demeanor changes and he becomes very dangerous, a real problem with any enemy he'll be up against...

• In his daemon mode, Shyc can wield different sorts of magic. His two favorites are the use of silver fire that'll engulf his arms and whatever weapons he's holding, and to turn invisible for a short amount of time.


• When his daemon side takes over it's hard to get him to return to normal.

• His daemon form isn't particularly nice to deal with as it completely changes him. He's very dangerous and often cold to the people around him. In this form, he enjoys killing.

• He's weak to magic when not in his daemon form.



Shyc is highly energetic always moving and never staying still. He enjoys the company of his companions and treasures them all, despite his being a smart ass with most of them almost all the time. He's very witty and enjoys picking on his fellow mercenaries if only to have a good laugh. He can be very comical, especially when taken by surprise by someone. It would seem that he never takes anything seriously, though that would be very wrong. You only have to push the right buttons to get him to be serious. That tends to be anything to do with his small group that he's deemed as his family. Shyc's got quite the temper especially when it comes to his friends and he'll show it easily if provoked.

He's the thief of the group, though he likes to call it 'acquiring' and not stealing. Shyc has a weakness for anything shiny and interesting (interesting to him may be 'junk' to the others). Most times it's hard to keep him on track especially if they're in town and shopping for supplies. Because of his insane amount of energy it's often like trying to keep a young kid in line when in a candy store. Shyc enjoys running around and looking at random things, most times those things may slip into his pocket for him to show to the others later when they've left the market. It wouldn't be surprising for him to be blamed for the group ending up with random trinkets and other things (which most times it is his fault).

The thief enjoys talking, mostly to tell stories of the groups adventures since he'd joined up with them during the night hours and they're all sitting by the fire. Most of those stories are elaborated and he likes to tease the others during such times as well. During the story telling, he likes to portray himself as the sole hero if their group had been in a sticky situation even though it probably wasn't true. He also likes helping others, and is a good listener when he needs to be. Just like any other male though, if presented with a problem, he'll do whatever he can to fix it even if there is no clear 'fix' to the problem. For all of his joking and teasing, though, Shyc wouldn't have his life any other way. To have all that he's worked for taken away from him is a deep fear that he keeps to himself. That fear is driven by his daemon side.

Shyc hates his daemon side, and for good reasons too. He's afraid that one day he won't ever be able to be freed of it's hold should it take over again. He dislikes the feeling it leaves after he's come back to his senses and will often keep to himself for a day or so after such an incident. Shyc fears that should it take over, it'll kill everything that he holds dear to him. He's not entirely sure what provokes the change, though he knows that an excess of anger will usually do it, but there have been times when it wasn't just anger that had him changing into his daemon form. He does his best to keep his anger to a minimum though that can be hard when he's faced with certain events.

His daemon side is very cruel and sadistic. He enjoys killing during those times and it takes quite a bit to calm him. Shyc doesn't even know how it's done to bring him back to his normal self. Even so, the daemon half is very strong and can be a good advantage for the group should they be faced with a very powerful enemy. The only thing would be convincing Shyc to allow it to be used, which he most likely would not allow.


Shyc's past is very dark, one of which that he doesn't like talking about and one that he hardly remembers himself. His mother was human, that much he remembers. His father was a daemon, a very powerful and dark creature from the underworld. Shyc's father had wooed his mother, had her fall in love with him and then took her for his own. Of course the daemon didn't love his mother in return, he had wanted a toy and that was all. The creature of darkness left his mother as soon as she was pregnant, never to return again. Shyc's mother, having been love struck through underhanded tricks and dark magic, was devastated as his leaving and never knew the real reasons. When Shyc was born, he was born looking human, but with the power and burning blood lust of a daemon. Being so young, Shyc couldn't control the darker side of him and he was soon exposed to the small village when he'd gotten into an angry fight with one of the other local boys. He was shunned as a 'demon' in the village afterwards. He and his mother were driven out of the village under death threats -a few almost taking place- and relocated to another place where he hid his heritage. Shyc's mother helped him to control the dark power that he'd gotten from his daemon father, and he was able to keep it under lock and key for the most part. There in the new town, he made many friends and was finally happy along with his mother.

However, his happiness and the friends he'd gained didn't last very long. When he turned eighteen, the lord of the Kingdom he lived in had begun taxing the city under his control and started drafting the youths for his army as he was preparing to go to war with a neighboring Kingdom. When the soldiers came into the town, Shyc was afraid as he watched them destroy the homes and merchant stalls where the people where trying to make a living. Several of his friends were dragged into the street to be recruited into the army. Screams filled the air and there was so much shouting that Shyc felt he'd never hear anything other than that. He hid by his home, ducked down behind boxes and crates in fear of what would happen next.

It wasn't until the soldiers began beating some of the boys they'd dragged out to be drafted, that Shyc reached for the closest thing and rushed at them, angry beyond anything. He swung the wooden pole at the first soldier who cut it cleanly with their sword and lunged at him. Dragged into the small group, he suffered the same treatment as his friends and other young men. His back was torn open by a sword, the gashes deep across his smooth skin. Shyc could feel the darkness welling up inside of him and he curled up into a ball to try to keep it at bay. Even though he wanted so much to fight back against the soldiers, he didn't want to lose himself to the daemon and do something he would regret. However, when his mother came rushing out for him, he felt a stirring in his chest. As she neared the group, shouting and yelling as she tried to get to Shyc, a soldier turned and hit her with the handle of his sword, sending her tumbling to the ground. Shyc's body trembled with the sight and at that point he lost himself to darkness.

Shyc returned to his senses somehow and was surrounded by a burning town littered with bodies. It was dark, the pitch black billowing clouds of smoke covered the sun that was starting to sink in the distance, giving the scene an eerie reddened glow. He was covered in blood head to foot and shaking terribly. The feeling that filled him made him sick and he ran. Shyc had lost everything, his friends and his mother, all to the daemon inside of him which continues to haunt him. Shyc ran until he couldn't go anymore. He was sick that entire night and into the early hours of the next morning. Finally, weak and delirious, Shyc started wandering the countryside. It took many months before he didn't feel sick anymore, but his sadness and regret was still there and always will be. Shyc had ended up in the Kingdom of Iverien where he intended to just pass through. However, fate would have it differently and he found himself liking the giant city. Being alone for so long would take it's toll on anyone and with his nature, he just couldn't handle it anymore. He needed company of a sort, but he couldn't really bring himself to stay in the city all the time. Thus came the opportunity to be a part of something he'd never thought of before. A mercenary. It consisted of a small group of hirelings and they never stayed in one spot for too long. It was the perfect setting. Even so, Shyc is still fearful that one day he will not be able to control himself should something dire happen and his daemon side is released. He's inserted himself into this group well enough, but still he hasn't told them about his darkness, and he hopes that they'll never find out. Shyc has been with the small group of mercenaries for three years now.



So begins...

Shyc Regaile's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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The hybrid's path was obstructed by a group of unfamiliar people as he just shy of reaching Shyc and Dinan. He was able to shoot a quick look around what would be come the battlefield, spying what he consider a mage, clad in robes further behind these men, as well as his two comrades. Shyc was not deceased, which although his face did not betray this fact, he was certainly relieved to see. Dinan, on the other hand, was already beginning the slaughter, carving a man down within a mere few seconds of Razeluxe's arrival. The angel would do more than occupy anyone who attempted to strike the weakened Shyc, Razeluxe was sure, so it was left to deal with this group of foes that barred his path to their ranged threat.

Shield at the ready, sword in-hand, he was prepared to engage in this battle. There were not too many foes that he would be overwhelmed. Judging by the lack of intense effort (or so it seemed) for Dinan to cut down these men, they were not masters at combat.

The enemy made the first move, sending but three of their four men, with each of the men lagging behind the other by only a few paces. The first of the bunch, wielding a longsword by its lonesome, swung in a - to Raze - slow, vertical slash from top to bottom, aimed for the elf. His shield was raised, ready to parry the blow almost before he had even brought his sword up, and when the shield and the foe's sword collided, Raze's counterslash was so swift the poor man might not have even realized he had been dispatched of for a few moments. He'd used the momentum of the blade to cause the man to stumble, but then in quick and precise movements, brought his sword up in a diagonal motion through the man's throat, a ruby mist forcing its way out of the wound. Without missing a beat, he stepped back away from the attacker and brought his shield back up to defend against the others, the shield taking the majority of the bloodspray aimed at him. His first foe, possibly unable to even comprehend his own death, attempted to spot where he had been cut, only to find he was soaked from the neck down in his own blood. When it finally hit him, he fell like a log to the forest floor, limp as any corpse would be.

The other two, perhaps figuring that attacking blindly might lead to a similar fate, slowed to a stop before the soldier, glaring at Razeluxe with nearly palpable animosity emanating from them both. He had, after all, made fairly short work of a comrade and possible friend. This brief pause in battle lasted less than the span of two seconds, before the two men decided to attack him at the same time, one with a larger hammer that seemed like a fairly poor choice of weapon in these woods but with a larger build to support it, the other one with a spear and a slimmer body. Whether it was fate deciding to make this conflict a tad bit easier, or it was simply luck, another of the men that hard presumably been engaged in combat with Dinan, had the misfortune of not slamming into a tree, but his comrades, when hit with the angel's last attack. Had he not the many years of experience on the battlefield, Razeluxe might've been confused at what had happened, but in reality, he only saw this as an opening to dispatch his prey, as they seemed to have been knocked unconscious from the collision. He had taken swift but cautious steps towards the downed men, but backed off when the larger man rustled and quickly jumped to his feet. It seemed as though he was a bit harder to deal with than the others.

Almost as if entirely unfazed by earlier events (he had actually been the one who took the bulk of the flying man), he once again gripped onto his hammer after kneeling down to pick it up, grunting more in annoyance than pain as he did so. Razeluxe had kept his distance. A hammer such as that might be slow, but the reach was better than Razeluxe's, and it would likely be better to wait for an opening to close that distance than it would be to rush in and have his head crushed like a melon. The man, gripping the hammer with both hands and charged forwards towards Raze, bringing the hammer upwards like a crooked uppercut, to which he was answered by a swift sidestep out of harm's way, or so it might seem at first. A display of both strength and familiarity with the weapon, the man was about to even twist his body and make a wide arc with the hammer in a pace that was surprisingly quick for its weight. The blow, of course, was blocked with the elf's shield, but the sheer power behind the attack nearly knocked from his feet, and you can be sure his arm would be sore tomorrow. The two recovered at about the same time, with Razeluxe attempting to take his chance at getting in range for his sword. Seeing this, the foe decided upon moving his grip up the handle and making a shorter arc for the hammer to swing with. Unfortunately for him, not taking a chance to separate the two was a fatal mistake, as it gave Razeluxe the advantage he needed to end the man's life.

There was certainly less power behind the blow from the hammer now that he was much much closer, and Razeluxe was not reluctant to absorb the blow once more with his shield, only this time he put all his strength into pushing the hammer away from him, bringing the shield back to strike the man with two blows from the shield, and finally impaling the man through the torso with his own blade, dragging it straight up. Motions like these were perfected long ago, making this combo seem almost rehearsed, when in fact it was simply improvised. From the area where he had originally been stabbed, the man started bleeding and his eyes began to dim shortly after Razeluxe picked up his foot and kicked the man back with all his might. The man came crashing down with a loud thud, and it reminded the hybrid of a certain saying when dealing with bigger enemies.

