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Agent Marie Pheonix

Codename: Inferno. A spark from the mind is enough to ignite the inferno that is the soul. Be ever wary, lest you be immolated.

0 · 551 views · located in The Undermarket

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dark Rain



Height: 5'1"
Weight: 106lbs


Marie is only one of the people that reside within her mind. She is kind, gentle, but possessed of one of the sharpest intellects in the galaxy, capable of retaining vast stores of information from what she has learned. Gifted with perfect recall, Agent Marie is the perfect logistics agent of Dark Rain.

But there is another side...

Pheonix is what she calls herself, the other personality residing within Agent Marie. She is rated hyper-lethal when this personality is under control, being incredibly cold and indifferent to the destruction she causes. She is murderous and ruthless in this persona, prone to episodes of violence that pale even the reknowned Lucien Meciah. The only known Agent who can control Pheonix is Dylan Ryder.


Marie Pheonix is an Alpha class agent, rated for pyrokinesis. Note, she is not restricted to manipulating fire, but is able to call into being a raging inferno to incinerate virtually anything in the local area. Able to manipulate all forms of fire and heat, she could do something as simply as light a candle, or something as advanced as roasting a person from the inside out. However the use of this branch of psychokinesis is monitored heavily by Dark Rain, and so Marie must document every case of use for more than very basic tasks.

Akimbo Rangers
Modified Rangers, sawed-off double-barrel shotguns with pistol grips, are the surprising weapon of choice for the slight Marie. However, she has proven herself extremely proficient with the use of her deadly sidearms, combining them with her powers to clear and entire room in a matter of four trigger pulls. To underestimate the choice of dear Agent Marie would be fatal to most.


The organization known as Dark Rain keeps it's origins secret beyond the level of Black. However, Dark Rain does not keep secret its specialty, and that is providing individual agents to clients at a fee. These agents have one thing in common: They are all powerful psychokinetics.

Marie Pheonix was captured after an episode where her alternative persona came to the front, resulting in half a city on fire. She was held for years while Agents tried, and failed to initiate a contact with the Marie inside. But after nearly three years of incarceration, Dylan Ryder paid her a visit.

Within a week, Marie was undergoing training, Dyan never too far from where she was. Responding well to the almost impossible challenges thrown at her, Marie proceeded to ace all of Dark Rain's tests and receive the designation of Alpha-level agent.

So begins...

Agent Marie Pheonix's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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#, as written by Lobos
Around the massive sprawling network of the UDW hyperstation Lair II, capital ship-sized defense platforms came to life, the ponderous lengths of massive bores, nests of missile and torpedo silos coming online, but only a minor Excel Cannon bothered to actually target the drone. It was an automated response of one of the copies of the Argus AI planted on the station, and even as it maneuvered the powerful platforms to readied stations, it intercepted the transmission, identified it, de-encrypted it after scanning for a viral loads, and forwarded a separate transmission from one of the thousands of far smaller recon satellites that liberally seeded all borders of the UDW.

Aboard the station, of the population of nearly 1.2 billion persons, only the command crew was engaged in the frantic exercise of handling the contact, comm teams entering the neural link with the multitude of AIs that assisted in the operations of the station, while the Agency response team was en-route to the CC aboard the nearest mag-rail watched on holoscreens. Fortunately, the master of the Sixth Tier of Midnight was present already, having been running the staff through counter-force drills. The calm face of Jet Maverick glanced at his compatriots, Luciah Mechiah and Marie Pheonix, on his own holoscreen, before turning back to projection of Artemis, this Lair station's primary controller AI. "Go ahead and message back our acknowledgement, if ARG. II finishing dicing it. Given they were smart enough to send a drone and not land a fleet on the doormat, the least we can do is answer the call."

The AI's figure, matronly yet features shrouded in smoke, nodded, tilting her projections head for a moment as she relayed an answering string for transmission back to the drone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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#, as written by Varden
For a few seconds the drone was silent. A few seconds after that another scan was performed by the drone utilizing gravimetric, magnetometric, LADAR, and RADAR. Sensor pings reverberated throughout the system. It then started to transmit magnitudes of information that would make the entirety of the world wide web look like a cell phone's contact list. The stream of data was so vast and intense that even the most advanced computer systems of today would fry at the outset.

