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Adam Hoffen

0 · 1,133 views · located in Wing City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by DemiKara


An empire stretching thousands of worlds, the Hegemony exists to further one goal; the complete domination of everything non-Scatterran.
An empire of shapeshifters, the Erutins value their twin above all. Largely peaceful, they remain prepared for war.



Work: Landwächter, psychic corps.
Rank: Untersturmführer , or roughly a Lieutenant


Sadistic and cruel, Adam is a Belk-Azrik psychic that enjoys the darker side of his profession.

So begins...

Adam Hoffen's Story

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Adam was on what passed for leave. In other words, he was on his typical short leash, and oh how it stifled him. Just because he liked to play more than the others didn't mean that he lacked in control. On the contrary, he had excellent self control. He rather had to, didn't he? Otherwise, he'd be kept at heel constantly. The man glanced around him, at the small cafe, and debated on wooing a new toy, or finding one to play with, his brown eyes gleaming in anticipation. It helped that he had cheerfully set things all wrong in his coworkers offices early.

Just a little release to bother the more uptight of his...colleagues. Otherwise, without his little barbs, little acts, he'd be so much meaner while playing, and wasn't it bad enough as it was? Well. According to the others. the gloved man smirked as he ordered something light to eat.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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That he saw a soldier and not a mad man was merely a mark of how well trained and thorughly trained her was. Adam smirked and walked over, deciding to join this new one. It would be interesting, and while he knew he was forced to keep his hands gloves, knowing better to play without his CO's permission, he could still have fun. The soldier too a seat next to him.

"I hope you don't mind. You have the look about you of a fellow solider." His voice was smooth and congenial, tailored to the situation.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Adam Hoffen, LW." He said simply and eyed Josef. "A pious name." He commented off hand and then sighed. "And I agree. I am supposed to recieved orders for elsewhere soon enough." And he could not wait. This play was terrible.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"For now, yes! Thank goodness. The men I shared quarters with damn near drove me insane." He couldn't wait for his orders, to tell the truth. Possibly a room to himself, if he had them right. "Ah, officers are lucky. We mere mortal enlisted men still have to share space with each other." He said in jest and gave the older man a smile.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Hm? No, not as much I would like, though I have seen some. There is a project our unit is assigned to that...well, I'm sure it's for Kampf's glory, but it is boring." Watching ten little brats, occasionally reading them as he taught them basics. It was disgusting. At least they dealt with the tiny things less now that they attended school. Finally.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Well. At least I'm not doing that. Congratulations on winning a medal many times over though." He said and looked amused. That would be a special sort of monotonous torture. "They would never let me on an Enlightenment Tour. I'm a tad They like to keep me close to my CO." He said and shrugged it off. Well, there were reasons for that. He actually respected his CO for one thing, rare enough as it was.

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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Adam Hoffen raises an eyebrow. "Do keep it down, lest I remove my gloves." There lay the psychic troops real terror. Skin to skin contact and they could kill a man with their touch. Painfully. Always painfully, and Adam savored the pain. "And I don't know what you're talking about. Psychic links? what do you think I am, a pilot in a COFFIN interface?" As if. He was a mere soldier, and investigator even. "I'm an investigator. That's all. They say find out and I do."

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Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Many Belkans are veterans." He murmured and glanced to Wagner. "Many, many veterans are Belkans." He said in reverse order, and odd light in his eyes as he contemplated his hands. "So very tempting, yes?" He spoke to his hands and smiled. "It would be lovely to savor, to play, but the officers would come down hard. mustn't forget why you are kept around, mustn't we?" A little mad?

Only a little.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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Adam strode through this new place, looking for his new CO. He did so hate to be pulled from his usual routines, but he had been moved. Oh well. It offered him a new chance with new toys. Should, of course, he be allowed.

He had been briefed on the situation of course, but was none too pleased with it. Ha! Well, had he his way it would end shortly, with Terra under- but no, no. He was a good dog, on his tight leash. He would wait until given his orders. He was a patient man.