However, though he may have dealt with these few, there were still some men left, and seeing this, Razeluxe decided to hop to his ally's aid to finally be done with this conflict. As he regrouped with Dinan, he noticed that Willow had managed to deal with the enemy mage. If he had to guess, she did not end that woman's life, as was the norm for the generous Willow. He turned his head to face his two nearer comrades, giving Dinan a nod as he faced him, then turning his attention to Shyc briefly. His youngest ember had most definitely seen better days, but he was not dead, and although he would never allow his face to betray this fact, Dane was certainly happy that he had not lost a member of his small family.

"The rest is nothing we can't handle, right?" he asked in a confident tone. There were less foes than there were a few minutes ago, and none of his mercenaries had perished. He figured this was warranted, as even these fools would likely be losing any morale they had before when the realized their numbers weren't enough to make a difference against superior strength, training, and cooperation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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#, as written by Siryn

"I apologize in advance, but I will heal all your wounds once I settle current business." Willow's voice was laced with her anger at the mage woman that had retreated behind her fellow mercenaries.

Shyc hadn't really paid attention to her words, too much in pain to really register her presence right after Dinan and Raze's appearance into the fight. His breath panted heavy in his chest as he knelt there. The young mercenary hadn't moved an inch from where he'd pushed himself upwards. The only movements he'd made was a few knife throws, and even those had been taxing. His vision swam, making the darkening trees swirl around.

The thief struggled to stay upright as he knelt there. He watched as the group of mercenaries was slowly dwindling under Raze and Dinan's onslaught. There wasn't much he could do to help and he hated himself for it. The entire situation was his fault to begin with. Shyc ground his teeth, feeling useless to help the others. It was a feeling that he wasn't accustomed to and hated every bit of it.

"The rest is nothing we can't handle, right?"

Shyc gave a soft laugh, "This can't possibly amount to how much trouble we've been in before," he commented back, "Except the mage.... I hate mages...." he groaned then quickly added, "But not Willow! I like Willow..." he bit his lip, wincing. Perhaps he shouldn't talk so much...

Glancing down, he frowned a bit. Willow was really going to chide him. His clothes were ruined, blood soaked through and through. It hurt to move even an inch but he dealt with it anyway should anyone get too close to him. He'd launched a total of five knives so far, Dinan and Raze taking care of the ones he injured with ease. As the fighting began to slow down, Shyc glanced around to make sure there weren't any other surprises. A gasp filled his lungs as a brave -or idiotic depending on who looked at it- mercenary rushed at the thief, thinking him to be easy prey.

Shyc's eyes narrowed and his hand gripped the handle of his sword on his hip. Drawing it free, it rang out loudly and steel crashed against steel. Shyc was knocked over, unable to keep his body upright as the deep gashes prevented his frame from doing so. Hitting the ground he gave a sharp cry, then a growl of irritation at the back of his throat. His blade shuddered violently as he held it up as best he could, blocking the mercenaries weapon from cleaving into his chest.

Moving his hand, he wrapped his fingers around the center of his long blade and transferred his strength to the other arm. Quickly Shyc's fingers gripped the knife from his boot, having to pull his leg up to get the weapon. He slashed outwards, under their weapons and right across the mercenaries chest. He could feel his sword cutting into his exposed fingers, the ones that weren't covered by his glove and ground his teeth. The mercenary atop him had hissed in pain, but hadn't move.

Knowing that he couldn't hold the man any longer, he shoved upwards with as much strength as he could and positioned his knife right over his chest, hilt pressed against his bare skin. Shyc's arm gave out and the man fell on top of him in shock at the sudden release of pressure. The blade that was scraping across his slide into the dirt just past his shoulder forcing Shyc to move his head or have his neck nicked as well.

The young mercenary lay there, his breath heaving, "Get... off, damn it," he ground out as he tried to shift the heavy body. When that failed he released his pent up air in a heavy sigh, "This sucks..."


Her heart pounded hard. She could feel the overwhelming pain starting to take over. Every limb was shaking as she could no longer control the 'disease' that was spreading from her heart itself. She hated it. Hell, she couldn't even hold the pole steady anymore. It trembled, and not from her trying to force it from his grip.

"What do you want?" she managed to push from cold lips.

"Simple. Come with me and I won't harm him. I won't harm you either. But you've no other choice, woman. A certain lord of this Kingdom has been searching for you."


The man gave a soft sound, "I'm not told details, woman. I only know that you're a very interesting person to many powerful people."

Slowly, Sakura dropped down to her knees, the strength in her body fading away. At the forefront of her mind she couldn't believe what he was saying. It was confusing, scary. She could feel her consciousness slipping as the disease took over. It had been such a long time since she'd felt this kind of pain before. The shock of the whole situation was taking it's toll on her. Fear, anxiety, confusion... it all compounded into one and exploded in an overload of emotions that she couldn't quite keep up with.

The man let the bar drop and it hit the dirt, bouncing back and forth on either end a few times before settling. He moved, dropping his sword a bit and reaching down to grab her upper arm. Sakura glanced upwards, but her vision wavered and all that she met were cold golden eyes before darkness swept over her.

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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The uge to defend another,that instinct common to those whose blood ran hot with a guardian's duty. It was the reason the Kamael faced the burdens thrust upon them by a Goddess of War. And it was why Dinan had left his clan and fought side by side with those who dwelt below the lofty home of his race. It was the cornerstone of his faith, the founding principal of the Dogma of Battle. Even as it enforced the Guardian's duty it also demanded the death of those who harmed one's charges and comrades.

Perhaps such a bloodthirsty code was why some ill trusted the one winged angels. But for Dinan the sight of Shyc in his current state was enough to justify every aspect of Mystria's law. And so he caught the swing of his latest opponent's halberd and wrenched it aside with a forceful two handed beating motion with naught but a smile. Inwardly though the Kamael cursed that the skyline was cluttered by the verdant growth of trees and other plant life, most of which was quite deadly in their own right. Ducking the return swing of his opponent's halberd with a splayed leg stance that left him in an awkward position that the enemy was quick to take advantage of. Swinging back and up the halberd user brought the pole arm down in a chopping swing. Blocking the blow by throwing Soulbreaker above his head with the length of his left arm supporting the back of the blade. The force of the blow was jarring to say the least and had it not been for his armour Dinan would have likely had his own sword driven through his arm. But bigger problems occupied the angel.

The force behind the attack had driven Soulbreaker's ethereally sharp edge halfway into the halberd's axe like broad head. Binded thus together the winged warrior knew he hadn't nearly the time to free his weapon before the foes plunged their swords into his body.

Deciding that crashing into a tangle of branches was a better fate then certain death Dinan shot straight up. His wing beating a furious tempo to increase the thrust of the climb. The forces involved proved too much for the halberd user and his weapon was sent flying. A corkscrew later the Kamael just avoided becoming entangled with the trees and overgrowth. Diving down sharply the angel landed directly behind the now weaponless halberd user.

A more chivalrous soldier might have shown mercy but not Dinan. To the winged warrior enemies deserved one fate, that of a quick death. The Dogma of Battle allowed for no mercy and Mystria cared not for those who bore weapons and were not willing to face death with courage. Thrusting Soulbreaker clean through the foe's heart Dinan sidestepped his other armed opponents and instead let the rapidly dying unarmed enemy take the two strikes of his comrades. Thrice struck blood blossomed in a fine crimson mist that covered Dinan in sanguine horror.

The words of Raze's bold declaration of confidence in their odds got only the briefest of nods from the angel as the enemy fell back a little from the blood soaked Kamel and the half breed elf's sword play. Now with the vast majority of their comrades dead and with nary a dead mercenary to show for their efforts they stood less eager to engage.

The Dogma of Battle did not allow the suffering of an enemy's retreat. And so indicating with a jerk of his head that the hybrid at his side was to take the right half of the rivial mercenaries Dinan swung Soulbreaker into a high stance above his head before charging away from Raze's side. Hitting the left flank of the enemy the angel blocked a wild thrust by pivoting the handle of his weapon and thus bringing the flat of his sword slicing in front of his chest. The point of the foiled thrust ringing off the soul forged blade Dinan shoulder charged his foe, thus knocking the over eager opponent into his few remaining comrades.

Ripping out the soul of his last kill out of Soulbreaker Dinan lined the edge of his sword with the essence of what was once the immortal remnant of life. All the anger and hate of a dead soldier caused the blade to shine with a bright red light. Details lost to the winged warrior however as he used the power of such anger and hate to cut clean through two of his enemies at once.

Twisting and spinning to avoid another attack Dinan was in time to see a body fall atop Shyc. Fearing the worst the angel beat aside the rival mercenary's sword and with his riposte beheaded the fool standing between him and his comrade. Rushing to the thief's side the Kamael was in time to hear Shyc's complaint.

Lending an arm Dinan hauled Shyc's assailant's corpse off him and looked down at the heavily injured though very much alive thief.

"I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you foolish child. "

The setting changes from Kingdom of Duun to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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Drawing a clean measure of water from her bauble, Willow formed the cool liquid into a small disk shape and pressed it against the burn wound on her shoulder. The uncomfortable shock of the cold water pressing against the inflamed tissue caused her to hiss in pain, but otherwise she was resolute. She strode away from the still struggling mage and headed toward the rest of her companions, who were finishing up their own battles.

She approached in time to witness Dinan hefting a corpse off of the body of their thief, lines of worry etched deep into her face. The worry softened a bit upon realization that Shyc was still among the living, and that he still drew breath enough to complain. Letting a relieved smile creep into her face she shook her head and spoke. "I'd suggest neither," She replied to Dinan, "At least not until after I finish easing his wounds." At that, she pulled the water back from her shoulder, wincing as fresh air touched the naked wound again, and discarded it.

Taking a seat on her knees, Willow pulled back her loose sleeves past her elbows and gingerly placed her hands on Shyc's chest. "Lay back," She suggested, "It'll tickle, and you'll feel a little tired afterward, but the wound should heal far faster," She spoke gently. She guided his chest back with her hands, and once he did as she asked, she began to work. At first, nothing happened. It wasn't until a moment later that a dull soft glow began to emanate from her hands

The glow was warm, like a ray of sunshine pressing against bare skin, and it had a relaxing effect to it if Shyc would allow it. As the element of Shyc's flesh unraveled in her mind, the process quickened. She began to move her hands up and down Shyc's body as she searched for and hidden or internal wounds, and used a mix of both their energies to will the wounds to close and begin the process of healing. It wasn't long before the dim light of her healing hands abated, leaving a few drops of sweat on her face.

She could say that she wasn't tired, but then she would be lying. It couldn't be helped, she did what she had to, and in the end they were all alive, and that was a fair enough price. "There," She said, patting him softly, "You should be able to move well enough now, but for my sake don't get into any more fights alone for a time, hmm?" She cooed tender before patting his cheek.

Her smile didn't last long, as a scream breaking her easiness echoed through the forest. Her head jerked toward it's direction, and immediately understood that it came from the direction they had came from. "Sakura, Yan!" She realized, throwing her gaze first at Raze, then Dinan. Her meaning was clear, they had to get back. Willow forced herself to her feet and darted back to where they'd left them. The mage she had captured could wait.

As she ran, Willow called small pieces of bark from the trees as she ran, shaping them into sharp stakes, so that when she arrived, a number of them floated over her head in preparation for an attack-- if need be. What she came upon wasn't something she expected, to put lightly. A ashen eyebrow rose over her aqua eyes as she beheld Yan unresponsive and Sakura in the arms of an unknown creature-- not unlike the dragons of the stories she was told when she was a young girl.

