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Alayric Scyld

Slow WIP, export from a dead RP

0 · 169 views · located in Zanzarian Port: The Divine Skies

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Portrait of a Sociopath, as played by RolePlayGateway


【B A S I C ✦ I N F O R M A T I O N】

___Name ___
Alaric of House Scyld
Berserker, Ravager, Ranger
Approximately the equivalent of 6 Earthen centuries, appearing 20
___Physical Appearance___
[Description if no pictures are available. Add all physical elements that stand out and cannot be seen in the pictures]
[6'2" || 1.88m ]
[178lbsl || 80.7 Kg]
[Sins were once human. Through rituals and magic, a human is killed and reanimated into a never aging being capable of feats befitting the sin under which they have been reborn. Their soul is bound to an object that was important to them when they were still human and they will continue to exist so long as that object is not destroyed.]

【P S Y C H O L O G I C A L ✦ P R O F I L E】

                                          ►[At least 5, no explanation required.]


                                          ►[At least 5, no explanation required.]


                                          ►[At least [1] that is crippling]

                                          ►[Any habit or quirks that are out of the ordinary]

[Alaric is serious and solemn, taking his jobs and orders very seriously. He rarely smiles or attends social meetings and can be seen as a workaholic since he works day and night and never gets tired from menial tasks unless he needs to heal himself or use more advanced abilities. Some may see him loyal to a fault as he rarely questions the orders he is given and will go to great length to follow them, but he still has a great sense of justice that can be a bit too black and white, naive even, to many. ]

【B A C K G R O U N D ✦ I N F O R M A T I O N】
[Name] - [Orbit]
[Description of Hometown]

Alaric, Son of Nordlige'hvid

Once the first and only son of a king that ruled over an ancient kingdom of the north, Nordlige'hvid, in a realm that had only started unraveling the most primitive forms of magic, Alaric had been given the finest education anyone at the time could hope to get. Under the watchful eyes of the then righteous and honorable king and his counsels, he was taught to respect both his superiors and subjects alike. He had been a bubbly child, full of innocence and naivety and saw only the good in people. All in all, he was a pleasant child to be around and nobles and subjects alike were quite fond of him, but those qualities did not spare him from regular assassination attempts rival clans and families would order in an effort to wipe out his and his father's bloodline, something that could be rather easy considering his age and his apparent inability to use magic. This prompted the royal family to reinforce his combat lessons and, before long, his instructors discovered his great talent with swords and bladed weapon.

Slowly and steadily, one fight after another, his reputation as a swordsman grew until by his twelfth spring he would be known throughout the lands as a mischievous prince whose swordsmanship was near legendary. Indeed, whenever tourneys were held and competitions organized between his and neighboring kingdoms, Alaric would always come out on top in terms of sword fighting despite fighting individuals several times his age and size. That year, on his twelfth birthday, Alaric would see himself gifted a magnificent ivory-white Damascus steel blade named Ceartas. Right on time too because merely four moons after, war was upon Alaric's kingdom.

Seven Kingdoms

The threat came without warning, its army appearing out of thin air, bearing weapons and crests of unknown origins. They spoke a language none had heard before and all attempts to negotiate with them were repelled in a rain of blood. The kingdom of Nordlige'hvid immediately banded together with its allies, forming a coalition of seven prosperous kingdoms to ward off the invading armies, but their efforts seemed to be in vain and only delayed the inevitable.

Miles by miles, the enemy conquered land and strongholds, capturing those that could work and slaughtering the weak and sickly at an almost casual pace. The enemy set camp and built fortress in once familiar lands and took their time to make themselves at home. They were in no hurry, it would seem, almost treating the war like a recreational excursion. War raged on for what felt like an eternity, but, in reality, only five years had passed, five long years of non-stop war where countless father, sons and even daughters, were forced to take arms to survive only to be mercilessly cut down by never before seen magic.

All seemed to be lost until, one night, a man of magic, a 'magi' he called himself, showed up at the doors of the coalition on the evening of another desperate battle, claiming to be able to change the tides in their favor. He had even prepared a little demonstration for the seven kings as an act of goodwill for the morrow. When the sun had risen to announce the funeral of countless more brave souls, the man unleashed a small group of men and women, all of unimpressive stature, onto enemy troops. What happened afterwards was a blur as all were too stupefied to comprehend what had happened except for the fact that they had witnessed a crushing victory, the first in years.

The men and women that had been sent out danced at inhumane speed and with otherworldly grace among a flurry of magic and weapons, crushing their enemies with ridiculous ease. There were no doubt in the minds of any of the spectators that, should they get their hands on such fine combatants, their misery would finally come to an end in the form of a magnificent victory.