The interrogator knocked at the door of his new CO, holo-sheet in hand as he waited acknowledgement. This better be quick. He had wanted to find a new play toy for the day, and quickly! Surely with this new station there would be plenty of unsuspecting toys lying about unused.

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
Matthias, of course, was as he usually was, sitting behind his desk and flipping through what mundane and asinine information and documents they had laden him with, though he pursued a document which, to he, bore much more relevance on his current assignment -- Ilsa's dossier. To say that she was unusual would be putting things lightly. Very lightly. With disinterest he shoved most of the paperwork to the side, setting about the folder with some interest.

Reinhardt, Ilsa. The image present was her, to be sure, clad in black LW uniform and all, and with some interest he set about her personal details, eventually coming, after a page or two, to her mental assessment. What greeted him ushered some blank expression for a moment or two before twisting into an exasperated stare. Minor compulsive issues.

Minor compulsive issues.

With a glance about his office, recently rearranged by the woman herself, Rueger set back to reading before a knock rang out on his door, one that he greeted with a glance before speaking, "Enter." Likely another member of his sabotage team, though the man had little in the way of expectations here. Already he'd been granted an obsessive compulsive, what more could command do?

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Sieg Heil, Hauptsturmführer." He greeted with a crisp salute, not moving after the salute. Relax? Adam? Oh no. He would not relax. He was tightly reined in, because he had to be. He did so hate being without a CO, however temporary it was during transfers. It made him wish to hurt something. But no, that wasn't allowed, and he was told that by peons.


Adam dispised peons. The man waited patiently, eyes gleaming with the urge to deliver pain. Later, later, he soother himself. Later he would go and he would play and the lowly Terrans would beg for mercy, the fools. And oh how sweet their precious cries would be. He simply couldn't wait! Perhaps a mother and child. That was always the most delicious.

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
"Hail Kampf." The dismissive greeting came as the captain closed the lid of the dossier's folder, sighing with annoyance as he considered how best to deal with Ilsa as a partner in the coming days. Undercover with her would be a constant chore. Rueger soon returned his salute, rigid but not as crisp as his new subordinate's, though soon it was dropped and Matthias offered one of the seats he kept for visitors, gesturing to them, "Have a seat."

He, meanwhile, checked to make sure that his peaked cap still lay on the desk, remembering once how he forgot the thing at his residence once. How it was he managed out of the door without it on he really didn't know, though now he always checked for it. Almost instinctively he reached for his collar, though he soon recalled that he wasn't dealing today with Ilsa. "I'm sure you know me by now."

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"You are Hauptsturmführer Matthias Ruegar." He informed the other somewhat curiously, dropping the salute and taking his seat, placing his holo file on the desk with one gloved hand. "I am Untersturmführer Adam Hoffen, your new dog." He smirked slightly and tilted his head to the side. "Apparently, I am to be a part of this...undercover mission. I suppose this means my leash will be unbearbly tight." He said with a sigh.

"Though I do wish to play with a few Terrans, just one or two toys? If, sir, that is alright with you." All dogs deserved a good toy after all, whether the dogs were canine, or formed by the tender mercies of training. Oh yes. All dogs deserved toys.

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
"Well," spoke Matthias, looking to this man with an unyielding cybernetic eye, feeling, as most did, that there was something wrong about him, "Mr. Hoffen, I'm glad that you're a part of our little group." He spoke of his regulations as a leash, and such helped the superior form a mental opinion of the man before him. He was no dog, dogs, by their nature, were loyal. This beast was simply bound. Best to keep its attention away from him. Pondering, for a moment, his initial decision, he soon spoke,

"I don't see why not, so long as it is discreet." The weight placed on the final word no doubt emphasized the severity of the situation, and whilst Matthias was rather lenient in some areas he certainly had no desire to be refitted again. His failure last time was, of course, still ringing in his ears.

Or staring at Adam, to be more accurate.

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"I assure you, I am alway discreet." He had avoided the psychic corps for long enough that he knew the meaning of the word. "I shall even keep their screams down to whimpers, yes?" Bound was correct. Adam had not come thorugh the trainign whole, if he had been whole to begin with. It had broken something in him further than before, but he didn't much care.