Dragon or no, Willow would not be intimidated. As the stakes floated dangerous around her, she gave one and only one warning to the creature. "Let. Her. Go," She said firmly her words hiding a tone of wrath should he not follow her oh-so kind suggestion. And if it wasn't clear in her words, the sharpened points of the stakes that floated around her certainly were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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It would seem as though any worries Razeluxe would have were washed away almost immediately after Shyc had made a fool of himself, as was typical of the young man. That trait of his was almost endearing. "You can apologize to Willow when we're through" the leader spoke, glancing back at their remaining enemies. There was not much left now, and all of them seemed to be lacking in morale after seeing the experience each of their foes owned. In fact, it was plausible they were considering retreat, but Dinana appeared as though he would not allow this, in in all honesty, after attempting to murder his youngest member, Raze wouldn't either. They had fucked with the wrong group of badasses.

Before he leaped into battle, tearing his prey limb from limb, the angel indicated that he would allow Razeluxe to deal with the right half of what remained of their dwindling forces. A small grin made its way onto the hybrid's features before he held his blade out before him. Because it was a swamp and the place was damp, he could afford to use his flame-enchantment on his sword without fear of catching the place ablaze. More than any other element save maybe darkness, fire inspired the feeling of fear in people. Its unpredictability along with the pain many associate with it often discouraged people from attacking a man who, easily, wields a flaming piece of weaponry. As his foes one and only apparent mage had already been taken care of, you could assume that this was simply to give Razeluxe a sense of satisfaction when dealing with these idiots, because it was improbable that any of them possessed the ability to give elemental barriers and the sort, which is what Raze often used his enchantments to deal with.

His held his blade horizontally before him, placing his index finger on the top half of the blade and his thumb beneath it, then tracing a line with both of his digits from the hilt to the tip of the blade. As he did so, fire ignited, trailing his fingers until he reached the end, and with that the sword had been set ablaze. The men who had likely realized that they would be dealing with Razeluxe, startled back as they saw this, not expecting him to posses the capabilities of a mage, because they had not seen evidence of it before. "H-he's a mage too?!" one of them managed to mutter as he took a step back instinctively when Raze began a pace towards them, his intent to end the lives of each one of them clear as day by the way he was glaring at them. And perhaps because they realized this man would not simply allow them to flee from this battle, the men, although clearly intimidated by the flaming death machine that started over towards them, raised their arms regardless of fright and charged at him.

It would be a great idea to explain what fear does to ones mind on the battlefield, so as to properly comprehend what happened next.

You see, it is often said that a frightened animal is also the deadliest. Backing an animal into a corner provides them with no other alternative than to fight their hardest in order to survive, and you would be wise to be wary of anything that could be considered such. If people see nothing else to do but fight, then they will pour every ounce of their strength and being into the fight, because it is all they have left. In battle, one with enough experience would be able to manipulate people into a corner and benefit from this.

Fear in battle is avoidable.

Fear in battle is predictable.

Fear in battle is fatal.

Over the course of his lifetime, he had experience moments of his life where he was a novice and his confidence was diminished by overwhelming odds or displays of power. He could not credit his survival to anything but the element of luck back then, but he did not waste the opportunity to grow and learn from them either. Fear was something he had rid himself of quite some time ago, for it had no place in him. What he saw in battles assured him as much. When you're fighting under the influence of fear, you may gain access to every bit of strength your body is capable of employing, but you also find yourself becoming an open book. With the thought, "I have to attack them in order to live!" comes ineffective swings, forgetfulness, and mistakes. And one important rule on the fields of carnage is this: every action counts. This is why, to someone like Razeluxe who could capitalize on such, fear would ALWAYS be a fatal emotion to have. Because they had a predictable thought pattern, they had predictable ideas for engagement, and they had predictable attacks. The simplicity of this might have been summed up to, "Because they were scared, they were also predictable", but there was more to it than that. However, that simple line is what you need to realize to grasp a basic understanding of why his next engagement went so smooth.

There were, once again, three men for Razeluxe to deal with. But paying no mind to getting the short end of the stick on this deal, the hybrid picked up his pace as he and his opponents closed the distance between themselves and were about to meet. The first man did not even last long enough to get off his own attack, which WOULD have been an overhead swing like a previous predecessor of his. However, seeing the motions of his swing beforehand, the hybrid simply opted to impale the man through his neck, violently pull the blade out, and move on in fluent motions that lasted less than three seconds to perform. His second foe attempted the same overhead swing, but was much too close for Razeluxe to retaliate in the same way, forcing the elf to instead avoid the attack altogether and move onto the third man without killing him. The visible difference between this man and the last two was that instead of a shortsword, he was wielding an axe, and he swung horizontally, as if to take off the hybrid's head. With a shield, there was minimal difficulty in parrying the blow, then counter-attacking with two, deep slashes across the man's chest that were certainly fatal. Finally, after completing those two attacks, the elf turned just in time to avoid being slashed himself, blocking the second man's attempt on his life with his sword this time. In a swift, fluid motion, the elf jerked his sword back, ducked down and completed a small leg sweep, knocking the clothed figure to the floor, then raised his sword and brought it straight down through the man's heart. It should be noted that the hybrid spent less than 12 seconds dispatching the three men, and without a scratch either. It would have taken much less time had the elf not wanted to be flashy with his skillset, too.

When all was said and done, he removed his blade from the corpse he had just made and traced his fingers along the blade just as he did before, only this time it was to remove the flames. "Pathetic..." he muttered under his breath, in reference to how weak these men were. He wondered why they were here in the first place. Was it simply a coincidence, or was there meaning to this? It would be impossible to tell without assistance from one of the assailants themself, and he held no doubts that the mage that Willow had fought with was still alive. She could be a bit more lenient on foes than he could be. This trait was something he admired about the woman and maybe even envied a bit, because he knew such humane actions could never be accomplished by a soldier such as himself. It always did remind him of himself when he was much younger. He'd tell his mother that he wouldn't kill anybody, just make it to where they wouldn't be able to fight. Boy, how innocent he used to be....

Razeluxe had decided to give one or two more glances around the area to ensure nobody was going to attack them when they assumed it was clear, before heading over to the group that had formed around Shyc just in time to see that Willow was quite literally working her magic on him. A few beads of sweat told Razeluxe that she was a bit exhausted, perhaps from her own fight, the spell, or the combination of both. "Don't overwork yourself, Willow." it was because it made him sound a bit too concerned that he then added, "We don't have the numbers to afford anyone to overexert." He figured that was a sound enough excuse, although he was quite worried as it was with Shyc, so he would not be too happy if Willow went out of her way to help the young lad and ended up collapsing herself. He knew that if Shyc's wounds were more dire, she would certainly have done so.

Before the tension of the situation had completely left, an audible scream coming from the direction of their own camp reverted Razeluxe back to a combat-ready state. He was not the only one, and before he could even open his mouth, Willow had bolted off, her brief eye contact sending the hybrid a message he would've gotten without any interaction between them in the first place. Raze followed quickly behind her, and they soon reached their camp. What they came across was.... well, a bit odd. He was unsure how long it had been, but Razeluxe knew of the figure that invaded their camp. It was a Drakaani, the scaled skin could only ever be owned by one of that race, and the only reason he knew this was because Razeluxe had not simply been affiliated with one army, but was essentially juggled around the world. One kingdom had him protect their northern front, where he was first introduced to these beings. And he'd be the first to tell you how threatening one such as this could be. They weren't just looks, from what little he could remember. It had been decades since seeing one, however. He could not say they were a common race, and judging by her initial expression, Willow had yet to have ever come across one.

Though he did not drop his guard, Razeluxe did take notice of the rather bloody mess that USED to be one of the men that belonged to the group they had just dealt with. It seems that leaving someone here was great idea, although with the state that person was now in, he figured it was not Yan who dispatched the attacker, but their scaly friend here. If so, then was this being a friend, or was he a foe?

"Chill thy tits, Willow. I got this."

"Willow, please stay yourself for but a moment." making the beast with the fragile and defenseless Sakura in his arms angry was perhaps not the brightest. He could see where Willow was coming from, but he could also see some evidence that this particular being was not an enemy. After all, he highly doubted Yan had torn someone's arm off, what with his relation with feelings to touching. Razeluxe then spoke high enough so that the distance between them and the dragon wasn't enough to cause any complications between them.

"What are your intentions, Drakaani?" contradictory to how they handled Sakura initially, it seemed as though Willow was more willing to put this man to the sword than Razeluxe was. But he knew that Drakaani weren't mindless beasts. They were capable of speech, strategy, and diplomacy like most other races. Assuming that this one was hostile would make him feel as though he was discriminating simply because of appearances or race, and he himself knew all too well what a horrible thing that was to do to another. Although he was not so caught up as to believe there was no way that this particular one would be hostile, he had surely hoped that was not the case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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#, as written by Siryn

Someone took hold of the heavy body that lay atop him and pulled it off soon after his complaint, relieving him of the heavy burden. He breathed a bit easier as he lay there, knife still held against his chest as it was pulled from the man's heart. His gaze looked up into that of the angels and he gasped a bit. Dinan stared down at him for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you foolish child."

Is he... worried? Shyc thought in utter shock.

Shyc's heart skipped a beat, his chest rising and falling heavily for a moment. His voice cracked as he stared wide eyed at the man that loomed over him. His face flushed a deep red and he knew there was no way to hid the terrible blush that assaulted him. Thankfully though, Willow dropped down next to him and chided the one winged warrior.

"I'd suggest neither. At least not until after I finish easing his wounds."

He glanced over to her. He was a bit disappointed that she suggested neither option. But then her added part made him a bit nervous. That implied that Dinan could do what he wanted after he was all healed up.

He swallowed dryly.

Shyc's thoughts were rampant right then and he forced himself to reign in his wild imagination. He thought about answering, but wasn't sure really what to say to the sudden options given to him. Get slapped... or have a kiss. He looked away from both of them, deciding that silence was probably his best answer right then.

"Lay back. It'll tickle, and you'll feel a little tired afterward, but the wound should heal far faster," Willow's slender fingers pressed against his skin making him wince as she directed him to lay flat and stay still. Soon after, her magic pricked his skin and should the boy have been ticklish in the first place he probably would have squirmed, but it wasn't. Instead it felt pleasant, like a soft touch being dragged across his skin. It was rather relaxing.

As she'd said, he did feel tired. Overly exhausted and felt as if he could sleep right there on the forest floor. His eyes drooped a bit lazily as he stared upwards at the canopy. Finally she finished and he could tell that she was just as tired, if not more. She smiled warmly at him, which he returned a bit sheepishly.

"Thanks... I'm sorry, Willow," he said, feeling guilt bite down hard in his chest.

"There. You should be able to move well enough now, but for my sake don't get into any more fights alone for a time, hmm?"

"Sorry... I'll be more careful," he answered, emphasizing 'sorry' again. He truly felt terrible. The young thief was sure that he would be getting an earful later from Raze. He most especially was dreading what Dinan might say to him. The tone from earlier had him all sorts of confused, as did the words given. He wasn't quite sure what to think right then.

Then yet another scream filled the area and Shyc's heart pulsed hard. Willow looked up, two names breathed on her lips and she was off like a rocket with Raze almost immediately right behind her. The thief hauled himself upwards like he normally would have. Except this time, the large blood loss and the weakened feeling from having been healed by Willow's magic, he stumbled violently. He crumpled forward, just barely catching himself.

On Dinan.

He gasped.

Pulling away he stuttered, "Uh... S-sorry... Got up really fast, probably shouldn't have done that. Along with going off alone too, yeah shouldn't have done that either. Sorry... Um," he was blabbering now as he reached back and scratched the back of his head, ruffling his own hair. He glanced up at Dinan for a mere moment before finding it rather hard to face the angel. He set about gathering his weaponry, replacing the swords, daggers, and throwing knives before heading back in the direction of camp.

There he found a peculiar sight. A dragon looking male kneeling down with Sakura in his grip. The young woman was unconscious and behind them was a bloody mess of a corpse. Knowing Yan and knowing Sakura, Shyc was rather sure that neither of them had done the deed and so his gaze fell upon the lizard-man.

