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Adam Xanatos

0 · 644 views · located in Lady Une Drive

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Shpleem


Adam Xanatos
Race: Human
Full Name: Adam James Xanatos
Social Status: Upper Middle Class
Occupation: Programmer
Age: 27
Height: 5' 11" if able to stand upright.
Build: Lean, moderately toned
Hair: Short brown
Eyes: Light brown
Distinguishing Marks: None
General Information:
Combat Type: Non-combatant, though skilled at hacking should the need arise to engage in digital combat.
Unique Talents, Abilities and Personal Equipment: Though wheelchair bound from the accident that killed his parents, Adam is a remarkably skilled computer programmer. Rarely leaving his own home unless he has to visit a client's location to directly access their computer systems, he does most of his work from his home's impressive computer system, a smaller version of which is transported via his motorized wheelchair that he uses outside his home thanks to modern Wing City technology.
Father: Jacob Xanatos, deceased
Mother: Emily Craig, deceased


Race: Program
Full Name: Azimuth
Social Status: System Monitor
Occupation: System Security
Age: 2 years, kept cutting edge with constant updating and recoding.
Height: 6' 2"
Build: Medium, muscled
Hair: Short, black
Eyes: Orange
Distinguishing Marks: Orange circuitry
General Information:
Combat Type: Primarily Identity Disc combat though he has access to a number of unique disc mods gained over time.
Unique Talents, Abilities and Personal Equipment:
Family: None

So begins...

Adam Xanatos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
The program glanced out only to pull his head back a shot nearly split his face in two. She was good, he'd have to start fighting like a hacker to keep up, of course, he was a hacking program. Putting one disc away his lights dimmed and went out, glancing up the pillar he hid behind he smiled, clawed hands giving him a grip as he started to climb. If he could get to the top he'd get the drop on her, literally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
Korlyn frowned as her target didn't appear again. Was he afraid? Well, he should be, but here that shouldn't be a real concern in this virtual world. She spun one gun away onto her hip to recharge fully and ducked behind a pillar briefly to reconfigure her main pistol to a different class. A Bullpup SMG braced against her shoulder as she rounded the the pillar she had ducked behind on the far side and let lose a volley of small but fast projectiles at the pillar where she had last seen the program. But he wasn't responding as she had anticipated, something was wrong. She didn't hesitate to rush his position and leap a small obstacle to get behind the position she had last seen him at.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Azazel grinned again, baton snapping onto his disc and extending before deploying a scythe blade. As he leapt down from the top of the pillar his body lit up again, tip of the scythe blade aimed to cleanly bisect her digital representation. He was of course relying on the 'guards never look up' rule, which was for the most part true, then again, this was a trained mercenary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
The elf was surprised by him dropping down from above. She hadn't thought about climbing the digital surfaces and cursed herself for the oversight. She lifted her SMG to block the attack and had but a moment to see his blade slice straight through the weapon with almost no resistance and managed to leap back into a defensive roll. That roll did not hinder her from drawing the pistol from her hip as she had practiced for years on end and pop up into a couch, gun held steady in both hands and a three shot burst right along his body, aiming for two chest shots and a head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Azazel staggered back and slumped on the pillar, squared pixelated holes through his chest and one cracking through the visor of his helmet. A moment latter his form collapsed into a pile of tiny, liquefying cubes. Adam descended on his platform, wheeling over to her. "Looks like you beat him." he said, looking up at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
"Not easily," Korlyn got up and checked herself. Normally she would have been out of breath by now, but something about the digital world kept her from feeling exhaustion. "Most people would have been taken out by the grenade shot earlier, and if I had my full load out for a mission I'd have several grenades of varying types for support." She went to where he had ambushed her and checked the wall. "I hadn't thought about climbing, the surfaces were too sheer to get a good handhold on." She turned to Adam. "Great program, it adapted well to what I was dishing out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"It's an older version of one of my best." he said, gesturing to the nicks in the wall. "Climbing claws." he pointed out. "Still, for your first time on the grid you did good." he said, having the pillars lowered and wheeling over to a circle on the floor. "If you're ready to head back, Absilon should be ready with that optimization you asked for." he said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
Korlyn thought about it for a few moments and nodded. "Yea, I got most of my mad out. How do we get out of this place? It isn't like I can jack out if I'm really here." she took a few moments to turn around and check, just to make sure, that there weren't any obvious exits from the digital landscape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"Over here." he said, gesturing to the circle marked on the floor. "We can de-digitize from here." he said. When she joined him the laser would fire again and essentially print them back into the real world right where they had been when they left.