The man refused to misbehave so. Instead, he wanted, desperately, to be a good dog now, though one that got to play. While he was certainly not loyal to Matthias, to anyone, he would react with a dog like pleasure at the slightest attention or compliments, and doglike sorrow when chastised.

Oh yes. In a way, Adam was well aware he was little more than a dog, and more than comfortable with this. "I was not informed at to what my cover would be." He stated simply. "Other than some sort of coward." Coward, refugee, it was all the same.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
The flat stare with which he'd greeted Adam remained, not giving the newcomer any showing of emotion until he had appropriately gauged his personality. And what a personality this one seemed to have. "Then we will have little issue," Matthias said, frankly, as he leaned against the edge of his desk, "so long as you do your part when it's needed. You can do whatever you like." Thus did his offer stand, so long as it didn't draw attention to the operation as a whole and didn't interfere with its completion, Hoffen was free to do as he pleased to the locals.

The note of their infiltration was soon raised, and Matthias, having reviewed the documents some prior to his arrival, was keen to share. After all, Hoffen and he would be rather close, "Scatterran refugees fleeing our forces. Forced from the Eastern Republics. I, with another agent, will be posing as a couple. You're my brother." The thought of Ilsa as his wife though? The Emperor preserve, that would take some getting used to.

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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He had been expecting the tightest leash yet. This was practically no leash at all! Adam's very demenour seemed to pick up at the though of as many vicitms as he wished-so long as, of course, they remained discreet. That was possible, of course. At the word of posing as a Scatterran fleeing the Belkans he scoffed.

Yes. Cowards. They'd be playing the part of cowards. "Your brother? Very well. I suppose I must...grow used to saying your name." Names. He would have to address his commanding officer by name. That would take a lot of getting used to. He didn't like it, and had grown stiff and uncomfortable with this realization. "The name of the planet is Terra, is it not?"

Odd name that. He didn't approve.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
"I wouldn't want it any other way." To be sure, he wouldn't, and it would seem with this one that it would take some time to slide into the mindset. Such prompted his next sentence, "Just call me Josiah, Adam." Such was his alias, after all. It wouldn't hurt to get an early start on matters in this regard. Matthias had long since adjusted to responding to the name, his three years spent on Terra conditioning his mind to the culture still present in his mind.

"It is." Terra. An otherwise rather pitiful world in a remote slice of the Home galaxy, but for some reason it held enormous political and international value -- and was thus of priceless importance to the Hegemony. To hold Terra was to hold all of Home at one's disposal. "It seems that the heathens place a great value on it. Understandable strategic target."

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Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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"Josiah. How..." He shuddered and nodded. "Very well. Josiah. I do home we manged to conquer this target quickly. It sounds like a backwards place, despite it's valure." A value he personally doubted, but then again, he was hardly the sort who admitted to such values. Anything not from the hegemony was, strictly speaking, worthless to him.

"I will continue to go by Adam, if it is alright. It is a good enough name." He would rather not be known by a filthy foreign name anyway. Really, Josiah?

Well. Some people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthias Rueger Character Portrait: Adam Hoffen
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#, as written by Ottoman
"As do I." Matthias spoke with little effort to hide his own disdain for the planet, but he would do what was required of him. The special service often was given undercover tasks like these, ones that, after being raised in the Hegemony, could prove quite difficult, though if one managed to pull it off, they were as good as retired. The risk and time spent among heathens was certainly worth it. "And it's fine." The name was Azrik, that much he could tell, and unlike his own, divine race, the Azriks were divided in their loyalties at the time of the Exodus. At least Adam's family had the dignity to side with their proper leader, Saint Redwing. "So long as it's passable. The Terrans are quite lax in their efforts to regulate traffic."

A smile creeped to his face at this, thinking of the world as he did, "Not even out of the cradle yet." Such easily exploited nature was typical of a libertarian, democratic government, "A pity they don't know the monsters that live beneath it."