"Wow... we just keep finding random new people don't we? This is going to be interesting, again..."


Sakura shifted slightly. A blanket was over her and she was rather warm. Moving a bit more, she rolled over onto her other side and opened her eyes. Lying a little way away from her, she spotted Shyc. The young man was covered as well and looked to be asleep. She yawned, stretching her limbs a bit as she tried to recall what had happened and how she'd gotten there.

Her movement must have woken the mercenary for he shifted a bit and looked over to her, "You're awake. How do you feel?"

"I'm alright," she answered, "Where are we? What happened?"

"You kinda passed out. There was a lizard-man holding you. We ended up moving camp a bit. Everything's fine now, they're talking," he motioned to the flickering flames that colored the outside of the tent. Sakura silenced herself and listened hard. Voices came to her but she couldn't make out the words of the discussion outside their tent. With a soft gasp she looked over to him.

"Are you alright!? What happened to you?!"

Shyc scratched at his cheek guiltly, "Uh... yeah, about that. I kinda got in trouble. Going off alone wasn't the brightest idea in the forest and as it was getting dark. I didn't think I was going to go so far away but I did. Anyway, I got attacked by some mercenaries," he chuckled a bit at a memory, "I think the mage woman is still stuck to the tree too... Willow's punishment."

Sakura laughed a bit at that, "But you're okay? That scream was terrible."

"I'm fine now. Just tired really. Willow's magic tends to make you like that. She draws from your own energy as well as hers to do healing."

"Oh I see. I've been meaning to ask you some things about everyone," Sakura said, now that they were talking about the other mercenaries of the group. She propped herself up on her hands, rolling to her stomach to watch him, "What are they like? How long have you been with them?"

"They're good people. I've been with them for about three years now. Willow is like our mother, sometimes she can really get into the reprimanding. Hell, she even reprimands Raze sometimes, that's fun to watch. I don't think anyone could chide him like she does. Yan has always been as he is. Loud and touchy. You get used to it after a while," he grinned a bit as he moved to a more comfortable position, though still on his back, "Raze is always somewhat withdrawn from everyone. His words may seem harsh but he means well. He looks out for us a lot. I really look up to him. Don't let him fool you, he cares a lot more than he lets on."

As Shyc fell somewhat quite, Sakura tilted her head off to the side, "What about Dinan?"

His gaze widened a bit and his face flushed. Both of which she noted and smiled, "Uh... Dinan. He's silent a lot of times. Talks only when he needs to and doesn't like it when people talk to much, kinda like me," he gave a sort of half laugh, "He's really strong too. He and Raze could probably match up... Not that I want to see that! Ever, I mean... I would be really sad if that happened... Anyway! I find it really fascinating that he can fly with one wing, and I kind of envy that too. I wonder what it's like sometimes. I bet it's an amazing feeling." his voice trailed off.

Sakura's smile had widened, "You like him, right?"

He jumped a bit, "Hu!? What? Uh... what makes you say that?"

"Well, you just talked about him the most. You're always sneaking glances at him when we were walking just a few days ago. You sound really fond of him, that's all. So I figured you liked him."

He glanced over at her, his eyes narrowed a bit and a frown on his face, "You know... sometimes you're scarily smart."

Sakura tilted her head, "What do you mean? It's not that hard to figure out. I bet he likes you too."

"I don't think so. It doesn't seem like it really," he muttered, though it seemed like he was remembering something for his face turned red again.

"Want to know something? When you were in trouble, he ran off without waiting for Raze's directions. He was worried."

"R-really? He did that? That's... Umm... Strange."

"It's not strange. You should ask him. You should tell him too. I'm sure he already knows."

"Wait, wait. Are we really having this discussion? Doesn't this bother you? I mean, I'm a guy and I'm sort of attracted to Dinan, whose also a guy. Doesn't that bother you? And why are you encouraging me! Stop it!"

Sakura laughed, loud. She fell against the pillows as she watched him, "It doesn't bother me. I thinks it's great. You shouldn't be bothered by it either. If you're in love with him, than do it. You won't be happy otherwise. And I'm pushing you to do it because I doubt you'd do it on your own without someone telling you to do so."

Shyc's face was beet red as he stared up at the ceiling of the tent. He looked rather uncomfortable and unnaturally silent. Sakura sighed a bit as she got comfortable again, "Maybe I should ask him for you?"

"No! No! Definitely not! Don't say a word to him! Ugh, what would you do if I told Raze about you hu?"

It was her turn to blush this time, "Eh!? What are you talking about?? I-I don't know what you mean. I'm going to sleep now! Goodnight Shyc..." she announced hastily and rolled over quickly. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, not in fear but in embarrassment that one of the group had noticed. She'd been getting rather close to the elf and even though it was only a few days ago that she'd joined them, she had finally figured out the little tiny feeling that had started to bud recently.

Nope! Not going to think about that... its too late in the night and sleep is making me delirious. she thought and closed her eyes.

|| End Quest 2.5 || Begin Quest Three ||


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Yanugwe Mehjan
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Nahvariik had been looking over the relatively unknown woman in his arms, checking for any possible signs of why she had collapsed. When he found no noticeable signs of her current ailment, he grunted in thought. Looks like it's something internally wrong with you, youngling. What could it be, low endurance? He said to himself, his words hidden under his breath.

Trying to remember where he had seen her before, the fighter had spotted a small mark on her forehead, partially hidden by hair... and a small gasp escaped from his lips when a closer inspection revealed what the mark was: a royal insignia of Iverien, and that would only mean that this was the princess that his

"Well, aren't you a surpri-"

"Let. Her. Go."

A sudden female voice had startled him, and as he turned to where the voice had originated, a trio of armed individuals revealed themselves from behind the trees. Nahvariik recognized them as mercenaries by how they dressed and handled themselves, the vanguard of the three a female mage followed by a multitude of floating pieces of shrapnel, all aimed at him.

Even with an unconscious person in his arms, Nahvariik entered a modified combat stance, shifting the young woman into one arm and securing her from falling over, brandishing his greatsword into his open hand, forming a defensive area nonetheless. Before he asked them if they were friend or foe, another voice was heard.

"Willow, please stay yourself for but a moment. What are your intentions, Drakaani?"

From behind the mage, a slightly taller mercenary revealed himself as the owner of the second voice. An elf in green. But there was something slightly offsetting about him, his natural elven scent was mixed with that of a human. Yet, Nahvariik knew exactly who this elf was.

Events from his memory flashed before the Dragon's eyes within seconds, before the fighter lowered his blade slightly, yet maintaining his defensive stance. "These are your friends I presume? It's been a while that we've met again, you know that if I was hostile, you wouldn't be standing there...Razeluxe."

Sheathing his blade, he returned to holding the young woman with both arms, walking towards the trio. "You know, it's kind of difficult for you to carry a person when you're holding a weapon in one hand. She's unconscious for the moment, and when you get her taken care of, I'll tell you what you need to know..."

He paused in the middle of his statement, passing the young lady's care to the three mercenaries, specifically the elf, before continuing, glancing over at another unresponsive mercenary, the one who had been with the princess before he had entered the scene.

"...But don't assume that I will be leaving without her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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As if the prove the might of his race, the young dragon was brandishing a two-handed sword without the second hand and held upon Sakura defensively with his other. For whatever reason, he was appearing as though he believed them to be hostile towards the woman, not himself. He could safely say that if the beast of a person had wanted, he could've done away with her whenever he so chose, as his strength allowed him to simply break a human's neck without the slightest difficulty. The hybrid thought the situation a bit humorous. After all, both groups involved seemed to wish for Sakura's safety, yet both were a bit skeptical of the other.

However, this hostility changed fairly drastically when the unnamed dragon-esque being finally voiced something.

"These are your friends I presume? It's been a while that we've met again, you know that if I was hostile, you wouldn't be standing there...Razeluxe." it said as if it were familiar with the leader of the mercenaries. Razeluxe raised an eyebrow before narrowing his eyes defensively for a moment as he gave the beast another lookover. Something... seemed familiar, upon reinspection. Raze nearly strained his eyes before finally, like a wrecking ball, it hit him.

"Is that... Nahv?" Mirelux asked hesitantly. It was fairly embarrassing that he did not catch it sooner, as Nahv wasn't exactly hard to point out compared to other of his kin. He remembered that the guy could even intimidate others of his own race, what with his absurdly large stature. Then again, they did not have any others to compare him to, and just the coincidence of meeting with him way out here at this time was just so unbelievable that he could not recognize him in the first place. Razeluxe continued. "'s been quite the while. I see you're still as healthy as ever." the hybrid who would appear as though a dwarf before the Drakaani said with an eased tone.

During the time that Nahv had unequipped his blade and was walking towards them, Razeluxe turned to Willow. "You needn't worry. Sakura's about as far from harm as she can get for now." he assured. Despite his appearances, he knew Nahv was no bloodthirsty beast who'd sink his fangs into a helpless girl. Besides, if Razeluxe recalled accurately, Nahv preferred a challenge much like himself.

"You know, it's kind of difficult for you to carry a person when you're holding a weapon in one hand. She's unconscious for the moment, and when you get her taken care of, I'll tell you what you need to know..." Nahv spoke as he gave Razeluxe the newest (and currently unconscious) member of their group to him. Not really suited for taking care of a younger woman who was injured, he immediately turned to Willow, who was likely so worried about Sakura that she might've been elated to take her from him. Either way, he gave that bitch a bitch. Bitches love bitches.

"I'll set up the larger tent for her to rest in, just give me but a moment." Razeluxe spoke aloud so that both Willow and Nahv could hear him, then turned and promptly did what he said he was going to do: Set up the tent. Unfortunately, Sakura was unconscious and therefore unable to be instructed on how to set it up, but at least she was alright for now. Nobody had died, which was a victory in Raze's book. With his expertise of the subject, Razeluxe had the tent set up in less than ten minutes, but the setting sun also forced him to go deal with starting a fire.



...we already had firewood....

Sighing as he noticed that this whole situation could have been avoided if Shyc had cared to check this, he finished the small campfire site fairly quickly as well. It was no bonfire, but as for keeping the surrounding area lit and warm? Well, it certainly sufficed. By now, everybody had returned and Sakura and Shyc were resting in the tent. That thought alone made Raze cringe, but upon realizing Shyc had definitely seen how defensive he AND the giant lizardman were about her, he knew not even the most idiotic of people would try something. Shyc was at least smarter than that.

"So before anything else... I would be willing to bet that you did not simply become fond of her because of her appearance, Nahv." Razeluxe began as they surrounded the campfire, referencing his prior mentioning of taking Sakura with him. "I've decided to let her become a member of this little group at the request of the rest, as well as herself. Would you care to explain why you would want her to part with us?" he asked, crossing his arms. As he waited for his answer, he could hear voices coming from the tent, meaning that she had finally awoken, which was terrific news.

After all, she would have to give her big, lovable lizard some thanks for being there to help.

[OOC: Posted when tired, so it might be shit :C]

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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The Kamael did not subscribe to much beyond their own harnessing of Soul Magic concerning the arcane arts. As a result few were the one winged angels that ever master the skills of restoration and fewer still that bothered. Dinan subscribed to the same philosophy viewing any gift not of Mystria's giving highly suspect. Nonetheless the Angel was very grateful for only half understood reasons for Willow's presence amongst them right now.

The corpses of their enemies littered the swamp's ground like so much forgotten chaff, the bodies torn apart by blade and smell. The copper tang of freshly spilled blood hung heavily upon the air, giving the noxious scents of Duun a good run for their money. Admist such a scene the only thing that concerned him was the fact Shyc was going to be okay. A attitude normally one Dinan never indulged in, after all soldiers had died before.