This data consisted of a universal map overlaid by a vast grid. The information detailed planetary systems in the resident's language over a incomprehensible distance, some many, many, many, many times more distant than even the observable universe should be from this current location. So many planetary systems, such a vast universe. During this push of information the drone's AI managed to shake hands with Artemis and the information transfer slowed. Like two dancers pushing and pulling upon each other the drone's AI and the station's AI started to communicate between bursts of the frantic information dump. These frantic bursts of information eventually lessened and were set to lay underneath the communication between the two AI as a sort of background jabber that the drone constantly spouted.

Finally the drone's AI chimed in with a clear and distinct response in the resident's own language. "Greetings. I am EGO and this drone is part of what is called the Telikos Protocol, a project designed to map the whole of existence, and a joint effort spearheaded by a organization known as the Varden. I am directed to send their greetings and peaceful intentions."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
As Artemis patched the message through while communing with the drone, the Midnight chuckled. "Well, it speaks English."

A subvocal pitch triggered the transmission mike strapped across his throat. "Well recieved, EGO. This is the Lair II station, and I'm Midnight Sixth Jet Maverick. From the United Dark Worlds, I send greeting back to the Varden, issuing a temporary stand down on the Mjolnir platforms."

The comm teams patched through his orders as he spoke, all but the primary weapons systems of the platforms entering a passive state, the deuterium cores of the mighty Abysses sliding from the firing chambers. It was standard protocol, yet it also left the ability to achieve readiness and retaliation far more quickly than bringing them all the way back online. Lucian, sensing Jet's ease in the communication, slowed their mag-rail car to a more reasonable pace, no longer needing the windscreen and so allowing a breeze to travel across the pair as they moved over one of the agricultural modules.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"English is not our language but I now can speak it and have been able to since my creation." There was a short pause and then EGO continued on. "With the consent of a leader that can give such consent this drone will deploy a beacon, a cosmic anomaly that acts as a pseudo-gravity well. This beacon will allow a diplomatic vessel to instantly enter your space at the drone's current location from the other side of the universe. This drone's sensors indicate that such a deployment will not adversely effect your planetary system or its residents but it may be bright enough to see from powerful planetary or orbital observation posts. Are there any specifics other than what can be readily observed by this drone, any customs, laws, or regulations that should be outlined prior to a diplomatic vessel entering your space should such consent be given? Are there any questions prior to such a deployment and the arrival of a diplomatic vessel? Is consent given?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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#, as written by Lobos
"So long as you aren't carrying specific illegal cargos, which given that it's a diplomatic ship, I doubt, nothing really to worry about on the legality front. Consent given, EGO." Jet was more curious than cautious in this instance, given that caution was well taken in hand by the ARG II. It had his orders, and he had his own areas of responsibilities. The UDW's flexibility with what it's higher ranking members could do was pretty stretched, and as for kicking it up the ladder the few rungs? Unnecessary.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: EGO Character Portrait: John Rosenthal Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Jet Maverick Character Portrait: Telikos Protocol
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Varden
"Affirmative. We are preparing to initiate a bridge. I have been directed to pass off some general information about the Varden while preparations are being made. I will pass on any information directed as well as the identity of the individual providing such information if it is not the station AI, Artemis. I am capable of answering questions provided the information provided is not restricted, secret, or confidential."

Elsewhere in the vast expanse of blackness someone was woke from what he thought would be a restful slumber...

The Varden operate primarily within a galaxy they call Ayenee and in another smaller and relatively close galaxy known as Eden which are both many hundreds of thousands of light years from Terra. These two galaxies are in a state of collision. Their domain consists of three hundred solar systems near the galactic core of Eden with about sixty habitable worlds total, similar to Terra. Each major contributing government holds from one thousand to four thousand solar systems but the major population centers of each empire are within one to four hundred systems with two hundred to six hundred habitable worlds total for each empire. Most habitable celestial bodies within one of the empires have at least one settlement and solar systems that do not have a habitable world normally have a space station orbiting a celestial body. Every race but the humans that are represented within the council do have a home world and a number of core systems as do the Varden.

Ayenee and Eden both reside within the Corona Borealis Supercluster. Although it is one billion light years from Terra it is famous because it is a fairly obvious concentration of clusters of galaxies. Ayenee and Eden both reside within the cluster A2061 as identified by Terran astronomers with Ayenee actually identified as PGC 54787.

The Varden can be considered a class three civilization based on Kardashev's scale. The five empires that support the Varden would rate as class three civilizations due numerous Dyson swarm and ring projects. The most ambitious of these projects is the JDSP (Joint Dyson Sphere Project) being spearheaded by the Varden. Looking to the smaller states the Varden can be considered a Type omega-minus civilization.

