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Aether Septym

"Rungs of heaven form the ladder to hell."

0 · 161 views · located in Scutum-Centaurus Arm

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Guest, as played by RolePlayGateway


Aether Septym
Age 107
How old does s/he appear? 20's
Eye Color: Brown

Hair/Fur color: Brown

Height: 5'11
Weight: 145
Type of body/build: Athletic; between being a militant and survivor, the idea of having a luxurious lifestyle-even in a place as grand as Wing City-simply hasn't occurred to Aether.
Distinguishing Marks? N/A; it's a wonder what not being human can do for you.
Scars? N/A

Accent? N/A

Is s/he healthy? Physically? Yes. Mentally? Yes. Emotionally? Everyone can use a good shoulder to cry on.
Copper Image
Age 37
How old does s/he appear? Depends on the breed of dog; some are chipper at 2 years old while others are dead.
Eye Color: Amber on black

Hair/Fur color: Brown, sandy yellow, and many other colors. His back is lighter while his underbelly is composed of much darker colors.

Height: Three foot at the shoulder, for foot nose to ass. Tail is about a foot and a half.
Weight: 75 ibs

Distinguishing Marks? Copper looks like he has his right eye tattooed.
Scars? N/A

Is s/he healthy? Yes


Color: Copper/bronze
Food: Cheese sticks
Genre: Romance
Book: Dev on Bleu!
Quote: "..and I place a Jihad on you too!"
Expletive(s) (swears): "Jihad on you!"


Smokes: Yes

Drinks: Not often


Greatest fear: Dying (again); he knows all too well what is going to happen to him when he does.
Philosophy: "If you can't prove it, I didn't do it."

Character's soft spot: Animals
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character show?
Wrath, pride
Which of the 7 virtues does your character have?


Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Good characteristics: Aether is a first responder; when someone needs help, he's always on hand to give some.
Character flaws: Aether is generally a right-asshole to most people. He's quick to wish death upon those he doesn't like, for he knows exactly what is in store for them.


One word character would use to describe self: Archaic
One paragraph description of how character would describe self: "I don't know what I did, but I did my time for it. I'm out of Hell-essentially-and not itchin' to go back, so you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. Piss off now or piss me off; either way and you're going to make my day. Ha! You, chance against me? Unless that's blue steel, you don't have a chance."


Jewelry/ other accessories? A watch and phone can usually be found on his person.
Where does character live? At a location.
With anyone? <Ye>s/No
Spending habits: Frugal/<Spendthrift> The 'ell is money for if I can't spend it?
Any pets? Yes
Likes music? No
Color: Anything that is usually very shiny/reflective, like gold, nickel, or chrome.
Food: Kibblebits (Now with bacon!)
Quote: "It's food time, Copper."

Worst bad habit? Pissing on people's shoes.

Greatest fear: Giant helicopters
Philosophy: "Everything on two legs is an enemy. Everything on four legs-or with wings-is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes."

Character's soft spot: Younger canines.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes
Which of the 7 deadly sins does character show?
Greed, lust
Which of the 7 virtues does your character have?
Diligence, patience


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Good characteristics: Copper is loyal....
Character flaws: ...unless you expect your shoes back.
Mannerisms: "SQUIRREL?"


One word character would use to describe self: Paw-rific.
One paragraph description of how character would describe self: "I am dog."


Jewelry/ other accessories? Copper isn't forced to wear a collar by Aether, but sometimes it is deemed necessary.
Where does character live? With Aether
With anyone? <Yes>/No


Image This slender and graceful scimitar is crafted of shining mithril, lustrous ivory, and polished gold. Its hilt is set with brilliant blue sapphires and fiery red rubies. At first glance, the weapon appears to be nothing more than a showpiece, a gaudy bit of belt-jewelry for a foppish noble. Closer examination, however, reveals the blade's perfect balance and keen edge, as well as a grip wrapped in wire -- it will not slip in a hand slick with sweat or blood. The sword's blade is crafted of mithril, the only material (other than adamant, but Aether isn't allowed to wield such a weapon) that can threaten a denizen of the sixth plain of the Abyss.
Image 9-rounds to a magazine, this pistol fires 7.62 (assault rifle!) rounds, something very unusual for a pistol. It still maintain amazing accuracy and its general design cuts back on recoil.