But watching the flow of Magic as Willow willed the powers housed in her body,mind,and soul to heal the injuries of their resident thief the winged warrior only felt gratitude. For the healing of a comrade and fellow mercenary. Perhaps though if asked directly there might have been a touch of concern beyond the simple one of a friend.

And judging by the blush on Shyc's face as some thought or another ran through his head, no doubt triggered by Dinan's words, the Angel had a feeling that emotional confusion was mutual. Not that it was confusing but rather that this concern was unknown. The Kamael had never been a people who wore their heart on their sleeves. And the time spent underneath the Compact had slowly but surely killed off the concept of romantic love entirely.

Dinan though was unique in more ways then simply in his sanguine eye colour. He was one of the few one winged angels serving with humans and indeed one who sought them out. Most of his race had little more then disdain and mockery for the short lived race. Too weak to fight and too stupid to realise it was perhaps the kindness thing the Kamael said of humans.

Perhaps though Dinan simply had not lived through enough centuries to become disillusioned with the role of the Guardian. Or perhaps the winged warrior's lack of contact with his race rendered him more open with the vitures of the other races.

Or maybe it was just the fact the Angel simply spent less time looking down at people and more at them. Not that any who had known him would likely agree. But by the standards of the Kamael Dinan was downright wrong. A lone wolf born of a duty bound race that saw fit to turn his Mystria given talents in the service of a different kind.

Or maybe it was just the company that kept him more or less open minded about the concept of racial equality. This reason created as Shyc fell into the abnormal Kamael's arms as he was obliged to bear for a moment to halt the thief's fall. It was admittedly a pleasant burden, Dinan was no stranger to physical passions after all. And he drew a certain level of amusement from the blabbering of the fellow mercenary's embarrassment.

Pleasant or not now that Shyc's welfare did not weigh so heavily on his mind the angel was beginning to wonder the exact purpose behind the battle. These mercenaries that had died by their hands weren't bandits looking for an easy score. Their equipment and training showed them to be a par above the rabble, not to mention the mage they had brought with them. They had also managed to track them and set up the prefect ambush. An ambush that had only failed due to the strength of Dinan,Raze,and Willow.

Exactly what were they looking for?. Dinan wondered as he began to wipe the gore of battle off his face before Willow's yelling caught the bulk of his attention. Our guest? Did her high born family send them after us...No even they wanted her back such a direct method would have put the girl child in harm's way. This theory running through his head as he ran beside Raze and Willow.

Only to find their once ordered and peaceful camp site was to the sight of battle. The ever omnipresent insects of this poisoned marsh beginning their grisly work upon the refuse of battle. Though corpses took second place to a semi mythical figure who held their guest.

"A Drakaani, been awhile since I've seen one of them." Dinan said in a quiet tone to himself. The Kamael could and did live long enough to know all there was to know about the other races. On the flipside few of the Angels ever bothered, content with the facts given to them by now long dead forefathers. Dinan on the other hand preferring a fresh tale had sought out the draconian folk and found the facts true. Though a race of skilled and powerful warriors they had nothing of the numbers of the Kamael. The armour clad and singular winged warrior also respected their creed even if not following himself.

Despite all that the picture painted by roughly handled bodies and bloodstains painting the landscape scarlet did little to recommend lizard faced figure. Then again the fact he was still here also gave him a chance to explain in Dinan's mind.

Deciding as par the course that the others were doing a beautiful job of playing Inquisition all on their lonesome he strolled over to were he had set his bedroll against a lean of trees. Pulling out a clean cloth the winged warrior doused himself with water from his canteen before wiping blood off his face, all of it the enemy's.

Even throughout this process the angel kept a close eye on the Drakaani and his comrades. Approving of Willow's overly aggressive approach if not words he waited till Raze chimed in with his own questions. None of it seemed to need his involvement so Dinan simply went with the flow till the Shyc and Sakura were seen safely off to the rest they needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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I apologize for the double post

The setting changes from Kingdom of Duun to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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So Sakura appears unarmed and he threatens her life, but the creature with a unsheathed blade has her in his hands, and suddenly the death threats cease. Ashen eyebrows knitted and she drilled a side-long gaze into the side of Raze's head. If the situation was any less dangerous, she'd have a lecture lined up and ready to pass along to him. She would think that with two and a half centuries on her, that he'd at least be consistant, but it didn't seem to be the case. It was a lecture she'd save for later, once she was absolutely sure this Drakaani meant no threat.

Until that time however, the sharpened stakes hovered menacing above her head, keeping a careful ward for anything that might be construed as hostile. She was not going to take any chances with Sakura in the creature's large arms. Fortunately, it seemed as if the man recognized their inconsistent leader, and it sounded as if the pair were on reasonably friendly terms. However, it wasn't until Nahv, as Raze had called him, handed Sakura's care over to them that she finally lowered the stakes to the ground. Raze vouching for the man had also helped alleviate some of her fears, and she was comfortable enough to ease her stance around him.

With Sakura in her hands, Willow watched as Raze walked off to set up her tent-- and as an afterthought Willow willed the stakes she had created to follow him. With their initial purpose settled without bloodshed, they could be used for another in anchoring the tent to the ground. Willow was not a creature of waste, and she intended to use everything she created, for one purpose or another. With still an air of caution resting on her shoulders she looked to Nahv as Raze worked on the tent. "I apologize for my initial aggression. Friends are so rarely found so far out, more than likely you find enemies instead. Surely you understand?" She said, allowing a weak smile to creep into lips.

Once Raze had erected the tent, Willow entered and set Sakura upon a bedroll and inspected her for any lasting injuries. A quick search with her magic revealed nothing out of the ordinary physically, so Willow assumed she simply collapsed from fear. Nodding in satisfaction with her mental diagnosis, she drew a blanked over the girl and took her leave. As she exited the tent, her crystal bauble resumed it's orbit over her head, though it's arc was noticeably lazy.

Outside the tent, she was met with a gentle fire crackling not too far off. Willow was relieved to see the flame, for it meant that she didn't have to create it herself. Making her way to where Raze stood, she massaged her shoulder where she was struck by the lightning bolt and winced at it's touch. It was still tender, but it wasn't fatal at least. Nothing a day or so wouldn't heal up. The garment would take a bit more effort than that-- but that could wait until tomorrow, she hadn't the energy to play tailor at the moment.

She kept her silence until Raze was finished speak, and then she had her own say. "You speak as if we all asked to keep her like she was a lost puppy," Willow chided gently, "She asked if she could accompany us, and we simply agreed, Raze," Still inconsistent as ever she saw, "It was by her own wish and choice that she became a part of our group, and it's by her wish that she still remains." The last part was more of the benefit for the Drakaani than it was for Raze, but her next words were unmistakeably for Nahv. "And it's only by her wish that she will go with you. Nothing more," She punctuated her sentence with a firm finality about it, and it's meaning was clear. The girl's choice was her own, and no others, and Willow would see to it that the girl's wishes were respected.

Though the man towered over the woman, Willow was not the type to intimidate easily, especially when it came to those she called her friends. And though Sakura was a new member of their group, she was a member, and like they protected Shyc, they would protect her as well.

The setting changes from Camdiere to Kingdom of Duun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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#, as written by Siryn
[So... I totally failed with my last couple of posts *facepalm* stupid places drop down -.- I got it this time though!! XD]

Palace of Duun...

Damn that Drakaani the thought was bitter and filled with vile acid. His golden eyes narrowed in concentration. Being a Shade gave him many abilities, one of which to replicate his original body and send it out to do his bidding. The problem with this process was its taxing nature and the fact that whatever happened to the replica, was felt by the original. So, when the body was torn asunder from the shoulder down almost, the Shade had lost consciousness.

Everything had been going smoothly up until the lizard showed up and ruined his scheme. The mercenaries had worked rather well, though had the idiotic boy not left the others as he did, things wouldn't have gone as smoothly. Even so, the Shade had had multiple plans for almost every incident. All except for the one.

The Drakaani showing up.

He ground his teeth as he reconstructed his replica that lay before him. Once it was put back together, he commanded it to rejoin with his original body. As the replica melded with him, a harsh rap on the door to his chambers broke the still silence. The flames of the candles that lit his room flickered as he turned his sharp gaze over to the door in annoyance. With a wave of his hand, the handle turned and the door opened up for the one wanting his attention.

"Well?" the husky voice demanded. The King of Duun was a short man who couldn't quite control his body temperature and thus was seemingly sweating at all times no matter the emotion he was fuming.

"A complication," the Shade answered, his raspy tone grating as he growled out the words.

"Well figure it out. I need that girl. I won't allow anyone to get in my way either. It's the reason I hired you, Shade. You told me you could get her easily," the man snapped, huffing as he strode forward to face off with the golden eyed magician, "She's the only thing that'll bring the Kingdoms crumbling to the ground and my salvation from this disgusting, rodent infested boiling piss pot!"

The Shade turned to regard the King coldly. The shadows seemed to swirl around the black clad figure as he glowered down at the shorter man, "You're a man who sure likes to test his fate, aren't you?"

The King of Duun took a small step back, his lips turning into an ugly frown as he watched the Shade carefully, "Do what you need to, just give her to me."

"Just as soon as the ones in my way are drowned in this swampy hell," the Shade answered as he took a step backwards into the darkness of his room. The candles burnt out leaving the King in absolute darkness.


Sakura's breathing was deep and slow, indicating that she'd fallen back asleep. Shyc, on the other hand, couldn't go back to sleep at all. Having rested for a short while, he was feeling energetic again... as per usual. Pushing the woolen blanket off, he stretched upwards and then got to his feet off the bed roll. Quietly he left the tent to come closer to the voices that had been speaking around the fire.

The new comer was being questioned all around just about. The only one whose voice Shyc hadn't heard was Dinan's. Not that it was unusual for the one winged angel to be quiet. He just didn't speak unless he felt it was needed. Certainly something Shyc could use some training in he was sure. He tended to get himself into more trouble by talking too much than not.

"You speak as if we all asked to keep her like she was a lost puppy. She asked if she could accompany us, and we simply agreed, Raze. It was by her own wish and choice that she became a part of our group, and it's by her wish that she still remains. And it's only by her wish that she will go with you. Nothing more," Willow was saying.

Though Shyc hadn't really caught the first portion of the conversation, he couldn't help but chime in, "Well, I'm pretty sure she wants to stay with us. I mean, she was rather adamant about it when we first caught her sneaking in the cart a few days ago. I highly doubt she'd just want to leave with someone she's just met. Er... well... not that that's a great argument or anything... I mean she did leave with us," Shyc blushed a bit as he scratched at his cheek. He was sure he wasn't really helping the situation, but he didn't like this talk of her leaving with anyone really. Besides, he was pretty sure what it was that kept her with the group and his eyes flicked over to Raze for a mere moment before he continued.

"The point is, she seems attached. You can't expect her to just up and leave now can you?" Shyc stretched a bit as he spoke, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair.

"Besides, we're far too entertaining to have her just leave, he grinned as he strode over and sat down near the fire. Stretching out across the slightly damp forest floor, he propped his head up as he looked down to the fire then up to the group. Raze was right across from him, Willow next to him and Dinan just to the side of Shyc. He tried hard not to look over at the angel, (though it honestly didn't work) hoping that the man hadn't heard a word from the tent just a little bit ago. The conversation replayed in his mind and he bit his lip for a moment.

