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Alcatone Ragnovah

A vampire filled with a few centuries of happiness, pain, love, time, and life.

0 · 925 views · located in Eastern G'ael

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Cpt5kittlez


Alcatone Ragnovah was born in a small Kingdom within G'ael. His father, Ajihad Ragnovah, was a warrior through and through. Ajihad's kingdom only knew hardship under his rule, that is until he met Eldunari Cadash. She softened his heart, and his beliefs. They inevitably married. Soon they were the proud parents of Alcatone Ragnovah.

As he grew older, Alcatone's father taught him the ways of the sword and his mother taught him how to be a gentleman. He was never satisfied until he had their approval. One dark night, as the family made their way home, the wheel on one of the wagons in their caravan shattered. While the soldiers worked to repair it, the grouping of people brought in unwanted attention. An overwhelming force of bandits attacked. The soldiers, along with Ajihad, held off the force with ease. The bloodshed would bring in an even worse foe. While werewolves weren't often encountered, enough blood would bring in a frenzy. The soldiers had met their match. One by one they fell, torn limb from limb. Eldunari forced Alcatone to hide in one of the chests in the back of a wagon, begging him to only come out once the sun rose over the horizon. Minutes had passed. The sounds of screams and snarls slowly died out. He waited as instructed. He returned home, his parents now only a memory.

Alcatone didn't cope well with the next few years. He always snuck out in the dead of night, hunting. Werewolves were always on his mind, day and night. He slaughtered any and all he came across. On a night darkened by clouds, Alcatone ran into a hooded figure a mile out from the safety of his home. The figure watched him. Alcatone was still, watching for any movement. Nothing felt right about this. He was about to turn and run, but the figure had already found its place beside him. The figure grabbed Alcatone and tilted his head to the side. Fangs were visible. Alcatone fought with all he had but the figure was too strong. The fangs found their mark and soon all turned black. He awoke and returned home, his life changed forever.

The craving for blood was insatiable. He picked off random travelers from various roads leading to the kingdom. For years he continued this process with no remorse. He thought nothing of the lives he took, only that they tasted so damn good. On one particular evening, his hunger was greater than usual. He had been tracking a lone wagon for a few miles. He could spot a man and woman and one other figure in the back. With unnatural speed, he overtook the wagon, immediately grabbing the man. He could hear the woman screaming to the other person in the wagon as Alcatone tore the man apart, draining him to his hearts desire. His attention turned now to the woman. He ignored her pleas. Her blood was delicious. Next came the final meal. He tore the cloth from the wagon to find a child cowering under some boxes. Alcatone stopped. The child looked at him with fear and sorrow. The vampire was frozen in place. All he could see was himself. What had he done? What had he become? Alcatone returned home, vowing to suppress the monster within.

With Alcatone's sudden change in heart, his kingdom began to prosper. Conditions improved. Celebrations were held in his name. When the people realized that their leader seemed to never age, they knew what he was. There were those against his rule, but most wanted him to stay in power. He watched over his people for over two centuries.

After all the time he had spent on his people, he never once saw to himself. The Duke was lonely. That is until he met a young woman, by the name of Olette Falgood. A woman that would no doubt change his life for the better.

So begins...

Alcatone Ragnovah's Story


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Alcatone Ragnovah took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly as he walked over to the balcony. He dusted off the dirty trench coat that he had been wearing for years. He always had arguments with advisors and visitors alike about his "poor" attire. He watched over the residents still conducting business, despite how late it was. The small tavern down the street filled the quiet night with music, cheers, and the occasional fight. His domain only consisted of a few hundred townspeople, but they were active enough that it seemed like a fully established city. It always seemed damp though. Whether or not you actually saw the rain or not, the stone always glistened in the moonlight. Tonight, the air was cold. His long, dark hair tossed to the side from the chilled wind. Soon the roads and buildings would be little more than a resting place for the snow. He looked forward to it. He stretched his arms wide, yawning. Most people would be going to bed, but his "day" was just beginning. Yet he couldn't start it without seeing the most important people first...


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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The Silhouette lurked behind Alcatone, watching him eerily with violet eyes. She sighed loudly, fully aware that the Duke would not turn to acknowledge her hallowed presence. She understood that he knew better, for his Duchess never sighed. Still, Ettelo crept to Alcatone, trying not to laugh.

While she kept a shaded form of her delightful counterpart, Ettelo encompassed the shadows with a too-fond embrace. She leaned on the edge of the balcony, a good distance from the Duke, and searched the land before them.

"Chilly evening tonight, yeah? How many do you think you'll kill tonight?


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Alcatone couldn't help but let out a light snort after Ettelo spoke. He began to act like he was counting in his head.