Of course, everything came with a price, one that could not be met by treasuries emptied after five years of war efforts. Seemingly taking pity on the seven nations, the so-called benefactor gave them another offer: serve him in exchange of protection, power and knowledge. Needless to say that such an outrageous offer was met with much resistance, but they were out of options and, as the man so kindly pointed out, he could very well take over by force if need be. After such a display of power, there were no doubt that the population would want to follow him no matter what their kings said and he was actually doing them a favor because their allegiance to him wouldn't need to be public as he had no intentions of being crowned or have statues dedicated to him. No one except the kings--not even their family-- and the magi knew of the offer so it wouldn't be too hard to bury the truth, he promised them.

Seven Sins

For a week the kings and the man locked themselves up in a nearby castle to negotiate the terms of the treaty. When the seven kings finally stepped out to announce the results, they were changed men that boldly declared that victory was at hand and ordered their men to take a well-earned rest. That night, Alaric was whisked away from his sleeping quarters and taken to the castle's basement, along with his sword, where the kings and the magi awaited him. One by one, a member of each of the royal families were brought into the surprisingly large and well-lit room, each escorted by one of the magi's men and carrying an object of value to them.

They were to be the first sacrifices and the first to be reborn anew with powers that would allow them to conquer the kingdoms of their world of Jordgard. Each of them were given a sin, one that was the opposite of what they were, but one that would represent what powers they will be wielding. Resistance had been futile as they were greatly outnumbered and the ritual had been condoned by the seven kings.

One after another, they would see their body torn apart until they were mere molecules and reconstructed anew while their souls were anchored to the object that they had brought with them. It was painful, a seemingly never ending agony, one that ate away at Alaric's mind and awakened a fury he had never thought could be possible until it consumed him whole.

What had immediately happened afterwards is unknown to Alaric, but when he finally came to, he was in unfamiliar lands, standing in a sea of corpses with only destruction as far as the eye could see. Among the unfamiliar banners and crests, he saw some that he recognized and even some belonging to Nordlige'hvid, but he could not find a single familiar faces even among the people carrying the banners of his native land. The only bit of familiarity was the broken sword he had on him, Ceartas, but even he had changed, taking on a much darker taint than he remembered.

Wherever he went, he was met with a scene of carnage and, oddly enough, he did not grow tired or hungry no matter how far he traveled. When he finally arrived in the remnants of a fortress, the wandering prince found a tattered diary recounting in details bloody wars and the cruelty of invading nations. He was shocked to find among the invaders the name of his people, but even more shocking had been the date: a full fifty years since he had come of age.

Skipping ahead a few pages, Alaric learned of more foreign invaders, one that fought his people and the seven nations that had risen to power and conquered the known world in a few decades. It was believed that celestial intervention had come to the resisting nations' aid, but these newcomers only brought forth even more destruction, their magic clashing with those of the seven nations until the ground split open and the seas surged out, ravaging the world beyond hope. Not much could be found in the diary, but the little Alaric had learned more than enough to resituate himself.

A Brave New World

Over the next decade, he trained to better harness his newly found powers and understand his own limits. He never aged nor did he ever grew tired, something that was extremely useful in the post-apocalyptic world in which he had found himself. The few survivors he had encountered fled at the sight of his dark sword and that is how he learned of all his misdeeds; he had been the vanguard of the seven nations, the one directly sent into the battlefield to cause as much damage and destruction as possible so much that his sword and he had become infamous throughout the lands.

It was an sad truth, but one he was determined to make up for. Unfortunately, so little of humanity remained and what of them were still alive were too busy killing each other on sight for food or resources. It made him wonder what had happened to the 'foreigners' that had embroiled their world in their power struggles and that is how he learned of the existence of an infinity amount of realms and worlds as well as his ability to move from one to another.

Unfortunately, he was too inexperienced when he made the first leap into another dimension and lost his way home ever since. From then on, he would be moving from realm to realm, chasing after the tailcoat of individuals that can travel between realms.

In his pursuit, he landed in the midst of the Zaibatsu and Doma war and immediately enlisted in the Zaibatsu army, hoping to amend for some of the wrongs he had done in the past and gather information on the numerous realms that has been discovered by the Zaibatsu faction.

【C O M B A T ✦ I N F O R M A T I O N】
___Inherent Ability___
► Invulnerability ◄
[Alaric's invulnerability only fully applies to physical damage and physical influences. This means that attempting to hurt him physically and punching him or throwing blasts of magic at him won't harm him at all. Mental assaults, energy and spirit magic-imbued attack will still harm him, the latter still to a lesser degree when compared to the average human. Unfortunately, harming his physical body won't do much to stop him. His head can be cut off, his heart can be ripped out, poison may be administered, he will still be able to fight, shrugging off such injuries as nothing more than a slight bump in his advancement..]
► Superhuman Longevity ◄
[Alaric doesn't age. It is still a mystery how his body grew from that of a twelfth years old to that of a grown man in his early twenties when his body cannot age or evolve.]
► Enhanced Strength ◄
This is perhaps Alaric's most notable power. 'Enhanced' doesn't do justice to his strength as he can easily lift boulders with a single hand and punch craters into the ground without breaking a sweat. As the sin of Wrath, he was built for pure destruction and carnage and this is the power that has allowed him to do so.