Turning his head enough to look over to the lizard-man named Nahvariik. He didn't offer any other questions, just his statement. He had more to say, but for the sake of not being annoying -for once- he kept it to himself and instead waited to see what the Drakaani's answer would be to everyone's thoughts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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The pros and cons of any situation could be myriad and insulting simple, and often both at the exact time. And that was exactly what was Dinan's thoughts ran to as the others engaged in the verbal sparring so common to those who felt the need to speak as often as an child new to everything. The one winged angel after hearing the Drakaani's defense had rapidly lost interest in the lizard. Beyond a uncomplicated feeling of thankfulness that their newest member as it were was safe due to his actions. After all the reptile had singlehandedly ensured Sakura's safety with, if the bodies were anything to go by, extreme prejudice.

Beyond that he tuned out in large part the goings on of the little meet and greet, social niceties simply beyond this proud and at the moment confused Kamael. Not only were there the considerations of exactly why anyone would commit manpower and resources to attacking them there was also Shyc. More specifically the glances that the thief threw his way. Dinan while openly glad his fellow mercenary had survived with little more then exhaustion the serious wounds magic had scored him with did not know what further to think.

Certainly the human was easy enough on the eyes, and even by Kamael standards was good looking. But the differences between them seemed vast to this five hundred year old soldier. Not simply racial in origin but also of mind and attitude. Though the winged warrior was willing to admit the fact such things could perhaps add the spice of variety to his life.

Though following the conversation between his comrades only here and there Dinan was more concerned with the attack. The presence of the Drakaani was only the tip of the ice berg in his mind. Why had so much been risked for the sake of capturing a single girl. Her noble blood hardly seemed reason enough to launch such a methodically planned ambush in the Kamael's mind. Unless the Lady had some secret she wasn't telling it made no sense, was she running from a jilted lover that ill took rejection?

Lost in such thoughts Dinan only vaguely remembered tasks he preformed, the motions automatic and unthinking. His only real link to the world his warrior's sixth sense. Briefly drumming the fingers of his left hand upon the hilt of Soulbreaker he called upon it's spirit.

As the weapon was forged from a fragment of his soul the spirt appeared in the depths of his mind as a dark mirror image of Dinan. The armour it wore was black and white, it's scrollwork picked out in glowing red lines. And were Dinan wore neutrality as his facade Soulbreaker wore disdain and pride in equal measure.

So once again you've seen fit to speak to me. To what do I owe the pleasure. Soulbreaker sneered in the cold tone only steel could, in the disdain a weapon had for warm flesh. The darkness of his subconscious echoed with the blade's will, a brief bit of sulk.

The girl. was all Dinan answered with.

She's reeks of something that's for sure. And by the sweet kiss of Mystria it seems worth dying for if our enemies are anything to go by.

Letting go of his hold upon Soulbreaker the angel considered the weapon's remark. Though the Kamael understood seeking to die in battle Dinan knew the humans he had killed did not subscribe to Mystria's teachings. Few non-kamael did and now was no exception.

So lost in thought was he that winged warrior was somewhat surprised to find himself staring into the depths of a fire around which the group had found itself. And sitting next to him was the other half of his thoughts.

Shyc, he honestly did not understand that either. He had run off like a green fighter new to battle after the thief's scream had echoed through Duun's gods forsaken terrian. He had left behind centuries of combat experience simply because of the pain in that scream. Truthfully the winged warrior was not sure he cared for that particular effect a single human had on him.

Still he looked back at this young human did Dinan, seemingly as unable to look away as Shyc seemed to as well. Quickly composing himself the one winged angel reached for the flask of Skyil he kept and took a long swallow. A traditional alcohol of his people Skyil was distilled from herbs that could only grow in the thin air reaches of Silver Storm Peak. It's flavor was however was open to debate as no two batches ever tasted exactly the same.

More to the point the booze lent his system the shock it needed to focus on something on then the proximity of Shyc...though perhaps a second shot was in order.

The setting changes from Kingdom of Duun to Camdiere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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While the elf had been busy setting up the tent and the few others that were around were busy with a proper fire, Nahvariik had spotted himself a tree to lean on so he wouldn't be in the way of the other mercenaries, yet allowing him to keep a trained eye on the unconscious woman as well as the surrounding area. But a minute or so in, his mind slightly began to wander...

The last time he had seen the young elf was similar to how it was now, him in charge of a band of adventurers and soldiers, with the Drakaani serving as their guide. He had encountered them while they were touring his Motherland. What he would do to see his much missed lands once again-

The mage from earlier had approached him, in a more relaxed stance, her words snapping the fighter away from the past.

"I apologize for my initial aggression. Friends are so rarely found so far out, more than likely you find enemies instead. Surely you understand?" The words of an apology formed from her mouth, and Nahvariik had noticed a smile forming on her lips. It was weak, but it was there nonetheless.

Nahvariik recognized the apology for what it was, and accepted it in silence, a quick, but sure, nod being the only acknowledgement given.


A good amount of time had passed, the elf finished with setting up the tent and the mage had laid their injured to rest. A small fire was lighting up the area as a ward to fend off most of the swamp's inhabitants, its warmth resonating an aura of safety for the mercenaries. Nahvariik never had to depend on such a light source for safety when he was a youngblood, and the same applied to him here as well.

Razeluxe commented on the Drakaani's fierce protection over their young member, making it somewhat into a joke. "Aye, and you would be correct on that." The fighter replied as such, before being asked to explain on why he wanted her to leave. "You probably misunderstood, I approve of her staying with your group. She's in good hands with you." Nahvariik paused for a moment to gather the correct words to avoid another possible misunderstanding. "If she goes somewhere, I'll be there to keep her out of trouble."

The mage had finally spoken up, chiding the elf which had pulled a silent chuckle from the fighter, then her words focused upon him. "Well, aren't you a feisty one, so full of... spunk. Raze, who is this mage that you picked, up? I like her." The Drakaani called out in an upbeat, friendly voice, directing a quick wink towards the mage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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"I remember you threatening the poor girl," Willow said with an easy smile, a bit of teasing tugging at one of the corners of her mouth, "Yet, I do not remember begging you to take her on," She said raising an eyebrow in response. "Strange, isn't it? Either way, she is with us, and will be with us unless she decides otherwise, which I doubt will be anytime in her near future. She seems attached," She said, nodding.

Then she chuckled at Nahv's response, explaining it was just a misunderstanding in his words. "No harm done, Mister Nahv, everything is clear now. However, perhaps in the future you will choose your words more carefully to avoid any unfortunate implications?" She said, that familiar chiding tone making a reappearance. Oddly enough, it was the same tone she'd used with Raze on a few occasions. Upon Nahv's inquiry about herself Willow shook her head and simply smiled. She'd not been fiesty nor possessed and spunk since she was a young girl. She was a hellion back in those days, far more so than she was currently. She could only wonder what he would have said had he met that Willow.

"I suppose introductions were placed by the wayside in lieu of attempting to kill each other. Once more I apologize for that. My name is Willow, and I am an Elementalist," She said, and afterward made a show of curtsying. With her part of the introduction done, she spoke again, "And I believe must apologize again, for I believe it is time for me to take my leave for tonight. I am tired after such an eventful day, and if I'm to be any use tomorrow, I must get my rest. Raze. Mister Nahv. I bid you both good night," And with that, she left to find her own bedroll, and to rest her aching bones.

Willow picked her way back through the forest, returning to where they had fought the other mercenaries the day before. They had questions that needed answers, and Willow knew of such a individual that could shed some light on a few of their mysteries. Upon reaching the place of battle, Willow winced at the sight of the devastation. At her very heart, she was of the peaceful sort, and would never begin a fight of her own volition. It was only when her hand was forced that she fought-- and had she allowed the mage to slip away the day before, then no doubt she would have caused them trouble later in the battle.

Striding to where she'd left the mage, she dared not peer at the corpses the rest of her companions saw fit to leave littered around the area. She could not fault their methods, they only did what they were taught, and she'd be foolish and selfish if she attempted to force her morals on another. Everyone had a choice, no matter what, and she would not deny them the choice. However, if that choice involved harming her friends, then it was hers to see to it that they were stopped as she had done to the mage.

She stopped in front of the mage in exactly the same way she'd left her, within the inescapable caress of a strong oak. The woman was asleep, and bruises were beginning to form on her wrists and mouth-- a sure sign that she had been struggling against her bonds. Sighing, Willow took a step toward the tree and tapped the piece of bark that wrapped around her mouth, willing it to recede and allow unimpeded conversation. Willow gave an even look to the woman, silent at first, but soon spoke as her bauble hovered into her hand.


The woman gave a cold glare at the other mage who stood in front of her. Scoffing at the offer, she twisted her head off to the side as best she could despite being confined very well, "Come to finish the job?" she hissed between clenched teeth. Her gaze shifted over the woman's face before quickly flicking to the rest of the group. Her eyes narrowed to thin slits as she waited.

Behind Willow, Shyc stood with his arms crossed over his chest having followed after the woman. He had certainly wanted to know what this mage woman was going to say. Maybe it had something to do with their task to spy on the Kingdom of Duun, or more specifically it's King. Wouldn't that make it easy? He grinned a bit as he scratched at his cheek absentmindedly.

A look of disappointment crossed her face, but Willow allowed the bauble to resume it's flight anyway. "No, I have not." Willow said simply, tilting her head to the side. Why would she come all the way back, much less offer the woman water if she was just going to finish the job. If Willow was a lesser person, then it would have been far easier to just leave her there and push any memory of her out of her mind. But she wasn't about to point out the logical fallacies and continued to speak. "I was hoping to maybe set you free, after a few questions if you wouldn't mind?" Willow said, her mouth a steady line as she spoke. "Questions such as who you are and why are you here?"

She looked back over to the mage woman, a slight bit of astonishment on her face before she covered it swiftly with a cruel grin, "Set me free? Well, aren't you just all sorts of naive. It's a wonder you've made it this far in a world like this one," she shot back. Her clipped voice and cold tone caused Shyc to frown and tighten his fingers into fists. He didn't appreciate the way this woman was speaking to Willow. Then again, it wasn't really the first time they'd encountered such a person, so he bit his tongue lest he get them in more trouble and no where with this woman.

It was around this time that the figure of the hybrid appeared just behind Shyc and Willow, his expression more or less just blank as was common. Unlike Shyc, who was 'courteous' enough to remain quiet despite the insult to the most respected member of the group they had, Razeluxe was not so mature about the matter. "If you want, you can simply just die when we're done with you." To say he 'spat' this would be both correct and incorrect. The venom in his tone was nowhere to be found, but the meaning itself was still there. "You've been given the opportunity to survive an encounter your friends did not. I suggest you take it."

Her eyebrows knit together as she shifted her head enough to glance over at the elf that addressed her. A dryness coated the back of her throat. His threat didn't go unheard. She ground her teeth a bit as she thought through her options. There was virtually no getting out of the tree that she'd been sucked into by the mage woman's power, and refusing to cooperate wasn't going to end well either. The woman gave a soft growl, "We were sent here to look for someone. When we found her, we were to distract anyone that was with her. Draw the attention and allow our other member to take this woman," she grinned a bit, "I'm sure she's enjoying her time well spent with the King of Duun right now."

"What the hell does that mean!?" Shyc snapped, moving forward from his spot. He couldn't quite keep quiet now, "What woman? What do you want with her?"

"Just some bitch that was described to us, idiot kid. Who knows what that man wants with her. We just do as we're told and get paid for it," she snapped back.

Shyc reached down for his swords, his intention rather clear as he stepped forward, starting to draw the weapon.

He was met with only a firm hand and gentle words. "Calm yourself, Shyc. They are merely words, and nothing more. Do not allow them to stoke your anger," Though the tone she spoke with was a tired inclination, and she was acutely aware that she may have been the only one with her senses about her. What did this woman really expect to gain in speaking to her captors like that-- Captors that expressed their desire to free her for only the information she had.