On the technology being used to travel such a substantial distance in no significant time:

A cynosural field, also known colloquially as a "cyno" or "beacon", is a cosmic anomaly that acts as a pseudo-gravity well. With the correct calibration information, jump drives can lock onto the field and create what seems to an outside observer to be a portal to a destination. Jump drives actually bend space/time and the equipped unit to jump anywhere in the conceivable universe.

Remote generation of cynosural fields is not currently possible. Thus properly equipped units must rely upon other friendly units to generate a cynosural field at the target location. The only exception to that is the line of sight rule for on grid point to point locations referenced with line of sight to the target location and only when the unit is properly equipped to perform such a maneuver. When activated, cynosural fields act as beacons, allowing any unit in existence to locate and warp to the field as long as that unit is properly equipped and prepared to make the jump.

The setting changes from The Umbral Sector to The Undermarket


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dark Rain Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah Character Portrait: Ra'ishi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lobos
An unusual posture of rest, a creature's slumber was marked in the form of an unusual crouch, leaning forward on two limbs with the decidedly lupine head perched on the knees, eyes closed. An over-sized poncho lay draped over its form, obscuring much of its body from sight. Even thus, that the being wasn't human was easy to tell, it's course black hair occasionally dripping condensation on the floor, quiet, steady huffs indicating life. This entity was no magical accident, or genetic creation, but a remnant of a lost race.

Almost as if he sensed them approaching, the Kirek known as Ra'ishi opened first one set of eyes, then another, and finally another, the individually tracking orbs on his right side slowly panning until they noticed a small trio approaching. Canine jaws opening and displaying impressive fangs, the alien growled.

"What's yur purp-ose wit' meh, hoomans?"

Halting with an unexpected jolt, the two men and the woman with them exchanged glance. As the woman took a step further, however, Ra'ishi's poncho shifted, revealing a third arm, in its hand, ill-fitting yet still a warning nonetheless, a large, human revolver. Holding up her hands, she cocked her head slightly, then spoke. "We represent a group that's become interested in you, Mr. Ra'ishi. Anomalies noted and the suc-"

"Piss off."
"Please, hear me out. You're all alone, aren't you?"
"What of it, hooman?"
"We want to correct that."

Silent for a moment, rustles announced the motion as the alien lifted from his hunched posture, rising to his full, seven foot height, turning his head to peer sideways at the group, idly shaking droplets of water from his body and pistols. The guns slid into a rigged harness, alongside another pair in easy reach of his primary limbs. The Kirek was an imposing sight, noting one of the men shrinking back slightly, instinctual fear of large predators demanding no less, warring no less against the stubborn logic these fragile beings paraded so shamelessly. That he was a predator that had no equal among their own native fauna only made the reaction more...

Satisfying. Ra'ishi's grin had the man shivering. "What yoo me-an, hooman? Kirek die'd off. Las' one stan-ding."

"We can change that, if you agree to come with us. The Kirek don't need to remain a memory. You, of all people, know what it's like to live yet not live, walking only among strangers who fear you. Don't you want to change that? Don't you want a home?"

"Home..." Echoing the woman's last word, the Kirek's thought processed churned with unimaginable speeds. For most, he was just an over-intelligent animal, and he kept it that way. Better than, then to have the frighteningly high intelligent he possessed become common knowledge. Much better, for them to remain ignorant. "Agreed. How yoo do?"

"Genetic testing, regression generation, and then cloning. We've never done it on such a scale, but..."

"I diff-er-ent. I see." The sharp glance that the other male gave him drew a snarling laugh from Ra'ishi, before his all too aware eyes, all of them, settled on the woman once more. "What name, woo-man?"

"Maria. Maria Phoenix."

"Le's go. Ma-ri-a Fire-bird."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ Ah, home sweet home. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau Character Portrait: Adam Ruin Character Portrait: Agent Marie Pheonix Character Portrait: Agent Lucian Meciah
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Remy "Gambit" LeBeau took a stroll through the alleyways, peering over the now familiar vendors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Fenrias Hallvard Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm
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0.00 INK

Fenrias Halvard leaned against the entrance to a darkened alley. He watched the happenings of the Undermarket with keen eyes from the shadows as he searched for a potential mark or client.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Fenrias Hallvard Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Remy "Gambit" LeBeau straightened his coat as he noticed several suspicious patrons entering the market. This place had sure become popular since it was confirmed to have existed... damn those pesky news reporters! Wing City had always been a place of change, but... his precious respite!

Finishing up his transaction with the final vendor he'd come here to see, Gambit then began to make his way back towards his age-old home.