► Enhanced Endurance ◄
Being more of a weapon than a living being, Alaric does not need to eat, drink, rest or even breathe. In fact, it could be said that his human physiology is unnecessary and having his organs removed wouldn't kill him either. He doesn't feel pain and can control severed body parts from a distance if need be. He is a tool in the shape of a man and nothing more.
► Healing Factor ◄
Much less prominent then the rest of his abilities since it is extremely hard to injure him, Alaric's ability to heal himself is slightly above that of a normal human while still remaining vastly inferior to the majority of the supernatural beings. In fact, one could say that there is little to no difference to that of a human's natural ability to heal wounds except when large wounds come into play because unlike normal humans, Alaric can heal damaged nervous tissue and regrow a whole limb over time if need be (but only if it has been completely disintegrated). He can, however, not be healed by normal healing magic. It should be noted that healing himself is quite useless to him since he cannot die no matter how much damage is done to his physical body. The only use he has for healing himself is to recover a lost limb so he can fight better with it.
► Enhanced Agility ◄
Alaric has enhanced reflexes and, coupled with his superstrength, great jumping capacity, but he isn't flexible at all.
► Energy Conversion ◄
Energy is the only thing Alaric needs to keep on functioning and he may only obtain that by converting the life force of living being into energy he may use. This energy is the only thing that allows him to heal himself, think at superhuman speed, travel to another dimension and change form. It is absorbed by making contact with the skin of another living being, skin to skin contact only, and can kill them if he manages to drain them dry.
► Concussive Beams ◄
laric can only make use of this ability when in his Wrath form and, even then, he can only create cutting arcs with a bladed weapon.
► Dimensional Travel ◄
This is an extremely tiring ability to him and requires several minutes of intense concentration before Alaric can fade out of a dimension and latch on to another. He isn't very skilled in navigating through the numerous dimensions that exists so he prefers to rely on a guide or another person whenever he needs to travel. To be able to travel to a specific dimension, he needs to know the specific spiritual signature emanating from it, something that requires quite some time and concentration on his par so he cannot use this ability in the midst of combat else risk being tossed in a random dimension and be lost forever.

► Superhuman Speed◄
In addition to moving with great bursts of power from one place to another, Alaric can move at extremely fast speed for short bouts of time. This is quite tiring to him so he usually avoids situation where he needs to use this unless he can get his hands on a continuous supply of life force to refuel himself. Thinking at high speed and accelerating his reflexes even more than they already are are much easier done then moving, but still remains tiring and cannot be used for prolonged periods of time. He will need to stop for 10 minutes for every minute he has used this ability.
►Ultimate Technique: Wrath ◄
Dark aura is gathered in the palm of Alaric's hand and brought to the hilt of Ceartas when he is about to take on his Wrath form. The aura will course through the broken sword, leaping from piece to piece before pulling them closer so as to weld the blade into a functional weapon. This process can be delayed if the pieces are scattered around, but like magnet, the hilt and pommel will attract the broken pieces. [x]Once the blade has been mended, Alaric's dark aura will gush out as though it was made of black ink and cover his whole body, giving him a fitted, full-body armor that can change shape at will to create blades on his greaves and armguard.

In this form, all of Alaric's physical powers are increased in strength and proficiency, but it is in this form that he reveals his greatest weakness: Ceartas. Though the blade is as strong as his body armor, it is the only thing that bounds his soul to the world of the living. Should the sword be shattered once more, unless he wills it himself so as to revert back to his normal form, Alaric's soul will be freed and he will be forced to cross to the afterlife.

►Master Swordmanship◄
[A vestige of his human years, Alaric's swordsmanship was legendary in his homeworld and has only been amplified ever since he was turned into a living weapon. Unfortunately, normal swords cannot withstand his skill and powers for long before breaking.]
►Common Tongue◄
[The language Alaric speaks is known as the Common Town in his now deserted homeworld which means he may be one of the last individual in existence that still speaks it unless his people had managed to find a way to escape their world before it died. It is perhaps closest to what Earthen Nordics speak.]

So begins...

Alayric Scyld's Story

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A young scruffy looking human went along and put up posters for a show coming to the Zanzarian Port.

It was technically an EDM tour, though a local electro-swing duo would be opening the show. They were the secret attendance booster. It was a good idea to include them in the show. Humans weren't the majority here. Synthe Gridd, human, took up the majority of the poster with her face.

Someone stopped him as he put up his second to last poster of the day, asking for details on where to buy tickets. He told them, and off they went.