"Foolish woman," Willow said, rubbing her head as she did. "You are mistaken if you believe Sakura is currently with the King of Duun. She is still safely with us, and that is where she will remain." Her tone darkened as she reached the end of her sentence, but the meaning was clear. If she still possess any notions of attacking them again, then she would be dealt with once more. Willow leaned forward and spoke again, the darkness in her tone still lingering. "I would watch my words far more carefully. You forget. Your life is in our hands."

Things... began clicking with Razeluxe. Things he desperately hoping were not true now had more viability than before, and in honesty, this terrified him. He hoped that everything about Sakura was just coincidence, that nothing about her was special besides the fact she was a noble, but as the evidence was piling up in the form of attacks on their group and Nahv's instant attraction to her, things no longer looked that way. He was denying it, truly. If he had the will, he'd have made the connection much sooner. What a fool he was.

"It seems as though you have this under control." Razeluxe turned towards their camp and started off. "I'll leave the rest to you, then." and with that, he left to go see Sakura, who had some explaining to do. The warrior did not pause to greet anybody, had he passed them by on his way to the tent he had lent her during the stay.

Her eyes were wide the girl was still with them?! she thought frantically. Her heart rate elevated as she eyed them all, impossible! That Shade... failed? Once she'd composed herself, she glowered at them, "Doesn't matter. I doubt even you all would stand a chance against a Shade. He'll be coming for her and this time, you won't win. That I can promise you," she hissed, "Now free me, damnit! I want to be rid of this god forsaken forest!".

Willow replied with an empty smile and a sluggish nod, "Thank you for the warning," She said, but the words rang hollow. This woman wore on her nerves and her sharp tongue dulled her senses. Though she would not say it, she would be glad to be rid of the woman too, so with a certain amount of haste, Willow commanded the branches of vines of the tree to untangle themselves from the mage, and allowed her to go free. "Before you make your escape, I do suggest that we not run into one another again," She said with a shake of her head. Next time she may leave the bark wrapped around her mouth indefinitely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Dinan Soulbreaker Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe Character Portrait: Willow
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#, as written by Siryn
|| End Quest 3 || Begin Quest 4 ||


Shyc pulled back as Willow had insisted. Slowly he let the blade fall back into the sheath as Raze announced his leave. The half-elf turned on his heel and headed back to the camp rather quickly. The thief's gaze watched him go for a moment before his attention was pulled back to the woman still tied to the tree. Her words sent a kind of dread pulsing through him that he hadn't felt in a long while. A Shade? he thought, eyes wide.

Willow offered one last warning to the woman before freeing her. The mage dropped down to her feet and glowered at them both as she slowly backed away into the forest. Once she was gone, Shyc frowned as he tapped the hilt of his blade before going back to the camp with Willow. He was curious as to what Raze was doing and why he'd left so quickly, but figured he would find out later. What had him worried was the mention of the Shade.

As they reentered the camp, Raze wasn't in sight. With a slight shrug he went to the campfire and stirred up the coals to bring more heat to the small area. The forest was damp after all, and a slight chill was settling in, even in the morning hours. Shyc wasn't really fond of the cold. He sighed and right after the sound left his lips the cracking of twigs filled the area. Straightening, he turned to see a dark figure seemingly come out of the shadows of the trees. Behind him was a contingent of men looking well armed and with ill intent.

The thief slowly reached down for his swords, his fingers curling around both of the weapons this time instead of just one. He eyed the group that came to the edge of their campsite. The man that led them had strikingly golden eyes that seemed to flicker with a kind of rage that chilled Shyc's blood. He was covered head to foot in black, with only his eyes visible. That... that's the Shade he thought slowly.

"My, what a pleasure it is to find you all still here," the voice was raspy, like gravel.

Shyc's gaze narrowed, his heart rate sky rocketing as he stood there, shifting his body to a better stance, "I don't suppose you're just dropping by for a chat," Shyc commented as he flicked his gaze to the other men behind the Shade.

A hollow laugh followed his words, "Don't think you'll keep me from what I want, boy," the man's gaze left Shyc to take in the rest of the group. His eyes narrowed at Nahvariik before settling on Dinan for a mere moment and then to Willow behind them, "What an interesting group. Though I'm most surprised to see a Kamael with you. Have you lost your pride, little angel? To dwell among those who walk beneath you?" the Shade scoffed, "Pity really... And to join with such creatures as humans... You've gone and disgraced yourself," The Shade looked over to the lizard-man, his golden gaze narrowing dangerously, "And I have you to thank for tearing off an arm earlier, I'll be sure to repay you for that," he growled.

Shyc, on the other hand, had different plans. Both blades rang free from their sheaths, gaining the attention of the Shade fully. His face was flushed with rage, teeth gritting together tightly. He couldn't think properly and launched himself at the man. All simply for the fact that the black clad figure had insulted those closest to him. At the back of his mind he reprimanded himself for losing it so easily, but also knew there was nothing for it.

As he attacked, there was nothing of his usual grace during a fight. It was all brute force now, his only intent to was to drive his swords through the Shade that opposed him. Steel ground against steel as Shyc slammed his weapons down into the short sword the Shade held. Pulling back only for a second, he threw himself into a whirlwind of twists and slashes, each only ever landing on the damnable sword the golden eyed man wielded.

He was only concentrated on the Shade and didn't notice that his sudden lung at the Shade hadn't triggered the large army behind the Shade to do anything. It probably should have been the first thing to tip him off, but Shyc was too far from thinking clearly to notice anything right then. He duck a slash at his throat and thrust his own swords forward. He just barely cut into the man's flesh then. Again, he slashed outwards wildly, only to gain a few more very minor cuts. Then he did something he normally wouldn't have if he'd been calmer.

He got to close.

The short sword stuck hard, throwing aside one arm before coming back and sinking into his chest, going rather deep before Shyc got his own weapon up against the hilt to stop it from going further. His weapon shook violently against the hilt of the short sword. The Shade's hand shot out and gripped his throat tightly. Slashing out again, Shyc attempted to cut through the man's arm to release him. As his blade cut into the shoulder, the thief's other sword holding the Shade's at bay slipped. The steel slid through him.

Blood bubbled up into his throat and spilled from his lips. His eyes were wide as his numbed fingers released his hold on both swords. The Shade pulled him closer, dragging the short sword from Shyc's chest in one slow pull. One arm wrapped around his waist, holding him upright while the other reached up and pulled down the cloth that covered the Shade's face. Blackened skin met the thief who coughed on his gasp of shock. The skin looked to be like nothing but webbing, hardly even kept together at all.

Fingers gripped the back of his hair, dragging his head back as the Shade looked him over, "A waste, really. A strong, young life such as your own. I'll be taking it," he said as he dipped down towards Shyc's face.

Just as a strange pull was beginning to course though him, the thief felt his conscious fading away into something else entirely. No... no, not... again, he thought in vain as his breath left him and everything became dark.

The Shade pulled back immediately, his golden gaze widening in shock for a moment before narrowing in anger as he quickly released Shyc and stepped back hastily. The boy's body stumbled backwards before dropping down to one knee. Blood poured out onto the forest floor from the wound for a moment before it stopped suddenly. His fingers stretched outwards almost as if testing them.

Shyc's lips twisted up into a very cruel, sadistic smile, flashing a set of fangs that hadn't been there before. His gaze opened, revealing a much darker color than their usual vibrant green. They were almost black. Around his fingers, a silver colored fire began to burn, reaching up to his elbows. His swords shuddered on the ground and in the next instant shot to his hands where he gripped them tightly.

Rising up, Shyc tilted his head off to the side as he released a heavy sigh, his tongue running across his lips. Humming a bit, he gazed at the Shade who looked shaken, "That hurt, bastard," he grinned, a soft laugh escaping him, "But I suppose I could thank you too.... It's been far too long," his laugh was cold, hollow even.

Shifting his body very slowly, he turned the blades so the razor edges were pointed outwards. His smile grew as he stood there and in the next instant he faded away from sight. The Shade, visibly jumping, stepped back before he too disappeared in a wisp of black smoke. Just in time as well, for Shyc reappeared with his blades covered in silver fire swinging outwards from the spot the man had originally been standing in.

Clicking his tongue, Shyc stood up straight and located the Shade some ways away, behind the majority of his men, "Kill them! Leave the girl," he ordered. Only then did they lung forward in an attempt to fight off the mercenary group.

Shyc's gaze brightened to that of utter pleasure and he lunged forward. On his own, the thief kill almost half of the army that had come. Blood coated his frame just about from head to foot. It was very clear, he was not himself and he was enjoying killing.


Sakura's energy seemed to return as she looked up to Raze. Her heart fluttered as she listened to him. He wasn't going to let her go. He wasn't going to let her be caged again. For a mere moment her smile faltered as she thought about it. Could he really keep her there? Was that even possible? Sure, he would do as he said, and do all that he could in his power, but in the end... this was her Mother they were talking about. The woman was like ice and never was one to be swayed in her decisions.

Even so, Sakura pushed aside the depressing thoughts and smiled brightly, "Thank you, Raze. Thank you!" she was almost inclined to hug him, but bit her lip as the thought passed through her mind. It was hard enough as it was with him just standing in front of her, both alone in the tent. She bit her lip as she blushed again and turned away, hoping he wouldn't notice.

It was about that time that she heard steel clashing together. Lifting her head, she gasped a bit. What's going on!? she thought. Then she remembered Raze's words about the King of Duun wanting her. Her heart clenched tightly and she winced openly now, flinching as she pulled her hand back to her chest. Slowly she got up to her feet and made to peek out of the ten to see what was happening. That's when she saw Shyc, a sword poking through his back. Her heart seized up then.

"Shyc!" her scream was hoarse and she started from the tent. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she had to do something. She wasn't a fighter yet, but she couldn't just stand there. Sakura had barely gotten three steps from the tent when she couldn't move anymore. Her chest was on fire. Something was wrong, much more than the normal pains she'd felt before. She dropped to the forest floor, shuddering.

"What... is this?" she wondered aloud, the words barely a breath from her lips.

As she lay there, she heard a sound at her head and she looked up, wincing slightly as her fingers curled tightly over her chest. Standing over her was a familiar face and her face lost all color as she gasped, eyes wide. The golden eyes gazed down at her as he reached up and covered up the lower half of his horrendous facial features. The blackened skin made her semi-sick to her stomach and she looked back down at the forest floor, feeling bile at the back of her throat.

He bent over, fingers wrapping around her upper arm and hauling her upwards. She had no strength, thanks to the pulsing pain in her chest and so she screamed instead, calling out the first name that came to mind, "Raze!" her voice was sharp as it pierced the trees. Finally she managed to start twisting and squirming in his grip. The man pulled her tightly against him.

"Stop moving, woman. Make this easy," he hissed.

Sakura did the exact opposite as she struggled in his grip. Kicking and flailing, she landed a few hits on the Shade that held her tight. Her struggling did nothing to ease the growing pain and slowly her fighting back was starting to grow weak. I hate this... I hate this so much, she thought to herself realizing that she was weak as she was. She couldn't just depend on the others all the time. Sakura needed to get stronger, to defend herself. In frustration, she let out another scream, but with no words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Willow
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"Ah, finally some well earned relaxation and some peace and quiet," Nahvariik told himself, his voice loud enough to be heard by any passing traveler, as he laid back to enjoy the soothing and cleansing waters of a nearby hotsprings that he had stumbled upon during the night.

Most of his armor was removed and was laying neatly in a pile just at the ledge above him, but the Drakaani wasn't worried about being caught unarmored, for he was Drakaani, and such a mighty Drakaani as he wouldn't be so easily defeated. He had few worries on his mind, as it was far too early in the day for the band of mercenaries to pack up and ride off without him hearing them.

