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smart, quick, kind, trustworthy

0 · 860 views · located in Terra

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Jade-Venom


Alasia is a white dragon with strange gray swirls over her back and around her eyes. Her ears are short and wolf like. Her eyes are a stunning baby blue with darker lines running through them. Her wings are feathered and she has jay's feathers as little earrings on her left ear.

Alasia is usually a kind, smart and quick dragon, but don't get on her bad side, as she can change ever so suddenly from nice to mean. Her rage takes hold and she can't keep it in. She considers herself a monster. This tends to happen most times, and she usually hides after it, hoping to keep away from everyone and calm down.

She is best with her claws, but her teeth are sharp as a blade and will cut straight through bone. Her tail also has a blade and her wings have sharp claws on them too. She has a burning breath of blue fire, which can kill almost immediately. She doesn't use this much whilst normally fighting, but when she gets angry she can.

Alasia grew up with her brother, Delamia, since they were abandoned to their father's will. They always stuck together until Delamia was taken hostage by a darker dragon, who's only ambition was to enslave all others and rule the land. Alasia, unable to go on alone, went in search of her brother, only to find him weak and cold in the sleeping dragon's lair. After he died, she buried him and found that his spirit could help her. Approaching the dragon's den for a second time, the scent of death was stronger and Alasia was reluctant to go in. The dragon fought Alasia and Delamia with no sign of respect and was killed as they inflicted a fatal wound to his throat and lungs. Alasia found that she'd been controlled by something she'd never felt before, something she was somehow proud of. Rage and Anger. For the rest of her life she used it to help her in battle, with the spirit of her brother beside her. And here she is now, fighting the many obstacles she must face.

So begins...

Alasia's Story


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"Your welcome," Alasia smiled and watched Azzen. Her stomach ached, and she leaned forwards to grab the hawk. She wouldn't need much. Delamia was already asleep, and Alasia was slowly dropping off. She tried to stay awake, and was mostly successful. Ferns now swayed lightly and the fire went down a little. She finished the hawk quickly, yawning. She twitched her ears once and coughed. She didn't mind if there was none of the deer left, and surely Delamia would just go get something else if he was. Suddenly, Alasia watched the stars, her pupils wide and eyes partly closed.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen belched loudly and sat back, groaning in content.Her stomach was slightly swollen, and there was practicality nothing left of the deer. She picked meat out of her teeth lazily,That...was...good, Azzen belched again and her eyes fluttered lazily. She glanced at Alasia. I wonder what she's looking at. Then Azzen fell unconscious, a thin line of drool beginning to fall from her mouth.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Alasia laughed slightly as she heard Azzen. Sure enjoyed that then! She was still looking up. The stars were still, but the world and ground they were on wasn't. It all went round without them even noticing, people once thought that it was flat, and tried to fall off the edge! It was just plain dumb and stupid.
The thing that she didn't understand, however, was how the stars could be dead already. What about new stars?
Alasia's pupils soon returned to their small round circles as she let her head rest upon her feet, heat still warming her back. She slowly closed her eyes and let sleep take hold.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen slowly woke up, and opened her eyes. The sun was just beginning to above the tree tops. She yawned and stretched on the ground, reeling quickly as a bolt of pain shot up from her back. She stood up, and walked into the forest to relieve herself. As she squatted in a bush, a squirrel shot past her and scampered up a tree, turning its head and starring at her. Azzen arched an eyebrow "Do you want a challenge?", the squirrel seemed to nod. Azzen blasted a long column of fire from her mouth, and the squirrel ran up the tree, terrified. Azzen grinned , and finished her business. She pulled her pants up, walking back to the clearing, she bent down and laid on her back, stretching out and enjoying the morning sun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Alasia soon woke. She looked at Azzen, who was enjoying the sun, and then looked behind her. The fire had gone. She got up and stretched her wings. She felt soft rays of heat beat against them and her back. A wide grin spread across her face as she decided what to do. She'd go out and chase deer, or maybe go fight another dragon. She quickly took flight and flew off.
Delamia woke with a yawn, blinking to make his vision less blurred. He noticed that Alasia had gone, and he smiled as he saw how happy Azzen seemed. It was a long time since they'd seen a human, but that had been bad. Hunters would have been the many they had encountered, but this person or creature seemed friendly enough. He stayed on his stomach, and like Azzen, he let the sun warm him.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen felt the rays soak through her skin, making her feel energized, powerful, hungry. Her stomach growled again, snapping her back to reality. She sat up, and looked around her. Azzen stood up and sniffed the air, flexing various muscles and her fingers slowly opening and closing.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Delamia watched her, eyes slightly closed and watching Azzen's every move. Is this her technique of hunting? He wondered as she opened and closed her fingers and flexed her muscles. He'd never seen anything like this before, not from any other he'd encountered anyway. He let his pupils slowly narrow as the light began to spread. He watched her still, through narrowed eyes, breathing slowly and not missing anything that he could possibly see.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen bent down slowly, glancing around. Someone, or something was watching her. It didn't help that she could now feel hunger gnawing at her chest. She crouched, her muscles bunching up ready to spring. Then she took off like a bullet, sprinting suddenly into the woods, and slamming into a large creature. Knocking, and clawing it once before it smacked her off, and her head hit a tree. Lights exploded in her eyes and she knelt there gasping for air, the creature grabbed her in its jaws and shook her , further disorienting her further. The creature then closed its jaws, and Azzen cried out as the teeth it into her back and chest, she put her hands into the creatures mouth and managed pry open its jaws, falling out and laying still on the forest floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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When Azzen didn't return, and he heard a yell, Delamia got up quickly got up and rushed into the woods after her. He growled when he saw her, laying on the ground. He let out a roar of anger to scare off anything that could possibly be near, and hoped it was successful in doing so. If it wasn't the thing could still be watching. He examined Azzen's wounds and wondered whether he should use his healing power. If Azzen showed any more signs of pain he would have to, except he didn't want to. For some reason he just didn't. He simply stood beside Azzen and hoped, head bowed, listening and watching for any pain or for the creature that did this.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"Zuu'licto" , she swore and sat up. Azzen gingerly touched a few of the bites on her "Thing took a chomp on me", she looked up at Delamia "You know what that thing was? It was big, brown, and had stubby legs". Great, I keep getting hurt. Just over and over again. Im losing my touch...and im hungry. "Hey, can we get some food?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"I think it was a bear... And sure, we can get some food now," He listened for any sounds, ears twitching at every movement he heard something. Even his own footsteps made him flinch as he took slow and quiet steps around the area. He heard the sound of mice running, and the distant clashing of antlers. Damn, they're fighting again, just to make the job easier... He looked to Azzen, and then back to where the sound was.
"You may follow, or stay here..." He tucked his wings in closely and dashed forwards. He suddenly leaped forwards and hoped to hit one of the fighting males.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen stood up and leaned on a tree "Bear...oh, yeah" She watched Delamia until he seemed to hear something. She grinned "Oh im coming alright" She ran after Delamia, then following his lead and leaping onto one of the deer. She dug her claws in and flipped to the other side, digging her feet in and throwing the deer to the ground. Azzen bent down and bit into the deer's throat, fresh blood spurting across her face. Azzen stood up licking the blood greedily off her hands and face, it was wonderful, tasting fresh warm blood. It smelled good too. She puffed out a small could of smoke, she was the victor of this hunt. She looked at Delamia with a blood caked face, eyes searching for a compliment.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"You're a great hunter!" Delamia admired her skills, and held his foot on the other deer. The way she'd killed it was rather amazing, Delamia would have just simply snapped its spine and finished but Azzen made the hunt seem like something fun but easy. Alasia would have done something like that too.
"So uh, you wanna head back or eat here, you seemed really hungry back there," he was starved himself. He didn't mind doing either, so long as he got to eat something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen smiled at the complement, then picked up the deer and threw it over her shoulders. "Yeah, lets head back to the.......thing...clearing," she began to walk back to the clearing "So have you ever been to"