"It may be chilly, but we both know it only grows colder with your presence. Let's see... Add two. Carry the seven...All in all a nice zero deaths will occur. Why? Does the grand Ettelo plan on playing puppeteer with me?"

He kept his calm as best as he possibly could. She always had a silver tongue sharp enough to end him.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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"You don't realize how powerful my Olette is. Perhaps she is the one that allows you to exist."

He didn't notice the grip he had on the balcony. It began to creak under the pressure.

"One day, these fangs will feast on your wretched soul, and you will torment her no more."


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Alcatone's concerned frown slowly converted into a bright smile. He wrapped Olette into his arms in such a way that threatened to never end. Her scent always filled him with such comfort. The sound of her heartbeat almost lulling him into a trance.

"She was as Ettelo always is. Always leaves a bitchy aftertaste. Anyway, I suppose I'm ready, but..."

He rested his hand upon her cheek, staring right into his eyes of his beloved Dutchess.

"How are you, my Lovely? It fills me with dread to see you like that during the transformation. "


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Olette rolled her eyes coyly to him.

"Oh, Alcatone, it used to be much worse. I feel much better already!"

The Duchess fell easily into her husband's embrace. She sighed heavily with guilt, wishing silently for the Duke to never interact with her wretched soul. Olette's unease did not last long, however; Alcatone was always strong, and walked firmly on the ground despite receiving the heavy blows Ettelo curled his way. But, if it was up to her, she would promise him that Ettelo would sleep in silence within her.

"I've made sure that Benji is keeping an eye on Octavian and Nieve," Olette continued, leaning up to kiss him softly. She let herself linger there, tasting the bittersweet lips. She pulled away gently, and looked up into his eyes.

"She won't let me stay much longer, I can feel her pulling at my ribs. Please be safe tonight, ok? I'll do what I can to keep her at bay, but..."

Olette rested her head against her place on his chest. His heartbeat echoed with hers.

"I love you, Alcatone."


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Alcatone closed his eyes as she rested her head. He knew she was hiding what she felt. He could feel it. While he ran his fingers through her hair, the other hand softly ran its course up and down her back.

"I love you too, Olette. Always."

Alcatone did not want his dutchess to go. The snow was near. He longed to see his children and wife playing in the winter's sheet.
To see them smile and laugh, nothing could match.

"Come back soon. This place will collapse without my Dutchess."


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Olette closed her eyes and smiled. She leaned up to kiss her husband once more, but the Silhouette grew impatient. Rapidly the shadows crept on to the Duchess' body, and in the blink of an eye Ettelo's gaze cast once more onto Alcatone. She clenched her fingers into his cheeks, pulling him closer to her.

"I used to help you, don't you remember that? You ungrateful pig. You act like you aren't pleased with my presence. Don't forget that it is I alone who keep her alive. If it were simple to find another body, I would. Trust me. Ironically, that's what I've come back to chat with you about. That, and..." Ettelo snickered. "I've got a problem with your kids. Come on, creature. Let's go into the night."

The Silhouette jumped onto the edge of the balcony, staring down below at the Duke. Her eyes pierced through the shadows that hung heavily on her face. Eagerly, Ettelo leaned forward ready to jump.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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He drew in a lengthy breath before letting out a low growl. Before Ettelo could object, he pulled her against him tight as he leapt forward. He wasn't about to let Ettelo do grand leaps with Olette's body. Alcatone landed on the ground with ease placing Ettelo on her feet.

"Yes, you've helped me, but you've equally wronged me as well. Maybe even more so. Do not try to bribe me with your past good deeds. They will fall on deaf ears."

He folded his arms into his coat, watching the Shadow carefully. He did not want to play circus, jumping through Ettelo's scorching hoops, but if it meant returning Olette home safely, he would become hoop jumping master.

"And what problem do you have with my children? Did they bully you? Call you names?"


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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The Shadow smirked at Alcatone, and slowly walked towards him. She glared at him, making him know that he was about to suffer. Her steps grew more daunting, her lips curling even more.

"They did nothing but exist, Alcatone. It's a shame you haven't realized this sooner....Haven't you ever wondered how poor, fragile Olette managed to bear your children in MY body?"

Ettelo raised her right hand out to Alcatone, stopping just inches before him. She curled her fingers, taunting him to come closer to her.

"I'm resting in their souls, Alcatone. Just like Olette. You didn't think your children were safe from me, did you?"

With a quick snap, Ettelo opened her hand to her rival and sneered. In the distance, Octavian and Nieve's cries erupted. It wasn't their usual calls for their parents, no; their shrieks were dripping pain.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Time seemed to slow as his children's screams echoed throughout. His heart sank to unfathomable depths. He roared in rage and sorrow as he grabbed Ettelo's arm, leapt swiftly back up to the balcony, and dragged her filthy existence behind him.