They make too much noise.

He had recognized the fact that the group had a kamael with them, but he wasn't too fond about it. Both races were often at odds with each other, both looking down on the other. Despite this, Nahvariik had dropped the subject of why there was such a being in the group, thinking as to why his former employer's daughter was with them. He had never seen the Queen's daughter, even when he served as the kingdom's Master at Arms, and it was usually for good reason.


Some time or so passed, and Nahvariik returned the majority of his armor to their rightful place, holding onto the breastplate to don back at the campsite. As he approached the camp, the other members of his old-new "family" were returning to the campsite as well, each coming back from... whatever they were doing.

However, a certain chill burned through trees, and Nahvariik looked onwards, noticing a familiar man in black leading a small number of men towards them. When the man approached, the fighter recognized the golden eyes as the very ones that belonged to the man from the day before. He had some words to pass out with each of the mercenaries, starting with the thief, then moving onto the kamael before settling his eyes on the drakaani himself.

"And I have you to thank for tearing off an arm earlier, I'll be sure to repay you for that." The man's voice was coarse, as if he was threatening the fighter.

"Well, I assume you want another class in getting your ass whooped. I am one person you don't want to threaten, little man."

The foolish thief of theirs had rushed off into the group of men, and within minutes after his steel clashing with that of his enemies, had ended with a blade sticking through him, the man in black nowhere in sight. The first instinct that ran through the drakaani's mind was protecting the young female that was "placed" under his care, pushing him into the direction of the tent that she was occupying.

He had heard her call out for Raze a moment later, and sprinting to where the girl was, he captured an unsightly glimpse: The shade had a grip on the girl as she weakly laid on the forest floor. "Do you ever listen? I think you enjoy getting manhandled!" Nahvariik yelled out, about to charge shoulder first into the shade, aiming to break his grip from the girl...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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"Thank you, Raze. Thank you!"

Words Razeluxe almost never really heard left Sakura's lips and lightened the man's mood. The thanks sounded so genuine compared to most others, who would half-heartedly speak them out of courtesy rather than it being a part of their character. For whatever reason, Sakura soon reddened up in her cheeks, shying her head away likely in embarrassment, though Razeluxe was not sure what she'd have to be embarrassed about. But before any query could be made about the subject, the roar of a battle outside the tent claimed their attention. Razeluxe was quite quick to respond, but even so, Sakura beat him out of the tent.

Razeluxe was not far behind at all. About a second after the girl, he departed from the tent and quickly observed the situation. Much like Sakura, he escaped the tent just in time to witness what should have been Shyc's death from being impaled through the torso. A great rage and overwhelming sorrow hit the leader of the group both at once, stabbing at his heart, in a way. He kept his calm mask, but deep inside he would have sworn to gut every last one of these attackers himself had it not been for well... Shyc not dying when he most certainly should have. Instead, the young boy began as if he had a second wind of sorts, only Raze could certainly tell by his expression that there was something wrong with him. He dove into battle with the intruders in a state that gave the illusion that he was in a fit of ecstasy from fighting. But he was outnumbered, and Razeluxe wasn't one to simply roll the dice and hope for anything if he did not need to.

"Hey!" he shouted towards everyone in general, "You shouldn't need an invitation to protect yourselves!"

Before he could manage to jump to Shyc's side, Sakura's cry for help reached his ears, and as he turned his attention towards her, he spotted the figure looming over her. He made the assumption that the shade was not likely to have any friendly reasons for grasping her, so that made him a hostile who was now manhandling one of his friends. A mistake nobody had the tendency to survive to repeat. The elf did not make any battle cries or taunts as he began to the two, unlike his scaly friend who apparently had the same idea. Were Raze someone to be intimidated by size, he might have thought twice about seeing who would reach the shade between him and Nah, who certainly towered over him, but that was not the case here, and because he was but a few feet from Sakura and the Shade, he reached them first.

Razeluxe gripped the handle of his sword and raised it into the air, before smashing the hilt right down on the back of the shade's skull, with the end result being much like one would expect: He dropped like a sack of rocks, as well as releasing the grip on Sakura.

Glancing upwards, he grinned at Nah. "She's my ship, turbonerd."

With presumably the rest of the group engaged in combat, he couldn't pretend like knocking this guy out was the end of the battle, but he managed to justify sparing the time to be concerned about Sakura by saying anything less than perfect condition when she returned would cost him his head later on. "Sakura, are you alright?" he kneeled down and offered her a hand. Shortly after, he did manage to glance upwards at Nah, whose prey he had technically just stolen. "I'll bet he's happier I reached him first."giving a small grin before returning his attention back to Sakura.

((SHITTY POST IS SHIT SORRY :CCCCCCCC Also hope knocking that nerd out was alright C:))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Dieriean Character Portrait: Nahvariik Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile Character Portrait: Razeluxe
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#, as written by Siryn

Sakura gasped a bit as someone came up behind them and slammed their weapon into the back of the man's skull that was holding her tightly. The Shade dropped and with him, Sakura went. Her heart pounded hard in her chest as she was on the ground propped up only by one arm, the other clenched over her chest as she tried to calm herself enough to get the intense pain to go away. Panting a bit, she winced, one eye close as the other lifted upwards to look at Raze who was offering his hand to her.

"Sakura, are you alright?" he asked as he knelt next to her.

The princess knew she wasn't going to be able to stand for quite a while and so she just nodded a bit, "Yes, I'm alright..." she panted slightly. Bowing her head forward, she took deep breathes.

The sounds of fighting still filled the air as Shyc was very much engrossed in his decimating everything. Looking over to the army that was slowly faltering under his attacks, she watched with a bit of horror on her face. There was something wrong with him, and she didn't like what she was seeing. Shyc wasn't like this... he was caring and sweet, funny and clumsy... everything but this insane thirst for killing that he was exhibiting right then.

She trembled a bit as she sat there on the ground, "Raze... Shyc! What's wrong with him?!" her voice trembled a bit as she looked back over to the elf. Shaking her head a bit she reached out to his arm and gripped him tightly, "Help him! I'm alright, I promise! Please, go help him!" Sakura was sure she didn't really need to say anything of the sort to Raze, but she wanted him to know that she was fine and to go after his youngest member in the group. She would have done so herself already if not for the state she was in. Sakura could hardly stand at the moment and it drove her insane with the knowledge that she was so weak right then. I will grow stronger, I have to! she promised herself, her determination showing through as she urged Raze to go assist the young boy.


The sound of steel sliding through flesh was the most pleasant musical sound to his ears. It was bloody as well, not clean at all like his normal self. Shyc was covered head to foot in the hot, crimson liquid. Each blade dripped the dark color down onto the forest floor as he weaved in and out of the trees to his next target. His body would disappear every so often to go a short distance behind his next target to run them through in the most brutal way possible, or to decapitate them or whatever he felt like at that moment.

Shyc had taken care of many of the armed men on his own, but by now the rest of them were either organizing to go up against him in a detailed assault while a handful had turned to run away from the monster that had just awakened. Running his tongue across his lips, his dark gaze glittered with an insane fire for more destruction. The wicked grin had remained throughout the entirety of his fight. After some time, he finally stopped, halting in his steps as he slowly glanced around himself.

So, they think they can surround me, he thought to himself with a slight chuckle. Shyc waited, standing absolutely still with both swords down at either side. The silver fire still wrung itself around his hands up to his elbows. The blades had even taken some of the fire, burning slightly as he stood there. Letting his head fall back, he released a long breath, eyes closing. Relishing the feel of the thick liquid that coated his lithe frame, he heard the first steps of the enemies advancement onto him.

His fingers twitched ever so slightly as he forced himself to wait a bit longer, drawing in the group to think that they had the advantage on him. Shyc counted to himself slowly, matching the steps equally. Finally he moved, striking outwards to his left so quickly that the man never saw it coming. There was a gasp of shock, then choking. Rolling his head to the left, he opened his darkened gaze and smiled at the man who clenched his throat in a vain attempt to stop from drowning in his own blood.

"That's a good look you have there. How about you entertain me for a while, hu?" he asked as he turned his attention to the rest of them.

He shot to the one to his right, taking the man off guard as he shoved both blades straight through the man's chest, coming up on him with such force that the weapons slide through the thick leather armor like butter. Wrenching free with a hard twist to each of his swords, Shyc whirled around with a sharp kick that threw the man to the ground. Facing the next opponent he slashed outwards in rapid succession, one blade after the other as he essentially turned the man before him into nothing but ribbons with deep gashes streaking all across his body.

Shyc killed six of them, one right after the other before he stopped and tilted his head off to the side, waiting for the next round of men from Duun's army. He flipped his blades around, sending blood splattering the undergrowth around him, "Who's next?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenji Umeki Character Portrait: Shyc Regaile
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Kenji had been walking all day, following an army full of idiots to do whatever their quest may be. He despised the people of Dunn, but he went with the army anyways for some shits and giggles. If Kenji was going to spend his time doing something, it might as well be something hes good at, killing. All he knew about today's mission was that their objective was to kidnap some princess or something silly like that. Kenji pieced everything together after hearing that. Princess in scary forest = bodyguards. Eventually Kenji went off the trail to examine what looked to be a dead animal, it was quite large, a difficult kill in short. What made it interesting was that there wasn't any blood, so that means it had to have died by natural causes. It looked young in age, so eventually Kenji deducted that it had to have been a plant's doing. He searched around the bushes to find a berry he had never seen before. It was a bright orange with light blue flowers, and just typical stick branches holding them up. He slid his dagger out of his sleeve and cut off a sample of the strange foliage, storing it in the pocket of his blue and white kimono.

After returning to the trail, he realized he had lost his companions. They were probably far off too, but that didn't stop Kenji. He tried following the faint footsteps that resided in the slightly damp dirt, and thankfully was successful of navigating his way. He enjoyed this particular forest. It was full of blooming flowers and interesting species. Although that was only in his eyes, others would see terrifying beasts and frightening carnivorous plant life. But the same fear that most humans feel didn't come to him. It was as if everything was normal.

Eventually the easily distracted man found his way back to the group. He actually walked onto a horrifying scene. There was a strong scent coming from the gooey red substance now coating the trail. The bloody stench didn't seem to bother Kenji but he did acknowledge it. What is this? Is there an opponent worthy of my time? There must be several. Half of the army is lying on the ground. This will be quite the treat. Even his thoughts were lacking emotion. Not a speck of excitement or worry, he was just completely neutral. It was quite disturbing considering the circumstances.

After calmly strolling past several bloodied bodies, Kenji heard a voice.

"Who's next?"

Finally live people came into view, the uneducated Dunn buffoons were crowding around something or someone that Kenji was unable to see. They were clearly all terrified, quaking in their boots. Kenji would've laughed and grinned at the idiots if he had such capabilities. They were all slowly backing away from the center of the circle, probably the source of all the death surrounding the dark forest. Kenji decided to push his way through the crowd which gave way easily. It was almost as if they were just as scared of Kenji, moving respectfully out of his way to reveal his opponent.

Kenji laid his eyes upon the man that stood in front of him. He was soaked and dripping in blood, a psychotic smile plastered on the his face. It was hard to tell what the young man truly looked like due to the fact that the same gooey redness on the floor caked his clothes, face, and hair. He also had two equally bloodied blades to the side of him. Kenji usually took a more sneaky approach when it came to fighting, but Kenji had to come face to face with an opponent with such skill. With his right arm, he reached behind his back and gripped the hilt of Oboro. He slowly pulled the sharp katana out of its sheath returned it calmly to his side, ready to strike at any moment. He could see the faint red tint that resided on the blade out of the corner of his eye, his most useful concoction. Then in his mind he replied.

I'm next.