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"No, but I've heard it's busy there and lots of people have homes there," He replied, picking up the deer and following close behind Azzen. He then began to think about what others had told him. Cities were supposed to be for people, right? Would they accept dragons? Those questions didn't matter now, but he was still left wondering about the city. Alasia was back now, as he could hear, and hopefully would know something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen nodded "Ive been to a couple, I just wondered if you had been to any because I've heard that some dragons can take human-ish forms." She adjusted the deer on her back, and walked silently before another question came to her head "Where are you from?"


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"Hmm, cool," He smiled. "And also, I think I'm from Collenham Mountains or somewhere else in Aslund."
His view was set directly upon where they were going, sometimes looking round when speaking to Azzen. His tone wasn't sharp, or anything bad when he said the next thing.
"Why do you ask?"


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen nodded, "Yeah" she looked up at the tree tops. "Wow...I don't know where that is thought".
She looked back at Delamia smiling childishly "Well, i'm curious. Plus we never officially met, im Azzen. I am a Neo-Hunter, from the planet Zzeth, though my pack leader Pantherax says I was born on our original home Armageddon" Azzen sighed, "Before it was destroyed", she lowered her head and stared at the grass for a while.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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"Oh. And I'm Delamia, Alasia is my sister. As you can tell, we're dragons..." He replied. He'd never known what it was like to have a home land destroyed. Delamia was glad he'd met this Neo-Hunter. And plus, Azzen was a pretty cool name. He noticed that the blood that had come from his neck had crusted and the wound was healing. He would never hurt a human unless he had to, and he was glad he didn't.


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Character Portrait: Azzen Character Portrait: Delamia Character Portrait: Alasia
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Azzen nodded, the memory of Armageddon was one she held onto. One memory that was necessary to remember, but painful nine the less. "Delamia, and Alasia well, thanks for not killing me back there. I uh, I kind of lost it for a second", She looked up at Delamia with nervous eyes, a small smile beginning to form "Im sorry for trying to kill you back there also".