"Let me tell you a little something about Hell: It's not what you think it is. Now let me tell you something about Heaven: It's worse."

"Hell, Demons, Daemons, Angels... your misconstruities and misconceptions would be endearing if you had the excuse of a childish dilapidation or some such similar reason to be so enviably ignorant." The term "Hell" is often not used in place of The Abyss, but the opposite is true. The abyss, in the sense of Mr. Aether here, is a multi-planed location of existence that rests below the material plane, where you or I exist, which in turn is below what is colliqually referred to as "heaven," a similarly ringed local stored there for opposite reasons. Intersecting the material plane is the ethereal one, in which ghosts and spirits exist, floating back and forth as shimmering marriages of what is and once was.
As you have likely already guessed correctly, the fact that the seven planes of the abyss have been interchanged will hell does in fact mean that it it not a happy place; the souls of the ostensibly damned are forever chained to a punishment akin to their sins; murderers feel grief like a victims family, while a rapist faces shame and abuse similar to what they have inflicted upon their fellow sentient beings. The "Heaven" in this sense, on the other hand, is a much happier place; the higher your level there, the greater a person you were in life. Saved a baby from a fire, you get to the first level; sacrifice yourself to save a planet full of babies, and you get to a higher level.
Unfortunately, the rungs of heaven form the ladder to hell. Letme explain why: In almost every major religion that we have ever observed, vanity has been a terrible crime. In "The Rapture," if it were to ever happen, think of how many people would come crashing back down to earth after their fellow men and women were floated up naked next to them? A similar concept is observed in the various levels of "Heaven": When you are level two, you are automatically seen as more pious and as a greater person that a level one inhabitant, something you are bound to observe sooner or later; you promptly find yourself rotting in eternal fire shortly thereafter.
There are many facets to the various tidbits of either side of existence that are ostensibly ironic and hypocritical: If there is a hierarchical "devil" or "demon" in charge of a real full of murderers, why would anyone be punished? I'd sooner throw a party among friends than whip and spurn all of them. Still, existence is as existence does.

Different levels of the abyss house different kinds of "Sinful Souls"; you wouldn't find gluttons with succubi, for example. The denizens of these places vary widely, too; on the level that houses murderers, you might find large creatures that posses natural weapons-such as wicked claws-or swords, whereas on a level meant to house those that succumb to the vice of indulgence might be frequented by obese monsters or succubi. The deeper you descend, the harder these creatures are to kill: Normal weapons on T1; Cold Iron, steel, or better for T2; Blue Steel or better for T3; Quicksilver, blended quartz, or other rarities for T4; Mithril on T5; Adamant on T6; Amber, gold, or otherwise magical materials and weapons for T7. That's not to say you can't wound a denizen with a weaker weapon; it's to say you cannot permanently kill one otherwise.
Aether comes from T4.

Now, Aether doesn't know what he did in past life to become a denizen of T4; this mismatch that reincarnated him in Hell-essentially-left him with no idea who he was or what he did, other than it was bad enough to merit T4. That's not wholly terrible-T7 is for the absolutely vile-but getting into Hell alone is pretty bad. Rather than suffer through everything, he demised a means of escaping-many powerful Demons and Devils inhabit the 'planes and have a penchant for magic, after all-and found his way back to the "Ethereal Plane," the standard level of existence in The Multiverse. He made his way around long enough to learn he was on Terra, decided to just start traveling until he found something interesting.
For the most part, anything that the planes of Hell spew up tend to be evil and worthless abominations that seek nothing more than destruction of and revenge upon those that shunned and cast that soul down to the firey depths in the first place. Not Aether. His only two goals are kill whatever evil he sees and figure out why in the Hell he's what he is, if you'll excuse his pun.
Along his travels Aether met Cooper, a Blink Dog. These dogs are a rarity in themselves; they are both intelligent and inherently good-aligned. It was natural that they teamed up, even if they couldn't properly communicate-intelligence doesn't mean telepathy and a canine isn't exactly built to speak, if you'll excuse that pun, too.

So begins...

Aether Septym's Story