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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Ettelo laughed. Her voice echoed and crackled along the castle walls. The babies cried undulated, as Benji was surely trying desperately to soothe them back to sleep. The Silhouette stuck her foot in front of Alcatone's, causing him to trip and release his grip on her.

"I'll leave them be, Duke, but there's something you must do for me.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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" What could you possibly want from me when you already have my life?"

Alcatone picked himself up slowly. He trembled with equal parts of fear and anger. His made sure to look the Shadow in the eyes. He clenched his fists so tight, that the floor began receiving a steady drip of crimson. He wanted nothing more than to run to Octavian and Nieve, but the solution to end their suffering and Olette's stood before him.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Ettelo stood firmly before him, eyes unmoving.

"I'll grant you a two-for-one deal, yeah? Give me another body to possess, and I will leave Olette alone. Then, give me Octavian. With my own body I'll need an heir, and I will take away my part of Nieve's soul and give it to him. To make it easier on your pathetic wife, I will erase any memory of your son. You've got 24 hours, Duke."

The Silhouette kicked Alcatone in his chest, knocking him onto the floor. She kept her foot pressed onto him, glaring down at him with a cold grin.

"And to think, I can leave your lives forever. Wouldn't it be...lovely."

Her laughed echoed once more throughout Alcatone's halls as she made the switch back to Olette. As the shadows faded from her body, the Twins' cries immediately pacified.The Duchess collapsed onto him, barely able to catch her breath. Once she oriented herself, Olette looked down at Alcatone with frightened eyes.

"Alcatone!! Why are you on the floor?! What did she do to you?!"

Tears began to pour onto Alcatone's tattered coat. Olette weakly pulled her husband to him. It was a living nightmare every time she woke from her forced slumber to see her beloved broken or beaten.

"Please, Alcatone, tell me what happened!!"


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Throughout his entire existence, Alcatone had made countless decisions. Decisions that effected him and others for good or ill. He had killed. He had saved. He had loved. He had betrayed. But this was one he didn't believe he could make without dying inside. He was their father. He was Olette's husband. He should be able to protect them from the horrors that surrounded them. Yet Ettelo always succeeded in showing his lack of ability.

Alcatone looked into his wife's eyes, trying his absolute best to hold back his tears. He pulled her into a tight embrace, rocking her back and forth gently. He felt a terror that was unknown to him. He would not let Olette see. He kissed her forehead softly before speaking.

"Don't you worry about me. Not at all. Everything is fine."

Alcatone let his hand travel to hers, interlocking his fingers with hers


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Olette shook her head, wiping away her tears. She knew Alcatone well enough to know when he was being strong for her, and when he was struggling to do so. He was on the ground, for Heaven's sake!

"Did she hurt you again?" Olette frantically searched for blood anywhere in sight on his body. Her muscles tightened up as her nerves kicked in. Something was wrong. She normally could feel Ettelo's anger or pleasure boil in her blood, but she felt...nothing. Could she...could Ettelo be waiting?

"Alcatone, I'm your partner in this. What happened? Are you ok?"


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Alcatone looked down into Olette's eyes. Normally he enjoyed getting lost in them, but he could feel his Dutchess looking back at him, but Ettelo as well. He made a vow to himself to tear her limb from limb when the time was right. He made the decision. He knew what he was going to do. What he had to do.

" you trust me? Do you believe I would do anything for you and our children if I thought it would save you?"

His voice trembled slightly while he spoke. He hated seeing her like this. She was the Sun to him. She deserved to shine as bright as she could. He waited for her reply. He waited with a heavy heart.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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"Alcatone, I..."

Olette looked deeply into her husband's eyes, then quickly embraced him. She held on, trembling in his arms.

"I know you would give your life for us, Alcatone. Please tell me that's not what she's asking. Tell me she isn't taking my family from me!"


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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His lips landed softly on her head. He had an idea, but first it required sacrifice. He knew of the high probability of failure. He could lose not only his son, but his wife and daughter as well. He loved them. They were everything and more to him.

"I wish it was that simple. I wish I could give my life so you, Octavian, and Nieve could live a life without fear of an insalubrious being. You know Ettelo though. It's never that simple...."

He waved a few maids away that had gathered behind them. There did not need to be an audience. He took a deep breath and looked once more into the eyes of his his bright Sun.


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Character Portrait: Olette Ragnovah Character Portrait: Alcatone Ragnovah
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Olette never took her eyes off of her husband. She rested her hands on his, holding them tightly.

"Alcatone," she began, "what's going on?"