"File scan complete, optimization complete, final check and manual upgrade pending." announced the computer on Adam's desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
She stepped into the circle with him and felt the sensation of her aches returning to her physical body. She winced slightly and wrapped her right arm lightly around her middle and held it in place. "How long were we in there?" She checked her internal clock but the sync was off due to her waiting for the upgrades. She looked over at his computer when it announced it was ready. "I'm surprised. I mean I hear you were fast, but to have the upgrades ready already? That's impressive."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"It's just basic optimization at the moment, increasing scan time and process per second. I'd have to actually dive into code for anything major in terms of boosting performance." he said, wheeling over to the computer. "Looks like an average of 22% improvement." he said, "If you'd like I can download the optimized code now and let you adjust to the higher scan times while I work on trying to squeeze a little more out of the code itself." he suggested.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
"That sounds perfect to me," she slid into a chair across from him and once again pulled out the wire for her jack. She passed it over and readied herself to receive information. She closed her eyes and relaxed. There was a slue of scans and firewalls that had to be accessed from her side to allow for anything beyond simple text. She entered the encryption key and waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Adam plugged her in and entered the command to upload the new code, keeping a copy for himself to work on and improve over the next day or so. The basic optimizing run by his Absilon program was still top notch and would be enough to cause noticeable improvement in certain aspects. "There, if you have any way of testing feel free to try it out." he said once the upload was complete and he returned the jack to her. He was still trying to wrap his head around the idea of a cyborg elf, it was a strange concept even in Wing City, at least to him. Still, he spent a lot of his time in his own computer rather than at it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
Korlyn winced at the sensation of the upload and her ears twitched slightly. She kept her eyes closed behind her goggles and ran the update through a detection program to ensure there was nothing malicious before she integrated it into her system. "It'll take a few minutes to get an accurate reading of the measured improvements against the number you gave." She hummed softly to herself with an odd melody and tilted her head back and forth as she waited for it to complete ad then run some test programs. "Yea... it seems a bit smoother, faster to respond. That'll be useful if I get into that situation again."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"Situation?" he asked, typing away at his computer as he spoke, rather good at multitasking. "If it's classified you don't have to tell me but I'm curious." he replied. His own story wasn't too special, a highway accident left his parents dead a few years ago and he without the use of his legs. He hadn't found any cybernetics he could afford that didn't involve entirely replacing his legs and he really didn't trust the 'magic' some citizens of Wing City tossed around like a game of catch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
"Not classified, just embarrassing." She opened her eyes and removed her goggles. "Zero-G op, search and rescue. A wing off a space station a couple jumps spin-ward was jettisoned during a terrorist attack. I was asked to give aid and recover the people in the wing." She adjusted herself a little in the chair, staying still was difficult with these lingering injuries. "Some idiot rigged explosives inside the cafeteria. Some idiot engineer didn't account for the possibility of Zero-g and there was a ton of debris floating around without a way to capture it. I had to plow my way through to some kids trapped in the kitchen. My sensors couldn't keep up with all the debris and I was bounced around like a pinball." She motioned with a hand as to indicate the random course she had been forced to take. "Half a table caught me in the side, busted my arm and two ribs through my suit and augments. Left leg was taken out by something else, I didn't even get to see what it was." She shrugged but wasn't pleased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"I've read that space junk can be accelerated at such high velocity that even felt could be dangerous." he said, looking up when she gestured but otherwise he continued working. "There's a few other sims you could use if you needed to sometime, I might charge you a little but it's just because I need to keep the business going." he said. "I've managed to get some lightcycles and light jets adjusted for Users and I've been working on some game bots to compete against." he added. "Fast paced dogfighting is always a good way to test reflexes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korlyn Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tawanos
"I could use some Zero-G advanced courses. Hand to hand, weapons, and so forth," she waved a hand. "I'm sure I can get boss to spring for it. But I'll need to ask him." She bobbed her head with a smile. "I'm not much of a pilot, but those other things sound like fun." She looked over at the digitizer. "Would I need to buy something like that?"

The setting changes from Lady Une Drive to The Arena Lobby


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Adam was surprised by the description given the of the man he was supposed to be meeting. One arm, not a cyborg either, it was pretty odd, but then again, he lived with his spinal injury and didn't really want to replace his entire lower half with machinery to walk again. The chair did him just fine, and let him carry a mobile uplink to his own servers.

Upon spotting the man he was set to meet he wheeled over to him, forgoing the chair's powered option for the moment as he moved over to him manually, having to dodge around a few inattentive passersby.

"You were looking for some one who happens to be good with a keyboard?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Adam Xanatos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
"Adam Xanatos." the man replied, shaking his hand. "Yes, that is my birth name." he added with a small laugh, some people didn't believe he would have a name like that.

"Semi-legal just happens to be where the most fun is too be had." he said, looking around the room for a moment. Contract work, that was what he generally did anyway, installations for companies and the privately wealthy. After that it was generally repairs and upgrades.

"So what sort of semi-legal are we talking about."